This topic shall discuss the Samskrit term Randra, which means a Secret gate or a Secret crevice that is as a direct path to ones final liberation (which is also told as a stage of entering into Kaivalya Moksha) …
UU-1 … Salutations to my Param-Gurudeva, Ishta Devata, Maheshwara Shiva …
I begin this topic by reciting the Panchakshri Mantra (i.e. Five Syllable Mantra) of my Param-Gurudeva and Ishta-Deva Bhagwan Shiva because it ultimately is due to my Param-Gurudeva Bhagwan Shiva that I was blessed with this knowledge a few transmigrated incarnations ago and when I was addressed by a name which related to the Peepal tree … Transmigrated incarnation means an incarnation that is arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
NaMaShiVaYa ( NaMaSiVaYa )
This Mantra is also recited as an eight syllable one as follows … OM NaMaShiVaYa …
UU-2-A … Rarity of sketch of this topic … This sketch is depicted in the next topic and it also happens to be the first of its kind during the entire human history that has been during the current cycle of the precession of equinoxes (which in Sanskrit can also be termed as Agragaman Chakra and can also be termed as Ahaata Chakra) …
And as of now, the knowledge of this topic is mostly lost by humanity … As of now, it is only held by very few Yogi’s who rest in isolation from the highly deviated and thus severely degenerate sounds of human civilizations …
UU-2-B … What Randra …
Randra means Secret crevice or secret door or secret exit points … These are present inside the aspirant’s microcosm …
Each Randra is related to a specific divine world and thus any specific Randra only leads to an entry into that specific divine world of which that Randra is a projection and that too within the aspirant’s microcosm …
Above paragraph also means that a Randra (or secret crevice) as is being discussed here is nothing but a doorway for entry into that divine world of which that Randra is a projection into the aspirant’s physical and subtler vehicles (or simply the aspirants microcosm) … Thus if any aspirant’s subtler observing vehicle enters into any of these Randra’s, then that subtler observing vehicle “ultimately” gets transported into that specific divine world, of which that Randra (which is entered into) is an intrinsically unbroken part …
And due to the presence of Randra’s of various divine worlds inside the aspirant’s microcosm, those divine worlds are also found to be resting inside the aspirant’s microcosm (physical vehicle) itself …
As a matter of fact … Only by transiting a Randra can its divine world can be entered into by any aspirant … Other than the path of these Randra’s (or secret doorways or secret crevices) there is no other way to self realize and then enter into any of the divine worlds …
But this entry into that divine world is only through a prior self realization of that divine world (which in Sanskrit is called as Deva Loka) and that too whilst resting at the end point of that divine projection which itself is its own specific Randra that is present inside all microcosms (physical vehicles of each aspirant) …
Thus unless any aspirants subtler observing vehicle enters into a Randra and thence traverses through that Randra (after self realization of the state of that Randra) and thence the exit point of that Randra is reached, the divine world to which that Randra relates (or leads to) cannot ever be self realized …
Thus basis above, following is a fact … If a divine world (Deva Loka) is self realized by an aspirant, then this by itself is a proof that the aspirant’s subtler observing vehicle (or consciousness vehicle) has transited the Randra of that divine world …
UU-2-C … How many Randra’s in totality …
As many are the Divine worlds (Deva Loka), so many are the Randra’s or secret crevices of these divine worlds eternally present inside each aspirant’s microcosm (aspirant’s physical vehicle) …
And since there are many divine worlds, so there also are many Randra’s inside each aspirant’s microcosm …
As those divine worlds live in harmony to each other, so do the subtler energies of Randra’s live in harmony to each other and that to within the aspirant’s microcosm itself …
As many are the divine worlds, so many are the ways (or paths) to reach the ever-same final truth … This is because once the divine world is reached (self realized and thence rested in), then that divine world also leads to the ever-same final truth (or attributeless infinite being) only … Thus irrespective of which divine entity (God of form or formless nature) is related to by anyone, the end result itself is the same final truth of the attributeless-infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or in simple terms it is also addressed as Brahman) … This is what makes the paths that relate to the Maker’s Makings to be intrinsically pluralistic (i.e. Moola-Bahuvaadi) and yet eventually these paths are found to be no other than being essentially Monist (Vedanta) …
Each subtle energy channel (divinity channel) all of which are eternally present inside each aspirant’s microcosm, are also like divine entry points to their respective divine worlds … Thus each of these divinity channels are like secret crevices to enter into their own specific divine worlds …
And since there are 33 crore (330 million) of these subtle energy channels that are present inside the human microcosm (i.e. human physical vehicle) so there also are 33 crore (i.e. 330 million) divine worlds which are present inside the human microcosm itself …
Each of these divine worlds are based upon the same eternal hierarchy as was originated through the supreme genius, as is of the Maker’s Makings … And each of these 33 crore (330 Million) divinities (i.e. their divine worlds or Deva Loka and their divine controllers or Devata) being based upon 33 primary types (or 33 Koti or 33 primary categorizations) of divinities …
Thus it is due to above that the Vedic lore has states that there are 33 Koti Devata i.e. 33 types of divine worlds and divine beings … And it is also due to above discussions that some interpreters of Vedas have also claimed that there also are 33 crore (or 330 million) Devi-Devata (or divine beings) and their divine worlds (which in Sanskrit is termed as Deva Loka) … And both interpretations are absolutely correct in their own way as there really are 33 types of divinities (Devi-Devata) whose expansive projections are 33 crore (330 million) and where both aspects reside in the human microcosm itself …
Continuing with above paragraph … The meeting place of these 33 types and their further expansive projections which are told to be as 33 crore (330 million) in number, is in the navel area … This meeting point is where the white pot of lighted butter which we had discussed in earlier topics and which we had also termed as the pot of nectar (Amrit Kalash) and also as consciousness pot (or pot of consciousness or Chetan Kalash), is eternally present … Thus basis this fact, inside the human microcosm the point where these 33 types of divinities and their further projections of 33 crore (330 million) sub-types meet each other is the navel area where the nectar pot (or in other words, the pot of nectar or Amrit Kalash) which was discussed in earlier topics, is eternally residing …
Continuing with above paragraph … Due to this reason the pot of consciousness (Amrit Kalash) which we have discussed in earlier topics, is none other the macro-neutral and non-dually unioned state of all your own inner divinities which you have been blessed with due to the supreme genius of the Maker’s Makings … This pot is in the shape of a Shivalingam which is bent at its upper end and where this Shivling is located about 2-3 finger breaths below the navel and is placed towards the spinal column … This Shivalinga is also bent and the bend is also towards the spinal column itself … In a later topic which relates to Shivalingam’s that are eternally present inside the human microcosm, we shall be discussing the Lingam through painted sketches …
UU-2-D … Limitations of discussions and descriptions of Randra’s … Since it is impossible to paint and provide detail of all these secret crevices (doors) and their divine worlds, so I shall only be listing out “a few amongst the main ones” …
Plus during any divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) the fuller knowledge of these Randra’s cannot even be given as human microcosm is incapable of righteously handling those divinities which are present in these Randra’s and that too through subtler ways of life which are based upon “oneness towards allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Dharana)” …
Unless the corpus of humans which is present upon this world, their subtle spirit worlds and their spirit inhabitants, their believed divine worlds and their divine controllers (Gods etc.) begin resting in their oneness towards allness and her each part (i.e. resting in Brahmand Dharana), they are still deemed to have not arrived at an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to know and thence be based upon the fullness of knowledge and secret systems of Randra’s …
Thus unless Brahmand Dharana becomes a way of life for a substantial time span, the fuller knowledge of these Randra’s (Randra Vijyan) and the systems and processes of these Randra’s (Randra Tantra) cannot be attained by anyone, including the egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) of any individualistic (monotheistic) religion …
And thus due to absence of Brahmand Dharana that itself is a perquisite for distributing this knowledge within any of the gross (Physical worlds like this one) or subtle (spirit worlds) and divine worlds (Deva Loka), I also remain restricted as far as a fuller distribution of the knowledge of Randra Vijyan (knowledge of Randra’s) and the related knowledge of principles and process (i.e. Siddhant and Tantra) of these Randra’s is concerned …
And due to this reason I shall only be detailing on very few number of Randra’s and where of the Randra’s shall only be those which relate to some of the currently followed paths (or knowledge systems or religions) … And that too in such a way, where I have told only that which the currently deviated humanity, their spirit worlds and their egoistic controllers (God etc.) cannot misuse … Thus that part which can be misused, is not even referred in below or any other discussion …
After roaming this entire planet for almost 27+ years and looking at the conditions of humans as a whole, I have no faith on righteousness of humanity, their spirit worlds and their egoistic controllers (Gods etc.) … And those who don’t believe what I have told here (or say anything against this basic fact about humanity as a whole) are advised to study humanity and their ways of life as a whole prior they make any of their opinions and where this study is whilst being free of the differently colored individualistic spectacles which they wear in the name of color, creed, sex, religion, geography, economic status, political status etc. …
And since during that stage of roaming this world which itself was across “almost-all” its lands, societies and cultures, I really did not find the present day humans, their spirit worlds and their divine controllers fit enough to hold certain knowledge systems, so those knowledge systems are not even described within this text … This topic happens to be one of those systems …
UU-2-E … Times of incoming change …
And to those who still don’t believe this fact about not distributing this knowledge, I can only say “Just wait till the decade of slightly before 2020 AD till slightly after 2030 AD” begin progressing and then “Thou shalt definitely know” that even mother nature and her pristine pluralistic yet monist divinities are not at all happy with you, your spirit worlds and also not happy with your egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata)” …
These shall be the times when humanity would be hammered from all ends to make them self introspect and self retrospect about their ways of life and thence change them accordingly … I say so because the current ways of life of humanity are not fit to make them enter into the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) and thus these times of run up to the Guru Yuga would be those where humanity, their spirit worlds and the divine controllers would be remaining with only two choices as described below …
- 1st choice … Slowly begin changing your ways of life to the systems of the incoming human golden age (i.e. age of sages or Guru Yuga) which would begin knocking on this worlds door very soon …
- 2nd choice … Get out of this world if your systems are not in line with the requirements of the incoming age of Sages (human age or truth or Guru Yuga) …
- 3rd choice … It doesn’t exist anymore after 1974 AD (1st of Chaitra Month) +/- 1 to 2.7 months …
If 2nd option (as told above) remains the primary choice of majority of humanity of now and of immediate future, then this choice would be leading to a very widespread destruction of humanity of this planet, is what Maa Prakriti (who in other words is also addressed as Mother Nature) tells me …
And if majority of humanity enters into the 1st choice, then the time of change would not be as bad as it is supposed to be if this choice was not taken …
And to those who would look for a 3rd choice, I can only say “Stop living in a fool’s paradise” … After 1974 AD (1st of Chaitra Month), the 3rd option doesn’t exist anymore and those who shall come in its name, would be naught but fraudsters who eventually would be leading to an ever higher chaos during these time spans of run up to the incoming Guru Yuga …
As per knowledge of eternal cycle of time (Kaalchakra) it is very clear that by 2028 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) this world would be entering into the final latter part of change towards the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) …
At such is a time even the second option would also start getting eliminated and thus only the 1st shall remain …
This phase shall be lasting for 13.5 human solar years (and depending upon the effectiveness of it, which I am yet to calculate as per Kaalchakra) this can even get extended to 27 human solar years from 2028 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years (as was the case during the advent or coming in of the previous Guru Yuga) … I shall be taking up a detailed discussion upon this incoming change in a later topic of Kaalchakra (i.e. the knowledge of eternal cycles of time) …
The time spans discussed here shall be that stage of change of human age cycles (which can also be termed as Manav Yuga chakra) where Mother Nature who herself is within and beyond each aspirant, shall be at her violently judgmental best and whilst she simultaneously acts from within and beyond each microcosm … This is what can be saved to a very large extent by entering into those ancient systems (or 1st option) which were based upon pluralistic monism and were also resting within the purviews of Brahmand Dharana (i.e. oneness to allness) and yet where these systems were not leading to Varnasankarta and Gotrasankarnta and thus were Manuvaadi only …
Whom Hindus call as Manu Maharaaj, Christians and Jews address as Adam and Islam addresses the same Sage as Aadum (Adum) … His systems are the ones told in Manusmriti and Guru Yuga is an age of his systems only … Irrespective of what anyone may believe about this and previous paragraphs, they are only stating the fact about what would be during the incoming time cycle of the “Age of Sages (Guru Yuga)” …
And as a matter of fact, every Avatar (of Sriman Naaraayana and other Vedic deities) also follows the knowledge systems and ways of life as told in Manusmriti (Manu’s Text) and that too, whenever that Avatar comes to a physical world …
Manusmriti would be the primary way of life of humanity during the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) and this would be backed-by Yajnavalkya Smriti and further backed by Vedic Yogic lore’s …
UU-3-A … Where are these Randra’s … And how to know them …
These secret crevices are inside the aspirant’s microcosm (physical and subtler vehicle) only and thus the knowledge of this topic is not something which is beyond an aspirant’s microcosm … And yet because these Randra’s are naught but projections of divine worlds within the aspirant’s microcosm itself, so eventually these Randra’s also stands as the eternal gateways and paths to their respective divine worlds …
And from a subtler point of view the fact ever remains that “a direct path to anything itself is an unbroken partless-part of that thing” to which it leads, so basis this basic fact, these Randra’s also are unbroken partless-part of the divine worlds which they represent and lead to …
And due to being non realizable from states that are beyond an aspirant’s microcosm, so these Randra’s can only cognized through the path of self realization, the path of which is of the inward-path itself …
This means that these Randra’s can only be cognized through the path which leads to the innermost essence or the innermost self (or Atman) of the aspirant …
As also a fact that within the entirety of Maker’s Makings, other than the inward path, there is no other path ever made for self realization of these Randra’s (secret doorways or crevices), their divine worlds (Deva Loka) and their divine controllers (Devata of that divine world) …
Each of these secret crevices leads to a specific divine world of a specific Devata (divine controller) directly …
By the word “directly” of above paragraph, I mean that through these secret crevices, each of which relate to a specific Deva Loka (divine world) the entry into that Deva Loka (or world of a specific divine controller) whose specific Randra (or secret crevice) is entered into, is a direct one …
By direct entry I mean that the aspirant’s subtler observing vehicle either enters directly into that divine world (of that Devata whose “Randra or secret crevice” is transited through) or through a single or seemingly more numbers of intermediary states, all of which also are an intrinsic part of that divine world (or Deva Loka) itself …
Thus in the latter case as discussed in previous paragraph, even when an aspirant may self realize a single or more intermediary states prior his (or her) subtler observing vehicle self realizes the main divine world (i.e. Deva Loka) to which that specific Randra relates, yet all those intermediary states (which are self realized during transit to the main divine world or Deva Loka) are also an intrinsic part of that divine world (Deva Loka) to which that Randra eventually relates …
And thus those self realized intermediary states are not different states of different divine worlds (as all these are a part of the same divine world which is finally self realized through a transit of that specific secret crevice or Randra) …
UU-3-B … Randra Vijyana … Secret knowledge of Randra’s … The greatest of secrets of Yoga …
Vijyana or Vijnana means Knowledge … And since in this topic we are discussing the Randra’s whose knowledge is none other than a secret one, so the term Randra Vijyana means only means “The secret knowledge of Randra’s” …
As of now, this knowledge is mostly lost in this world as the adherents of Vedic and Yogic lore’s could not hold unto it due to the manifestations of severities of effects of the currently underway divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) after 3102 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
These Randra’s or crevices are the eternal secrets of Yoga Tantra (or Process of paths of Yoga) of Sanatan Vedic (Nigama) Arya Dharma and also of Sanatan Agama Arya Dharma …
Due to the eternal secrecy of the knowledge of Randra’s (i.e. Randra Vijnana), the discussions of this topic shall have to be limited to a stage where I do not end up disclosing that which cannot ever be disclosed to those who as such are not resting within an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to know it and that too where knowing it is also through a direct cognition of it and not through a text or its painted sketch …
Plus the fuller knowledge of these Randra’s itself is a intrinsic and unbroken part of the final pathless partless path which we had already discussed in an earlier topic of “Brahmanpath (which in other words means as the last path)” and it was also expanded it in an earlier topic of “Guha Kaivalya (or in other words, the cave of isolation or liberation)” …
And as far as the knowledge of this topic is concerned, the term “last path (i.e. Brahmpath)” only and only relates to the process and path of “Nirgunyana (or in other words, the colorless vehicle or the attributeless vehicle, which as such is a dimensionless vehicle and thus it also is that vehicle which we have termed as the infinite vehicle)” …
And since this last pathless partless path is only to be walked alone, whilst being free of all nonsensical aspects that are based upon anything that falls in the purviews of any type of “thisness, any type of thatness, any type of not-thisness and any type of not thatness” so all paths which is based upon any of the recent religions that came by during the last about nine millenniums and which relate to any of the egoistic Gods, cannot even be termed as Brahmpath (or the last pathless partless path, which in simple words can also be termed as the final path that any soul takes prior to entering into a final liberation) …
In this last path the aspirant walks alone and free of allness and her each part, whilst that aspirant walks “Himself Within Himself (or Herself within Herself if that aspirant is a woman)” and whilst keeping to the essence of the wise words, there eventually is “nowhere to go, nothing to do, nobody to be” … This is the primary requirement of the last path …
Unless the aspirant complies with above stated primary requirement, the other requirements which we have discussed in two earlier topics (of “Brahmpath” and also the topic of “Guha Kaivalya“… which in other words is the cave of isolation”) cannot even be entered into by that aspirant …
And unless these requirements are rested in, the much further self realization of the Randra’s of our current discussion, cannot ever be attained by anyone …
And what is stated in above paragraph is irrespective of which of the recently arrived egoistic God’s (i.e. those Abhimani Devata or Egoistic Gods who have arrived to this world during the time spans of the last about nine millenniums) and/or their individualistic (or monotheistic) systems may believe in or be followed by anyone … And I say so because most of these egoistic Gods (i.e. Abhimani Devata) also do not know hold the knowledge of that path which relates to the extremely subtle and secret knowledge of Randra Vijnana (knowledge of secret crevices) …
This knowledge is only held by a very few number of Vedic-Yogic sages who also are the ones who had attained their self realizations whilst resting within the same inward paths and whilst relating to one or another of the non-egoistic deities (Anabhimani Devata) of Maker’s Makings …
During a much earlier transmigrated incarnation and when I was called by a name which relates to the Peepal tree, I was blessed with this knowledge from my Param Gurudeva, Bhagwan Shiva … And being a Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta +++ ever since, I have also ended up keeping this knowledge across all my further transmigrations that have been since that time when my Param Gurudeva Bhagwan Shiva had blessed me with this knowledge …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph … Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta means that Yogi (Sage) who has either not reached the finality of Yoga or has intentionally delayed reaching the finality of Yoga (as was my case due to a much earlier instruction of my father and Gurudeva, Brahmarishi Kratu Muni) and thus that Yogi learns the way of turning the stage of his (or her) death into a stage of sleep … Thus when he returns back to an incarnated (or even a transmigrated incarnation) then for such a Yogi this return back to a gross world is like waking up from a state of sleep, due to which he ends up remembering everything right from the time (or incarnation) when he had originally become a Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta … For me this stage has continued since the Swayambhu Manvantar i.e. about 1.96 to 1.97 billion human solar years (as per middle time units of precession which have been utilized in all calculations that have ever been done by any of the Vedic sages during the entirety of the triple times) …
Proceeding further …
And since this is a secret knowledge system, so within this text I shall only be describing this knowledge in only so much detail as is reasonably possible and whilst ensuring that I do not end up compromising on this requirement of maintenance of the secret knowledge of these Randra’s …
Plus the discussed knowledge would also be resting within the purviews of two macrocosmic principles which could be stated as “principle of a wise one” and the “principle of macrocosmic hygiene” both of which are always applicable to each wise one who has ever been during the entirety of the triple times … These principles shall be discussed in a later set of topics which would have the header of “Principles and Process of Maker’s Makings (i.e. Siddhant Aur Tantra of Brahmand)” …
And as far as this topic is concerned, the latter principle cannot even be complied with unless the aspirant is the one who rests in the former …
So what is stated here is a rare knowledge and yet since I really have not described it fully due to above stated reasons, so this discussion essentially is only to ignite the spark in those specific aspirants who are resting in an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to know about these Randra’s and that too through a direct cognition, which as such is only possible if the pot of nectar (or in other words, Chetan Kalash or the pot of consciousness, which we have already discussed about in earlier topics) rises up from its original position which is about 2-3 finger breadths below the navel and thence reaches the thousand petalled 7th plexus which is located at the top of brain (I.e. Brahmarandra chakra or Sahasrara) and then that pot of nectar (Amrit Kalash) also moves further upwards so as to enter into one or more of these Randra’s … But which of these Randra’s would that pot of nectar enter into, is also dependent upon the aspirants evolutionary ripeness and rightness …
Thus basis above, in order to maintain a compliance to the above stated two macrocosmic principles, even though I have painted the sketch and described them, yet these are not absolutely correct …
This is due to the fact that this knowledge is a highly secret one and thus it can only be self realized by that aspirant who has already arrived at an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to do so (i.e. no other aspirant can ever hold a fuller knowledge of the Randra’s which have been discussed in this topic) …
UU-4-A … Relationship of Randra Vijyan to Devayana and Nirgunyana …
Earlier on, we had discussed the meaning of the words Nirgun (Nirguna), Randra, Yana and Vijyan (Vijyana or Vijnana) … Those discussions stand valid here also …
Nirgunyana means “the attributeless vehicle” …
And since the attributeless itself is the omnipresent, infinite, omni-parental, eternal, omnidirectional, omnicompetent, omnificent, omniscient, incomparable and the omnipotent supreme-one and whose omnifarious, omni-range, Omni-mode, Omniform and Omnific self expression is the Maker’s Makings and her each microcosm, so ultimately the Nirgunyana of our current discussion stands directly related to the same supreme one (Absolute Being) who is addressed as attributeless-infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) in Vedas …
The same attributeless-infinite supreme being of Vedas is also addressed as Brahman, Brahm, Parmeshvara, Parabrahman, Paramdeva, Param Dhaam, Parambrahma, Paramshiva, Atman, Paramatman etc., in Vedic lore and whose divinity is also addressed as Maa Adi Parashakti, Paramdevi, Parmeshvari, Tripura Sundari, Maa Shakti, Maa Adi Shakti etc-etc, within the same Vedic lore …
It is to this Nirgunyana which as such is primarily related to all that is subtly denoted by all Vedic words of above paragraph, that all below discussion are related …
Proceeding further …
The word Devayana of Sanskrit language means as the “Vehicle of Deva’s” ands this statement also means as “Vehicle of divine beings” or “vehicles which lead to various divine worlds (or vehicles which lead to worlds of various divine controllers)” …
The secret paths of Randra’s can also pass through such divine worlds (or divine controllers) prior they eventually lead to an entry into Nirgunyana as is discussed above … Thus the end state of Devayana is also no other than the end state of Nirgunyana …
And this itself is because, the Vedic deities (Vedic Devata’s or Vedic Deva’s) are none other than being one or another primary self expressed, self manifested and self present states of the same attributeless being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) within and beyond the Maker’s Makings …
UU-4-B … Nirgunyana and Advaitayana …
Advaita means incomparable, non-dual …
Yana means vehicle …
So the term Advaitayana means the incomparable non-dual vehicle … On in simple words this also means, that vehicle which leads to a flight of aspirant’s consciousness into the incomparable non-dual being (Advaita Brahman) …
And where the incomparable non-dual vehicle (Advaitayana) itself is the attributeless (colorless and infinite) vehicle which we have addressed as the Nirgunyana in this topic …
That which is attributeless (Nirguna) cannot be any other than that which is the incomparable non-dual (Advaita) … And vice versa of this statement is also true …
UU-4-C … Nirgunyana (Advaitayana) and sameness of result …
Each of vehicles (Yana) which have been discussed in this topic are leading to the same result i.e. the same attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) who by IT’self is the incomparable non-dual one (Advaita) …
Thus as far as this topics discussions are concerned, even when these secret crevices are named differently, yet the end result of their realizations are also of the same Brahman (or in other words, Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or attributeless infinite absolute being) …
Thus the path of this topic also holds the capability to prove the same fact which we had discussed earlier and was thus told …
All roads leads to the same home
And where that final truth itself is the ever-same “one home that eventually is” arrived at by all that has ever begun as a microcosm within the supremely incomparable Pluralistic yet Monist timeless-genius that eternally is the Maker’s Makings and where the Makings of Maker itself are naught but a primordial timeless and thus eternal self expression of the Maker who himself (actually ITself) self manifests as its own Making’s … Thus the Maker’s Makings are naught but a self presence of the ever-same Maker within IT’s own self expressed, self manifested and self present state as the macrocosmic creation and her each part (i.e. Maker’s Makings) …
Thus even when the routes and vehicles that are adopted by any aspirant to self realize the secret crevices (Randra’s) that have been discussed here, could be different, yet end result of all these routes (and their vehicles or Yana) are only leading to the ever-same attributeless infinite Absolute Being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm of Vedic lore) …
UU-4-D … 8th plexus and Randra Vijyana …
When the pot of consciousness (Chetan Kalash) which we had also termed as white pot of lighted butter (or Pot of nectar or Amrit Kalash) that is within each aspirant, rises up and thence it reaches the thousand petalled lotus of the 7th plexus, then the Randra through which that consciousness pot passes gets self realized by that aspirant …
Thus in such a case, only one Randra in which the rising consciousness pot (or pot of nectar) enters, can self realized at any single time and not the other ones which as such have also been discussed here …
Only when the consciousness pot (Amrit Kalash) reaches the 8th plexus (or in other words, Niralamba Chakra) and then when it descends to the same original location which as such is about 2-3 finger breadths below the navel (from where the rise had originally commenced) does any aspirant hold the highly secret knowledge of that Randra, which was transited through by the pot of nectar (Chetan Kalash) of the aspirant …
And since after the self realization of the Ashtama Chakra (or 8th plexus), majority of aspirant’s choose liberation instead of a further returns to incarnated states as transmigrated ones, so it essentially is due to this reason that majority of the liberated ones also do not hold the complete knowledge of all these Randra’s … This is as a vast majority of these sages only end up choosing to enter into their liberated states after their pot of nectar transits any of these Randra’s (for a first time within their own timeless evolutionary process) and it is due to this reason, even those liberated ones do not hold the knowledge of all these Randra’s that are existent in their own microcosm … Thus the knowledge of all these Randra’s is only held by a Yogi (Sage) who has refused his (or her) liberation repeatedly as that sage kept passing through each of these Randra’s one by one, during those long-long and thus incalculable time spans as have been of his own evolutionary process and whilst that sage also agreed to keep returning back as a transmigrated one (i.e. one who incarnates by adopting the path of transmigration of soul) …
This is because of the fact that after the 1st transit of the 8th plexus, the right to take a regular birth (i.e. taking birth from the womb of a physically present mother) is already lost by a Yogi … And thus such a one can only return back either as a transmigrated one or a directly manifested one and thus such a one returns back is either by “Virgin Birth” or as an “unborn yet manifested one” respectively … I have passed through both thee stages during the long-long course of being a Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta (as discussed within an earlier topic) and this time the process of transmigration of soul was chosen as a longer time span was needed to do the jobs which were told to be done as per instructions of Maa Prakriti (i.e. Mother Nature) …
Proceeding further …
Plus in any single incarnation, the white pot of nectar can only rise once through the 8th plexus (Niralamba Chakra) …
So basis above, if any aspirant who holds the knowledge of 100 of these Randra’s, then it means that such an aspirant has already returned back as a transmigrated and/or a manifested one for “at least” 99 times …
In above paragraph, I wrote “at least” because there can be transmigrated incarnations where that aspirant’s pot of nectar (Amrit Kalash) does not rise up to the 8th plexus (Niralambasthana) …
UU-4-E … Five primary categories of Randra’s …
Of the vast number of Randra’s that eternally are present within the human microcosm, there only are five primary categories (of these Randra’s) …
These categories are as follows …
- Creation … Utpatti Shakti (Divinity of creativity) … These are those Randra’s which relate to the grandfather and creator of allness (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji) who also happens to be my Pitamah Gurudeva (i.e. Grandfather Guru) … These Randra’s are related to the Sadyojata face of Sadashiva … This Utpatti Shakti (or the divinity of creation) is essentially based within the even earlier “pristine purity of divinity of desires (Ichha Shakti)” which as such is of my Pitamah Gurudeva Brahma Ji only … Thus that Yogi who has not attained the Ichha Shakti (i.e. pristine purity of divinity of desires) cannot even be the one who holds Utpatti Shakti (divinity of creativity) and thus such a Yogi’s knowledge also has no capability to create a new human age cycle within the existing divine age cycle of those times when that Yogi enters a physical world …
- Preservation … Stithi Shakti (Divinity of preservation) … These are those Randra’s which relate to the supreme preserver of allness (i.e. Sriman Naaraayana) who also happens to be my Sanatan Gurudeva … These Randra’s are related to the Vamadeva face of Sadashiva … That Yogi who transits through any of the Randra’s which are primarily based upon this Stithi Shakti (or divinity of preservation) …
Continuing with above bullet point … That Yogi who does not hold this Stithi Shakti (due to an earlier transit through Vishnurandra or secret crevice of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) cannot be the reason for laying down those pristinely divine paths which leads to preservation of allness and her each part … It primarily was the absence of such Yogi’s during the last few millenniums and then the advent of those propagators of individualistic Gods and those sages of recently manifested systems who did not hold the currently discussed divinity, has been the primary reason for all the chaos that humanity has been cyclically causing within this world for themselves and also for all other parts of macrocosmic speciology who inhabits this planet …
Continuing with above paragraph … Unless these individualistic (monotheistic) and thus cyclically chaotic systems are let go, humanity can literally forget about peace in this world … And those who doubt what is told here are free to analyze the ways of life of recently manifested systems (i.e. those systems individualistic or monotheistic which came by during the last few millenniums) and then the cyclic chaos which these systems led to across all ways and walks of life of humanity, shall also come to fore in your analysis …
- Rejuvenation … Samhara Shakti … These are those Randra’s which relate to the supreme rejuvenator of allness (i.e. Bhagwan Shiva) who also happens to be my Param Gurudeva … These Randra’s are related to the Aghora face of Sadashiva …
- Divinity of Veiling of truth … Tirodhaan Shakti … These are those Randra’s which relate to that divinity of one of the faces of Sadashiva who is also addressed as the supreme Yogi (Param Yogi), Supreme teacher of Yoga (Yoga Guru), the King of Yoga Tantras (Yoga Samraat), Lord of Yoga (Yogeshwara) who himself is the supreme Lord (Maheshwara) and who is also addressed as Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva …
Continuing with above bullet point … And since Devaraja Indra also self manifests out of Tatpurusha face of Shiva itself, so Indra Deva also happens to be a direct disciple of Tatpurusha and this fact is even when Indra is actually the “Ruler of all divine worlds (i.e. Devaraja)” … Thus Tatpurusha face also happens to be the “Ruler of Indra” which in turn makes Tatpurusha to be none other than the “Ruler of the Ruler of all” …
Continuing with above paragraph … All those Randra’s which relate to Tirodhaan Shakti of Tatpurusha, render the divinity of self-veiling to a Yogi who has passed through any of them and due to this reason, to know the whereabouts of such a Yogi, is an impossibility for anyone else (including the egoistic Gods and their angels etc.) … Unless that Yogi of any of the Tatpurusha Randra’s self declares his own presence in a world, nobody can ever known about him …
- Anugraha Shakti … Divinity of blessing … These are those Randra’s which relate to Ishaan face of Sadashiva (or in other words, Ishana Face of Sadashiva) … Abd as a matter of fact, Ishana face of Shiva is the Supreme Being and whose Shakti (or divinity) is of supreme blessing (Anugraha) as is of the supreme divinity (or Maa Adi Parashakti) … This is the rarest of rare achievement and this Randra is an attributeless one, which is present in the hear region and whose projection is at right angles to the heart plexus (Anahat Chakra) whilst it rests inside the heart plexus itself …
- The Panch Randra as discussed later on are also related to above five only …
- And even when above discussions are true, yet in this text I shall not be explicitly stating which Randra is for which of above categories and yet the aspirant would know about it if they would read between the lines by analyzing that which is implicitly stated within the coming discussions of this topic …
- Plus I just don’t like serving things upon a silver platter to others because then its value is never appreciated due to which that system loses value within a short time span of a few millenniums only … And also due to the fact that none of my Pujya Gurujan ever did this serving on a silver platter this to me (They just ignited the spark of that knowledge within me and then it was my job to find the finality of it) … And my approach to things is also no different from what has been of my Pujya Gurujan that ever were my teachers and that too across all my evolutionary existence that has been, till now …
UU-4-F … Restricted Randra’s …
Some of the Randra’ render those divinities to an aspirant, which as such are not apt for the inhabitants of those worlds which are passing through a divine degenerate age cycle …
I say so because the inhabitants of this degenerate age cycle very-rarely hold those subtle capabilities to utilize these divinities in a righteous manner and whilst based upon Brahmand Dharana …
Thus such Randra’s would not be discussed here … One such Randra is the Nabhi Randra (or secret crevice of the navel) …
Due to limitations of the current divine age of degeneration, only those Randra’s which relate to Nirgunyana (or the attributeless vehicle which as such is the supreme vehicle) and one or two Randra’s which relate to the higher levels of Devayana (which in other words also means as a Vehicle of divine beings) would be discussed here …
UU-4-G … Vishnurandra and Symbol of Islam …
I do not even find a need to discuss this any further than what has already been discussed earlier n in this topic … This is because what is discussed till now is enough to prove that is stated in the sub-header of this topics …
So basis above, I commence the discussions upon “a few of the main” Randra’s …