This topic shall discuss the Knowledge of Kaalchakra, which is also stated as Kalgyan, Kalajnana and also as Kaal Jnana …
This topic is in continuation from the earlier one of “Kaalchakra and other sciences” …
3-AA … Knowledge of Kaalchakra … Kalgyan …
This part of the text is to re-manifest a part of the lost knowledge of time as a major part of this “knowledge of Kaalchakra (or Kalgyan or Kaal Gyan or Kaal Jnana or Kalajnana)” is already lost by this world … And since Kaalchakra is a primary science, so this could not have been missed out in this text … But I shall only be laying down the root (or foundation or base) of this knowledge of time (Kaalchakra) so that interested aspirants can expand it at a later time …
As of now the knowledge of human ages (Manav Yuga Chakra) is already lost on this planet … As far as the knowledge of human ages are concerned, except a few statements in a few scriptures that were learnt by other civilizations and that too from Vedic sages who had originally given this knowledge to this world, nothing else remains within this world …
Even the knowledge of divine age (which in Sanskrit language is called as Deva Yuga) is not fully known as of now because this knowledge is also mostly lost …
During those repeated conquest of all ancient civilizations by barbarian forces which had manifested during the last few millenniums and then the destruction of ancient universities and monasteries where this knowledge was kept, the knowledge of Kaalchakra is almost lost in this world … And whatever remains is also most religious part because that part of science of Kaalchakra which had a scientific application has already been destroyed during the last 5-6 millenniums of the currently underway divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) …
To restore that knowledge in a state where it cannot lead to development of destructive technologies, is what led to this part of the text …
The knowledge of Kaalchakra is “almost as old” as the time span of this Brahma Kalpa i.e. this knowledge has been there right from the Swayambhu Manvantar (about 1.97 billion years ago, as per middle time units of planetary axial precession) … It was at the beginning stage of the Swayambhu Manvantar that this knowledge was firstly given to humanity …
And as the authentic timeless tradition (or Parampara) of knowledge kept getting lost, the societies kept adopting alternative (or Vaikalpik) knowledge systems, all of which are incomplete as far as their utilization across all ways of life are concerned … Thus some systems are totally related to religious lore’s but they cannot be utilized for material scientific purposes and some systems are reciprocal i.e. they are totally material and thus cannot be utilized for evolutionary needs and thus are totally incapable as far as delivering the final liberation is concerned … And that system which held both these capabilities was of Vedic Kaalchakra whose knowledge is mostly lost in this world …
3-BB … Parts of science of Kaalchakra … Kalajnana or Kaal Jnana …
Since time is the primary dimension of the Maker’s Makings, so the knowledge of time (i.e. Kaal Jnana or Kaal Gyan) which includes the knowledge of eternal cycles of time (or Kaalchakra) is the base of cycles of other three primary dimensions of the macrocosmic creation, whose knowledge systems were addressed with the following names …
- Akashchakra … Eternal cycles of expansions and contractions of space …
- Dishachakra … Eternal cycles of newer ways of life or paths of evolution …
- Dashachakra … Eternal cycles of subtlety and grossness of states …
All these were also related to the Kaalchakra as their values could also be derived from the calculations cycles of time …
Thus basis above, even when this topic is named Kaalchakra (or cycles of time) yet it also relates to the above mentioned cycles (of space, directions and state) …
Continues …