The origin of Ahum Naad (i.e. Sound of Ahum) is from Brahmanaad (which is the same as what was also told as Makar or Sound of M) … Brahmanaad is also termed as Brahmnaad, Brahma Naad, Brahma Nada, Brahmanadam and Brahm Nada … Thus Ahum Naad is a part of Brahmanaad (or ) … And Brahmanaad itself is a part of OM Naad (or sound of OM) …
Relation of Brahmnaad or Brahmanaad to Ahum Naad
EE …Here we shall discuss the relationship of Ahum Naad to Brahmnaad (or Brahmanaad or Brahma Naad or Brahm Naad) …
The first self-manifestation of the Absolute-being was as a “subtle-macro-elemental sound (i.e. Naad Tanmatra)” only … From this subtle-macro-elemental sound was originated ether and this was because when that original sound was to be originated as a Tanmatra (i.e. subtle macro-element) it needed a medium to originate … That medium was of macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) … Thus sound (Naad) was the first Tanmatra and ether (Akasha) the first Mahabhoot of the Maker’s Makings … And since the “Akasha Mahabhoot (i.e. macro-elemental state of ether) has directly originated out of the subtle macro-elemental sound, so ether is a child of sound (or Naad) only … That ether is shown as a purple colored light (on the right hand side of above figure) within which the blue body (i.e. subtle body, which in Sanskrit language means as the Sookshma Sharira) is standing … As also a fact that as far as the originality of the term Naad (and Shabd) is concerned, it eventually refers to Brahmnaad only …
And after origination, that sound needed a medium to be heard at location and then it also needed a medium to propagate itself across the then state of the self-originating macrocosmic creation … Thus to accomplish this was self-originated the subtle-macro-elemental touch (i.e. Sparsha Tanmatra) from which was originated macro-elemental air (i.e. Vayu Mahabhoot) … And the process of other three macrocosmic subtle macro-elements (i.e. Tanmatra) and their macro-elements (Mahabhoot) continued from here on and within their real-nextness (i.e. step by step process of origination of the other three Tanmatra and Mahabhoot) …
What is Brahmanaad and hearing of Brahma Naad or Brahma Nada or Brahm Nada
And this original sound is termed as Brahmnaad (or the sound of the Absolute) within Vedas and it was also called as “Makar (or the endless sound of Ummmmm)” by self-realized, all-realized sages (or Yogi’s) and this itself was the third seed syllable which denotes the “endless sound of Mmmmmmm” of AOM (OM Naad) itself … Within the practices of Pranayama of Yoga Tantra the same sound was called as Brahmari (Brahmari Pranayama) …
And when the “endless unrestricted sound or vibration of Ummmmm” got accumulated at a point (or in other words, it gets restricted to a point) within the self-originating macrocosmic creation, then it formed the “Hum” part of “Ahum Naad” …
As also if the “H (or Ha)” part of the sound of “Hum” is clearly heard by an aspirant, then this sound (of H or Ha) also denotes that the “endless sound of Ummmmm” is already accumulated (or is adopted or is residing) within the heart of that particular aspirant who hears this sound of Hum … Tantric systems have utilized this very aspect of accumulation of Brahmnaad in the heart and thus various Tantras have used the term “Hum, Hung, Hreem and Hreeng” instead of the “endless sound of Ummmmm” which is told within the original knowledge of it as was stated in the Shruti of Vedic lore and yet even when this deviation is there, the effects of all these are the same as Makar i.e. “endless sound of Mmmmmmm” of AOM (OM Naad) of Vedic Shruti itself …
Only if the Brahmnaad (i.e. endless sound of Ummmmm) is adopted in the heart of an aspirant, does that aspirant hear the “H (or Ha)” part of “Ahum Naad” because any otherwise only the “endless Brahmnaad (i.e. the endless sound of Ummmmm)” shall be heard as AUM (i.e. OM Naad) by an aspirant …
It is also due to this reason that when the aspirant (i.e. aspirants consciousness) enters into and then rises up (i.e. moves beyond) through the rising sea of light which lifts from the front of the innermost cave of heart, then this rise also ends up passing through the “endless sound of Aaaaaaaa (i.e. Akar of Vedas and Yoga)”, then through “endless sound of Ooooo (i.e. Okar, which in Yoga and Veda is also told as Ukar, which means as upward moving or evolving sound)” and then through the “endless sound of Mmmmmmm (i.e. Makar of Vedas and Yoga)” and eventually merges into the symbol of OM (as it is written in Devanagari and also in Sanskrit language) which is inside the top of brain of each aspirant … This shall be discussed in later topics …
As also, after an aspirant self-realizes the sound of OM (AOM Naad) then after this stage that aspirant would only hear the Brahmnaad (endless sound of Ummmmm) …
Deviating a bit … Sound of AOM (i.e. OM Naad) is the root verse (i.e. Moola Mantra) of Vedas, so all those sects (aka. religions) which have been using this sound, only end up proving their relationship to the Vedas and this statement is irrespective of whether these sects believe what is written here or not … Thus because Siddha Pant, Yoga Marg, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism and many others are using this sound in their own ways, so all these are none other than being one or another of the sects of Sanatan Dharma only … As such if any sect (aka. religion) uses OM in any way, then because OM was rendered through the knowledge of Sages of Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma and OM also is the root verse (Moola Mantra) of Vedas only, so this use of OM only proves their link to the Vedas itself …
Continuing with above paragraph … The same is also applicable for any sect (aka. religion) who uses Mudra’s (hand gestures, including those Mudra’s which are shown with Christian saints) and Asana (seating postures, including Vajrasana as is utilized by Islam) because this knowledge had also originated through the sages of Sages of Dharma (or Sanatan Dharma) only … These Mudra’s and Asana are also present in the greater subtler impressional macrocosm and the Vedic sages had actually downloaded this macrocosmic knowledge so as to place it within the Vedic lore … Since this knowledge was also originally rendered by the Vedic sages, so it essentially is a Vedic knowledge itself and thus all those later knowledge systems which have ever used this knowledge in anyway, only prove their relationship to Vedas …
Continuing with above paragraph … As also, any language which has words that relate to the sounds of A (i.e. Akar), O (i.e. the “Sound of O” is of “Ukar“, which means as upward moving or eternally evolving of that which leads to an upwardly evolution of the aspirant) and M (i.e. Makar) in any language, also relates to Vedas only as these syllables itself are the seed syllables of AOM (i.e. ॐ or AUM Naad) which as such is a Vedic knowledge only … Irrespective of what anybody may believe, what is written here is an absolute fact about Naad or sound … Resuming again …
Brahmnaad or Brahmanadam within the aspirant
Thus basis above, if the astral vehicle of the aspirant hears the “sound of Hum” instead of the “endless sound of Ummmmm (I.e. Brahmnaad)” then this by itself is a proof that the “endless sound of Ummmmm (i.e. Makar of Yoga and Vedas)” is already present within the heart of that aspirant … And when that same aspirant self-realizes the sound of OM (i.e. AOM Naad) then after this stage that aspirant shall only hear the “endless sound of Ummmmm (I.e. Brahmnaad)” …
It is due to this relation of Ahum (i.e. Ahum Naad) to the primordial sound (i.e. Brahmnaad) the Buddhist systems also state that “Ahum is the primordial Buddha whom they address as the primordial “Buddha Samantabhadra and whose eternal and primordial consort is Buddha Samantabhadri” …
So basis all above discussions, if any aspirant rests in the unity to Maker’s Makings, then Hum shall be heard by that aspirant … And if the same aspirant has already detached to the Maker’s Makings (i.e. the aspirant has let go of the previous united condition) and thus that aspirant is evolutionary-ready to enter into Kaivalya Moksha, then a continuous sound of Brahmnaad shall be heard to be present inside the head (brain) of that aspirant …
As a matter of fact … Those who hear the Ahum (or Hum) Naad and thence also become hearers of Brahmnaad, are those who are “neither gone, nor ungone and yet are the permanently gone ones” and simultaneously such ones are those who are “already gone, yet ungone and yet are the eternally gone ones” …