This topic is directly related to Panch Mukha Sadashiva, who is also addressed as five faces of Sadashiva and the same Sadashiva is also addressed as Viraat Parabrahman Sadashiva … All Vedic Deva and Devi are eternally related to Sadashiva only and thus their relationships to each other can also be derived from same five faces of Sadashiva itself … This topic shall only discuss some of the main relationships only … So in this topic we shall discuss this relationship with respect to only the Trideva (i.e. Bhagwan Rudra, Pitamah Brahma Ji and Sri Vishnu) and Tridevi (i.e. Maa Parvati, Maa Saraswati and Maa Lakshmi) …

Even when in this topic I have discussed the divinities (or Deva’s) of nine planets (Nav-Graha) which are also related to the faces of Sadashiva, yet in above figure these are not shown … And some discussions are intentionally left for interested aspirants to read the Vedic lore and derive their own analysis …
At the outset I state very clearly that all relationships of Devi’s and Deva’s are not discussed here … Thus don’t consider this topic as a final and binding one due to the fact that what is discussed here, is only a drop in the ocean of knowledge that this topic eventually holds … Those who wish to know that ocean of knowledge which is not discussed here, should read and understand the Vedic lore (Vaidik Vangmaye) and analyze it themselves …
So this topic is only a spark for the fire that I wish to ignite within the hearts of interested aspirants and thus make then analyze that which has definitely been told in Vedic lore, but it is kept in a highly secret place inside the Vedic lore itself, due to the implicit manner in which it is told …
Proceeding further …
All Devi’s and Deva’s (i.e. all Goddesses and Gods) of Vedas are related to each other … This is because they all are self manifested from the same five faces of Sadashiva, which are also told as Panch Brahma in Vedanta (i.e. these are also addressed as five Brahmas in Panch Brahma Upanishad) … And these five Brahmas are the same as what Agama Lore’s of Shaivism addresses as Panch Mukha Shiva or in other words, these same faces are also addressed as, five faces of Shiva …
Plus when we consider the fact that the pristine divinity of Bhagwan Sadashiva is none other than Maa Adi Parashakti (or Pristine mother of allness), then we also know the basic fact that Devi itself is the divinity of the divine being who is addressed as Deva …
Thus those who interpret the term Deva as a Demi-God and Devi as a Demi Goddess are not correct in their understanding of this term …
CC-1 … Meanings of Sanskrit words …
Devi and Deva
Deva … The word Deva (Devata) actually means “A directly self expressed, self manifested and self sustaining” divine aspect of the Absolute being, who itself is the Viraat Parabrahman Sadashiva and who is also the same as the one who is addressed as Panch Mukha Brahma in Vedanta and also addressed as Panch Mukha Shiva in Kashmiri Shaivism and whose formless, formless and attributeless aspect is also addressed as Bhagwan Pashupatinath of Pashupata Marg … Due to this reason, those who say that the word Deva only means a Demi-God, are not correct in their understanding of this term …
Devi … The word Devi means the “self expressed, self manifested and self sustaining divinity” aspect of the pristine divinity of the Absolute being (I.e. Maa Adi Parashakti of Viraat Parabrahman Sadashiva) … This pristine divinity is the one who is addressed as Maa Adi Parashakti … Thus all Devi’s are none other than directly self-originated states pristine divinities of the supreme divinity (or Adi Parashakti) … Due to this reason, those who say that the word Devi only means a Demi-Goddess, are not correct in their understanding of this term …
Proceeding further …
And since the divine itself is its own divinity and simultaneously the divinity itself is the divine, so Bhagwan Sadashiva is Maa Adi Parashakti and Maa Adi Parashakti itself is Bhagwan Sadashiva …
Thus Pradakshina (or in other words, Parikrama) around Bhagwan Sadashiva (as is discussed here) is already including the Pradakshina (or Parikrama) around Maa Adi Parashakti …
But because Maa Adi Parashakti is present in her varied state within these five faces of Sadashiva and since these varied aspects (or states) of the same Maa Adi Parashakti are self manifested from the various faces of Sadashiva, so this is what would to be discussed here …
CC-2 … Maa Adi Parashakti in five faces of Sadashiva …
In this topic we shall discuss the divinities (or Shakti) of these faces of Sadashiva …
CC-2-A … Sadyojata face of Shiva … Sadyojata face of Sadashiva …
Sadyojata is the Creation aspect of Sadashiva …
From this Sadyojata face of Sadashiva, Pitamah Brahma Ji was self manifested and whose Krityam is Utpatti (creation) …
From the mind aspect of the Sadyojata, “Chandra (or Lunar God or Moon God or Lunar divinity or Lunar Deity or strength energy)” was self-born …
And being mind born son of the creator’s primary divinity itself (as Chandra is the mind born son of Sadyojata, from whom the creator or Brahma had also self manifested), so Chandra is also leading to all better aspects of mind health, which primarily are for maintenance of inner (i.e. mental) strength and thus better health …
And as a matter of fact “Healthy mind is the foundation of a healthy body, healthy knowledge (i.e. subtle knowledge) and healthy vitality sheath (i.e. health of a person’s inner vitality)” …
Thus within this part of the universe, Chandra Deva (Lunar Deity or Moon God) became the health minister (i.e. the minister of inner strength and thus better health) …
All vegetation, animals and other parts of speciology gain their inner strength and better health due to consuming (or Taking-In) the light of Chandra Deva (moon light) and thus those who do not take-in the light of Chandra (at night) usually don’t have a strong immunity to diseases …
Deviating a bit … Please note this very carefully … Here I have told to note this very carefully due to the fact that during change of age cycles (and especially during the end phase of a final change of human age cycle) which as such is just around the corner (from the time when I write this topic), severities that humans would face due to loss of inner strength (and thus loss of health) can be reduced considerably … Thus as far as loss health and loss of life is concerned, these two can also be considerably reduced at such stages of final change of human age cycles (which itself is going to be towards the incoming Guru Yuga) if humans begin consuming moon light (i.e. Divinity of Chandra Deva) regularly …
Since the western world is mostly at home in the night and thus they do not take-in (or consume) the light of moon (i.e. divinity of Lunar deity or Chandra Deva) in the night, so during the incoming times, which as such are going to lead to a stage of a final change of human age cycle (to the incoming Guru Yuga or age of sages) when various diseases start manifesting in this world, then this part of this world (i.e. western world) would have maximum quantum of inner and outer chaos due to absence of inner strength … As also in that part of the world, the percentage of infected people w.r.t. to the total population would be higher and this would be in addition higher percentages of death rates amongst infected people …
Not taking in the light of Chandra Deva is also the reason for all lifestyle diseases … Thus lifestyle diseases amongst people w.r.t. to the total population are also higher in that part of the world (i.e. western world) …
This western world mostly concentrates on sun light to gain strength, which as such is absolutely incorrect because the divinities of moon (Lunar Deity or Chandra Deva) are the health minister and not the divinities of the sun (Solar Deity or Sun God or Surya Deva) … Taking in or consuming Sun light is also important, but not so much for gaining inner strength because sun is the ruler (or king) and not the health minister (health minister is Chandra Deva or Lunar Deity or Moon God) …
And above facts would also be very much applicable to all cities, larger towns and all metropolis of this planet as in these places also people do not sleep under the moon light or consume the moon light regularly … And on the contrary, in villages and smaller towns since people sleep under the moon light or they consume moon light more by regularly sitting under the moon light at night, so the rate of diseased persons and percentage of people dying would also be much lesser villages and in all such places where people consume divinities of Lunar Deity (or moon light) regularly …
The only way to reduce the death rates due to spontaneous manifestation and sudden expansion (or spread) of diseases during change of an age cycle, is to take in moon light for “at least 32 minutes” each night and “preferably 32 x 5 minutes” each night …
In above paragraph, the “number 5” is for five faces of Sadashiva, which denote the health of all five sheaths (or Pancha Kosha) that we have already discussed in the earlier set of topics as listed below …
- Five sheaths … Pancha Kosha … And also in the later topic of …
- Vital air sheath … Pranamaye Kosha … And also in the later topic of …
- Mind sheath … Manomaye Kosha … And also in the later topic of …
- Knowledge sheath … Vijyanmaye Kosha … And also in the later topic of …
- Antahkarana Chatushtaya … Bliss sheath …
Thus if the latter (i.e. 32 x 5 minutes) is done, then percentage of infected persons w.r.t total population and the death rate w.r.t. the total number of infected persons would both fall to bare minimum i.e. in such a case, only those who have lived their destined merit (or Prarabdha Karma) would die and this would only be a bare minimum percentage of deaths w.r.t. the total population …
Plus not consuming moon light also leads to fall of birth rates (loss of vitality or inner divinity) and this is also one of the reasons for loss of birth rates of western world below the bare-bare minimum that is needed to sustain and continue a civilization and which as such is a value of 1.01 children per couple …
And above paragraphs discussions are also the reason for fall of birth rates in all cities, larger towns and metropolis of this planet where humans live in houses that get little or no moonlight due to being stacked one above the other …
Thus basis this discussion, the fall of birth rates due to increase of incomes and better lifestyles is not based upon economics (as most western world people say), but it actually is due to loss of intake of divinity of moon (Moonlight) in congested (stacked up) homes that humans begin living after their economic status increases … And this is also the reason for higher percentage of population in such metros and cities getting into diseases which relate to lifestyle that is present (or is led) by humans in such cities and metros (which is also due to no or very little intake of moon light) …
Resuming again and proceeding further …
From Brahma’s mind was also self-born Rishi Bhrigu and thus Rishi Bhrigu is the mind born son of Brahma …
From mind of Rishi Bhrigu, was self originated Shukra Deva (Planet Venus) …
Within this part of the universe, Shukra Deva became the minister of love, finance and economics (Ministry of Kama Purushartha and Artha Purushartha) …
But in a degenerate age due to excessive lust, greed for ever more which in turn leads to a degenerative state of love and economics and since in a degenerate age cycle, the love and finance or economics end up becoming the two main Purushartha (i.e. Kama Purushartha and Artha Purushartha) on which everything else begins depending and since these two end up getting degenerates, so all degeneration that is seen in a divine degenerate age cycle is mostly due to excessive lust, greed and finance and economics, all of which are related to Shukra Deva (Venus Deity) itself …
And since the Deva of love and economics is Shukra Deva, so love minister and finance minister of the planetary system is Venus (or Shukra Deva or Shukracharya) only … And since in a degenerate age, both love and finance gets corrupted, so it is due to this reason that Shukracharya has also been addressed as Guru of Daitya’s (Degenerate forces) within degenerate age cycles (like the currently underway one) …
But this phrase (of Guru of degenerate forces) which is used for Shukra is only applicable for the degenerate age cycle and not for other better age cycles … This is due to the fact that during the other better age cycles, Shukra Deva is not addressed such, because Purushartha of Artha (i.e. economics) and Purushartha of Kama (pure desires and love) is not degenerate (during the other better age cycles) …
And since the Shukra Deva (Venus) is also related to Brihaspati Deva (Jupiter) who is the Guru of divine forces (Deva), so in the age cycles which are other than degenerate age cycle, Shukra is holding the energies or divinities of Brihaspati Deva also and thus at such times, Shukracharya is not addressed as a Guru of Daitya’s, but he only acts as a Shishya (disciple) of Guru Brihaspati (Jupiter) i.e. Shukra expands the divinities of Guru Brihaspati (Guru of Deva’s of divine aspects) instead of countering them as Shukra ends up doing during the degenerate age cycles …
Proceeding further …
From the divinity (or energy or power) of Maa Adi Parashakti which envelopes this Sadyojata face also, was originated the “Ichha Shakti (or the divinity of pure desires for abundance of goodness for all) of Sadyojata face … The aspect of fullness of Ichha Shakti of Sadyojata face of Shiva took form and was later on addressed as Maa Lakshmi …
CC-2-B … Vamadeva face of Sadashiva … Vamadeva face of Shiva …
“Vama” means “left side” and left side of a person represents the Shakti (or aspect of divinity or motherly aspect) … Left side also stands for feminine principle i.e. strength in beauty and beauty in strength …
From Vamadeva face of Sadashiva, Sri Vishnu had self manifested and whose Krityam is Stithi (or preservation) …
And then was self originated Surya Deva (or simply the solar energy or Sun God) whose minor part is the Sun of this solar system … Surya Deva (or Solar Deity) became the ruler of this planetary system and thus around the divine palace of Surya, all other planets revolve …
And since Surya and Sri Vishnu had self originated from the same Vamadeva face of Shiva, so this was the basis of the concept of Surya Naaraayana of Vedic lore, the liberating aspect of King (Sun) …
From the grey colored energy of Vamadeva, the shadow planet Ketu had also self manifested … Ketu held the energies of Sri Vishnu and thus became the liberation minister (Kaivalya Mantri) who keeps working with and under guidance of Maa Shamshan Kaali and Ketu also works in tandem with the shadow planet Rahu (of Aghora face) …
The same energy of Vamadeva when unioned to the pristine divinity of Maa Mahakaali (or in other words, the divinity of Great Time or Mahakaal aspect of Lord Shiva) came to be known as Shamshan Kaali (i.e. the divinity of cremation grounds) whose main divinity-seat (or Shakti Peetha) as of now is Tara Peetha of Kolkata (in the current day West Bengal) and whose main place of action is Maha Shamshan (or the great cremation ground) of Varanasi and also of Ujjain and also of Haridwar …
From the divinity (or energy or power) of so this face which itself is the same Adi Parashakti was born the Parashakti which took a form as “Sati’ (daughter of Daksha)” and later on again took a form as “Maa Parvati (daughter of mount, who itself is the north face of Vamadeva and whose physical manifestation is as Himalayas towards the north of India)” …
CC-2-C … Aghora face of Sadashiva … Aghora face of Shiva …
Aghora means that which is not terrible (or that which is peaceful) … So, due to this reason the Aghora face of Sadashiva is the peaceful face of Sadashiva … In Agama Lore’s of Shaivism, this face is also addressed as Aghora face of Shiva … Basically these two names refer to the same south facing, Aghora face only …
From this face was self manifested Rudra Deva whose “Sound is of ALA (or in other words, ALA Naad)” and who is also addressed as Allah Tala (In Islam) and Rudra is also addressed as the Primordial Buddha ALA (in Buddhist lore’s) and whose Krityam is Samhara (i.e. destruction and then a further rejuvenation) …
And from the divinity (or energy or power) of this face which itself is the same Adi Parashakti was self born the “Gyan Shakti (i.e. the divinity or power of supreme knowledge) which self manifested in a human form as Maa Saraswati (the Goddess of knowledge)” …
The divinities of Aghora were absorbed by the Devata (divine being) of Planet Saturn (i.e. Shani Deva) and the shadow planet Rahu (i.e. Rahu Deva) … Shani Deva became the Law minister (Supreme Judge) and shadow planet Rahu its assistant (or we can also call Rahu as the Jailer and as the punisher or releaser of criminals, as the case may be) …
The divinities of Rudra were absorbed by the Planet Mercury (Buddha Deva) and Mars (Mangal Deva) … But this is even when Mercury (or Buddha Deva) is related to both Brihaspati and Chandra (Moon) as is discussed in below paragraphs …
Buddha Deva (Mercury) being the closest to the King (Sun) became the Crown Prince (Yuvaraja) and Chief Minister (Mukhya Mantri) of the planetary system …
Explaining Mercury (Buddha) … Here Mercury is told to be of Rudra Deva whereas Mercury is actually related to Brihaspati (Jupiter) and to Chandra (moon) … This is told so as Mercury is a son of both Brihaspati (Jupiter i.e. Tatpurusha family) and of Chandra (Moon i.e. Sadyojata family) and since Aghora is the middle state (of Tatpurusha and Sadyojata), so Rudra (who self manifests from Aghora) is the primary divinity of Mercury (Buddha) … But in reality, Buddha (or Mercury) is holding all three divinities (i.e. of families of Tatpurusha, Sadyojata and Aghora), so due to holding the three divinities, Buddha (Mercury) became the Yuvaraja (Crown Prince) and Chief Minister (Mukhya Mantri) of the planetary system …
And finally … Mangal Deva (Mars) became the Senapati (Commander of righteous forces) who as of now is also guided by the pristine-divinity of the 11th Rudra Avatar i.e. Bhagwan Hanuman …
CC-2-D … Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva … Tatpurusha face of Shiva …
“TAT” means “That” which itself is one of the names of Brahman … Brahman means the attributeless infinite Absolute being or simply, the Supreme being …
And here the word Purusha, means as “Saguna Awastha of Brahman”, or in other words, attributed state of the attributeless infinite being …
“Tatpurusha” means “Sagun Brahman (i.e. attributed state of supreme Brahman)” as it is the first face of Sadashiva …
From the divinity (or energy or power) of this face which itself is the same Adi Parashakti, was self born the “Kriya Shakti (i.e. divinity or power of pure deeds) …
From the Kriya Shakti was self manifested the Trikaali Shakti or the divinity of triple times, who herself is innermost Divyata of Triguna (i.e. the eternal divinity of trinity of attributes) …
Since Maheshwara (who itself is Tatpurusha) is the originator of all Yoga Tantra (Yoga Karaka), Lord of Yoga (Yoga Samraat), Guru of all Yogi’s (Yoga Guru), Rishi of Yoga (Yoga Rishi) and the Finality of Yoga (Yoga Gantavya) …
After the divinities of this face were absorbed by Planet Jupiter (Brhaspati Deva), Brhaspati Deva was the one who became the education minister (Shiksha Mantri) and Brhaspati Deva is also addressed as Guru …
CC-2-E … Ishaan face of Sadashiva … Ishana Face of Shiva …
Ishaan is the centrally located upward looking supreme face of Sadashiva …
This face denotes supreme consciousness …
Ishaan (or Ishana face of Sadashiva) denotes the totality of divinity (or energy or power) of Sadashiva and this divinity is the one which is addressed as “Adi Parashakti” …
There is no higher divinity than Adi Parashakti and this is the reason why she is also the “supreme mother” of all parts of allness and also of allness itself …
Thus Maa Adi Parashakti is the one whose own varied forms are the above discussed self manifested divinities (i.e. Goddesses) of the other four faces of Sadashiva …
All the above discussed Goddesses (of other faces of Sadashiva) are none other than self expressions and self manifestations of Maa Adi Parashakti only …
Later on these Goddesses were the ones who became as the consorts of the Lords of these four cardinal faces of Sadashiva as has been discussed in the next part of this topic …
Finally … Bhagwan Ganapati (Lord Ganesha) who is present in this face, is the communication minister (Vanijya Mantri) and home minister (Graha Mantri) of the triple worlds … This is due to the fact that subtle macro-elemental sound (i.e. Shabd Tanmatra) which itself is of the Akasha Mahabhoot (or in other words, the macro-elemental ether) are of the Ishaan face of Sadashiva only … Without sound there can never be any communication between the nine ministers (nine planets) and in such a case the entire ministry would completely fail due to loss of coordination … Thus say the Vedas, that, unless an aspirant firstly remembers (and thus bows down) to Ganapati Bhagwan (Lord Ganesha) no auspiciousness can ever come by to such an aspirant …
CC-3 … Relationships of Tridevi and Trideva …
Tridevi … Tridevi means three pristine divinities or three pristine mothers or three primary self manifestations of pristine-divinity or Maa Adi Parashakti … These are as Maa Lakshmi, Maa Saraswati and Maa Parvati …
Trideva … Trideva means three primary deities or three primary self manifestations of the Absolute being (Parabrahman) … These are as Sri Vishnu, Pitamah Brahma Ji and Bhagwan Rudra (Shiva) …
Proceeding further …
In above shown flow chart, to understand these relationships and thus the placements of various divine and divinity aspects (i.e. Deva and Devi respectively) the Vedic Yagya (Yajna) has to be considered …
In a Vedic Yagya (Yajna), following is a fact …
- The daughter sits on the right hand side of the father …
- Wife sits on the left hand side of the husband …
- Sister is always to the right hand side of her brother …
- This is already depicted in placement of Gods and Goddesses in above flow chart …
Now if we see above flow chart, then following is a fact …
- Since these faces of Sadashiva are facing outwards, so the daughters are shown on the left hand side of these faces of Sadashiva and wives are depicted to be sitting on the right hand side of their respective husbands …
- When the daughter who is depicted to be sitting on the left hand side of her father gets married, then she can only get her husband from the divine being who is on the right hand side of her (so she sits on the left hand side of her husband) …
Thus basis above discussions following is a fact of the above shown flow chart when we consider the four cardinal faces of Sadashiva …
- When Sri Lakshmi who is a self manifested form of Ichha Shakti of Sadyojata face of Shiva and thus she became the daughter of Sadyojata face of Shiva, which makes her to sit on the left hand side of her father (Sadyojata face), would eventually get married, then she can only marry Sri Vishnu who is the self manifestation of Vamadeva and is stationed on the right hand side of Sri Lakshmi (and thus Sri Lakshmi would sit in the place of a wife, i.e. left side of Sri Vishnu) … Thus Vedas say, Sri Lakshmi married Sri Vishnu and became his wedded wife, but only after she was re-manifested as daughter of Maharishi Bhrigu …
- When Maa Saraswati who is a self manifested form of Gyan Shakti of Aghora face of Shiva and thus she became the daughter of Aghora face of Sadashiva, which in turn makes her sit on the left hand side of her father (Aghora), would eventually get married, then she can only marry Pitamah Brahma Ji who is the self manifestation of Sadyojata and is stationed on the right hand side of Maa Saraswati (and thus Maa Saraswati would sit in the place of a wife, i.e. left side of Pitamah Brahma Ji) … Thus Vedas say, Maa Saraswati married Pitamah Brahma Ji and became his wedded wife, but this was only after the Gyan Shakti of Aghora face of Sadashiva has self manifested as his daughter Saraswati who entered into the mouth of Brahma (as knowledge of the triple worlds) and re-manifested as Maa Saraswati, who became the wife of Brahma …
- When Maa Parvati who is a self manifested form of Parashakti of Vamadeva face of Shiva and thus she became the daughter of Vamadeva, which makes her sit on the left hand side of her father (Vamadeva), would eventually get married, then she can only marry Tatpurusha face of Shiva (or Maheshwara) who is the father of self manifested Indra Deva and thus Maheshwara is stationed on the right hand side of Maa Parvati (and thus Maa Parvati would sit in the place of a wife, i.e. left side of Bhagwan Maheshwara) … Thus Vedas say, Maa Parvati married Maheshwara and became his wedded wife but only after she was re-manifested as Sati, the daughter of Daksha daughter and later on she again took the form of Goddess Parvati who again married Maheshwara aspect of Shiva …
Thus basis above …
- Ichha Shakti of Sadyojata self manifested as Maa Lakshmi (Sri Lakshmi) who was the daughter of Maharishi Bhrigu and later on in this form of her, she married Sri Vishnu who is the self manifested form of Vamadeva …
- Gyan Shakti, which itself is of the southern face of Aghora self manifested in the form of Maa Saraswati, who later on entered into the mouth of Brahma (as absolute knowledge of allness) and in this form of her, she married Pitamah Brahma Ji who had self manifested as a form of Sadyojata …
- Parashakti of Vamadeva took self manifestation as Sati who was the daughter of Daksha and who later on immolated herself only to take the further form of Parvati, who later on married Maheshwara (Tatpurusha) …
Decoding above bullet point …
Daksha is derived from the word Dakshina, which means south, whose face is of Aghora, deity is Rudra (Mahadeva) and Mahabhoot (macro-element) is of Agni (Fire) …
Dakshina side (or southern side) is of Aghora, whose Mahabhoot is of Agni (fire) … Thus Sati who was the manifestation of Parashakti and whilst she was the daughter of Daksha was related to south facing Aghora face of Sadashiva, whose deity is Rudra form of Maheshwara and who represents Samhara (or dissolution) due to the macro-element of fire (Agni Mahabhoot) present in it …
Thus basis above, the Purana story of Sati immolating herself in fire, was the state within the Aghora face of Sadashiva whose deity is Rudra form of Maheshwara, the deity of destruction and rejuvenation …
And because Sati had married Rudra form of Maheshwara who is on the wrong side (i.e. left side of Daksha or lord of south who is a part of Aghora face of Sadashiva) so this marriage never complied to the requirements of a Vedic Yajna (as after marriage, the wife Sati never sat on the left side of Maheshwara and instead she only sat on his right side) … Thus this was the non compliance which led to self immolation of Sati at that time …
And after immolation, when Sati again took form as Parvati who at this time was the daughter of Himalaya (i.e. the daughter of mount, which subtly denotes the highest evolutionary standing, which again is the north facing Vamadeva face of Sadashiva) and then she married Bhagwan Maheshwara (Tatpurusha) who as such is the eastern face of Sadashiva and not the southern face (Aghora), her marriage had lasted as she ended up sitting on the correct side (left side) of her husband i.e. Maheshwara (or Tatpurusha) … In her such state, she came to be addressed as the wedded wife of Maheshwara, who being the first face of Sadashiva is also the Adi Deva and thus Maa Parvati also came to be addressed as “Maheshwari and Adi Shakti” but only after she married “Maheshwara (Tatpurusha or Adi Deva or Adi Nath)” …
Thus basis above two paragraphs … If even the divine aspects (i.e. Gods and Goddesses) don’t comply to the sitting arrangements as are detailed in a Vedic Yagya (Yajna), even their marriages and lives cannot last and this non compliance by Sati (who at that time as the daughter of Daksha or lord of south) in marrying Maheshwara (or east looking face of Tatpurusha) only led to her incorrect seating position as a wife and this is what led to conditions for her own self immolation …
The very fact that Daksha was against this marriage of his daughter Sati was because he being a deity of south face (Dakshina Mukha) of Sadashiva, knew this marriage would not last …
And so there are statements in Purana’s about Daksha telling bad things about the wandering, homeless and ill dressed Yogi (sage) who is told as Shiva and which means Maheshwara (i.e. the Lord of Yoga and Yogi’s and thus, true Yogi’s are like Shiva only) because Daksha knew this marriage would be a disaster due to incorrect sitting position of his daughter in relation to her would be husband, i.e. Maheshwara …
And after her earlier immolation, when the same Parashakti who earlier took form of Sati, had again taken form as Parvati from the north face of Vamadeva and then when she again married Maheshwara, she ended up coming on the correct side as per rules of Vedic Yajna … Thus when the same Parashakti as Maa Parvati who at that time was the daughter of Vamadeva, again got married to Maheshwara (Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva), she could sit on the correct side as should be of a wife (i.e. on the left side of Maheshwara) which made both of them to live happily …
Thus is the importance of sitting positions and relationships, all of which are derived from Vedic Yajna … Those who don’t comply to the Vedic sitting arrangements, always end up in problems during marriage or end up in problems of marriage itself … If humans would just comply to this simple change of sitting positions of daughter, wife, father and husband in their daily lives, their family lives would be much-much better than what they now are …
And if there is a complete compliance to just this aspect, then even the breaking of families which as of today is a regular affair in all societies, would be “substantially reduced” in this world … Here I only said substantially reduced (I did not stay “completely stopped”) as to stop it completely, there also are other rules that need to be complied … But this is not a topic for such human things and their relationships, even when this paragraph is unnecessarily added here …
Thus Rudra who self manifests out of the south facing, Aghora face of Sadashiva where Maa Sati has self immolated herself, continues as the eternal loner, even now … And so are his adherents i.e. Aghori’s, Naga’s, some Siddha systems and Yogi’s of many other paths, as loners only …
And on the contrary, adherents of eastern face of Maheshwara (Tatpurusha) who ultimately married Maa Parvati, are Raja Yogi’s (and also Kaul Siddha’s) who are free to get married and yet some of them also end up becoming the Yogi’s of higher orders …
CC-4 … Origination of Yoga Marga (path of Yoga) from Sadashiva …
Among each of the four faces of Sadashiva, one face was the reason for origination of one path of Yoga … And this was as follows …
As was discussed earlier, the four cardinal faces of Sadashiva were originated in the following sequences and so was the origination of paths of Yoga (Yoga Marga) from these faces …
CC-4-A … Tatpurusha Sadyojata as originator of Kriya (Raja) Yoga … This was the 1st face to be manifested … It stayed a Yogi who originated all Yoga Tantras but yet due to his Tirodhan Krityam (divinity of veiling), all Yoga Tantras and their paths were hidden from all those aspirants who were not evolutionary ready to get into these esoteric paths (or know them) … But since it primarily held Kriya Shakti, Trikaali Shakti and Tirodhan Krityam, so it was from this face of Sadashiva which is addressed as Maheshwara, Kriya Yoga (i.e. Raja Yoga) had originated … This is the Kings path or the path of self realization which also includes getting those subtle answers for correctness of ways of life for the benefit of all those who could benefit from it during any future …
CC-4-B … Vamadeva as originator of Bhakti Yoga … This was the 2nd face to be manifested … It took the job of preservation of all paths of Yoga … And since it primarily held the Parashakti and Stithi Krityam (preservation of allness), so it was the originator of Bhakti Yoga (the path of devotion which itself is the path of faith and the then a surrender), which itself is the path of preservation of Yoga (because unless there is Bhakti (or devotion towards a deity or path), there can never be preservation of knowledge (of that deity or path) …
CC-4-C … Sadyojata as originator of Karma Yoga … This was the 3rd face to be manifested … It took over the job of creation of all paths of Yoga (which were eventually hidden due to the Tirodhan Krityam or divinity of veiling of Tatpurusha whilst they were also preserved by the Stithi Krityam of Vamadeva) … And since it primarily is holding Ichha Shakti and Srishti or Utpatti Krityam (creation aspect), so it was the originator of all paths of Yoga through the path of Karma Yoga (path of better deeds or path of activity that leads to a Joyful state for all adherents of all paths) …
Continuing with Sadyojata … But since Sadyojata also has a relation to Shukra Deva (Shukra is the grandchild of Sadyojata as is discussed at other places of this topic) and since Shukra Deva is the Guru of Daitya’s (i.e. Guru of degenerate forces) also, so Karma Yoga which is originated by Sadyojata, is also a dual edged path if it gets inappropriately mixed up with Bhakti Yoga (of Vamadeva face of Sadashiva) …
Continuing with Sadyojata … Thus if Karma (or deeds) are used in any individualistic way (monotheistic ways or ways based upon one-up-man-ship, which as such are ways which relate to Shukra Deva only) and whilst it is mixed up (or jumbled up) with Bhakti Yoga (of Vamadeva), then Karma would never relates to that which is based upon Brahmand Dharana (i.e. oneness towards allness and her each part) and thus is also fails to be based upon the path which leads to Joyful state of all …
Continuing with Sadyojata … In such a state Karma (or deeds) only becomes as a reason for future chaos between believers of various sects (or paths of individualism’s) … Thus is the reason for unioned state of Karma Yoga (i.e. path of union through joyful activity towards allness) and Bhakti Yoga (path of union to a deity through supreme devotion) to be none other than a dual edged sword and this is even when the unioned condition of Karma and Bhakti (better deeds and supreme devotion) have always been and would ever be are the better of all ways of Yoga …
Continuing with Sadyojata … The unioned condition of Karma and Bhakti can only lead to goodness if the deity who is chosen for Bhakti Yoga (i.e. path of devotion) is not based upon individualism i.e. Karma that is done under Bhakti Yoga would only lead to an inner calm and outer peace, if this path is related to a deity of allness and which as such can only be a deity who is ego-less (Anabhimani Devata) … Thus if the path of Karma (Karma Yoga) which is undergone within the path of Bhakti Yoga is utilized for egoistic Gods (i.e. Abhimani Devata) or individualistic Gods (monotheistic Gods) then this path (of Karma within Bhakti Yoga) would only become a reason for a future chaos in the world … Non compliance to this fact has been the major reason for many of the stages of chaos that were faced by all societies during recent history (of the last few millenniums) …
Continuing with Sadyojata … Karma and Bhakti must never be mixed up and especially not when this unioned state becomes related to any of the individualistic or egoistic Gods (i.e. Abhimani Devata) and this is due to the fact that Karma Yoga also has the effects of Shukra Deva (Shukracharya or the Guru of degenerate forces) who is also a part of the of Sadyojata face of Sadashiva (as Shukracharya is the grandchild of Brahma and the great grandchild of Sadyojata face of Shiva) …
Continuing with Sadyojata … As also Unless Bhakti Yoga is based upon a complete faith which leads to a complete surrender (including of one’s Karma) to the deity of worship, Bhakti Yoga would never be free of the law of Karma (i.e. Law of cause and effect) … And unless Bhakti Yoga remains free of the law of Karma, it would invariably be leading to chaos of one of another type between adherents of various paths … During the last few millenniums, a severe non compliance to this fact has also been one of the primary reasons of a repetitive chaos between adherents of various knowledge systems as this non compliance only leads to a state where adherents are only interested in proving one-up-man-ship of their worshiped deities (and which could be said as “My Papa strongest”) which itself is a path of future chaos …
CC-4-D … Aghora as originator of Gyan Yoga …… This was the 4th and last face to be manifested … It took over the job of destruction and rejuvenation of Yoga Tantra as and when these paths and Yoga Tantras (systems of Yoga) were already corrupted … And since it primarily was holding Gyan Shakti and Samhara Krityam, so it was the originator of Gyan Yoga (or path of self realization, which itself is the path of destruction of ignorance and the simultaneous rejuvenation of supreme knowledge) …
CC-4-E … Ishana face of Sadashiva … Ishana Face of Shiva … The final accomplishment of all Yoga Tantra …
If an aspirant of any of these paths of Yoga (Yoga Marga) keeps the path pristine, then all these Yoga Marga (Paths of Yoga) are ultimately leading to the same final end i.e. Atma Gyan (Atma Jnana or self realization) which itself is of the central, upward facing (Skyward looking) colorless (Nirgun) all pervading and all enveloping (i.e. infinite or Anant) and supremely conscious (Param Chetan) Ishana face of Shiva and who itself is the one to whom what the word Sadashiva actually relates …
Thus all above Yoga Marga (Paths of Yoga) are eventually leading to the supreme consciousness of Ishana face of Sadashiva, but provided these paths are not corrupted by imaginary and thus ultimately chaotic aspects …
CC-5 … Relationships of Devi and Deva in Vedas …
From above it following can be seen …
CC-5-A … Maa Lakshmi … Sri Lakshmi …
- Sri Lakshmi (or Maa Lakshmi or Goddess Lakshmi) self manifests out of the “Ichha Shakti” of Sadyojata face of Sadashiva … Thus Sri Lakshmi is the daughter of Sadyojata face due to which she is shown to be sitting on the right hand side of Sadyojata …
- And so does Pitamah Brahma Ji also self manifest out of the entire corpus of aspects of the same Sadyojata face of Sadashiva …
- And from the mind of Sadyojata, is originated Chandra Deva (Lunar deity or Moon God) …
- And from the mind born son of Brahma (i.e. Rishi Bhrigu) was self originated Shukra Deva (i.e. divinity of Planet Venus) … Thus Shukra is the grandchild of the creator (or Brahma) …
Expanding above bullet point … As was discussed earlier, within degenerate age cycles, Shukra Deva is acting as a Guru of degenerate forces, due to which Hindus usually don’t relate to him … But since Shukra is also the minister of love and finance, both of which are deviated in a degenerate age cycle, so in non relation to Shukra Deva and his systems (ways of life) even though Hindu society has the benefit of still having pure love in relationships (lesser divorce rates and arguments in families per unit population) but yet it has the absence of material progress (as Shukra is the finance minister also) … And on the contrary, western society which primarily relates to systems of Shukracharya is reverse of Hindus as they have higher absence of pure love and thus greater divorce rates and breakages of families (per unit population) and yet have a higher material progress (per unit population) as compared to Hindus …
- Maa Lakshmi as Sri Lakshmi ultimately marries Sri Vishnu who is self originated out of the entire corpus of Vamadeva face of Shiva and this is as Sri Vishnu is on her Dakshina Disha (i.e. right hand side or clockwise direction) … Thus this positioning is what makes Sri Lakshmi his wife and thus she sits on his left hand side …
And basis all above, following are the facts about relationships of the Devi’s and Deva’s …
- Maa Lakshmi is the daughter of Sadyojata …
- Maa Lakshmi is the younger sister of Pitamah Brahma Ji (as both are self manifested out of the same Sadyojata face of Sadashiva) … But at the same time, Maa Lakshmi is the younger sibling of Brahma as Pitamah Brahma Ji is self originated out of the entire corpus of Sadyojata whereas Maa Lakshmi is self originated out of “only” the Ichha Shakti of Sadyojata … This is why Sri Lakshmi is also addressed as “Brahmanuja i.e. younger sister of Brahma” in some texts …
- Maa Lakshmi is the elder sister of Chandra Deva (as Chandra is self manifested out of the mind of Sadyojata, but only after the self origination of Maa Lakshmi from the pristine divinities of the same Sadyojata face of Sadashiva) …
- Mind son of Brahma i.e. Rishi Bhrigu is the father of Planet Venus (Shukra Deva) as Venus is originated out of the mind of Rishi Bhrigu only … And due to this reason, Maa Lakshmi is Maternal Aunt of Planet Venus (Shukra Deva) and Chandra the Maternal Uncle of Shukra Deva … And with this relationship of Shukra to Maa Lakshmi, her husband Sri Vishnu is also none other than a maternal uncle of Shukra Deva … In the Vedic historical and Purana lore’s, problems of maternal uncles and nephews have been many (so is the problem of Shukra with his maternal uncles also …. One of such problems is discussed in the decoding of next bullet point) …
- And Brahma is the grandfather of Shukra Deva and Sadyojata the great-grandfather of Shukra …
Decoding above bullet point … Thus, there are many instances in Purana’s where Planet Venus (Shukra) whose deity is Shukracharya (i.e. Guru of Daitya’s), went to Brahma to complain about the issues he was facing at that time (as a grandchild always looks up to grandfather for relief from problems and the grandfather always loves his grandchild more than his own children and thus the grandfather mostly grants the requested aspect to his grandchild) … One of the most recent instance is of worship of Kalki Bhagwan (i.e. the 10th Avatar of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) by the humans, where Shukracharya had gone to Brahma and asked for a blessing “That those who worship Kalki Bhagwan should have all their past lives Karma, manifested upon them spontaneously and thus the worshipers of Kalki Bhagwan should get into all sorts of problems due to a sudden flood of all their earlier Karma on them” …
- At a later stage, Maa Lakshmi as Sri Lakshmi marries Sri Vishnu who is self originated out of the Vamadeva face of Shiva … This makes Sri Lakshmi a daughter-in-law of Vamadeva and Sri Vishnu a son-in-law of Sadyojata … This also makes Chandra as the younger brother in law of Sri Vishnu and Surya as the younger brother-in-law Sri Lakshmi … Thus in Vedic lore there are many instances of Chandra with Sri Vishnu and Surya with Sri Lakshmi as this relationship is what brother-in-laws are for …
- And since in the Vedic ways of life, the father of a son holds a higher position that the father of a daughter, so Vamadeva face is told to be Jyeshtha (i.e. elder one) …
- And on similar lines, the Sri Vishnu is also told to be originator of Brahma … Due to this sequence of manifestation of these faces of Sadashiva, Sri Vishnu (who self manifests out of 2nd face or Vamadeva face of Sadashiva) is told to be the originator of Brahma (who self manifests out of 3rd face or Sadyojata face of Sadashiva) … Thus basis this specific relationship, Sri Vishnu is also the father of Brahma, just as it is told in some of the Vaishnava Purana lore’s (who have utilized this fact to say so) … And it is also due to this reason, when Brahma is addressed as Pitamah which means Grandfather (because Brahma being the creator, cannot be any other than the grandfather of allness), then Sri Vishnu can only be addressed as Parpitamah (i.e. great grandfather of allness) …
- Since this discussion would only become endless due to the immeasurable vastness of lore’s of Sanatan Dharma, so I stop it here … And now I move unto the next one …
CC-5-B … Maa Parvati … Maa Adi Shakti … Maa Maheshwari …
- Maa Parvati self manifests out of the “Parashakti” of Vamadeva face of Sadashiva … Thus Maa Parvati is the daughter of Vamadeva due to which in above flow chart she is shown to be sitting on the right hand side of Vamadeva …
- And so does Sri Vishnu also self manifest out of the entire corpus of aspects of the same Vamadeva face of Sadashiva …
- And from of Vamadeva, is originated Surya Deva (Solar deity or in simple words, Sun God) … So due to this reason, Surya is also told as a manifestation of Brahman in some texts …
- And from the energy of Vamadeva is originated Ketu (i.e. divinity of shadow planet Ketu) …
- And from the energy of the same Vamadeva which unites to the energy of Maa Mahakaali, is originated Shamshan Kaali (i.e. the divinity of cremation grounds, who ultimately liberates the deserving) …
- Maa Parvati ultimately marries Maheshwara who is also addressed as the east facing Tatpurusha face of Shiva and this is as Maheshwara is on her Dakshina Disha (i.e. right hand side or clockwise direction) … Thus this positioning is what makes Maa Parvati as his wife and thus she sits on his left hand side …
And basis all above, following are the facts about relationships of the Devi’s and Deva’s …
- Maa Parvati is the daughter of Vamadeva …
- Maa Parvati is the younger sister of Sri Vishnu (as both are self manifested out of the same Sadyojata face of Sadashiva) … But at the same time, Maa Parvati is the younger sibling of Sri Vishnu as Sri Vishnu is self originated out of the entire corpus of Vamadeva whereas Maa Parvati is self originated out of “only” the Parashakti of Vamadeva … This is why Maa Parvati is also addressed as sister of Sri Vishnu in some texts (Like in Devi Bhagwat) …
- Maa Parvati is the elder sister of Surya Deva (as Surya is self manifested out of Vamadeva, but only after the self origination of Sri Vishnu and Ma Parvati from the same Vamadeva face of Sadashiva) …
- Surya is the child of Vamadeva and brother of Sri Vishnu and Maa Parvati … This is also confirmed by some Vedic texts …
- At a later stage, Maa Parvati marries Maheshwara (i.e. another name of Tatpurusha) … This makes Maa Parvati the wife of Maheshwara … And since Maheshwara (Tatpurusha) is the 1st face of Sadashiva also is “Sagun Brahm (attributed aspect of the Absolute being or in other words, the Attributed state of Brahman or Parambrahma)” and is also the one who is Adi Nath (i.e. the Primordial lord), so this in turn is the reason for names of Maheshwari and Adi Shakti to be of Maa Parvati …
- Since this discussion would only become endless due to the immeasurable vastness of lore’s of Sanatan Dharma, so I stop it here … And now I move unto the next one …
CC-5-C … Maa Saraswati …
Maa Saraswati self manifests out of the “Samhara Shakti” of Aghora face of Shiva … Thus Maa Saraswati is daughter of Aghora (whose attributed form or Sagun Sakaar Awastha or human form is Mahadeva) due to which in above flow chart she is shown to be sitting on the right hand side of Aghora face …
- And so does Rudra Deva also self manifest out of the entire corpus of aspects of the same Aghora face of Sadashiva …
- And from the energies of Aghora, are originated Shani Deva (Saturn) and the shadow planet of Rahu … So due to this reason, Shani is the Law minister and Judge and Rahu the assistant (and punisher) …
- And from energy (or divinity or Shakti) of Rudra was originated Mangal Deva (Mars) … And also, Buddha Deva (Mercury) ended up absorbing the divinities of Rudra Deva also (This was already discussed earlier on in this topic) … And since Rudra has the power of maintenance of righteousness through expansion of Samhara Krityam of Aghora (i.e. In Vedas Rudra is addressed as Swayambhu, which means as self originated because he self manifests from Aghora utilizes the divinities of Aghora and thus Rudra does the destruction of unrighteous and rejuvenation of righteousness) so due to this reason, Mangal (Mars) who also holds the divinities of Rudra became the Senapati (commander of righteous forces) … And Buddha is the Crown Prince and chief minister (as was discussed earlier on in this topic) …
- Maa Saraswati ultimately marries Pitamah Brahma Ji who is self originated out of the west facing Sadyojata face of Sadashiva and this is as Brahma is on her Dakshina Disha (i.e. right hand side or clockwise direction) … Thus this positioning is what makes Maa Saraswati as his wife and thus she sits on his left hand side …
And basis all above, following are the facts about relationships of the Devi’s and Deva’s …
- Maa Saraswati is the daughter of Aghora (Gyan Shakti) …
- Maa Saraswati is the younger sister of Rudra Deva (as both are self manifested out of the same Aghora face of Sadashiva) … But at the same time, Maa Saraswati is the younger sibling of Rudra as Rudra is self originated out of the entire corpus of Aghora whereas Maa Saraswati is self originated out of “only” the Gyan Shakti of Aghora face … This is why in some texts, Maa Saraswati is addressed as Shivanuja (Sister of Rudra form of Shiva … 108 names of Saraswati) …
- And since the Shakti of Brahma (Ichha Shakti) is also addressed as Avyakta (non manifest and non present in the universe) and as Maya, so Maa Saraswati being the wife of Brahma is also the bearer of Maya Shakti … This is why she is also addressed as Mahamaya (108 Names of Saraswati) …
- And since she is the daughter of Aghora (see the earlier set of topics on Ahum Naad, which in turn means as the Sound of Ahum) who is also addressed as Bhadra (The word Bhadra means as the auspicious one and it also means as the pervader or permeator of all), so she is also addressed as Mahabhadrayai or Mahabhadri (108 names of Saraswati) …
- At a later stage, Maa Saraswati marries Brahma who is on her right hand side (and which makes Maa Saraswati to sit on his left hand side, i.e. side of a wife) …
- Maa Saraswati is told to have manifested in her form from mouth of Brahma, which subtly signifies the emanation of knowledge from Brahma during the stage when he was creating allness …
- Since this discussion would also become endless due to the immeasurable vastness of lore’s of Dharma (or in other words, Sanatan Dharma), so I stop it here …
End …