This topic shall discuss the process (or method) of Representation of human ages … Here we shall also discuss the aspects which relate to progress of ages, but with reference to the human ages …
This topic continues from earlier one of “End of nadir phase” …
This topic also relates to earlier topics “Shukla and Krishna Paksha” and also relates to another topic of “Uttarayan and Dakshinayan Marg” …
In this topic, we shall discuss the representation of human ages (which in Sanskrit can also be termed as a Manav Yuga) …
Moreover, since the human ages run within the cycle of “precession of equinoxes”, so it shall also have to be on the Precessional circle that we would need to represent these human ages and their cycles …
This figure is showing the condition for human ages with our earlier discussed of 9 degrees offset that was discussed in an earlier topic of “Offset of human ages” (Thus readers shall have to visualize this offset, as we proceed with these discussions) …
43-AA … Two states of representation of human ages …
Cycles of human ages (Manav Yuga Chakra) which are running within the Precessional circle, are also having their descending age cycles (Uttarayan Marg) and ascending age cycles (Dakshinayan Marg) … This is what is depicted in above figure …
Basis above figure is it also apparent that …
- During descending age cycle (Uttarayan Marg) of precession … During the descending ages (Uttarayan Marg of precession cycles or Agragaman of the Uttarayan Marg or in other words, Ahaata of the Uttarayan Marg) path of progress of ages are as follows …
Golden age (Satyuga) or age of truth (Kritayuga) –> Trinity age (Tretayuga) –> Duality age (Dwaparyuga) age –> Degenerate age or Age of chaos (Kaliyuga) –>
- During ascending age cycle (Dakshinayan Marg) of precession … Once above discussed descending human age cycles complete, then the ascending human age cycle (Dakshinayan Marg) begins from the “human degenerate age (Manav Kaliyuga)” and the sequences of manifestation of ages of this ascending cycle are as stated below …
Degenerate age or Age of chaos (Kaliyuga) –> Duality age (Dwaparyuga) age –> Trinity age (Tretayuga) –> Golden age (Satyuga) or age of truth (Kritayuga) –>
Moreover, once this also completes, then the ascending cycle as was discussed above, again starts … This cyclic nature of ascending and descending cycles of human ages is also beginningless and endless when we consider the totality of their existence from within the purviews of the science of Kaalchakra …
43-BB … Differences in start and end point of various systems …
Depending upon the relationship of the knowledge system to a part of allness of Maker’s Makings and its knowledge, is the start point of the human ages within that knowledge system …
So basis above differences of approach of various systems of knowledge, are the following facts about representations of these human age cycles …
43-BB-1 … If the knowledge system rests within individuality of sorts …
if ways of life of a knowledge system are based upon individualism (or monotheism), then the representation of start point of that human age cycle (i.e. Manav Yuga Chakra) shall be from the right hand side of above shown precession circle …
Thus in such a state, the start point shall be from the middle of two human degenerate age cycle (Manav Kaliyuga) as it has been shown on the right hand side of above figure …
Due to starting from human degenerate age (Manav Kaliyuga) which itself is the start point of spread of individualism, such a knowledge system shall never be able to maintain itself after the planet moves “9 degrees precession arc” beyond the Nadir point of precession (which itself is the same as 18 degrees precession arc beyond the Offset-Nadir point of Earth’s axial precession) …
Above is because of the fact that after the stage of above paragraph arrives, then the ways of life shall have to turn back to pluralistic monism …
By above paragraph, I mean that after the planet moves “9 degrees precession arc” beyond the Nadir point of precession of equinoxes (which itself is the same as “18 degrees precession arc” beyond the Offset-Nadir point of precession), then pluralistic monist ways of life come to fore, instead of the earlier stage which was of individualistic ways of life …
At above stage when the planet is just about to move beyond the Nadir phase of precession (i.e. move beyond 9 degrees precession arc from the Nadir point) if the existing individualistic knowledge systems amend their ways to pluralistic monism, then these knowledge systems continue to stay in the world but within their pluralistic yet monist ways of life …
Thus in such a case, their earlier individualistic ways are end …
And if the existing knowledge systems and their ways of life do not amend their ways as discussed in above paragraph, then they also enter the path of their final-exit from the world … Thus in such a case, that individualistic system only ends its existence in the world …
The stage of having the two above discussed choices always arrives whenever a Guru Yuga is setting in a world i.e. when the world is standing at the cusp of an ending Nadir phase of precession and the incoming Age of Sages …
And if we see above discussed situation within the precession cycles, then it is also found that the period of rest of individualistic systems after Nadir phase is crossed over, is of about 252 degrees precession arc …
Above means that the time span of existence of such individualistic systems within any Precessional cycle is of 108 degrees precession arc as is calculated below …
Proceeding further …
360 degrees arc (of precession circle) – 252 degrees arc (of rest of any individualistic system within each precession circle of 360 degrees arc) = 108 degrees precession arc …
If above period of activity of any individualistic system (i.e. arc of 108 degrees precession) is calculated, then this period would be found to be as follows …
- As per Nadir time units of precession this time span is of 7,776 years … i.e. 108 x 72 = 7,776 human solar years …
- As per Middle time units of precession this time span is of 7,200human solar years … i.e. 108 x 66.6666667 = 7,200 human solar years …
- As per Zenith time units of precession this time span is of 6,624 human solar years … i.e. 108 x 61.3333333 = About 6,624 human solar years …
- As per Current time units of precession this time span is of 7,732.8 human solar years … i.e. 108 x 71.6 = 7,732.8 human solar years …
Note: Values of 72, 66.6666667, 61.3333333 and 71.6 are directly taken from earlier topic of “Unitary value of time” …
As shown in above figure, if above arc of 108 degrees precession is seen within the Precessional circle, then it is also found to be starting in-between the middle point of two human degenerate age cycles (on the right hand side of above figure) this continues until 18 degrees precession arc is crossed over beyond the Nadir point of precession …
And thus, further to this point (or 18 degrees precession arc beyond the Nadir point of precession), individualism either changes to pluralistic monism or it exits out of the world because there remains no other choice for it after 108 years prior to advent of Guru Yuga (Age of Sages) have been arrived at …
The stage when there remained no third choice was crossed by this world system as follows …
2082 AD – 108 years = 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years)
Proceeding further …
If a knowledge system relates to individualism, then its start point can only be at that point on the precession circle where the “unitary value of time” begins supporting that individualistic system …
Moreover, the existence of that individualistic system also is only until the “unitary value of time”, supports it …
Thus, individualistic systems always have a limited lifetime because they can never relate to the fullness of all “unitary values of time (or in other words, the celestial time)” of the entire precession circle …
This limitation is the reason for individualistic systems to only relate to specific human age cycles (Manav Yuga Chakra) … Thus neither do the individualistic systems relate to the entirety of human age cycles (i.e. entire precession circle) nor do these individualistic systems relate to any of the divine age cycles (which in Sanskrit can also be termed as a Deva Yuga Chakra and the same cycle of time is also termed as a Mahayuga Chakra) …
Only a pluralistic monist system (like Sanatan Dharma) can ever relate to the entirety of human age cycle (i.e. entire precession circle) and also relate to all of the divine ages (which in Sanskrit can also be termed as a Mahayuga) …
This limitation of individualism is what makes it enter into a state where end time prophecies are intrinsic to all individualistic systems and where these prophecies are told right from the time or stages of start of that individualistic system … Thus en time prophecies are intrinsic to all individualistic systems …
And on the contrary, because pluralistic monism has no such limitations of time span of existence, so such systems always relate to the entirety of Kaalchakra (i.e. beginningless and endless cyclic nature of time) and thus they relate to all the cycles of time, as have been discussed in this text …
Proceeding further …
Thus basis above, all such individualistic systems have different start points of their age cycles … But at the same time, all of them either change their ways of life to pluralistic monism or end their cycle of existence when 18 degrees precession arc beyond the Nadir point is crossed over by the world system …
43-BB-2 … Macro-equanimity and relation to start point of a system …
Since macro-equanimity (equanimity of all parts of allness or in other words, the condition of Sarva Samta) is naturally present at the midpoint of the two Guru Yuga’s (i.e. two Manav Satyuga as shown in above figure) and since pluralistic monism primarily relates to this point macro-equanimous point only, so macro-equanimity naturally present with pluralistic monism …
Thus, pluralistic monism always restores itself whenever a Guru Yuga, which also relates to the same midpoint, is arrived …
But on the contrary, since individualistic systems never relate to this midpoint of the two Guru Yugas (as shown in above figure) so individualistic systems do not naturally hold a macro-equanimity within them …
And since individualistic systems only relate to specific ranges of “unitary value of time” so they begin when the unitary value of time is favorable and then when the later stage of unfavorable time units arrives, then these individualistic systems always end their existence … This is what leads to a very limited time span of existence of individualism …
Proceeding further …
And since individualistic systems do not have a naturally present macro-equanimity within them, so they also need to generate the macro-equanimity through their specific ways of life, which also are by interaction with other systems … This itself is in lieu of the naturally present macro-neutrality of pluralistic yet monist systems …
And during a certain longer run of time, due to the restricted (or constricted) nature of individualistic systems, some interactions of individualistic systems with other types of individualism also leads to differences (and also clashes) so this is what makes the times of predominance of individualistic systems to be of a cyclic state of chaos only …
Thus due to above limitation, individualism (i.e. monotheism of any sort) has never been and cannot ever be a reason for long lasting peace within a world …
Proceeding further …
Thus, during this limited run of 108 degrees precession arc of individualistic systems, the macro-neutrality needs to be manifested through ways of life and thus the paths of individualistic systems also need to be such that macro-equanimity can get manifested through some extra efforts of aspirants …
And since some of these interactions of individualistic systems to other systems, can also lead to clashes of sorts, so the time span of 108 degrees precession arc when there is a predominance of individualism, is also the stage of cyclic nature of peace and absence of peace in the world …
Proceeding further …
But within pluralistic monism, the macro-equanimity is naturally present and thus the aspirants do not need to make any difficult effort to manifest it … All that is needed is to rest in an inner state of pluralistic monism itself and macro-equanimity would just manifest within the aspirant …
As also is a fact that macro-equanimity of pluralistic monism is the final state that gets arrived after any aspirant graduates from individualism …
Thus as the adherents of such individualistic knowledge systems keep evolving and thus keep arriving closer to “macro-neutrality towards allness (Sarva Samta), then they also keep accepting the start point of macro-neutral state of the precession circle which originally was utilized by the Vedic sages …
This is discussed in the below sub-part of this topic …
43-BB-3 … If the knowledge system rests within allness of pluralistic monism …
But if a knowledge relates to allness, then the start point is always from the point where macro-neutrality (or macro-equanimity) is naturally present … This point is in the middle of two human golden ages (Manav Satyuga) as is shown in above figure …
This point of a natural presence of macro-equanimity was the point, which has always been utilized in all Vedic calculations of time …
And this practice is going on ever since the Swayambhu Manvantar (about 1.97+ billion human solar years ago as per middle time units of precession) when the Vedic knowledge was originally re-implanted in this world during the current day time of Brahma (or in other words, the presently running Brahma Kalpa) …
As the divine age cycles commence in the 1st Mahayuga (4 divine age cycles or Chatur Yuga Chakra) which itself was of the 1st Manvantara (which means as one age of Manu or Age of Father of mankind) of the Brahma Kalpa (i.e. one single day time of Brahma) then these divine age cycles always commence from the zero line of the path …
This zero line itself is the point where macro-neutrality is naturally manifested in the divine age cycles (Mahayuga) …
And if this point of macro-equanimity of divine ages is projected (or mathematically reflected) unto the precession cycle, then it is the same point, which is in between the two human age of truth (or Manav Satyuga) as shown in above figure …
Proceeding further …
But because the two divine ages are separated by an intermediary time, which is known as their Sandhikaal, so the shift from the zero point (or start-end point) of each of the “individual divine ages (Deva Yuga)” which run within the precession circle, also keeps happening …
This shift of “individual divine ages (Chatur Yuga)” is running within the human age cycles itself (i.e. this shift is running within precession circle itself) and it would be discussed in a later topic of header of “Applicability of offsets” …
43-CC … Relation of 1974 AD to macro-equanimity … And beyond …………
Above derived time of 1974 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) was also the stage when the great grandmother of all philosophies (which means as the age of pluralistic monist or the age of Sanatan Dharma) started her process of waking up, which also takes 108 years (as per Nadir time units) and thus she would only be fully woken up around 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) when the Age of sages gets inaugurated in this world …
As per science of Kaalchakra, above time was also the stage when a person was chosen by macrocosmic divinities so as to be born in this world and where his job was only to prepare an appropriate physical vehicle for a later entry of a highly evolved sage who has to enter this world (or descend into this world) from his original location within the Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva …
This sage is discussed in a later topic “Sage from Maheshwara (who in this text has also been addressed as the Sage from Tatpurusha)” … He is also the same sage who in another later topic has been addressed as Yuga Sthapak (which in other words, also means as the Sthapak of Guru Yuga) …
This initial entry of a person who is to prepare a physical vehicle was because the later entry of Sage of Tatpurusha needed a readymade physical vehicle …
The need of a readymade physical vehicle was because the sages who are of Tatpurusha have already lost their right to take a regular birth from the womb of a physically present mother on such lower or even higher worlds …
Thus, such sages can only enter a lower world (like this one) by adopting the path of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit Language was told as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also termed as Virgin Birth) for which a readymade physical vehicle is required …
Tatpurusha face is also addressed as Maheshwara (The word Maheshwara means as the supreme lord or the Great Lord) and is also addressed as Ukar, which means as upward moving (or that which leads to a upwardly evolution of an aspirant) … Ukar of Yoga and Vedas is also termed as Okar (this mane is due to its sound characteristic, which as such is the Sound of O) in Vedas of Sanatan Dharma and also within the Yoga Tantra of the same Dharma (or Sanatan Dharma) …
Transmigration was discussed in earlier set of topics, which are listed here for easy reference …
- A Short note … And the discussions of another topic of …
- What is transmigration … Then were the discussions of another topic of …
- As it Happened … And the discussions of another topic of …
- Change of entities … Then were the discussions of another topic of …
- Process of transmigration … And the discussions of another topic of …
- What, how, when, where… Then were the discussions of another topic of …
- Some other aspects” … And the discussions of another topic of …
- Helpers and other specifics … Then were the discussions of another topic of …
- Deferred discussions …
As of now, the stage of human ages is of this sage from the golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva …
As also, since he has come from Tatpurusha face only, so he would also be the bearer of the golden body (which in Buddhist lore’s is also termed as the Buddha body of reality) even prior to the stage when he would be entering into this world through the path of Parkaya Pravesh …
Such sages never relate to individualism as they are firmly rooted in the intrinsically pluralistic yet essentially monist ways of life of Maker’s Makings (which in other words can also be termed as macrocosmic creation) … Thus they only relate to the macro-equanimous point of all age cycles, including the precession cycle as is shown in above figure …
And due to this reason, they can never be born in individualistic systems (i.e. monotheistic systems) because they only relate to that “unitary value of time” which is directly related to the condition of macro-equanimity …
And due to this reason, irrespective of the stage of cycles of time of their advent, they only relate to the midpoint of the two human golden ages (Manav Satyuga) as is shown in above figure …
And this in turn leads to a state, where they never render a knowledge which is any other than being of Pluralistic Monism (or Sanatan Dharma) …
And since pluralistic monism is the pervader and enveloper of individualism, so their knowledge also accounts for individualistic systems (monotheistic systems) due to which some reference shall definitely be there to monotheistic texts of their times of advent and stay upon that lower world …
A Sage of Tatpurusha only descends to a lower world for subtly inaugurating a Guru Yuga … And this return back is also his last and final return back to any of the triple worlds (i.e. underworlds, earthly worlds like this one and divine worlds) of the entirety of Maker’s Makings … And beyond …
Thus after he completes the destined time span of his transmigrated incarnation, he shall neither be visible in any of the underworlds nor within any of the earthly worlds (like this one) nor even within any of the divine worlds …
This is because, after such a return back, he goes beyond all such nonsense of bondage and liberation, existence and non-existence and all other dualities of macrocosmic hierarchies …
After such any sage from Maheshwara finally ends up leaving his earthly mattered transmigrated body, then he enters into union to the Ishana face of Sadashiva, who itself is the one that is reverently addressed as Brahm and is also addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm … In some knowledge systems, the same Ishana face is also called as Nirgun Nirakaar in addition to being named as Brahman …
Such a one is thus …
- Neither existent nor non-existent nor even intermediary of these two …
- Neither present nor non-present nor even intermediary of these two …
- Neither liberated nor in bondage nor even intermediary of these two …
- Neither an aspirant nor a Guru nor a God not even the Satan … Not even anything or anybody else …
- Neither gone nor not-gone nor even intermediary of these two …
- He stays free of all such dualities …
- So he is also free of all nonsense of dual natures, including of the concept of primordial duality as is of bondage and liberation (i.e. Moksha) …
- He becomes the Brahmavdhoot … The word Brahmavdhoot means as that category of Avadhoot who itself is of the Avadhoot of the entire macrocosmic creation …
- But this stature of Brahmavadhoot is only until “he returns back (i.e. if he returns back)” which itself is in a very-subtle formless-form (i.e. he does not return back in a gross or subtle, human or divine bodied form) so as to very-very-subtly close the same “Age of sages (Guru Yuga)” which he had only subtly-inaugurated, about 10 millenniums ago …
- After this stage, he also moves beyond all aspects (discussed and un-discussed) …
- Thence he permanently-rests as the eternally-detached-witness of allness, because “only his Atman remains and exists … As Brahman” …
Continues …