Here we shall discuss the presence of Rudra across lore’s … Rudra or Shambhu (or Swayambhu) of Vedas is none other than Buddha ALA of Buddhist lore’s and in Islamic lore, the same Rudra is also addressed as Allah Tala (or Allah) … Sagun Sakaar Awastha (Attributed form condition or human form) of Rudra is Red Kachina is Native American lore’s … Asmita Samadhi of Yoga is also attained within the purviews of vast envelopes of Rudra … And Red shift of modern astronomy is also due to expansive divinities (ever expanding energy fields) of Rudra Deva …
Rudra is Shambhu, Allah Tala (Allah), Buddha ALA and Asmita Samadhi …
KK) … We have already discussed and told the following about Rudra Deva of Vedas (who is the same as earlier discussed sound of ALA or ALA Naad) …
- Rudra Deva itself is Buddha ALA of Buddhism …
- Rudra Deva also is addressed as Allah Tala in Islam …
- Rudra is the self-born one and thus is also told as Swayambhu Deva or Shambhu …
- Rudra is the rejuvenating principle itself … And thus he is also told as wrathful in some knowledge systems …
- Macrocosmic attribute of action (i.e. Rajoguna) is of Rudra Deva itself … Thus Rudra also denotes the expansive force of the Maker’s Makings … And thus the absorption within macrocosmic attribute of action (or Rajo Guna) and thus, this absorption is termed as the state of Rajoguna Samadhi, is also within Rudra Deva itself …
- Asmita of Yoga is also related to Rudra Deva itself … Thus Asmita Samadhi is within Rudra Deva itself …
- Within the aspirant’s subtle vehicle, Rudra is the “Deva (i.e. divine being)” of the solar channel (i.e. Surya Naadi) … This solar channel is also termed as the sun channel which is located on the right hand side of the spinal column and or right-hand side channel and is also termed as the Pingala Naadi or Yamuna river which is present inside each aspirant … This is also termed as the Tejas Naadi (channel of heat-luminosity) in Yoga and Vedic texts …
- The channel of Rudra (within each aspirant) is also the 99th sub-channel amongst the 100 sub-channels that rise from the base of spine to the heart … This channel is the 99th sub-channel amongst the 100 sub-channels which terminate in the heart region of the aspirant and where all these 100 sub-channels are intrinsic parts of the central channel (Sushmuna Naadi) itself … And it is due to this reason there are 99 names listed for Allah Tala …
Now we shall proceed further …
KK-1 … Once I was at a monastery and the head of that monastery told after looking at the paintings of Rudra Deva (of earlier topics) that in their knowledge system the state of our discussion is the final state …
KK-2 … The state of our discussion is also the Rajoguna (attribute of action or quality of activity) of macrocosmic creation … In the earlier topic of “Aghora face of Sadashiva” the red colored light which is shown to be emanating out of Ahum Naad (Aghora face of Shiva), was of this state only …
KK-3 … Because this state is primarily based upon macrocosmic attribute of action (activity) and simultaneously within this state there is an utter absence of macrocosmic attribute of inertia (i.e. Tamoguna), so this state is full of subtle-actional aspects …
Thus, when the subtler vehicle of an aspirant reaches this state (i.e. the aspirant self-realizes this state through Rajoguna Samadhi) and then after that aspirant comes out of Rajoguna Samadhi, which as such is of Rudra Deva only, then that aspirant also becomes hyperactive for a while and this hyperactivity continues until the remnants of the absorbed characteristics of this state are present within the aspirants astral body …
Continuing with above paragraph to explain the reason for hyperactivity … When you self-realize anything, then your subtle vehicle absorbs the subtle energies and characteristics of that self-realized state and due to this reason, after the self-realization of Rudra Deva who itself denotes the macrocosmic attribute of action (i.e. Rudra denotes Rajoguna) one always becomes hyperactive for a while … This hyperactivity continues until the energies of Rudra Deva are either assimilated within the aspirants physical and subtler vehicles or are let go of by that aspirant or are used up and thus consumed by that aspirant (the latter two are pretty difficult to do and the first one is even more difficult) …
And since amongst the 11 Rudra’s mentioned in Vedas, 10 are of Prana Shakti i.e. divinity of 10 inner-vitalities or 5 vital airs (5 Prana or Prana-Panchak) and 5 sub-vital airs (or five Upa Prana or Up-Prana Panchak) and since these 10 Prana’s itself are the base reason for all the activity that you have ever done, so after these 10 Prana’s get hyper-charged during the stage of self-realization of Rudra Deva, who itself is the primary macrocosmic state of these 10 Prana’s, the temporary state of hyperactivity of that aspirant shall always be there (I used to keep jumping nonstop for hours and that too whilst resting in an inner bliss which is also entered into after this realization) …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus unless one is based upon subtler paths (i.e. inward systems and paths which are related to Brahmand Dharana or oneness to allness and her each part), Rudra Deva can never be self-realized by that aspirant …
As also, if inward systems (or subtler systems which are based upon Brahmand Dharana) are not utilized by followers of Rudra Deva then due to the individualities and thus grossness that always is entered into whilst based upon outward systems, the actions of such followers would only become highly individualistic and thus such followers would only become instruments of chaos within the world … The same is also applicable to all the systems who believe in Rudra Deva and yet utilize different names to address him and/or walk to him through different paths …
Continuing with above paragraph … As such, unless inward subtler paths of self-realization or paths that are based upon Brahmand Dharana (i.e. oneness to allness) are utilized by aspirants who relate to Rudra Deva, these aspirants would never be able to maintain an inner subtlety … And in absence of inner subtlety, such aspirants who relate to Rudra Deva would never be able to ensure that their actions stay based upon the subtleties of “oneness to allness” and in absence of this aspect, such ones only become instruments of chaos within the world …
Continuing with above paragraph … Above is because of the fact that Rudra Deva is the activity principle of the Maker’s Makings and if activity is not based upon very subtle inward path (or a path that relates to Brahmand Dharana) then that activity would only get based upon individualism (or higher grossness of sorts) which in turn shall become the reason for chaos which such aspirants would cause …
It is due to this reason, that unless Rudra Deva is associated through inward paths or paths which are based upon Brahmand Dharana, the loss of inner-calm and outer-peace cannot be avoided by adherents of such systems … This inability to avoid grossness is because the activity principle of this deity always acts without fail and thus it is to the aspirant to ensure that his/her systems are able to lead to subtler activity prior they even begin relating to this deity …
Plus since Shiva Purana says “Rudra only worships ITself”, so Rudra only walks “Itself within Itself” … Thus the better of paths that relates to Rudra can only be entered when the aspirants who relate to this deity end up walking within the essence of the statement “Myself Within Myself” (i.e. You walking within Yourself) … This path which eventually would lead you to your-own-innermost-self, which itself would be found (i.e. realized) to be of a color and characteristic of Rudra Deva … And this would also become the reason for your further realization that ultimately you are the only one that you have been waiting for across all your incarnations that ever were or could ever be upon this physical (or gross) world or in the beyond (subtler) worlds … And this itself leads to the state where the aspirant becomes “Rudra within Rudra (i.e. being Rudra incarnate or in other words, your own microcosm is Rudra incarnate)” …
All paths which are inward i.e. paths which lead to self-realization or the realization of the reality within and beyond you, ultimately relate to Rudra Deva only and this fact was first stated by sages of Vedic lore’s itself … Thus all systems of now which talk about self-realization, inward-approaches (Vipassana and Atma Jnana), your innermost Buddha nature (Buddhism), kingdom of God within you (Bible) are ultimately relating to Vedic lore only (as Vedas have been there much prior these later systems were even dreamt of in this world) …
Due to above reasons this state has also been termed as wrathful within wisdom’s of ancient India (Vedic and later Buddhist wisdom’s) … This term wrathful is due to loss of inner and outer stability that any association to Rudra can lead to (due to its highly non-inertial condition) if above discussions are not complied with as a minimum …
And if above discussions are complied with, then this state is a very peaceful one i.e. one who leads to an inner-calm within the aspirants and outer-peace within the world … Unless there is an inner-calm and outer-peace (peace in your immediate environment), there cannot be a self-realization and thus when the inner-calm and outer-peace manifests, then it ultimately leads to the stage of entering into a self-realization … Thus Rudra is also a path of self-realization but provided above discussions are complied to as a minimum …
Thus basis above, as far as the systems or aspirants which relate to Rudra are concerned, more these are based upon inward-path or paths that rest within Brahmand Dharana (i.e. pluralistic yet monist way of life), more peaceful shall they be … As also, unless a system is based upon pluralistic monism, it should never venture into associating to Rudra Deva because non compliance to this part would only make it cyclically chaotic or make it as a harbinger of loss of peace within that world …
And those who do not believe what is written here can just look at those systems which are not complying with this discussion and yet are relating to the same Rudra Deva even when they may be walking to Rudra through different paths or addressing him through different names …
KK-4 … Without action, macrocosmic creation loses its flows and dynamism and thus it enters into a permanent inertia … Thus this state is a very important one for eternal existence of the creator’s creation …
KK-4 … The state of our discussion is an expansive force … It is also that which is comparable to an awakened state (of consciousness) … It could even be termed as the activity principle (Rajoguna Siddhant) of the macrocosmic creation …
KK-5 … And it could even be addressed as that which moves to make everything move in an eternal non-sameness to everything else that ever was ever existent within the macrocosmic creation and that too during the entirety of history of the macrocosmic creation …
And thus this state of our discussion itself is the primary cause of ensuring an eternal non-sameness of allness and her each part and thus it also ensures an eternally non-stagnated state of allness and her each part which itself ensures a compliance to the “macrocosmic law of stagnation due to sameness” +++ …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph … As per the macrocosmic law of stagnation due to sameness, sameness of any now to any earlier nowness that ever was of any other entity (microcosm) that had ever existed during the entire history of the macrocosmic creation is also deemed to be a state of sameness from the macrocosmic point of view … And since from the macrocosmic point of view, sameness only leads to stagnation and stagnation itself leads to death, so if sameness as is discussed here, is already arriving (or is about to be arrived) within any microcosm, then that microcosm only remains with the following choices …
- 1st choice … Change its ways of life and thus exit out of sameness … If this is not willingly done, then a certain natural chaos is entered into by that microcosm, so as to provide the time to rethink on this law and thence amend the ways of life accordingly …
- 2nd choice … But if the microcosm is adamant and thus it refuses to change, then the only option is to dissipate that microcosm from that world where it has stagnated under the effects of this macrocosmic law …
- There is no 3rd choice … Ever …
- The cosmic laws apply to each microcosm and irrespective of whether that microcosm is animate (human, animals etc.), inanimate (stones, man made laws etc.), supra-inanimate (Panch Mahabhoot or five macro-elements etc.) or supra-animate (gods etc.) … Nothing stands in exception to this law …
- All amendments of rules, regulations and laws (political, cultural, social, customary, organizational procedures and constitutional) that are ever arrived at, are also in compliance to the macrocosmic law which is being discussed here …
- All changes in ways of life, geographies of lands, cultural aspects etc-etc are also in compliance to the macrocosmic law which is being discussed here …
- All changes of religious codes, practices etc., are also in compliance to the macrocosmic law which is being discussed here … However this is not so strictly applicable to a system based upon oneness to allness (pluralistic-monism) as that system is already present within all arts of allness itself …
- There is nothing which can escape this law as long as it is resting within the envelopes of the macrocosmic creation …
- All changes that take place anywhere or in anything or in anyone (including ageing) or in any system or any practice are also in compliance to the macrocosmic law which is being discussed here …
- This is the root reason for the fact that as far as macrocosmic nature which is within and beyond any aspirant (microcosm) is concerned, “An eternal change is the only eternal constant” …
- Thus all those systems which claim that their adherents have to conquer the world and make this world entirely based in their own followed systems, are actually living in a fool’s paradise … Such individualistic aspects as are stated in these texts only prove that the propagator of that text was ignorant of absolute-compliance that is needed to the macrocosmic law which is being discussed here … Any system that fails to comply to this law, only ends up entering into a chaos and it ultimately exits out of that world if it still does not amend itself and thus escape out of its earlier stagnation due to sameness …
- And those systems which claim that they have to make the world return back to the state (or time) when such and such greater one was present here, are also proving ignorance to macrocosmic laws which are being discussed here because such a state of exact return back to an earlier time or state, is also none other than a state of stagnation in the dimensions of time and/or state … This also proves that the propagator of such knowledge system was ignorant of the absolutely binding effects of the macrocosmic law which is being discussed here …
- Those who do not comply to this law in totality just as it must be, only end up becoming harbingers of chaos to that world prior their systems and adherents either change willingly or exit out of that world itself as there really is no third choice …
KK-6 … Rudra or ALA Naad … Red shift of astronomy …
The red shift of modern astronomy is also relates to ALA Naad (sound of ALA) of our current discussion …
KK-7 … However without the existence of inertia, the action would only wreck havoc on all that is ever begun within the macrocosmic creation … Due to this reason, for want of stability, the entire macrocosmic creation resides within inertial envelope of Ahum Naad (as without this inertial envelope, nothing would remain stable and thus continuous chaos would be seen if inertia is not there to balance action) …
The same balance of action and inertia is ever needed to ensure evolutionary progress and this balance also is eternally applicable in all systems (including but not limited to, geographical and geopolitical, cultural, social, military, intellectual, religions and governance) …
Every system needs to have this check-balance and where a balance has to be maintained at least within the following … Extent of authority, systemic state of authority and limitation of authority … Unless these three aspects stay balanced, chaos of one or another type shall ultimately be seen after a while, because action cannot ever be made the only means of evolution and existence …
Action has always needed inertia to balance itself out and thus arrive at a stability of activity … Unless check-balance this is maintained, no activity can be sustained till eternity because activity principle of the macrocosmic creation if let loose, would only wreck havoc on all begun microcosm’s …
Thus in any person or system, if inertia is not present then in such a case that person would be fully taken over by action and in such a condition that person’s or system’s vibratory field has no stopping force acting on it … Due to this reason, within ancient wisdom’s a wrathful nature is assumed for this state …
For this reason of want of an eternal stability of the macrocosmic creation, the entire macrocosmic creation was placed within inertia and action being subtler than inertia, has ever had to pervade (permeate) inertia so as to arrive at the manifested or begun states …
Thus basis above, any individualism (monotheism) that relates to this state alone, would only end up wrecking havoc within the world where that individualism (monotheism) resides … And this havoc shall be seen to be originating from those adherents who hold stronger attachment to this state, because action without the check-balance of inertia has only led to a havoc which keeps coming in a cyclical yet continuous way across all ways and walks of life of inhabitants of that world … Due to this reason, those systems which relate to this state, would only end up becoming reasons for all sorts of chaos within that world, but this shall be only until these systems are balanced through inertial systems …
Shambhu Rudra or ALA Naad … Across ancient and recent lore’s and sciences … Red Kachina …
KK-8 … This is also related to the “Red Kachina (red spirit being)” of Native American tribes (Hopi and other Native American tribes) …
KK-9 … Since this state is one of the primary ones which drives the “macrocosm (i.e. macrocosmic creation)”, so it also is one of the principal states of Vishvaroop Brahma (Maker’s macrocosmic state or Maker’s Makings or Brahmand) …
KK-10 … This state is also the reason for orange robes that are worn by adherents of Vedic esoteric systems …
This color is utilized because of the fact that it is related to Rudra Deva, who by itself is the holder of the macrocosmic attribute of action … And thus the orange and reddish-maroon colors also cut off inertia and because inertia is something that no aspirant of higher esoteric systems desires to be in (because inertia or sleep means death, within higher Yoga Tantra) so the robes of colors that relate to Rudra Deva are used by such aspirants …
Plus the orange color also denotes Asmita, which assists in knowing the real through one’s own self-realizations … This is also one of the reasons for Vedic sages to use orange colored robes … But this color is only relates to the Rudra Deva (ALA Naad or sound of ALA which is being discussed here) …
KK-11 … As also, all those knowledge systems which utilize red or maroon robes, are also using such colors because these colors cut-off the inertia … The reason for such colored robes is also the same as point number KK-10 above because these colors also relate to ALA itself …
KK-12 … It also was within this state (i.e. ALA Naad or Rudra Deva) that the colorless attributeless-infinite yet undefined self-luminous being (i.e. Brahman) was firstly cognized (self-realized) by the inner-subtle-observer (subtler vehicle) of the little student who writes this text …
Thus as far as the little student who writes this text is concerned, the self-realization of the attributeless-infinite being (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) was firstly arrived by him whilst his subtler vehicle was resting within the vast envelopes of Rudra Deva (ALA Naad) of our current discussion …
KK-13 … Some Purana’s (Vedic scriptures) also state that Brahma (creator) is red colored … This also is because such sages who gave that wisdom, have considered action as the cause of inertia …
Above paragraph is correct from an actional point of view in which these sages had rested themselves … And this point of view, is discussed in below mentioned bullet points …
- When two actional states (or even when two lights within the bodies’ subtle nerves) meet each other, then due to the sudden stoppage which is arrived at their meeting points, blue color of inertia is self-originated … This is an absolute fact …
- Thus, when we look from the point of view of action i.e. whilst resting within Rajoguna Samadhi, action becomes the originator of inertia and this is especially true when we consider a state where the universal creation is just about beginning through its origination process and the implosions and explosions which take place so as to throw subtle matter outwards, are seen to be due to excessive action that suddenly manifests and thus it also takes that subtle matter (which is being thrown to long-long distances) by surprise …
- This throwing outward of matter is much prior that matter could desire anything to counter these forces and thus prior the matter can even counteract this severe action, macrocosmic attribute of action (Rajoguna) has already done a major part of the job which itself is to throw matter outwards and that too as far as possible, within the least possible time …
- And as actioned aspects collide (including bright red colored lights which are present within the subtler nerves of the physical vehicle and around the central channel or Sushmuna Nadi), a very stable blue color forms at the meeting points of these red colored lights …
- The red colored light is of the macrocosmic attribute of action (Rajoguna) and the blue colored light is of the macrocosmic attribute of inertia (Tamoguna), both of which are ever present within the macrocosm and each microcosm … When the red colored actioned particles meet, they arrive into a state of blue colored inertia and thus if this aspect is self-realized by anyone, then that person would say that red colored action is the creator (Brahma of Vedas) …
- As action increases, then the number of collisions of actioned particles also increase and thus more number of actioned particles meet each other at such a time … This in turn leads to origination of a higher quantum of inertia at those more-number of meeting points (due to higher density of actioned particles) … Thus as action increases, the inertial is also increased as more number of actioned particles meet each other and thus enter into a higher quantum of inertia also … It is due to this reason, attribute of action (Rajoguna) and attribute of inertia (Tamoguna) are mutually-originating and mutually-sustaining macrocosmic attributes and this is a fact whilst these two rest within the macrocosmic creation and its each part (i.e. the same condition is there within the physical vehicle of any aspirant) …
- This blue color (or inertia or Tamoguna) is thus a proof of stability within the macrocosmic creation and within each person … If this stability is not there, then nothing can continue to exist …
- I also experienced hyper-activity after entering into “ALA Naad” (as I became so hyper-active at that time, that I started jumping up and down) …
- As action increases, the collision of actioned particles also increase and thus higher inertia is also produced at this time … Thus when we see the fullness of allness of Maker’s Makings, then we know that action and inertia are self-originating, self-sustaining and self-balancing each other and this itself is the primary reason for stability of all microcosms which rest within the macrocosmic creation …
KK-14 … Higgs Boson is also related to the state of our discussion (Higgs Boson is related to the reddish-maroon lights which were told and shown to be rising at almost right angles to the orange colored plane of ALA Naad … This is already discussed in an earlier topic) …
KK-15 … This state is also related to the belief of Brahmakumaris and the main symbol which used by Brahmakumaris, is also related to this state only …
KK-16-A … This also relates to the Vedic statement “Prana Brahm” which means “vitality or energy is supreme (or Brahm)” … This phrase also means that the “Prana or Vital Air are supreme” … This phrase is used because the 5 vital airs (Prana’s) and five Sub-vital airs (i.e. Upa Prana) are the 10 amongst the 11 Rudra’s mentioned in the Vedic lore …
After arriving at this state, the vital air sheath (which in Sanskrit texts is addressed as Pranamaye Kosha) of an aspirant becomes hyper-active …
And if the Vital-Airs of an aspirant begin moving in the right-hand channel (I.e. Pingala Naadi) whose deity is Rudra Deva, then these vital-Airs also enter into a state of heat-luminosity (Tejas) … This condition of Vital-Airs was termed as serpentine fire in western lore’s …
KK-16-B … Ekadashi Rudra … 11 Rudra’s …
Within the Vedic lore 11 Rudra’s are stated and these are as described below …
- Five vital airs (which means as the five main vitalities) … Or in other words, Panch Prana …
- Five secondary vitalities … Or … Panch Upa-Prana …
- Atma Shakti (Atman) … Divinity of the essence within (Atman) …
- These Rudra’s are present within each aspirant and are also present within the entire macrocosmic creation … Thus knowledge systems which relate to Rudra Deva also term Rudra to be omnipresent …
KK-16-C … And this state eventually leads to a later topic where “the roar of a thousand lions (which is a self realization that relates to Raam Naad or sound of Ram)” is described …
KK-16-D … One of the three eight pointed lights as are within the “vital air sheath of the crown plexus (Brahmarandra Pranamaye Kosha)”, is also of same color and sound characteristics as ALA Naad of our discussion … This state is realized just prior the sound of Raam Naad (or in other words, the sound of Raam or the roar of a thousand lions) as is stated in above point (# KK-16-C) is arrived at … These shall be discussed in a later topic …
KK-17 … This also is the state of hydrogen atom … When it undergoes its bursting union to other hydrogen atoms, then the same sound and lights are originated (I think photon theory should have something about this … Maybe a qualified physicist can elaborate this point with a more scientific approach) …
KK-18 … Rudra as second last (one before the outermost) envelope of a universe …
This is also the second-last envelope of a universal sphere … This means that when the astral vehicle begins moving out of a universe, then the second last envelope is of ALA Naad (sound of ALA or Rudra Deva) only …
When the subtle vehicle is moving out of a universe, then after the orangish-red colored lighted state of ALA Naad (Rudra Deva) is crossed over, then that astral enters into a state which is of a yellow color of very vase expanses …
This yellow color is the outermost envelope of a universe and it is of the “Ruler of divine worlds (Indra Deva)” … Devaraja Indra is also addressed as Idandra Deva because he is the ruler of Ida Nadi (left-channel or moon channel or Chandra Naadi or the River Ganges within each aspirant) …
Thus basis above, the world of ruler of divine beings (i.e. Indraloka of Devaraja Indra) is present in the Maker’s Makings and is also present within the physical vehicle and that too inside the Ida Naadi (the left channel or moon channel) …
The same world of ruler of divine beings (i.e. the yellow colored Indra Loka) could also be termed as “plane of knowledge of the macrocosmic creation (Brahmic Vijyanmaye Kaya)” within which every universe is residing and it is from this macrocosmic plane of knowledge, that the knowledge sheath (which in Sanskrit texts is also addressed as Vijyanmaye Kosha) of each aspirant is self-manifested (within the physical vehicle of that aspirant) … At a later stage, we shall be discussing this Idandra Loka (the world of king of divine beings) with an appropriate painting …
And in between the areas of union of these orangish-red color (of Rudra Deva) and yellow color (of Indra Deva), are the innumerable (uncountable number of) universes, all of which have non-lighted (i.e. dark colored) outermost envelopes and all these are of the shape of Vedic Shivalingam (The Sanskrit word of Shivalingam primarily means a Symbol of Shiva) … This state shall also be discussed in a later topic and with appropriate paintings …
And if the travelling vehicle travels to the other side of ALA (i.e. the side which is other than the one which was discussed in above paragraph), then the travelling vehicle enters into the Bhu Mahabhoot (i.e. macro-elemental earth) whose sound is of Ujjayi Naad (i.e. the Victorious sound or the sound of victory over allness) … This sound denotes the victory over the multi-universal macrocosm (i.e. this sound denotes the fact that the aspirant has qualified to exit out of allness and her each part and thus is ready to enter into Kaivalya Moksha) … This shall also be discussed with a painting in a later topic …
KK-19 … ALA Naad … One who can never be ignored within any way, any walk and anytime of life …
Thus In a nutshell if I were to describe the current topic, then I can only say “Neither can Rudra be ignored whilst within Inward paths (i.e. the paths of self-knowledge) nor can anybody ignore Rudra with resting within outwardly paths (i.e. the paths of egoistic Gods)” and this itself is because the path of exit from allness and her each part (i.e. the path of Kaivalya or Moksha) has always passed through the “divine world of Rudra Deva (I.e. Rudra Loka)” … It was due to this self-realization of Vedic sages that they gave a very high status to Rudra Deva within the Vedic lore …
Thus ends this discussion …