This topic shall discuss Sadyojata face of Sadashiva, who is also addressed as Sadyojata face of Shiva and Sadyojat (or Sadyojata), is the abode of creator (or Brahmaloka) as stated in Vedic lore and this is also the four upper worlds of Brahmaloka, which are told as four Mahabrahma in Buddhist Lore’s … And this face of Sadashiva, is also representing the attributed formless (Sagun Nirakaar) aspect of four headed Vedic creator deity or Brahma Ji …
Above painting describes the following …
- Four upper great white worlds of Brahmaloka …
- The Pink colored Avyakta Prana (or which in other words is also named as Avyakta Prakriti) which separates these four upper great white worlds …
- The formless state and arrangements of upper four worlds Brahmaloka (Crudely depicted in above painting) …
- Formless Brahmaloka itself is the Sadyojata face of Sadashiva (or Sadyojata face of Shiva) …
- From Sadyojata face of Sadashiva i.e. Brahmaloka, is self originated the four headed creator and grandfather of allness (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji) … Thus Pitamah Brahma Ji is none other than an attributed form (Sagun Sakaar) self manifestation (Swayambhu Awastha) of the attributed formless (Sagun Nirakaar) abode of creator (i.e. Brahmaloka) …
- Since Brahma (creator) is a self originated being, so Brahma is also addressed as “Swayambhu” … Swayambhu means self originated, self manifested, self present and self sustaining and thus in reality there is no sire (parent) of Swayambhu (Brahma of Vedas) … Within this text, I shall not paint the “four headed grandfather and creator of allness as is told about in Vedas (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji)” as he can only be self realized by aspirants … And yet only those aspirants who have self realized this and next topic can ever be the ones who could cognize the four headed creator and grandfather of allness whom Vedas address as Chatur Mukha Pitamah Brahma Ji … But to self realize this topic, the previous ones would also need to be self realized and due to this reason, those sages who had described Brahma were also proving the fact that they had already self realized all previous topics of this text …
- Thus basis above, when we consider Pitamah Brahma Ji in an attributed-formless state (Sagun Nirakaar Awastha) then he himself is the Brahmaloka, which by itself is the Sadyojata face of Sadashiva … And when we consider the attributed-form state (Sagun Sakaar Awastha) of Pitamah Brahma Ji (i.e. creator grandfather of allness), then the same Brahma is the four headed human form of the creator as is told in Vedic lore …
- Thus when we consider the creator deity of Vedas (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji) within his own formless state, then he is Brahmaloka … And when we consider the same creator deity in his human form, then he is the four headed Brahma as is told in Vedic lore … This is the essential non dual nature of Brahma and Brahmaloka that essentially is and where these two are one and the same Sadyojata face of Sadashiva (or in other words, Sadyojata face of Shiva) …
- And the entirety of Advaita Vedanta (and thus the entire Vedic lore) is rooted in above stated fact of absolute non-dualism itself and it also is because this fact that the primordial non duality of the Maker and his abode is established …
- And since the Makings were originated by the Maker whilst the Maker was stationed at his abode (both of who essentially are one and the same) so the Makings of the Maker were also originated through the same non duality only … It is due to this reason, the Vedic lore states that the Makings are none other than a self expressed, self manifested and self presence of the same Maker …
- Above bullet points also subtly denote the perfect non duality of the Maker’s Makings to the Maker and the Maker’s abode (Brahmaloka) …
- And this fact by itself is the reason that Advaita (Absolute non duality) is the end result of all self realizations that are arrived by any aspirant who rests within the Vedic lore …
- Thus, Vedanta (end part of Vedas or better if I say the endless-end part of Vedas) is also based upon the same absolute non dualism (Advaita) due to which the end part of Vedas was addressed as Advaita Vedanta (i.e. the absolutely non-dual endless end of Vedas) by those sages who had known the fact as is discussed here …
LL-5-A … Sadyojata face of Sadashiva is Brahmaloka …
Reiterating and expanding what was discussed above …
- When we consider the attributed form state (i.e. Sagun Sakaar Awastha) of the creator grandfather of allness (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji), then it is the four headed Brahma of Vedic lore …
- And when we consider the attributed formless state (i.e. Sagun Nirakaar Awastha) of the creator grandfather of allness (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji), then it is Brahmaloka (i.e. pristine abode of Maker as is described in above painting) …
- That Brahmaloka itself is the diamond white colored Sadyojata face of Sadashiva … Thus whom Shaivas address as Sadyojata itself is the Brahmaloka of Vedas …
- The four headed creator as is stated in Vedas (i.e. Chatur Mukha Brahma) in his own formless state is the Brahmaloka of Vedic lore and Sadyojata face of Sadashiva of Shaiva lore’s … Thus the four headed creator of Vedic lore, himself is the Brahmaloka when he is within his own formless state and in that formless state, that same Brahma is the Sadyojata face of Sadashiva … And this is the non duality in its absolute state (i.e. Advaita) that is referred to in Vedanta (endless end part of Vedic lore) …
- Sadyojata face of Sadashiva (of Shaiva lore’s) is thus the Brahmaloka (of Vedic lore) …
LL-5-B … Sadyojata face of Sadashiva (i.e. Brahmaloka) is eternal … But Brahma’s keep coming and going in cycles …
The Brahmaloka (i.e. Sadyojata face of Sadashiva) is an eternal place … And this is even when Brahma’s keep coming and going each 311.040 trillion human solar years (as per middle time units of precession of equinoxes) …
Thus even when a Brahma completes his destined time span as Brahma (i.e. as a creator) and thence Brahma moves on, the Brahmaloka continues to exist …
Thus basis above is established a fact …
- Brahma’s only come and go …
- Brahmaloka stays eternally existent …
- Since Sadyojata face of Sadashiva is none other than Brahmaloka, so Sadyojata face of Sadashiva is also eternal only …
When one Brahma completes his designated lifetime (of 311.040 trillion human solar years, as per middle time units of precession) and thence he moves on, then Mahapralaya (i.e. the great dissolution of allness) is arrived …
But within that Maha Pralaya also, Brahmaloka is existent as Brahmaloka only … Within that state of Mahapralaya, Brahmaloka awaits the next Brahma to take over and re-originate the multi-universal macrocosmic creation from that state of great-dissolution (Mahapralaya) …
Thus even when Brahma’s keep coming and going, Brahmaloka is an eternal place … And since Brahmaloka itself is Sadyojata face of Sadashiva, so Brahmaloka is also an eternal divine world …
LL-5-C … Describing Sadyojata face of Sadashiva i.e. Brahmaloka …
Brahmaloka denotes the macro-neutral attributed-formless abode of Maker i.e. that, which is based upon Sarva Samta whilst it is Sagun-Nirakaar, is Brahmaloka (i.e. Sadyojata face of Sadashiva) …
And since macro-neutrality is also the intermediary state of attributes and attributeless-ness, so Brahmaloka (or Sadyojata face of Sadashiva) is also denoting the Macro-neutral attributed-attributeless formless abode of Maker i.e. Sarva-Sam Sagun Nirgun Nirakaar Awastha which as such is addressed as Brahmaloka in the Vedic lore …
Due to Brahmaloka being both attributed and attributeless, so it denotes a state of macro-neutrality (i.e. neutrality towards allness and its each part) or in other words, a state of macro-equanimity (or a state of perfect equanimity towards allness and its each part) … This Sarva Samta (i.e. macro-equanimity or macro-neutrality) is of a diamond white color …
Brahmaloka itself is the Sadyojata face of Sadashiva … I have no doubts about this fact …
It eventually is from this Sadyojat face of Sadashiva, that the “four headed grandfather and creator of allness (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji of Vedic lore) had self-manifested (or sprung out) and it is also due to this reason that Pitamah Brahmaji is also addressed as Swayambhu (self-originated, self-manifested and self present) …
The same upper four great-white worlds of Brahmaloka are also addressed as the four Mahabrahma worlds in Buddhism …
The self realization of Brahmaloka also denotes the culmination state of Samta-Yoga (the union of and to macro-equanimity) … Thus to attain Brahmaloka, resting in a perfect equanimity towards allness and her each part, is a primary requirement …
And because there is no success in any “system of union (i.e. any Yoga Tantra)” unless macro-equanimity (or Sarva Samta or equanimity towards “allness and its each part”) is arrived at, so Samta (equanimity) has always been a very important aspect of all knowledge systems that have ever originated from the original systems of knowledge i.e. Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma … And it is also due to this reason, that if any later knowledge system is found to hold this concept of Samta (equanimity) within it, then this by itself is a proof that the roots of that later system are Vedic only …
LL-5-D … Path of self realization of Brahmaloka and Pitamah Brahma Ji …
The path of self realization of Brahmaloka is also through the Shakti Shiva Yoga and self realization of Raam Naad … Thus only after Shiva Shakti Yoga completes, does any aspirant enter into a self realization of Brahmaloka and Pitamah Brahma Ji … Shakti Shiva Yoga and Raam Naad have already been discussed earlier …
Within this path, after Shakti Shiva Yoga completes then the aspirants subtler vehicle enters into Surya Loka (i.e. the world of solar deity or sun god) and from there to the light-pink world (Avyakta Prakriti or simply Avyakta) and thence is the self realization of Brahmaloka and the four headed creator deity (i.e. Chatur Mukha Brahma Ji) arrived at by that aspirant …
Thus it eventually is from Avyakta Prakriti, that the subtler observing vehicle enters into the Sadyojata face of Sadashiva (or Sadyojata face of Shiva), which is also addressed as Brahmaloka … The sun world and Avyakta (or Avyakta Prakriti or Avyakta Prana) have already been discussed in previous topics …
LL-5-E … Describing Brahmaloka i.e. Sadyojat face of Sadashiva …
The Brahmaloka has a total of 20 worlds … The corpus of these 20 worlds makes Brahmaloka … Of these 20 worlds, 16 are the lower ones and 4 are the higher worlds … Each of these worlds are diamond white in color, but there are some variations between them as discussed below …
After transiting the 16 lower white worlds are arrived the 4 upper great white worlds of Brahmaloka …
Proceeding further … To describe these 20 worlds …
From Avyakta Prakriti when Brahmaloka is arrived at then the 16 lower white worlds are arrived prior the 4 upper great white worlds can be entered into by the aspirants subtler travelling vehicle (and observing vehicle) or simply subtle body …
Thus through the transit of the 16 lower white worlds (i.e. 16 lower diamond white worlds) are arrived the four upper shining-white worlds (or diamond white worlds as shown in above painting) …
The 16 lower white worlds are relatively smaller in dimensional expanses as compared to the 4 upper great white worlds … Only the upper great white worlds are depicted in above painted sketch (and thus since those 16 lower white worlds are not painted, so these 16 worlds shall have to be self realized by interested aspirants) …
As the subtler observing vehicle travels through these 16 lower white worlds, then it sees 8 of these lower white worlds in one side and 8 on the other side of its travel path …
Each of these 16 lower white worlds are having a very bright white colored base (I mean, something like the floor on which we walk) … And from each of these 16 lower white worlds, are emanating different colored light rays … These emanated light rays are projected out of these 16 worlds and are of bright fluorescent colors … Each of these 16 lower white worlds are enveloped by the same very-light-pink colored nature (i.e. Avyakta) as is shown in above painting and was also discussed earlier …
As these 8 worlds on either side of the subtler vehicles path are passed by, then that observing vehicle (i.e. the aspirants subtler vehicle who travels these worlds) enters into 4 very vast sized diamond white worlds that are made up of rays of diamond white light and each of these worlds and separated by the same very-light-pink nature (Avyakta Prakriti), which also is the non-manifest non-present vitality of Maker (or Avyakta Prana) …
Thus at Brahmaloka there is no Prakriti because Prakriti itself is the Prana Shakti, due to its very subtle state … Thus due to a complete absence of grossness within Avyakta Prakriti, she herself is Avyakta Prana of Brahmaloka … It is also due to this reason that Avyakta Prakriti is also termed as Avyakta Prana within the Vedic lore …
Since Sadyojata face of Sadashiva is Brahmaloka and since Brahmaloka itself is of a very bright diamond white light, so within Shaiva Agamas, Sadyojata face of Sadashiva is also told to be of a diamond white (or white) color …
After successful transit of these 16 lower white worlds, the aspirants subtler vehicle enters into the 4 upper great white worlds as have been painted in above figure …
These upper 4 diamond white worlds are placed in such a way that three are on one side of the subtler vehicle’s travel path and one is on the other side (just as shown in above painted sketch) …
Farther than the right and left sides of above figure, is the eternal-non-lightness within which these 16 + 4 diamond white worlds of Sadyojat face of Sadashiva stay as the self-illuminated, self-sustained worlds of Param-Pitamah Brahmaji … Thus it is within the envelope of non-lightness (or Shunya Tattva or emptiness) that the entire Brahmaloka rests … This non-lighted state of Shunya Tattva (which means as voidness or simply, emptiness) is not painted in above figure …
These worlds are as so brightly lit up due to being made up of very subtle yet densely packed diamond white rays, so it also looks like that these worlds are nothing but a mass of trillions and trillions of diamond white light rays … And due to this reason of being only made up of diamond white light, within Brahmaloka there is nothing like matter … On that subtle yet solid ground which is composed of trillions and further zillions of light rays, the observing vehicle (or subtler vehicle of the aspirant) walks whilst self realizing the Brahmaloka …
Since Brahmaloka itself is the formless state of four headed human form of Brahma, so these four upper white worlds also represent the “macro-neutral attributed formless state of four heads of the Maker (i.e. these four upper white worlds are of Chatur-Mukha of Sagun-Nirakaar Awastha of Pitamah Brahma Ji)” …
When the subtler observing vehicle had approached these four upper great white worlds, then three very-vast sized worlds were on the right side and one smaller lotus like world, was on the left side … Above painting is also depicting this state only …
Each of these four worlds are also separated by the light Avyakta Prana just as it is shown in above painting … The three worlds on one side represent the three heads of Brahma which are visible within the Vedic representations of Brahma and the fourth world (which is shown as a lone world in above painting) is denoting the fourth face of Brahma (which as such is looking at the other side) …
As such, within the formless state of four headed Maker (i.e. Brahma) which as such is the upper four worlds of Brahmaloka, this fourth head of Maker seems to be separated from the other three formless heads and each of these three formless vast worlds (on right side of above figure) are also separated from each other … This separation is also by the light pink colored nature which is present in between each of these four worlds, just as is described in above painting …
Brahmaloka is an afflictionless state … By this I mean that Vrittihina Awastha is told about in Yogic and Vedic lore’s is of Brahmaloka itself … Due to this reason, for any aspirants consciousness vehicle (i.e. the vehicle which observes and thus self realizes) to enter into Brahmaloka, the precondition of resting in perfect afflictionless-ness is paramount … This means that all afflictions of vital air sheath, mind sheath, knowledge sheath and bliss sheath of an aspirant, must have been detached (i.e. afflictions of these sheaths should have been evicted out of these sheaths) prior any aspirant can self realize Brahmaloka …
LL-5-F … Significance of four upper great white worlds of Brahmaloka …
These four upper great white worlds which represent the formless state of four headed Brahma of Vedas have been the basis of the following …
- Four Purushartha’s … These have been stated as Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha …
- Four stages of each human and each divine age cycles (i.e. each Yuga Chakra) …
- Four Paada of everything … Four steps of everything …
- Four Vedas … Each Veda relates to one-each of these four worlds …
- Four Mahavakya … Each of these four Vedic Mahavakya related to one-each of these four worlds …
- Four Vedic Monasteries and four teachers I.e. the statement of “Matha Chatvara Acharya Chatvara” as is told in “Mathaamnaya Grantham” which as such is the base on which four Vyasa Peetha (or four Vedic monasteries or Chatur Aamnaya Peetha), four pilgrimage temples (or Chatur Dham or Char Dham) and the system of there being only four Shankaracharya’s were established … Thus basis this statement, only four teachers (Shankaracharya’s) and four Peethas (and their four primary temples) can be there and this is how this lineage was restored by Gurudeva Adi Shankaracharya, who was born on/around 510 BC, +/- 1 to 2.7 years …
Due to this reason of there being only four upper great white worlds in Brahmaloka, as per Vedic lore there also cannot be “more than or less than four monasteries and four universal teachers (i.e. four Jagadguru) … Whenever in human history, there has been a non compliance to this aspect then this world always ends up in chaos … And due to this reason, until this fault is corrected through the principal, timeless and traditional way (i.e. through Parampara of Vedas) the betterment of gross and subtle conditions humanity of this planet shall only remain a distant dream for humanity who inhabits this planet … This during recent times also, it only was after this deviation had arrived that this world had started getting into chaos which as of now has already spread into all ways and walks of life … And due to the same reason until this deviation is finally corrected through traditional Vedic ways, a state of absence of chaos in any future would also not be possible within this world …
Proceeding further …
And in addition to above, these four worlds have also been the basis of concepts of Buddhist lore’s …
In each of these four upper great white worlds, resides a shining being who is the controller and deity of these worlds … These deities have also been named in Buddhism as Brahma’s (or better if I say four Mahabrahma) of various names … Buddhist lore also describes these four deities of four upper Brahma worlds as follows …
- Mahabrahma Sanatkumara … He is the eternally young one … During the subtle travel to and thence the self realization of Brahmaloka, when I met him then I recognized him only because of his youthful state … As far as above painting stands, the lowermost right side world is where Brahma Sanatkumara resides … He is also stated as one of the son’s of the four headed creator (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji) of Vedic lore … He represents the Purushartha of “Kama (or subtle desires which relate to righteousness of paths of evolution and which lead to liberation)” …
- Mahabrahma Baka … And in the middle of these three worlds (which have been shown on the right side of above painting), resides Baka Brahma …
Continuing with above bullet point … The word “Baka” (or Pali Language) is derived from the Devanagari term of “Banka, which means, “bent” and it also means “beautifully adorned” … So I recognized him basis this description of Buddhist … The name Baka was used by my Gurudeva Gautama Buddha, as he is bent backwards (unlike how Banka is represented as bent on the side, Baka Brahma is bent backwards) … Baka Brahma sits on a lotus which is made up of billions and billions of brightly shining diamond white colored rays which initially are blinding to the observing subtler vehicle (i.e. the subtler vehicle is initially blinded by the shine of that lotus on which Baka Brahma rests) …
Continuing with above paragraph … He is a very old man who has a diamond white beard which is hanging down till his chest, has matter hair of shining diamond white color, his body and face is made up of diamond white lighted rays and he is found in the middle diamond white world (as shown on right hand side of above painting) whilst he is sitting upon a diamond white lotus which is only made up of light rays … Amongst the four Mahabrahma, he the one whom I like the most because he was the only one who offered a seat to the observing vehicle (He actually invited me and said “Come to my Loka or world, after you de-incarnate) … Baka Brahma represents the Purushartha of “Dharma or righteous way of life” …
- Mahabrahma Sahampati … He is the deity of the uppermost amongst the three right hand side worlds of above painting …
Continuing with above bullet point … The term Sahampati (of Pali Language) is derived from two words of Devanagari Language … These two words are as follows … Sohum (or in other words, So-Aham, which means as So Am I) and Pati …
Continuing with above paragraph … Sohum means “So Am I” and Pati means the “Lord, King, Husband, Guru, deity etc.” … Thus the term Sahampati also means the lord of self realization of “So Am I” which actually means the same as the Vedic Mahavakya which shall be discussed at a later stage of this text …
Continuing with above paragraph … He is also a very old man (actually he looks very-very old, so its better if I address him as the “ancient one” amongst the four Mahabrahma who are being discussed here) … He is also of a shining diamond white color and he is also of a human form … He also has a beard and matted locks and he also sits on a brightly shining lotus of diamond white color within his own diamond white colored highly luminous world … He represents the Purushartha of “Artha or the answer of all queries which relate to any of the four Purushartha’s” …
- Mahabrahma … He is the formless deity of the left hand side world as is shown in above painting … That left side world is like a very subtle white colored lotus like light which is enveloped in the light pink colored Avyakta Prana which is present adjacent to the entire 20 worlds of Brahmaloka … This lotus denotes the fourth Purushartha of Moksha (or final liberation) …
Continuing with above bullet point … Mahabrahma means the Great-Brahma or the Great-deity … This is what he actually is … He represents Moksha of the fourth and final Purushartha of a final liberation …
Proceeding further …
Rendering of my last and final Gurudakshina whilst within the fourth upper great white world of Mahabrahma …
The word “Gurudakshina” means “a return gift of a student to his (or her) Guru” … This gift is asked for by a Guru, after transfer of knowledge (and/or initiation) is completed …
But as per rules which are applicable to any Gurudakshina, it is to be rendered in a way which is exactly the same as that which was asked for by the Guru … Unless the Gurudakshina is rendered by a student in compliance to what is stated here, it is not deemed to be rendered … And a Guru can ask for anything as his Gurudakshina, including the head of the student or his family and friends and as per rules a student is supposed to render it or else the final liberation (final emancipation or anything else to which that knowledge relates) would only remain a distant dream for that student …
It is within this fourth upper great white world that my Gurudeva (i.e. Buddha Avatar) of previous transmigrated incarnation is currently residing … During my previous transmigrated incarnation, I went to Gurudeva when I was less than seven years old …
As far as the name of Gautama Buddha by which he is addressed as of now stands, Gautama was his Gotra and being a Buddha was his attainment … The word Buddha means “the knower of allness” and it also means “the sage who has seen allness, as if it were face to face with him” … This means Buddha can never be any aspirant who has not self realized the entirety of Maker’s Makings and also self realized that which is beyond …
Within this fourth lotus like world which rests in the light pink envelope of Avyakta (as is subtly shown at the left hand side of above painting), Gurudeva Gautama Buddha resides there with three other very elderly (well, almost ancient looking sages) … Thus in this fourth lotus like upper great white world of Brahmaloka, there are only four sages, all of who are Buddha’s of times which are earlier to now …
It is due to above reason that Mahayana says that there have only been four Buddha’s till now (i.e. within the current Brahma Kalpa which has already lived a time span of almost 1.97 billion human solar years) and as per Mahayana Tantra, the fifth Buddha is yet to arrive … As of now, Mahayana Tantra is mostly followed by Tibetan Buddhists and a few others …
During my previous transmigrated incarnation and after the knowledge transfer was completed, my Gurudeva (i.e. Buddha Gautama) had asked for a Gurudakshina … This Gurudakshina was of as follows …
- One last and final return back to this world at a later date …
- And he had also asked for rendering of my attained knowledge to humanity of those later times …
- And he had also said, that to render that Gurudakshina I shall have to deliver it’s confirmation within the divine (or beyond) world where he (i.e. Gurudeva) would be residing at that later time span, when I return back to as per the requirements of his Gurudakshina …
- Thus this transmigrated incarnation and this text is none other than due to the requirements of that Gurudakshina only … I would have never ever returned back in any future, if these discussed requirements (of the Gurudakshina of Gurudeva Gautama Buddha) were not there because my previous incarnation was supposed to be the last and final one … But because Gurudeva asked for his Gurudakshina, so this incarnation had to be accepted in compliance to the rules which govern any Gurudakshina …
- As also, within the requirements of that Gurudakshina, he (i.e. Gurudeva) had also asked that the completion of his Gurudakshina can only be after I render it to him within that divine world where he would be residing at that time … And thus was the reason for a subtler travel to the fourth amongst the four upper great white worlds of Brahmaloka as this is where Gurudeva currently resides …
So in compliance to this part of the Gurudakshina, were the self realizations of Brahmaloka which are being discussed in this topic …
As soon as my subtler travelling vehicle had entered this lotus like fourth upper great white world of Brahmaloka, Gurudeva got up from his seat so as to receive it (i.e. receive my subtler travelling vehicle which has travelled to the fourth upper great white world of Brahmaloka, where Gurudeva and three other elderly sages currently reside) …
And at that time, Gurudeva had a very serene smile on his face which showed his inner happiness … And when I saw the other three very elderly sages who are also currently residing at that world, then I also bowed down to them in reverence … And they also reciprocated whilst being happy (just like Gurudeva also was at this time) …
After this Gurudeva made me (i.e. my subtler travelling vehicle) sit beside him and we all sat there observing each other and that serene and utterly peaceful lotus like world … And all of us, very blissful upon meeting each other after a very long time of almost 3.8 millenniums of time span (when I was a little student of Gurudeva Gautama Buddha … As of now, Gautama Buddhas timeline is incorrectly known and I shall be discussing it in a later set of topic’s on Kaalchakra or cycle of time or the eternally moving state of wheel of time) …
Since this transmigrated incarnation (i.e. incarnation achieved by adopting the path of transmigration of soul) and this text are none other than being a Gurudakshina (return gift to a Guru and where this return gift is rendered exactly in the way that was asked for by the Guru) to Gurudeva Gautama Buddha, as this is what Gurudeva had asked for, so when I reached there and then he made me sit down by his side, then I also knew that the path of rendering of his Gurudakshina is already reaching its culmination stage …
During the earlier transmigrated incarnation and when I was his little student, Gurudeva (Gautama Buddha) had told me that during my future incarnation which shall only be to render the Gurudakshina, he (i.e. Gurudeva) would “only and only” receive his Gurudakshina at the world where he would be living at that future time i.e. to render the Gurudakshina, one of my subtler vehicles would need to travel to that divine world where Gurudeva would be residing in at the future time or else my Gurudakshina would not even be deemed to be completed … As a matter of fact a Gurudakshina which a student renders to his Guru can only be deemed to be completed if that Gurudakshina is rendered in a way which is exactly the same as was asked for by the Guru … Thus I as a little student of Gurudeva (Gautama Buddha) have also remained with no choice but to enter the fourth upper great white world (of Brahmaloka) where Gurudeva currently resides, so as to render my Gurudakshina correctly (i.e. properly and in compliance to the rules that are applicable to any Gurudakshina) …
So when my subtler vehicle entered his world, then this by itself was the proof of completion stage of rendering that Gurudakshina (as the full rendering could have only taken place after distribution of my knowledge to this world, which also was a part of that Gurudakshina) …
And since as per macrocosmic rules, rendering of knowledge can only be as a gift to the inhabitants of that world, so this time around I chose the free route of a website instead of publishing this text through a publisher (as then these publishers would be selling it, which as such is against the rules of my Gurudakshina) …
Thus to prevent sales and thus prevent that stage of contravening the basic requirement of transfer of knowledge as a gift which is free of material and immaterial gains, I could never agree to this being published by a publisher …
Only in the divine degenerate age cycle is knowledge sold in the physical and/or virtual markets and I say so because during the earlier better age cycles, knowledge was always gifted (without direct or indirect, material or immaterial gains) … Thus because in this world such a state can only be through a website, so was the reason for starting this website, which also is in compliance to the subtle requirements of that part of the Gurudakshina which related to distribution of knowledge …
And when I reached there to his world in compliance to his Gurudakshina, Gurudeva also accepted it with a further blessing to me (i.e. the subtler travelling vehicle of this little student who writes this text) … I cannot discuss that blessing because it is not a part of the Gurudakshina foe which I have returned back to this world …
As such, when I (i.e. my subtler travelling vehicle) sat beside him, then I also knew that the most important part of his Gurudakshina is already completed … And what remained from that time was the distribution of this text … And thus this website …
But the fact still remains that I would only run it till I can afford to run it, that’s all … Plus to keep distributing till eternity was never a part of that Gurudakshina … So ultimately when I know that I have completed the Gurudakshina, then I may be stopping this website …
LL-5-G … Relationship of the four upper great white worlds of Brahmaloka to the four primary dimensions …
These four upper great white worlds are also related to the four primary dimensions … These are as follows …
- Mahabrahma Sanatkumara … His world relates to the dimension of directions (i.e. Disha or paths of evolution) … He by himself denotes the finality of directions (and paths of evolution) i.e. He denotes the finality of omnidirectionality of evolutionary paths that rest within the Maker’s Makings and it is through him that the same omnidirectionality is also subtly existent within the all that rests inside the purviews of the Maker’s Makings …
- Mahabrahma Baka … His world relates to the dimension of state (i.e. Dasha) … He by himself denotes the finality of state, i.e. omnipresence of Maker’s Makings and it is through him that the same omnipresence is also subtly existent within the all that rests inside the purviews of the Maker’s Makings …
- Mahabrahma Sahampati … His world relates to the finality of dimension of macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) i.e. infinity of space … He by himself denotes the infinity (i.e. Ananta) of Maker’s Makings and it is through him that the same Infinity is also subtly existent within the all that rests inside the purviews of the Maker’s Makings …
- Formless Mahabrahma … His world relates to the dimension of time (i.e. Kaal) … He by himself denotes the finality of time, i.e. eternity of time and it is through him that eternity of all that is existent within the Maker’s Makings, is maintained …
LL-5-H … Relationship of 16 lower smaller white worlds of Brahmaloka to 16 Kala (16 Arts) of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu’s Avatar (i.e. Sri Bhagwan Krishna) …
These sixteen worlds also denote the 16 Kala (16 Arts) of Sri Bhagwan Krishna …
And since each of these 16 have 4 steps, so in totality there are 64 arts stated in Vedic lore … This discussion ends as beyond this is not in scope of this topic …
LL-5-I … Relationship of 20 worlds of Brahmaloka to 20 intermediary stages (or types) of emptiness (Shunyata) …
The ancient Siddha’s used to say about 20 intermediary states of elemental emptiness (Shunya Tattva) … These 20 intermediary states of Shunya Tattva are also related to the 20 worlds of Brahmaloka …
As each of these 20 worlds are evolved over, one specific type of emptiness self manifests within the aspirant (i.e. the aspirant self realizes one type of emptiness) … And finally upon going past the 20 intermediary stages of emptiness, is self realized the Mahashunya or the great-emptiness (or the supreme emptiness) …
This Mahashunya is also the same what was discussed earlier and was termed as Shunya Brahman or the Zero which is Infinite and that Infinite which is Zero (i.e. Shunya Anantah, which simultaneously also is as Anant Shunya) and which as such is the original self expression of the Absolute which we have already discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT self expressed itself” …
There is nothing higher than Shunya Brahman … Shunya Brahman itself is the Mahashunya of Siddha Lore, Sadashiva of Shaiva Lore, Sriman Naaraayana of Vaishnava Lore, Bhagwan Vishvakarman of the “root lore (or Vedic lore)” of all above lore’s and whose divinity is addressed as Maa Adi Parashakti also …
And it eventually is to Shunya Brahman that the Buddhist concept of Shunyata (or emptiness or voidness) also relates … And it is also due to this reason that the self realized all realized Buddhist sages have also told that “emptiness is also a state of fullness” and they have also told that “emptiness is also infinite in its finality” …
And finally for this part of the discussion … What my Gurudeva Gautama Buddha had told as emptiness (i.e. Shunyata) is actually the united-corpus of these 20 intermediary stages of emptiness and the 21 final state of great emptiness (Mahashunya) … Thus Shunyata of Buddhism eventually relates to that which was told as Mahashunya by the ancient Siddha’s (i.e. fully accomplished ones) …
That Mahashunya is the state of Mahapralaya also … This is as in Mahapralaya only Sriman Naaraayana remains existent and whilst Sriman Naaraayana absorbs the entirety of Maker’s Makings into his own state, which at that time is of Mahapralaya …
Thus that aspirant who self realizes Shunyata as is told in Buddhist lore, cannot ever return back, as he has the manifestation of Mahapralaya (or the great dissolution) within his own microcosm itself …
Such a one is already gone yet is the eternally ungone one and simultaneously that same aspirant is the eternally ungone yet is the permanently gone one … Those who know the innermost meaning of this paragraph, know Shunyata as was told by my Gurudeva of previous incarnation (i.e. Buddha Avatar) …
LL-5-J … Further to above realizations …
Above self realizations lead to a state where the aspirant knows the following …
- The path which leads to supreme realization, is also a part of that supreme realization and thus is none other than the supreme realization itself” … This is the self realization of divinity of all paths …
- So basis above bullet point, that which leads to Brahma, is none other than Brahma who has manifested itself as that path … And since all paths eventually lead to Brahmaloka itself, so all paths (all knowledge systems or ways of life) that ever are manifested during any of the triple times are none other than Brahma who has self manifested himself as a path of those times …
- And since allness itself is none other than the macrocosmic state of that same supreme attributeless infinite being, whom Vedas address as Brahman and is also addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm, so there really is nothing which leads to anywhere else to anything which is other than the supreme being) …
- The culmination process of this path of allness, begins at the state which is painted here i.e. Sadyojat face of Sadashiva (or Brahmaloka) …
- And any of the Vedic great statement (or in other words, the Vedic Mahavakya) could be meditated upon to enter into this realization …
LL-5-K … The first distribution of knowledge by this little student …
Earlier on, we had discussed the light pink colored world of Avyakta Prana (or Avyakta Prakriti as the Prakriti of Brahmaloka is so subtle that it is a Prana only) …
Avyakta is a part of Brahmaloka itself … Avyakta is the Shakti of Brahma whom the Vedas address as Maya Shakti …
There are many greater-ones (i.e. evolved aspirants) who are residing within the very-light-pink colored world (or Avyakta) and it was to these greater ones, that the knowledge of this text was firstly distributed by the little students travelling subtler vehicle who has arrived at their light pink colored world as is depicted in above painting …
As soon as this little students subtler observing vehicle entered this pink colored world (i.e. Avyakta Prana) many of the greater-ones (all of who are highly evolved sages) who reside there surrounded the subtler vehicle and began asking for the path which was followed to enter this state … Thus the knowledge of this text was distributed to all of them and this distribution was much prior the current topic of this text was written down …
LL-5-L … Relationship of four upper great white worlds of Brahmaloka to 8th plexus …
The 8th plexus which is also addressed as Niralambasthana and is also termed as the final chakra (Niralamb Chakra), was discussed in an earlier set of topics … This was told to be having four petals …
The petals of the 8th plexus (or Ashtama Chakra) were also shown (and told) to be placed in such a way that three of these petals are on one side and one on the other side … This arrangement of the four petals of 8th plexus is also the same as Brahmaloka …
Due to this reason we had also named the Eighth Chakra as Brahmaloka chakra or the plexus which has the sameness of state to Brahmaloka (i.e. upper fiur worlds of Brahmaloka) …
In fact the four petalled lotus (as was painted in an earlier topic) is a simile of the four upper great white worlds of Brahmaloka in addition to being a simile for the four headed Maker … Thus Brahmaloka is eternally present with each aspirant and as that aspirants 8th plexus itself … This also proves one of the statements of Yajurveda “As is microcosm, So is macrocosm, etc-etc” …
Those who want to see this sameness would just need to see the painting of that four petalled lotus (or Niralamb chakra as is shown in earlier topic) and compare it to the panting as given above …
Since Brahmaloka (world of the creator from which everything originates) itself is present inside the 8th plexus, so ancient Siddha’s used to also say that when resting within 8th plexus, infinite universes can be seen to be present within it … This is also a fact about the 8th plexus …
But to enter into the realization of whatever is discussed within this topic, one needs to be a true Mumukshu (i.e. only that aspirant “who only seeks a final liberation and nothing else” is the one who would enter into the realizations as are discussed here) …
And due to this reason within the history of the macrocosmic creation, very few aspirants have actually arrived at a direct cognition of this topic …
LL-5-M … World of sex within the light pink colored world (i.e. Avyakta) …
Within the envelope of Avyakta and in-between the three right hand side worlds and world which is on the left side and slightly to the left side of the uppermost right hand side world (i.e. Mahabrahma Sahampati) is a place which could is termed as Kama Loka (world of desires) … This is also Vasana Loka (world of sex) of Maker’s Makings …
All Vasana originated and propagate from this world … This world is also a part of one of the four upper great white worlds (of Mahabrahma Sahampati) which we have already discussed earlier on in this topic …
This Vasana Loka is like a pit which is resting inside the light pink nature and the aspirants who reside here are continuously engaged in sex … All sexual positions of Kamasutra can be realized here … This realization also proved to me that Sri Vatsyayana had also subtly travelled to this world, so as to write the Kamasutra’s … And since this world is adjacent to Brahmaloka, so it is also a very high world which in turn proved to me that Sri Vatsyayana (i.e. the sage who gave the knowledge of Kamasutra’s to this world) was in fact a very highly evolved sage …
And this realization also proved to me, that sex is also a solid path of evolution, but only is sex is utilized properly (i.e. by conserving of vitality during sexual intercourse) …
And also is a fact about utilization of sex as a path of evolution is that if not properly done, then it would amount to playing with fire and electricity at the same time … Thus in such a case, this path of sex as a tool of evolution would be more harming that good …
This world of sex is also the one which is referred to in Islamic lore as place where Allah Tala provides his adherents with 72 virgins …
LL-5-N … Four headed Creator Grandfather of allness i.e. Chatur Mukha Pitamah Brahma Ji …
I have not painted a sketch of Chatur Mukha Pitamah Brahma Ji in this text as he is a deity who can only be self realized … But because self realization needs a base, so below description is as a minimum to this end …
After all above self realizations are completed, is the stage of self realization of the four headed creator grandfather of allness, whom the Vedas address as Brahma …
Hidden within those four upper great white worlds as are shown in above painted sketch, is a secret passage which leads to the self realization of the divine seat where the four headed creator (Brahma Ji) resides …
He is the very elderly, great grandfather of allness … He is extremely brightly shining (his shine and light is totally blinding and is of a very brightly shining diamond-white color) … He has a long beard and is residing in a world which is so brilliant that it feels like trillion and further trillions of stars that have come together at one single place … He is also the eternally blissful one …
Brahma is the sage amongst all sages of the triple times … And so is the aspirant who has known him through a direct cognition (self-realization) …
Based upon self realizations, Pitamah Brahma Ji is supremely-glorious incomparable one … Within the entirety of macrocosmic creation, there is nobody like Chatur-Mukha Pitamah Brahma Ji … By nobody, I mean nobody …
After this self realization, I knew that there was nothing more to be realized at Brahmaloka … And thus my subtler travelling vehicle returned back to the physical vehicle …
Discussions end …