Here we shall discuss the following … Seventy weeks of Daniel, 1260 days of Daniel, Advent of Sage Mokshe (i.e. Birth of Moses of Christianity, who also is Musa of Islam and Moshe of Judaism), time of Great Exodus of Bible and 6000 years cycle of Judaism …
This topic continues from the previous one of “Time times and half a time” …
130-AA … Regarding Moshe …
When I study the macrocosmic impressions (Samskaras) that are still existent within the consciousness plane of this planet (Bhu Chitta), then it is clear that at the time of our discussion, there was a sage who was given the title of “Mokshe” by the Samskrit speaking folks of that time …
This sage is also the one came to be addressed as Moshe in Jewish lore’s, Moses in Christian lore and Musa within the Islamic lore’s …
Mokshe is the original Sanskrit term from where all above listed names of Moses were derived across lore’s that followed during later times …
The Sanskrit language name Mokshe was given to him as it denoted his attainment of “liberation (which in Sanskrit lore is also called as Moksha and the same is also termed as final emancipation or Nirvana)” and that too, whilst he was still incarnated …
The Samskrit title of Mokshe was told for him as it meant “One who is already stationed within a liberated state, whilst still incarnated” …
Thus, the name Mokshe is a synonym for a very ancient Vedic term of “Jeevanmukta” which means, “Liberated whilst alive” …
And after that sage (who held the title name of Mokshe) went west, he was named as Moshe (by Jews) …
Both these names relate to his attainment of being a “Jeevanmukta” or “one who is already stationed in a fully liberated state (i.e. stationed in Kaivalya Moksha) and that too, whilst that sage is still incarnated” …
And at a later stage of progress of time, the same sage was addressed as Moses and Musa …
130-BB … Some aspects prior we proceed further …
Many statements of Bible seem similar, yet they relate to different aspects …
Thus, to begin this discussion, we need a few references of history …
- The 1260 days of Daniel, are not the same as 3.5 years of Biblical lore’s …
- The end-times as are stated in Biblical lore, do not mean end-of-times …
- These misinterpretations are because of being possessed by external entities … I can very clearly see this fact in many Biblical scholars, pastors and even many cardinals and the present Pope also …
- So as of now, I also see many Christian churches and their controllers, under affects of nasty external entities … But this is only a passing phase which has come by due to the effects of the present stage of change of human age cycle … Thus, after this cycle of time passes by, then this effect of external entities would also end …
130-CC … Calculate seventy weeks of Daniel …
Here we would calculate the 70 weeks of Daniel as per the knowledge of cyclic nature of time (i.e. Kaalchakra) and finish the confusion regarding the knowledge systems which had been used as a base to derive Biblical prophetic statements …
This confusion has already lasted during the entirety time spans of the currently ending “Age of Pisces” and a little prior to this time …
This confusion regarding the root system that was used to derive Bible prophecies needs to be cleared prior the Piscean Age ends, because this confusion has been the primary reason for divisions of Sanatan Dharma into all sorts of manmade and imaginary religions during the last few millenniums and which in turn led to divisions of humanity and their geographies that we now see …
Thus, unless this confusion is ended, the divisions of humanity which came by during the last few millenniums, cannot be reversed back to their original unity as needs to be during the “incoming human age cycle (which as such is of Guru Yuga or the Age of Sages)” …
Proceeding further …
1260 days as stated in Daniel are not not human days, these are divine days and thus are the same as human solar years … But how are they human years, needs to be discussed …
During ancient times, ratio of divine to human ages was the same as what was derived as “360 : 1” in an earlier topic of “Vedic concept of three six zero” …
It is due to this reason, that, all those religious lore’s who adopted this concept state that there are “360 days in one year” …
It is told in Vedas, that, “360 human days (1 human year)” is 1 “Deva day (day of Divine beings)” …
Proceeding further …
1260 days of Daniel are not human days, but divine days … Thus, this phrase relates to the divine worlds …
And thus this topic also relates to the “divine age cycle (which in Sanskrit language is also called as Mahayuga in addition to being termed as Deva Yuga Chakra and the same time cycle is also called as a Chatur Yuga)” whose knowledge as of now is “only and only” held by adherents of Vedic sciences …
In the Vedic lore was originated the “concept of 360” and the stage of origination of this knowledge was much-much prior to the stage of sleep of the “great grandmother of all philosophies (who itself is the same as the eternal way of life or Sanatan Dharma)” on/around 6990 BC (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
As also, since ancient systems used to take this “time at divine worlds” to be of the time at Indraloka i.e. time of the world of “ruler of divine worlds (I.e. Devaraja Indra)” so basis this ancient way of accounting for divine time, 1260 days of Daniel are eventually denoting the time at Indraloka …
Proceeding further …
In earlier topics we had discussed that sun “esoterically” takes 20 rounds (20 solar revolution) around the non-lighted galactic center and each revolution of sun has a time span of “216 million human solar years (as per middle time units of precession of equinoxes)” …
Thus, 20 revolution of sun have a time span of 4,320 million years, which as such is the time of one Brahma Kalpa i.e. 12-hours or one day-time at the world of Pitamah Brahma Ji or 12 hours at Brahmaloka … Brahmaloka has already been discussed in an earlier topic of Sadyojata face of Sadashiva …
And because principles and process of macrocosmic creation stay the same, so the human consciousness also takes 20 rounds of the divine world of Indra (i.e. Indra Loka) within each day-time of Deva’s i.e. during each day of ruler of divine beings (or Devaraja Indra or Idandra Deva) …
These rounds are when you sleep and thence your astral body (or subtle body, which in Sanskrit language is named as Sookshma Sharira) goes out of your physical body … It is at this time that you subtly take these 20 rounds around the “divine plane of the ruler of all divine beings (or in other words, around the heaven of Indra Deva)” …
Note: You only sleep because your astral vehicle moves out of your physical vehicle, so as to refresh itself from the stagnations that have gotten built up due to the stay of that astral body (Sookshma Sharira) within your “physical vehicle (i.e. Annamaye Kosha or in simple words, it can also be termed as the food sheath)” whilst you were awake …
Proceeding further …
Thus, to calculate the time units of this number, we need to multiply it with 20 … This gives us a figure as follows …
1260 x 20 = 25,200 divine days or Deva days …
Above calculated number also denotes same number of human solar years …
Proceeding further …
Now we need to look inside the Precessional circle to find out the stage when above derived number becomes applicable within the purviews of “unitary value of time” …
By above I mean, that we need to find out the time when above derived number is effective within the “human age cycles (which in Sanskrit language can also be called as Manav Yuga Chakra)” …
So, we get a value as calculated below …
25,200 / 360 = 70 years per degree precession …
Above is to what the knowledge of 70 weeks of Daniel actually refers to from the point of the knowledge of precession of equinoxes (which in other words, also means as the human ages) …
And this is a number of Vedic Kaalchakra itself because the root of Bible is none other than the timeless Vedas only …
This number refers to the exact time of the prophecy i.e. when was the prophecy actually applicable …
And the derivation of time of this prophecy is as calculated below …
130-DD … Seventy weeks of Daniel and Birth of Moses …
- 70 weeks of Daniel also relates to the time of advent of Moses …
- And in material realms, it means 70 weeks x 7 days = 490 days …
- In slightly deeper (subtle) terms, it relates to the stage of taking days for year and in such a case, these 70 weeks of Daniel become as 490 years …
- But above above are child’s knowledge as there is a much deeper esoteric meaning of 70 weeks of Daniel, which shall be taken up at a later stage of this discussion …
Now with above as a base, we would be calculating the time of advent of Moses and exodus of Jews from Egypt … So, here it goes …
In one circle there are …
- 360 degrees …
- In one degree, there are 60 minutes …
- In one minute, there are 60 seconds …
- So, in one circle, there are 360 x 50 x 60 = 1,296,000 arc seconds …
Moving on …
Now we have to calculate the “Yearly change of precession” in arc seconds when above number of 25,200 years was applicable to this world … This calculation is as follows …
1296000 / 25200 = 51.4285714 arc seconds per year …
Above is the yearly change of precession to which above prophecy primarily relates …
Proceeding further …
In our earlier discussions of Kaalchakra, we have derived the fact that at the Nadir point of earth’s axial precession (i.e. 1434 AD) yearly change of precession was of 50 arc seconds …
And we had also discussed in an earlier topic of “Offset of human ages”, that if we have to derive divine values (or divine time) whilst we are based in this world, then the closest cardinal point (which in our present stage of time, is the Nadir point) is to be used …
And we had also discussed in an earlier topic of “Sri Krishna’s word to Maa Ganga”, that, if the value directly relates to the divine worlds (as is the case with this discussion, because this prophecy relates to Indraloka itself) then the values of closest cardinal point shall have to be used for the Offset-Cardinal point itself …
Within the present stage of progress of time, above also means that Nadir values (time units and yearly rate of change of Nadir point) shall have to be used at Offset-Nadir point …
Above means, that even when we would be using the date of Offset-Nadir as 786 AD, yet its unitary value of time and also its yearly change of precession (i.e. yearly rate of change of precession) would have to be taken of Nadir point (of 1434 AD) …
This is as divine values are only rooted in Precession cardinal points …
Moving further …
And from our earlier discussions, we also know that the rate of yearly change of precession for each 1,296 years (as per Nadir time units) is 0.8 arc seconds …
Thus basis above discussed aspects, is below calculation …
[{(51.4285714 – 50) / 0.8} x 1296] = (1.4285714 / 0.8) x 1296 = 2,314.28 years prior Offset-Nadir point of precession (of 786 AD) …
Note: As was discussed earlier on, in above calculation I have used Offset-Nadir point and time (of 786 AD) but with Nadir values (of 50 arc seconds per year) …
So, the applicable year of this prophecy of 70 weeks of Daniel is as follows …
786 AD – 2314.28 years = 1528.28 BC, +/- 1 to 2.7 years …
Proceeding further …
Above time of 1528.28 BC was the stage when Moses had arrived to this world …
So “+/- 1 to 2.7 years” from 1528.28 BC was the time of Birth of Sage Mokshe …
Sage Mokshe was Moshe of Judaism, Moses of Christianity and Musa of Islam …
Note: Since birth of Moses can be derived from knowledge of Kaalchakra i.e. Knowledge of macrocosmic primordial dimension of time and its eternal cycles, so it is safe to believe that the advent of Moses was as per the demands of the Lord of time (Bhagwan Mahakaal) and IT’s own pristine divinity (Maa Mahakaali) …
130-EE … Seventy weeks of Daniel and Great Exodus of Bible …
And when Moses was past his 80th year, i.e. he was in his 81st year, was the time of the Great Exodus from Egypt …
So, this time of the Great Exodus of Biblical lore’s was as follows …
1528.28 – (between 80 and 81 years of Moses) = 1448.28 BC to 1447.28 BC …
Above was the time when the Great Exodus of Bible (i.e. exodus from Egypt) had actually happened …
Above calculated time span is also within the same time-ranges of my Kaalchakra calculations i.e. +/- 1 to 2.7 years …
130-FF … Calculating Jewish 6000 years cycle basis Seventy weeks of Daniel …
Time of 70 weeks of Daniel is as calculated below …
This prophecy also relates to the time span when the cardinal point of precession that was applicable to this world, was of Nadir point only … Therefore, in this calculation, we shall have to utilize values of Nadir point itself …
As was discussed and derived in an earlier topic of “precession of equinoxes” and the same was also discussed in another topic of “Calculating precession” and in addition to these two, the same was also taken up in the topic of “Precession at various points” we know that the precession circle (of 360 degrees arc) has a time span of …
- 24,000 years as per Middle time units of precession (i.e. middle point of Agragaman) …
- 25,920 years as per Nadir time units of precession (i.e. nadir point of Ahaata) …
Basis above, for each 90 degrees arc precession, the time span is as follows …
- 6,000 years as per Middle time units of axial precession of Earth’s axis …
- 6,480 years as per Nadir time units of precession …
During each 90 degrees arc, someone who is chosen by macrocosmic divinities always comes to the world, to restore order …
But Jewish calendar is not exactly the same as solar calendar to which above derivations relate and yet the number of years are based upon the same concept of Kaalchakra itself …
Proceeding further …
1260 days of Daniel means “Days at the Deva Loka or divine worlds” …
One divine day is equal to 360 human days …
Since Divine Time is only of “ruler of divine worlds (who in Sanskrit language is also addressed as Devaraja Indra), so this also means, that this discussion is only applicable to the “time of Indra Deva (or in other words, the time applicable at Indra Loka)” …
Above is because of the fact, that, “As are the values (and time) at the plane of ruler of all divine worlds, so are the values (and time) that become applicable to all other divine worlds” …
But to derive the values of this prophecy, divine-days need to be substituted for human-years …
So in the human realms, above number becomes as as follows …
1260 x 360 = 453,600 divine days = 453,600 human years …
And to transit the esoterically referred divine-days of 70 weeks of Daniel, we get the following value …
453,600 / 70 = 6,480 days of divine beings … This is also equal to 6,480 human solar years …
Note: This is same value that denotes 90 degrees precession arc (at Nadir time units of precession circle) but in human solar years …
The same value of 6,480 human years (at nadir time units) becomes 6,000 human years at middle time units of Precessional cycle (i.e. 6,480 / 1.08 = 6,000 years) … These 6,000 years is also told in Jewish scriptures …
This is why Jewish lore’s that relate to advent of a Messiah speak about 6000 year periods as latest time for advent of a chosen one (Messiah) …
And this is even when they follow a different timeline (and years) as compared to the one which has been discussed here …
But ultimately this concept relates to same 90 degrees precession arc …
Continues …