Here we discuss the union of Bhadra to Bhadri by the path of Bhadra Bhadri Yoga (or Bhadri Bhadra Yoga) which is also termed as Shakti Shiva Yoga (or Shiva Shakti Yoga) and also as Samantabhadra Samantabhadri Yoga (or as Samantabhadri Samantabhadra Yoga) … And this can also be termed as Mahadeva Mahadevi Yoga (or union of the Great divine to its own great divinity) …It leads to rise of white pot of lighted butter (or in other words, the inner Pot of nectar or consciousness pot or which we had also called as Amrit Kalash) to the eighth plexus (or in other words, the Ashtama Chakra) and is this rise also the reason for manifestation of that which Buddhism states as Ushnisha …
Above painted sketch depicts both of the microcosmic (or the inner) and the macrocosmic (i.e. beyond) concepts which are inherently placed within the highly secretive and thus the esoterically hidden knowledge of Buddha Samantabhadri in her eternal union to Buddha Samantabhadra …
Above figure denotes Bhadra Bhadri Yoga (or union of Bhadri to Bhadra) and that too within the aspirants physical vehicle itself, but shown in Tantric methodology … By every chance this does not denote the act of copulation as both Bhadri and Bhadra are eternally present inside the aspirants microcosm itself …
Thus as a matter of fact, this figure is depicting that state of inner union of Bhadri (i.e. Shakti) to Bhadra (i.e. Shiva) i.e. a union which happens of Bhadri and Bhadra who are present within the aspirants microcosm and thus even when it is depicted such in Yoga Tantra, yet it essentially is an asexual union …
Within any aspirant, Bhadri is as the Prana Shakti (vitality) and Bhadra as the Manas (Mind) …
II-1 … Mahadeva Mahadevi Yoga … Bhadra Bhadri Yoga … The base …
Here we shall discuss the union of Primordial Buddha Samantabhadri to Primordial Buddha Samantabhadra and that too as it happens inside the aspirant’s microcosm itself (i.e. as it happens inside the aspirants physical vehicle itself) …
These two words (of Bhadri and Bhadra) are the same as Shakti and Shiva respectively … Buddhist lore terms them as Samantabhadri and Samantabhadra and Vedas term them as Mahadevi and as Mahadeva …
All that is different in these terms are the names and not who or what they denote and thus this union which as such is termed as that of Samantabhadri to Samantabhadra is also denoting the same union which was earlier discusses as Shakti Shiva Yoga, Mahadevi Mahadeva Yoga and was also called as Prakriti Purusha Yoga …
The sound of this Samantabhadri Samantabhadra Yoga is also of the same “Shiva Taraka Mantra (or fully liberating mantra of Shiva)” i.e. “Raam Naad (or sound of Raam)” …
Contrary to what may be understood, above painting which happens inside the aspirants physical vehicle is also denoting the same as was discussed earlier and is listed below …
- Shakti Shiva Yoga …
- Thus basis above, it is also denoting Raam Naad (Sound of Raam) which itself is termed as the Taraka Mantra (i.e. fully liberating mantra) of Bhagwan Shiva …
- Prakriti Purusha Yoga (or in other words, Purusha Prakriti Yoga) …
- Union of the feminine and masculine principles …
Continuing with above bullet point … These feminine and masculine principles are present within each microcosm (or each aspirant) and the above painting is actually denoting a union of these two primary macrocosmic principles within the aspirant’s microcosm itself … In no way does this painting denote the act of a physical copulation …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus within Buddhist and other Tantric practices of Sanatan Dharma, even when above painted sketch is shown as it is shown, it really is the same as what was discussed earlier as Prakriti Purusha Yoga and Shiva Shakti Yoga because “the truth does not change by mere changes of words that are used to address or describe it” …
Continuing with above paragraph … I say so because so this union is a universal one i.e. it can happen inside the entire macrocosm and the same union can also happen inside any physical or gross microcosm … This statement also includes the microcosm’s of the readers of this text and also those who would either not read or would not be able to read this text due to the severities that would be soon be coming to this world system as per demands of the incoming change of human age cycles and which shall also become the base reason for eviction of these ones (i.e. people, their texts, systems, centers or religions, Gods or Satan’s) who are not ready to enter that incoming age cycle … This eviction always happens prior to each change of the following …
- Human ages … This is also termed as Manav Yuga …And this is also termed as Manav Yuga Chakra …
- The eternal cycles of Divine ages … This is also termed as Deva Yuga and this is also called as Mahayuga … Or Deva Yuga Chakra or Mahayuga Chakra …
- The eternal cycles of “Solar ages” … This is also termed as Surya Samvatsara Chakra … And this is also termed as a Mahakalpa … This is even written as a Maha Kalpa …
- The eternal cycles of Age of Manu … This is also termed as Manvantara and it is also called as a Manvantar Chakra …
Continuing with above paragraph … As also a fact that when it happens inside the greater manifest and/or the non manifest macrocosm, then at such times the same union also commences to happen inside the “Subtle impressional macrocosm (Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand)” which is eternally present within each microcosm … And simultaneously when it happens inside the greater macrocosmic creation or its any part, then the same union also begins happening within the each microcosm who is residing within the greater macrocosmic creation or it’s that part (where that microcosm resides) … Thus basis this discussion, if this union of masculine and feminine principles were to happen in our Milky Way galaxy, then the same union would also be happening within the “Subtle impressional macrocosm (Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand)” which itself is within our own physical vehicle …
Continuing with above paragraph … And at such a time, if the inhabitants of a world (i.e. all microcosms who are inhabiting that world) are not based upon celibacy, truth, selfless service to others, compassion, pure love, oneness to allness and her each part or Brahmand Dharana and other better aspects like non-violence towards all that is inhabiting that world, etc-etc), then the sexual desires would also begin rising in a deviated way within that world and at this stage, depending upon the extent of degeneration that is already there upon that world, these risen sexual desires may lead to better or worse sexual deeds that would be committed by the inhabitants of that world …
Continuing with above paragraph … And as a matter of fact, since this union has already happened within the greater macrocosmic creation recently and since most of the inhabitants of this world are not based upon pure paths which utilize middle path of sexuality as a pure mode of evolution and which itself is due to the severity of degeneration that has already happened here, so this itself is the primary reason for rise of deviated sexuality (for example, porn sites, animal sex, incest, rapes etc.) within this world … Sex is a very pure and eternal mode of evolution, but only if it is utilized properly i.e. utilized within the strict boundaries of Dharma …
II-2 … Bhadri Bhadra Yoga … Mahadevi Mahadeva Yoga … The practice …
But because of the nature of the painted sketch, its highly esoteric and secretive knowledge system, some practitioners have even been practicing this union within a lower aspect (i.e. practicing with a member of the opposite sex and that too for self satisfaction … This nonsense is clearly visible within the impressions (or Samskaras) which currently reside in the consciousness plane of this planet (or Bhu Chitta) and very strangely some of them are also wearing those robes which are meant to decorate the monks of the higher orders …
But even within this lower aspect of practice of this union, if such practitioners can conserve their seed and vitality during the course of this union, then they can also succeed in attaining a fully enlightened state … This enlightened state is an absolute fact about what this union finally leads to, but that enlightenment is only possible if the seed and vitality stays conserved prior, during and after this union is entered in, with a member of an opposite sex …
As a matter of fact even I practice this union, but my way is a very-very subtle way because I unite the feminine and masculine principles, both of which are also present inside my own physical vehicle and the result of this union itself is this entire set of topics which has the header of “Shiva Taraka Naad” …
As also is another matter of further fact that unless this union happens inside your own microcosm, you can forget about a “final” liberation and this statement of mine is irrespective of who you may believe in and what you may believe about the capabilities of the “greater one” that is believed by you … And as another matter of fact, irrespective of the paths that anybody may follow during the course of their own evolutionary process, if they do get “finally” liberated, then that “final” liberation can only be arrived after passing through this union … This is because of the fact that there is no path to a final liberation that does not pass through the Shiva Taraka Mantra (which in other words, is the same as “Sound of Ram or Ram Naad“) that is being discussed here …
But within this kind of union (which is with a partner of an opposite sex) if the seeds and vitality (vital fluids and their subtle energies) are not fully conserved by the practitioners, then this practice can even lead to a manifestation of severity of heat-fire-electric flows within the subtle channels (i.e. subtler nerves) of the aspirant and this would ultimately cause more damage than good to such aspirants who fail to comply to what is stated here …
Thus during the course of practice of this union, if proper precautions are not taken so as to conserve the seeds and vitality and that aspirants fails to rest within the boundaries of sex as per Dharma, then the same practice would become like playing with fire and electricity at the same time and this in turn would become the reason for furthering of sufferings for such aspirants and consequently become the further reason for their further returns to physical or even subtler world systems …
Thus basis above discussions, this union can also become a very dangerous one if it is not done correctly and it is due to this reason it needs to be done only under a proper guidance of an aspirant who has already reached the summit of enlightenment through this particular method of union itself because no other person can ever be a Guru of the highly secretive, extremely esoteric and dangerous path that is being discussed here … Even the Abhimani Devata (egoistic Gods) fear this path and the one who has succeeded through this path and thus many scriptures of such egoistic Gods advice not to enter paths of sexuality as their own Gods are afraid of entering into such a path which is based upon expansion of sexuality, instead of suppressing it … And this fear is also based upon the fact that if in this path which is described in above figure and when the inner vitalities begin rising upwards, if anything goes wrong then it would become like playing with heat, inner vitality flows, fire, electricity, static energies and your own inner magnetism at the same time …
Thus basis above, I would never ever advice any of the aspirants to approach this knowledge of “Shakti Shiva Yoga (or Sound of Ram)” through paths which are based upon expansion of sexuality and instead I would only advice that it is better for interested aspirants to enter into authentic paths that are based upon controlling of desires (like Patanjali Yoga Tantra etc.) because the end result of both these paths is just the same Shakti Shiva Yoga only …
II-3 … Samantabhadra Samantabhadri Yoga … Mahadeva Mahadevi Yoga … The light within and beyond …
Proceeding further to discuss the white colored light that is shown on top of Samantabhadra head …
The white light which is shown on top of blue colored Bhadra’s head is the same white ball of lighted butter (i.e. the pot of nectar or Amrit Kalash) which was depicted in the 1st painted sketch and where this white lighted ball was shown in the head region of that earlier painting of this set of topics …
Thus it ultimately is the same light of the risen state of white pot of lighted butter that is depicted in above painting also …
This light would also be referred to in later topics because this concept of rise of consciousness pot (i.e. white pot of lighted butter) is a universal one and not just something which is limited to the current discussion only …
The same risen state of consciousness is also depicted as Kalash (Pot) which is shown on the topmost part of all Vedic temples … This aspect shall be discussed in a later topic …
Proceeding further to discuss the rise of the white pot of lighted butter till the head … And beyond …
This white pot which rises up to the head of the physical vehicle is originally located at a point which is about 2-3 finger breadths below the navel and that too towards the spinal column of each aspirant … It holds the nectar of consciousness (Chetna) which is present within each aspirant … The same fact of this pot being the Amrit (Nectar) which itself is present inside each aspirants physical vehicle, is also stated in texts of Ayurveda …
The presence of this inner nectar also subtly denotes the presence of the conscious principle (Chetan Siddhant) inside each microcosm (aspirant) and the fact of which is also subtly referred to within the “Vedic Mahavakya (which means as a Vedic mega-statement)” which was told as Chetan Brahma (i.e. conscious is supreme) …
Depending on the amount of nectar which this pot holds, is the factor which determines evolutionary standing of the aspirant within the macrocosmic hierarchies … Fuller is this pot with the pure white colored subtle nectar, higher evolved is the aspirant … Higher lifted is this pot (from its original location which is about 2-3 finger breadths below the navel and towards the spinal column), greater is the evolutionary standing of that aspirant within the macrocosmic hierarchies … And if this pot does lift up to the 7th plexus (i.e. thousand petalled lotus at the top of brain) and thence this pot also goes beyond, then this fact is the same as the light which is shown on top of Samantabhadra head in above painting … Thus the white light which is depicted on top of Buddha Samantabhadra head, is denoting the risen state of aspirants consciousness …
This consciousness pot (i.e. white pot of lighted butter) is in the shape of a Shivalingam which is bent on its top part … This bend of the top part of the Shivalinga shaped pot, is also towards the spinal column only …
This white pot is in the shape of a very subtle, bent Shivling which is placed about 2-3 finger breadths below the navel area and its location is towards the spinal column … During the course of evolution, the nectar from this white pot (or pot of consciousness or pot of nectar or which we had also termed as Amrit Kalash) also overflows … Slowly but steadily and during the long-long course of evolution which spans across many-many (countless) incarnations and due to the merits (Karma Phala), the nectar keeps building up and thence dripping into this pot … And eventually this pot of nectar gets built up to such high levels that it begins overflowing out of the pot and into the aspirants subtle and gross microcosm (i.e. subtler and gross physical vehicle) …
At this stage of overflow, the Shiva Lingam shaped consciousness pot is seen to be of a “matt-white” color as if white chalk powder is sprayed liberally upon it …
And it is at this time that it is found to be located about 2-3 finger breadths below the navel and is also found to be bent at its top whilst it is placed towards the spinal column …
And as the evolutionary standing of the aspirant arrives at a state where this pot can rise upwards and reach the 7th plexus (i.e. 1000 petalled lotus at the top of brain), then this white pot rises up and thence also crosses past the same 7th plexus … In above painting it is this white pot is the one which is shown as the white light on top of Buddha Samantabhadra head … This rise only happens after the aspirant enters into the same Shakti Shiva Yoga which is being discussed here and thence that aspirant self realizes the Ram Naad …
During the stage of Sound of Ram (as was shown in the 1st figure of this topic) this white pot rises up and eventually reaches till the 7th plexus and crosses it … And if the aspirants evolutionary ripeness and rightness to enter into the 8th plexus is also arrived, then this white pot also reaches the Eighth chakra … i.e. this white pot of nectar is the one which goes beyond the 7th plexus or crown plexus (or thousand petalled lotus at the top of brain or Brahmarandra chakra or in other words, the Sahasrara) and thence it also ends up entering into the 8th plexus (or Ashtama Chakra) … This rise to Ashtama Chakra is the final state of this rise and thus it also denotes the final accomplishment …
When this white pot reaches the Ashtama Chakra, then it also dissolves into its own cause, which as such is the supreme consciousness, which itself is of the 8th plexus itself … This is the stage where the white pot has gone fully beyond the 7th plexus and it is this condition which is actually referred to in the white light that is shown on top of Buddha Samantabhadra head in above painted sketch …
But the fact still remains that the rise of the white pot is only due to very strong rise of vital energies (Prana or Prana Shakti) of the aspirant from the location near the base of spine till the 8th plexus and this is the vitality which leads to rise of the white pot till the 7th plexus (and/or the 8th plexus, as the case may be) … And as a matter of undeniable fact, this strong rise of vital air (Prana Shakti) within the aspirants microcosm itself is due to the aspirant entering into the path of Shakti Shiva Yoga and the further self realization of Sound of Raam (Raam Naad) … Thus as a matter of undeniable fact, unless the evolutionary ripeness and rightness of entering into Shakti Shiva Yoga and the consequent self realization of “Sound of Raam (Raam Naad)” is arrived at, the white pot of our discussion cannot even begin rising to the 7th plexus (or the 8th plexus as the case may be) …
Unless this pot of nectar that is present inside each aspirant lifts up due to the strong energy currents which get self manifested during the course of Raam Naad and then this pot of nectar reaches the 8th plexus, this pot cannot ever be dissolved in its own cause (i.e. the 8th plexus) … And in the absence of this pot dissolving into its own cause (i.e. the 8th plexus), the final liberation only stays as a distant dream irrespective of what system may be followed or which greater one may be believed in by anyone …
As also, since the Eighth plexus denotes that stage which is beyond allness and her each part, so unless this white pot dissolves into its own cause i.e. 8th plexus, the aspirant cannot move beyond allness and her each part … By this I mean that unless this white pot reaches and thence dissolves into the 8th plexus, the final stage of freedom which is of a free choice of “entering or not entering” into a state of final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha), i.e. a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part (or Kaivalya, which is also termed as Moksha), cannot be arrived at by an aspirant …
II-4 … Buddha Samantabhadri … The eternally luminous one …
It ultimately is the same brightly lighted Buddha Samantabhadri who rises up to head of Buddha Samantabhadra and thus she leads to a manifestation of an inner lighted state of the aspirants microcosm … And as a matter of fact, whenever this happens, then a brightly lighted state self manifests within the aspirants microcosm itself (i.e. the light of our discussion manifests inside the aspirants physical and subtler vehicles itself) …
This inner luminosity of Buddha Samantabhadri ultimately rises upwards and thence it also passes into and beyond the aspirants 8th plexus and this in turn leads to the light which extends beyond the aspirants physical vehicle and which as such is depicted as the light on top of Buddha Samantabhadra’s head …
II-5 … Buddha Samantabhadra … The home of the eternally luminous one …
And since this rise of Buddha Samantabhadri itself is within the envelopes of Buddha Samantabhadra, so Buddha Samantabhadra is the home of the eternally luminous one (or Buddha Samantabhadri) …
II-6 … Samantabhadri Samantabhadra Yoga … Shukla Krishnam Yoga Tantra …
The word Shukla means light, luminous …
The word Krishna means dark, non lighted …
Within the macrocosmic creation, the light always exists within the non lighted envelope …
Thus the above depicted Yoga of Samantabhadri and Samantabhadra can even be termed as the Shukla Krishnam Yoga Tantra which as such relates to Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara only … Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara is the half feminine and half masculine deity who as such is denoting the perfectly balanced and non-dually unioned states of pristine-feminine principle (i.e. Maa Shakti) and the absolute-masculine principle (i.e. Bhagwan Shiva) …
And as a matter of fact, this Shukla Krishnam Yoga Tantra also happens to be that Yoga Tantra which originally relates to Yajurveda … This is due to the fact that this Yoga Tantra is the only Yoga Tantra which unites the two parts of Yajurveda i.e. Shukla Yajurveda and Krishna Yajurveda and thus brings them into a singularly and perfectly balanced non dual entity … Thus what Buddhism claims as Buddha Samantabhadri Buddha Samantabhadra Yoga is also an intrinsic part of the much earlier knowledge systems of Yajurveda itself …
And since this Yoga is a universal one, so this is what needs to be discussed in the next part of this topic …
II-7 … Samantabhadri Samantabhadra Yoga … The Universal Yoga …
And since both these Buddha’s are universal Buddhas, so the same also happens inside each aspirant’s microcosm, in addition happening within the greater macrocosmic creation itself … And this in turn supports the earlier realization which could be stated as follows …
- That who is within, is the eternal beyond …
- That who is beyond, is the eternally within …
- Inner is outer, outer is inner … Vice versa of this statement is also true …
- Keep the outer pure to maintain inner purity … This is the path of Sadharan Yogi’s (i.e. normal Yogi) …
- Keep the inner pristinely pure to maintain an outer purity (i.e. purity of world or environment) … This is the path of Siddha Yogi who enter into the Samantabhadri Samantabhadra Yoga which is being discussed here …
II-8 … Samantabhadri Samantabhadra Yoga … The rise and final absorption …
Reiterating again … When this white pot is present at a location near the navel area and just prior the aspirant enters into the self realization of Raam Naad, this white pot of nectar is found to be like a “matt-white colored Shivalingam” which is bent backwards (i.e. bent towards the spine) and is located about 2-3 finger breadths below the navel area and is placed towards the spinal column … This Shivalingam was told to be made up of 330 million (33 crores) subtle energy channels (i.e. subtle nerves) that are meeting in this area (of the white pot) …
And when this pot of white colored buttery light rises up to the 8th plexus (as is mentioned in Atharvaveda chapter 10) then it denotes the completion state of a final enlightenment … At a later stage we shall be discussing this bent Lingam with an appropriate painting because it is not a subject of our current discussion on Samantabhadri Samantabhadra Yoga …
When this white pot which is located about 2-3 finger breadths below the navel area of the physical body, begins rising up and then when it passes the heart plexus, then from within the “fourfold inner subtler tool (i.e. Antahkarana Chatushtaya of Vedic lore +++)” which is located at the thumb shaped pit of heart, this white buttery pot also ends up “lifting” the consciousness orb (Chitta) of the aspirant … And eventually this rise also ends up taking that orb of consciousness (Chitta) to the same 8th Chakra …
+++ Deviating a bit for explaining +++ of above paragraph … The term “Anandmaye Kosha (or in other words, Antahkarana Chatushtaya or Bliss sheath)” means the fourfold inner subtler tool … This is also of the shape of a Shivalingam and it is composed of four Shivalingam shaped orbs which are seen within the thumb shaped (or thumb like) pit of the heart … These four orbs from innermost to outermost are as follows …
- Ahumkara … Orb of My’ness … Or the orb of I’ness …
- Chitta … Orb of consciousness …
- Orb of Buddhi (or orb of Vijyanmaye Kosha) … Orb of Knowledge … Orb of Vijyana …
- Manas (or Mann) … Orb of mind …
+++ Continuing with above paragraph … When this white pot rises up to the 8th plexus, then each of these four orbs dissolve in their respective principal macrocosmic causes … These principals are as follows …
- Aspirants Ahamkara (or aspirants I’ness) dissolves into Ahum Naad and thence finally dissolves into emptiness in other words emptiness is also termed as Shunyata) that is beyond the crown plexus …
- Aspirants Chitta dissolves within the 8th plexus which is well beyond the crown plexus (and shall be discussed at a later stage of this text) …
- Aspirants knowledge sheath (or Vijyanmaye Kosha or simply Buddhi) dissolves within Brahmatattva and thence finally dissolved into symbol of sound of OM (This was already discussed in an earlier set of topics on OM Naad) …
- Aspirants Manas dissolves into the Manas Chakra (or the Mind plexus which is located at the uppermost part of the 7th plexus or the uppermost part of the thousand petalled lotus which is located at the top of brain) and it finally enters into voidness (which is beyond the mind plexus itself and has been termed as Sarva Shunya in Veda and Yoga Tantra) …
Proceeding further …
Thus when what is discussed in this topic of Samantabhadri Samantabhadra Yoga is still underway, then the four primary aspects of the “fourfold inner subtler tool (or Antahkarana Chatushtaya or Karana Sharira or causal body)” begin dissolving into their own respective principal causes …
And this dissolving is also through the self realization of Raam Naad (Sound of Raam) which by itself is the Shiva Taraka Mantra (i.e. fully liberating mantra of Bhagwan Shiva) …
Only after these four aspects are dissolved into their own respective macrocosmic primary causes (as discussed above) is the aspirant finally freed from this primordial bondage as is of the causal body (or Karan Sharira) and this stage is also when the four parts of the causal body get dissolved into their respective macrocosmic principal states, then only is the root of existence of the aspirant finally extinguished … And in such a case, that aspirant is as good as gone, even when that aspirant may still seem to be incarnated …
Proceeding further …
When all of above get dissolved into their respective macrocosmic principal causes, then the aspirant walks alone, whilst keeping to the essence of the statement of “Itself Within Itself” and as the fully enlightened and completely freed one … This is the stage where the aspirant is neither liberated nor in bondage, as he is beyond both of these and is also beyond their concepts and/or paths (or texts) and what these concepts relate to (i.e. Angels, propagators, Gods, Satan’s, heavens, hells etc.) …
And this stage of walking “Itself Within Itself” is only arrived after the aspirant becomes an adept of walking through the essence of the statement “Myself Within Myself” … It is to this essence that Samantabhadri Samantabhadra Yoga is ultimately leading to …
And this Samantabhadri Samantabhadra Yoga (or Samantabhadra Samantabhadri Yoga) is none other than what was told as Prakriti Purusha Yoga (in other words, this can also be called as Purusha Prakriti Yoga), Bhadri Bhadra Yoga (or Bhadra Bhadri Yoga) and Shakti Shiva Yoga ( and this is also told as Shiva Shakti Yoga) during those much-much earlier times spans as were of the Vedic sages and when the entire world was based upon principles of Sanatan Dharma …
Proceeding further …
But the depicted state of Samantabhadri Samantabhadra Yoga is definitely not the final stage of this Yoga … I say for because of the fact that this Yoga ultimately leads to the later stage of entering into “Mahakaali Mahakaal Yoga” which as such is denoting the “union of divinity of great-time (i.e. Mahakaali) to the Great-time (i.e. Supreme Time aspect of Lord Shiva who is addressed as Mahakaal aspect of Shiva)” itself … This union shall be discussed with appropriate paintings, but within a later topic of this text …
So due to above explanations, I really do not think that Buddhist ways are any different from the ways as were told by the much-much earlier Vedic sages and it is due to this reason, I also believe that Buddhism has ever been and would also remain as an intrinsic-partless yet a currently-broken part of Sanatan Dharma itself …
And I also say so because of the fact that my Gurudeva of my previous incarnation (i.e. Buddha Avatar) never told any of his students (including me) that he is starting a newer religion (or sect) of sorts …
He (i.e. my Pujya Gurudeva of previous incarnation, Gautama Buddha) used to tell his disciples (including me) as follows …
- Never discriminate between knowledge systems (sects or religions etc.) as all are ultimately leading to what I have told you all (i.e. his better disciples like me and a few others) …
- This is how it is self realized by anyone prior to me …
- This is how it also is self realized by me …
- This is how it would be self realized by anyone else after me and during any of the triple times …
- And all above are only because of the fact that “this is how it actually is” …
And last but not the least for above bullet points … The knower of this knowledge moves away from the path of healers, magic and miracle performers and such a sage also have no desire for name, fame, materials and immaterial’s … Thus all those healers, magicians, performers of miracle and all those monks and ordinary men who are either running after name, fame, materials and immaterial’s are only proving their ignorance to the knowledge of Samantabhadri Samantabhadra Yoga as is being discussed here …
As also a fact that Buddha never said anything wrong about Varnashram and Gotra Vyavastha of Vedas because he himself used to say that he is of the Kshatriya Varna and the next Buddha would be of the Brahmin Varna … So all the earlier and current day Buddhists who have either said against or have left the Varnashram Vyavastha and Gotra Vyavastha of Vedas are actually going against the very foundation of the greatest of Sages (My Gurudeva Gautama Buddha) who had laid down Buddhist ways of life upon this world … So in my opinion and in the real sense of how it actually is, none of these deviated ones can be called as Buddhists (which means followers of the ways of life as were laid down by my Gurudeva, Gautama Buddha) …
Thus basis above discussions …
Whenever the union of Samantabhadri and Samantabhadra happens inside the physical microcosm of any aspirant and thence it leads to the rise of white pot of nectar till the 7th plexus (or the thousand petalled lotus which is located at the top of brain), then this stage is also visible as a white colored very subtle light that manifests at the top of head of that aspirant …
And this is the light which is depicted as (the white light) on top of the head of Buddha Samantabhadra (in above painting) because Buddha Samantabhadra (and Buddha Samantabhadri) is also present within each aspirant in addition to being eternally present within the greater macrocosmic creation … In the former case, these two Buddhas are present in their attributed-form state (i.e. Sagun Sakaar Awastha) inside the aspirants physical vehicle itself and in the latter case, these two Buddhas are within their attributed-formless state (i.e. Sagun Nirakaar Awastha) within the greater macrocosmic creation … Thus these two (Buddha Samantabhadri and Buddha Samantabhadra) are none other than being universal Buddha’s …
As also a fact that since those timeless fathomless times as were of the original commencement stage of the Maker’s Makings, these two Buddhas have been present … Thus in addition to being universal Buddha’s, these two also are the primordial Buddhas of the macrocosmic creation …
And after this union happens inside the physical vehicle of an aspirant, if a very subtle light is seen at the top of the top of head of that particular aspirant, then this light also denotes the completion stage of Shakti Shiva Yoga, which as such is same as the same which is told as Prakriti Purusha Yoga and this itself is what was told as Samantabhadri Samantabhadra Yoga in much-much recently arrived, Buddhist lore’s …
II-9 … Ushnisha … The concept and manifestation …
And the final stage of this topic, we come to the discussions of what is known as Ushnisha …
Ushnisha means the raised bump on the of the head as is shown in statues and paintings on top of my Gurudeva Gautama Buddhas head and also on the head of some other sages … And deities …
The white light that is shown at the top of the head of Buddha Samantabhadra, is this Ushnisha only …
This Ushnisha is of two main types and these are as follows …
- The physical Ushnisha … It is like a raised bump which forms on top of head (as is shown on top of head of a Buddha, but it is over exaggerated as it really is not so big in the physical sense) … This is the lesser Ushnisha …
- The subtle Ushnisha … This is the greater Ushnisha … This is the subtle light which was being discussed in this topic as being present on the top of head of Buddha Samantabhadra …
- And it primarily is this subtle lighted Ushnisha that is depicted on top of head of each aspirant who has successfully passed through Samantabhadri Samantabhadra Yoga which is being discussed here and which itself is the same as what was earlier told as Shakti Shiva Yoga and Prakriti Purusha Yoga in Vedic Lore’s (including Agama lore’s) …
Explaining the reason for these two main types of Ushnisha …
- The physical Ushnisha forms in those aspirants who have passed through the Shakti Shiva Yoga (or Bhadri Bhadra Yoga), but their last and final impression (which as such is like a transparent or translucent white octahedral crystal which is pointed at one end) has not escaped out of the Shivarandra (i.e. secret crevice of Shiva that is located at the center of the skull bones) …
In such a case, the central (and/or frontal) part of the head lifts up due to inner pressures and thus it forms that which is told as physically manifested state of Ushnisha … On top of head of such a Yogi, the light (as is shown on top of Samantabhadra head) may or may not be present …
- The subtle Ushnisha is formed when the last and final impression has already escaped out of the Shivarandra (secret crevice of Lord Shiva) and thus in such a case, the head does not lift upwards so much (I mean, it lifts upwards, but not so much as is within the physical Ushnisha) …
Such a Yogi has a light on top of his skull bones and this light is just as it is shown in the above painted sketch of union of Samantabhadri to Samantabhadra … On top of head of such a Yogi, the light (as is shown on top of Samantabhadra head) is always present and it is as a mixture of colors of orange (i.e. union of red and yellow colors), diamond white and very-light-blue colors …
The final note … And all that was discussed above only takes place due to the effects of the same Taraka Naad of Bhagwan Shiva (or Shiva’s fully liberating sound) which itself is told as Shiva Taraka Naad (or the fully liberating Mantra of Lord Shiva) and which by itself is the Sound of Raam (or Raam Naad) as is being discussed here …
From the point of view of the inward-path (i.e. path of self realization), the same union of Samantabhadri to Samantabhadra can also be termed as Pranamaye Manomaye Yoga (which in simple words, means as the state of Pranamaye Kosha entering into a state of union to the Manomaye Kosha) as is discussed in the next topic …
Thus has this topic continued, within and beyond each aspirant … Since eternity … Until eternity …