JJ … Here we shall discuss some of the other aspects that relate to transmigration of soul such as donor of physical vehicle and evolutionary status of donor and transmigrating one, stages and preparation for transmigration of soul … All these are relate to the process of transmigration …
Availability of a donor of physical vehicle during preparation for transmigration of soul
JJ-1 … When that entity descends to the subtler components of that plane of existence on whose world the transmigration is to take place and whilst it awaits an appropriate time, then a specific soul is also recalled to that world so as to prepare an appropriate physical vehicle which that entity can later transmigrate to …
Thus the one who has to donate the physical vehicle is also chosen by the innermost divinity of macrocosmic creation (i.e. by Maa Adi Parashakti) itself … And to ensure the correctness of family lineage and its impressions for the transmigrated one, an appropriate clan and family lineage is also chosen by the macrocosmic creation only …
Due to above paragraph, the transmigrated entity (i.e. chosen instrument), an appropriate donor of the physical vehicle, the family lineage of the donor and the clan of the donor are also considered by the supreme mother of allness (i.e. by Maa Adi Parashakti) when the chosen instrument (or one who is to transmigrate so as to satisfy the critical mass) is appointed by her …
Thus at this time when the donor is being searched, the Varnashram Vyavastha (i.e. Varna or the Vedic clan) and Gotra (family lineage from a Rishi) is always considered for choosing the appropriate family and clan of the donor (or the physical vehicle) … Unless these aspects are matched, the transmigrating one cannot ever remain peaceful during his transmigrated state because in absence of this match, his own timeless-lineage would contravene the timeless-lineage of the donor (Gotra), donors family and donors clan (Varna) … And there is also a match of the Kula-Devi, Kula-Deva and Kula-Pita of the donors family lineage to the transmigrating one … It is due to this reason that Kula-Devi, Kula-Deva, Kula-Pita, Varnashram Vyavastha and Gotra are five aspects which can never be ignored during the initial preparations for a later transmigration of soul … And if these are ignored, then the transmigrating entity would only get into very severe sufferings soon after it has transmigrated and also during its transmigrated lifetime … But at the same time, some suffering is always there for a transmigrated one because he does not even belong to that lower world (i.e. the world where he transmigrates) and yet these sufferings can be substantially reduced if above listed aspects of the donors family and lineage are matched to the transmigrating one …
Until above is matched, the transmigrating entity awaits within the subtler realms of that plane of existence upon whose world the transmigration (which is loosely termed as Virgin Birth) has to take place … Until an appropriate match of all earlier discussed states has arrived, no transmigration can ever take place and even if it takes place, it cannot be successful in meeting its ends …
Relation between the evolutionary status of donor and transmigrating one
JJ-2 … Higher evolved is transmigrating entity, higher evolved should the donor also be … If a lower evolved donors body is taken over by a very highly evolved entity, then as soon as the transmigration is complete, that physical vehicle would never survive due to the very high relative difference of subtleties of the donor and the transmigrated entity … If the difference of subtleties (evolutionary standings) of the donor and the transmigrated entity is very high, then that physical vehicle shall get into a subtle anaphylactic shock as soon as the transmigrated entity takes over …
It is due to above paragraph that the transmigrated entity always takes over at-least some of the impressions (Samskaras) of the donor of the physical vehicle because if this is not done, then the sudden shock due to differences between the two entities (i.e. one who was present earlier and the transmigrating entity) would only kill the physical vehicle or permanently destroy its normal functioning for the rest of the transmigrated time span …
It is due to the same reason that whenever there are very-highly evolved ones involved within transmigration of soul (In Sanskrit language, Transmigration of soul is also called as Parkaya Pravesh), then the soul who is chosen by the pristine divinity (i.e. Maa Adi-Parashakti) so as to prepare the physical vehicle, is also a decently evolved one …
Above is always complied in all those transmigrations which are from across the multi-universal-spheres of the macrocosmic creation, or are from states which are “beyond all that is beyond” from that world system (where transmigration takes place) or are from any of the five faces of Sadashiva … Higher evolved is the transmigrating entity, higher shall be the evolutionary standing of the soul who comes to prepare the host physical vehicle …
If above is not complied, then as soon as the physical vehicle is taken over, that physical vehicle would be rolled-over or be permanently damaged and thus rendered incapable … This shall be due to very high relative differences of the subtlety of the one who donates the physical vehicle and one who accepts it … As such a very high relative difference of subtleties of the donor and the transmigrated one, would only lead to a sudden shock to the physical vehicle after the transmigration process is underway and this would be like a death knell to the physical vehicle itself … And without the physical vehicle which is apt to work upon that physical world, nothing can ever be done by anyone as the physical vehicle itself is the greatest scripture that was ever written and that too by the Maker itself …
Some other aspects of transmigration of soul
JJ-3 … This rebirth of those who have contributed to the development of that critical mass is because of the fact that within the subtler states where these aspirants reside, there sets a vibration which makes these aspirants to know that what was requested for during their earlier round of existence (or their earlier incarnated state) is about to arrive to that world of request … This is what is meant by the concept of resurrection of dead in all later religions (which as such are naught but one or another of the vast number of sects of Sanatan Dharma itself) …
And when these people are reborn as per above paragraph (i.e. they are resurrected from the dead) then because they still hold that same impression (Samskara) which led to their rebirth, they are also sensitive to arrival of a transmigrated one … And since that impression cannot even fruit until what was asked for and which led to a manifestation of that impression, is satisfied, so such ones also start saying that the time of such and such persons advent, is near … These are the sensitive or super-sensitive ones whose impressions are such that their inner beingness gets activated and thus they can sense the nearness of arrival of the transmigrated one …
Until the reason which led to manifestation of an impression is satisfied, that impression cannot even fruit … Thus many of those who are born can also sense that the time of fruiting of their held impression, is near and this itself is the reason for cyclic declarations by such ones …
And some of these returned ones who hold a very sensitive nature because of the desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds that they did in their last incarnation and which led to manifestation of the impression (which is a part of the critical mass) within their consciousness orbs, even start saying about the return of such and such one “prior or soon after” that one actually transmigrates … Such super-sensitive ones are those who were a major-party to the build up that critical mass of impressions (which led to the transmigration) and whose impressions are already arrived at a state of ripeness and rightness to fruit further … By this I mean that their impressions are ready to know what needs to be known as per the developed critical mass of consciousness and thus that subtle impression sensitizes their consciousness orb (i.e. the consciousness orb where that impression resides) which in turn leads to such declarations which keep happening one after the other by such ones …
JJ-4) … And because nobody knows who that transmigrated entity would be, so this is also the stage when speculations of that entity taking birth are always there within that world …
Whenever the mass of consciousness is about to be arrived to its critical state, all sorts of speculations are there by such super-sensitive ones and these ones also begin declaring that the time of arrival is near … This is because their own impression (which as such is a part of that critical mass of consciousness) which is resting in their own consciousness orbs (Chitta) of their own Bliss sheath (or causal body) has already reached a stage where it is ready to fruit and thus it activates the consciousness orbs of such ones which in turn leads to such declarations by such ones that the time of advent is at hand …
And because some of these super-sensitive aspirants who hold these un-fruited impressions (which are a part of the developed critical mass of consciousness) begin taking birth on that world even prior the transmigrating one arrives, so to satisfy their impressional needs, various evolved sages of the ancient systems also end up entering that world system so as to utilize these aspirants and thus prepare a solid-ground for the later arrival of that transmigrated entity (so as to save the need of starting from scratch by that transmigrated one) …
Deviating a bit … But during such times when the critical mass is about to be arrived or has already arrived, there also are those fraudulent ones who make it a business so as to satisfy their own ends and such are also the ones who eventually lead to degeneration of the impressional fields because they begin equating the end-time of an age cycle to the end-of-times itself … When anybody propagates end-of-time which as such means destruction of animate and inanimate part of speciology, then it is deemed to be a very lowly act and this as such leads to buildup of very gross impressional fields within their own consciousness orbs and within the consciousness plane of that world … And because grossness has a very less critical mass, so that critical mass also arrives very fast (say in a few years only) … This is what leads to corruption of inner and outer environment (i.e. inner nature of the inhabitants of that world and also the external nature of that world) … Thus everything within and beyond starts getting corrupted within that world which in turn leads to rise of individualism, fundamentalism fanaticism, isolated fighting’s or even wars, deviated weather patterns, deviated ways of life which are self-serving instead of serving of all that is, earthquakes, storms, volcanic activities, pollution of environment due to those discoveries which relate to these grosser impressions, deviated economics and social structures etc-etc … Resuming again …
Preparations and stages of transmigration of soul
This preparation always starts after that transmigrated entity begins resting within the subtler plane (galaxy) of that world system (where he or she is to be transmigrated) … This always happens during the intermediary time span which falls in-between the stage when that transmigrated entity enters that plane of existence so as to await the development of a suitable physical vehicle and until that transmigrated entity eventually transfers its essence and thence becomes ready to render whatever is needed as per the developed critical mass of impressions … And this time span may even run into a century or more … But even when it may seem to be a case of delayed arrival, yet that arrival is exactly on time because no shortcuts can be taken in this process due to the absolute-firmness of the macrocosmic creation as far as the real-nextness (i.e. step by step progress) of this process of transmigration, is concerned …
This real-nextness is of the following main steps …
The first step is of an entity of beyond getting chosen by the pristine divinity (Adi Parashakti), then that entity is placed within the subtler realms of the plane of existence (i.e. galaxy) of the world where it is to be transmigrated, then the wait for development of a suitable body and that too at the correct unitary values of time (i.e. at a correct phase of cycles of time), then the process of transmigration after that physical body is readied up, then the time that is taken for the essence transfer … Only when all above are completed, can that transmigrated entity do what needs to be done so as to satisfy the developed critical mass (for which it had transmigrated in the first place) …
And even when above is a fact, yet that knowledge cannot even be distributed until the following conditions are complied … The unitary values of time are apt for distributing that knowledge and this is usually when 7-9 years remain for the final half of the last phase of change of an age cycle (as per Kaalchakra which shall be discussed at a later stage of this text, for this world and as per the current human age cycle, this time would be in 7 years prior 2028 AD and +/- 1 to 2.7 years) … And the second requirement is that the critical mass must be already resting in a state which is apt for that entity to do that for which it had transmigrated in the first place and this also means, that the impressions of many-many of the ones who are born because of the critical mass, are ready to fruit into their real-nextness …
Thus within those transmigrations which are from states that are beyond all beyond, there have been cases where this intermediary time span may even run for over a century and half (actually a maximum of 108 + 27 + requirement of above paragraph) because the one who transmigrates would never render that requested knowledge until he or she finds that the time has really arrived to do so … And also a fact that the time only arrives to do so, when the critical mass of consciousness is already built up and prior that limits of the critical mass start getting exceeded (because the impressions keep getting projected unto the consciousness mass by the inhabitants of that world and thus the mass is also increasing even after the critical state is arrived) …
Thus basis above, during the last stages of transfer of essence, there is an eager await by those who have returned back as they were a party to buildup of that critical mass of consciousness …
As we had discussed earlier that at such times when the consciousness mass begins arriving closer to its critical state, the population of that world always goes upwards and reaches a very high value especially if the time-spans which led to build up of that critical mass of impressions was running into a few millenniums or a few more … And because many of these ones have only arrived for fruiting of the specific impression which is residing in their own consciousness orbs and which as such is a party to the build of the critical mass, so after these ones are born, they also do not follow any of the individualistic religions of those lands in which they have been born … This discussion also holds the key for the reason of expansion of atheism during the last century and half, especially in those lands where individualism was ruling the roost during the current human age (which as such is about to end shortly … i.e. within a few decades) …
And because all these ones had been party to buildup of the critical mass which led to the transmigration, also begin placing their requests (to take birth within that world) within the consciousness plane of that world, so this is also the stage of expansion of sexual aspects in that world … Thus this is also the stage where the inhabitants of that world start opening up from (or letting go of) their earlier binding systems, prior they get fully sexed up so as to ensure that those who are waiting in beyond planes are given a chance to be born in that world …
The unstoppable rise of porn, freedom of laws to hit and run even beyond marriage, sexuality of even the so called celibate religious leaders of today and many other aspects of today’s times are a proof of this aspect that there are many aspirants who have been holding those impressions which led to the development of the critical mass (or those impressions which have been a party to the buildup of the critical mass) and many-many of such ones have requested for a birth within that world … So to satisfy such ones and make them enter that world, was the rise of freedom of sexuality within this world during the last century or close to this time … And due to this reason itself, even the celibates (i.e. religious leaders) shall keep coming in news for aspects what relate to sexuality and thus this is a time of chaos in all religious institutions which relate to the presently ending human age cycle (i.e. human age of trinity or Manav Tretayuga) which began from around 1806 BC +/- 108 years (and a further +/- 1 to 2.7 years) and shall be ending around 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Above always happens after a critical mass is such that it relates to a time span of many-many millenniums and thus there have been too many people who have been a party to its buildup and thus when too many souls who rest within subtle planes need to enter a world, then such aspects are always there … This is as after the consciousness impressional mass starts arriving closer to its critical state, then that world also becomes a hot and happening place within the universe as many souls know that something big is going to happen there and thus they all want to enter that world and thus to accommodate so many souls, there needs to be a rise of sexuality within that world … I am not saying this by imagination, but by virtue of what I saw whilst awaiting to enter this world, after entry into this world and basis my earlier transmigrated incarnations also …
This rise of sexual openness is also to ensure that all those who are awaiting for a return so as to fruit their own generated impression, which itself is a part of the critical mass that led to the transmigration, get an opportunity to be born upon that world … Thus just prior and after the times when that transmigrated entity is to take birth, the world population starts increasing as sexual openness increases phenomenally …
And even when that entity may not be active within that world as is when it may still be transferring the necessary-quantum of its own-essence from its own plane to the plane of request (i.e. the world where it had transmigrated) these ones who are born start experiencing inner subtleties, because the transferred essence (of the transmigrated one) also leaks out during the process of transferring it (from its own subtler plane to the world where it transmigrates) … The physical vehicle, mind vehicle, vital air vehicle and knowledge vehicles are very porous instruments for such essences of beyond planes and thus some of that very subtle essence always leaks out into the world during the process of its transfer …
This state of leaking out of a small portion of the transferred essence within that world system (where that transmigrated entity rests) can be compared to transmission losses of electric cables or even radio signals …
And because the essence of that transmigrated entity is very subtle as compared to the grosser flows and dynamism of that world, so this loss of essence transfer which happens within that world system in turn leads to a buildup of subtlety within that world system and due to this reason, sudden manifestation (discoveries) of systems of oneness to allness, newer systems of healings, newer ways of immediate communication across lands (which as such denote oneness only) are also arrived within that world system … Due to this reason when a minor portion of that transferred essence leaks out into the world, then there also are cases where those who are receptive of subtler essences, suddenly start making predictions and even become psychics and thus, this is also the stage of rise of number of psychics within that world … And all this is due to leaking of a small portion of the subtler essence of the transmigrated entity which always is when that subtlety is being transferred from the plane of that transmigrated entity to that gross world system and this itself is because the physical and subtler vehicles are too porous for such subtler essence transfers and thus something always leaks out into the world system itself …
As also due to this leaking of a minor portion of the transferred essence of that transmigrated entity whilst that essence is being transferred from that entities plane, various systems of ways of life which rest within an ever higher unity also begin manifesting within that world … Worldwide web is a classic example of this fact and so are the online marketplaces, social platforms etc. …
And since at this state, the population of that world is already very high, so this excess of population also puts constraints on the world’s grosser and subtler systems and thus a certain quantum of continuous yet isolated chaos, is naturally present during such times …
The increment of population is mostly there within those lands whose systems are of a grosser nature …
Differences during lower and higher transmigrations
JJ-5 … In some lower transmigration’s (like transmigration across worlds and planes of existences within the same universe), some “evolved yet evolving ones” may be enough to assist …
The critical mass of impressions that is required for such lower transmigrations is much lower as compared to that which is required within transmigrations that are from across universal spheres or are from beyond the beyond or even from one of the five faces of Sadashiva itself …
To make such ones to enter that world system, a very high quantum of impressional mass is needed and there is also a requirement that the consciousness mass must be highly subtle impressions i.e. impressions which are based upon oneness to allness and her each part … Thus such an impressional mass mostly has inputs from those rest within a state that is closer to the intrinsic pluralism and essential monism of the macrocosmic creation … This is also an absolute fact especially for very high transmigrations which were listed earlier sub-header …
JJ-6 … But if the transmigration is from across universes or across the nine mega spheres of the two mega-minds (Purusha and Prakriti) or from Hiranyagarbha (which in English would translate as the golden womb of macrocosmic creation) or from Pranava (whose path of self realization is through the innermost meaning of OM Tat Sat, which in Vedic lore is also termed as Brahma Tattva) or from any of the five faces of Sadashiva (Pancha Mukha Sadashiva), then as far as the assistance from the evolved inhabitants of a universal system or their egoistic Gods and egoistic Satan’s are concerned, their assistance is pretty useless and thus are not even sought by that transmigrated entity … Due to this reason, these ones do not even know that someone has entered their world system because that entered ones is beyond their hold …
Explaining above paragraph … When the one who transmigrates is holding a subtlety which is higher than what is held by the controlling entities (i.e. Gods) of that world, then the transmigrating one pervades their energy fields … And since the pervader is subtler than the pervaded, so the pervaded can never know the pervader until the pervader declares itself or the pervaded evolves high enough to know (self-realize) the pervader …
And due to this reason, no subtler or grosser inhabitant (i.e. humans and Gods of that world) can know that the awaited one (i.e. transmigrated one) has arrived if that transmigrated entity from any of the states of beyond the beyond … Thus until that transmigrated entity self-declares its presence, nobody can ever know who that transmigrated entity is, where it has arrived, when was it arrived and what is it doing after it has already arrived to that world …
But even when above is a fact some of the ones who have contributed to the buildup of the subtler impressions of that critical mass, would become sensitized and thus such ones would begin claiming an imminent return of that entity, yet there also are those ones who have not contributed anything substantial, would also start talking about an anti-someone at such time …
Above two aspects always happen in tandem within those worlds whose systems are based upon dualities due to the effects of the divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. Deva-Kaliyuga) …
The former ones sense the arrival because their dormant impressions begin getting active … And the latter ones (mostly of individualistic systems) sense the end of that age through that transmigrated one and thus they also sense an end of their restricted system which as such would not be suitable in its current form during the future time spans as shall be of the incoming age cycle and thus these latter ones always start claiming end of times in ever larger numbers … Thus due to this duality, the end result may even be that the transmigrated one may also be termed as an anti-someone by these latter ones … This aspect of becoming an anti-someone is also there for the transmigrated one especially when the age cycle itself is turning towards a higher subtlety because the ones who relate t systems of the outgoing age cycle, sense this end time and thus they also proclaim that the transmigrated one is anti-someone (whom they relate to) …
As also a fact that the macrocosmic mother nature who itself is the pristine divinity of the divine being, plays with the minds of all, so as to keep their attention diverted into these mutually-contradictory aspects whilst her chosen instrument, i.e. that entity of beyond, is transferring its essences and thus at such times, many theories come up for the time of arrival or even those theories of an end of this or that time … All this is to keep the anti-forces of change busy in themselves and thus not interfere with the process of transfer of essence …
Plus when a Guru Yuga is arriving to a world (as is the case of these current times), then the chosen instrument is always from the golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva i.e. the chosen instrument holds the golden accomplishment vehicle … And since Tatpurusha (The word Tatpurusha which means “That-Being or That-Absolute” and it also means “Maheshwara or the Great-Lord of allness”) is also the holder of Tirodhaan Shakti (i.e. veiling power), so the one who returns from Tatpurusha through the process of transmigration is also holding the veiling divinity of the Maker’s Makings … And it is due to this reason, nobody can know that he (or she) has arrived to a world until that one self-declares his presence …
Due to this reason there are Biblical statements, like “he arrives like a thief in the night … etc.”, “no one knows the hour … etc.” … And the same was also there within the earlier Vedic lore where an incarnation of Sri Vishnu came and even Deva’s (Egoistic-Gods) of those times did not know about it … These biblical statements are thus taken from the descriptions that were given in the much-much earlier Vedic lore … To a lesser extent, this is applicable to all transmigrations of entities who are of those states, which are “beyond all beyond” and to a larger extent which statement is always applicable to that sage who returns back from any of the five faces of Sadashiva because the veiling power of Tatpurusha comes with such sages …
The reason for such an anonymous condition of the one who transmigrates from those states which are of “beyond all beyond” is that the transmigrated one escapes out of the clutches of all such factors that would either restrict the correctness of its essence transfer or would make it get involved into systems prior the essence transfer and thus, even when that transmigrated one is existing within that world system or the plane of existence, all the “beings and entities (including egoistic Gods, Satan’s, their propagators and followers”) are unaware of that transmigrated one … Thus these ones only come to know when that transmigrated one ends up declaring his (or her) presence in the open …