In this topic we shall answer a query of What is the speed of light by discussing in calculation of the Speed of light or Lights speed (Lightspeed) …
This topic is in continuity with the previous one of “Speed of Milky Way Galaxy” …
In this calculation the unitary time values of currently running Nadir cycle of precession of equinoxes would be used as a base … Our current times are resting within this Nadir phase of precession itself and thus values at Nadir point of earth’s axial precession would be used as a base in these calculations (as our current times are a part of the Nadir phase itself) …
This Nadir phase of precession (or Agragaman) includes the time span of my observed yearly rate of change of 50.28 arc seconds of precession (as was observed whilst sailing at sea) … Since Nadir point is the closest cardinal point of precession (or Ahaata chakra) from current times and thus Nadir values shall have to be used as a base in these calculations …
After speed of light (Light speed) at currently applicable closest cardinal point of precession i.e. Nadir point (of 1434 AD) is calculated basis the Nadir time units, then that calculated value can also be used as a base to derive speed of light at current stage of precession i.e. derive the current speed of light …
Light is a divinity (as stated in Vedas) and thus in this calculation also, the Nadir time units would have to be used as a base …
71-AA-1 … Calculating speed of light at Nadir time units of precession …
Since light is a divine entity (which itself is related to the current closest cardinal point of precession that is applicable to a world) so the base of this calculation can only be of the currently applicable Nadir time units of precession …
But at the same time, the same value of speed of light can also be derived by utilizing the “unitary value of time” of any other cardinal point of precession because by utilizing other cardinal points and their unitary values of time, the final or end result would not change …
Proceeding further …
Since there is no Deva or Devi (i.e. the divine beings and their divinities) who is not related to light, so Devi and Deva would also need to be considered when dealing with light …
Thus basis above, I reiterate that is no Deva or Devi who is not related to light … And Deva and Devi being one (divine it its own divinity and divinity itself is the divine) and yet since they are holding two distinct aspects (or being divine and divinity) so would also need to be considered separately in below calculations …
This is calculated as follows …
1.08 x (individual states of Tridevi and also the individual states of Trideva and each to the power 3) x (10 directions, as subtle light rays or Rashmi holds no prejudice to directionality) …
1.08 x (Deva)3 x (Devi) x 10 …
1.08 x (100 x 100 x 100) x (100) x 10 = 1,080,000,000 kilometers/hour …
In above calculation, speed of light is derived for Nadir time units of precession … This is because as per the current stage of precession (of 50.28 arc seconds per year) Nadir is itself the closest precession cardinal points …
71-AA-2 … Explaining above calculations on speed of light …
- The Deva’s hold three primary energies … These three are Jnana Shakti (Knowledge energy or divinity), Chetan Shakti (conscious energy or divinity), Kriya Shakti (energy of activity) … Each manifestation of Deva has these three aspects … Unless the pristine natures of these three divinities are present in a microcosm, that microcosm cannot even be termed as a Deva (A God or divine being of form formlessness)…
Even the divine world has its own specific quantum of presence of these three yet one principles (i.e. “Knowledge-conscious-activity principle”) and the entire universe is also resting within the same principle(“Knowledge-conscious-activity principle”) …
- Light is stated as Divi and Divya (this means, one who holds the divinity or is the divinity) in the Vedas … Thus by itself, light is the Divi and Divya of Vedas … The basis of universe i.e. the root of universe, is light and light has all above characteristics in it …
- As was discussed in earlier topics, the root value of universe is also none other than 1.08, because all states are originated from this value itself and this itself is because of the fact that this is how Varaha Avatar of Sri Vishnu had adjusted the macrocosmic creation … Since we have already discussed this in earlier topics, so I would be proceeding further with this topic …
- The universe which is the self-manifested state of the creator, is also based upon three primary attributes of macrocosmic creation i.e. attributes of action (which in Sanskrit texts is called as Rajoguna or awake principle or the expansive principle), Inertia (which in Sanskrit texts is called as Tamoguna or the sleep principle or the contracting principle) and neutrality (which in Sanskrit texts is called as Sattva Guna or the purity principle or the neutral principle) … In their combined state, these are none other than the primordial energy or Devi …
And because the Kings wife i.e. the Queen of ruler of divine worlds, who was also addressed as Indrani Devi (i.e. wife of Devaraja Indra) during ancient times, is an equal-being (Ardhangani) with the ruler or King of all divine worlds (i.e. Indra) so the same number (i.e. number 100) is also stated for Devi (Indrani Devi or wife of ruler of divine worlds who is also addressed as Indra Deva) …
- Number 100 of above calculations … Within the universe, this number 100 is the larger of all, because if this number gets exceeded (i.e. the aspirant enters into the 101st inner Ashwamedha Yajna as was discussed in earlier set of topics on “Shiva Taraka Naad”, whose sound is of Raam, just as we had discussed in the topic of “Raam Naad” and also an earlier set of topics that have the header of “Ashtama Chakra”) then the aspirant directly enters into the golden womb of creation (which in Sanskrit language is called as Hiranyagarbha Brahma of Vedas, whose number is 101 and who had self-manifested out of the Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva) … Plus the state which number 101 denotes, is not within the macrocosm, but is beyond it …
- Thus when we say Deva, then we can only refer to the number of ruler of divine worlds (I.e. Devaraja Indra or Idandra Deva and his divine plane that is called as Indraloka) i.e. number 100 and his wife (Indrani Devi) who being an equal-being with the ruler, also has number 100 only …
Beyond this stage is the golden light of Maker’s Womb (i.e. Hiranyagarbha Brahma) who as such is neither a ruler nor a subject nor anything else as the Maker is free of suchness, even when he is the Karya Brahma (in English this word means as the Doer Maker or the one who effects the entire macrocosmic creation out of itself) …
The same Hiranyagarbha Brahma (or golden womb of macrocosmic creation) of the Vedas, is also addressed as Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrianism and thus Ahura Mazda also has 101 Names, which denote 101 Aantrik Ashwamedha Yajna that are needed to self-realize it (I have used the term “It” and not “him”, as Mazda is a formless-genderless being, who is only composed of pure, taintless, stainless, eternal light … By genderless I mean, beyond genders and all such useless traits that are applicable to each microcosm) …
In Buddhism, the same Hiranyagarbha Brahma (which in English language would mean as the golden womb of macrocosmic creation) of the Vedas is also he one who is addressed as Amitabha Buddha (This name which in Buddhist Lore is told as Amitabha means, the eternal infinite light) …
If you self-realize Buddha Amitabha from within this macrocosmic creation, then he shall be seen facing west … And if you self realize the same Amitabha Buddha from a state which is whilst resting within his plane or from beyond his plane, then he shall seen to be facing in the eastern direction …
Within various lore’s, above itself is the reason for the difference of directions as are told for the Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva (this is the east facing face of Sadashiva), who in Vedic lore is also addressed as Hiranyagarbha and the same is also addressed as the Buddha Amitabha (of the western paradise of Buddhist lore) …
Thus even when these names are different, but in reality, these three names (i.e. Hiranyagarbha Brahma, Ahura Mazda and Amitabha Buddha) are only denoting the same state and thus the same-being …
Thus those who consider these three names as different, are also those who are living in a fool’s paradise and fools always cause divisions of humanity because they neither have any idea about “oneness of allness and her each part” nor about “Pluralistic Monism , which itself is a way of life of the entirety of the Maker’s Makings” …
And because they are fools, so such ones also prove their ignorance to the truth of the centered entity in whom they rest their faith, which itself is because they have never self realized their own believed ventral entity (I mean God) …
Hiranyagarbha Brahma is the final state of an egoistic God (Abhimani Devata) as beyond Hiranyagarbha, there remains no ego and thus no egoistic god …
- Number 100 … And because we are considering the light of a universe, so I have used number 100 in above equation, as it is number of the ruler of divine worlds (i.e. it is a number of Devaraja Indra or Idandra Deva) and is also the number of his half-counterpart (i.e. wife or Ardhangani) who was addressed as Devi Indrani (Queen mother of divine worlds) in much ancient times … She is the Shakti (or energy) of Idandra Deva (or Devaraja Indra) …
When we take any number, then it is always the number of the king and not of subjects of the king or of those states which are resting within the divinities of the kingdom of the king … Thus as far as macrocosmic divinities are concerned, they only rest within the purviews of the divinities of the ruler of divine worlds (i.e. Devaraja Indra) …
And because the macrocosmic creation itself is a kingdom of the king of divine worlds (i.e. Devaraja Indra), so I have used his number 100 here …
This number of 100 also denotes the “number of inner Ashwamedha Yajna” that Devaraja Indra or Idandra Deva has done in total, so as to be given the status of ruler of divine worlds (or Devaraja) of the entire macrocosmic creation and it is also due to this reason, all universes rest in his yellow colored envelope of very vast expanses … To know this fact, just see the painting of an earlier topic of “Lingams within and beyond” where the multi-universal macrocosmic creation is depicted to be resting within the yellow envelope of vast dimensions of Devaraja Indra …
- Number 10 of above calculation … Number 10 is denoting the ten primary directions … These 10 directions are “North, South, East, West, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest, Zenith and Nadir” …
71-BB … Some more discussions on Lights speed …
Now we shall continue further with above equation …
But because the current time units on this plane are not exactly as per the time units as are of the Nadir cycle of precession, so above calculated speed of light would also not be applicable as of now (i.e. the calculated value would not be applicable as per the current “yearly change of precession”) …
Hence, it would need to be converted into the currently applicable unitary value of time, so as to make it usable in present times … And below is the discussion on this aspect …
Continuing further …
The reduction of light as per precession of equinoxes is of 1/6.341181 the difference of the reduction, that is derived by the below given method …
Just inside its outer edges, the universe is expanding or contracting much faster than the speed of light … Thus the speed of light is only a governing factor for what is inside the universe and not that which is beyond the universe itself …
And this expansion and contraction limit as is of a universe and at its outer edges, is of a value that is “6.341181 times the speed of light” and at the extreme edges of a universe, it also goes up to a multiple of 10 of this figure …
I know the present day scientific community would not believe this, but eventually at some later times, they would and probably out of no choice …
But this would also be only after they would be able to know that there are much subtler particles which are resting in the envelopes of emptiness and which actually travel much faster than manifest-light … Thus at such times, the speed of light which present scientific community believes as the maximum limit of speed of travel of any particle, would be proved totally wrong …
Now read this carefully … From any plane of existence, this number as is stated above, only denotes the ratio of rate of expansion (or contraction) of universe, as compared to the speed of light at that plane …
As of now, all parts of the universe which are adjacent to this plane of existence are expanding and this fact is very clearly visible during subtler conscious travels to those states which are being referred in these discussions …
Now read below discussions very carefully as this is how it is within the universe …
- As also, if anything that is grosser than light, approaches the speed of light and then it also crosses it, then that thing enters into its impressional state (i.e. that thing loses its grossness and thus gets enroute towards a later entering into its macro-elemental state or in other words, it becomes enroute towards entering into its own primary Mahabhoot Awastha) … This is also very clearly visible during subtler travels …
- And if anything exceeds the speed of light in multiples of above number (i.e. 6.341181 x speed of light) then it straightaway enters into an energy state …
- And if anything exceeds the speed of light in multiples of 10 of above paragraph (i.e. 10 x 6.341181 x speed of light) then it directly enters into emptiness of allness (or in other words, it directly enters into macrocosmic voidness, which in other words can also be called or Sarva Shunya and the same can also be addressed as the state of primordial nature) … The Samadhi (or state of absorption) of this state is told as Shunya Samadhi (meditative trance of emptiness) in Vedas and also within the Yoga Tantra of Sanatan Dharma …
- In between the state of above paragraphs is arrived the stage where inert matter (which in other words, can also be termed as inertial mass) manifests … I would not like to discuss this stage beyond a certain stage because of the fact that due to the effects of the currently underway “divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga)” humanity and their angels of today is incapable of utilizing this knowledge for betterment of all parts of macrocosmic speciology … And thus if I declare the divine concepts of this knowledge, then there are very high chances of it being used for lower means instead of divine ways of life, for which they are meant to be utilized …
- But because at the edges of the universe, the rate of expansion (or contraction) of a universe always arrives at a state of being greater than above stated extreme value (i.e. 10 x 6.341181 times the speed of light) so when these universes are viewed from a location that is beyond their outermost envelopes (as was depicted in the painted sketch of an earlier topic of “Lingams within and beyond”) then all these universes of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation, are also found to be enveloped by the same non-lighted state of voidness only (i.e. the outermost edges of every universe are of non-lightness of emptiness only) …
Thus because of above reasoning, I can safely conclude that that at its edges, the universe is definitely expanding higher than the speed of light or else the non-lighted state of emptiness, would never have been realized to be present there (as was depicted in the painted sketch of an earlier topic of “Lingams within and beyond”) …
Thus if we shall see this plane or any other of the other planes of existences, then the rate of expansion or contraction is never more than the speed of light …
But if we proceed towards the edges of the universe, then the rate of expansion and contractions of universe would definitely be seen to be much closer to the speed of light (In the painting of an earlier topic of “Lingams within and beyond”, the red colored second last layer of a universe has a speed of 0.99 x speed of light … How I got this value, shall be discussed at a later stage of this text) …
But at the outer edges that are beyond above state, the speed of light definitely gets exceeded often and there also are times, when even this extreme value (i.e. 10 x 6.341181 times the speed of light) gets arrived …
Thus basis above discussions, at the outer edges of the universe, it would also be seen that the speed of light is possible to be exceeded …
Note: Even the speed of the astral and causal vehicle is extremely high and is way-way beyond the speed of light and its extreme value as was stated earlier …
But at the same time, that which exceeds the speed of light either reconverts back to its own primary macro-elemental state (Mahabhoot Awastha) or the energy state or the state of inert matter which as such holds the primordial energy of the universe or it enters into non-lightness, as is of the non-lighted envelope at the outermost peripheries of the universe (this is the non lighted state of macrocosmic voidness (which in Sanskrit can also be called as Shunya Tattva, which envelopes and also pervades each universe) …
The lattermost stage of macrocosmic voidness is only arrived if the speed of travel of light exceeds the extreme value as was stated earlier (i.e. 10 x 6.341181 times the speed of light) …
Proceeding further …
As also, during the formation of a universe, the dimensions of space and directions suddenly manifest and then they also begin spontaneously expanding much-much faster than the speed of light …
Due to this reason the combined speed of expansion of a universe, directions (which also suddenly manifest) and the speed of the manifested light (that is present at this stage) leads to a resultant speed of light that is way0way beyond the speed of light itself … All this happens within the envelope of macrocosmic voidness (as macrocosmic voidness is all that is present at this stage) which is all that is there at this time …
As this light gets propelled due to effects of space and directions, it further leads to the manifestation of inert matter, which as such is the primary condensed state of energy of the macrocosmic creation and its each universe … From this state, is commenced the process of origination of the gross or manifested state of the universe …
And because the manifest light is also related to an earlier state of being self-originated from the “self-luminous being i.e. the colorless Absolute being (who in Vedic lore is reverently addressed as Brahman)” who also pervades (or permeates) and envelopes the primordial nature (or Pradhana or the most ancient state of macrocosmic nature, which as such is the macrocosmic voidness or voidness of allness) so the manifest-light itself is an intrinsic yet grosser part of that self luminous being also (i.e. manifest light also holds components of a colorless light, which itself is of the self luminous Supreme being and which is discussed earlier on through a Vedic Mahavakya, that was discussed in a much earlier topic of “Prajnanam Brahma”) …
And as the inertial masses form, they rest within the same primordial nature, within which all of these inertial masses (or inert matter) had originated … This itself is the originally manifested state of each universe …
- Number 100 of Devi and Number (100)3 for Deva …
At this time, many types of energies emanate out of the primordial energy of the originating universe … This is because of the same fact which is told in Vedas as follows …
Which means …
I am one, but I manifest as many as I desired to be such
This Vedic statement is applicable to macrocosmic pristine divinity or primordial energy also … As also, because of her desire (i.e. desire of macrocosmic divinity or primordial energy) to be many, she herself is the one who manifested as many aspects (or divinity or energy) and this is even when she essentially is one …
And since energy is Devi Maa (or Maa Shakti) so in above calculation I have utilized only number 100 for Devi, in lieu of utilizing the number of Deva which is written as (100)3 and which denotes their trinity of aspects … This is because it is the same divinity (or Devi or energy or force) in her varied forms which acts through each of the three Deva’s (as stated in above calculations) …
Proceeding further …
As long as the energies of vast types are active within a universe, the universe is active (incarnated or manifested) in its pluralistic yet monist state … It is due to this reason, that the pluralistic which is unioned to monism itself is the way of life of each of the universes of the Maker’s Makings …
And when these energies begin returning back to their earlier state, as was of inert matter, then the universe begins contracting again (de-incarnating) and eventually reaches the same state of inert matter from which it had originally originated due to a sudden or spontaneous and uncontrolled unimaginable speed of expansion …
Within the Vedic lore’s, it is stated that the universe started (i.e. started originating) from a point which was of the size of a tip of a pinhead …
And it is to this same state that the universe would eventually be returning back but only after it has already lived through its destined time span which as such is of the total lifetime of the creator (or Brahma) who had originated it … This total lifetime of Brahma is told as 311.040 trillion human solar years (as per middle time units of precession, which have always been used in all Vedic calculations) and I “may be” be calculating this time span in a later topic (If I find a need to do in explaining later concepts of Kaalchakra) …
This expansion and contraction is an eternal yet cyclic process because when one universe contracts, then its residual emanated energies, in turn lead to expansion of another universe …
And even within each universe, the residual energies of one plane which is contracting (or dissoluting or de-incarnating) are absorbed by other planes, which begin expanding or even a state where a newer plane originates by utilizing these same energies …
Above is because of the fact that the net corpus of macrocosmic energy (and thus macrocosmic mass) is an eternal constant and thus during dissolution of anything, that part of planic or universal energy which does not condense and thus does not turn back into inert matter (or inertial mass) during the process of dissolution of a plane or universe, only ends up leading to expansion of other planes or universe (as the case may be) …
This itself is the reason for the fact that the total-corpus of macrocosmic creation never changes from what it originally was (and same it ever remains) and thus the macrocosmic creation also never ends, even when its own individual microcosms (i.e. a universe, plane of existence, a world system or beingness’s and entities) are only resting within their eternally cyclic nature of existence (i.e. origination, existence for while and then dissolution) …
71-CC … Calculating Lightspeed at current time units …
Now we shall be continuing further with the calculation of the speed of light …
I shall use my calculated precession yearly rate value of 50.28 arc seconds to calculate the current speed of light and basis the current time unit of 71.6 years to complete one degree of precession of equinoxes …
This calculation as follows …
1,080,000,000 x (71.6/72) = 1,074,000,000
Proceeding further …
1,080,000,000 – {(1,080,000,000 – 1,074,000,000)/6.341181}
1,080,000,000 – (6,000,000/6.341181)
1,080,000,000 – 946,195.985
1,079,053,804 kilometers per hour
Above calculated value is the absolute speed of light when it would be calculated whilst based on this world system and at the unitary value of time of “71.6 years per degree of the earth’s axial precession” which itself is a derivative of my observed value of yearly change of precession of “50.28 arc seconds per year” …
Proceeding further to explain another concept on speed of light …
However because each of the five macro-elements occupy 1/5th of mass (and space) of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation and in relation to other macro-elements and because the grosser of all macro-elements (i.e. macro-elemental earth, which in Sanskrit language can be called as Bhu Mahabhoot) takes no part in propagation of light, except ensuring a quicker return back of light into its inertial state, so as far as the propagation of light is concerned, only four macro-elements are utilized in it …
Thus basis this fact, the difference shall have to be reduced by 0.2 (or 1/5th percentage or 20%) …
So basis above, the reduction of light as per precession of equinoxes is of {0.8 x (1/6.341181)} the difference of the reduction, as is shown in below calculations …
1,080,000,000 – {(1,080,000,000) – (1,074,000,000 x 0.8)/6.341181}
1,080,000,000 – (6,000,000 x 0.8/6.341181)
1,080,000,000 – 756,956.788
1,079,243,043 kilometers per hour …
Above calculated value in turn becomes as follows …
299,789,734.166 meters/second (at a yearly precession rate of 50.28) …
Even when above derived value is true for current precession, but we shall only be using the earlier value of (1,079,053,804 kilometers per hour) in our later calculations because this value is denoting the absolute speed of light …
Proceeding further …
The number of 1.08 is universal and I have no doubts about it especially after it is already verified by subtly roaming across many planes of existence within this universe …
As also the value of {(1.08)24} = 6.341181 which is derived from application of Samkhya philosophy to the universal value of 1.08, is also a universal value … This number is related to anything that is a part of macrocosmic mother nature (Maa Shakti or Devi Maa) right from her energy state till her subtle and gross manifested states and thus each of these states have an applicability of this value (of 6.341181) to them … I also hold no doubts about this …
And thus I have also utilized these values in many calculations of this topic of Kaalchakra and wherever they relate to mother macrocosmic nature in her any form, formless, neutral, inertial, active and her few energy states …
It is also from this value that age of four amongst the five macro-elements (Panch Mahabhoot) can be derived …
And it is also from this value, that the age of three primary attributes (which in Sanskrit language are called as Triguna) of macrocosmic creation can be derived …
And it is also from this value that the age of four manifested elements (i.e. earth, water, light or fire or Tejas and air) can be derived …
And because the fifth macro-element (i.e. Akash Mahabhoot) never changes to a manifested elemental state (as ether continues within its original macro-elemental or Mahabhoot Awastha and thus is never changes into a grosser manifested state), so ether is also beyond calculations that are based upon the Kaalchakra (or in other words, the cyclic nature of time) … Akasha Mahabhoot (i.e. Macro-elemental ether) relates the lifetime of creator (i.e. Brahma lifetime) which as such is of 311.040 trillion human solar years (as per Middle time units of precession) …
71-DD … Changes in speed of light over time and its cycles …
In the next about 11-12 millenniums (of the currently underway stage of Shukla Paksha or lightness stage of precession) and until this world reached the Zenith of precession, the speed shall keep reducing and shall be minimum when this world is at the Zenith point of precession … This is due to reductions of unitary value of time at the discussed state of precession …
Thus due to above changing of unitary value of time (as time units are reducing in the next 11-12 millenniums) I also know that during this time span, the ways of human and other animal civilizations, would also be changed (This fact shall be seen during the future times) … This change shall also be in line with the ever changeful time units that are applicable at this world system …
And after the Zenith point is crossed over, then the speed of light would again be found to be increasing at this world system (if this is viewed from this world systems envelope) because the “unitary value of time” would be beginning to increase again after Zenith point of precession is crossed over by this world system …
This is how it ever is when we view any value from any world system, because time being the primordial dimension of macrocosmic creation, also ends up affecting everything else that rests within the purviews of its individual time units … And it is also due to this reason, that all constants of physics shall also be found to be changing during the coming times …
In fact, if I were to state it in a very straight manner, then following is what would be as a matter of fact …
Eternal non constancy of constants of modern science, including speed of light
And this fact is very readily apparent if we just change the unitary values of time for future times by utilizing the same methods that were discussed in an earlier topic of “Unitary value of time” …
When the speed of light is reducing, just as it has been since the last few centuries (actually from 1434 AD), then it denotes the Shukla Paksha (or lightness half of the precession circle) … And when the speed of light is increasing, then it denotes the Krishna Paksha (which means as the non-lightness half of Precessional circle) …
All these variations are because of the sinusoidal movement of all that is ever begun within the Maker’s Makings, which we have already discussed in earlier topic of “Sinusoidal paths” and was also discussed in another earlier topic of “Wobble of celestial circles” …
Continues …