Here we discuss some of the self realizations during Shakti Shiva Yoga (or Raam Naad) such as Amrit Kalash, Pot of nectar, Kumbha, Consciousness pot etc. …

This topic is in continuation from the preceding one …
EE-1 … Rise of the “white pot of lighted butter” … Amrit Kalash, Pot of nectar, Kumbha, Consciousness pot
And its relation to Hinduism and the much-much later Christianity …
When the earlier shown figure actually happens, then the white pot of lighted butter begins rising upwards …
This pot of lighted butter like state is originally residing below the navel plexus and is located about 2-3 finger widths below the navel and towards the spinal column …
Whilst resting at above stated location, this pot is in the shape of Shivalingam which is bent backwards (i.e. bent towards the spinal column) … This Shivalingam is a cluster that is told to be composed of 330 million (33 crore) subtle energy channels that are unioned to each other near the navel area of the body … These divinity channels and the Shivalinga shaped white pot of lighted butter are present in each aspirant’s microcosm …
The point of union of these 330 million (33 crore) subtle energy channels (divinity channels which are present within each aspirant) is of the shape of a Shivling which is bent backwards at its upper pert … Since this Lingam shall be discussed in a later topic, hence I shall not get into much details here …
These were the 33 crore (i.e. 330 million) divinities (divine energies) which are meeting at the navel area and which form a very-subtle matt-white colored Shivalingam in the navel area (which is located towards the spinal column) that came to be known as the 330 million God’s in Hinduism …
Now we shall proceed further to discuss the Shivalingam which is told in above paragraph …
This pot of lighted butter is initially present in the navel area and is located close to the spine and it also has the shape of a Shivalingam which is bent at its top part … During the stages of Shiva Shakti Yoga, this same white pot of lighted butter is also the one which gets lifted upwards and then it enters the brain area …
Above painting depicts this state of entry of the white pot of lighted butter inside the brain … Above figure shows the white pot as a white colored ball shaped entity which has light blue colored streaks in it … This figure depicts that specific state of the white pot of lighted butter when it just about begins exiting out of the upper-middle brain area (as beyond which is to be self realized by an aspirant, so nobody can ever tell about it) …
This is the same pot which was addressed as the pitcher within Ecclesiastes 12.6 of the Biblical lore … And it is this pitcher (of the Biblical lore) which gets shattered, but only after it rises to the 7th plexus (i.e. crown plexus or the thousand lotus at the top of brain or the Brahmarandra chakra or Sahasrara of much-much earlier Sanskrit texts) …
The raised state of this pitcher (of Ecclesiastes 12.6 of the Biblical lore) is shown as the white ball like shape which has light blue colored streaks in it … And since its raised state is depicted, so it is also shown to be painted in the brain area of above figure …
But at the same time, this is the same pitcher which was also termed as “Amrit Kalash (Pot of nectar)” within the much earlier (ancient) knowledge of Ayurveda (i.e. the science of health) …
And this is also the same pitcher which was also told as “Divya Kalash (i.e. Divine-Pot)” and which has kept getting depicted at topmost part of all Vedic temples since those timeless incalculable times that were of my much-much earlier transmigrated incarnations within the current Brahma Kalpa or Kalpa +++ …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph … Brahma Kalpa (or Kalpa) means “12 hours of creators day time” … This has a time span of 4.32 billion human solar years (as per middle time units of axial precession that were utilized in all Vedic calculations) …
The same pot is also told as Kumbha (i.e. the pot of the meeting point of divinities) whose Kumbha Mela which also happens to be the largest human gathering in the world, is celebrated each 12 years and at 4 different locations …
As a matter of fact that this Kumbha festival was not started by Gurudeva Adi Shankaracharya … This festival has a much-much older history … Gurudeva Adi Shankaracharya had only restored it in a correct way …
And it is also the same white pot of lighted butter of our current discussion which is related to the Zodiac of the water bearers sign (Zodiac sign of Aquarius or Kumbha Rashi as it was stated in the much earlier knowledge of Jyotish Shastra and its parental knowledge of Vedanga) …
As also, since the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) is an age of a continuously cyclic stirring (i.e. stirring at regular intervals) of the “Amrit Kalash (i.e. the pot of nectar)” which itself is eternally present within each aspirant, so it is due to this reason that the age of sages (i.e. Guru Yuga) is also an age cycle of “inward paths (or the path of self realizations or the cycle of Atma Jnana) …
Thus basis this reasoning and within this world system, as the time of inauguration of the age of sages (Guru Yuga) keeps drawing closer, the outwards ways of life shall keep perishing and the inward ways of life would keep rising ever upwards …
And since this world is already standing at the cusp of this change, so during the immediately coming times, the inward ways of life would also be rising up from their long slumber of many millenniums and thence these ways would also be seen to be coming to fore …
Deviating a bit to discuss a related aspect … And since this inward path (or path of self realization) is a fact of the incoming age of sages which as such is commencing on/around 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years plus offsets which shall be discussed later on), so as this time of inauguration of the age of sages (or human golden age or Guru Yuga) keeps drawing closer, the outwardly systems (i.e. systems which are based upon one or another God who claims himself to be the supreme) would keep perishing and biting the dust which they rightfully deserve due to the coming in of the subtler effects of the incoming Guru Yuga (or human age of truth) within this planetary system …
And this change shall also be seen to have begun manifesting when the last leg of change reaches the commencement of its latter half, which as such would be on/around 2028 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
Prior to above time (about 7 years, which shall also be in 2 phases of 3.5 years + 3.5 years) shall be the commencement of the initial shake up of the consciousness plane of this planetary system …
This shake up shall also wreck a complete havoc on those societies where a self-serving, self satisfying and self centered degenerate type of individualism is rampant at that time …
And the commencement of this initial shake up shall also be from the spirits of animals which humanity has consumed during the last 4-5 millenniums … Thus vegetarians, vegans and all those who have kept their physical and subtler vehicles uncorrupted, would be much better off at this time …
After this phase which would be starting due to the effects of animal spirits itself, there would also come a time when the animals would enjoy all that humans have built in the recent years and Mother Nature would begin smiling …
This is also the stage when humanity would introspect and further retrospect about what they gained and lost whilst running after materials and which itself was only after leaving the immaterial parental state …
And the commencement of this shake up shall be especially felt when the two solar eclipses of December 2019 and June 2020 are around the corner … At those times which are closer to these discussed times, the signs in the skies are almost similar to those which were present during Mahabharata war (about 5 millenniums ago) …
As also a fact that it was after the Mahabharata war (about 5 millenniums ago), Sanatan dharma had started perishing at a very rapid pace … And on the contrary, after the coming times (of above discussed stages of change) the same timeless great-grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) would begin to rise at a pace which humanity, their angels and their Gods has never seen in the last few millenniums…
And most importantly is a fact that from this shake up would arise the seeded-foundation of the inward ways of life which ultimately would be found to be based upon what was told in Yoga as “Brahmand Dharana (i.e. oneness towards allness and her each part)” … And this aspect would also be found to be resting within the essence of the statement, “Each microcosm is as divine as the pristine divinity of the Absolute being, itself is” and which itself is because of the un-doubtable fact that “Everywhere, everyone and everything is nothing but a self expression, self manifestation and also a proof of self presence of the same Absolute being and its own pristine divinity” … It is always through the essence of this paragraph that any age cycle has ever changed to the incoming “age of sages (Guru Yuga)” and this time would not be any different …
And around 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years), as the higher quantum of subtler (or higher or greater) effects of age of sages begin setting inside this world, then there shall also be a further effect of the stage where the inward effects of the age of Aquarius (Kumbha Yuga) begin manifesting within this world system …
This effect shall be after about 216 years and prior to completion of 432 years from the time of onset of the effects of the incoming age of sages in this world … Thus after 2514 AD (i.e. 2082 + 432 years) the combined effects of the age of sages (i.e. Guru Yuga) and the age of Aquarius (Kumbha Yuga) would be seen to be manifested in this world … And due to this reason after 2514 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) these combined effects of the subtler (or higher) divinities as are of age of sages and age of Aquarius would completely rout out individualism (any type of monotheism) from this worlds consciousness plane itself … And thus shall be the phases of onset of fuller effects of the age of sages (Guru Yuga) which as such is naught but that “golden age of man (Manav Satyuga) which runs within the larger age cycle as is of the divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) …
And the time when this sign (of Age of Aquarius) and age of sages (Guru Yuga) become effective within this world, then at such a stage of time cycle, a very subtle yet a loud and clear “Roar of the Vedas” would be heard within the subtle component of the universe (i.e. parental universe shall have this roar) … This is how it has always been during any of the ages of sages that ever were till now and this is how it would also be this time around …
As also a fact that along with catering for the incoming age of sages (I.e. Guru-Yuga) which is to commence on/around 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 27 years plus offsets which shall be discussed later on) this text is also written to cater for the subtle evolutionary needs which shall be during the incoming “Age of Aquarius (i.e. Kumbha Yuga)” … Thus this was written at a time when this world system is already standing at the phase of entry into the cusp of these two Zodiacal age cycles (i.e. the current Age of Pisces and incoming Aquarius) and where the further stage of entry into the final phase of change to the incoming age of sages is also just around the corner as far as the currently underway cycle of time is concerned …
And let it be known loud and clear, that the end of individualism (monotheism of any sort) is what the end result of this shake up of planetary consciousness would be … This is not the first time that an age of sages has begun arriving to this world system and this is also not the last time that this change to a Guru Yuga would be happening in this world … And the inhabitants of this planet shall be seeing this change prior 2028 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) when the last phase of change towards the incoming Guru-Yuga would begin cutting in (or setting in) this world … Resuming again …
EE-2 … The Pot of nectar enters lions door (Simha Dwar) … The roar of a thousand lions …
Here this discussion is in brief, as it actually is a part of another topic …
As the white pot of lighted butter rises up and reaches the heart area, then it enters the singular golden colored very luminous and yet a very subtle channel which connects the heart area to the thousand petalled crown plexus (Brahmarandra Chakra) that is present at the top of brain of each aspirant …
As soon as this white pot of lighter butter of an aspirant enters the golden channel (through the entry gate of the same golden channel), the “sound of RA” (RA Naad) starts getting heard by that aspirant …
This “lion’s gate” opens up from the heart area and as soon as the aspirants consciousness enters into this lions gate, the loud and clear sound of RA is heard by that aspirant …
And due to its specific characteristics which make this RA Naad to seem like the simultaneous roar of thousand lions, this sound was also told as the “lion’s roar” in certain knowledge systems …
This lion’s roar is the one which eventually takes the consciousness of the observer (the subtler vehicle of the aspirant) to the 7th plexus and thence to the Vajradanda (i.e. the golden staff of lightening) which also extents till a location which is well beyond the 7th plexus (i.e. 1000 petalled crown plexus) …
But prior to reaching the Vajradanda, as aspirant shall have to transit through the 100 rivers of Bharata (as have been subtly mentioned in Rig Veda) and where this transit through these 100 rivers of Bharat through that state of rise of the white pot of lighted butter, which begins rising up from the navel area and then reach the area of top of brain …
This rise of white pot of lighted butter also becomes the further reason for lifting up of the aspirant’s consciousness and making it merge to the Supreme being … And thence permanently rest till the pending eternity of the Maker’s Makings …
EE-3 … 100 rivers of Bharata (of Rig Veda) and its relation to later systems …
EE-3-A … The concept of 100 rivers of Bharata …
The rise of white pot of lighted butter from the base of spine till the heart is the basis of Vedic, Yogic lore’s and it is also related to many other much-later knowledge systems who had also taken this concept from the earlier Vedic and Yogic lore’s itself …
This concept of 100 rivers of Bharat (or Rig Veda) is also self-realized through the path of the rise of the same “white pot of lighted butter (i.e. Amrit Kalash or the inner pot of nectar) which was discussed earlier and which happens during the time when Shakti Shiva Yoga is continuing within the aspirant’s microcosm itself (i.e. within the aspirants physical and subtler vehicles) …
What is termed as 100 rivers of Bharat (as stated in Rig Veda) is not just related to the physical rivers on the land mass of India and I say so because in its originality, it was a much deeper concept which was related to each aspirant also … Thus this concept actually is one which relates to the common divinity of the macrocosm and which itself is of each microcosm …
The macrocosm itself was addressed as Bharat by Vedic sages … This was already discussed in an earlier topic which has the header of “What Sampradaya, Parampara and Bharata” …
And since the subtle impressional macrocosm (Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) is also present within each aspirant (i.e. microcosm), so the same Bharat is also present within each aspirant (microcosm) … Thus when we consider the subtle impressional macrocosm (Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) which itself is present within each aspirant (i.e. microcosm), then in reality each aspirant is the same Bharat only …
Thus within this Rig Vedic concept, the word Bharata is referring to the subtle impressional macrocosm (Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) which is existent within each aspirant and this itself is in addition to the grosser (or manifested) macrocosm …
In addition to above, since the landmass of India was from where this subtle concept of Bharata had originated, so the word Bharat also means the landmass of India and yet this is only to the extent of it being the “microcosmic representation of the divinity of macrocosm” …
It was to all above interpretations of the word Bharat that the concept of 100 rivers of Rig Veda was referring to …
And the same concept of 100 rivers became the root philosophy of many later concepts (or philosophies) also … Some of these later concepts are also discussed at later stages of this topic …
Within the microcosm of any aspirant, these 100 rivers also denote the 100 sub-channels which make the central energy channel (or Sushumna Naadi) … Thus the ancient Vedic and Yogic knowledge systems also state that the central channel is made up of 100 sub-channels which terminate in the heart part of the body …
This Sushumna Naadi (central channel) is made up of two distinct yet absolutely (or perfectly) united parts …
- The lower part is composed of 100 subtle channels which rise from a location near the base of spine and then these channels terminate at the heart area … And in the middle of this bunch of 100 channels, is the central channel (or Sushumna Naadi) …
- After the termination point of these 100 subtle divinity channels (which is present in the heart area of the physical body) is crossed over, then from the area at the front of heart and, a singular highly luminous and even subtler channel rise upwards to the head region of the physical body … This singular highly luminous central channel is the one which has been termed as Sushumna Naadi in the most of the Vedic and Yogic lore’s …
- It is due to above stated fact that different knowledge streams state differently regarding the central channel (Sushumna Nadi) … Some knowledge streams state that all above channels (i.e. 100 channels) are a part of the same Sushumna Naadi and some other texts state that Sushumna Naadi is the 101st channel which as such is not “directly” related to the 100 channels that are terminating in the heart area of the physical vehicle …
- But irrespective of above, the crux of the matter still remains that Vedas had originally told about these 100 channels to be of Bharata which geographically means the land of India and which in a higher sense means the subtle impressional macrocosm that is present inside each microcosm and thus is the pervader of each microcosm and in addition to this, it is also same macrocosm in whose envelopes each microcosm is residing …
- So basis above bullet point, it eventually is the same macrocosm in its subtle impressional state which is the pervader of each microcosm and the same macrocosm in its manifest state is also the enveloper of each microcosm … Thus the same macrocosm is the pervader and enveloper of each microcosm …
- As also since each microcosm is none other than being a microcosmic self manifestation of the greater macrocosmic creation (i.e. macrocosm), so it is also due to this fact that when we see (directly cognize or self realize) the reality of things, then we also know that it ultimately is the same macrocosm which envelopes and pervades itself … This is because of the fact that the microcosm which is pervaded and enveloped by the macrocosm, itself is the microcosmic self manifestation of the same greater macrocosm … So it is also due to this reason that in the ultimate reality of things, the pervader and enveloper (i.e. macrocosm) is only pervading and enveloping its own self manifested macrocosmic state … And thus, the pervader and enveloper (i.e. macrocosm) itself is the pervaded and enveloped (i.e. microcosm) … This fact is the final non duality as far as the eternally unioned state of macrocosm and any microcosm is concerned …
Proceeding further so as to clarify the original concept of 100 rivers of Bharat (of Rig Veda) …
These hundred Naadi (i.e. hundred shuttle channels) which are within the macrocosm and microcosm alike are the one’s which have been termed as the hundred rivers of Bharat in Rig Veda … This is also told so because Bharat itself is each microcosm and simultaneously is also the macrocosm (this was discussed earlier on in this topic itself) …
Your own microcosm is Bharat and the same Bharat is also the macrocosm in which your microcosm resides across your entire evolutionary existence and this statement is not dependent upon whether your existence is upon this grosser (or physical) world system and is within the subtler divine worlds (or heavens of beyond) …
Thus irrespective of which gross or subtle world you may reside in, you always reside in Bharat itself … And this also due to the fact that the same 100 channels and their divinities are also present within all the gross and subtler world systems that ever are or could ever be present within the macrocosmic creation …
Thus the 100 rivers of Bharat as stated in Rig Veda is not just told for the land mass of India but it also means the 100 divinity channels which are present within your own microcosm and whose parental states are also present within each of the lesser or larger microcosm’s (i.e. right from an atom till the universe) that has ever begun within this ever-same supreme genius of the Maker’s Makings …
EE-3-B … Relation of 100 rivers of Bharat to Egyptian and Greek lore’s …
The same concept which originally is of the Vedic and Yogic lore’s is also directly or indirectly related to many later philosophies (or systems of ways of life or faiths or religions or knowledge systems) such as the ones listed below …
- From the front side of the termination point of the 100 rivers of Bharata as is in the heart area, is rising the central channel (i.e. Sushumna Naadi) … This central channel rises up from the heart and thence it reaches that particular area of the brain where the pineal gland is located … As these divinities (i.e. the subtle energy fields) of the central channel enter into the pineal gland, then this area of the brain gets illumined … This illumined state of the area of our discussion was the one which was termed as the Eye of Horus (Eye of RA) and Osiris within the Egyptian and Greek lore’s …
- And above itself is based upon the much earlier concept of “Trinetra (of Samskrit) which as such is the base of all the concepts which relate to the third eye as is told in any of the knowledge systems …
- As also a fact that when the Kundalini Shakti (i.e. Serpentine energy) of an aspirant rises upwards from the base of spine and thence reaches a point which is just above the third eye plexus, then it denotes the raised state of one’s own serpentine force (i.e. the serpent within each microcosm) and it is this raised state of serpentine force which was depicted as the serpent on the forehead (within Egyptian lore’s) … This depiction of snake on top part of the forehead was only used to denote the raised state of consciousness of such aspirants and which itself is after the earlier stage of 100 rivers of Bharat have been crossed over … Thus even this depiction in ancient Egypt was related to the same earlier concept of the 100 river of Bharat (as is stated in Rig Veda) …
EE-3-C … 100 rivers of Bharat, 100 Buddha’s and 100 seed syllables …
Each of these 100 sub-channels (which itself were told as the 100 rivers of Bharat) which make the central channel (Sushumna Naadi) have their own specific divinity (i.e. Deva and/or Devi) and its own characteristic divine being …
These were the ones which came to be addressed as the 100 Buddha’s within the much later Buddhist lore’s … But the fact still remains that these 100 Buddha’s are only denoting the 100 divinities of the 100 rivers of Bharat (of Rig Veda) that are being discussed here …
It is also due to this reason that this Buddhist concept (of 100 Buddha’s) is also one of those many more ones which were also taken from their common root knowledge i.e. the Vedic (and Yogic) lore …
Each of the 100 divinities of these 100 sub-channels have their own seed sounds (i.e. they have their own specific seed syllables) … It is also due to this reason that 100 seed sounds of the 100 Buddha’s are told in Buddhist lore’s …
The 100 sounds of these 100 channels which itself are the 100 rivers of Bharata, came to be known as the 100 seed syllables within later lore’s from which the
“100 seed syllable verse” of Tibetan Buddhism was also originated at an ever later stage of time cycles …
EE-4 … The concept of 33 Koti Devata and later lore’s that originated from it …
As the serpentine force (Kundalini Shakti) rises from a location which is close to the base of spine and then it reaches the head region, it transits the 33 vertebrae of the spinal column …
This is the base of this discussion on the esoteric and secretive path of self realization of the Vedic concept on 33 Koti Devata (i.e. 33 types of divine beings or divinities) …
EE-4-A … The original Vedic concept of 33 Koti Devi-Devata …
Vedas state about “33 Koti Devi-Devata” which as such means “33 Types of Devi-Devata (or divine and their own divinities” and not what it is interpreted as of now to be of “33 crore (or 330 million) divine being or their divinities” …
These divinities reside in the 33 vertebrae of the spinal column itself … The space between each of the vertebrae is having a subtle divine energy (which relates to a specific divine world) … And each of these worlds are also controlled by a specific divine controller (i.e. divine being or Devata or Deva) …
Thus basis above, if we calculate then in between these 33 vertebrae there are 32 divine worlds … And the last divine world is beyond the 33rd vertebrae i.e. at the pineal gland and which itself is the 33rd divine world (Deva world or Deva Loka) …
And separating each of these 33 Deva worlds (i.e. 33 Deva Loka, each of which have their own specific divine controllers) which are present within the space which is intermediary of the 33 vertebrae, are the 33 Devi (i.e. 33 divinities) of the Vedic lore …
And since the divine itself is its own divinity, so this was stated as 33 types of Devi-Devata (33 Koti Devi-Devata) in the Vedic lore …
Explaining the meaning of the Vedic Sanskrit words Deva and Devi …
The term Deva means “the divine being or divine controller of a divine world which itself is within each aspirant and the same is also beyond each aspirant (i.e. it is also present ‘within and beyond’ the Maker’s Makings) … And the term Devi means “the divinity of the divine being” which is also present within and beyond each aspirant and also the Maker’s Makings …
Thus basis above, the interpretations of the terms “Deva and Devi” relate to all that is microcosmic, macrocosmic and also to that which is beyond these two … And it is due to this reason that these Vedic terms are universal in their applications … And so is the universality of the concept of 33 Koti Devi-Devata of Vedic lore …
Note: And thus these terms are definitely not meaning that which is told about them by propagators of recent systems who as such have grossly misinterpreted the deeper hidden these terms and thus they have told them in a way which brings their meanings to a much-much lesser value as compared to the real meaning which is commanded by these terms … Thus all those who say that “Deva means a Demi-God” only prove their ignorance to the real (inner or deeper) meaning of these terms and thus such ones also prove their ignorance to the reality of these Vedic terms (and thus such ones also prove their lack of proper knowledge and understandings of the Vedas itself) …
Going further … As also, since the Deva (universal divine being) cannot be separated from its own Devi (universal divinity of the divine being) so these two were also considered one and the same in the topic of our discussion … This is because of the fact that the Deva is like the sun and Devi like the sunlight, both of which are one and the same and thus cannot be seen or told to be separate from each other … Thus as far as the reality of the “absolutely non-dual universality of application” of which this Vedic concept concerned, it only relates to the same fact which was told as Shiva is Shakti (i.e. Deva is Devi or Divine is Divinity) and Shakti itself is Shiva (i.e. Devi itself is Deva or Divinity itself is the Divine) …
Deva and Devi cannot be separated from each and it is to this reality (or matter of fact) that the concept of 33 Koti Devi-Devata of Vedas is related …
Thus only when these two (i.e. Divine and Divinity) are taken in their finality or reality as is of their absolutely non-dual universality, is the Vedic concept of 33 Koti Devi-Devata …
This has been the parent concept of many later knowledge systems … This is what we shall be briefly discussing here because this concept only relates to the self realizations which come by during the rise of Kundalini Shakti through the spinal column (and thus the rise of inner divinity or Kundalini Shakti through the 33 vertebrae, where the 33 Koti Devi-Devata have eternally been residing) and where this rise itself leads to the stage where the aspirant enters into the path of Shiva Shakti Yoga of our current discussion and which itself leads to the later realization of Raam Naad (which in other words, means as the Sound of Raam or Shiva Taraka Mantra) …
Thus basis above, the concept of 33 Koti Devi-Devata is directly related to the path of self realization of Raam Naad which itself is via the path of Shiva Shakti Yoga that is being discussed here and where the Shakti Shiva Yoga also happens within the aspirants microcosm itself (i.e. the Shakti Shiva Yoga happens inside the aspirants physical and subtler vehicles as is depicted by above painting) …
But because this is a very highly secretive concept, so it can only be known through personal direct cognitions (i.e. self realizations) and thus in this text I shall not be discussing or drawing the paintings of these 33 divine worlds or their divine controllers or even their divinities …
Continuing with above paragraph … Plus there are many things that cannot be openly disclosed during the times of progress of any divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) because this particular age cycle leads to a severe reduction of divine energies within the world system and that too to a level which is below the critical level that is needed to utilize a higher concept wisely (i.e. utilize a concept for the betterment of all parts of macrocosmic speciology who inhabits that world) … By macrocosmic speciology I mean all gross and subtle speciological hierarchies that are related to a world (or are present upon a world) …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus as a matter of fact, that which is to be kept untold during an age cycle, is best kept untold due to the ever requirements of ensuring compliance to the “macrocosmic principle of the wise ones” (this principle shall be discussed later on) …
EE-4-B … 33 Koti Devi Devata, “Eye of RA (Eye of Horus”) and Osiris …
When the Kundalini Shakti (i.e. the divinity which is within each aspirant or simply the serpentine force) rises up from a location close to the root of spine till the head and then it ultimately reaches the pineal gland … This pineal gland is the 33rd level of rise of inner divinities and thus when it reaches this state, then the aspirant is deemed to have self realized the 33 Koti Devi-Devata also …
Pineal gland is the 33rd level of rise because at this stage the 33rd hierarchy of the inner divine world is arrived at (i.e. is self realized) by the aspirant … The same 33rd stage of rise was told as the eye of RA (and Eye of Horus) of Egyptian lore’s and this is also related to another divine concept which came to be addressed as Osiris within the Greek lore’s …
Both these concepts are related to the same original and most ancient Vedic concept of self realizations of the worlds of 33 Koti Devi Devata, which itself completes after the direct cognition of the 33rd level as is of the pineal gland …
The pineal gland which denotes the 33rd level of rise of consciousness is also the original concept of “Trinetra (or Third eye)” which was esoterically told by Vedic sages as the third eye of Bhagwan Shiva of the Vedic lore … And it is from this concept of “Trinetra” that the concept of Third eye of the later knowledge systems had originated …
And during those very ancient times as were of my much-much earlier transmigrated incarnations, the aspirant who had already self realized what is discussed here, was also deemed to be the holder of the “Third eye of Bhagwan Shiva” … As such, during those very ancient times such an aspirant also deemed to be a “Shiva Swaroop (i.e. Lord Shiva manifest in a human bodied form) … Many of my Gurujan of previous incarnations were such Shiva Swaroop Yogi’s …
EE-4-C … 33 Koti Devi Devata, 33 years of Christ, Christhood (Christ Principle) …
From the same Vedic concept of 33 Koti Devi Devata had originated the concept of 33 years of Christ … Thus this concept also relates to the same 33rd level of rise of consciousness of a Yogi …
Due to above, what the earlier Greeks used to call as Christos and which itself is the same as what the later Christians have addressed as Christ, are also denoting the same as was originally told in Vedic lore as “Shiva Swaroop (or Lord Shiva manifest in a human form)” … Thus the terms “Christos and Christ” also relate to the same earlier Vedic concept where a Yogi becomes “Shiva Swaroop” … And this accomplishment (or Siddhi) can even be termed Christhood or Christ principle …
After a study of the impressions which reside in the consciousness plane of this planetary system (i.e. after a study of the Samskaras of Bhu Chitta) and that too of that time span which relates to advent of Jesus, it is absolutely clear that Jesus had come to India to study from the self realized Vedic sages … This was during the same time which is known as the missing years of history of Jesus …
And because earlier “Jesus, the man” who later on became “Jesus, the Christ” came to India to study during his missing years, so it is also due to this reason that the ancient paintings of Jesus show his unkempt and/or matted locks (which is typical of Indian Shaiva sages) and that too with Vaishnava symbols which as such are based upon the Vedic concept of application of Sandalwood …
And since the later western saints were also related to knowledge that was distributed by Jesus himself, so many of the later saints have also been depicted with some hand gestures which as such are directly related to the most ancient Vedic and Yogic knowledge of hand gestures (i.e. Mudra Vijyan) … Since this knowledge of hand gestures (Mudra’s) is of the much more ancient Vedic and Yogic knowledge system, so these gestures are also directly proving the Vedic and Yogic link of knowledge that was distributed by Jesus and which as such was also followed by later western saints …
In fact when I study the macrocosmic impressional fields of this time span when “Jesus the aspirant” was walking this planet and which as such was prior he attained the status of “Jesus, the sage”, then it is also pretty clear that he (i.e. Jesus, the aspirant of that time) had stayed at southern Vedic monastery (i.e. Monastery of Yajurveda or Sringeri Sarada Math) for a while and this was where he had learnt the Shaiva ways of life from the Nigama and Agama Sages of that area …
+++ Continuing with above paragraph … And then he (i.e. Jesus, the aspirant) had moved on to the eastern Vyasa Peetha (i.e. Monastery of Rig Veda or the area of Jagannath Puri Math) and this was where he (i.e. Jesus, the aspirant) had learnt the knowledge systems from Saurya and Vaishnava Sages of that time … It was here that he (Jesus, the earlier aspirant) had attained the title of “Ishu +++” and thus he became “Jesus, the Sage” … It is due to this reason that even some the Vedic scriptures (Bhavishya Purana) describe Jesus as a man of purity …
+++ Explaining the word Ishu of above paragraph … The word Ishu means “an aspirant whose consciousness is merged to Isha or Ishvara (i.e. united to God) and yet that aspirant somehow ends up retaining his individual consciousness” … Thus in his human (or incarnated) form, such a sage is naught but “a divine particle of Ishvara (i.e. a divine particle of Isha or the divine particle of God)” … Thus “Jesus, the earlier aspirant” who by this stage had already united to Isha (i.e. Ishvara or God) and yet was retaining his individual consciousness, came to be addressed “Jesus, the son of Isha (or Son of God or divine particle of God or simply Ishu) …
+++ When a drop of water (i.e. Jesus, the earlier aspirant) merged to the ocean (i.e. Isha or Ishvara or God), then that drop of water becomes the ocean itself … But in such a state if that drop’s consciousness (i.e. consciousness of the aspirant) does not enter into a non dual union to the ocean consciousness (i.e. God consciousness) and thus the aspirant continues to see himself (or herself) as “being unioned yet being distinct” from God consciousness, then this itself proves a nonness of non dual from the aspirants consciousness to the God consciousness … Due to this reason, such an aspirant is considered as a Particle of God (or Child of God) … Thus, an aspirant whose consciousness is unioned to God and yet that consciousness retains its individuality, is the one who is addressed as the “divine particle of God (or child of God or simply Ishu)” …
+++ Continuing with above paragraph … And on the contrary, that aspirant whose consciousness is non-dually united to Isha (God) and thus the aspirants consciousness is indistinct from God consciousness, is considered as “God manifest in a human form (i.e. Isha Swaroop or Ishvara Swaroop)” … Such sages are the ones who are considered as the “God who has manifest himself in a human form itself” because when a drop of water merges to the ocean in such a way that the drop consciousness completely dissolves into the ocean consciousness, then that drop of water becomes the ocean itself … And it is from this concept that the later knowledge of the new testament had originated where the earlier “Son of God came to be considered as God” who himself had walked this planet in flesh …
And finally he had gone to northern monastery (of Atharvaveda) where he had learnt Ayurveda, Agama and thence also Buddhism (from the Buddhist sages of that time) … Thus basis this study it is also pretty clear that the missing years of Jesus were mostly spent in India and that Jesus never visited the western Vedic monastery (of Samaveda or the area of Dwarika Sarada Aamnaya Peetha) …
Proceeding further …
As also from this study of the impressional fields of the consciousness plane of this planet (i.e. Samskaras of Bhu Chitta) it is also pretty clear Jesus had stayed at Jagannath Puri Peetha for almost 3 years amongst those hidden or missing years of his life and this is where he had attained the status of being an “Ishu (or divine particle of Isha or divine particle of God” which also means “the begotten son of God (or Ishvara Putra or Ish Putra)” …
It eventually is from this Vedic term of “Ishu” which was used to address him at Jagannath Puri area that the later terms which are used to address Jesus i.e. “Yesu and Yeshua”, had originated …
In those earlier days (and also during even olden times as were of my earlier transmigrated incarnations) the present day state of Orissa (or Odisha as it is called these days) of Indian mainland was addressed as Ud-Isha (Ur-Isha), which means as follows …
- The word Ur (Ud) means Fly …
- Isha means God (or the supreme being or the being there only is or Ishvara or simply Isha) …
- So basis above, the word “Ur-Isha” means “Fly to God” …
- And the Jagannath Puri temple area was the place where the consciousness used to fly to God, but only if the aspirant was a genuine one who also was resting within the Vedic Sampradaya and Parampara and was trained by (i.e. was a student of) genuine lineage holding or traditional Vedic sages …
- As also a fact that those aspirants whose consciousness had already flown to God, but has still not non-dually (or fully or indistinctly) merged to God consciousness, were the ones who were addressed as “Ishu” (or divine particle of God or Prophet of God or Son of God) …
Continuing with above bullet point … And those aspirants whose consciousness had already flown to God and had also fully or non-dually merged to God consciousness were deemed to be Ishvara Swaroop (or Isha Swaroop or God manifest within a human form and thus such a sage is also deemed to be an authentic path to reach God) … Only to such sages were the Vedic Mahavakya applicable as these sages were the physical presence of these Vedic Great statements … Since the latter told stage is always after the formerly told stage, so this fact of progress is also very clear if we study the two testaments (i.e. old and new testaments) …
Continuing with above bullet point … Jesus whose consciousness had flown to God, but was still not merged to God and that too whilst he was staying under the divine guidance of these Vaishnava sages, was thus addressed by the name “Ishu” which was given to him (i.e. Jesus) by these Vaishnava sages only …
Continuing further …
And this stage of being an “Ishu (i.e. Ish-Putra or Son of God)” is only arrived after the Kundalini Shakti (i.e. divinity within each aspirant or simply the serpentine force) rises up to reach the pineal gland that is beyond the 33 vertebrae itself … But at the same time, the consciousness has still not gone past the pineal gland as it has gotten stuck up here … This stuck up state is the subtle crucifix that is eternally present within each aspirant and it is this fact which is displayed in churches all over this planet … But sadly since a pretty long time, the real Yogic knowledge of this crucifix is already lost in this world and due to this loss of knowledge, the esoteric much deeper part of this knowledge of the inner and outer cross is also severely misinterpreted as of now …
This state of rise of consciousness to the inner cross which is present at the 33rd divine level as is of the pineal gland is Christhood i.e. being Christos in flesh …
Such a sage always returns back as he has still not reached the finality of Yoga (i.e. Yoga Gantavya) which as such is the 8th plexus … The 8th plexus is also told as Niralambasthana (or place of supreme independence) within the Siddha sciences and the same 8th plexus was also subtly referred in the original knowledge of it (as was told in 10 chapter of Atharvaveda) which as such denotes the final stage of Yoga and which was told through a Mahavakya (i.e. Great-Statement) as stated below …
“AYAM ATMA BRAHMA” which means “THIS (i.e. aspirant’s innermost essence or aspirant’s innermost consciousness or simply the Atman) IS THAT (i.e. essence of allness and her each part or the supreme essence or the supreme consciousness or God consciousness or simply Brahman) …
Only after that which is very subtly told in above great statement (or Mahavakya) of Atharvaveda is finally completed, does the aspirant sees its own innermost consciousness to be indistinct from the supreme consciousness …
It is only for completing the self realization of what is subtly referred in above Mahavakya that there would be a second coming …
This eventual return back (i.e. second coming) is also to only complete the finality of Yoga i.e. reach the 8th plexus … And this requirement has been the basis of all concepts of the second coming of Jesus, the earlier Sage and that too, as Jesus, the Christ principle itself …
Only when the aspirant (i.e. aspirant’s consciousness) crosses over and thus moves beyond Christ principle (i.e. Ishu Siddhant) as is of the 33rd level (pineal gland), does that aspirant reach the Absolute principle (i.e. Isha Siddhant) and this is where the aspirant is naught but “God who walks the worlds, in flesh” … This is the stage to where the second coming eventually leads to …
Proceeding further to discuss some other related aspects …
This stage of rise of consciousness to the 8th plexus (which shall be discussed in the next set of topics) is the final rise of consciousness … This itself is due to the fact that there is no 9th plexus ever made within or beyond the entirety of Maker’s Makings …
Ultimately it is to this 8th plexus that the entire knowledge of this text on Maker’s Makings is related because after the 8th plexus, there is nothing like the Maker’s Makings i.e. the aspirant who enters the 8th plexus, walks away from the entirety of Maker’s Makings and as the fully independent (or liberated or isolated) one …
Until this stage of rise of consciousness to the 8th plexus actually arrives, the aspirant’s stays as a “a divine particle or son of the supreme divine (i.e. the aspirant is Ishu)” because of the fact that until the self realization of the 8th plexus is arrived at, the consciousness of the aspirant has still not fully and non-dually merged to supreme being (or Ishvara or Isha or simply the supreme Godhead or Absolute being) …
Thus, when this consciousness reaches the pineal gland and thence it does not go any further than this level (i.e. it does not cross beyond than this 33rd level), then it denotes the stage of completion of self realizations which relate to the 33 Koti-Devi-Devata )of Vedic lore) and yet it also denotes the stage where an aspirant is still stuck up at the 33rd level itself … Thus even when this stage denotes a very high evolutionary standing of the aspirant entering into of entering into the Christ principle (Christhood or Christos) yet it does not denote the finality of Yoga which as such is of the self realization and arrival at the 8th plexus …
This 33rd level itself is the Eye of RA (Eye of Horus) and Osiris of Egyptian and Greek lore’s … And this is exactly the state which the earlier Greek sages had told as Christos …
Coincidently Christ also happens to be my Brahmic Ayurvedacharya Guru (i.e. the Guru who happens to be the “Man of Maker’s Medicine”) … But this concept of Brahmic Ayurvedacharya is already lost from this world …
The same ancient but currently lost Vedic concept of “Brahmic Ayurvedacharya” which means the “Man of Maker’s Medicine” was also told as Medicine Buddha within the later Buddhist concepts … And it is due to this reason, Buddhists also consider Jesus Christ as the Medicine Buddha, who is also awaiting an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to be the future Buddha …
It is inside the eye of RA that Isa (Jesus) resides … And this being the 33rd level of evolutionary hierarchy, was told as 33 years of Christ in Biblical lore’s, which in fact is rooted in the same much-much earlier Vedic concept of 33 Koti Devi Devata that is being discussed here …
Thus basis above discussions and as a final paragraph of this topic … That sage who has self realized these 33 Koti Devi-Devata, is the one who rests in the Christ principle and the terms Christ and Christhood are also denoting such a sage only … And the same fact was subtly stated as 33 years of physical lifetime Jesus …
Deviating a bit … So all those deviated Christians (Pastors etc.) who say incorrect things about their own parental Vedic knowledge systems are in fact like a tree who says, the root is not mine even when it is through the root that it continues to get its nutrition … Thus I say it loud and clear that it ultimately would be because of such ones that the end times of the current cycle of Christianity would arrive and that day is not very far from the nowness of now times, as are when I write this paragraph …
Thus those who would object to this stated fact and say any otherwise or start any propaganda about it, should know that the man who has been through it fully, needs no further explanation or clarification from those ones who have not even dreamt of the realizations that were discussed here … Resuming again …
EE-5 … Going beyond the “Eye of RA” …
EE-5-A … Shhhhh Naad, Sheshnaag, Adi Shesha, Turiya, Turiyateet and Sam Sam Buddha …
This is the stage of crossing past the 33rd level or Christhood (i.e. the stage of being a divine particle of God) and entering the state of being “Ishvara Swaroop or attainment of oneness to God and thus being God in flesh, but only on an esoteric level” …
Such aspirants lose their right to be healers, magicians and miracle doers as they reach the fully independent place (Niralambasthana or 8th plexus or the stage of resting in isolation from allness and her each part) … Such an aspirant is an Avadhoot (i.e. one who is beyond all beyondness due to a perfect oneness to the Absolute being or Paramshiva) …
But at the same time, the transit from the 33rd level to Turiya and Turiyateet is also having a few intermediary stages to it, but in this topic I shall only be discussing these two main ones i.e. of Turiya and Turiyateet and yet referring to these intermediary in an indirect way (i.e. implicitly referring to these intermediaries) …
As the white pot which is shown as a white colored ball in the head of above painting keep rising, it enters the 7th plexus (i.e. it enters into the thousand petalled crown plexus which is located at the top of brain and which is also termed as Brahmarandra chakra and as Sahasrara in the Vedic and Yogic lore’s) …
As this white pot of lighted butter (i.e. consciousness pot) rises up, it transits the eye of RA, then it enters into the 7th plexus (which is at the top of brain) whose uppermost level is the six petalled mind plexus (i.e. six petalled Manas chakra) … This is the stage of self realization of the divine staffs which have been told in many western systems (i.e. the aspirant becomes the bearer of the divine staff) …
As this white pot of lighted butter (i.e. consciousness pot) rises further, it crosses past the six petalled mind plexus, then it crosses the skull top and enters into a very subtle golden colored channel (this channel is shown as the golden colored state at the top of head of above painting) … This golden channel is also addressed as Vajradanda, which means golden colored staff of lightening …
This white pot of lighted butter continues to rise in this subtle golden tubular channel which eventually terminates within a four petalled lotus … The petals of this four petalled lotus are of a white color which have streaks of light-blue color in them …
This four petalled plexus is termed as Niralambasthana and Niralamb chakra in Siddha lore, which itself relates to the 8th plexus as is subtly stated in a Mantra of Atharvaveda chapter 10 … Thus the complete rise from the base of spine till the 8th plexus, is related to Atharvaveda chapter 10 itself … But since the discussion on the 8th plexus is to be done in next set of topics, so I won’t get into it here …
Discussing a few related aspects …
The golden colored very highly luminous subtle channel that extends well beyond the 7th plexus, ultimately terminates at a level which is just below the 8th plexus … It is due to this reason, that the 8th plexus has no contact to the golden channel and thus is also seems as if the 8th plexus is hanging in space (i.e. it is without a base or root) which itself is the reason for the 8th plexus to be termed as the independent plexus or rootless plexus or foundationless plexus or Niralamba chakra or the baseless plexus (or in other words, this is also addressed as Niralambasthana) within the Siddha sciences (i.e. knowledge systems of the fully accomplished or Siddha’s) …
As the white pot enters into the 8th plexus, it can even go beyond if it is pushed further outwards … I had pushed it out because the evolved guide who is shown in above painted sketch had told me to “evict it out and then surrender it to Brahman (i.e. surrender it to the attributeless infinite Absolute being)” …
As soon as this white pot of lighted butter (which is shown as a white colored ball in head region of 1st painting of the current set of topics) crosses past the six petalled lotus, the sound of “Shhhhh” manifests …
This sound (of “Shhhhh”) is the proof of the fact that the rising consciousness (and its divine energies) have exited out of six petalled lotus (i.e. Mind plexus which is at the uppermost level of the crown plexus or Sahasrara Chakra or Brahmarandra Chakra) … In the Vedic lore, this “Sound of Shhhhh (i.e. Shhhhh Naad)” is also told as Sheshnaag and as Adi Shesha (timeless, eternal and primordial serpent on which Sri Bhagwan Vishnu rests) …
And at this stage, since this sound is of Adi Shesha (or Sheshnaag), so at this stage this sound also denotes that the primordial serpent has already risen to the 7th plexus and has already gone beyond the six petalled mind plexus (Manas Chakra) … This is the same as was discussed in the earlier part of this topic (EE-3-F) …
The sage who hears this Sound of Shhhhh (i.e. Shhhhh Naad) is the one who has accomplished the divinities of Adi Shesha (i.e. Sheshnaag) and thus such a sage is also like the “physically manifest state of Adi Shesha (i.e. Adi Shesha Swaroop)” within that world itself …
And it is upon such a sage, that the divinities of Sriman Naaraayana (i.e. Sri Bhagwan Vishnu or the supreme preservational principle) rest and it is only such a sage who is the bearer of the divinities of the supreme preservation principle (i.e. Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) within that world system …
This is because of the fact that such a Sage is like Adi Shesha (Sheshnaag) manifest in a human form itself and it eventually is on Adi Shesha (Sheshnaag) that the supreme preservation principle (or Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) rests within any of the worlds that ever are of the greater macrocosmic creation …
When there is a change of human age cycles, then the divinities or energy fields of the two ages (i.e. outgoing and incoming ages) always collide … This collision always causes a wide spread natural and manmade chaos in that world … Thus at that specific stage of time when the two changing age cycles are about to collide, a sage who is the “bearer of the seat” of the supreme preservation principle (i.e. a bearer of the Adi Shesha on which Sri Bhagwan Vishnu would be resting during that stage of change of age cycles), is always sent back to the world …
Such a sage is the bearer of the supreme preservation principle (Sriman Naaraayana Siddhant) unto himself … And this itself is to prevent a total annihilation of all parts of macrocosmic speciology which reside upon that world at those times when an age is already turning …
During the entirety of history of the macrocosmic creation, there has never been a change of human age cycle, where such a sage who was the bearer of the seat of the supreme preservation principle, was not sent back to an animated world …
Note: Above itself is the reason for portraits of my previous transmigrated incarnation and when I was known by a name which if translated in English means “reverence to the divine leaf” are shown to be holding a multi-hooded serpent on top of the head … This representation or depiction of multi-hooded serpent on top of the head was used as it denotes the “Adi Shesha Siddhi (or accomplishment of being the bearer of the Adi Shesha)” and thus such a sage is also becomes the seat of the supreme preservation principle (i.e. Sriman Naaraayana) whenever he returns back to a world (so as to do certain jobs only) …
Note: During each turn of an age cycle, one such sage always arrives to a world so as to ensure that the supreme preservation principle (Sriman Naaraayana Siddhant) is established in a world during the stage of change of “Manav Yuga (i.e. human ages)” and thus a total annihilation of all animate life is avoided during this time … And since that sage returns back for this job only, so as soon as the supreme preservation principle is established by him, he also leaves his seemingly incarnated frame (i.e. he de-incarnates soon after the supreme preservation principle is established in that world by him) as such sages are not interested in making family lineages, cultural lineages or any other similar stupidities like being heads of this or that organization (but yet they may do that which is necessary to lay down the route of change of age cycles and also lay down the foundational or root knowledge of the next human age cycle) …
Returning back to our topic …
Thus when the rising consciousness goes beyond the six petalled mind plexus (which itself is a part of the 1000 petalled lotus at the top of brain or 7th plexus or Brahmarandra chakra), then the same sound of Adi Shesha (Sheshnaag) is heard which as such denotes the rise of Adi Shesha (who itself is within the aspirant) to the six petalled mind plexus …
This rise of white pot of lighted butter (pot of consciousness) to the mind plexus also denotes the same stage of Turiya but with the only difference that when this stage arrives, then that aspirant is already established in Turiya …
Turiya denotes a stage of Samadhi i.e. it denotes the stage of completeness (or fullness) of absorption into that which is the truth, knowledge and infinite reality (or Brahman) … Thus Turiya means that stage which is resting in the Mahavakya of Taittreya Upanishad which was thus told by Vedic sages …
Satyam Jnanam Anantam Brahm
That which is truth knowledge Infinite is the Absolute
Above is one of the best descriptions of realizations during Turiya …
And due to being established in Turiya permanently, even when such an aspirant (Sage) may seem to be awake, talking, moving etc., but he continues unrelated to these acts as he only rests in perfect detachment to allness and her each part …
And because he is established in Turiya, so he may or may not follow the general codes of society or systems of a land or he may even choose to do those things which keep him away from all the disturbing sounds of human civilizations of his time … Due to this reason, a Yogi of Turiya is mostly a lone ranger and he may even seem like being the last of the Mohicans …
These Yogi’s of Turiya were also told as crazy or mad by others and it also was due to such Yogis that Yogic and Vedic lore has references of common folks calling some Yogi’s as the “Crazy Siddha’s” … These Siddha’s seem to be crazy only because of the fact that they are resting in an inner detachment to allness and her each part and thus they have no association to ways of life of societies of that time, due to which the common folks (of societies) used to also address them as eccentric Siddha’s (or crazy Siddha’s) …
Moving even further with the discussion …
Until this stage, we have discussed the stage of rise of white pot of lighted butter (or Amrit Kalash or pot of nectar or consciousness pot or inner divinities) till the six petalled mind plexus … Now moving even further …
That stage where the divinities (divine inner energy) rise beyond the crown plexus (i.e. 7th plexus) and they end up rising beyond the uppermost part of the crown plexus (i.e. they rise beyond the mind plexus), is of Visarga (Liberation) … This Visarga itself is the final stage of Turiya …
And it is due to this reason, that the 7th plexus (i.e. 1000 petalled lotus at the top of brain) was termed as Visarga chakra in the Yogic lore …
And since beyond the uppermost level of the crown plexus (i.e. beyond the six petalled mind plexus) is the Shunya Tattva (i.e. elemental emptiness or primary emptiness) and it was due to this reason, the 7th plexus (i.e. 1000 petalled lotus at the top of brain) was termed as Shunya Chakra (or plexus of emptiness) within the Yogic lore …
And the same state is also related to many other concepts like J that of Faravahar (of Zoroastrianism), Caduceus (of Greek mythology) and various staffs which were held by various Sages (like Moses and also by Greek Gods) and that too across philosophies of recent times (i.e. last few millenniums) like those of ancient Greece, Egypt, Judaism, Christianity etc. …
All above are related to the earlier concept of Visarga (liberation) and Turiya (absorption of the Vedic and Yogic lore’s …
And coincidentally these concepts on Shunya (zero or emptiness or macrocosmic voidness), Anant (infinite or undefined or unfathomable), Samadhi (meditative absorption), Turiya (the great 4th or permanent absorption) and Visarga (final liberation) are only rooted upon the much-much earlier original concept which I only had given during my much earlier incarnation which was within the Swayambhu Manvantar and when I was a little inconsequential student (disciple) of Swayambhu Manu Maharaaj who had named me as Ganit (i.e. divine mathematics) and who later on came to be addressed as Maharishi Ganit (i.e. the Great-Sage called “divine mathematics”) and when my students used to call me as Ganitacharya (i.e. teacher of divine mathematics) … All above concepts are related to that same knowledge system which was distributed by me during that Swayambhu Manvantar itself …
Proceeding even further …
And also a fact that within the Vedic and Yogic lore’s, the same stage of Visarga is also termed as the fourth state (or Turiya Awastha or the stage of permanent absorption) +++ …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph …
Within the Yogic lore, there are five states of consciousness … Jagrut Awastha … Wakeful stage … A conscious realization of this stage leads to attachments and thus bondage is always arrived due to this stage … Thus cycles of existence and sufferings cannot be avoided when resting only in this stage …
- Susupti Awastha … Dreamless sleep … A conscious realization of this stage ensures that the aspirant stays free of sufferings, but the cycles of existence continue … I.e. the aspirant cannot be liberated through dreamless sleep …
- Swapna Awastha … Dreaming sleep … A conscious realization of this stage leads to generation of future reasons for existence and suffering … Thus those who remember their dreams actually would be those who would also be furthering their cycles of existence and sufferings across the states of which they dream about ++++ …
++++ Explaining ++++ of above paragraph … Dreams itself lead to generation (or origination) of impressions (or Samskaras) which furthers the need to fruit them into their real-next subtler states prior these impressions can even be unseeded from the consciousness orbs (i.e. Chitta) of the aspirants causal body (i.e. Antahkarana Chatushtaya) … These impressions keep residing in the Chitta whilst they await their real-next fruiting’s which itself are through specific desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds …
++++ And the act of undergoing those specific desires, emotions, thoughts and deeds is the one which becomes the reason for furthering of sufferings and also of the future existence which would need to be entered into, so as to fruit these impressions generated through dreams …
++++ Thus as far as evolutionary process and its endless furthering is concerned, dreaming is not a good thing and remembering dreams is even worse … Due to this reason, Jeevanmukta (i.e. those who are liberated whilst alive) never dream and thus for such ones there also is no chance of remembering dreams …
- Samadhi Awastha or Turiya Awastha … The fourth stage … This is the stage of absorption into the real (i.e. absorption in the spirit which is within you and which itself is the unbroken partless-part supreme spirit) and thus this is also the stage of infinite bliss of pure (i.e. taintless, stainless, Nishkalank) absolute consciousness (i.e. Brahm Chetna) …
Continuing with above bullet point … In Yoga Tantras this was also told as the state of “Atma Stithi (or residing in non-dual oneness to one’s own innermost essence of Atman)” … Atma Stithi is the “supreme afflictionless state” which was also termed as “Vrittihina Awastha” in Yogic lore’s … This is the state where the Yogi enters into a stage of supreme detachment to allness even when he (or she) is still continuing in an incarnated state and that too whilst resting within the envelope of allness of Maker’s Makings itself …
- Turiyateet or Samadhiteet … Beyond Turiya … Beyond Samadhi … The 5th … Beyond the 4th … This is the unfathomable undefined timeless yet realizable stage … This is the stage which is beyond all aspects of consciousness, unconsciousness and their intermediaries …
Continuing with above bullet point … This is beyond all dualities like bondage and liberation, good and bad, do’s and don’ts, heaven and hell, God and Satan, believer and non-believer etc. …
Continuing with above paragraph … This is also the stage which is beyond the entirety of Maker’s Makings and also beyond that which is considered beyond the Maker’s Makings … Thus being such, this is also the stage which is way beyond the principles and process (i.e. Siddhant and Tantra), process and its processes (Tantra and Up-Tantra) of the Maker’s Makings … Due to this reason, this stage is also beyond the centers, their teachers, ways of life and their code books (i.e. it is beyond Gobind, Guru, Dharma and Granth) … It was due to this absolutely undeniable fact about Turiyateet Awastha that the fully liberated Vedic sages had stated thus … “What use are the scriptures to those, who have already reached the finalities as are stated in scriptures (i.e. what use are the scriptures to those who have already self realized the final truth which is stated in the scriptures” …
Thus this is also the stage beyond the 4th (i.e. stage of Turiya) and thus it is the stage of utter independence from all that ever was, is and could ever be …
Continuing with above paragraph … This is the stage of supreme awareness of the ultimate fact about oneself that could be stated thus … “I Am Sarvatman (i.e. Atman of all or supreme essence) who is none other than the supremely and perfectly detached witness of all that ever was, is or could ever be” …
Continuing with above paragraph … This is also the stage of self realization of the fact stated in Vedic lore as follows … “Everything is Brahman, Brahman is all there is, There is nothing but Brahman (or Parabrahman)” and thus everything, everywhere and everyone is naught but a divine entity …
Continuing with above paragraph … This is the state of Brahm Stithi or residing in non-dual union to Brahman and thus this itself is the stage of residing in the common final essence of what was referred to within the knowledge of four primary Vedic Mahavakyas (i.e. four mega-statements of the four Vedas) … “I Am That (Ahum Brahmasmi as told in Yajurveda), Thou Art That (Tat Twam Asi as told in Samaveda), This Is That (Ayam Atma Brahma as told in Atharvaveda) and Self Luminous is That (Prajnanam Brahm as told in Rig Veda) …
Now we shall be rounding off the topic …
Both of the above discussed “Turiya and Turiyateet” denote the stage where a Yogi has already gone beyond the “Eye of RA” and thus that Yogi has also gone beyond the earlier stage of Christhood itself …
And even when what is stated in above paragraph is true, yet following discussed aspects are also a fact …
- Beyond “Eye of RA” commences the Turiya which itself becomes manifest when the rising consciousness (white pot of lighted butter) passes through the 7th plexus …
- This Turiya continues until the rising consciousness reaches the 8th plexus …
- And beyond the Eighth chakra, is Turiyateet where that Yogi is not only beyond liberation and bondage, but he is also beyond all concepts of these two …
As a matter of fact, there is nothing greater than Turiyateet and even the divine controllers of divine worlds (i.e. egoistic Gods of various heavenly worlds or Abhimani Devata) desire to reach this accomplishment of Turiyateet …
And finally … And it is also due to this reason that whenever any Turiyateet Yogi arrives to a world, then even these divine controllers want to learn from him … And at the same time, that Turiyateet Yogi understands that these divine controllers cannot be his students due to their higher evolutionary standings …
Thus a Yogi of Turiyateet is naught but a teacher of Gods, Angels, Spirits, Men, Animals all parts of planetary and macrocosmic speciology alike …
Above exactly is what was told about a “Sam Sam Buddha (i.e. a full Buddha who becomes a teaching Buddha) by the Pujya Gurudeva of my previous transmigrated incarnation (i.e. Gautama Buddha) … Thus when we get to things and just as they really are, a Sam Sam Buddha is found to be naught but a Yogi of Turiyateet Awastha (i.e. the Yogi of the 5th stage of consciousness) … Transmigrated incarnation means an incarnations that were arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
EE-5-B … Shakti Shiva Yoga (Raam Naad), Garuda, Faravahar, Caduceus and divine staff (of many cultures and their knowledge systems) …
As these concepts would be taken up in greater details in the next set of topic on the 8th plexus, so here it is only discussed in brief and only to the extent that these topics relate to Shakti Shiva Yoga …
The mind plexus has six petals which are pointing to the six directions …
But after the rising consciousness (white pot of lighted butter or pot of nectar within you or Amrit Kalash) crosses past the six petalled mind plexus, these six petals begin merging and arrive at a state where there are 3 petals on one side and 3 petals on another side … This denotes the union of the following …
- The three petals which unite on one denotes the union of the masculine aspect of the divine Trinity … Thus this denotes the union of the divine aspects originating, preserving and rejuvenating principles i.e. it denotes the union of Pitamah Brahma Ji, Sriman Naaraayana and Paramguru Shiva respectively … Due to this reason, this directly relates to the Vedic trinity …
- The three petals which unite on one denotes the union of the feminine aspect of the divine Trinity … Thus this denotes the union of the divinities of the originating, preserving and rejuvenating principles i.e. it denotes the union of Maa Saraswati, Maa Lakshmi and Maa Parvati respectively … Due to this reason this directly relates to the divinities of the Vedic Trinity which in its finality is the same universal divinity (Maa Adi Parashakti) which is microcosmic, macrocosmic and beyond and it eventually is her own self expression which has also been addressed as Tripura Sundari in the Vedic lore’s … This also denotes the unioned state of Triguna i.e. the three attributes of Rajo Guna (attribute of action or activity), macrocosmic attributes of Sattva Guna (attribute of neutrality of wisdom) and attribute of inertia (Tamo Guna) …
And in between these three petals of one side and three petals of the other side is the very subtle golden channel (i.e. Vajradanda or golden staff which holds the lightening) where Raam Naad (Sound of Raam) is heard … This Vajradanda is shown as the golden colored channel which is rising up from the head region of above painted sketch …
As the white pot goes out of the above described condition of the mind plexus, then it looks like as if the golden channel (i.e. Vajradanda Chakra) is having a white ball (i.e. white pot of consciousness) on top of it and at this time, on either sides of this golden channel there are the 3 petals which have merged together as was discussed in above paragraph and which begin looking like the two wings on opposite sides of the golden channel … This is the state from where the concept of symbol of Faravahar and Caduceus had originated … This is the symbol which was adopted by modern medicine …
But this symbol of Caduceus is also related to the following concepts …
- The staff of Hermes of Greek mythology and consequently Hermes Trismegistus of Greco-Egyptian mythologies …
- The same staff which was borne by Iris (Greek Goddess), the messenger of Hera (Olympian god of ancient Greece) …
- The staff which was borne by Sumerian God Ningishzida …
- This also is the staff of the great Sage Mokshe which means “established in a liberated state even whilst alive” and who is addressed Moshe (Judaism), Moses (within the lore’s of Christianity) and Musa (Islam) …
- This state is also leading to the symbol of wings (Faravahar) where Great Zoroastrian Sage, Zarathustra (who in this symbol is symbolizing the risen state of consciousness of an aspirant) is depicted to be standing …
- And within the much earlier Vedic lore, the winged state which is described in this part of the topic were termed as “Garuda” i.e. the vehicle of my eternal guide (Sanatan Gurudeva) Sri Bhagwan Vishnu (or Sriman Naaraayana) who itself is eternally residing within the cave of heart of each aspirant…
- And coincidently the path of a final absorption of aspirants mind vehicle into Ahum Naad (which means as the Sound of Ahum and which itself is of the Aghora face of Sadashiva which has been discussed earlier) also opens up from this stage itself …
At this time, a black colored snake which has red eyes self manifests within the spinal column … It hisses for a certain time, while it keeps spraying dark colored lightless winds in the spinal column and until the head of the physical vehicle of the aspirant +++ …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph … I had a solid fight with this snake and this fight continued for day’s altogether … But later on when I came to know that this snake is denoting a Siddhi of Vasuki Naag (i.e. the divine snake called Vasuki), who as such is a Vedic entity, so I left him by sending him back in the pit of spine and then sealing that pit for the entire time span of the incoming human age of sages which shall be commencing around 2082 AD I.e. sealed till the next 5184 years x 2 = 10,368 years + the pending time till 2082 AD (and that too as per the currently applicable nadir time units of precession cycle) and if this is calculated as per the middle time units which were utilized by all Vedic sages in all their time calculations, then it becomes 4800 x 2 = 9600 human solar years + the pending time till 2082 AD …
And when above was done, then this dark colored snake which has red colored eyes (i.e. Vasuki Naag of Bhagwan Shiva) vanished back into the golden colored highly luminous column (which the spinal cord is at this time) and was absorbed into Maheshwara (i.e. the golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva) …
EE-5-C … Shakti Shiva Yoga, Dakaar Naad (Sound of Da) and Ardhanarishwara …
Ardhanarishwara is the half-feminine and half-masculine deity who as such is representing the perfect union of masculine and feminine principles or in other words Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara denotes the perfect non dual union of Prakriti (Mother macrocosmic nature) who as such is a self expression of the supreme mother of allness and her each part (i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti) to Purusha (i.e. the being there only is) who as such is Brahman (i.e. Paramshiva) …
Thus Ardhanarishwara denotes the same union which we have termed as that of Shakti to Shiva i.e. union of pristine divinity to the supreme divine being respectively …
And since this union of Shakti to Shiva is also denoting the supreme blissful essence (i.e. Satchidanand or Brahman) who itself is the aspirants innermost essence (Atman), so in addition to above, Ardhanarishwara in his human form and just as is residing in the third eye plexus (or Ajna Chakra) of each aspirant, is also denoting the attributed-form state (i.e. Sagun Sakaar Awastha) of the aspirants Atman (innermost essence) itself … Thus basis this Ardhanarishwara is the Sagun Sakaar Awastha of aspirants essence and he is also the Guru who is present within and who ultimately guides each true aspirant to the reality of the Absolute being (or Parambrahma) …
Thus Ardhanarishwara denotes the perfect non dual union of divinity (Shakti) to divine (Shiva) … And due to this fact, Ardhanarishwara also denotes the final non dual unity due to the fact that this union (of Shakti to Shiva) represents the original-timeless non dual unity of the primordial opposites (i.e. feminine and masculine principles) of the Maker’s Makings … Thus unless Ardhanarishwara id related to during ones practices and ways of life, the chaos which has been caused by individual-dualisms during the last few millenniums cannot be evicted out of this world … And it was due to this reason, I started this text with a payer to Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara who itself is within each aspirant and is simultaneously also beyond each aspirant …
And since Ardhanarishwara itself denotes the accomplishment of the final stage of Shiva Shakti Yoga, so it eventually is due to this very reason that Shakti Shiva Yoga holds a very high importance during ones evolutionary process because unless this perfect non duality of the primordial union is achieved by an aspirant, the aspirant never qualifies to “finally exit out of allness and her each part” …
The phrase “finally exit out of allness and her each part” means that stage where there is a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part, which as such is termed as Kaivalya Moksha … This stage of Kaivalya or Moksha cannot ever be arrived at unless this union of Shakti and Shiva is successfully arrived by an aspirant and that too within the aspirants microcosm itself and thence that aspirant also self realizes the Shiva Taraka Mantra (i.e. the fully liberating Mantra of Bhagwan Shiva) which itself is the “Sound of Raam (or Raam Naad)” which is being discussed in the current set of topics …
Proceeding further …
As the aspirant’s consciousness (white pot of lighted butter) rises further than the six petalled lotus through the golden channel that rises beyond the 7th plexus (of which the six petalled lotus is a part), then it ultimately reaches the 8th plexus …
And after this stage of transit of the Vajradanda, the white pot of lighted butter (i.e. Amrit Kalash or pot of nectar within each aspirant or the consciousness pot within each aspirant) enters into the 8th and thence self realizes the 8th plexus prior it goes out of the 8th plexus (i.e. transits the 8th plexus and goes beyond the 8th plexus) …
But during the Shakti Shiva Yoga which is being discussed here, this white pot of lighted butter (i.e. aspirant’s consciousness) goes out (i.e. rises beyond) the 8th plexus and then it also comes back and rests within the 8th plexus …
This full rise and fall white pot of lighted butter (i.e. aspirants consciousness) happens for three times and then there is a half rise and a half drop of the same white pot of lighted butter … Thus totally there are three and half rise of the white pot of lighted butter when it reaches the 8th plexus or in other words, this white pot of lighted butter goes beyond and returns back for 3.5 times during this transit of the 8th plexus …
Each time the white pot of lighted butter (i.e. aspirants consciousness) exits out of the 8th plexus, there is a sound … This sound is the thundering sound of Dakaar (Da Naad or the Sound of the Sanskrit letter Da) of Bhagwan Sadashiva (i.e. the timelessly eternal aspect of Supreme being, Paramshiva) …
Note: We shall be discussing this Dakaar (i.e. Da Naad or the Sound of Da) in a later topic which relates to the 8th plexus … Da Naad is the “Sound most high (Param Naad or supreme sound)” because it denotes the stage of final liberation which itself is through the blessing grace (Anugraha Shakti) of the Ishana face of Sadashiva …
After these three and half rise of the aspirants consciousness (i.e. the white pot of lighted butter) beyond the 8th plexus completes, then the consciousness of the observer returns back to the third eye plexus (i.e. Ajna Chakra or Agya Chakra) …
This third eye plexus is where Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara (Half feminine – Half masculine deity or Shiva and Shakti in perfect union) is self realized … And within the third eye plexus the aspirant also self realizes that Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara is turning anticlockwise and eternally blissful smiling Guru within himself (or herself, as the case may be) …
Thus Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara denotes the eternal supremely blissful (Param Ananda), attributed-form state (Sagun Sakaar Awastha) of one’s own innermost essence … It is due to this reason, the self realization of Ardhanarishwara also denotes a self realization of “The innermost Self … By oneself” in addition to denoting an afflictionless state (Vrittihina Awastha) of the aspirant because the innermost self (Atman) itself is the afflictionless one, and so is Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara who resides within each aspirant and as the aspirants innermost self (Atman) and as the innermost Guru …
EE-5-D … Shiva Shakti Yoga, golden body, Caduceus and Bible …
During the stage of self realization of the “Sound of Da (i.e. Dakar Naad), the aspirants golden vehicle self manifests within the aspirant’s physical vehicle itself … Based upon the characteristics of this golden vehicle, it could also be termed as follows …
- Maheshwara Sharira … The body of Maheshwara or the body of the Great-Lord or the vehicle of Great-Lord which is within each true aspirant … But since in the Vedic lore there can only be one great, so the stated great itself means the supreme and thus this golden body itself is the body of the Supreme-lord within each aspirant …
- The body of the “Lord Most High”, who resides within each true aspirant … In many knowledge systems, the same fact was told as the “God Most High within each true aspirant” … And it is also to this state that all statement of all knowledge systems which tell about “God is within you”, are subtly referring to …
- Hiranya Sharira … This also means the golden body of siddha sciences and Buddhism …
- Buddha body of reality … Dharmakaya Sharira … The body of Dharmakaya …
- Tatpurusha Sharira … This term means as the body of the Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva within each aspirant …
- Bhagwan Hiranyagarbha Sharira … Body of Hiranyagarbha (i.e. golden womb of creation) within each aspirant …
- Guru Zarathustra Sharira … This is also the body of the great sage of his time whom the world reverently addresses as Zarathustra … This is also the same body which is esoterically and very subtly depicted within the Zoroastrian symbol of Faravahar … Just to let the readers know that Zoroastrianism is not just 2000 or 3000 years old as is claimed by many … I say so because of the fact that as of the nowness of now when I write this bullet point, this knowledge system is about to complete almost 9000 years … I shall be calculating the age of this knowledge system in a later topic of the knowledge of eternal cycles of time (or Kaalchakra Vijnana) …
Note to the critics: I wrote the word Guru for the great sage Zarathustra because I consider every self realized sage of every religion as my Guru and this itself is because of the fact that from such sages and their knowledge systems I can learn something very nice and continue my evolutionary process in a rightful way … And this is also due to the fact that the one who teaches directly or indirectly, is Guru … Plus at one point of time in history of the family to which I have transmigrated this time around, they were with the rulers of the Persian empire, so thus due to this reason, I also am of Sage Zarathustra … Period, the matter ends …
- Surya Sharira … The body of sun amongst all suns that is present within each aspirant …
- The body of the Homo-Luminous one who is present within each aspirant (this relates to the ancient native American lore’s) …
- Swa Prakash Sharira or Swayam Prakash Sharira … The self luminous body …
- Sanatan Sharira … The eternal body …
- Adi Parashakti Dharak Sharira … The body which eternally bears (and thus inherently holds) the supreme divinity as is of supreme mother of allness (Maa Adi Parashakti) who herself is the pristine divinity of the Absolute being (Supreme being or Paramshiva) …
- Bhagwan Raam Sharira … The body of Lord Raam Bhadra within each aspirant …
- Nishkalank Sharira … The stainless body …
- Vrittihina Sharira … The afflictionless body …
- Bhagwat Sharira … The body of God within each aspirant …
This golden body shall be discussed in a later topic which deals with the Siddha Sharira (accomplishment vehicles) and their Loka’s (i.e. divine parental worlds of these accomplishment vehicles) …
Proceeding further …
This golden vehicle is like a mirror image of the aspirant’s physical vehicle (i.e. in relation to the state of the physical vehicle of the aspirant, it self-manifests in a laterally inverted state) and it is also seen to be sitting in the mind plexus of the aspirant …
And since this golden vehicle is of the supreme principle (or Absolute principle) that eternally is present within the aspirant, so this fact was also stated very subtly within the Biblical lore’s where it was thus told by the highly evolved Biblical sages of those times …
“Man is made in the image of God”
Proceeding even further …
Only after this golden body self manifests within the aspirants physical vehicle and then the aspirant self realizes this body, does this body enter into the mind plexus (six petalled Manas Chakra) and then only does it enter into the 8th plexus (i.e. the rootless plexus or rootles place or independent place or liberated state of Niralambasthana) …
But this set of topics is not about the 8th plexus, so we shall only be restricting to the six petalled mind plexus and yet subtly referring to the 8th plexus so as to build a proper base for that later topic on the Eighth Plexus …
At the stage which was discussed in the earlier sub-part of this topic and where we had told that the mind plexus becomes such that it has three petals on one side and three on the other side, is also the stage which becomes the base of our current discussions …
When the golden vehicle sits on the six petalled mind plexus then this is also the same condition which was subtly referred to in those biblical statements where it is subtly told that “He would re-arrive on wings of angels” …
Above paragraph is the condition which always arrives prior the golden vehicle rises upwards (from our currently discussed stage of mind plexus) and thence the same golden vehicle finally enters into the 8th plexus … Thus what the Biblical lore does not explicitly tell about and thus only subtly states is that which could be thus told …
“He would exit out of allness and her each part, on the wings of supreme-divine and his pristine-divinity and thus he would fly to and enter the most high so as to never return back ever again during any pending eternity that eventually is to be the supreme genius of the Maker’s Makings … Due to this reason, Maker’s Makings are also a path to that supreme lord, the most high …
But at the same time, even when above paragraph is true, the Biblical lore definitely refers to this stage implicitly due to there being no reference of a “third coming” …
And since this knowledge itself is of the vast lore’s of Sanatan Agama Arya Dharma which itself is the Siddha Lore’s (i.e. the ancient Siddha sciences), so basis above it is also pretty clear that the Biblical lore is also rooted within the same Siddha Agama Lore of Sanatan Dharma, which itself is rooted within the even earlier knowledge of Atharvaveda as is of the Sanatan Nigam Arya Lore’s (i.e. Vedic lore’s) … And I say so because Atharvaveda itself is the knowledge system where the 8th plexus was originally told about and since the path to the 8th plexus itself passes through the earlier stage of mind plexus, so it ultimately is to the Atharvaveda that Biblical lore’s are related …
And since all above knowledge is also related to the symbol of Caduceus, so it is also to this symbol that above discussions relate … This symbol of Caduceus which also self manifests within the aspirants microcosm during the progress of Shakti Shiva Yoga shall be discussed in detail in a later topic which has the header of “Symbols of religions” …
EE-5-E … Shiva Shakti Yoga … Ashtama Chakra (Atharvaveda), Kalki Avatar, Devdutt (Kalki’s horse), Horse of Christ’s second coming, Sword of Kalki, Sword of Christ during his second coming, Vajrayana Buddhism, Vajra and Khanda Saab (Sikhism) …
Prior I begin these discussions, above listed words need some clarification …
- Ashtama Chakra means eight plexus’s …
- Kalki Avatar is the last and final (10th) Avatar of Sriman Naaraayana (Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) …
There are statements in Vedic scriptures where they say that the tenth Avatar of Sri Vishnu would arrive on a white horse called Devdutt … The same is also told for second coming of Jesus Christ …
Devdutt is also the name of the sub-vital air (i.e. Upa Prana) which resides between the neck and top of head … This sub-vital are (i.e. Devdutt Up-Prana) supports and assists the main vital air (Prana) which resides within the region of the neck and until the top of head … This vital air (Prana) is termed as Udana Prana because it makes the “consciousness fly upwards” and it was due to this reason it was named as Udana which means an “upward moving vitality (i.e. moving towards the top of head and thus which makes the consciousness fly upwards)” … These two airs are present within each aspirant …
When the earlier described painted sketch actually happens inside the aspirant’s microcosm (i.e. aspirants physical and subtle vehicles) then this sub-vital air (of Devdutt Up-Prana which itself is the sub-vital air in the head region of the physical vehicle) turns fully white due to the white pot of lighted butter (i.e. the aspirants pure white consciousness) entering into this sub-vital air (or Devdutt) and thence taking over this sub-vital air (called Devdutt) which in turn makes this sub-vital air (called Devdutt) to become of a pure white color (from its earlier color of light purplish-blue) …
As this happens, then the Devdutt Up-Prana (i.e. sub-vital are called Devdutt) also rises up along with the rising white pot of lighted butter and finally these two airs (i.e. Udana Prana and Devdutt Up-Prana) enter into the 8th plexus …
At this time, the petals of the 8th plexus get supercharged by the supercharging of Devdutt Up-Prana which enters into the four petals of the 8th plexus (which originally was subtly described as Ashta chakra in Atharvaveda) … As this happens, then these petals begin having a movement like galloping horse …
Above is due to the supercharged galloping movement of Devdutt Up-Prana which has entered into the 8th plexus and then this Devdutt Up-Prana begins supercharging the vitalities of the four petals of the 8th plexus which in turn makes these four petals to have movements like galloping horse …
This is what was described in the Vedas as the condition of arrival of the 10th Avatar of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu (i.e. Kalki Avatar) and where he is described to be arriving on a very fast moving (Galloping) white colored horse called Devdutt …
Thus basis above, since this galloping movement of the petals of the 8th plexus itself is due to the supercharging of the Devdutt Up-Prana when it enters these four petals of the 8th plexus, so this horse of Bhagwan Kalki was also termed as Devdutt within the Vedic scriptures …
And the same white colored horse is also told about as the white horse on which Christ returns …
And the Sanskrit scriptures also state that the tenth Avatar would be carrying a blazing sword … This is stated because of the fact that this rise of the white pot of lighted butter (i.e. aspirants consciousness) to the 8th plexus is via the intermediary state of transit through the highly luminous golden colored channel which extends beyond the 7th plexus and which is termed as Vajradanda (i.e. the golden colored staff of lightening) in Siddha lore’s … It is this vast sized channel which extends well beyond the crown plexus, which was stated as the sword of Kalki Bhagwan and was also told as the sword of Jesus Christ on his second coming …
And within the Sikh Lore, the same staff is told as the “300 hand long Khanda of Sri Bhagwan Kalki” … And it is from the original Vedic concept of Vajra (of Indra Deva), which itself is within each aspirant and is the same as what was told as Vajra and Vajradanda in Siddha and Buddhist lore’s that the concept of Khanda Sahab was arrived at within much-much recent Sikh lore (i.e. Guru Kshatriya Parampara) of Sanatan Dharma … That Khanda which is told about in Sikhism is also the same as what was told as Vajradanda Chakra in the Siddha lore’s and is shown as the vast golden colored channel like staff which rises up from the head region of above painted sketch …
Reiterating again … The bible also talks about this state and says that the second advent shall be on a white horse and whilst he is carrying a sword … This statement is also related to the earlier discussions only and only because the Christianity is nothing but Vedic knowledge written in a different language (with a few added interpretations by the highly evolved seers of those times) …
It is also to the same Vajradanda that the Vajrayana (i.e. the vehicle of the Vajra) sect of Buddhism also relates … This shall be discussed in a later stage of this text and with appropriate paintings …
Thus all above discussed concepts are also related to the same Shakti Shiva Yoga that is being discussed here and whose sound itself is of Sound of Raam (Raam Naad) …
And Raam Naad itself is the Shiva Taraka Naad (the fully liberating sound of Bhagwan Shiva) which is also told as the Shiva Taraka Mantra (i.e. fully liberating Mantra of Bhagwan Shiva) …
EE-5-F … Shiva Shakti Yoga … Golden accomplishment vehicle, Biblical lore of “Man is made in the image of God”, Nirbija Samadhi and Nirvikalpa Samadhi …
When the white pot of lighted butter which is as a white colored ball like state that has light-blue colored light streaks in it and is shown in the head of above painted sketch rises up to the six petalled mind plexus, then is manifested the golden accomplishment vehicle within the aspirants microcosm itself …
Initially this golden body (or golden accomplishment vehicle) sits on the six petalled mind plexus and views the emptiness (Shunya) that is beyond … And after this state, this vehicle proceeds further upwards through the golden colored channel called as Vajradanda and eventually reaches and sits on the 8th plexus itself …
This golden vehicle comes out (of the physical vehicle) in laterally inverted state (i.e. like a mirror image of the physical vehicle of the aspirant) and since this vehicle itself is of Maheshwara (i.e. the Supreme Lord) who resides within each aspirant, so this itself was the self realization which was the basis of the Biblical statement “Man is made in the image of God” …
As this golden vehicle was self manifested within the physical vehicle, then the guide (i.e. the Guru) who is shown to be sitting in above painting told me (i.e. his little student, who as of now is writing this text) to surrender this golden body to Brahman (i.e. the Absolute being) … And at this time, another highly evolved sage (also my Gurudeva) who is also a holder of the same golden vehicle (which is being discussed here) also came and he also told the same thing … Thus after these instructions, I consciously surrendered this golden vehicle to Brahman, just as I was instructed by my two Guru’s who had suddenly self manifested to guide me at that time …
Only after this surrender happened, did I enter into Nirbija Samadhi (i.e. the seedless trance where all previous merits are extinguished) …
And as the Nirbija Samadhi progressed and then all that was to be accomplished through this Nirbija Samadhi was also accomplished, I ended up entering into the Nirvikalpa Samadhi (i.e. the absorption within the one who has no alternates or in other words, absorption into that supreme non-dual and thus the attributeless infinite being) which as such is the final stage of Samadhi …
EE-5-G … Shiva Shakti Yoga and light in the third eye plexus …
As soon as the golden vehicle was surrendered to Brahman, the consciousness (white pot of lighted butter) descended from the 8th plexus and eventually re-entered into the third eye plexus …
At this time, a very highly luminous “third eye like state (i.e. Trinetra)” forms in the region of the third eye plexus (i.e. Ajna Chakra or Agya Chakra) … This third eye has the following colors and attributes …
- Inner part is of a very highly luminous diamond white color …
- The outer layer is of a very highly luminous orange colored light which bursts outwards …
This is the third eye of Lord Shiva which is eternally present within each aspirant and which stays dormant till all earlier discussed states of our current discussions are fully accomplished by the aspirant …
Since this highly luminous third eye is of Maheshwara aspect of Shiva (i.e. Mahadeva aspect of Shiva) itself, so after it was self realized and its knowledge gained, I surrendered it to Mahadeva …
In a later topic, this third eye shall be discussed with a painted sketch so as to evict all the imaginary nonsense that currently is believed about it …
EE-5-H … Shiva Shakti Yoga … Merudanda, Mount Meru, Mount Sumeru, Mount Sinai (Judaism), Zen Buddhism and Ecclesiastes 12.6 (Biblical lore) …
In the head region of above painting, the white pot of buttery light which is shown like a “white colored circular orb with blue streaks on it” is denoting the state which is just prior it enters into the crown plexus (Brahmarandra Chakra or 7th plexus) … So when it returns back to the third eye plexus, the same state is again arrived at …
After above topics discussions were self realized, the consciousness descends from the third eye plexus and reaches the Mooladhar chakra i.e. the four petalled root plexus which has a blood-red color in its middle part …
This red color which is present in the middle of Mooladhar chakra (i.e. the root plexus which is located near the bottom of spinal column) is denoting the divinities of Rudra Deva (“ALA Naad … Or in other words, ALA Naad can also be called as the Sound of ALA” which has already been discussed in an earlier set of topics) and it simultaneously also denotes the divinity of supreme creator (i.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji) in addition to denoting the macrocosmic “attribute of action (i.e. Rajoguna)” and is also related to the concept of “Asmita (or in other words, Am’ness)” of Yoga Tantra of Sanatan Dharma … Thus this realization itself is proof of presence all above within the microcosm of each aspirant that ever was, is or could ever be incarnated in a human bodied form …
When the white pot of lighted butter reaches the Mooladhar chakra (i.e. root plexus which is located near the base of spine) billions and further countless billions of white oily very brightly lighted flakes begin to fly upwards … These flakes fly upwards from the root of spine (or Mooladhar chakra) and towards the top of skull … And this is the state which is shown as the rising white light in above described painted sketch of this topic …
When the white pot of lighted butter reaches the Mooladhar chakra and all earlier discussed intermediary stages of self realizations, are crossed over, then is commenced the endless and continues cycle of rise and return back of consciousness (lighted pot) as follows … This process is as follows …
- When this lighted energy rises upwards from the base of spine till the top of head, then at this stage, the rise through the back side of the physical body i.e. this rise is through the spinal column (or Merudanda +++) …
Continuing with above bullet point … The same Merudanda (i.e. spinal column which becomes highly luminous in our discussed condition) was also termed as Mount Sumeru (Sanatan Dharma … i.e. Hinduism), Mount Meru (of Hinduism and Buddhism) and also as the Mount Sinai (of Judaism and Christianity) and this concept is also related to Khanda Saab (of Sanatan Dharma … i.e. Sikhism) …
Continuing with above bullet paragraph … The same concept is also a part of Vajrayana Buddhism as it is to the same Merudanda that the concept of Vajra relates and where the Vajra itself is belonging to the ruler of divine worlds i.e. Vajra belongs to Devaraja Indra, whose real name is of Idandra Deva … The term “Idandra Deva means “the divine being who resides in the Ida Naadi or the left channel or the moon channel that is present around the left side of the spinal column (or Merudanda) …
Continuing with above bullet paragraph … This highly luminous spinal column which originally was termed as Merudanda and is also addressed by all above discussed names is eternally present within each aspirant, but it shows up only after all earlier discussed stages of this topic are self realized by the aspirant …
Continuing with above bullet paragraph … Thus all those texts whose sages had told about this concept (but through different languages, at different times and via different paths as are of various knowledge systems) are also proving the highly evolved statures of such sages (i.e. those sages who had distributed our discussed knowledge to the humanity that was animating this planet at those past times) …
- And then, when this white pot of lighted butter (i.e. the light of aspirants inner conscious principle or the consciousness pot) returns back to the base of spine from its earlier position the head region, then it is from the front side of the body …
- As a matter of fact, the rise always precedes return … And the return always precedes the rise … This is the endless eternal cycle of rise and fall of consciousness within the microcosm of that aspirant, who refuses his (or her) liberation for the betterment of all sentient beings and where this refusal (of final liberation) is even when he (or she) has already arrived at a evolutionary ripeness and rightness which is needed to enter into a finally liberated state …
Continuing with above bullet point … Thus above discussed is also the condition of divinities (and their luminosities) that exist within the body of a Bodhisattva i.e. the eternally non-gone and thus the eternal returner … Within Sanatan Dharma, the word Bodhisattva was originally termed as Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta +++ …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph … The term Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta means that very highly evolved Yogi “who is holding that very highly secretive knowledge of the highly hidden path which can make his death to turn into a dream” … Thus when he (or she) returns back, then he (or she) also remembers all of his countless time in existence that has passed ever since he (or she) had originally begun as a divine microcosm within the ever-same supreme genius that eternally is of the Maker’s Makings …
Continuing with above paragraph … And because he had turned his death into a dream, so when he returns back he also continues within the same Varna (Grade or category of macrocosmic speciology), Gotra (lineage of the seven sages), Kula (family lineage) and he also continues to associate to the same Kula Devi (divine mother of his original family lineage) and Kula Deva (divine father of his original family lineage) of his that incarnation when he had originally become a Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta (or Bodhisattva) …
Continuing with above paragraph … And he also continues to have the same Gurujan (guides) as were of his own family and knowledge lineage which itself was of that particular previous incarnation when he had firstly become a Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta (or Bodhisattva) …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus when any Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta (or Bodhisattva) returns back, then he does not even need a Guru as he can even choose to be his own Guru (because a Bodhisattva already is Guru of all that ever is) or the Guru can be present within his own microcosm itself (i.e. he can choose any of the divinities that reside within his own microcosm, to be his Guru) or he can even continue to associate to the Guru’s of all his earlier incarnations (as he still holds the lineage of his earlier incarnations only) or he can even be a student of any of the Vedic deities (because Vedic deities are those which are universal i.e. they are present within and beyond the microcosm of that Bodhisattva and the Bodhisattva has also self realized them in his own earlier evolutionary process) … Or as a final option which only a very highly seasoned Prabuddha Yoga Bhrashta (or Bodhisattva) can choose, is to have all above discussed to be his Guru, along with the countless divinities of the Maker’s Makings which also become his countless Gurujan … It was due to this reason, that Buddha Gautama (i.e. the Gurudeva of my previous incarnation, who is also addressed as Buddha Avatar) had said that the Bodhisattva who is to become a Buddha in any incarnation, may or may not have a Guru present in the physical world … Above is a very rare achievement as in most of the cases this rise and return back is from the back side of navel (actually about 2-3 finger breadths below the navel) till the head and then back to the same navel area itself … This latter discussed condition is what Zen Buddhism is based upon and thus Zen Buddhism itself is the path of a Bodhisattva …
- But at the same time, if this stage of entry into lore’s of Zen Buddhism arrives, then that aspirant can never enter into the self realization of below mentioned stage of Nirvikalpa Samadhi (i.e. Trance without alternates) … And if this aspect is not complied, then that Bodhisattva to be, would only end up exiting out of allness and her each part …
- Or as a very remotely possible alternate, if after above, if he (or she) still ends up choosing to not be liberated (very rare possibility) then he would only end up becoming a an Avadhoot of the entirety of Maker’s Makings (i.e. the Avadhoot of the entire Brahmand or the multi-universal macrocosmic creation) …
Continuing with above bullet point … Within the entirety of time span of timeless countless and unfathomable existence of the Maker’s Makings there has only been one Avadhoot of this supreme category and that was my Paramguru Shiva when he had returned back in an incarnated yet an attributed-formless state (i.e. Sagun Nirakaar Awastha) of Bhagwan Adinath (i.e. the primordial lord of allness) … During the entire history of the macrocosmic creation, no other Avadhoot has ever reached this evolutionary standing of being Adinath or his equivalent …
EE-5-I … Shiva Shakti Yoga, Nirbija Samadhi, Nirvikalpa Samadhi, divine anointment of a Yoga Chakravartin, Ushnisha and Ishaan Samskara and their relation to Indrapuri (Tibet) …
Earlier on in this topic, we had discussed this in some details earlier, so this discussion is in continuation to that earlier one …
After above aspects complete, the Nirbija Samadhi ensues … Nirbija Samadhi means the seedless absorption i.e. the meditative trance where all seeded impressions (Bija Roop Samskaras) and thus all previous merits are fully extinguished and thus that aspirant walks free of even the law of cause and effect and its governing principle i.e. the principle of interdependent origination … Such an aspirant becomes detached from all that ever is or could ever be as Maker’s Makings and yet that aspirant can choose to continue within the Maker’s Makings as long as he (or she) wishes to …
And for very rare aspirants, the earlier Nirbija Samadhi itself leads to Nirvikalpa Samadhi … Nirvikalpa Samadhi means the “Trance without alternates (or the trance which is neither dual nor non-dual)” … Such an aspirant is a Jeevanmukta (i.e. liberated whilst alive) …
Nirvikalpa Samadhi is the stage where there remains no distinction and thus there also remains no distinction of the realizer, realization and realized (i.e. the observer, observation and observed are one and the same and due to this reason, a perfect non duality is arrived at by that aspirant) …
This is the final level of Samadhi as beyond this Samadhi there is no other … But at the same time, very few aspirants pass through both the Samadhi’s which have been mentioned here …
And such aspirants who pass through both, eventually enter into the Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm (i.e. attributeless infinite absolute being or Parabrahman) even whilst alive … Such ones have no relationship to anything, including the three primary attributes (i.e. Triguna) of the Maker’s Makings and thus the inner nature of such ones become attributeless even when they hold an attributed physical vehicle … And due to this attributeless inner nature, if they cannot maintain detachment, then entry into sufferings cannot be avoided by them during their incarnated states …
And after the Samadhi which is described here, is over, the head region has cream colored very oily (it’s a very viscous oil) flakes coming out of the skull top … This is what was referred to within the concept of divine anointment …
Thus the concept of a divine anointment is only of Yoga Chakravart (i.e. one who is a Chakravartin Yogi or a Yogi who had conquered his inner allness completely) … This concept is definitely not of any mere human or angel or any other part of macrocosmic speciology and is also not of any “evolved yet evolving entity who still rests in duality of Good-Bad, heaven-Hell etc. (i.e. any egoistic God or Satan)” … Plus this anointment is not done by a mere priest who puts some oil on top of the head of mere human whilst declaring that human as the imaginary anointed king … The divine anointment is a divine process which completes in the divine worlds and yet is reflected on a physical plane and thus this is a divine concept and not that which any human can do to another human …
Proceeding further …
And simultaneously with above stage, from the middle of the top of head (I mean Shivarandra), an octahedral elongated transparent (but it could even be slightly translucent) crystal like state which is pointed at its one end, is evicted out …
And after a while, this crystal like state also dissolves into its own primary cause i.e. the entire macrocosmic creation or Maker’s Makings (as this crystal holds no individuality) and after this stage, the essence of this crystal enters into its own primordial timeless cause which as such is the central, upward looking, glorious colorless crystal like Ishaan face of Sadashiva …
This crystal is the last and final impression (Antim Samskara) which needs to be dissolved into its own primary and primordial causes (i.e. Maker’s Makings and Ishana face of Sadashiva respectively) … After this stage is arrived at an impressionless state of consciousness orb (i.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) of the aspirant … And since this last and final impression is evicted out whilst the consciousness turns upward looking i.e. turns to look towards the upward looking, centrally placed, glorious crystal like Ishaan face of Sadashiva, so this impression can also be termed as Ishaan Samskara or the Param Samskara … After this the essence of this impression (i.e. Samskara) dissolves into the Ishan face, that aspirant also enters into a union and then begins resting within the same Ishaan face of Sadashiva … And permanently rests, only to return back whenever it may be needed by the supreme father (Paramshiva) and the supreme mother (i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti) and that too, as their little child who itself is their little insignificant student …
Proceeding further …
Above is also the stage of being the bearer of real Ushnisha (as is told in Buddhism) because after this stage, the energies keep rising upwards and also keep exiting out of the crown plexus … And at such a stage, is anyone would see these very subtle exiting energies, then their shape of exiting part of these subtler energies (which are exiting out of the top of head) would be of the same state as is of Ushnisha …
This is what the concept of Ushnisha (or Buddhism) actually relates to because of the fact that Ushnisha of a lesser degrees is a physical one and the same Ushnisha of a higher degree is also a subtler one as is discussed here …
Proceeding further …
As soon as the trance which was discussed above was broken a sound said, loud and clear …
“Indrapuri Ja … i.e. Go to Tibet” …
I asked that sound, “Why Tibet, it’s already occupied as of now, so nobody would be there” …
But there was no reply back to my query …
And thus I continued in the place where I was staying at that time …
As times passed I only ended up realizing the connection of this knowledge to seat of ruler of divine worlds (or Devaraja Indra) … This subtle seat is located in Indrapuri of ancient times, which itself is the occupied land of Tibet, of now …
EE-6 … Shakti Shiva Yoga and Siddha Sharira (Accomplishment vehicles) …
After all above is self realized (i.e. experienced) by an aspirant, then as time progresses, various subtler bodies are self manifested within the physical vehicle of such an aspirant …
And as these subtler vehicles keep self manifesting within the aspirants microcosm, these (subtler vehicles) also keep merging to their respective macrocosmic principal states …
Following are these accomplishment vehicles (Siddha bodies) … However, this list is not exhaustive, because if I start listing all the bodies, then this topic would end up becoming very-very long …
Here these are mentioned in brief … In a later topic detailed discussions would be done on these accomplishment vehicles (Siddha bodies) and that too with their painted sketches …
- The golden body … It comes out laterally inverted in relation to the physical vehicle (i.e. when it self-manifests, it is like a mirror image of the physical vehicle) …
It finally enters the golden world as is of the original golden womb of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. it enters Hiranyagarbha Brahma) … In Vedic lore, Hiranyagarbha Brahma is also the one who is addressed as Karya Brahma (or Doer Maker) and in Shaiva Lore’s he is also the one addressed as Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva …
This golden body denotes a statement of the Vedic lore which was thus told …
This golden body also is stated as the “Buddha body of reality (i.e. Dharmakaya Sharira of much later Buddhist lore)” …
- Translucent orange colored body … This is a very subtle yet luminous orange colored accomplishment body which has very large sized lighted rays of light dull blue (or light dull violet rays) coming out of it …
This accomplishment vehicle enters into Rudra Loka (i.e. earlier discussed “ALA Naad … Sound of Ala”) and is dissolved there (i.e. it becomes absorbed into its own cause) …
And this itself the Rudra Sharira (i.e. body of Rudra) which is present within each aspirant and it was due to this vehicle and its world which itself is Dark and Tawny in color, that Rudra Deva has also addressed as “Dark Tawny (or Krishna Pingalam)” within the Vedic lore’s …
- Diamond white body with orange light around it … This denotes the attributed proof of an aspirant resting in the essence of “macro-neutrality towards allness and her each part” …
This body is also the proof of resting in the essence of the term Sagun Swaroop Stithi, which means resting in one’s own timeless essential nature which is of an attributed state … This is one of the highest Siddha bodies ever possible to be accomplished by any Yogi …
- Very subtle pure white body … This comes out in the same state as is of the physical body at that time (i.e. this body has no inversion in relation to the physical body) … This goes to the very subtle cloud like white sphere of vast dimensions (i.e. ninth sphere of macrocosmic nature or Para Prakriti or Adi Shakti or cloud nine) …
This is the Adi Shakti Sharira and thus the holder of this body is Adi Shakti Swaroop i.e. the holder of this body is the physical manifestation of the beyond-primordial divinity (or Maa Adi Shakti) …
- Diamond white body … This comes out of the physical in a broken state i.e. it is broken into two pieces from the waist area at the moment it exits out of the physical vehicle … And after this body has already exited out of the physical vehicle, these two pieces are joined back again …
At the point of break (in the waist area) there are many blue, yellow and red colored energy bursts along with a very bright silvery white colored rays of energy which are emanated out of this body …
This diamond white body enters the “attributed-formless macro-neutral abode of the four headed creator (i.e. Sarva-Sam Sagun-Nirakaar Brahmaloka)” who itself is also addressed as “the grandfather of allness (i.e. Pitamah Brahma)” … This is also termed as Brahma Sharira …
- Very-Light-pink colored body (i.e. Pink body) … This enters the pink nature where there is a pink mother (who also has white specs of light in her light pink colored state) … This body is visible in the area just above the eyes … This body sits upon the original seeded state of the Maker’s Makings (this seeded state shall be discussed in a later topic) … This is also termed as Avyakta Sharira …
This is the body which denotes the Vedic statement as is written below …
This body also denotes an attainment of Avyakta (non manifest, non present … Or in other words, that which is neither manifest nor present in this part of the macrocosmic creation)which is also termed as Tusita Loka (within the Buddhist lore) and the same is also addressed as Maya Shakti (in Vedic lore) and this itself is in addition to being called as Avyakta Prakriti and the same state is also addressed as Avyakta Prana … And due to this reason, this is the body of that which is beyond the beyondness of the Maker’s Makings …
- Almost translucent bright yellow body … This is the “Vijyanmaye Kosha” of Vedic lore … This accomplishment vehicle enters into Pranava and then it vanishes from its own sight (this has already been discussed in an earlier topic) …
- Blue gem body and purple colored body … This enters the macro-elemental ether (i.e. Akasha Mahabhoot) which when viewed from within the macrocosm is found to be of a bright purple color which is placed next to the deep blue Ahum Naad (or Sound of Ahum) which has already been discussed earlier … The blue gem body is denoting an accomplishment of being the “Man of Maker’s Medicine (i.e. Brahmic Ayurvedacharya) and the purple colored body is the ether body (which denotes an accomplishment of Akasha Mahabhoot or ether) …
- Dull maroon body … (It’s difficult to describe this color) which forms from within the translucent orange body … It merges to the brownish Tawny part of Gurupita ALA Naad and thus this is the accomplishment vehicle which is termed as Pingala Sharira in this text and this Siddha body is also a part of the Rudra body itself …
- Six colored body … This has no limitations … But I won’t be discussing this body in much detail anywhere in this text because it is only a matter of self realization by aspirants …
- Blue body with diamond white lights in it … This enters the blue world with silvery white rays in it … This world denotes the seat of my Param-Gurudeva, Ishta Deva, Bhagwan Shiva … This is the body which denotes the final accomplishment of Shakti Shiva Yoga that is being discussed here … This is also termed as the Ardhanarishwara Sharira in a later topic of this text …
- Light Grey body (Vamadeva Sharira) … This enters the grey world which is near to the “blue world which has silvery white light in it” (as is described in preceding point) …
- Bodhichitta … This is like a circular orb … In the word Bodhichitta, the word Bodhi comes from the word Buddhi which means knowledge and Chitta means consciousness (mind stuff) …
This denotes the union of knowledge and conscious principles … It is self realized within the head itself …
- And many more accomplishment vehicles (Siddha Sharira) which shall be discussed in later topics of this text …
EE-6 … Shakti Shiva Yoga is the incomparable Yoga Tantra … Basis our earlier discussions and those discussions which are yet to come in this topic of “Raam Naad (Sound of Raam)” it would be crystal clear that Shakti Shiva Yoga leads to a vast number of accomplishments and self realizations …
And in addition to above, the “Raam Naad (Sound of Raam)” which is self realized through this Yoga Tantra itself also happens to be is also the finally liberating sound …
Due to this reason, Yoga Tantra of Shakti and Shiva (or Shakti Shiva Yoga Tantra( can also named as follows (because it also relates to the following) …
- The complete Yoga Tantra … Poorna Yoga Tantra …
- Param Yoga Tantra … Supreme Yoga Tantra …
- Advaita Yoga Tantra … Non dual Yoga Tantra …
- Nirvikalpa Yoga Tantra … Yoga Tantra without alternates …
- Nirbija Yoga Tantra … The seedless Yoga Tantra …
- Brahmlingam Yoga Tantra … The Yoga Tantra which symbolizes Brahman …
- Sarvabhauma Yoga Tantra … All encompassing Yoga Tantra …
In fact from the Sanskrit word Sarvabhauma was originated the English word Catholic … And when I see the essence of Catholicism, then it is found to be none other than the Sanatan Agama Shaiva Lore’s itself and whose essence in turn rests within the even earlier Vedic lore …
So I am pretty sure that when the Guru Yuga begins arriving (around 2082 AD, +/- 1 to 2.7 years) then the present day Christianity would be found to be returning back to its own timeless roots i.e. Sanatan Agama Arya Dharma …
- Adviteey Yoga Tantra … The incomparable Yoga Tantra … This description was used for it because it leads to both of the higher of Samadhi’s i.e. Nirbija Samadhi and the Nirvikalpa …
- And it was also due to this reason, it was also termed as Nirvikalpa Yoga Tantra (when considering Shakti Shiva Yoga) and Nirbija Yoga Tantra (when considering Prakriti Purusha Yoga) as were told in earlier bullet points of this discussion itself …
Discussions continue …