This topic shall discuss 12,000 year cycle of Manu Smriti, on which all cycles including Samvatsara Cycle and Vedic year is based …
This topic is in continuity with the previous one “Calculate Surya Samvatsara” …
And this topic also relates to the discussions that were done in earlier topic of “Sinusoidal paths” …
62-AA … Relationship of Solar revolution and divine age cycles …
As was discussed in earlier topic “Sinusoidal paths” that in any complete path (i.e. in any 360 degrees arc circle) of a celestial body, there are 100 sine waves …
As the solar revolution progresses around the central non lighted core of the Milky Way Galaxy and it esoterically runs within the mathematical symbol of infinity, so there also are 100 sine waves in this esoteric path of sun (which runs within the mathematical symbol of infinity) whilst the sun moves across all the 20 Brahma worlds (or 20 worlds of Brahmaloka) and pays homage to the divinities of each of these 10 sets of Brahma worlds (or 20 Brahma worlds) …
Thus basis above, is below calculation …
{(216 x 2 million human solar years) / 100} = 4.32 million human solar years (as per middle time units of precession)
Note: The value of 216 x 2 (= 432) million human solar years is taken directly from section 61-AA-1 of the earlier topic of “Calculate Surya Samvatsara” …
Note: And the above calculated value of 4.32 million human solar years is the time span of a Mahayuga (i.e. divine age cycle) … This value is the same as we had calculated in section 46-DD-1 of the earlier topic of “Time spans of divine ages” …
Proceeding further …
And half of above calculated time (or 4.32 million human solar years) is of 2.16 million human solar years …
This time span (or 2.16 million human solar years) denotes “one-half section” of one of those 100 sine waves that are present in the esoteric path of travel of sun within the mathematical symbol of infinity … And this time span is equal to a “half divine age cycle” … This value is utilized for deriving the time span of a Samvatsara Cycle, which as such means a Vedic year …
The applicability of this concept of Samvatsara is on every cycle of time (i.e. each Yuga Chakra) right from a human year (and thus a human age cycle) till a divine year (and thus a divine age cycle) and also to year’s which are applicable to the sun’s existence (i.e. solar years) … Thus when we consider all these aspects, then the term Samvatsara literally means “Year” and Vedas have mentioned this term (or Samvatsara) many times …
62-BB … Manu Smriti and Surya Samvatsara …
Manusmriti says about 12,000 years as time span of an age cycle …
And as we had discussed in earlier topic of “Representation of divine ages”, and we had also discussed in another earlier topic of “Time spans of divine ages” in addition to discussions in another earlier topic of “Time spans of human ages” that time spans of age cycles as mentioned in Manusmriti are universally applicable to all ages i.e. this time span of 12,000 years are equally applicable to a solar age, a divine age and are also applicable to the human age cycle …
As a matter of fact, following is what knowledge of Manusmriti stands for …
- 12,000 human years is one human age cycle (which in Sanskrit language can be told as a Manav Yuga Chakra) …
- 12,000 divine years is one divine age cycle (which in Sanskrit language can be told as a Deva Yuga Chakra) …
- 12,000 half divine age is one Surya Samvatsara (which in Sanskrit language can be told as a Mahakalpa) …
- 12,000 Surya Samvatsara is one lifetime of Brahma … I.e. 12,000 Maha Kalpa is one Brahma’s total lifetime …
- And many more cycles of time which are also related to the same 12,000 years of Manusmriti … We shall be taking these up in later topics …
So now we shall use Manusmriti to calculate a Surya Samvatsara …
Relating this discussion to number 12,000 as is given in Manu Smriti …
If we use the number 12,000 of Manusmriti with each half of sine wave, then we get the time span of one Surya Samvatsara (Surya Samvatsara is the time taken for 60 full-solar cycles around the galactic center … By full cycle we mean, the path of sun which is esoterically denoted by the symbol of infinity whilst the sun moves around the “central non-lighted part of the milky way galaxy or Vishnu Naabhi”) …
Thus basis discussions is below calculation of Surya Samvatsara …
Time of Surya Samvatsara = 12,000 x half of one sinusoidal movement of sun (whilst the sun esoterically moves within the mathematical symbol of infinity) …
12,000 x 2.16 = 25,920 million human solar years … This value is at middle time units of precession of equinoxes
Note: Half of one sinusoidal movement of sun is also the time span of half divine age cycle (which can also be told as half of a Deva Yuga Chakra) …
Note: Above value is same as that of previous topic “Calculate Surya Samvatsara” …
62-CC … Calculate Surya Samvatsara from Brahma Kalpa …
Surya Samvatsara is also termed as the Maha Kalpa (which can also be called as a Mahakalpa) which has a time span as calculated below …
Maha Kalpa = (time span of three days of Brahma or 3 Brahma Kalpa) + (time spans of three nights of Brahma or 3 Brahma Ratri) …
So above becomes as follows …
(3 x 4.32 billion) + (3 x 4.32 billion) = 25.92 billion human solar years
This value is at middle time units of earth’s axial precession …
This time span is the same as what was calculated in previous topic of “Calculate Surya Samvatsara” …
Continues …