Here we shall discuss essential nature or Swaroop Stithi which relates to Brahmand … This is the stage when the Pinda (aspirant or microcosm) knows himself (or herself) as macrocosm … This is when the subtle macrocosm (Sookshma Brahmand) which itself is within an aspirant, unites to the outer macrocosm (Sthool Brahmand) and thus the aspirant comes to that in reality, the microcosm is macrocosm and thus the realizer also knows that Aspirant is macrocosm (i.e. entirety of Maker’s Makings or multi-universes are self realized in their subtle states, just as these are inside the aspirants microcosm itself …
This is the stage of realization of the fact that “microcosm is macrocosm (or aspirant is macrocosm)”, which in other words can also be stated as the knowledge of “I Am the Universe (or in other words, this can also be told as I Am Universe)” and which originally was also told in a Mahavakya (or mega statement) of Yajurveda as is given within this topic …
I begin this topic with a Mahavakya (i.e. Great Statement) from Yajurveda …
यथा पिण्डे तथा ब्रह्माण्डे यथा ब्रह्माण्डे तथा पिण्डे
Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande, Yatha Brahmande Tatha Pinde
As is a microcosm So is the macrocosm, As is the macrocosm So is each microcosm
But in this topic we shall be discussing the header through the following …
- Brahmand Yoga … Union to entirety of macrocosmic creation (i.e. entirety of Maker’s Makings or in other words, a union to allness and her each part) …
- Brahmand Sharira … Siddha body of a union to allness and her each part …
- And whose path is of “Brahmand Dharana i.e. the path of oneness towards allness and her each part” …
PP-1 … What Brahmand Yoga and Sharira …
Brahmand Yoga means “Union to the entirety of Maker’s Makings” …
And where this union is right from the original self expression of Brahma or the Maker of allness (which has already been discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT self expressed itself” and through all the stages which were discussed in earlier topics of …
- As IT progressed … And then in a further topic of …
- As IT furthered itself … And then the further topic of …
- As IT eventually became …
Thus this topic denotes the accomplishment of the macrocosmic body or the body of the entirety of Maker’s Makings or Vishvaroop Brahma Sharira or Vishvaroop Sharira or Brahmand Sharira …
Due to this reason, this body also denotes the eternally united condition of Pinda and Brahmand (i.e. eternally unioned state of microcosm and macrocosm respectively) just as it is told through the above stated Yajurveda Mahavakya (Great Statement of Yajurveda) …
And the same was also told by much-much later Biblical sages through their statement of “As Above, So Below” which is also rooted in the earlier knowledge of Yajurveda …
When what is told here is already known through a direct cognition, then that aspirant also knows the meaning of Brahmand Yoga, which is discussed in the next part of this topic …
PP-2 … Brahmand Sharira … Vishvaroop Brahma Sharira … Body of Maker’s Makings …
Within this text, the macrocosmic accomplishment vehicle of our discussion has already been painted in stages …
As also a fact, that the totality of this vehicle cannot be painted … This is the vehicle which is seen in stages and thus this is never seen fully at the same time due to its vast-vast nature or expanses …
This inability to paint this vehicle, is because the entire macrocosmic creation within the aspirant or even beyond the aspirant can neither be seen from one single location nor can anyone paint those close to infinite colors and shades of these colors that really are existent within this vehicle of allness of Maker’s Makings (or Vishvaroop Brahma Sharira) …
So due to above, even when this vehicle is a real accomplishment vehicle, but because “all of it” cannot be seen simultaneously and from one single location within the Maker’s Makings, so this Siddha Sharira of macrocosmic nature can only be self realized by analyzing all the accomplishment vehicles and thence arriving at a corpus of their knowledge which itself self manifests within the knowledgeable-conscious state of mind of the aspirant …
Thus even though this vehicle is a real vehicle of the macrocosm which is also present within the microcosm of each aspirant, yet this vehicle is so-so-so large and so diverse in its conditions, states and aspects, that it cannot even be realized from any single point of the macrocosmic creation … Thus I even term this as the vehicle of analysis of the macrocosm, which itself is within the microcosm of the aspirant and which is also the same macrocosm within which the aspirant itself rests ever since that aspirant had begun as a microcosm within the supreme genius as is of the Maker’s Makings …
And this discussion is definitely not related to or within the effects of Manoloka (world of mind) … Due to this reason, it is also not based upon imaginations, visualizations and misinterpretations (or realized aspects) etc. … This discussion is an analysis of all that was discussed in this text till now and also that analysis which is of those states which have intentionally not been discusses (as they would need to be self realized by interested aspirants) …
When all accomplishment vehicles are merged to (or absorbed into) their respective macrocosmic principals and thus those accomplishments are already returned back to their formless states (Nirakaar Awastha) as is of their respective macrocosmic parental states, then when the aspirant analyzes itself, that aspirant only finds himself (or herself) to be the macrocosm within a microcosmic form … This leads to the same realization as was discussed within the above states Mahavakya of Yajurveda …
Proceeding further …
And when above statement of Yajurveda analyzed after a self realization of it innermost meaning, then from the point of view of Maker’s Makings, that aspirant only sees itself as follows …
- A macrocosm within THE macrocosm …
- Or in other words … A multi-universe within THE multi-universe …
PP-3 … Vishvarupa Sharira or Brahmand Sharira and Pancha Mukha Sadashiva …
This self realization is only after self realization of the five primary Siddha bodies and their parental states i.e. Five faces of Sadashiva, is as it has been briefly given below …
- Golden body and its own primary or parental state of Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva … And then the next stage of …
- Light Grey body and its own primary or parental state of Vamadeva face of Sadashiva … And then the next stage of …
- Diamond white body and it’s own primary or parental state of Sadyojata face of Sadashiva … And then the next stage of …
- Subtle body or Blue body and it’s own primary or parental state of Aghora face of Sadashiva …
And since this body only relates to Pancha Mukha Sadashiva, so it could also be addressed as the Siddha body of Sadashiva within Sadashiva … Thus this Siddha body also denotes the culmination of Pashupata Marg, Panch Brahma Upanishad and Raja Yoga …
Fullness of this body is only held by Sri Bhagwan Krishna as only he holds the Viraat Swaroop (i.e. a macrocosmic form) …
PP-4 … Path of Brahmand Yoga … Brahmand Dharana …
All above discussions are the result of accomplishment of Brahmand Yoga, as was discussed earlier …
And the path of accomplishment of Brahmand Yoga itself is of Brahmand Dharana, which means the state of entering into a perfect “Oneness to allness and her each part” and whose path is also through the path of above states Mahavakya of Yajurveda …
End …