TT … This part of the topic is to discuss the emanation of three attributes (i.e. three qualities) which is cognized from within the Ahum Naad itself … Here we shall discuss emanation of macrocosmic attributes and their relation to Vedic statement of Guna Brahma or attributes are Absolute (this also means attributes are a self expression of the Absolute being) …
Discussing emanation of macrocosmic attributes from Aghora
We have already discussed most of what is depicted in above panting … As far as above painting stands, we had discussed the following …
- The blue envelope as shown on the left side of above figure is of the “sound of Ahum (i.e. Ahum Naad)” who by itself is south facing blue colored Aghora face of Sadashiva …
- The blue colored body as is shown in the right hand side of above figure, is the Sookshma Sharira, which also means as the astral vehicle (or astral body) … The astral body is also the symbolic-vehicle (i.e. Linga Sharira) which itself is present in every aspirant of any of the three times …
- The red colored light which is emanating out of the blue envelope of Ahum Naad is denoting the macrocosmic quality of action (or macrocosmic attribute of activity or action or instability i.e. Rajoguna) …
- The blue color which is being emanated out of the blue colored envelope of Ahum Naad is denoting macrocosmic quality of inertia (or macrocosmic attribute of inactivity or inertia or stability i.e. Tamoguna) …
- And the white colored light which is emanating out of Ahum Naad is denoting the macrocosmic quality of neutrality (or macrocosmic attribute of purity or wisdom or Sattva Guna) …
- And the purple colored light which is being emanated out of Ahum Naad is denoting the macro-elemental ether (Akasha Mahabhoot) from which the other four macro-elements (i.e. Air, fire, water and earth) emanate out at a later stage (these four later macro-elements are not shown here, but shall be discussed at a later stage of this text) …
Cycles of emanation of attributes or Triguna from Aghora and Guna Brahma
So with above as a base, we shall now briefly discuss the stage when the three primary macrocosmic attributes (i.e. three qualities of the entire macrocosmic nature or Triguna) begin emanating out of the Ahum and thus end up changing the characteristics of flows and dynamism within those planes, where these attributes get projected …
This is also the stage when various planes shall begin showing signs of activities that relate to these three macrocosmic attributes …
Now we shall state the timelines of these eternally cyclic emanations as are of these three macrocosmic attributes from within the Aghora face of Shiva …
As far as the precession cycles of this world system is concerned, this emanation as is shown in above painting always happens cyclically and is always based upon the below stated time spans …
- Each 12,000 human solar years … As per middle time units of precession of equinoxes …
- Each 12,960 human solar years … As per nadir time units of precession …
- Each 11,111.1 human solar years … As per zenith time units of axial precession of earth’s axis …
- Each 12888 human solar years … As per currently applicable time units of precession … In this calculation I have utilized a yearly rate of change of precession as “50.28 arc seconds per year” which as such is an average of almost 2+ decades of observation while I was sailing at sea and where all these observations were “mostly” of Polaris (which means as the northern pole star or Uttari Dhruv) …
- In a later topic which relates to the Vedic Kaalchakra, each of above stated values and their time units of precession shall be mathematically derived and that too by using those aspects which are stated in Vedanga and Jyotish Shastra…
This emanation always happens once within each of the planes of existences (Galaxies etc., as these are termed in modern astronomy) during the time span of one human age cycle (which in Sanskrit is called as a Manav Yuga) …
And this emanation of qualities always happens whenever the world system where knowledgeable-conscious-active animate-entities exist, enters into a state where it begins cutting the central line (i.e. middle plane) of its own galactic disc (i.e. the vertical mid-line of that plane) …
Thus basis above, just prior the world system moves from one side to another of the mid-plane of the galactic disc, is the stage when above shown emanation actually happens within that galaxy itself …
The path of a world system where knowledgeable-conscious-active animate-entities exist is always like a sinusoidal path and when that curve cuts the mid-plane of its own galactic disc, is the time when above figure actually happens …
This emanation lasts for 108/8 years i.e. 13.5 years on either side of the point which is discussed in previous paragraphs … As per Kaalchakra, the last time when it had happened is not very far from the time I write this topic …
Aghora and knowledge of Guna Brahma
Since the quality of inertia (i.e. Tamo Guna) has the highest contact to the manifest state of the macrocosmic creation, so it eventually is from Tamoguna that this emanation is primarily noticed …
And since Tamoguna itself is a part of Ahum Naad (Sound of Ahum), so the better of all states to study this is “Ahum Naad (i.e. the Aghora face)” itself … This also renders the self-realization that was discussed earlier and was termed as “Guna Brahma” …
Emanation of attributes from Aghora and Shakti Shiva Yoga or Bhadri Bhadra Yoga
And the white semi-circular lines as shown in above painting are denoting the union of the white colored Bhadri (or Maa Shakti) to blue colored Bhagwan Bhadra (or Bhagwan Shiva) … It eventually is from the ecstasy of their union that this emanation takes place …
That’s all …