Above painted sketch is of Tawny colored Siddha body (or red-brown body or tawny body) and thus it is the Pingala Sharira … This is a Tawny colored body and it can also be called as Pingala Sharira … This is also the Siddha Sharira which relates to Bhagwan Natraja Shiva (or Bhagwan Nataraja aspect of Shiva or Natraj Shiva) and thus it is the Natraja Sharira …
This body also relates to Rudra Deva (which in our earlier discussions was also told as ALA Naad) …
This is the body which manifests from within the inner orb of ALA Naad (Sound of ALA) as was shown in an earlier topics painting, where this orb was stated to be in the head and was told to be located in between the Brahmarandra (or secret crevice of Pitamah Brahma Ji) and Shivarandra (or secret crevice of Paramguru Shiva) … That topic which has the painting of this orb has the header of “Light of ALA Naad within” …
This body is one of the bodies which relate to Buddha ALA, who sound is of ALA i.e. ALA Naad, and who itself is addressed as Rudra in Vedas …
ALA Naad (or Sound of ALA) is Rudra Deva of Vedas, Buddha ALA of Buddhists and Rudra Deva is also Allah Tala of Islam … Since we have already discussed these aspects in earlier set of topics which have the main category of “ALA Naad … Sound of ALA”, so I shall now proceed further …
JJ-1 … Tawny body of Natraja form of Rudra (Shiva) … Nataraja Sharira …
This body rests within the dark tawny body itself … This dark tawny body is discussed in the previous topic …
This body relates to Natraja form of Rudra Deva (Lord Shiva) … And since Natraja denotes the eternal dances of all parts of allness of Maker’s Makings and he also denotes the inter-convertibility of matter and energy which itself leads to an eternal non sameness of any part of allness to any other part of allness, so when this body self manifests within any aspirants microcosm, it also leads to the same state of eternal dances within that aspirants microcosm itself …
JJ-2 … Natraja Sharira … Pingalam Sharira … The most troublesome one …
And this is why this Siddha body of Bhagwan Natraja who is also present inside each aspirant, is the most troublesome accomplishment vehicle (or Siddha body) ever manifested in any aspirant because of the fact that after it self-manifests, it leads to so much inner dance of energies, that the aspirant only thinks that it better to leave the incarnated state … The Natraja Sharira or Pingala Sharira holds the entirety of macrocosmic energy dances within itself and thus after the Natraja Sharira self-manifests, then it is like the entire macrocosmic dances subtly taking place within the aspirants little-fragile microcosmic physical vehicle itself …
And due to above, this Siddha Sharira gives so much trouble, that the aspirant only desires to die instead of continuing to live that incarnation …
Thus I won’t be incorrect if I say that this Natraja Sharira (or Pingala Sharira or Tawny body) is an utterly unbearable and supremely troublesome Siddha body and this is especially so during the initial states of its self manifestation within the aspirant’s physical vehicle …
JJ-3 … Natraja Sharira … Pingala Sharira … Rarest and most secretive one …
And after self manifestation of this body, only that aspirant who is directly blessed by Rudra Deva can ever survive to tell his tale regarding this Siddha body of Natraja form of Rudra Deva …
During the entirety of history, not even a handful of aspirants have held this body in their own microcosm’s … And of those handful of aspirants who had held it, not even an iota of percentage had survived to tell their tales to others … Thus, this Siddha Sharira which relates to Natraja form of Shiva, is one of the most secretive and rare ones …
JJ-4 … Natraja Sharira … Pingala Sharira … The hottest and electric one …
This vehicle also gives out too much heat … This heat initially self manifests within the right hand channel (the channel of Tejas, which means as heat-luminosity and this is also the Surya Naadi or channel of Sun that is within each aspirant and is located at the right hand side of the back bone or Pingala Naadi) …
But after this Natraja Sharira (or Pingala Sharira) self manifests, the central channel (Sushmuna Nadi) and also the other two channels also have this Tawny colored light around them … And when this condition arrives after self manifestation of the Tawny body of our discussion, it leads to a disaster where unimaginable, uncontrollable and violent heat electric currents begin manifesting in all the nerves of the spinal column, brain and other nerves of the organs of the body …
This is the stage of utter disaster as the aspirant only desires to de-incarnate instead of continuing that incarnation in such a condition …
JJ-5 … Natraja Sharira … Pingala Sharira … Overcoming the disaster …
The only way to not de-incarnate is to exist as if you only are like a distant and detached witness of yourself … Unless what is told here is adopted and rested in, de-incarnation of that aspirant would be a definite probability and that too within one month from self manifestation of the Tawny body or Natraja Sharira or Pingala Sharira of our current discussion …
Thus a very high level of detachment as is discussed in above paragraph, is the path to continuity of your incarnation after the Siddha Sharira of our discussion gets manifested within an aspirant … There is no other way to continue an incarnation after the Natraja Sharira is already manifested within an aspirant …
JJ-6 … Natraja Sharira … Pingala Sharira … Supreme purifier and rejuvenator…
Those aspirants who can maintain the absolute detachment as is discussed previously (i.e. in JJ-4 above), overcome the disaster as was discussed earlier and these are the aspirants who move onto the next state where the same Natraja Sharira (or Pingala Sharira or Tawny body) of our current discussion becomes as their supreme purifier and rejuvenator …
Once the detachment is maintained and the aspirant becomes his (or her) own distantly stationed witness, the purification and rejuvenating effects this Siddha body kick in …
And as times pass, this Siddha body of Bhagwan Natraja which gets self manifested within the aspirants microcosmic physical vehicle in turn becomes as the one which leads to the following for an aspirant …
- A complete loss of ego i.e. a complete loss of the aspirants I’ness (or Ahamkara) …
- The complete cleansing of all past impressions (all Samskaras) that have ever been earned by that aspirant during the entire course of that aspirants evolutionary existence and that too from the time when that aspirant has originally (primordially or timelessly) begun as a microcosm within the supreme genius of Maker’s Makings … Thus this is the Siddha body which leads to impressionless state of consciousness orb of the aspirants causal body (i.e. Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta or consciousness orb, which is present in Antahkarana Chatushtaya) …
- A complete loss of afflictions of mind i.e. the mind sheath (or Manomaye Kosha) of that aspirant also enters into a Vrittihina Awastha …
- A complete loss of afflictions of knowledge sheath i.e. the knowledge sheath (or Vijyanmaye Kosha) of that aspirant also enters into a Vrittihina Awastha …
- A complete loss of inner stagnations (inner mucus around and inside subtle channels) which prevent the continuous and uninterrupted rise of Kundalini Shakti … Thus after this body self manifests, the Kundalini Shakti starts entering into all subtle channels and it keeps flowing in those subtle channels in a continuous and uninterrupted way …
- This itself is due to a complete inner purification which this Siddha body leads to …
- And as times progress, then this Siddha body eventually leads to that state which is termed as Nishkalank (stainless, taintless) in various lore’s … This is also the body which leads to an inner state of the aspirant which was told as Nirmala (free of filth) in various lore’s …
- This is also the body which leads to a state where the aspirants Prana Shakti (i.e. divinity of inner vitality) itself unites to Maa Adi Parashakti (i.e. supreme vitality or the supreme mother of allness) … When this happens then that aspirant also enters into a self realization of Avyakta Prana i.e. Maya Shakti of Pitamah Brahma Ji (Avyakta is discussed at a later stage of the current set of topics itself) …
- Such an aspirant who has already passed through above states, neither associates to any form or non form of I’ness (Ahumkara or Mai-Ta), nor to Am’ness (Asmita or Yeh-Ta), nor to Is’ness (Sarvata or Hai-Ta) nor even to Not’ness (Shunyata) … This is because of the fact that such an aspirant goes beyond all suchness and non-suchness alike for he (or she) already knows that he (or she) is already resting beyond all these aspects …
- And that aspirant within whom all above are successfully and fully completed, knows the meaning of the term final freedom (i.e. final liberation) for he himself is that freedom, its path and its all concepts are also his associates …
Thus basis above, the Siddha Sharira which is being discussed here, is also the supremely beneficial one …
But survival of an aspirant can only be possible if that aspirant is blessed by Natraja form of Rudra and since the blessing of Bhagwan Natraja is a very rare one, so he also never blesses ever aspirant due to which most of the aspirant’s within whom this Siddha body self manifests, don’t survive to tell their tales …
JJ-7 … Natraja Sharira … Pingala Sharira … And path of eternal unity of Shraddha and Samarpan …
Deviating a bit … When I was a cadet on my first ship at sea way back in earliest beginnings of 1990’s, my chief officer (Chief Mate) who was a pretty Jovial, heavily drinking and marijuana smoking man from Goa state of India and whom we seven cadets used to address as Casty-Boy, had told me thus … When rape is inevitable, then it’s better to lie down and enjoy it … But it was only after this body had self manifested, that I came to know, he was right …
And he used to also say during those long hours of work which we cadets used to be doing … Sleep is your luxury and not your birth right …
But it was only after this body had self manifested, that I came to know, he was right … And this was because of the fact that after this Siddha body self manifests, then due to the heavy dynamism which manifests in the physical and subtler vehicles, sleeping is a very difficult job … Resuming again …
Proceeding further …
Thus when above was already arrived, I thought to myself let’s try to enter into Shraddha and Samarpan together … This is how it became …
- Shraddha means faith …
- Samarpan means surrender …
- Without the former, there is no latter …
- And whilst resting in the latter, an ever better state of former self manifests for that aspirant …
- And united these two, are the basis of Yoga, Vedas and Agamas …
- And also in their combined states, these two denote essence of the word “Islam” as was taught by Prophet Muhammad … So after success in the unioned state of these two, I also realized what the word “Islam” actually means …
Thus this body taught me the innermost meaning of Shraddha and Samarpan and their eternal non dual unity as a valid path of evolution …
This surrendering is because of the fact that it is impossible to not surrender to the force that this accomplishment vehicle exerts once it is fully manifested within the physical vehicle of the aspirant …
This became my path whilst I continued in the detachment to my own body, just as was discussed earlier on in this topic …
Unless Shraddha and Samarpan are rested in, survival through these severities of effects of this Siddha body are also an impossibility …
Thus this Siddha body is the most severe in the beginning and this is also the Siddha body which leads to supreme peace at the later stages (after the inner cleansing of subtler channels, is completed) …
JJ-8 … For future aspirants … Be Yourself within Your-self …
Once this Siddha body self manifested, I went to a few monasteries so as to know how to control it … But nobody could even understand, leave apart assisting me during that time …
So for those aspirants at future times, if this body self manifests within your own microcosm, then don’t waste your time asking others … Find your own best path basis above discussions as a base of evolution …
Plus my eternal guide (Sanatan Gurudeva Sri Vishnu) had also told me prior to this stage, that when within the last pathless partless path, “each aspirant has ever had to go alone” … So this also became my guiding knowledge at those times and so shall it be for future aspirants who end up being the holders of this Siddha body …
JJ-9 … Pingalam Sharira … Final merger …
This Siddha Sharira finally merges to Rudra Deva in his formless state of Bhagwan Natraja …
And after it merges, that aspirant also directly knows the rejuvenating principle of allness …
This light of Natraja was shown in a painted sketch of an earlier topic which has the header of “Light of ALA Naad within” (or in other words, the Light of Rudra deva within the head) … In that painted sketch, the middle orb is that light …
Once the Siddha Sharira of our discussion merges to that middle orb (as discussed in above paragraph) then it enters into a permanent and thus eternal union to Bhagwan Natraja (who in Sanatan Dharma is depicted as one of the forms of my supreme guide i.e. Paramguru Bhagwan Shiva) …
Those who wish to know who Natraja is or what he looks like, just search on internet where photo’s of his attributed-form state (i.e. Sagun Sakaar Awastha) is readily available …
And I shall not be painting Natraja in his attributed-formless state (Sagun Nirakaar Awastha) as this has never been disclosed by anyone till now due to it being a secret knowledge which as such can only be self acquired i.e. acquired through self realization …
JJ-10 … Pingalam Sharira … Description of its inner condition …
This body is made up of a series of cobweb like lights which are clubbed together … Thus the corpus of thee cobweb like Tawny colored lights is this body …
This condition is depicted in above painted sketch by Tawny colored dots which are shown to be present inside our discussed Siddha body itself …
And each of these dots when expanded looks like the state which is painted on the right hand side of above figure …
And each of these dots (which actually are like cobwebs) are interconnected to form the Siddha body of our current discussion … Thus this accomplishment vehicle is like many of these oval cobweb shapes joined together in the shape of the body …
Around this Siddha body of Natraja Shiva, these tawny colored cobwebs also form an orb like shape which envelopes this body entirely … And this enveloping tawny light is also in a state which is as it is depicted in sculptures and paintings of Natraja Shiva within the Vedic lore … Interested aspirants can search on internet to know the ring of tawny colored lights which envelope Natraja Sharira of our discussion …
JJ-11 … Pingalam Sharira … Final detachment … Absence of abilities …
Due to the strong detachment which needs to be adopted by an aspirant to overcome the effects of this Siddha body, those aspirants who continue to exist also hold no abilities …
And yet such ones can gather abilities in a very short while (i.e. gather these abilities from their respective macrocosmic sources, within which they had surrendered, so as to overcome the severe effects of this body) …
And even when above paragraph is definitely possible, yet those aspirant’s who had reacquired their abilities after surrendering them, have never been till date …
This is as no aspirant has done this reacquisition of surrendered abilities during history of Maker’s Makings and this was even when such a reacquisition of those earlier surrendered abilities, is definitely possible …
That’s all …