This topic shall discuss the ancient and almost lost Vedic statement of Being in head is Brahma and its relation to Hiranyagarbha Sharira (body of golden womb of creation), Tatpurusha Sharira (or the body of Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva) , Dharmakaya Sharira (The body of plane of righteousness), Buddha Body of reality (Buddha Sharira), Buddha Amitabha Sharira (This body also relates to Buddha Amitabha), Maheshwara Sharira (The body of Great Lord of allness, just as he is present in each aspirant within his bodied state and that too, as the golden body) and Surya Sharira (or Aditya Sharira … But here it means the body of the super sun or golden womb of macrocosmic creation) … All these relate to the Vedic and Yogic concept of Ukar (which is also told as Okar and which is heard as a Sound of O) which itself is a part of root concept of Vedas, i.e. OM …
RR-1 … Regarding above figure …
Above figure is describing that stage which is intermediary to the stage 1 and stage 2 of the previous topic which has the header of “8th plexus … Atharvaveda chapter 10”, so this discussion is an extended part of that earlier topic itself …
The state of above figure was self realized when the self realizations of previous set of topics on the 8th plexus were still underway …
And due to this reason, this figure is also related to the same time span as was when the previous topic on Eighth Chakra was self realized i.e. this topic relates to the same time of around a few days prior to the commencement of that Pan-India movement of “India against Corruption (IAC)” in beginning months of 2011 AD …
In above figure …
- The pink state at the bottom is denoting the topmost part of the head …
- White streaks at top of the head are denoting the Sahasrara (or thousand petalled crown plexus or 7th plexus or Brahmarandra chakra or ) which as such becomes activated at this stage and thus its petals rise up and also become vast sized ones …
- The golden channel which is emanating out of the head region is the Vajradanda which we have already discussed in earlier topics …
- And the golden body which is shown to be coming out of the head is the Hiranyagarbha Siddha Sharira or simply Hiranyagarbha Sharira which as such is the accomplishment vehicle (Siddha Body) that relates to the golden womb of macrocosmic creation … Thus when this golden body self manifests, then that aspirant gains the status of being a self manifested state of Hiranyagarbha Brahma within the macrocosmic hierarchies i.e. such an aspirant gains the evolutionary standing of being Hiranyagarbha, even whilst he (or she) may still be incarnated upon a physical world (like this one) … During macrocosmic history there have been many aspirants to attained this golden body …
RR-2 … Golden body of “The being in head is Brahma” … Buddha body of reality …
The golden vehicle as depicted in above figure can also be termed as follows …
- Hiranyagarbha Sharira … Siddha Sharira (accomplishment vehicle or accomplishment body) of Hiranyagarbha Brahma or the golden womb of creation, which is also present within each aspirant’s microcosm (i.e. inside the physical vehicle of the aspirant) …
- Tatpurusha Sharira … Accomplishment vehicle (i.e. Siddha Sharira) of the golden colored Tatpurusha face of Shiva …
- Okar Sharira (Ukar Sharira) … This vehicle also has the “Okar Naad (or Ukar Naad)” inherently placed within it … Okar (Ukar) was already discussed in the earlier topic of “Okar … Sound of O” so we won’t be getting into the same discussions again … And since Okar (Ukar) itself is the sound of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (i.e. golden womb of macrocosmic creation) so after this realization, as the time passes this vehicle also keeps leaving the aspirant’s physical vehicle and keeps entering into divine plane of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (i.e. enters into Okar) and that too, on a daily basis … This also continues for a substantial time span and until this vehicle finally gets absorbed into the vast attributed (i.e. Sagun) fathomless formless expanses (i.e. Nirakaar) of Hiranyagarbha itself …
- Buddha body of reality … The is also body which denotes one of the aspects of Buddhata (which in English is also called as Buddhahood) and thus is also termed as Buddha body of reality in some sects of Buddhism …
- Dharmakaya Sharira … The body of plane of Dharma … This was told so as Hiranyagarbha is the plane of Dharma (Sanatan Dharma) also … This itself is by virtue of Hiranyagarbha being the (golden) womb of Maker’s Makings …
- Surya Sharira or Aditya Sharira … Surya means self luminous Sun and Aditya means the 12 Aditya’s (i.e. 12 super-suns) which are also denoting the same Hiranyagarbha Brahma who as such is the supreme-sun that holds the 12 super-suns of Vedic lore within its own dimensionless purviews … One of the vast number of Sun’s that make a super-sun, is Sun of this planetary system and it primarily is due to this stated reason the traditional Vedantin also term the sun of this solar system to be one of the self manifestations of Hiranyagarbha only …
Continuing with above bullet point … As soon as this golden accomplishment vehicle (i.e. Hiranya Siddha Sharira) self manifests within the aspirants physical vehicle, then it directly enters into the Sun world (Surya Loka) from where through a series of other divine worlds and their super-suns (i.e. 12 Aditya), it enters into the pristine abode of the grandfather and creator of allness (i.e. it enters into Brahmaloka, which itself is the same as Sadyojata face of Sadashiva) …
Continuing with above paragraph … But this path to Brahmaloka (i.e. the pristine abode of the grandfather and creator of allness or Loka of Pitamah Brahma Ji) can also be greatly shortened if the aspirant enters into Avyakta Prakriti directly from the Sun world (i.e. Surya Loka) where the golden accomplishment vehicle initially goes after it self-manifests within the aspirants physical vehicle and as the mirror image of the aspirants physical vehicle itself …
And from Avyakta, the path to Brahmaloka is a direct one because Avyakta in Vedas is also addressed as Maya Shakti who herself is the divinity (or Shakti) of creator (Pitamah Brahma Ji) … This path is also of “Brahmsutra chapter 4” and thus is a Vedantic path of final liberation which we shall discuss with relevant paintings, but at later stages of this text …
Proceeding further …
- Maheshwara Sharira … This is named such because this vehicle eventually is of Maheshwara (or the Great-Lord) who is also addressed as Tatpurusha face of Shiva in Shaiva texts and also in the Agamas …
- Buddha Amitabha Sharira … This can also be termed as body of Amitabha Buddha that is within all aspirants … Amitabha Buddha has also been termed as Amida Buddha in Japanese lore’s … That Buddha (or That being) who has been named as Amitabha and Amida Buddha is also none other than an “attributed-form state (i.e. Sagun Sakaar Awastha)” or simply a human bodied self-manifestation of the original “attributed-formless state (i.e. Sagun Nirakaar Awastha)” of the Vedic Hiranyagarbha itself …
That evolutionary stage of an aspirant when this golden body enters into its own ever-same primary macrocosmic cause (i.e. into its own macrocosmic principal state) was already described through a painted sketch (2nd painting) in an earlier topic of “Okar continues” …
The same golden body and its macrocosmic principal state (i.e. the state where that golden body finally unites or merges) itself is the that which has been termed differently by different knowledge systems that had manifested during the last 9 millenniums (or close to this time) and all those variable words (or descriptions or terms) which are utilized to denote this golden vehicle and its divine world are only referring to the same golden body and thus all these names only relate to the Hiranyagarbha (or Okar) of Vedas …
- Ahura Mazda Sharira … Since the golden channel itself is the 101st channel, so the golden body is also of the same 101st golden channel itself … Only after the pot of nectar (which can also be termed as Amrit Kalash) rises upwards and thence it passes through the golden channel, does the golden body of our discussion self manifest within the aspirants microcosm and as a mirror image of that aspirants physical microcosm itself …
Continuing with above bullet point … Thus during those very ancient times as were of my much-much earlier incarnations, Hiranyagarbha (or Ukar) was addressed through 101 names … And as times progressed and this knowledge was adopted by people of ancient Persia, who in the Sanskrit lore were also addressed as Shakdweep Saurya Saraswat Brahmins i.e. Priests of ancient Persia who were worshippers of sun or light or fire and were of the earlier Saraswati river civilization which itself made then to be holders of the pristine path to the Absolute) … These people addressed the same Hiranyagarbha as Ahura Mazda … Thus above vehicle can also be addressed as Mazda Sharira or the accomplishment vehicle of Ahura Mazda (i.e. accomplishment vehicle which is blessed to an aspirant by Ahura Mazda, who himself is the keeper of the 101st golden self-luminous channel of above painting and thus is the divine one who holds 101 divinities and thus 101 names …
RR-3 … Regarding the pink color in above figure of “The being in head is Brahma” …
This figure describes the condition at the top of head of the aspirant … The head region is subtly depicted as a light pink color, which as such is also relating to the color of Vyana Prana … And we had discussed earlier that Vyana Prana itself is the microcosmic self-manifested state of the macrocosmic condition of Avyakta Prana, who in Vedas has also be addressed as Maya Shakti …
Vyana Prana is that Vital-Air (or vital flows or vital divinity or divine activity principle) which is enveloping the physical body and all other Prana’s or vital airs … But at the stage when above figure is self realized, the same Vyana Prana begins accumulating inside the head of the aspirant and this is what leads to vast number of visions by which an aspirant also ends up seeing divine worlds, their controllers, angels of those worlds and also the accomplished aspirants who reside within those many and further many divine worlds …
At that state when the nectar pot (which in other words can also be called as Chetan Kalash) has already risen and entered into the 8th plexus (Niralambasthana), then the other vital airs (i.e. other four Prana’s) also begin merging into Vyana Prana … This is because when the consciousness pot (or Amrit Kalash) enters into 8th plexus (Niralamba Chakra), then it denotes the state of going past Vyana Prana’s envelope around the body … Thus at this stage, in addition to enveloping the physical vehicle, a part of Vyana Prana enters the head region and it also extends slightly beyond the head region of the aspirants physical body … And because Vyana Prana is the enveloper of all other vital airs, so at such a stage, the other four vital airs also begin entering into the head region of the aspirants physical body and this is what activates the subtle eye (third eye) of the aspirant by whose assistance that aspirant can see many of the divine worlds whilst sitting at a single location itself …
As a matter of fact Vyana Prana is a part of Avyakta Prana (or the non manifest, non present vitality of Maker) who itself is the Avyakta Prakriti and is also told as Avyakta and was also addressed as Maya Shakti in Vedic lore …
Avyakta itself was my accomplished divinity when I was known as Mai Danava (or May Danava or Maya Danava) on whose name and established knowledge systems, the Mayan and many other civilizations of American continent (i.e. North and South America) are still existent … And since I was a Vedic Danava, so their roots are also Vedic only and thus their systems also are none other than those which stand rooted in pluralistic ways of life and yet they relate to the same grandfather and creator of allness, which itself makes their ways of life to also be based upon Monism … As a matter of fact, all ways of life that are based upon Pluralistic Monism are Vedic only …
RR-4 … Location of the golden body within the physical vehicle …
Here we shall discuss the eternal location of the golden accomplishment body within the aspirant’s microcosm (i.e. within the aspirant’s physical vehicle) and its stage of self-realization … So here it goes …
Within the Brahmarandra or the secret crevice of the creator, there are three minor plexuses …
These three plexuses are placed one on top of the other and that too within the Brahmarandra chakra itself …
Note: I won’t be naming or describing them here because this is not the topic for such extremely rare discussions … I also think that may be its better not to describe them or paint them as of now … This is because in today’s world, everything that was a part of better ways of life during ancient times, has already become a business and all these businesses are utilized either gaining materials or immaterial’s or even both, so I also feel this age cycle is also not the correct one to show such highly hidden knowledge systems and their vast number of aspects in painted sketches or in deeper discussions) …
But irrespective of above note, amongst these three plexus’s, the middle one had 32 petals … And it is inside this middle plexus, that the golden body which is shown in above painted sketch, is eternally residing whilst it sits there in a lotus posture (i.e. Padmasana) and this is how it has ever been since that timeless eternity that has already passed from the stage when that aspirant had originally begin as a microcosm within the Maker’s Makings … And due to this reason, even when I have depicted this golden body in the crown plexus, yet it is not wrong as this plexus where the golden body resides, is an intrinsic part of the crown plexus itself … But it still is not an absolutely correct painted description because some knowledge systems are best left to self realizations of aspirants (and this one also happens to be one of those systems only) …
RR-5 … Self manifestation of the golden body …
This part of the topic is to discuss that which is after the transit of the pot of consciousness (Amrit Kalash) through the 8th plexus (which has already been discussed earlier) is completed and then the stage when this golden body self manifests is also arrived and self realized by that aspirant …
At the instant when this golden body self manifests, it is found to be in a laterally inverted state in relation to the physical vehicle of that aspirant …
By above phrase of “lateral inversion” I mean that this body is like a mirror image of the state in which the aspirant’s physical vehicle is resting at the time when this golden body is self manifested in the head of the aspirant’s physical vehicle …
Thus for any aspirant who is already self-realizing the stage of initial self realization of the golden body of our discussion, then at this stage this golden is like looking at your innermost divinity (i.e. Lord Rama within you) and whilst you yourself are as a mirror image of it (i.e. your own innermost divinity) …
Thus at the instant when the golden body self manifests, the aspirant sees it like a divine mirror image of his (or her) own physical vehicle …
This is also the innermost meaning of that which was told in Biblical lore as follows …
“Man is made in the image of God”
And the very fact that God’s kingdom is within each aspirant, is also stated in Biblical lore’s as follows …
“Kingdom of God is within you”
Thus basis above and earlier discussions (as were done in earlier topics), that which is told as Kingdom of God is extending right from the heart till the head and that too till the 32 petalled plexus where the golden vehicle resides since the timeless eternity as has passed from the time when you has originally begun as a microcosm within the Maker’s Makings … And this range itself relates to what was originally told in Brahmasutras chapter 4 and was also re-told in much later Hridaya Prajnaparamita Sutras (or my previous incarnations Gurudeva, Gautama Buddha) …
But what the Biblical sages did not state was that this itself is an original Vedic concept and it originally was from that much-much earlier knowledge of Vedic sages that this concept was taken by the Biblical sages so as to add it within the Biblical lore’s … Frankly speaking, if I were to take out from the Biblical lore, all that was taken from the much-much earlier Vedic and Yogic lore’s then there would be nothing substantial remaining within the Bible … It primarily is due to this reason, that after reading the Bible a few times, it is absolutely clear that the Biblical lore’s are naught but a great-grandchild of Vedic and Yogic lore’s …
RR-6 … Abilities of the golden accomplishment body …
This golden accomplishment vehicle has limitless abilities as far as roaming of all divine worlds is concerned …
The holder of this golden accomplishment vehicle can also traverse all divine worlds and meet their divine egoistic controllers (i.e. egoistic Gods or Abhimani Devata or individualistic Gods or monotheistic Gods), angels and accomplished beings (Siddha’s) who reside there …
So after this golden accomplishment vehicle self-manifests and thence it also begins travelling the entirety of Maker’s Makings and beyond, then that aspirant ultimately becomes the holder of the entirety of knowledge of Maker’s Makings and also the knowledge of the Maker …
And such an aspirant also knows that ultimately the Maker’s Makings are none other than a self expressed, self manifested, macrocosmic and microcosmic self presence of the same Maker itself … This knowledge is achieved due to the fact that the golden body can travel to any part of Maker’s Makings …
Thus basis above, after the golden body is self realized, then the golden body also exits out of the physical vehicle of that aspirant and travels across the entirety of Maker’s Makings … This is what makes that aspirant as the one who has directly cognized all principal, primary states of the Maker’s Makings and this itself is in addition to being the one who has known the timeless primordial state of Maker’s Makings …
Such an aspirant is also the one who ultimately becomes a knower of allness i.e. one who holds the knowledge of all that ever is or could ever be and thus is the one whose Buddhi Tattva (i.e. knowledge) is Sarvabhauma (all present, all related and all knowing) and so is that aspirants Vijyanmaye Kosha (this term means as the aspirant’s knowledge sheath) …
Such aspirants were the ones who were addressed as Buddha’s … The term Buddha means “one who has already directly cognized all that is to be ever known during any eternity of the Maker’s Makings” … Such an aspirant was the one who was told to have attained Buddhata (which in English language is also told as Buddhahood) because he (or she) is the one who has already cognized allness (i.e. principal, primary and primordial states of allness) as if it were face to face with him (or her) …
Thus only such an aspirant is the one who ultimately holds the entirety of knowledge which falls within the purviews of the header of this text i.e. Maker’s Makings (Vishvaroop Brahma) …
RR-7 … Relationship of above figure to knowledge of Vedic sages …
Those fully accomplished Yogis who also were self realized, all realized Vedic sages had thus told (subtly told) during those very ancient times as were of my much-much earlier incarnations …
The Being in head is Brahma
Above statement eventually and subtly relates to the golden vehicle itself …
And the same fact is also subtly stated in Brahmasutras (i.e. Vedanta) …
RR-8 … Self realization upon initial self manifestation of golden vehicle …
As the golden vehicle self manifests and is cognized by a Yogi, then because the golden vehicle is located at the upper regions of the head of that Yogi’s physical vehicle, so the Yogi’s eyes are also turned upwards i.e. looking towards the top of skull bones …
And since the golden vehicle is also a mirror image of that Yogi’s physical vehicle’s condition of that time, so the golden vehicle is also seen to be looking upwards and thus is found to be looking beyond the top of skull bones and through the Brahmarandra itself …
At this time, the golden vehicle is also found to be resting within the Brahmarandra (secret crevice of creator) as the 32 petalled lotus on which the golden vehicle is seen to be resting and which was briefly discussed earlier on in this topic, is also a part of the Brahmarandra itself …
As this self realization happens, then that Yogi knows that this also is …
The end of all ends which relate to any of the paths, of now or ever
The end of all paths that relate to any of the egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata)
Beginning of path to the attributeless-infinite being, the eternally egoless one
RR-9 … Brahmpath … The pathless partless path of “Itself within Itself” …
Continuing with above discussions …
Thus that Yogi also knows that this self realization is the final-stage of beginning of the beginningless, the endless, the eternal, the infinite, all enveloping, all pervading, the omnidirectional, the omniparient, the omnipresent, pathless partless path (or in other words, Brahmpath) which he was taught by his eternal guide (Sanatan Gurudeva Sriman Naaraayana) who resides within the cave of emptiness (Guha Shunya) of his own heart …
Thus that Yogi also knows that he has already entered into the Brahmanpath …
And that Yogi also knows that from here onwards the path can only be of “Itself within Itself (Brahm Hee, Brahm Mei)” just as was described to him by his revered eternal guide (Sanatan Gurudeva Sriman Naaraayana) …
Proceeding further …
And after all above, that Yogi also knows that there is no state or condition or anything else within the entirety of Maker’s Makings, which can hold him after he has already completed the destined time span (Prarabdha Karma or destined merit) of his current incarnation (when above is self-realized) …
And thus that Yogi also knows that he has already entered into the path of final freedom, which itself is the path of a “full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part (i.e. Kaivalya Moksha)” …
And at this stage that Yogi also knows that one can only “Be Liberated” and not “Get Liberated” …
This is because of the fact that the desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds that are needed to walk that path of “Getting Liberated” are only going to make any aspirant get stuck, deeper and deeper into those aspects which relate to the “law of cause and effects” and its governing principle (i.e. principle of interdependent origination) …
Whereas on the contrary, freedom from these is also a minor part of what was told as Kaivalya and also also called as Moksha by ancient Vedic Sages who also were fully accomplished Yogi’s …
Thus the Yogi also knows where humanity had made a mistake, during the last few millenniums …
But he cares naught for suchness, as he already knows that this is what Kaliyuga actually was told to be by those self-realized, all-realized, Yogis and Vedic sages who had known this fact through their direct cognitions …
So he continues his incarnation whilst physically resting within the severely deviated sounds of civilizations and yet internally isolated from all of them as he continues to write this text, which as such is naught but a Gurudakshina to his revered Gurudeva (Buddha Avatar) because this is what was asked for by his Gurudeva at that time of his own previous incarnation and when that Yogi was a naught but a little student (of his Gurudeva Gautama Buddha) …
And that Yogi also knows that after this text is distributed and one more promise which was made to the little child who had donated his physical vehicle to him and thus that little child had allowed that Yogi to enter this world as a transmigrated one (i.e. enter by adopting the path of transmigration of soul), he (i.e. the Yogi) has no further reason to continue his current incarnation within these deviated sounds of the current human civilizations …Transmigration of soul, in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
And so shall it be, but only at that time, which as such is not very far …
And this is when he shall be finally, fully and permanently free …
Thus he also realizes the innermost essence of a statement that was of the accomplished Siddha’s of yore, where they had thus said … “Mar Yogi Mar“, or in other words, Die Yogi Die … This statement also refers to the stage of Jivanmukti (or in other words, liberated whilst still alive) …
Continues …