This topic shall discuss the Three attributes or Triguna which are stated as Sattva Guna, Rajo Guna and Tamo Guna …
There are the three primary macrocosmic forces, which denote the attributes of macrocosmic creation … These attributes are as follows …
- Macrocosmic attribute of inertia … Quality of Inertia … Or Tamoguna or Tamo Guna …
- Macrocosmic attribute of action … Quality of action …Or Rajoguna or Rajo Guna …
- Macrocosmic attribute of neutrality … Quality of Neutrality … or Sattvaguna or Sattva Guna …
These three attributes make the root of all manifested and non manifested states of macrocosmic creation i.e. they make the root of Apra Prakriti (or first eight spheres of Maker’s Makings or manifest nature) and Para Prakriti respectively …
Para Prakriti means as the “beyond nature”, which in Sanskrit texts is also called as the ninth sphere and which itself is the one that is called as cloud nine of Buddhist lore’s …
These three macrocosmic attributes have been discussed here …
This topic continues from the previous one of “Rashmi Oorja” …
98-AA … Triguna and Attribute of Inertia … Tamoguna …
This denotes a restrictive force …
It also denotes sleep, inactivity, rest, reduction and contraction …
This is the stability causing aspect of the macrocosmic creation because if this is not there, then everything would become over-actionable and thus become totally erratic due to coming into the purviews of a direct effect from the macrocosmic attribute of action (Rajoguna) …
This attribute is grosser of all other macrocosmic attributes and thus it is the densest one …
And because it is the grossest (or densest) one, so it is also the one which is closest in its grossness to each manifest (or incarnated) microcosm …
As far as the differences of subtleties or grossness of this attribute is concerned, this is the attribute to which each of the manifested macrocosm’s (and each originated gross microcosm) primarily relates whilst they continue their evolutionary existence within the Maker’s Makings …
Since the grossness of this attribute of inertia (Tamoguna) is closest to any manifest microcosm (or gross microcosm or incarnated microcosm) so the other two attributes being subtler than this attribute, can only act upon the microcosm’s after transiting through this attribute of inertia, because this attribute is the first layer of macrocosmic attributes that is directly in contact with the originated macrocosm and its each microcosm …
Due to this reason, none of the other two attributes have a direct contact with any microcosm, until that attribute has passed through this attribute of inertia (Tamoguna) so as to reach the begun or manifested or incarnated microcosm’s …
It is due to this reason that around each Galaxy there is a blue colored light, which denotes the presence of a shield like state of this attribute of inertia and thus the macrocosmic action gets damped prior it can even enter into the Galaxy or its worlds where animate, conscious, knowledgeable and active life resides at that time … Thus inertia is also like a shield which prevents larger quantum’s of macrocosmic action from entering into the Galaxy or its any world …
A … Dampening of macrocosmic action after it passes through inertia …
Since the attribute of action (Rajoguna) passes through the attribute of inertia (Tamoguna) prior it can reach any of the microcosm’s, so prior that action can reach any microcosm, the quantum of action gets dampened (due to the denser state of this attribute of inertia) …
Thus by the reason of above paragraph, the potency of action (Rajoguna) is reduced to a state where it would not explode/implode or harm the microcosms when Rajoguna (or macrocosmic attribute of action) would reach those microcosms (but only after passing through the shield of inertia) …
This passing of action through inertia prior action can arrive at the grosser manifested microcosm is to ensure potency of action is damped and this is what leads to a state where just the requisite quantum of action can reach the microcosm’s …
If this barrier of inertia was not there and thus a fuller quantum of attribute of action would have reached the animate microcosms directly and without the necessary dampening of its actional energies … This condition would have led to unnecessary sufferings within animate microcosm’s and it is due to this reason, that during the origination of Maker’s Makings inertia was found to be an attribute which was necessary to maintain a stability of the macrocosmic creation and her each microcosm …
Proceeding further …
The same is with the attribute of neutrality (neutrality is always of wisdom) which is even subtler than attribute of action and thus neutrality also has to pass through action and then it has to pass through inertia prior neutrality can even reach the begun microcosm …
Thus neutrality is the furthest from any gross (or begun or incarnated) microcosm because the attributes of action and inertia are present within the intermediary subtleties from attribute of neutrality till the begun or incarnated microcosm’s …
This is the reason for Yoga Tantra to talk about the importance of neutrality through terms like Samta (which means equanimity or neutrality only) … There has never been any accomplished Siddha (or even a Yogi) within any of the paths of Sanatan Dharma (Including in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, folk lore’s and aborigine ways of life) whose teachings have not included the concept of equanimity (which in Sanskrit language is called as the state of Samta) … This is because Yogi’s and accomplished sages have always known the importance of Samta during the evolutionary process of any aspirant and thus they have always been relating to this macrocosmic attribute of neutrality (or Sattvaguna) …
This stage of attribute of neutrality passing through inertia is to ensure that just the requisite neutrality arrives at any microcosm … The amount of neutrality that reaches any microcosm is as per that microcosm’s evolutionary standing and thus as the microcosm evolves higher, then it also reaches a higher inner subtlety, due to which the quantum of neutrality that is held by that microcosm, is also higher … This is because evolution only leads to an ever higher quantum of neutrality to get manifested within the aspirant and this itself is due to a higher balance between the actional and inertial aspects that are held by any evolved microcosm’s (or aspirants) … Thus to know the state of evolution of any aspirant, just look at the neutrality that he or she holds in his or her desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds …
And there is also another reverse way of finding out the evolutionary standing of any aspirant … This is through the study that aspirants individuality … Higher is the individuality of an aspirant (or a system or way of life) lesser evolved it is … Thus basis this fact, the paths that rest within any form or non-form of monotheism are lesser evolved as compared to the paths that are based upon pluralism and which itself is lesser evolved that pluralistic monism … Pluralistic monism is also lesser evolved that the path of absolute monism …
As anything (or anyone) evolves, it keeps attaining more and more inner neutral and when the quotient of neutrality becomes high, then that aspirant always leaves individualistic (or monotheistic) systems and thus such an aspirant also does not relate to egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) … Such aspirants also lead a balanced life as far as action and inertia are concerned as they “inwardly rest” within the middle (or meeting points) of these two, where neutrality is eternally present …
This attribute has a navy blue color … It is a restrictive force i.e. it slows down the speeds due to a very strong attraction that is generated by it … This attribute was discussed in earlier topic of “Aghora and emanation of macrocosmic attributes” and was also discussed in another earlier topic of “Aghora and Swayam Stithi of Guna” in addition to discussions of another earlier topic of “Path of Ahum Naad” and discussions of another earlier topic of “Aghora face of Shiva” and the same was also discussed within a few other earlier topics …
Inertia is always the outermost layer of any microcosm and thus every plane of existence (Galaxy etc.) and world has this subtle navy blue colored light at its outermost edges (I mean the navy blue color envelopes all those galaxies which have been stabilized by inertia) …
Proceeding further …
The sound of this state is of “Ahum or in other words, this can also be called as (Ahum Naad)” and it is heard like “Aaaaaaaa…Hum… Aaaaaaaa…Hum ………. Endlessly” … This has already been discussed in earlier topics …
The blue shift as is observed in modern astronomy is also due to the macrocosmic presence of attribute of Inertia (Tamoguna) …
For some aspirants, a self realization of this state of inertia i.e. Ahumkara “can also lead” to a direct entry into a realization of Sarva Shunya which in English can also be termed as the condition of macrocosmic voidness, that literally means as the state of voidness of allness and which is directly denoting the original state of primordial nature) …
When the aspirant’s consciousness is resting within this discussed state of inertia (i.e. an aspirant’s subtler vehicle travels and enters this state), then such an aspirant’s consciousness can enter into any state of the macrocosmic creation and self-realize it … Thus accomplishment of this state of inertia leads to unrestricted travel of that aspirant’s subtle vehicle through all states of macrocosmic creation …
This is also addressed as the Aghora face of Sadashiva … And it also is the Primordial Buddha Samantabhadra of Bardo (Tibetan Buddhism) … And this is the basis of the Vedic Mahavakya (which in English means as a Great statement) of “Aham Brahmasmi (and which when translated to English means as I Am That)” … This Mahavakya is of Yajurveda and it is also the basis of Biblical phrase where Biblical God says “I Am That I Am” … This sage of Sadashiva (i.e. Aghora) is also related to the concept of Blue Kachina (blue colored spiritual or divine being) of native American lore’s … The word of Mahavakya (of Sanskrit language) when translated in English language means as a great statement (which also means as a supreme statement and also as mega statement) …
98-BB … Three attributes and Attribute of Action … Rajoguna …
This is an expansive force … It also denotes wakefulness, activity, work, and expansion … This is the macrocosmic attribute of action, which was stated as Rajoguna in the Vedic and Yogic lore …
This is the instability causing aspect of the macrocosmic creation … If this is not there, then everything would return back to macrocosmic voidness (which in Sanskrit language can be told as the condition of Sarva Shunya) … This attribute ensures the running of the macrocosmic creation …
And because some instability is always needed by all parts of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. each microcosm) to keep them ever changeful and active and thus lead to them to their eternally non stagnated state during their own evolutionary process, so this is a very important attribute of the macrocosmic creation …
If any microcosm reaches an exact sameness of its own state, to the state of any earlier microcosm that ever was existent during the entire of history of macrocosmic creation, that that microcosm would just dissolute due to the eternal effects of the “macrocosmic principle of stagnation due to sameness “ and where stagnation due to sameness is also deemed to be none other than a stagnation from the macrocosmic point of view and further where, a stagnation always leads to death of the stagnated microcosm …
Thus never during history of the Maker’s Makings has any microcosm arrived at an “exactly same inner and outer state of itself. to any other microcosm” that was ever existent within the macrocosmic creation … And if any microcosm reaches our discussed state of exact sameness, then that microcosm would just dissolute into voidness …
This non sameness is what the macrocosmic attribute of action (I.e. Rajoguna of Yoga and Vedas) eventually maintains within the entirety of Maker’s Makings …
Without this attribute, everything that we know as the macrocosmic creation and her each microcosm, would lose its dynamism and thus become inert and thence dissolute back to the state of non lighted inert matter (or in other words, this can also be called as the state of Inertial masses which flow like a sea) and/or thence dissolute into elemental voidness (or Shunya Tattva) …
As also unless this attribute it there, there can neither be any origination of anything and nor even an existence of anything and thus all that shall be in absence of this attribute, would only be emptiness of allness … This is the only attribute which keeps all parts of allness within their eternally dynamic states and as long as they rest within the principle of eternal existence and principle of eternal evolution, both of which are of the Maker’s Makings …
So this is a very important attribute as without this attribute, everything would stops evolving due to loss of dynamism within the macrocosm …
This is also the attribute which ensures an eternal non-sameness of all parts of allness to each other and thus ensures that an eternal non-stagnating dynamism is maintained within the macrocosmic creation and thus ensure an eternity of existence in addition to ensuring an eternity of evolution, of all that is ever begun within the Maker’s Makings …
In an earlier topic where we had discussed the physical vehicle, and its parts (organs) and we had stated there that “If you do not use it, you would lose it” … The same is also applicable to every other microcosm and this statement also relates to the effects that are provided by the macrocosmic attribute of action or Rajoguna …
This attribute has a red color when it is not mixed with yellow colored macrocosmic knowledge sheath (i.e. Brahmic Vijyanmaye Kosha) i.e. when action is not related to knowledge, then action is of a red color …
And when action is united to (or mixed with) the very subtle yellow colored macrocosmic knowledge sheath, then it has a reddish-orange, orangish-red or even a bright orange color (depending upon how much quantum of this red colored expansive macrocosmic attribute of action has ended up mixing with yellow colored knowledge sheath of the macrocosmic creation) …
When it is bright orange in its color i.e. a perfectly balanced state of red colored action and yellow colored knowledge, then it has a sound of Aaaaaaaa…LA… Aaaaaaaa…LA ………. Endlessly … This is the Sound of ALA (which we had also addressed as ALA Naad) which we have already discussed in earlier topics …
Proceeding further …
Sound of ALA or ALA Naad is also related to the following …
- The self originated being, who is addressed as Rudra Deva (Rudra is the rejuvenating aspect of Sadashiva) in Vedas …
- This sound also relates to the Supreme Buddha ALA of Bardo (Tibetan Buddhism) …
- The attributed formless divinity of this sound of ALA is also addressed as Allah Tala in Islam … The word, attributed formless means Sagun Nirakaar Awastha or that state which is having attributes but yet it is formless …
- The “attributed form” divinity of this sound of ALA is also addressed as Red Kachina of native American lore’s … The word, attributed form means Sagun Sakaar Awastha or that state which is having attributes but yet it is formless …
- Bhagwan Natraja Shiva when this red color is not mixed with yellow color and it adopts a tawny color … This is discussed in an earlier topic of this text …
- This is also the root reason for Red shift of modern astronomy …
- The word which is stated as ALA literally means, greater than all, bigger than all, better that all, higher than all etc-etc and thus Islamic lore also states this correctly, that all higher (or better) names are of Allah only … This is a correct statement as Allah ITself is the Rudra whom the much-much earlier Vedas have addressed as Swayambhu (Shambhu or self born) and as the greater of all whom all worship and who worships none other than ITself … This fact was discussed in an earlier topic of “Myself within Myself” and was also discussed in another earlier topic of “Itself Within Itself” which we had also named as “Rudra Within Rudra” and where the word of “Rudra” essentially means as the Atman or the innermost essence of the aspirant and this itself is in addition to meaning Brahman (or the innermost essence of allness) …
- Within the Agama path of Kashmir Shaivism, this state is also addressed as Vamadeva Face amongst the five faces of Shiva …
- Within the path that relates to Panch Brahma (as is told in the Panch Brahma Upanishad), this same state is addressed as Tatpurusha face …
- And within the other Shaivism of Agama Paths, this same state is also termed as Rudra Deva who self-manifests (i.e. self-originates) out of the south facing Aghora face of Sadashiva (The Sanskrit word of Aghora primarily means as that who is not wrathful) …
- This is also called as Rajoguna (or macrocosmic attribute of action) within the Vedas and it also within the Yoga Tantra …
A … Self realization of Rudra Deva … Asmita Samadhi … Rajoguna Samadhi …
This self realization is through the path as described below …
- Meditative absorption within macrocosmic attribute of action i.e. Rajoguna Samadhi of Yoga Shastras …
- And this Rajoguna Samadhi is also stated as Asmita Samadhi in some Yoga Shastras …
- Asmita Samadhi is the giver of highest self realized knowledge because when an aspirant rests within the state of Asmita Samadhi, then that aspirant can know everything about anything, and that too, by simply looking at that thing … Asmita means “macrocosmic Am’ness” …
- This Asmita Samadhi is when it is within the orange colored state whose “Sound is ALA (within this text, this is also addressed as ALA Naad)” …
- Once this Asmita Samadhi arrives, then the aspirant arrives at state of omniscience (i.e. just look at something and know all that is about that thing and that too within a very short while) …
- Thus after this Asmita Samadhi is arrived at, the aspirant finds no further need to waste time in learning anything (any scripture) because the knowledge about things just comes when that aspirant looks at anything or thinks about that thing (But only provided the aspirant is interested in knowing about that thing) …
- However even when above bullet point of true, yet there is also another very important aspect that gets manifested after accomplishment of Asmita Samadhi … And this aspect is that “majority of such aspirants don’t want to know about anything more” … I belong to this category …
B … A perfect balance of macrocosmic attributes of action and inertia …
When inertia which is of a dark blue color (i.e. Krishna Varnam) and action that is of a Reddish-Tawny color (Pingala Varnam) are perfectly balanced, then this state denotes the “Krishna Pingalam state of Rudra” as is mentioned in Vedas … Krishna Pingala denotes a perfect stability because of the balance that is present within the state of union of these two equal opposite forces of action and inertia …
And as an aspirant evolves, then that aspirant eventually holds an accomplishment (or Siddhi) of this state of Krishna Pingalam Rudra within himself (or herself) … We had discussed this in an earlier topic of “Krishna Pingalam Sharira (this accomplishment was also addressed as the Rudra Body)” … This state ultimately merges to the state which was described within the paintings of an earlier topic of “From Ahum Naad to ALA Naad” and the same was also described within the painting of another earlier topic of “Sadashiva Pradakshina … Vedanta” …
And when this balance is not there then that aspirant accomplishes the Rajoguna Sharira which we had discussed in an earlier topic of “Tawny Body … Pingala Sharira” … This is also the Siddha body (or Siddha Sharira) that directly relates to Nataraja Shiva which as such is the instability principle as it denotes the eternal dance of matter and energy, which itself is the reason for eternal continuity of the Maker’s Makings …
Proceeding further …
A perfect balance of attributes of action and inertia is all that the macrocosmic creation and its each part, looks forward to and thus it eventually is to Krishna Pingalam Rudra, that allness of Maker’s Makings and her each microcosm, has ever desired to proceed and finally unite to …
But since the macrocosmic creation is only a dream of Pitamah Brahma Ji (I.e. the universe is nothing but a dream of the creator) and dreams are neither the eternal truth nor are they eternally stable, so is the macrocosmic creation untrue and eternally unstable which itself is the reason for its eternally changeful state … Thus this is what leads to a state where “an eternal change remains as the only eternal constant” within the entire macrocosmic creation and her each part …
And this untrue nature was also told as follows within the Vedic lore’s …
Brahm Satyam Jagad Mithya
Which means …
Unchangeful Brahman is truth and changeful macrocosmic creation is untrue
Explaining the word Jagad … Jagad is made up of two words of Ja and Gad (or Gat) … Ja is the opposite of the Sanskrit word “Aja (or Aj)” which means unborn (yet manifested) and thus the word “Ja” also means that who is born (and manifested) … Gat (or Gad) means that which moves and thus is eternally changeful … Thus the word Jagad (or Jagat) means “That which is born and is changeful (or eternally moving)” …
Proceeding further …
And because it is a dream and dreams are never stable, so the non-sameness and eternally moving (or eternally changeful nature) of all parts of allness, is also an eternal reality …
And to ensure this non sameness, an ever changeful and non-stagnating flow and dynamism is also needed within the macrocosmic creation … And due to this reason, each state of the macrocosmic creation also has to cyclically pass through alternating phases of stability and instability and too in those conditions which denote all the permutations and combinations of these two terms …
This ever change and non stagnating dynamism is “also” is maintained through those vast numbers and close to infinite permutations and combinations of quantum’s of these three macrocosmic attributes (of neutrality, action and inertia) which act on each state and this continues as long as the microcosmic states rest within the macrocosmic creation …
As such, all that manifests out and thence stays associated to these three attributes also has no choice but to ensure that this aspect of ever changefulness is maintained during its stay as a microcosm within the macrocosmic creation … And where this eternally changeful nature of all parts of allness, is primarily maintained by the macrocosmic attribute of action (or Rajoguna) as discussed here …
98-CC … Triguna or three attributes and Attribute of neutrality (of wisdom) … Or Sattvaguna …
This is stated as Sattva Guna within the Vedic lore … This is the macrocosmic attribute of neutrality (or wisdom and of truth) …
That knowledge which is not neutral to all differences of individualities and their paths of progress (i.e. ways of life) that exist within the macrocosmic creation, is not true knowledge … That which is not true knowledge, never accepts allness and her each part to be divine entities …
And that which does not accept allness and her each part as divine, always leads to a cyclic state of chaos and where this chaos also continues as long as that individualism exists within a world because such am individualistic knowledge systems is against the pluralistic yet monist of life of the macrocosmic creation, within which that knowledge system and its adherents are residing … This reverse path of individualistic systems and pluralistic monism of the macrocosmic creation within which these individualistic systems also reside, is what makes them chaotic in the longer run of time …
And basis above, the following is also pretty clear … That which is not true knowledge is always individualistic (monotheistic) …
And since individualism is not related to the fullness of Maker’s Makings within whose envelopment and pervadement that individualism itself resides, so individualism can never be termed as true true knowledge because it severely lacks the fullness of knowledge within it (due to its individualistic and thus restricted state) and this is why ever form of individualism has always led to a cyclic state of chaos within the world … Untrue never leads to eternal peace … This is the reason for the cyclic chaos that the inhabitants of this world have kept getting subjected to, but only after the individualistic or untrue knowledge systems arrived here during the last few millenniums …
Proceeding further …
That wisdom which is not neutral to allness and her each part, is never the all enveloping and all pervading wisdom … This statement is absolutely true, irrespective of what anybody may interpret or believe it to be …
That which is not neutral, never relates to allness of the Maker and its supreme genius i.e. Maker’s Makings … And that which does not relates to allness as is discussed here, is incomplete …
Thus that which is not neutral, is neither a complete knowledge nor is it the Absolute knowledge and thus such a knowledge cannot ever lead to a self realization of Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm (which means as the attributeless infinite being or, in other words, Parabrahman) … This is the reason that during history of any individualistic religion, its adherents are never had very large numbers of self realized, all realized sages … This paragraph is also an absolutely true one, irrespective of what anybody may interpret or believe it to be …
That knowledge which is not related to the fullness of Maker and ITs supreme genius, i.e. Maker’s Makings, is never neutral to the eternal fullness of allness and her each part … Such incomplete knowledge systems are always individualistic and due to this they always relate to egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) instead of egoless Gods (Anabhimani Devata) … That which relates to Abhimani Devata, is nothing but a harbinger of cyclic chaos … This paragraph is also absolutely true, irrespective of what anybody may interpret or believe it to be …
A … An important aspect of the path of neutrality …
Accomplished Yogi (i.e. a Siddha) denotes the highest attainment ever possible prior to entering into the final state of Kaivalya or Moksha (i.e. a full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part and where isolation itself is liberation) …
Unless you are unioned to allness, how can you enter into those paths, which lead to an isolation from allness … Thus Brahmand Yoga (or a union to entirety of allness and her each part) is always accomplished prior to the final attainment of Kaivalya or Moksha …
A true Yogi always rests in his or her inner neutrality towards allness and her each part … Thus a Yogi had not even commenced upon the path of Yoga until he or she is macro-equanimous to all that rests within the Maker’s Makings …
And only such a Yogi is able to enter into a union to allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Yoga) …
Unless a Yogi accomplishes Brahmand Yoga, he cannot even be termed as a Yogi in the real sense of this word (or Yogi) …
Proceeding further with above discussions …
But resting in neutrality does not mean that the Yogi (aspirant) closes his (or her) eyes to all the nonsensical fanatic, fundamentalist, individualistic and thus dualistic systems of a world where he is currently residing …
Thus basis this fact, a Yogi is not even a Yogi, if he or she closes his or her eyes to all nonsense that the world system (or its inhabitants) is resting in or is getting into or is relating to at the time when he (or she) is present upon that world (within his or her incarnated state) …
Yoga means union and that union is never complete unless it is to allness, each part of allness and also is a simultaneous union to that reality (i.e. Brahman) which pervades and envelopes allness and its each part …
Thus the finality of Yoga (or union) is a stage of simultaneous union to Brahman and Maker’s Makings (Brahmand) and all parts of Maker’s Makings … This is the fact which was told in Vedas as “Vasudeva Kutumbakam or the whole creation is one (my or Yogi’s) family” …
Thus as the term Yoga only means a final union and where the finality of union is never to individualities (God, Satan or anything else like a place, a state or a text etc.) or individual- corpuses (religions or systems or adherent’s of a specific practice or any other corpus) … The the path of union is also not manifested whilst one is resting in individual-dualistic systems (individualistic or monotheistic religions and all such stupidities and other individualistic nonsense) …
The path of Yoga is only of a union to “allness and its each part” and thus the path of Yoga is nothing but of “Brahmand Dharana”, which means “an inner oneness to all that ever is” …
Rest all that is told in religions of any of the triple times, is naught but a byproduct of “Manoloka (which in English language can also be called as the imaginary world of mind)” of those incomplete persons who gave such divisive systems or paths to humanity …
And this path of Yoga always passes through a stage, where the aspirant “inwardly adopts” neutrality (which itself is of Sattvaguna) that is being discussed here …
B … Various names of Sattvaguna across lore’s …
Sattvaguna is addressed through various names across lore’s that came by to this world … Some of the important ones are stated below …
- Navam Akash … Ninth sky …
- Navam Kosha of Prakriti … Ninth sphere … This is also termed as the ninth cloud of Mother Nature …
- In Buddhist lore’s, this is also called as Cloud nine …
- In Vedic lore, this state is also addressed as Para Prakriti … Or beyond nature …
- Sagun Nirgun Loka … Plane which is even neutral to all attributes and attributeless being … Thus those who hold the attainment (or Siddhi) of the Sattvaguna, are neither liberated nor in bondage as they walk clear of both these stupidities of philosophies and yet they rest in supreme detachment from allness and her each part …
- Maa Adi Shakti … The primordial mother … As it is from the divinity of the ninth sphere that other eight lower spheres of Apra Prakriti were self originated …
- Samta … Sphere of neutrality … All knowledge systems which have concepts of equanimity, relate to our currently discussed Sattvaguna …
- Satvik Kosha … The pure sphere …
- Sphere of Bodhisattva (Buddhist Lore’s) …
- Chitta Kosha … Sphere of consciousness … Yoga is defined as “Chitta Vritti Nirodha”, which means “the path of purification and removal of afflictions of the consciousness orb (or Chitta) of the aspirant’s bliss sheath (which in Vedic texts is also called as the Antahkarana Chatushtaya) is defined as Yoga” … And purified Chitta is nothing but that which is based upon Sattvaguna or macrocosmic attribute of neutrality as is discussed in this part of the topic … At this stage of neutrality, the orb of Chitta of the Anandmaye Kosha (i.e. consciousness orb of the Bliss sheath) is also of a pure white color … Anandmaye Kosha as stated here means as the Bliss sheath and it is also termed as Anandamaya Kosha …
- Sattvaguna … Macrocosmic attribute of equanimity (or neutrality) …
- Dharma Megha … The cloud of Dharma … Cloud of virtues … This is a state which is arrived by an aspirant and after that aspirant successfully completed the earlier discussed “Chitta Vritti Nirodha” …
- Chaitanya Kosha … The sphere of purified consciousness … This is told so as purified consciousness is rooted in macro-equanimity (or equanimity towards allness and her each part or Sarva Samta) and which itself is of the creator’s divine plane (i.e. Brahmaloka) …
- Etc-etc …
C … Self realization of Sattvaguna …
Self realization of this ninth sphere i.e. plane of Maa Adi Shakti, is through Chaitanya Samadhi only …
There is no other way to self realize the Sattvaguna and that too within its pristine glory as it is in the ninth sphere of macrocosmic creation and which is also addressed as “Para Prakriti (beyond nature which itself is like a very subtle white cloud of extremely large expanses)” whose primordial and timeless deity is Maa Adi Shakti (or Maa Parvati) … Maa Adi Shakti is also addressed as Primordial Buddha Samantabhadri in Tibetan Buddhist lore’s (Bardo) …
Chaitanya Samadhi is the “meditative absorption within the conscious principle” of the Maker and its Makings …
Explaining the term Bodhisattva of above discussions …
The word Bodhisattva is made up of two words, Bodhi and Sattva …
Bodhi comes from the Sanskrit word Buddhi, which means knowledge … This term is used for a Bodhisattva, as these highly evolved beings are resting within the macrocosmic knowledge principle …
Sattva means neutrality (of wisdom) …
Thus the term Bodhisattva refers to an aspirant whose “knowledge or Buddhi has turned towards and thence has started resting within a perfect, all enveloping and pervading neutrality (or Sattva)” …
And the same condition of finality of neutrality, is what Yoga Tantra have addressed as Dharmamegha (or cloud of virtue) … Thus from a Yogic point of view, a Bodhisattva is that highly evolved being, who has attained to Dharmamegha (or cloud of pristine virtues) … And from the Tantric point of view, a Bodhisattva is that being who has attained to Maa Adi Shakti and thus he is also a Shakta (bearer of divine powers of Maa Adi Shakti or Primordial Buddha Samantabhadri of Tibetan Buddhist lore’s) …
And because such a Bodhisattva has already attained all that was to be attained, so such a Bodhisattva only awaits for his (or her) “one last and final return back into cyclic existence” prior attaining that stage after which there can neither be a return nor an exit from Maker’s Makings i.e. he ultimately reaches that stage which is beyond all concepts of liberation and bondage …
D … The final state of attainment by path of Sattvaguna …
And if we consider the final state that is attained after accomplishment of Sattvaguna Siddhi (i.e. accomplishment of finality of neutrality), then it is the diamond white colored, west facing Sadyojata face of Sadashiva …
98-DD … Some other aspects of Triguna or three attributes or three qualities …
We shall now discuss some of the other aspects which relate to Triguna …
But here I have only listed a few of the main points and thus this discussion cannot be termed as complete … To complete it would need a couple of hundred pages more, which I really don’t want to get into at this stage of the text …
98-DD-1 … Self balancing nature of attributes … Origin of inertia from action …
As discussed earlier, inertia prevents excesses of macrocosmic action to enter into a microcosm because for action to reach the microcosm, it needs to pass through the intermediary state of inertia (as inertia being the grosser amongst the three attributes, lies closest to each manifested or incarnated microcosms and due to this reason, every attribute has to pass through inertia prior it can reach any manifested or incarnated microcosms) …
Inertia is of a blue color and action is of a red color … So as inertia increases at a point in space, then that point would also have a bluish hue later on (when inertia gets manifested due to collisions of actioned particles at that point) …
When actioned particles meet each other, then they come to a stop and which in turn leads to generation of inertia … Thus higher is the quantum of action at a point in space, higher shall be the inertia which would eventually be generated at that point in universal space …
So due to above, higher is the quantum of macrocosmic action at any point of space, higher shall be the navy blue color (of the stability causing inertia) seen at and around that point …
This presence of inertia is also at the outermost peripheries of planes of existence and this itself is also to ensure an inner stability of that plane of existence or else if the inertia at outermost peripheries is not there, then vast quantum’s of macrocosmic actional energies would keep bombarding that plane of existence and thus damage (or even kill) all animate life that exists upon the worlds of that plane of existence …
Inertia is also present inside the microcosm and thus each plane of existence (Galaxy etc.) also has the same navy blue light (or Inertia or Tamoguna) present inside its own envelopes … This is what prevents the inner action of that plane of existence (Galaxy etc.) to also get damped prior it reaches the individual microcosm’s that rest within that plane of existence …
Thus inertia is the attribute which ensures a stability for each microcosm and the entire macrocosm … And most importantly, inertia ensures the continuity of life in the macrocosmic creation which itself was the reason for placing all parts of (or microcosms of) the entire macrocosmic creation within an immediate pervadement (permeation) and envelopment of inertia …
As the action increases, then the actioned particles (of light) also have more number of meeting points … As these actioned particles meet each other and thence slow down or come to a rest, then the macrocosmic attribute of inertia is generated at that point … Thus eventually it is out of action that its own opposite i.e. inertia, gets generated …
And due to above paragraphs reason, within any part of the entirety of Maker’s Makings, higher is the action at a point, higher shall the inertia also be at that point … And vice versa of this statement is also true …
So above paragraph also denotes the self-balancing principle of the macrocosmic creation as far as these two primary opposite attributes of action and inertia are concerned and this statement is eternally valid even when at no point within any universe, is the action and inertia perfectly and continuously balanced (i.e. eternally balanced) in their quantum’s …
Thus basis above is it also clear that the universe and its each part is also eternally unstable, but this instability is only to that extent which does not interfere with its continued existence (but this balance is only until the destined end of its existence is arrived at) and yet no part of the universe ever becomes so largely unstable, that it leads to a wide spread state of chaos which destroys all animate life that exists within all its planes (galaxies etc.) and their worlds … This stage of adequate stability is also maintained through action and inertia, but this statement is valid only until the destined end of that point or microcosm (i.e. right from an atom till the universe) is finally arrived at …
And this balance of stability and instability, which is also a cyclic balance which is maintained by these two macrocosmic attributes of action and inertia … Thus sometimes the action at a point is higher than inertia and at other times the reverse of this state is prevalent …
98-DD-2 … The eternal recycling nature of the three attributes or Triguna …
Thus basis above discussions is also realized the eternal recycling principle of the macrocosmic creation, where higher action leads to self-manifestation of a higher quantum of inertia and then inertia ends up staying even after action has dissipated (because inertia has a longer dissipation time as compared to the dissipation time of action) …
Manifestation of action is only a temporary affair as the entire macrocosmic creation primarily rests in inertia …
Thus basis above and as as compared to systems which rest in inertial aspects, actional systems (or religions) also have a very less time span of their any single cycle of existence …
And as times progress, all actional systems (i.e. systems which relates to deities who hold higher quantum of action and thus individuality) eventually die out and on the contrary, inertial systems continue to exist for a much longer duration …
Thus all those systems which wish to conquer the world or turn all humanity to their own ways of life and thus are primarily actional, eventually are very short lived and those systems which relate to oneness of allness, are those which eventually survive through eternity …
As also, actional systems always hold a higher quantum of individualism and since individualism is always cyclically chaotic during a longer run of time, so when there is an increase in adherents of actional systems, then the world always ends up in cyclic state of chaos and as times progress after this stage of manifestation of actional systems, then that chaos is also ends up spreading into all ways and walks of life of humanity …
But this chaos also leads to a slow but steady death of all actional systems i.e. their adherents either leave that actional system or that actional system slowly changes itself to a better state of pluralism and if both these do not happen, then that actional system eventually gets dissipated from a world because Mother Nature can only take this nonsensical individualism of actional systems for a certain time span … And not till eternity …
And since there is no greater force (power) than mother nature and since she is independent in her ways of life, so when she takes action, then all such systems and their deities also have no other choice that to either change their ways to pluralistic monism or exit from that world … This is because when Mother Nature (Maa Prakriti) takes her necessary measures, then at such times there remains no third choice …
And after Mother Nature (Prakriti) takes her measures, then ultimately it is through the process of slow death of individualism, that pluralistic monism (i.e. system of Mother nature) always rises up in the world … This world is already living in such times which shall be leading to death of all forms and non-forms of individualism … This end of individualistic systems shall be seen during the current run up to the incoming Guru Yuga because this world is already approaching that stage when divinities of incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) would begin entering this world and as this happens, then individualism would also begin realizing its past follies … And then individualism would either change towards pluralistic monism as is of the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) or individualism would be exiting out of this world … As far as the currently approaching times are concerned, there is no third choice …
And prior that individualistic system dissipates itself, it always leads to a wide spread chaos … Actional systems are always individualistic (or monotheistic) and thus these are also cyclically chaotic and this chaos by actional systems is also at a peak prior they finally end in a world … This world is already approaching this stage of incremental chaos and where this increase shall be seen to be manifested across all ways and walks of life … As also, unless pluralistic monism of the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) is adopted as a way of life, humanity won’t be able to avoid that chaos of coming times of change (i.e. change of the current human age to the incoming Age of Sages or Guru Yuga) …
As of now and due to the call of time (Kaal) and its cycles (Kaalchakra) which are leading to the change of current human age cycle to the incoming Guru Yuga, this world is already resting at a stage when individualistic systems (monotheistic systems) would be the harbingers of wide spread chaos during the coming stages of times which are leading to change of the currently underway human age cycle to the incoming human golden age (or Guru Yuga) …
Note: By individualism I mean all forms and formless aspects of of individualism, including but not limited to those which relate to geographical barriers (like boundaries of individual nations and their controlled seas), geopolitical systems, political systems, economic-financial-trade, services, cultural systems, civilizational systems, individualistic religions, individualistic intellectual systems and individualism related to color, creed, sex, race etc-etc … And since the incoming “Age of Sages (or human age of truth or Guru Yuga) holds nothing like individualism (as it is an age of Pluralistic Monism) so all these individualistic systems are already living in their end times and my words can be seen as a reality within a few years from the time when I write this paragraph (In 2018 AD) … Because of not letting go individualism by humanity, humanity would be entering a phase which they have not seen since the last five plus millenniums …
98-DD-3 … Eternal balance of action and inertia within pluralistic monism …
Unless a system is related to the intrinsic pluralism (Bahuvaad) and essential monism (Vedanta), both of which are of Mother Nature (Maa Prakriti), that system or way of life can never holds that higher quantum of inner neutrality which is necessary to sustain it till eternity …
As also a fact that since Mother Nature is the direct and primordial self expression of the Absolute being (who in Vedas is also addressed as Brahman and also as Nirgun Nirakaar or Brahm) and thus she is also the greater amongst all manifested (or activated) forces of the absolute being (i.e. Brahman or Nirgun Nirakaar or simply, Brahm) … And since she is the direct self expression of the absolute being, so she is an independent self driven entity and not controlled by anyone, including the absolute being (Parabrahman) …
Thus since pluralistic monism is a system which is line with the ways of Mother Nature (i.e. Maa Prakriti) and her macrocosmic creation, which also is as eternal as the absolute being, so her system (i.e. pluralistic monism) is the one which holds capability to last across eternity of the Maker’s Makings, as all others only come by to a world, stay for a while and thence are gone without even a trace of them in distant future …
This balance of action and inertia is also rooted in pluralistic monism only … And since everything that rests within macrocosmic creation is related to the three attributes, so every microcosm is also rooted in pluralistic yet monist ways of life of the three attributes of nature … This statement is irrespective of whether it is apparent such or not, as the root which is hidden inside each system or way of life (including individualism) is also of pluralistic monism only …
And since within the entire macrocosmic creation, there is only one pluralistic yet monist system of way of life, so this system is the only one which had continued since eternity … This was the reason for naming it as Sanatan Dharma (which in simple words, only means as the eternal way of life) … Irrespective of what anybody may believe or think about this paragraph, whatever is written here is absolutely correct …
98-DD-4 … Absence of inertia and great burst of universe and microcosm’s …
Inertia is the stability principle of the macrocosmic creation, because after the commencement of Maker’s Makings, if action would have had an unhindered run due to an absence of inertia, then the universe would have already had a great burst by now (and that too through many-many times till now) …
This great burst is only when a universe or plane is originating, but since this is a matter of a different topic, so I will just leave this discussion here and proceed further …
98-DD-5 … Relationship of inertia to great collapse of universe …
Because inertia stays longer than action due to its slower dissipation rate, so if inertia increases and then due to that very large quantum of inertia, action reaches such low relative-levels (in relation to inertia) that the microcosms cannot even be sustained or made to continue in their manifested or incarnated states, then this stage is the one which leads to the great collapse of worlds …
Thus the process of dissipation of any microcosm only commences after the quantum of action reduces to a level which below the critical level that is needed to keep that part of macrocosmic creation (or an aspirant or a system) within an actional and thus an incarnated (or manifested) state …
98-DD-6 … Eternity of allness due to eternal shifting of microcosms …
And whilst that inertia is slowly dissipating, if another flow of macrocosmic action hits it, then it also gets propelled to other points of the macrocosmic creation (or the universe) and thus is found to be dissoluted at the earlier point of its accumulation …
Thus if we see the earlier point, then inertia and microcosms which were existent at that point would be found to have dissoluted …
But when we see the reality of the shift of these microcosm’s to another point which also is within the same multi-universal macrocosmic creation, when we know that even when they have left their earlier mode, condition and state of existence, yet they are existent within another mode, condition and state of existence, which also is within the purviews of the same Maker’s Makings …
This is what leads to a realization of the fact that they have actually not ended their existence and all that has happened is a shift of these earlier microcosm to another point within the vast macrocosmic space …
Thus when we see the reality (during meditations and further subtle travels across the entire macrocosm) then we also know that everything is eternal because the “eternal Maker could never make anything that was non eternal” …
This is how cyclic manifestation of action and inertial systems happens in any world and this process of manifestation, existence and exit of such systems and their Gods is also as per the call of time (or Kaal) and its cycles (Kaalchakra) … Thus this is also dependent upon the “Lord of time (Bhagwan Mahakaal) and his own pristine divinity (Maa Mahakaali) …
And when at a future time span, the conditions are again favorable, then the same microcosm (i.e. a world or plane or system) which had dissoluted earlier, again enters into the process of getting manifested at that particular point of the macrocosmic creation where the inertia had gotten transferred (as discussed in above paragraph) due to the push that was provided by action …
Thus even when anything is found to be dissoluted, yet it still is existent at some other point of Maker’s Makings and that currently dissoluted entity would again be re-manifesting somewhere within the macrocosmic creation, whenever the conditions of action and inertia are favorable for it to re-manifest at a future time and at a specific point (a world or plane of existence) within the same macrocosmic creation … Thus in reality everything is eternal and this statement is irrespective of the apparent cyclic existence each part (i.e. each microcosm) of the macrocosmic creation …
98-DD-7 … Importance of deep blue color in Sanatan Dharma …
Due to above stated reasons, in many paths of Sanatan Dharma this deep blue color is of a great importance and it is also due to this reason many deities are shown in a blue color …
This also is because of the fact that blue color is of inertia, which itself is the stability principle of the macrocosmic creation and since stability is the primary requirement for long lasting peace within a world, so these blue colored deities are also considered the greater amongst others within lore’s of Sanatana Dharma … And since the entirety of the macrocosmic creation is present in her subtle impressional state within each aspirant and is also the same macrocosmic creation within which each of the aspirants rests (whilst the aspirants continue to evolve) so this color also ends up maintaining an inner and outer stability within societies of humanity …
Thus a relationship to a deity of this color in turn assists in keeping that society free of internal and external chaos, even within adverse situations (but except at the times when a human or divine or Manvantara or solar age cycle has begun turning to the next one i.e. this stability always there, except during Sandhikaal) …
This was also the reason for Nihang Sikhs who were as protectors and judges of societies of those times, to be given a blue colored robe … This was because of the fact that the protector and judge needs to be stable so as to lead to a stability in societies which are in their envelope of command … And it eventually was because of them that north India stayed stable and secure during erstwhile centuries and even when India was conquered by barbarian forces which has originated during the currently underway divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) …
Blue color is also present inside human microcosm and is as the aspirants mind sheath (which in Sanskrit language is also called as Manomaye Kosha) and this is also present as the orb of Ahumkara (or in other words, the orb of purified I’ness) of Anandmaye Kosha (which in Vedic lore has also been addressed as Antahkarana Chatushtaya and which in simple words, only means as the Bliss sheath and also as the Causal body and it is also pronounced as Anandamaya Kosha) … Blue color is ultimately relates to the plane of mind, which itself is an intrinsic partless-part of Aghora face of Shiva, whose sound of of Ahum (or Ahum Naad) and which is also related to macro-elemental ether (or Akasha Mahabhoot or in simple words, this can be also called as the limitless space or Akasha) and whose finality of self realization is of the Vedic Mahavakya of Yajurveda, which Vedic sages had told as Aham Brahmasmi (which in English language means as I Am That) …
98-DD-8 … Importance of orange color in Sanatan Dharma …
Orange color denotes the perfect union of the following …
- Yellow colored macrocosmic plane of knowledge, which is present within each human as their knowledge sheath (which in Vedic and Yogic texts is also called as Vijyanmaye Kosha and which in Sanskrit language is also pronounced as Vijyanamaya Kosha) and whose finality is of the macrocosmic plane of knowledge which itself is Indra Loka (or world of Devaraja Indra who self manifests out of the golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva and where Tatpurusha itself is the one who Yoga Tantra address as Ukar or Okar) and whose final realization is of the Vedic Mahavakya (which in English language means as the Great statement) of Prajnanam Brahma (which in English language can be told as Self luminous is That) … This also leads to a self realization of the golden body … The golden body is also called as the Buddha body of reality and since this body directly relates to Hiranyagarbha Brahma (i.e. golden womb of macrocosmic creation), so this body can also be called as Hiranyagarbha Sharira and has already been discussed in an earlier topic of “The being in head is Brahma” …
- Then is the Reddish colored Rudra Deva who in earlier topic was also addressed as ALA Naad (which also means as the sound of Rudra, that was discussed as Sound of ALA) … Rudra itself is the one from whom Rajoguna self manifests and Rudra is also the one who is addressed as Allah Tala in Islam … The same Rudra is also addressed as Buddha ALA (within some of the streams that relate to Buddhist lore’s), Red Kachina (this is how Rudra is addressed within the native American lore’s) and Rudra is also to whom the red shift of astronomy relates as he himself is the expansive force of the entire macrocosmic creation (and also of each microcosm) …
- When these two aspects unite to each other and that too when this union is in a balanced state of these, then it denotes the orange colored state of ALA (or Rudra Deva) …
- After accomplishment of self realization of above listed aspects (i.e. of above listed bullet points) and at some later stage, the path of self realization of such an aspirant always enters into further realization of two earlier discussed topics, one of which was of “The being in heart is Brahma” and the second topic had the header of “Raudri Rudra Yoga (which we had also called as the condition of Saguna Swaroop Stithi”) …
Thus basis above, orange color “also” denotes the union of macrocosmic attribute of action (which is of a red color and which itself is a part of Rudra Deva) to macrocosmic knowledge (which is of a yellow color and which itself is a part of Indra Deva) … This means orange color also means “intelligent action or that who is actioned under the influence and presence of supreme knowledge” …
Thus this orange color is auspicious due to the following reasons …
- Due to the orange color relating to red colored Rajoguna (of Rudra Deva) and yellow colored knowledge (or Devaraja Indra) so this color denotes the actionable state of pristine knowledge and pristine knowledgeable state of action, both of which have always been the main paths of any Yogi who wishes to enter into self realizations (or Atma Gyan) … Thus is the importance of orange color in Yoga Tantra …
- And since knowledge is not knowledge unless it is rooted in “oneness to allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Dharana)” and since Yoga itself denotes a state of union whose finality is none other than that of “union to allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Yoga)”, so the path of Yoga (or path of union) can only be that which is “based upon knowledge that can be actioned and action which is knowledgeable about allness” … And since this state relates to orange color, so the robes of Yogi’s (and Renunciate monks or Sanyasi) have continued to be of an orange color …
- This orange color also cuts of inertia which as such is a necessity for accomplishing the finality of Yoga and this is even when the primary deities who are associated to by each accomplished Yogi are of a blue color (or inertia) … The inertia a deity provides outer and inner stability and peace (i.e. peace in the environment and prevention of harm to a Yogi) and yet the orange color being of actioned knowledge is the path of life (or way of life) of the same Yogi …
- And this union of blue and orange which happens within and around (i.e. in the immediate environment) of that Yogi, also leads to self manifestation of white colored macrocosmic attribute of neutrality (or Sattvaguna) at the meeting points of these two colors …
- And as the Yogi progresses, he (or she) keeps entering into an ever higher neutrality of way of life and acquired (or self realized) knowledge and ultimately becomes neutral towards “allness and her each part i.e. the Yogi reaches a state of macro-equanimity (or macro-neutrality or Sarva Samta) which itself is and has ever remained of the Sadyojata face of Shiva (that in Vedic texts is also called as the Abode of creator or Brahmaloka) …
98-DD-9 … Neutrality at meeting points of action and inertia …
As discussed earlier, meeting of red colored action (i.e. actioned particles), leads to their stoppage and thus is the reason for self manifestation of the blue colored inertia at that point (where any two actioned particles meet each other) … And a further meeting of action and inertia, is the reason for self manifestation of neutrality …
And each time when action enters the already built up state of inertia, then actioned particles meet inertial particles and in their real-middles is manifested a very subtle white colored state of neutrality …
This neutrality is neutral towards each particle of these two primary macrocosmic attributes and these since this neutrality is towards these two primary macrocosmic attributes, so this neutrality also gets projected towards the entire macrocosmic creation because allness of macrocosmic creation is always related by these two macrocosmic attributes of action (Rajoguna) and inertia (Tamoguna) and by the attribute of neutrality (Sattvaguna) …
Thus basis above …
When two aspects which are related to the macrocosmic attribute of action meet each other (like two actional flows meeting each other) then it leads to a state of self-generation of inertia from within that union …
Continuing with above paragraph … And whenever any two opposite forces meet (like meeting of attributes of action and inertia) then at their meeting points, is self-generated a state of neutrality …
Continuing with above paragraph … And when two inertial particles are separated from each other due to effects of macrocosmic forces (of space and time) then from this separation process is generated the action (Rajoguna) …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus ultimately each of these three primary macrocosmic attributes (of Action or Rajoguna, of Inertia or Tamoguna and neutrality or Sattvaguna) ultimately recycle into each other …
And above shall be seen as fact when anyone would observe the changes of these three primary attributes over very large time spans of existence of macrocosmic creation …
By very large (as stated in above statement), I mean a time span which as a minimum is longer than “three Brahma Kalpa (i.e. the sum of three day time of creator) plus three night times of creator i.e. three Brahma Ratri … Thus, this time span means as “3 x 4.32 billion + 3 x 4.32 billion human solar years” (of Brahma Kalpa and Brahma Ratri respectively)” as per middle time units of precession … And this time span is the same as one Surya Samvatsara (which in some Sanskrit texts is also called as a Maha Kalpa) … This is the same time span that is discussed in another topic of “Pralaya and cycles of three” …
Proceeding further …
Higher is the meeting of these two opposites attributes of action and inertia, higher is the self-generation of neutrality at the point of their meeting points …
And in the real-middle of that neutrality, is the non lighted state of macrocosmic voidness (or Sarva Shunya) …
But to get to that self realization which relates to macrocosmic voidness, the intermediary states of diamond white colored macro neutrality and then the further self realization of non lightness of unbegun macrocosm shall have to be transited through by that aspirants consciousness (as prior this transit is accomplished, macrocosmic voidness can never be self realized by any aspirant) …
Thus when we see the state that was prior to the origination phase of any of the larger microcosms (i.e. universe, plane of existence or world) then the earlier present macrocosmic voidness is found to be all that was present (prior to that stage of origination of allness) … Thus was the reason for theories which state that the macrocosmic voidness (or emptiness) is base of all originated microcosm’s and macrocosm …
Thus basis above, following is a matter of fact …
- Within the middle of meeting points of two actioned particles, is inertia …
- When due to any reason, any of the two inertial aspects separate out or move away of each other, then a very subtle white colored neutrality gets originated out of this separation process and this neutrality is also enveloped by the same blue colored light of inertia …
- As also, within the middle of meeting points of action and inertia, lies the very subtle while cloud like state of neutrality (Sattvaguna) …
- And within the middle of neutrality lies the very highly luminous diamond white colored macro-neutrality, which itself is of Sadyojata face of Sadashiva … Sadyojata face is also addressed as Brahmaloka and it eventually is from Sadyojata that the “grandfather and creator of allness (I.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji)” was self manifested … And from the same “grandfather and creator of allness (I.e. Pitamah Brahma Ji)” was self originated the entire macrocosmic creation and her each part (including the three attributes which are being discussed here) …
- And enveloping the macro-neutrality is the unbegun macrocosm …
- And within the real-middle of macro-neutrality, is macrocosmic voidness or Sarva Shunya or voidness of allness or primordial nature …
- And that which pervades and envelopes all above, is the attributeless infinite being (i.e. the Nirgun Purusha), is the one who is addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar and is also addressed by other names like Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm, Paramshiva, Parmeshwara, Paramatman, Parambrahma, etc. in Vedas …
Proceeding further …
The subtle path of any Yogi’s consciousness which travels from macro-neutrality, then into unbegun macrocosm and thence to macrocosmic voidness (or voidness of allness, which in Sanskrit can also be called as Sarva Shunya), always enters into the next stage which was addressed as Shunya Brahman (or the Zero nature of Infinity, who itself is the Infinite nature of Zero) …
This is the real Shunyata of Buddhist lore’s and this concept of Shunyata (which actually is Shunya Brahman) was also taken from the much earlier knowledge of Annapurna Upanishad (as my Gurudeva of previous incarnation, i.e. Gautama Buddha, had studied the Vedas and Samkhya philosophy from his two Guru’s) and where it is told thus … Nihil of Nihilists itself is the Full of Fullists …
Above statement of Annapurna Upanishad also relates to Shunya Brahman (which is already discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT self expressed itself”) and where the term Shunya Brahman also means the non-dual union of emptiness to infinity and thus it also relates to the statement of “emptiness of infinity and infinite nature of emptiness” or in other words, the union of phrases of “emptiness of fullness and fullness of empty nature” …
Shunya Brahman is the original state of Maker’s Makings and the same is also my “eternal guide (Sanatan Gurudeva)” whom this world addresses as Sriman Naaraayana and the same is also an intrinsic partless part of the concept of Pancha Mukha Sadashiva because this state of Shunya Brahman, is also an “intrinsically unbroken and partless part” of Viraat Parabrahman Sadashiva (i.e. Pancha Mukha Sadashiva) …
And the same Sadashiva is also addressed as Bhagwan Vishvakarman (or supreme and divine architect of Maker’s Makings) in the Vedas …
98-DD-10 … Importance of white color in Sanatan Dharma …
White color is of macrocosmic attribute of neutrality i.e. Sattvaguna …
This Sattvaguna is like a very subtle white cloud like state …
If the aspirant’s subtle vehicle (consciousness vehicle or the vehicle which self realizes the subtleties of macrocosmic creation and beyond) enters this state and thence when it travels through this state whilst self realizing this state, then it feels as if that aspirants subtle vehicle is standing on the wings of an airplane which is moving at a vey high speed through a very subtle white colored cloud …
This state is also addressed as Para Prakriti, cloud nine and it is the ninth sphere of macrocosmic creation …
Ninth sphere is the first sphere that had gotten originated during the process of origination of Maker’s Makings …
The self realization of Para Prakriti ultimately leads to a later self realization of Brahmaloka (or Sadyojata face of Shiva) and the path to this self realization of Brahmaloka, always passes through the intermediary state of “Maa Anadi Shakti, (or timeless divinity)” who herself is the original seed of Maker’s Makings … We have already discussed Maa Anadi Shakti in an earlier topic that had the header of “The being in eye is Brahma” …
The Ninth sphere of Maker’s Makings is also the sphere of Bodhisattva’s i.e. those beings whose knowledge sheath (which in Vedic and Yogic lore’s is also named as Vijyanmaye Kosha) is purified and has unioned to Sattva (neutrality) and thus their knowledge (and consequent abilities) has already attained a universal state … Such ones are only awaiting the ripeness and rightness of their evolutionary process to enter a “gross world system (i.e. physical world, like this one)” for one last and final time prior they shall also walk the last pathless partless path (that in earlier topics was also addressed as Brahmpath) and thence exit out of allness and her each part (i.e. enter into Kaivalya Moksha) …
The deity of this sphere is Maa Adi Shakti who is also addressed as primordial Buddha Samantabhadri in Buddhist lore’s …
98-DD-11 … Meditation on Triguna or three macrocosmic attributes …
This part shall be discussed in three parts which relate to each of the three macrocosmic attributes …
A … Meditation on Tamoguna (macrocosmic attribute of inertia) …
The path of meditation of Tamoguna directly leads to a self realization of Aghora face of Sadashiva as Aghora itself is the finality of path of self realization through meditation on Tamoguna … This self realization of Aghora denotes that stage of evolution, where the aspirant moves (or evolves) beyond Tamoguna itself …
This path of Sadashiva also passes through the below listed earlier discussed topics as listed below …
- “Path of Ahum Naad” … This path also passes through the discussions in another topic of …
- “Relation of Ahum Naad to Brahmanaad” … Then were the discussions of another topic of …
- “Aghora and Ahumkara” … This path also passes through the discussions in another topic of …
- “Aghora and Samantabhadra” … This path also passes through the discussions in another topic of …
- “Aghora and one moment of eternity” … Then were the discussions of another topic of …
- “Aghora and Ayaam or dimensions” … This path also passes through the discussions in another topic of …
- “Aghora and I Am That I Am”… Then were the discussions of another topic of …
- “Aghora and eternal life” … This path also passes through the discussions in another topic of …
- “Aghora in later systems” … Then were the discussions of another topic of …
- “Aghora, form and formless” … This path also passes through the discussions in another topic of …
- “Aghora, Manas and Yoga” … Then were the discussions of another topic of …
- “Aghora and Swayam Stithi of Guna” … This path also passes through the discussions in another topic of …
- “Aghora, Apra and Para Prakriti” … Then were the discussions of another topic of …
- “Aghora and supreme knowledge” … This path also passes through the discussions in another topic of …
- “Aghora and Mann Brahma” … Then were the discussions of another topic of …
- “Aghora and absence of differences” … Then were the discussions of another topic of …
- “Aghora and Akasha Mahabhoot” … This path also passes through the discussions in another topic of …
- “Aghora and emanation of macrocosmic attributes”… Then were the discussions of another topic of …
- “Aghora, Sookshma Sharira and Manomaye Kosha” …
- “Aghora as higher of Yoga Tantras” … Then were the discussions of another topic of …
- “Furthering on Aghora” … This path also passes through the discussions in another topic of …
- “Aghora in various paths” … Then were the discussions of another topic of …
- “Sookshma Sharira Yoga Aghora” … This path also passes through the discussions in another topic of …
- “From Ahum to ALA Naad” … Then were the discussions of another topic of …
- “From Ahum to ALA” … This path also passes through the discussions in another topic of …
- “Ahum to ALA … Continues” …
B … Meditation on Rajoguna (macrocosmic attribute of action) …
After completion of above is the stage of meditation on Rajoguna always leads to self realization of the following …
- Self realization of earlier topics of “Rudra Deva … ALA Naad” and then the self realizations of another topic of “Proceeding into ALA Naad” which were followed by self realizations of another topic of “Rudra … The one … But in many” and the self realizations of another topic of “Light of ALA Naad within” in addition to the self realizations of another topic of, “Aghora, Rudra, Shivalingam … Untold aspects” and which eventually led to the self realizations of another topic o, “Rudra within Rudra … Itself within itself” …
- But if the path to Rajoguna is through the earlier stage of self realization of Tamoguna, then prior above bullet point is self realized, the aspirant always passes through the earlier topics of ““From Ahum Naad to ALA Naad” and the discussions of the earlier topic of “From Ahum to ALA” in addition to the discussions of another earlier topic of “Ahum to ALA … Continues” …
C … Meditation on Sattvaguna (macrocosmic attribute of neutrality) …
Meditation of Sattvaguna leads to the realization of Para Prakriti and thence it also leads to the self realization of “Sadyojata face of Sadashiva” …
But if the path of the aspirant passes through Tamoguna then prior that aspirant self realizes Sadyojata face, that aspirant always enters into self realization of the following earlier topics …
- “What Shiva Taraka Naad” … This also takes the aspirants consciousness to another self realization that was discussed in the topic of …
- “What Raam Naad” … And another self realization that was discussed in the topic of …
- “Raam Naad … Across paths” … And the self realization that was discussed in the topic of …
- “Stages of Shakti Shiva Yoga” … And another self realization that was discussed in the topic of …
- “Stages of Shakti Shiva Yoga … Continues” … And the self realization that was discussed in the topic of …
- “Raam Naad … The base” … And another self realization that was discussed in the topic of …
- “Raam Naad is of Raam Bhadra” … And the self realization that was discussed in the topic of …
- “Raam Naad and Prakriti Purusha Yoga” … And another self realization that was discussed in the topic of …
- “Shakti Shiva Yoga in plexus” … And the self realization that was discussed in the topic of …
- “Shakti Shiva Yoga and Bhadri Bhadra Yoga” … And another self realization that was discussed in the topic of …
- “Raam Naad and Pranamaye Manomaye Yoga” … And the self realization that was discussed in the topic of …
- “Raam Naad and Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara” … And the self realization that was discussed in the topic of …
- “Raam Naad and Nirbija Samadhi” … And another self realization that was discussed in the topic of …
- “Raam Naad, Prayagraj and Kashi” … And the self realization that was discussed in the topic of …
- “Raam Naad and Yin Yang union” … And another self realization that was discussed in the topic of …
- “Raam Naad and body of Christ” … And the self realization that was discussed in the topic of …
- “Raam Naad and Ouroboros” …
And this path also passes through the earlier discussed entire set of topics on …
- “Ashtama Chakra … Eighth plexus” … Which itself leads to the self realization of …
- “Khakaar Naad … Sound of Kha” … And which eventually ends in the self realization of …
- “Dakaar Naad … Sound of Da” …
And this path also leads to self realization of further topics of …
- “Randra … Secret door” … Then was the self realization of discussions of the earlier topic of …
- “Nirgunyana … Pancha Randra” … And then was the self realization of another earlier topic of …
- “Nirgunyana … Agyarandra” … And the self realization of discussions of another earlier topic of …
- “Hridayarandra … Devayana” … And the self realization of discussions of another earlier topic of …
- “Hridayarandra … Parayana” … And the self realization of discussions of another earlier topic of …
- “Lingams within and beyond” … And also those self realizations that relate to the earlier discussed set of topics on …
- “Siddha Sharira and Loka” …
And thence is the self realizations of the following faces of Shiva …
- “Sadyojata face of Sadashiva” … And then at some later stage is the self realization of …
- “Vamadeva face of Shiva” …
Thus meditation of Sattvaguna eventually leads to self realization of vast number of divinities … And it primarily was due to our discussed reasons that Yoga Tantra and Vedas have given a very high importance to adopting Sattvaguna and thus a Satvik way of life …
Vedic statement (or Vedic Vakya) of Guna Brahma
Due to the above discussed reasons and the later stage of a final state of liberation that can also be arrived through meditations on the three macrocosmic attributes (i.e. Triguna) Vedic sages had told the statement of “Guna Brahma”, which means “attributes are supreme” and this also means “attributes are a self expression of the supreme being” and this also means “meditation on macrocosmic attributes is also an authentic path to self realization of the supreme being and a final liberation” …
98-DD-12 … Eternal recycling nature of macrocosmic creation …
This discussion itself is the basis of eternity of existence of the macrocosmic creation …
And this fact regarding eternity of macrocosmic creation’s existence is very clearly told in Brahmasutras where it is told that the “macrocosmic creation is also as eternal as the absolute being (Brahm)” …
This can be understood in three parts of “during cyclic origination, after cyclic origination and during cyclic dissolution” …
A … During cyclic origination …
- Prior origination, emptiness was all that was …
- During origination, the self balancing attributes of action and inertia are simultaneously originated out of neutrality …
- At the stage of origination, action and inertia are self balancing each other, and thus neutrality is all that is existent … Thus Vedas say that everything has originated out of neutrality of Sattvaguna …
- So at this stage, none of the grosser microcosm’s are originated and thus macrocosmic creation is continuing in her original subtlety of being only existent as the ninth sphere (of Para Prakriti) which we have already discussed earlier on in this topic …
B … After cyclic origination …
- After originated, when action meets other action, inertia is generated …
- After action passes through the generated inertia, then actioned particles end up meeting inertia and thus neutrality is generated at their meeting points …
- This and above discussion of this part of the topic is denoting the eternal recycling nature of the three attributes “into each other, from each other and within each other and by each other” …
- And whilst these attributes are continuously recycling into each other, this recycling (of attributes) also leads to the requisite minor instability, which further leads self origination of vast types and numbers of varied microcosmic states (i.e. all sorts of subtler and gross states of microcosm’s) within the Maker’s Makings …
- Each of these self originated states are holding a different quantum or percentage of action, inertia and neutrality within them … This leads to variety of these originates states as far as their characteristics and deeds (doings or ways of life) are concerned and which itself leads to the pluralistic state of Maker’s Makings …
- But yet in addition to above bullet point, all these are eventually related to the same three attributes (or Triguna) so this is what leads to the essential monist nature of Maker’s Makings …
- As long as action continues at a point and that too within its own relative balance to inertia and that too inside and around each of the microcosm’s, the microcosmic and macrocosm creation continues to exist in a cyclic fashion because the process of cyclic origination, cyclic existence and cyclic dissolution keeps continuing across all points of the vast space of the macrocosmic creation …
- Thus when something is originating at a point within the macrocosmic space, then simultaneously something else is dissoluting at another point in the same macrocosmic space itself … This fact is also related to another discussed topic of “Inter convertibility of allness” in addition to being related to another topic of “Light, energy and Kundalini Shakti” …
C … During cyclic dissolution …
- When action suddenly increases, then inertia is also originated suddenly and in the same quantum which is necessary to balance the increase of action … Thus during the existence of a microcosm, inertia and action self balance each other, though never perfectly …
- But since inertia has a larger time of dissipation that action, so once inertia has increased, it continues to exist at the point of its origin even after action has exhausted itself at that point …
- And eventually a stage arrives where action gets overpowered by inertia …
- Thus is the stage of dissolution and death of that microcosm …
Continues …