Here we shall discuss the two primary paths of evolution … These paths are as the Brahm Marg (or the path of fullness) and Abrahm Marg (or path of nonness of fullness) …
This topic continues from the previous one that has the header of “Law of universal process” …
Two primary paths of evolution …
During my earlier incarnations and also those series of further incarnations that were had by passing through the process of transmigration of soul (or Parkaya Pravesh), there were only two primary paths of evolution … All paths that were during those already forgotten ancient times, were also resting within these two primary evolutionary paths …
These two paths were as follows …
- Brahm Marg … This was the path of fullness of allness which is very well hinted within the vast pluralistic yet monist Vedic lore … The word “Brahm” which means supreme or absolute as written here is also addressed as Para Brahman or Brahman or Nirgun Nirakaar Brahman or Nirguna Brahman, etc., and where these words (actually names of Absolute being) also denotes its eternal fullness within and beyond allness and her each part …
- Abrahm Marg … This was the path that rested in only one aspect of above told Brahm Marg, so it was an individualistic path … Word Abrahm, means that which doesn’t denote Brahman and this name was told because it doesn’t account for the fullness (or allness or completeness) of Brahman, that eternally is within and beyond allness …
Note: In Sanskrit language, when we use the letter A before a word, then it means the reverse meaning of that word … Thus the letter “A which is written prior the word Brahm” and which as such becomes as “Abrahm”, literally means “that which is not Brahm (or Brahman or Nirguna Nirakara Brahman)” … But since allness itself is Brahm (or Brahman) self expression, so here the word “Abrahm” refers to the absence of fullness of Brahm (Brahman) …
Note continues: Thus, the word Abrahm Marg, means that which doesn’t relate to the allness or fullness or completeness of Nirguna Nirakara Brahm (or Brahman) and this itself is because, it doesn’t relate to the completeness of self-expressions of Brahman and this is also in addition to not relating to the attributeless infinite aspect of Parabrahman (i.e. in addition to there being an absence of Nirgun Nirakaar aspect of Brahman in Abrahm Marg) … And this is what makes Abrahm Marg to mostly be related to Egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) because Ego is a proof of incompleteness (as a sage who rests in fullness of Brahman, would only be the one who stands beyond both ego and egoless aspects) …
Describing Brahm Marg and Abrahm Marg …
Everything, everywhere and everyone is a self-expression, self-manifestation and self presence of the ever same “attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakara Brahman or simply Brahman)” …
And the three primary self-expressed aspects of Brahman (or Para Brahman) are as follows …
- Saguna Sakara … This means that which is in an attributed form … Or in other words, that which holds attributes and also has a form …
- Saguna Nirakara … This means that which is in an attributed formless condition … Or in other words, that which holds attributes and is also formless …
- Nirguna Nirakara … This means as that which is attributeless formless … Or in other words, that which is attributeless and is also formless and where if the word formless is used with the word attributeless, then it only ends up making that formless to be none other than the infinite …
- In above three primary types, the first two denote the primary aspects of self expression of Brahman … And the third (or lattermost one) is denoting the self-expresser of allness (or Brahman) itself … And where the first two are also proceeding towards the lattermost one (i.e. Nirguna Nirakaar) or original aspect of Brahman …
- But there also are other self-expressed aspects of Brahman, which can be known by revisiting an earlier topic of “As IT eventually became” …
Now basis above, we discuss the Brahm Marg and Abrahm Marg …
- Brahm Marg … The path of fullness of Brahman … Within Brahm Marg, the fullness of Brahman, which includes all of the above three aspects and also those aspects which were discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT eventually became” is accounted for …
- Abrahm Marg … The path of nonness of fullness of Brahman … Within Brahm Marg, the fullness of Brahman, which includes all of the above three aspects and also those aspects which were discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT eventually became” is “not accounted” for … This is because, the Abrahm Marg only relates to the middle of above three aspects, i.e. Sagun Nirakaar …
Thus, basis above …
In Brahm Marg … Due to fullness of Brahman being accounted for, this path is eventually based within the intrinsic pluralism and essential monism of Makers Makings i.e. in this path, all roads lead to the same home and thus it really doesn’t matter which path anyone adopts, for there really are too many paths to reach the same home …
And due to this fullness, the God of this path is worshipped by variety of ways like those written below …
- Various statues and statues of various Gods, which relate to the Sagun Sakaar (attributed yet in form) aspect of Brahman …
- Various formless aspects of various Gods are also related to and these relate to the Sagun Nirakaar (attributed yet formless) aspect of Brahman …
- And yet within and beyond above two aspects (i.e. permeating and enveloping above two aspects) is Brahman in IT’s own attributeless infinite aspect (i.e. Nirguna Nirakara aspect of Brahman), which is also considered in this Brahm Marg …
- And in addition to all above, Brahman is also considered as a Lingam or Linga (the word Linga or Lingam means a symbol) and where that Lingam (or Linga) may be a physical one or may even be a letter or can even be as a seed sound … Thus, is the basis of the concept of Shivalingam and the Sanskrit symbol of OM as OM is also denoting the pristine symbol of Brahman, i.e. Brahmlingam …
And contrary to above,
In Abrahm Marg … Due to absence of fullness of Brahman, this path is invariably based within individualistic aspects and thus is resting within one of another aspects of monotheism … And where that monotheistic God is also Saguna Nirakara i.e. the God of this path is a formless one and yet has attributes (qualities) associated to it … Thus, all Gods that have ever been within the Abrahm Marg have always been with qualities and yet have been formless … This itself is the basis of all Abrahamic faiths of today …
Separation of Brahm and Abrahm Marg around 2000 BC due to a flood …
And even when both paths were a part of the same great grandmother of all philosophies (i.e. Sanatan Dharma), yet when I subtly study the macrocosmic impressions (that exist of that time and can be studied within the consciousness plane of this planet) so as to know the time span of their separation, then I also see that on/around (or slightly prior to) about 2000 BC, the adherents of these two paths, who were residing on the banks of the river Indus, got separated and thus Sanatana Dharma was broken into two parts …
This separation was due to a very big flood that came in the Indus river and during this flood, the followers of the Brahm Marg went eastwards (i.e. towards present day India) and the followers of the Abrahm Marg went towards western direction (i.e. towards present day western world) … Thus, Dharma (Sanatana Dharma) was broken into two parts at this time …
And after these two paths were separated from each other, That sage who was the learned one of the Abrahm Marg, came to be known as prophet Abraham and it eventually was on his path (of Abrahm) the Abrahamic faiths of today have been standing …
But the fact still remains, that within their root state, both these were and still remain as intrinsic partless parts of the same Dharma (Sanatan Dharma or Veda Dharma) …
Basic differences of Brahm and Abrahm Marg …
- Brahm Marg can relate to anything, right from egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) or egoless Gods (Anabhimani Devata), for Gods of form and even to formless Godly aspects, to a symbol (Lingam), to an atom and even to the infinite … This is because Brahm Marg accounts for allness (or fullness or completeness) of Brahman, and thus this Brahm Marg also includes Brahman’s self expressions as beings of form or even in formless states …
- But Abrahm is limited to attributed formless aspect of Brahman’s self-expression and it is this attributed formless part, which leads to a state where Abrahm can only relate to Egoistic Gods … Due to this, Abrahm Marg is always a limited path of evolution and this is what makes it primarily to relate to one or another Egoistic God only …
Differences in ways of life between Brahm Marg and Abrahm Marg …
- Ways of life of Brahm Marg … Since Brahm Marg relates to the fullness of Brahman and also to the wholeness of Brahman’s self-expressions as allness and her each part, so Brahm Marg is always related to Pluralistic ways of life and yet it essentially remains monist … The
- Ways of life of Abrahm Marg … Since Abrahm Marg (and its Godhead) doesn’t relate to fullness (or completeness or wholeness) of Brahman and Brahman’s self-expressions, so Abrahm Marg is always individualistic (monotheistic) …
Limitations of Abrahm Marg … And its Gods …
Here we shall discus some of the main limitations (or else this part of the topic would become very huge) … These main limitations are as follows …
- Inability to take an Avatar … Thus such Gods need messengers …
Since the Godhead of Abrahm Marg doesn’t associate to the fullness of Brahman and its self-expressions and thus that Godhead only relates to attributed formless aspect of Brahman, so that God also cannot directly descend to a lower world (like this one) in a human or other form …
This incapability is due to the fact, that to directly descend (i.e. take an Avatar) that Godhead would need to come in an attributed form (Sagun Nirakaar) state … But since that Godhead doesn’t even relate to this Sagun Nirakara (attributed form) state, so that Godhead also cannot attain it …
And this limitation of inability to attain to take an Avatar is what leads to a state where such Gods need messengers to enter into a world and spread their word around …
Note: And on the contrary, the God of Brahm Marg (i.e. Brahman) doesn’t have this limitation and thus Avataran (direct descent of the Absolute being) is possible and this is even when that Supreme being is essentially attributeless and also infinite in IT’s originality …
- Being a creator who is incapable of being the creation …
Since the Godhead of Abrahm Marg doesn’t associate to the fullness of Brahman and its self-expressions and thus that Godhead only relates to attributed formless (i.e. Saguna Nirakaar) aspect of Brahman, so that God also cannot be the fullness of all that is as the cosmic creation …
Thus, such Gods claim themselves to be the creators, but have a severe lack of being their own creation and this is what leads to a state, where if something goes wrong in their own creation, then because they themselves are not their own creation, so they also cannot control that chaos …
That God who though claims himself to be the creator, but yet is not the creation (i.e. all that it creates) so such a God would also be seen to be incompetent to control that severe “once a history aspect of chaos”, should it manifest inside his own creation …
Unless the creator himself is his own creation and the creation process, that creator would always be incomplete … And this is one of the limitations of all Gods of all Abrahm Marg that have ever been during the entirety of history of Makers Makings …
Thus, this limitation, eventually becomes the reason for the below described limitation …
- Non-eternity of existence of their philosophy … Self proclaimed end time
During the eternity of existence of Maker’s Makings that has already passed till now, there were times when all nothing could have worked other than the supreme being (attributeless infinite being or Nirguna Nirakara Brahman or simply Brahman) himself descending to a world in a human or other form (i.e. attributed form or Saguna Sakara state), taking over the change of that world and setting things right on that world …
But sadly, because these Gods of Abrahm Marg don’t relate to Saguna Sakara (i.e. attributed form which also includes the human bodied form) aspect of Brahman’s self expression, so they are incapable of this direct descent …
And at such times (as described in above paragraph) the direct descent of the supreme being (i.e. a direct Avatar) remains as only option because beyond a certain value of spread of nonsense (trouble) messengers of Gods are pretty useless as far as rendering a final solution is concerned …
No messenger of any God has ever had that capability to solve a problem that is universal in its nature and thus that trouble has already spread into all ways and walks of life of that worlds inhabitants …
And this is why the philosophy of every God (egoistic God) of Abrahm Marg has always had an end time already stated in it … And where that end time is also pretty soon, say within a few millenniums of existence of that philosophy …
Note: And contrary to above discussed aspect, the philosophy of Brahm Marg where a direct descent (i.e. Avataran) of the supreme being (Parambrahma) is possible, there is always a philosophy of that wheel of time which is eternally moving (or eternal cycles of time or Kaalchakra) …
- Cyclic chaos …
Incompleteness of a philosophy that is associated to, leads to an incompleteness of path and systems which in turn leads to an absence of wholeness within the aspirant …
But since the reality that is within an aspirant (i.e. the innermost essence or Atman or simply, the spirit) knows itself in its own fullness and this is even when the aspirant doesn’t know this fact (of inner fullness), so when incompleteness (or absence of fullness) in a path (or philosophy) is related to, then eventually it leads to an inner insecurity within the adherents of that philosophy … And this is why, converting the entire world to that philosophy, is an intrinsic part of all paths that relate to Abrahm Marg …
And when above insecurity is coupled with a “higher than the sky” Egoism of that Godhead of Abrahm Marg, then cycles of peace and chaos is what it leads to …
And as times progress, due to this incompleteness of Abrahm Marg, the frequency of cycles of chaos and quantum of chaos also increase … And ultimately prior any Abrahm Marg ends its temporary existence within a world, the chaos always reaches a state where it has already spread into all ways and walks of life of its adherents (and thus humanity, if its adherents are already as majority on that world) …
There has never been any Abrahm Marg which was not based upon one or another aspect of individualism (i.e. monotheism) … And as a matter of fact, there can never be a monotheism which can lead to long lasting state of peace within a world because monotheism always tries to rule over others, converting others and this is even when it may portray itself as otherwise … Thus, Abrahm Marg, its egoistic God and its monotheistic ways can never be free of chaos and due to this reason, within any Abrahm Marg, the cyclic manifestations of chaos and peace are always there …
So, if this world wants their future generations to be at peace (I mean long lasting peace) then the only option would be to relinquish monotheism and bring monotheism to such a state, as if it never even existed … But this state is exactly where this world is being led within the currently underway process of change of human ages (Manav Yuga) and when the process of this change of human ages (Manav Yuga) completes and thence the next human age (human golden age, which would be an age of sages or Guru Yuga) starts, pluralistic monism (i.e. Vedic way of life) is what would be the way of life of humanity of that time …
End Note: As of now, we already are living in the end stage of above discussions, so the chaos which would be coming by in the next few years, would also be of vast types, proportions and spread that ultimately would be visible in all ways and walks of life and would be manmade, natural and also of a divine nature … But suchness always happens during that change of human age, which is leading to the golden age of man (i.e. Guru Yuga or Age of Sages) as at such a stage of time cycles (i.e. wheel of time) the entirety of Abrahm Marg is being ended within its independent existence (that has been since the last 4000 plus years i.e. from around about 2000 BC) … And due to the effect of this change of age, as this world keeps moving closer to 2028 AD (i.e. the middle point of the last part of this Sandhi Kala), the chaos would also keep spreading in ever greater aspects of humanity … So basis the knowledge of time and its cycles, I know that this world is already standing on the brink of that global chaos which is subtly referred here and which would ultimately be leading to a great reset of the present ways of life of humanity and thus prepare humanity for adopting the ways of life of that incoming human age cycle that as such is of the Guru Yuga (or Age of sages) and which loosely is termed as the human golden age (Manav Satyuga or Manav Kritayuga or human age of truth) …
Continues …