The earlier painted figure of Ujjayi Naad (sound of victory) where the dull yellow colored macro-elemental earth (i.e. Bhu Mahabhoot or Prithvi Mahabhoot) is shown shall remain valid for this discussion also … Here we also discuss relation of Ujjayi to Bhu Devi or Mother Earth …
JJ … Ujjayi Naad, Bhu Mahabhoot, Prithvi Mahabhoot, Bhu Devi, Mother Earth …
As far as this topic of Ujjayi Naad is concerned, we have discussed that Ujjayi Naad means and represents the following …
- Ujjayi Naad means the sound of victory … Thus a realization of Ujjayi Naad denotes a victory over allness i.e. the aspirant who realizes this sound is the victor of allness …
- We had also discussed that it denotes the macro-elemental earth i.e. Bhu Mahabhoot or Prithvi Mahabhoot …
- It is from the macro-elemental earth, that all gross earthly bodies (i.e. right from an atom till the celestial and universal bodies) and all holders of subtle earthly bodies (i.e. divine beings, Gods and all that is in a form or formless states etc.) are manifested …
- Macro-elemental earth is also denoting the subtle and gross self-manifestations of the Supreme divinity who is addressed as Maa Adi Parashakti … This is because it eventually is from the Supreme divinity that the macro-elemental earth gets self-manifested within the Maker’s Makings …
- The entire multi-universe, its five macro-elements (i.e. ether, air, light or fire or luminosity or heat, water and earth), the three attributes (i.e. action, inertia and neutrality) and all that is apparent or non-apparent, are none other than one or another self-manifestation of the Supreme divinity only …
- This Supreme divinity itself is an intrinsic partless-part of the attributeless infinite Absolute-being (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) … This is because the Absolute being and its Supreme divinity are eternally resting within their perfect non-dual union to each other and thus are something like the sun and its light which cannot be separated from each other or known separately from each other … Due to this reason, these two (Supreme being and Supreme divinity) cannot be known separately from each other and yet the aspirant be able to undergo through the fullness of self-realization and also through the fullness of realization of allness … That aspirant who knows that which is subtly inferred here, is also the knower of the fact that divinity within (the aspirant) itself is the divinity within whose envelopes that aspirants physical vehicle resides and thus such an aspirant knows that inner is outer itself (and vice versa of this statement is also true) …
- We had also discussed that the non-manifest (or subtle) and manifest (or gross) multi-universal macrocosmic creation is rooted in the macro-elemental earth (i.e. Bhu Mahabhoot) only … It was due to this reason that the entire corpus of “gross and subtle manifestations of earth” was also termed as “Bhoomi” in Vedas and the aspirants who had self-realized this fact and thus had qualified to walk all the subtle and gross earthly aspects (i.e. Bhoomi) were addressed as Bhooma (or the ones who roam the grounds of allness, unrestricted) … And since the primary Bhooma itself is the Bhagwan (i.e. the Being that ever is), so Bhagwan was also addressed as Bhooma in Vedas and the same is also applicable to all self-realized, all-realized aspirants who end up uniting to Bhagwan (i.e. the lord of allness) because when a drop of water unites to the ocean, then it becomes the ocean itself …
- We had also discussed that from the Supreme divinity (i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti) is self-originated the macro-elemental earth (Bhu Mahabhoot) and it is due to this reason, Bhu Mahabhoot is naught but a self-manifested divinity of the Supreme divinity (or Maa Adi Parashakti) only … And since the entire macrocosmic creation is originated out of the macro-elemental earth, so the divinity of macro-elemental earth, which itself is the self-manifested state of the Supreme divinity, was addressed as Bhu Devi in Vedas … Bhu means Earth and Devi means divinity (or mother) … All philosophical concepts where the term “Mother Earth” is used, are eventually referring to the primordial Vedic knowledge of Bhu Devi only …
- Bhu Devi in her own primary attributeless-infinite state (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Awastha) is none other than Supreme divinity (Maa Adi Parashakti) … And the same Bhu Devi in her attributed-formless state (i.e. Sagun Nirakaar Awastha) is the macro-elemental earth or Bhu Mahabhoot (or Prithvi Mahabhoot) of our current discussion … And the same Bhu Devi in her attributed-form state (i.e. Sagun Sakaar Awastha) is the Bhu Devi of manifests in her human form in Vedas and is also the deity of Earth (Mother of Earth and Mother Earth) … And the same Bhu Devi was addressed as Maa Annapurna (i.e. Goddess of subtle and gross food) and also as Maa Gaiya and Gau Mata (i.e. givers of nectars of life, here and beyond) within the Vedic lore’s … The same Bhu Devi was also addressed as Mother Gaia in the much-much later western Lore’s …
- The sound of Ujjayi Naad of the sound of victory is always heard when an aspirants subtler vehicle (i.e. the subtler vehicle within an aspirant and which is the one who is the observer within the aspirant) is stationed within the attributed-formless state (i.e. Sagun Nirakaar Awastha) of Bhu Devi (Mother Earth) only … This attributed-formless state of Bhu Devi is what was addressed as Bhu Mahabhoot (or macro-elemental earth) in the Vedas and whose subtle macro-elemental attribute (i.e. Tanmatra) is of “fragrance (i.e. Gandha)” …
- Mahabhoot (i.e. macro-elements) had originated from the subtler micro-elements which as such are termed as Tanmatra … The term Tanmatra means “very small, very subtle, very little state and thus this term means a state which is like an iota of the others and which in turn means a state which is extremely subtle …
KK-1 … Ujjayi and Panch Mahabhoot …
With above as a base, we shall not discuss Bhu Mahabhoot which as such is the topic of our current discussion …
From the subtler macro-elemental attributes (i.e. Tanmatra’) the subtle macro-elements (or Mahabhoot) are originated …
From the subtle macro-elements (i.e. Mahabhoot) the gross or manifested macro-elements get originated …
There are five macro-elements (i.e. Mahabhoot) and subtle macro-elements (i.e. Tanmatra) … Within their increasing grossness (or lessness of subtlety), these are as follows …
- Akasha Mahabhoot … Macro-elemental ether … The Tanmatra of this state is sound i.e. Naad Tanmatra or Shabd Tanmatra and sense organ is ears (Shrotra) … Within the Supreme genius of the Maker’s Makings, this the first macro-element to form … And during the dissolution process, this would be the last macro-element to dissolute … This is the subtler of all macro-elements (Mahabhoot) that are discussed in below bullet points … Unlike other below discussed macro-elements, this macro-elements never turns grosser than what it originally was within the Maker’s Makings …
- Vayu Mahabhoot … Macro-elemental water … This is the 2nd Mahabhoot for form during origination process and is also the 2nd last macro-element to dissolute during the process of dissolution of anything … It is from this macro-element that the gross or manifested air is originated … The Tanmatra of this macro-element is touch (Sparsha) and its sense organ is skin (Tvak) …
- Agni Mahabhoot or macro-elemental fire … This is also addressed as Tejas Mahabhoot or macro-elemental heat-luminosity and is also told as Prakash Mahabhoot or macro-elemental light … It is from this macro-element that the gross or manifested light (or fire or heat or luminosity) is originated … It is from this macro-element that the gross or manifested light (or fire or heat) is originated … This is the middle macro-element or the one who balances others on its either sides by purifying them of their afflictions … Thus scriptures of many faiths state that the end of world is through fire or there shall be multiple suns visible or the sun shall be rising from opposite direction … All such terms are referring to the same macro-elemental fire only and within their different ways, all these statements are either denoting an excess of this macro-element or an under of this macro-element or even a reversal of characteristics of this macro-element, which as such shall be the reason for a final end of time of all that has ever begun within the Maker’s Makings … The Tanmatra of this macro-element is Form (Roop) and the sense organs are eyes (Netra or Chakshu) …
- Macro-elemental water … Aapah Mahabhoot or Jal Mahabhoot … It is from this macro-element that the gross or manifested water is originated … The Tanmatra of this macro-element is taste (Rasa) and the sense organ is tongue (Rasana) …
- Macro-elemental earth … Bhu Mahabhoot or Prithvi Mahabhoot … It is from this macro-element that the gross or manifested Earth is originated … The Tanmatra of this macro-element is fragrance (Gandha) and the sense organ is nose (Ghrana) …
KK-2 … Ujjayi and macro-elements or Mahabhoot …
Basis above discussions of hierarchies of subtlety of these macro-elements, following is also there …
- Akasha (ether or space) being the subtler amongst the five macro-elements has no pervading macro-element …
The subtle characteristic or subtle-macro-element of space (i.e. Tanmatra of Akasha) is sound or Shabd or Naad … And since space is the subtler of all other macro-elements (Mahabhoot) so its own Tanmatra (i.e. sound or Shabd or Naad) is the final realization … It was due to this reason that the Vedic lore’s were told as final as these texts were none other than a Shruti or that which is heard (by Sages) …
It was due to this reason that sound (Naad) was told to be the final proof and it also was basis this fact that the Vedas had used terms “Naad Brahm (or in other worlds, sound is absolute)” and “Shabd Brahm (seed words or root syllables are absolute or syllable’s of macrocosmic and microcosmic states denote the presence of the absolute within those macrocosmic and microcosmic states)” …
Thus Vedic lore also states that Shruti (i.e. that which is heard, which as such means the Vedas) are the Absolute …
All later knowledge systems which relate to “that which is heard (i.e. Shruti)” by their respective sages have also taken this aspect from much-much Vedic knowledge systems only …
- From Akasha Mahabhoot (ether) originates Vayu Mahabhoot (air) and thus Akasha pervades Vayu …
Thus the Tanmatra of Akash (i.e. sound) is inherently present in air (Vayu) and its Tanmatra (touch) …
As such, sound (i.e. Tanmatra of Akash or ether) is originates in ether and propagates through air …
- From the corpus of Akasha (ether) and Vayu (air) originates the Agni Mahabhoot (fire) and thus ether and air are the pervaders of fire …
Thus Akasha (ether) and Vayu (air) are inherently present in Agni (fire) …
And also, the Tanmatra of Akash (sound) and Vayu (touch) are already present within Tanmatra of Agni (i.e. form) …
Thus the Tanmatra of corpus of Akasha and Vayu (i.e. sound or vibrations and touch of feelings) originates in these two macro-elements (or Akasha and Vayu) but propagates through Tanmatra of fire (i.e. form … gross or subtler form, which also includes feelings) …
- From the corpus of Akasha (ether), Vayu (air) and Agni (fire) originates the Jal Mahabhoot (water) and thus ether, air and fire pervade water …
Thus Akasha (ether), Vayu (air) and Agni (fire) are inherently present in Jal Mahabhoot (water) …
As also, the Tanmatra of Akash (sound), Vayu (touch), Agni (light) are already present in Tanmatra of Jal Mahabhoot (i.e. taste) … As such, taste (Tanmatra of water) is already holding sound or vibrations, touch and subtle sensory form within it …
- From the corpus of Akasha (ether), Vayu (air), Agni (fire) and Jal (water) originates the Bhu Mahabhoot (Earth) and thus ether, air, fire and water pervade Bhu Mahabhoot (i.e. Earth) …
On a microscopic level, this can be self-realized as the presence of space, air, heat and fluids within and/or in-between atoms of earth element and the same also stands valid when we self-realize this on a macrocosmic level …
Thus Akasha (ether or space), Vayu (air), Agni (fire) and Jal (water) are inherently present in Bhu Mahabhoot (earth) …
As also, the Tanmatra of Akash (sound or vibrations), Vayu (touch), Agni (light, heat) and Jal (taste) are already present in Tanmatra of Bhu Mahabhoot (i.e. taste) …
Thus from above, it is clear that the other four macro-elements are subtler to the macro-elemental earth and due to this reason, the other four macro-elements are already pervading the macro-elemental earth …
KK-3 … Now we come to the stage of an analysis of above discussions …
The pervader rests within the pervaded and thus basis above, all other macro-elements are residing within macro-elemental earth itself …
Thus if any aspirant self-realizes the macro-elemental earth, then all other macro-elements and their subtler macro-elemental characteristics (i.e. Tanmatra) shall also be self realized by that aspirant …
Thus just by the self realizations of this topic, an aspirant can be a knower of allness itself and thus be the knower of the entirety of Maker’s Makings …
KK-4 … And since these macro-elements are the Aadhar (or base or root) of all the subtle or gross aspects of allness, so this in turn means, that if just the macro-elemental earth is self-realized, then because every other base or root element (i.e. the other macro-element) is already present within the macro-elemental earth (as the other four macro-elements are permeating or pervading the macro-elemental earth), so the other four macro-elements and their subtle characteristics (i.e. Tanmatra) can also be realized by an aspirant who self-realizes the macro-elemental earth (i.e. Bhu Mahabhoot) which has the “sound of victory (i.e. Ujjayi Naad)” within it …
And since self-realization of anything only makes an aspirant to get stationed in that self-realized thing, so basis this, if just the macro-elemental earth is self-realized, then that aspirant is also the knower of all the other four macro-elements (Mahabhoot) and their subtler characteristics (Tanmatra) … Such a state is only denoting that the aspirant is a knower of allness and thus is the knower of Maker’s Makings …
And further to above discussions, since the sound of this macro-elemental earth itself is of Ujjayi Naad, so just by knowing this sound, an aspirant can become a knower of allness itself …
But since the divinity of macro-elemental earth is none other than that my Kula-Devi, who is addressed as Bhu Devi in the Vedas, so unless she is believed in (or rested in) by an aspirant, above state of being a self-realized one and simultaneously being a realizer of allness, cannot even be arrived at by any aspirant and this statement is irrespective of who that aspirant may believe in …
Irrespective of what is told about any greater entity in any scripture (or faith) of now or ever, unless Bhu Devi is related to, no aspirant can ever be a self-realized one and simultaneously also be a realizer of allness … Had this not been true, then this world would have been full of self-realized, all-realized sages as of now and this absence of such sages is also because of the fact that humanity left the concepts of much deeper knowledge systems that relates to Bhu Devi of Vedas …
As also a fact that concepts which relate to Bhu Devi have ever been one of the base paths during each of the human golden ages (i.e. each of the Manav Satyuga or Manav Kritayuga or human age of truth)… The human golden age cycle is also termed as an “age of sages (Guru Yuga)” when the human golden age cycle runs within the larger cycle of a divine degenerate age (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga) i.e. the current divine age cycle …
And as far as the time cycles which are applicable to this world, are concerned, since the age of sages is already standing at the doorway of this world, so within this text I could not have missed describing some parts of this very-very vast topic of self-realization, realization of allness and its relation to Bhu Mahabhoot and Ujjayi Naad (or sound of victory) …
LL … Attainments of Ujjayi …
Any aspirant who has realized what is discussed in the topic of Ujjayi Naad and has also self-realized the macro-elemental earth (Bhu Mahabhoot) in which it is heard, is also holding the following attainments …
- Yoga Chakravartin … One who has conquered the seven plexus of Yoga and the 14 planes which they denote when considering the mirror images of travel of consciousness within the aspirants microcosm …
This condition is when considering the upward and downward rise of consciousness through these seven chakras and this is what was described as Hamsa (Hum Sa) and Saham (So Hum or Sa Hum) in Yogic lore …
And the same was also told as NaMaShiVaYa(this is spoken as Namah Shivaya in Sanskrit) in the Vedic and Yogic lore because it is through this sound that the consciousness of any yogi passes …
Any Yogi who knows Hamsa, Sohum and Namah Shivaya of Yogic and Vedic lore and that too in a way which is exactly as these sounds are whilst these sounds are present within the seven chakras (seven plexuses of Yoga) and in the central channel (i.e. Sushumna Naadi) that too through a direct cognition of all these, is also the one who has pierced through and thus won over his (or her) own inner macrocosm … Such Yogi’s were the ones who were told to be stationed in the Yoga Chakravart …
- A Yoga Chakravartin is the one who ultimately becomes the Chakravartin Samraat (i.e. King of the triple worlds) …
- And it is only through this state of Ujjayi Naad and Bhu Mahabhoot, that the aspirant eventually attains the high macrocosmic status of being a Mahamanava (or the Great man among all others) …
- And such an aspirant can also self-choose to be the Avadhoot of Brahmand (Brahmavdhoot) …
- And such an aspirant can also self-choose to exit out of allness and her each part i.e. enter into a state of final liberation due to resting in a state of full, final and permanent isolation from allness and her each part … This is the state which was told as Kaivalya Moksha in Vedic lore’s …
- As also, since it is from Bhu Devi that Vedas propagate, so such an aspirant is also the knower of the full essence of Vedas … He does not need to read the Vedas to know them because he by himself is the “seer and hearer of Vedas (i.e. such an aspirant is a Brahmarishi)” …
- And finally … Since it eventually is from the original Vedic lore that all later knowledge systems have originated, so such an aspirant is also the knower of the essence of all these later knowledge systems (i.e. all later religions and philosophies) … And it is also due to this reason, such an aspirant also holds the divinity which “unites all parts of allness” to each other in a fuller whole …
- Thus such an aspirant is also addressed as the “friend of all that ever is” i.e. Mitra … And coincidently my Sanskrit name of the previous incarnation, which Gurudeva Gautama Buddha had blessed me with, was also meaning the same … And he had named me thus (spiritually) only due to above attainments which were already there with me prior I had even become his little student during my previous incarnation …
Thus basis above, just through the self-realization of Ujjayi Naad, can all above be attained by an aspirant …
Those who practice the Ujjayi Naad correctly (i.e. those who ensure that correct vibrations are generated through this practice) also begin walking unto the path which leads to all the attainments that were told in above bullet points and were also told in other parts of this slightly long topic …
Thus is the importance of this topic of Ujjayi and Bhu Mahabhoot (or Prithvi Mahabhuta) …
This discussion continues …