The figure of the first sub-part of this topic stands valid for this one also … This topic would discuss relation of Ujjayi Naad and Ujjayi Swaas to Dharana, Brahmand Dharana (i.e. oneness to allness) and finally to Brahmand Yoga (union to allness) …
GG-1 … Brahmand Yoga … Union to allness …
Firstly we shall have to clarify the term “Brahmand Yoga” …
The word “Brahmand” means entirety of allness and her each part … Thus this term also means the entirety of Maker’s Makings (or Brahmand) …
Yoga means union … The fullness of union is only arrived when it is to allness and her each part … Thus, unless Yoga itself is to Brahmand, Yogi has still not arrived at the fullness of union to allness, which the term Yoga finally means … Yoga to any of the other lesser or larger parts of Maker’s Makings (i.e. Vishvaroop Brahma or Brahmand) is thus not the finality to which the word Yoga eventually refers …
Thus basis above discussions, there really was no need to write the term Brahmand prior Yoga, because the finality of Yoga itself is to Brahmand only …
But because as of now, this term “Yoga” has been reduced to material and other lesser aspects, so to prevent such fallacies and incompleteness from entering into the discussions of this topic at a later time span, I have had to use a term of “Brahmand Yoga” even when I have meant only what the highest meaning of the term “Yoga” itself is and has been discussed here …
Only because the path of speeding up of evolutionary process, which Yoga really is, has now been reduced to acquiring mere material and/or immaterial aspects, so out of no choice I have had to use the word Brahmand prior the word Yoga … And this is even when the Gantavya (or finality) of the word Yoga itself is as a union to Brahmand …
When humanity corrupts a subtle evolutionary knowledge system due to using it for gaining materials and immaterial aspects, then restoration of that knowledge only leads to expansion of that knowledge system … And this topic is a proof of same fact only …
GG-2 … Brahmand Dharana or Oneness to allness and Ujjayi Naad …
Earlier on in this topic, we had discussed the following …
- Ujjayi means victory or victorious … Victory is always over allness …
- Naad means sound …
- So Ujjayi Naad or simply Ujj means “Sound of Victory over allness” …
- This sound relates to macro-elemental earth (i.e. Prithvi Mahabhoot or Bhu Mahabhoot) …
- This sound is also related to the path of a Yoga Chakravart … Thus this is also the path of any of Chakravartin Samraat …
- And this sound also relates to the status of being a Brahmavdhoot i.e. Avadhoot of the entirety of Maker’s Makings or in other words, being an Avadhoot Rishi of the 14 leveled macrocosmic creation (I.e. an Avadhoot of the entire Chatur Dus Bhuvanatmak Brahmand) …
- The term Brahmavdhoot also refers to those who were Avadhoot even prior they were born within a world … Thus the term Brahmavdhoot also refers to that Yogi who is an “Avadhoot prior entering or arriving or being born in a physical world system” …
- This sound (i.e. Ujjayi Naad) is an intrinsic part of the Knowledge of Vishvaroop Brahma (knowledge of Maker’s Makings or Brahmand) …
- This sound also relates to my Kula-Devi who originally was addressed as Bhu Devi (Mother earth) and she is and has also been a revered deity in many later systems (i.e. those knowledge and practice systems which came by during the last few millenniums) …
- Manifestation (or accomplishment) of Chakravart is only if Bhu-Devi blesses that Yogi … Thus unless Bhu Devi is related to (i.e. subtly meditated upon) by a Yogi, that Yogi cannot ever arrive at the stage of Yoga Chakravart … And unless this stage of Yoga Chakravart is arrived at by a Yogi, that Yogi also cannot be a Chakravartin …
- This sound denotes an aspirant’s victory over the entirety of allness and her each part and thus such a one is also termed as the Yogi who has already conquered allness that is within and beyond him (or her) +++ …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph as this is what needs to be discussed in this topic and thence its further relation to Brahmand Yoga and Ujjayi Naad …
+++ In above paragraph I have written “within and beyond him (or her)” as the Yogi’s microcosm (and also the microcosm of each aspirant) is only a partless-part of the macrocosm within whose envelopes that Yogi (and each aspirant) resides …
+++ Thus when a Yogi conquers his (or her) inner subtler-impressional macrocosm (i.e. the Yogi self-realizes his or her own inner Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand), then the outer macrocosm within which that Yogi resides is also deemed to have been conquered by that Yogi …
+++ This is because the inner macrocosm itself is the subtler impressional counterpart (Sookshma Samskarik Awastha) of the outer manifest (Sthool-Prakat) macrocosm within whose envelopes that Yogi’s physical vehicle rests and which itself is due to the fact that the microcosm (or a Yogi or any aspirant) itself is a microcosmic self-manifested state of the greater macrocosm …
+++ Due to above, the entire macrocosm within its subtle-impressional state is also present within each aspirant (including the Yogi of our current discussion) and this itself is in addition to the fact that the microcosm of that Yogi (and each aspirant) is also simultaneously resting within the vast envelopes of the manifest state of the same macrocosm …
+++ Thus in reality the impressional state of macrocosm which is present within that Yogi (and is also present within each aspirant) is the same as the manifest macrocosm within whose envelopes that Yogi’s physical vehicle rests …
+++ Thus when the inner subtler macrocosm is conquered by that Yogi (i.e. it is fully self-realized and thence that Yogi has evolved beyond the macrocosm), then the outer manifest macrocosm is also deemed to have been conquered by that Yogi because of the fact that “inner and outer no different from each other as they ultimately are the same macrocosm only” …
+++ Thus as far as the microcosm of any aspirant is concerned, each aspirant is enveloped and pervaded by the greater manifest macrocosm only i.e. the aspirants microcosm is enveloped by the manifest or physically present macrocosm … And simultaneously the aspirants microcosm is also pervaded (or permeated) by the subtle-impressional (Sookshma Samskarik) and thus the parental macrocosm from which the gross or manifest macrocosm and each microcosm had originated within the Maker’s Makings …
+++ From the subtle impressional macrocosm originated the manifest macrocosm and microcosm and since that subtler impressional microcosm itself is within your own gross-manifest microcosm, so in reality you are the parental macrocosm in your own subtle impressional state (which is within you and thus is pervading your own microcosm) and yet simultaneously, you in your originated gross physical state also remain as the manifested gross or physical microcosm … This paragraph is applicable to each microcosm irrespective of whether he or she lives within this physical gross world system like this one or is living within a subtler heavenly world systems of beyond …
+++ The entire process of Yoga which as such is rested in Brahmand Dharana (i.e. oneness to allness and her each part) only leads you to the parental subtler-impressional macrocosmic state (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand Awastha) which is the pervader of your own physically present gross microcosm (i.e. your own physical vehicle) and thus that subtler impressional macrocosm (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) is eternally present within you …
+++ Basis above it is pretty clear that your own union to your own inner subtler impressional macrocosm is what “union to allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Yoga)” actually means …
+++ The subtle impressional macrocosm (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) is from which your physical microcosm had originated within the Maker’s Makings and union to this is what Brahmand Yoga actually means … But this is only self-realized after you rest in a state of “union to allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Yoga) …
+++ When you evolve to stage where you have gone past the barriers of being a microcosm and thus your own inner beingness comes under a unity to the entirety of allness and her each part, then this condition denotes entering into the state of Brahmand Yoga itself …
+++ Continuing with above paragraph … Within the Vedic lore’s, the reality of above paragraphs was stated in a simile of Ghatakash and Mahakash … When the little (or microcosmic) space which is within an earthen pot (i.e. Ghatakash) merges to the macrocosmic space (Mahakash) in whose envelopes that earthen pot resides, then the same union as is being discussed here (i.e. Brahmand Yoga) is arrived at by that earthen pot (earthen pot is a simile of an aspirant) … The same is also applicable to any aspirant who enters into the subject of our discussion i.e. Brahmand Yoga …
+++ As also, unless paths which are based upon “inner oneness to allness and her each part (i.e. based upon Brahmand Dharana)” are adopted, the next stage of “union to allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Yoga)” cannot even be arrived at …
+++ And unless the stage of “union to allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Yoga)” is arrived at, the next stage of let go of allness and her each part, cannot be entered into …
+++ And unless a full and permanent let go of allness and her each part is arrived at, you cannot even be “isolated from allness and her each part (i.e. you cannot enter into Kaivalya Moksha)” …
+++ The term Kaivalya means the same as Moksha … Moksha means a full and permanent isolation from allness and her each part … But to be isolated such, an earlier union to all that ever is, has to be there and to have that earlier union, a path which leads to oneness to all that ever is shall also need to be adopted …
+++ Thus as far as Yoga is concerned within its relation to the current discussion, that Yoga which is not leading to your inner union to “allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Yoga)” cannot ever lead to Kaivalya or Moksha …
+++ And the path to Brahmand Yoga can never be any other than that which is based upon an “inner oneness to allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Dharana)” …
+++ And finally, to get into an inner oneness to allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Dharana), the path cannot even be any other than that of pluralistic monism which itself is the only way of life of the entire macrocosmic creation … Thus individualism (i.e. monotheism) cannot ever lead to the stage of Kaivalya Moksha …
GG-3 … The union to allness and its final stage (Gantavya) …
Unless you are united to something, how can you let go that thing …
The same is also applicable to your evolutionary process, as unless you are unioned to the macrocosm which is within your own microcosm and which itself is the subtler impressional (i.e. parental) counterpart of the greater macrocosmic creation within which you live, how can you let go of the entire macrocosm …
Thus basis unless you are in union to the entire macrocosm i.e. you are resting in the stage of Brahmand Yoga, how can you detach from the entire microcosm … And unless you detach from the entire macrocosm, the next stage of “isolation from allness and her each part (i.e. Kaivalya Moksha)” cannot ever be arrived at by you …
Only when the entirety of Maker’s Makings is let go of, can anyone enter into a permanent isolation from entirety of Maker’s Makings … The stage after a let go of the entirety of Maker’s Makings is what Kaivalya Moksha actually is … And to get to this unity to allness was the reason for advent of the knowledge of Yoga, where “oneness to allness and her each part i.e. Brahmand Dharana” was originally told to be one of the main paths of Yoga …
And unless you have evolved beyond allness and her each part (i.e. you have evolved beyond the Maker’s Makings) what completeness of victory over allness can be there, is what needs to be pondered upon …
A victory is not victory in the real sense, unless it is over the entirety of Maker’s Makings … And only after this victory, can any aspirant arrive at ripeness and rightness to move beyond the Maker’s Makings and thus enter into Kaivalya Moksha (i.e. a final liberation which as such is none other than a state of “full and permanent isolation from allness and her each part”) …
Rest all what scriptures state with regard to liberation, emancipation, entry into heavenly worlds of such and such Gods, etc-etc., are all intermediary to what is being discussed here as Kaivalya Moksha …
And this path of Kaivalya Moksha always passes through the stage of Chakravart and that Chakravart itself is of “Ujjayi Naad or sound of victory” which is being discussed here …
But to get to self-realization of Ujjayi Naad, the aspirant has ever needed to be rested in an inner oneness to allness and her each part i.e. Brahmand Dharana which itself leads to a stage of “union of the aspirant to allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Yoga) and which itself paves the way for self-realization of Ujjayi Naad of our current discussion … And then only can the next stage of Kaivalya Moksha be arrived at …
Thus basis above, an aspirant shall have to be a Yoga Chakravartin (i.e. Yoga Chakravart) prior that aspirant can even arrive at ripeness and rightness of evolutionary standing to enter into Kaivalya Moksha …
Thus is the importance of Ujjayi Naad …
This topic continues …