The figure of the earlier sub-part of this topic stands valid for this one also … Here we discuss the terms Chakravart, Chakravartin, Chakravartin Samraat and Anointed one and their relation to Ujjayi Naad of this discussion …
FF-1 … Explaining Chakravartin Samraat (i.e. Yoga Chakravart) …
As we had discussed in the earlier topic, Ujjayi means victory and Naad means sound … So the term Ujjayi Naad means sound of victory …
This that Yogi ones who arrived at this sound were also addressed as Yoga Chakravart …
And if as per the demands of Great-Eternal-Time (i.e. Bhagwan Mahakaal) and his own Great-Timeless-Divinity (i.e. Maa Mahakaali) a Yogi who was a Yoga Chakravartin (or a Yogi who has attained to state of a being a Chakravartin Samraat) ends up adopting the path of Kingship, then that Yogi was addressed as a Chakravartin Samraat …
The term Chakravartin Samraat means that that evolved Yogi who becomes the ruler of the triple worlds i.e. all underworlds, all earthly worlds and all heavenly worlds and that too as per the demands of the Great-Eternal-Time (i.e. Shiva Mahakaal) and his own Great-Timeless-Divinity (i.e. Maa Mahakaali) …
This term of ruler of the Triple worlds can also be stated as Tri-Bhuvan Samraat (King or conqueror of three great mansions) and also as Triloka Samraat (i.e. King or conqueror of triple realms) …
And these Chakravartin were also addressed as Kings of the 14 hierarchical levels of the macrocosmic creation i.e. a Samraat of the entire Chatur-Dus Bhuvanatmak Brahmand … Those Yogis who reached this evolutionary standing, also were the ones who were addressed as a Chakravartin who also has attained the status of being an Avadhoot Yogi of the entire multi universal macrocosmic creation …
Continuing with above paragraph … But such Yogis were only those who had transited through the Eighth chakra (of Atharvaveda chapter 10) and this 8th plexus was also termed as Niralambasthana (or the rootless place or baseless place or the independent place or the liberated place) within the ancient Siddha Sciences …
Continuing with above paragraph … These Yogis of the 8th plexus were also addressed as Nath Siddha’s … The word Nath means wise one, father, parent, Guru, elder brother, King, ruler, the better amongst all others, a deity, man amongst men, Yogi who itself is Bhagwan Shiva in a human form, Ishta Devata or primary deity, self-realized teacher … And the greater of all Nath is Adinath Shiva himself … No aspirant can ever attain the status of being a Nath unless that aspirant is directly blessed by Adinath Shiva himself and that too where this blessing is through Shiva’s “Taraka Mantra (or liberating Mantra)” which as such is of Raam Naad (i.e. sound of Raam) … Raam Naad (or sound of Raam Bhadra) shall be discussed in a later topic …
Basis above paragraphs of our discussion … The former status (of Chakravartin Samraat) is when that Yogi had crossed the lower 7 plexus’s … And the latter status (i.e. Nath Siddha or Avadhoot of the macrocosmic creation) was used for those Yogi’s who had crossed the Eighth Chakra and also gotten themselves stationed within the 8th plexus …
But irrespective of these hierarchies, the breath of these Chakravartin Samraat was also termed as the “Ujjayi Swaas or the breath of victory over allness and her each part” …
And when these Chakravartin Yogi’s used to breathe, then the desiring aspirants use to inhale their breath so as to get some benefit from their Samskaras (i.e. their earlier impressions or Karmas and their merits) and thus gain some assistance within their respective evolutionary paths …
This status of being a Chakravartin Samraat is attained by a Yogi for an entire human age cycle (or half time of a complete cycle of precession) or a Manav Yuga … Any single cycle of precession of equinoxes has a time span of 25,920 human solar years (as per nadir time units of precession) and which itself is a time span of 24,000 human solar years (as per middle time units of axial precession of earth’s axis, which were utilized in all Vedic calculations) … These shall be derived in a later topic of Kaalchakra (or the eternally cyclic nature of time) …
One Manav Yuga chakra has two complete sets (or two full sets) of human ages (i.e. 2 sets of 4 human ages) and of these two, one set is of Krishna Paksha (i.e. darkness phase of precession cycle) and the other set is of Shukla Paksha (or in other words, lightness phase of the Precessional circle) … In my 2 earlier incarnations, I have been a Chakravartin of both these stages of Shukla and Krishna Paksha of precession (or in other words, the lightness phase of the Agragaman Chakra) … In one incarnation I had the name which related to Prithvi Mahabhoot (i.e. macro-elemental earth as was depicted in the figure of this topic) and this was the stage of being based within Shukla Chakravart … And in the second incarnation I had a name which related to
(i.e. macro-elemental ether, which shall be discussed in a much later topic of this text) and this was the stage of being based within Krishna Chakravart …
FF-2 … Reason for acceptance of Chakravart by a Chakravartin …
Now we shall discuss why an Isolated Yogi ends up accepting Chakravart …
Basis above discussions, the status of being a Chakravartin is very subtle Yogic achievement and not a physical or gross one …
Only if commanded by the “divinity of Great-Time (i.e. the divinity of the supreme time or supreme divinity Maa Mahakaali)” who by herself is the Pristine-Divinity (i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti), does a Yogi agree to accept this status of Chakravartin Samraat … But at the same time to be established in Chakravart that Yogi also needs to be blessed by the self-manifested attributed-formless state (Sagun Nirakaar Awastha) of Maa Adi Parashakti, who as such is Mother Nature (I.e. Maa Pradhana or Maa Prakriti) and that Yogi also needs the blessings of her own “attributed-form state (i.e. Sagun Sakaar Awastha) of Bhu Devi (i.e. deity of earth element or Mother Earth) … Only after these blessings can a Yogi become a successful ruler of the triple worlds (i.e. all underworlds, all earthly worlds and all heavenly worlds) i.e. become a Chakravartin Samraat …
But this decision to become the ruler of triple worlds (i.e. Tri Bhuvan Samraat or Tri Loka Samraat) is only to the extent of complying to the commands of the “divinity of Great-Time (i.e. the divinity of the supreme time or supreme divinity Maa Mahakaali)” who by herself is the Pristine-Divinity (i.e. Adi Parashakti) …
Thus basis above, there cannot be a Chakravartin Samraat (i.e. King of Triple worlds) who is not of the lineage of Bhu Devi (i.e. Mother Earth) …
FF-3 … Path of Chakravart …
Thus basis above discussions and as a matter of fact, there cannot ever be a Chakravartin Samraat who is not a worshipper of Maa Shakti (i.e. macrocosmic divinity principle or in other words, the pristine feminine principle) …
And since Maa Shakti itself is indistinguishable from Bhagwan Shiva (i.e. macrocosmic divine principle or masculine principle) due to their eternal non-dual union which itself is just like the union of Sun and its light, so each Chakravartin has ever had to be a Shaiva (i.e. worshipper of Shiva Bhagwan) also …
And since there cannot be any fruitful benefit of having a Chakravartin Samraat within a world until and unless that Yogi (who becomes a Chakravartin Samraat) is fully based upon and also fully rested in the macrocosmic preservation principle (i.e. the elderly principle or Jyeshtha Siddhant or Sriman Naaraayana Siddhant) so there also cannot ever be a Chakravartin who is other than a Vaishnava (i.e. worshipper of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) …
As such basis above paragraphs, a Chakravartin can only be the one who is based “upon and within” the below mentioned statement …
“Inward a Shakta, outward a Shaiva and in the world a Vaishnava” …
In above statement, I have written “Inward a Shakta, Outward a Shaiva” because within the current transmigrated incarnation I am destined to follow the path of a Shakta for a more while …
However within my earlier incarnations, when I was mostly a Shaiva the above statement would have changed as stated below …
“Inward a Shaiva, Outward a Shakta, In the world a Vaishnava” …
Thus basis above two stated paths of Shakta and Shaiva …
- If you are a Shaiva, then Inward is a Shaiva and outward is a Shakta …
- If you are a Shakta, then Inward is a Shakta and outward is a Shaiva …
- And in above statements, “In the world a Vaishnava” never changes …
Reiterating again … As far as above two statements are concerned, keep a fact in mind, “In the world a Vaishnava” never changes or else that Yogi Chakravartin Samraat would only become a destroyer of the Triple worlds, which as such is not and has never been the job of a Chakravartin Samraat …
And since above statement is primarily based upon the very-very ancient knowledge systems that relate to Shiva Purana (as were mentioned in the first topic of this text) thus that Chakravartin can only be the one whose “Ishta Deva (i.e. primary deity)” is my Param-Gurudeva Bhagwan Shiva itself …
So irrespective of whether that Chakravartin is a Shakta or Vaishnava, he always remains a Shaiva …
And since without the blessing of Maa Shakti, no Chakravartin Samraat can ever be fully successful in his mission, so there has never been a Chakravartin who was not a real Shakta (i.e. worshipper of Maa Shakti) …
Thus without this discussion fully incorporated in the ways of life of a Yogi, that Yogi can never ever attain to the high status of Yoga Chakravart … And in absence of Yoga Chakravart, that Yogi cannot ever be chosen as a Chakravartin Samraat or righteous king of the triple worlds (i.e. Tri Bhuvan Samraat or Tri Loka Samraat) …
FF-4 … Arrival of any Chakravartin Samraat …
As a matter of fact there cannot be a Chakravartin who is not a Yogi and it was due to this reason, these Chakravartin were even addressed as Yoga Chakravartin …
As also a fact that a Yogi who holds the accomplishment of being a Yoga Chakravartin always arrives prior any of the human golden age cycles (i.e. Manav Satyuga or Manav Kritayuga or Guru Yuga) begins manifesting within a world i.e. such a Yogi always arrives when the currently underway human age cycle (and any other human age cycle) which is leading to the next human age of truth (Manav Satyuga or Manav Kritayuga) of has already entered its process of ending and simultaneously, the incoming human golden age cycle (Manav Satyuga or Manav Kritayuga or the Age of Sages) has already started manifesting in that universe … This human golden age cycle has a destined time span of 10,368 human solar years (i.e. 5184 x 2 human solar years as per nadir time units of precession) and which itself is a time span of 9,600 human solar years (i.e. 4800 x 2 human solar years as per nadir time units of precession) … This world had entered this phase around 1974 AD (i.e. 2082 AD – 108 years) +/- 1 to 2.7 years … We shall be discussing and deriving these values of time within a later topic of Kaalchakra …
However when a human golden age cycle (i.e. Manav Satyuga or Manav Kritayuga) is to run within the larger divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga) then even when that Yogi is already a Chakravartin, yet he cannot take over as a Chakravartin Samraat at such a stage of divine age cycles, except if commanded by ruler of the Great-Eternal-Time or Shiva as Mahakaal himself (and this is in addition to the requirements of commands and blessing that were discussed earlier in this topic) … Due to this stringent requirement, there has never been a Chakravartin Samraat in any of the divine degenerate age cycles (i.e. any of the Deva Kaliyuga) that were till now … Thus only basis history, it can be safely stated that there cannot be a Chakravartin Samraat within any of the divine degenerate age cycles (i.e. any of the Deva Kaliyuga) …
This is because within the divine degenerate age (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga) cycles, Yoga Chakravart cannot be put in practice within a world … And this is even when in personal evolutionary practices, there remains no restriction …
Thus such Yogi’s who hold Chakravart and yet arrive within a divine degenerate age (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga) cycle also remain with no choice but to “just distribute some parts” of their knowledge and thence await their destined end of incarnation i.e. after distribution of what could be distributed in that stage of divine degenerate age, they await the completion of their destined-merits (or completion of their Prarabdha Karman) which are applicable to that particular incarnation +++ …
+++ Elaborating +++ of above paragraph … The same is also applicable to the transmigrated incarnation because even the transmigrated one has always had to adopt the Prarabdha Samskaras (or destined merits) of the one who donates the physical vehicle to him … And once adopted, these impressions which relate to destined merits of the donor of physical vehicle, also become applicable to the transmigrated one due to which that transmigrated one only ends up coming under the effect of destiny of the donor of the physical vehicle … This discussion is even applicable to those transmigrations where the one who transmigrates was free of all impressions i.e. the transmigrated one is returning from an evolutionary standing where no Karma was applicable (i.e. resting in a Karma Teeth Awastha) and thus the consciousness orb of such a transmigrating one also already resting in an impressionless state (Samskara Rahit Awastha) of consciousness orb (or Chitta) even prior the process of transmigration was commenced … But since this is a very vast discussion, so I shall be taking it up in later topics which relate to this aspect …
So within a world which is passing through the cycle of a divine degenerate age (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga), if any ruler or Yogi says that he is the Chakravartin Samraat or accepts the title of a Chakravartin Samraat, then that ruler is lying about his real status and thus he should never be believed … And because he is a liar and since ruler must never lie, so he also needs to be made to step down from his position, so as to pave way for someone who does not hold such lower characteristics … Not doing what is written here, would only lead to chaos within the world …
At any single time, there is only one Chakravartin in the multi-universe and that Chakravartin (who is of the multi-universe) is also an Avadhoot because he is the one who has gone past and into the Eighth plexus … Thus until that Chakravartin leaves his (or her) status i.e. evolves beyond the status of being a Chakravartin, the next Yogi cannot even attain the status of being a Chakravartin Samraat of that multi-universe … Plus no Chakravartin can ever be an Avadhoot of the multi-universe until that Chakravartin has transited the 8th plexus …
As such, Chakravartin are also of two types …
- Of the triple worlds …
- Of the entirety of Maker’s Makings …
- The former are those who have transited the first 7 plexus’s and thence are chosen by Maa Adi Parashakti …
- And the latter ones are those who are Avadhoot who are chosen by both Paramshiva and Maa Adi Parashakti …
- And the former type of these Chakravartin also are as per two aspects which relate to Non-lightness and Lightness phases of the precession cycles (i.e. Shukla and Krishna Paksha of Agragaman Chakra respectively) …
But as far as those vast-vast types of attainments that are arrived at through the Yoga Tantra of Sanatan Dharma are concerned, there also are stages beyond our currently discussed stage of Yoga Chakravart and thus the stage of our current discussion is definitely not the final stage of Yoga …
But to attain the status of being a Chakravartin for an entire human age cycle (Manav Yuga Chakra), as a minimum that Yogi who gets chosen as a Chakravartin Samraat of the triple worlds (i.e. Tri Loka or Tri Bhuvan) shall have to be the conqueror of the seven plexus’s (i.e. Sapt-Chakra of Yoga Tantras of Sanatan Dharma) which are within his own microcosm … By this I mean, that Yogi should be the one who has self-realized the divinities seven plexus’s of Yoga and has also adopted them in his own microcosm …
Deviating a bit but continuing with above paragraph … As these seven plexus’s are not a topic of our current discussion, hence interested aspirants can read “authentic Yogic texts” to know about these seven plexus’s (i.e. Sapt-Chakras) and thence when they do decide to get into this path, they shall also need to find an accomplished Guru …
Continuing with above paragraph … But because accomplished Guru’s are very rare in any divine degenerate age cycle and thus such accomplished Guru’s are pretty difficult to find, so as an alternative these aspirants can also request any of the Panch-Deva’s (i.e. five primary deities) of Vedic lore whom you believe in, to bless them with a Guru in a physical form … Or as an alternate for true-aspirants, you can also request any of these Panch-Deva’s to be your subtle Guru i.e. request them to be the Guru within your own gross microcosm (physical body) in addition to being your Guru within the subtle-impressional macrocosm (Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) which is within your own microcosm and which itself is the gross macrocosm within which your physical vehicle resides during the entire course of your almost eternal evolutionary existence …
And because in this incarnation I don’t hold the Guru-Tattva (because my Sanatan Gurudeva Sriman Naaraayana has temporarily taken it back from me and as he says, that the Shankaracharya’s of his Aamnaya Peetha or their directly authorized representatives would do this Job) so within this text I wouldn’t even be discussing these seven plexus’s, which as such are the base and root-path for self-realization of the further knowledge as is of the 8th plexus (or Atharvaveda chapter 10) … So in this text, I shall only be distributing the knowledge of the Ashtama Chakra (as is subtly mentioned in Atharvaveda chapter 10) …
Plus since the knowledge of the first seven plexuses was already provided my me during an earlier transmigrated incarnation, so there really is no need to repeat the same old story all over again … Transmigrated incarnation means an incarnations that were arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
That transmigrated incarnation when I had distributed the knowledge of the seven plexus’s was also the one when I was a Rishi of Aghora Marg (which basically means as the path of Aghora face of Sadashiva) who was known by a name which if translated in English means “Reverence to the divine-leaf” +++ …
+++ Explaining the term divine leaf of above paragraph as the name which was given to me is very severely misunderstood as far as its deeper meaning is concerned … So here it goes …
The word “divine-leaf” was utilized to denote sages who became such even whilst incarnated in a human form … It is on these Yogic leaves (which as such refers to highly evolved Sages) that Sri Bhagwan Balakrishna rests within those vast in-comprehendible and fathomless macrocosmic waters of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation, and which also extent beyond … That Yogi who becomes one of the leaves of the basket on which Sri Bhagwan Balakrishna rests, is the one who attains this status of being a “divine leaf” …
Continuing with above paragraph … And thus this term which was used for me during that much earlier transmigrated incarnation (around 5694 BC +/- 108 years) was only to state the fact that of attainment of the status of being the “Divya Pattal (i.e. or Divine Leaf)” from which the seat (or Asana) of the “most beautiful child” of the multi-universe is eventually made … That most beautiful child is the one who is addressed as Sri Bhagwan Balakrishna … I wrote the word “most beautiful child” for Balakrishna because of the fact, he is the incomparable child like state of Sri Bhagwan Krishna itself (I shall be discussing this in a later topic) …
My Sanatan Gurudeva, Sri Bhagwan Vishnu is the macrocosmic Peepal Tree and the divine-leaf-seat on which his child-like form (i.e. Sri Bhagwan Balakrishna) rests, itself is of those Yogi’s who have attained the status of being a divine leaf of that divine macrocosmic Peepal tree, which denotes and is of my Sanatan Gurudeva Sriman Naaraayana …
Above was also the reason for Sri Bhagwan Krishna to thus state in Srimadbhagvad Gita … “In trees, I am the Peepal tree” …
And since Sri Bhagwan Krishna himself was the full-descent (Poorna Avatar) of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu, so those sages who attain the status of being a divine leaf of that divine Peepal tree, are the ones who become Divya-Pattal-Asana’s (divine-leaf seats) of the child like state of Sri Bhagwan Krishna (i.e. Sri Bhagwan Balakrishna) …
Brahmarishi Markandeya was also holding this status (of being a divine leaf) during the last divine age of duality (i.e. Deva Dwaparyuga) and when he had moved beyond, I had gotten this status …
This status is only blessed unto a Yogi by Sri Bhagwan Balakrishna only as nobody else can bless it unto any Yogi, of now or ever … And such a Yogi who is blessed with the status of a being divine-leaf, also becomes the little student and self-gotten child of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu (i.e. Sriman Naaraayana) himself …
And also a fact that at any single time, there can be many other-leaves in that bamboo like basket on which Sri Bhagwan Balakrishna rests within those vast unimaginable fathomless-timeless and beginning-endless primordial macrocosmic water which extend from each-here, to each-beyond and to that which is beyond all that is further beyond the known, imagined or visualized beyondness of any system, of now or ever …
Continuing with above paragraph … And yet only one Yogi is blessed unto by this status of being a divine leaf … And only that Yogi who attains this status of being a divine leaf (of Sri Bhagwan Balakrishna) as is being discussed here, becomes the self-knower of allness and her each part i.e. only such a Yogi is the holder of the knowledge of Vishvaroop Brahma (or Maker’s Makings) and thus such a one is also the only holder of the knowledge of this text … Such Yogi’s always return back at the last stage of change towards any Guru Yuga and where their return back is only to install an ancient knowledge system which shall become the foundation of the ways of life that would be adopted during the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) …
Resuming again …
FF-5 … Stages further to Chakravart …
But continuing with above paragraph … The stage of above paragraph (i.e. 8th plexus) is also of a Nath Yogi Avadhoot … The term Avadhoot means that Yogi who is beyond liberation, bondage and is also beyond the intermediate states of these two …
Those Yogi’s who reached the stage of above paragraph were also addressed as Nath +++ in Yoga Tantra … These Nath Yogi’s had termed the same 8th plexus (of Atharvaveda chapter 10) as “Niralambasthana” which means “the place which has no root, no base, no relationship to anything-anywhere-anyone else and thus has no sire” … So the term “Niralambasthana” ultimately means the place of supreme independence from allness and her each part (i.e. freedom from liberation and bondage alike and yet being a fully liberated and accomplished one) … And the same 8th plexus (of Atharvaveda chapter 10) was also termed as “Niralamb Chakra or the plexus of independence from allness and her each part” …
Within Dharma the same state of evolutionary standing was also stated as “Turiyateet Awastha” which means that state which is beyond the fourth stage of Turiya (Samadhi) … In this text I shall only be discussing the Turiyateet stage, but this shall only be in later topics (because the rest was already distributed by me during my earlier incarnations, so there really is no need to repeat it again here) …
Continuing with above paragraph … Such a Nath Yogi who rests within Turiyateet Awastha (as was discussed in earlier paragraph) is beyond the Principles (Siddhant), the Process (Tantra), Processes (Up-Tantra of Tantra) and Nyaya (laws) of the Maker’s Makings as he (or she) is the Independent one, even when he (or she) may decide to continue within the Maker’s Makings …
A Nath Yogi can also self-choose to be a Chakravartin Samraat and Avadhoot of Chatur-Dus Bhuvanatmak Brahmand (i.e. all the 14 hierarchies of the macrocosmic creation), but at the same time, not many have chosen to be thus …
So most of the Nath have not adopted the status which is being discussed here, even when they could have chosen to do so …
And since during the entire history of the macrocosmic creation there have already been many-many Nath till now, thus at turn of each future human golden age cycle (Manav Satyuga or Kritayuga Chakra) one of them shall be descending into the physical realms so as to adopt this status during future also …
+++ Explaining the word Nath of an earlier paragraph … The word Nath only relates to the non-dual eternally united condition of Divine-Supreme Being (i.e. Param Gurudeva Bhagwan and Par-Pita-Pitamah Paramshiva) and his own intrinsic partless and Pristine-divinity (I.e. Maa Adi-Parashakti) and thus in Sanatan Dharma this word (I.e. Nath) also is one of the names of my Paramguru and Ishta Devata Bhagwan Shiva who also is Maa Shakti (and Shakti itself is Shiva) … Shiva is the Primordial and Timeless Nath who is addressed Adi Nath (or the primordial, timeless and thus the beginningless-endless Nath) … The word Nath means Ruler, keeper, protector, one who assists in evolution, Leader, King, Guru, parent, husband, elder brother and all such better words of any language, of now or ever …
Each Yogi has always had to pass the earlier stage of being a Chakravartin prior that Yogi can even be a Nath … And only a Nath Yogi can ever be the Avadhoot of all the 14 hierarchies of the Maker’s Makings …
In the earlier part of this topic, we have discussed what Chakravart actually means … So in this part of the topic, we shall be discussing the term Chakravart from a subtle point of view, just as Chakravart actually is and this shall also be its relation to the Ujjayi Naad itself …
FF-6 … The subtle conquest of a Chakravartin Samraat …
Ujjayi is the sound of macro-elemental earth (i.e. Prithvi Mahabhoot) … Thus the figure of this topic also has the same sound of Ujjayi Naad only …
Since this is the sound of macro-elemental earth (i.e. Prithvi Mahabhoot or Bhu Mahabhoot) so when this sound is realized by a Yogi, then that Yogi is also deemed to be the conqueror of the entire macrocosmic creation …
The Yogi who reaches this stage, is the only one who can be the king of all that rests within the macro-elemental earth i.e. the entirety of triple worlds … These were the ones who were addressed as Chakravartin Samraat or ruler of triple worlds during the ancient times of the better divine ages …
Thus, contrary to what is believed as of now, the word Chakravartin Samraat does not mean the ruler who kills others to conquer them and/or subjugate them to his own rule and/or loots them for his own gains and/or destroy their places of learning and temples and/or rape their women and children so as to satisfy his deviated lust and/or do any other deviated acts like ……….
The term Chakravartin only relates to that ruler of all the 14 levels of the macrocosmic creation and who is also a Yogi of the higher of orders and this means that the term Chakravartin is a Yogic term and not one which could be related to kings who are “mere” worldly beings …
As also since the macrocosmic creation in her entirety (i.e. 14 levels) is based upon pluralistic monism and since the Chakravartin is the conqueror of all these 14 levels, so due to this reason the past Chakravartin have always been and future ones shall also be based upon the same pluralistic yet monist ways of macrocosmic creation itself … Thus there can never be a Chakravartin Samraat can be based upon individualism (i.e. monotheism) of sorts …
But at the same time and as we had discussed earlier Yoga Chakravart can only be when all the plexuses or chakras have been pierced by that Yogi i.e. the Yogi’s Kundalini Shakti rises up from the base of spine and thence it pierces these plexuses … Without this basic requirement fulfilled, there cannot ever be a state where a Yogi becomes a Chakravartin (i.e. based in Yoga Chakravart) …
FF-7 … Divine anointment of a Chakravartin Samraat … The Anointed one …
In this part we shall discuss the divine anointment of a Yoga Chakravartin who gets chosen to be the Chakravartin Samraat (or king of triple worlds) …
Even the Abhimani-Deva’s (i.e. Egoistic-Gods or egoistic controllers of heavenly worlds) respect that Yogi who has achieved the status of a Chakravartin …
The anointing of that Chakravartin Samraat is a divine process and not that which could be carried out by mere humans or angels of sorts …
Contrary to what is believed as of now, no mere human (I mean a Priest, ruler, leader etc.) or a mere Egoistic God (i.e. I mean god of any individualistic system or Abhimani Devata) has even held the capability to anoint a Yogi who has attained the status of being a Chakravartin Samraat …
The anointment of a Chakravartin is always done by Non Egoistic Gods (i.e. Anabhimani Devata) and yet during the process of anointment, all the Egoistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) are invited, but only as guests and witness of the anointment of the Chakravartin …
And this divine anointment of a Chakravartin only happens whilst that Yogi’s subtler accomplishment vehicle (i.e. Siddha Sharira) travels to the subtle divine worlds and at the same time, the effects of this divine anointment which happens in the divine worlds are also reflected within the physical vehicle of that Yogi …
This reflection is like an oily substance which comes out of the head (or the physical body) of that Yogi …
Thus basis above, when that Yogi’s divine anointment is taking place in the divine worlds and that too by the non-egoistic divine beings of the triple worlds, then it is also reflected in the physical body of that Yogi …
On the physical level of this divine anointment process, oily cream colored (i.e. light beige colored) flakes come out of the head of that Yogi and then these flakes turn into a liquid which has a very viscous oily state and is like an oil of light golden color that gets spread over the top of head of that Yogi …
This turning of oily flakes into a liquid form denotes the physical stage of that divine subtler anointment which as such was only completed within the divine worlds …
This anointment is also related to the process of transit of the 8th plexus (as is mentioned in one of the Mantras of Atharvaveda Chapter 10 and the same 8th plexus is also termed as Niralambasthana and Niralamb chakra in Siddha knowledge systems) … But here we shall not be discussing this process as it is only relates to being appointed as an Avadhoot Rishi of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation, which as such is not a subject that is to be detailed in discussions of this topic …
FF-8 … The conquest of a Chakravartin …
Basis above discussions, the term Chakravartin Samraat (i.e. conqueror of allness) definitely does not mean a physical conquest as has been wrongly interpreted during the last few millenniums that were of this divine degenerate age cycle …
Here the word conqueror actually means established within the root of manifest state of allness and thus being freed of all other states which itself were originated from the root of allness …
And since the root of manifest state of allness itself is the macro-elemental earth (i.e. Prithvi Mahabhoot or Bhu Mahabhoot) that is shown as a dull-yellow colored vast state which is enveloping all the spheres (i.e. universes), so the earlier figure which is also applicable to this discussion, also depicts the state of entry into the root of allness i.e. macro-elemental earth (i.e. Prithvi Mahabhoot or Bhu Mahabhoot), which itself is arrived after evolving beyond the “manifest state of allness (i.e. Sthool Mahabhoot or gross-manifest elements)” …
The five subtler macro-elements (i.e. Pancha Mahabhoot) are the parental states of the five gross-manifested elements (i.e. earth, water, fire or light or heat-luminosity, air and ether) …
Thus when a Yogi conquers the parental states (i.e. subtle macro-elements or Mahabhoot) then the gross-manifested children of these parental states are also deemed to be conquered … So it is due to this reason, such a conquest of a Chakravartin only denotes a victory over allness and her each part and where this victory itself is over all the subtle and gross counterparts of the macrocosmic creation …
Such an aspirant is stationed within the macro-elemental earth (i.e. the dull yellow color of the earlier figure of this topic) and thus he (or she) is also the one who has won over (i.e. the conqueror) all that is as manifest (Apra Prakriti), non-manifest (or in other words, beyond nature or Para Prakriti) and neither manifest nor non-manifest (i.e. Avyakta Prakriti) aspects of the entire macrocosmic creation …
Only after victory over these three aspects of macrocosmic nature does any aspirant qualify to enter into the macro-elemental earth (Bhu Mahabhoot) and thus such a one is also termed as “Ujj or the victorious one” i.e. the one who has evolved over all that is as a macrocosmic creation, because of being stationed within the original subtler macro-elemental nature itself …
It was also due to above reasons that the sound of this state was termed as the victorious sound, sound of victory, which itself was stated so because it denotes the proof of victory over all that is as manifest, non-manifest and neither manifest nor non-manifest counterparts of the entire macrocosmic creation …
FF-9 … The breath of a Chakravartin …
The breath of a Chakravartin was termed as Ujjayi Swaas or the Victorious breath in Yoga Tantras …
Thus during those very ancient times, true aspirants who were interested in the path of Yoga Chakravart used to take in the exhalation of a Chakravartin so as to be benefitted from his breath during their respective evolutionary processes …
And since the same fact was adopted in Yoga Tantras of Dharma and was replicated through a specific type of breath … So within the Yoga Tantras the same sound which comes from a specific type breath was also told as the “Ujjayi Swaas or the victorious breath or the breath of victory” …
But the finality of this victorious breath is only related to the divine breath of brahma (i.e. creator) which shall be discussed in a later sub-part of this topic itself …
This topic continues …