The painting of first sub-part of this topic holds valid for this one also … So interested aspirant’s can refer to that topic and its painting for a better understanding of discussions of this one … In this part of our discussion on Ujjayi Naad, we shall be discussing the mega evolved one or Great man among men (i.e. Mahamanava) who reside in the painted state of macro-elemental earth (i.e. Prithvi Mahabhoot or Bhu Mahabhoot) as was shown in an earlier topic of this discussion on Ujjayi … Mahamanava are also found to reside inside Ujjayi Naad …
HH-1 … Mahamanava or Mahamanav and Ujjayi Naad …
These mega-evolved ones are those who are beyond the evolutionary stages from where a birth from the womb of a physical mother is possible and thus to return back to a lower (or grosser) world system so as to execute certain jobs as are demanded by the mother macrocosmic nature, these ones either have to transmigrate or directly manifest within a world (or even a plane of existence where their manifestations are in a formless state, instead of a form which they adopt when they enter any earthly world) …
In these discussions I shall be refraining from discussions upon the process of transmigration of these mega-evolved-ones because this knowledge cannot ever be told within any of the physical (or grosser) or subtle (or beyond) worlds of any universal system … Only that aspirant who attains the status of a Mahamanava (i.e. Mahamanava of Vedic lore), a few highly evolved sages (i.e. sages of Tapoloka, Brahmaloka and a few other beyond existences) and non-egoistic Gods (i.e. Anabhimani Devata) hold this knowledge of path of transmigration of these Mahamanava (i.e. mega-evolved ones) … Even the egoistic controllers of heavenly worlds (i.e. Abhimani Devata) and their angels do not hold this knowledge …
This nonness of knowledge amongst the egoistic-Gods (i.e. Abhimani Devata or Gods of individualistic systems) is because this knowledge is only held by those greater entities and sages who are non-egoistic and thus are non-individualistic and thus are only based upon either of the pluralistic monism of the Maker’s Makings or are based upon the Absolute Monism (Vedanta) and Absolute-Non-Dualism (Advaita) both of which are of Brahman (i.e. the attributeless-infinite being or Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) …
HH-2 … The term Mahamanav means the Great Man … It also means the “Great man amongst all men that are present at that time” …
Since in the Vedas, at any single time there can only be one great, so this word (i.e. Mahamanav or Great Man) actually means the Supreme Man of his time … Thus when these ones return back to a world (through the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English texts is also termed as Virgin Birth) then even the Gods of the three times adore and respect them … But at the same time, since the return back of these mega-evolved ones is only in extremely special conditions and when no other option remains with the macrocosmic creation, so to find their presence within any of the universes is also a rarest of rare phenomenon …
Mother Nature always recalls one of these mega-evolved-ones (i.e. Mahamanav) when the egoistic-gods, the angels and their representatives have failed to restore order within a world or plane of existence or a universe itself …
Thus the return back of a Mahamanava denotes that stage when the egoistic Gods of that world or plane of existence or universe have failed to restore order and that too when this disorder has been existent for a pretty long time, which in turn led to a stage where Prakriti (i.e. mother macrocosmic nature or Pradhana) has to intervene through her chosen instruments, one of who are these Mahamanava (or the mega-evolved-ones) …
Due to this reason, these Mahamanava serve none of these egoistic-Gods as all these egoistic-Gods only end up listening to these Mahamanava when they return back … This itself is because of the fact that the recall of a Mahamanava by mother macrocosmic nature (Maa Prakriti or Maa Pradhana) itself is a proof that the egoistic Gods have failed in maintaining an orderly state of the universe or its any plane of existence or even a single world system (like this one) which these egoistic Gods control at that time …
And whilst what is stated above this is a fact, these Mahamanava only work for the Supreme-Mother of allness (i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti) whose self-manifestation is the multi-universal macrocosmic creation (i.e. Mother nature in her eternal macrocosmic glory) …
As far as these Mahamanava are concerned, they are only recalled when all others have failed and thus as far as the orderly running of the Maker’s Makings (including all her parts) is concerned, these Mahamanava as are the final options available with macrocosmic creation to restore worldly and cosmic order … Due to this reason, these ones are only recalled back after every divine formless or form being (form or formless Gods etc.) and everyone else (angels etc.) have already accepted their failure to mother macrocosmic nature (Maa Pradhana or Maa Prakriti) who itself is a self-manifestation of the supreme mother of allness i.e. Adi Parashakti in addition to being a self-expression of the attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or Brahman) …
These Mahamanava also reside in the vast envelopes of the macro-elemental earth (Prithvi Mahabhoot or Bhu Mahabhoot) whose sound is of Ujjayi Naad (or the victorious sound) which is being discussed here …
Thus basis above paragraph … Even these mega-evolved ones (Mahamanava) are related to Bhu Devi (Mother earth) and thus are also related to “Ujjayi Naad (i.e. sound of victory)” only as this sound is of macro-elemental (i.e. Mahabhoot) attributed-formless (i.e. Sagun Nirakaar) self manifested state (i.e. Swayam Prakat Awastha) of Bhu Devi only (i.e. Mother earth who itself is the attributed-form of the attributed-formless state of macro-elemental earth or Bhu Mahabhoot) … Unless an aspirant relates to Bhu Devi, that aspirant can never attain the high-high status of a mega-evolved one (i.e. Mahamanava) …
The pristine-divinity of the same macro-elemental earth (i.e. Bhu Mahabhoot or Prithvi Mahabhoot) is also my Kula-Devi (the Feminine-Deity or Mother of my timeless family lineage) and she is the one who is addressed as Bhu Devi (i.e. Deity of Earth) in the Vedas, Maa Annapurna (i.e. Divinity of gross and subtle food) in the Upanishads and as Gau Mata (and Gaiya Maa) in other Vedic knowledge systems (and their texts) and she is also the one who was addressed as Mother Gaia in the much-much later western lore’s who had in fact taken this earlier knowledge of Vedic sages and then somehow claimed it to be their own …
Maa Bhu Devi is none other than one of the primordial and primary self-manifested divinities of the pristine-divinity (or mother of allness) who is addressed as Maa Adi Parashakti … She was even there prior the macrocosmic creation had even commenced through the origination process … Bhu Devi also is one of the forms of the pristine-consort of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu, whom the Vedic lore reverently addresses as Devi Maa Lakshmi … Thus she is also the eternal consort of my eternal guide (Sanatan Gurudeva) Sriman Naaraayana (i.e. Sri Bhagwan Vishnu) … And it is also due to this reason that even when she is my Kula-Devi (eternal deity of the timeless family lineage), she is also my Sanatan Gurudevi due to her being the eternal consort of my eternal guide (Sanatan Gurudeva) Sriman Naaraayana … All words which have the term “Sri” in them are also related to my Kula Devi (i.e. Bhu Devi) only because of the fact that she itself is “Sri” in her eternal glory …
These mega evolved ones (i.e. Mahamanava) are like little children of Maa Adi Parashakti and she always recalls them back as to restore order within a world or a plane of existence or even in the greater universe and that to after all other options have already failed to bring the desired results … And all of these Mahamanava are also of the lineage of Bhu Devi only …
HH-3 … Mahamanava or Great man among men and the great burst of a universe …
These mega evolved ones are those who have reached an evolutionary standing which cannot be accommodated in any of the universes and thus after this stage of evolution is arrived at by an aspirant, an aspirant remains with no choice but to willingly enter into a state of cessation of flows …
Since no universe can hold their gigantic flows and dynamism, so they self-chose to cease all their flows and dynamism willingly and thus enter into a state of complete cessation of flows …
If a Mahamanava resides within a universe and that too within his (or her) fullness of flows, then the universe who holds them would only arrive at excess of flows and dynamism … In such a case, that universe would keep entering into an ever higher instability and ultimately destroy itself … This destruction shall be like a great burst of that universe …
And to prevent such a stage of destruction of a universe and all life forms (i.e. all animate, inanimate, supra-inanimate and supra-animate life forms) that a universe holds, these Mahamanava self-decide to enter into a state of complete cessation of their flows and dynamism …
It was from this concept that the process of living death was arrived in very-ancient Yoga Tantras, but in those Yoga Tantra also this process was not of a complete cessation, but was of a cessation to a certain limit only … This is because only a Mahamanava can ever enter into a fullness of cessation as is being discussed here …
It is also from this original Vedic concept of a Mahamanava that the much-much later Buddhist concept of Bodhisattva was derived … But at the same time, there is no Bodhisattva who could be termed as a Mahamanava as this stage is much beyond the stage of being a Bodhisattva … This is because of the fact that to attain the high evolutionary stature of a Bodhisattva, the need to transit through all the six main Vedic paths is not necessary in addition to transiting through the Agama lore …
Continuing with above paragraph … And on the contrary, a Mahamanava is the one who has successfully transited through all these and that too through the path of self-repeated transits of the 8th plexus (as is mentioned in chapter 10 of Atharvaveda and is also told as Niralambasthana (which means as the rootless place, baseless place and thus is an independent place) and Niralamb Chakra in Siddha Lore’s) … And this kind of evolutionary process is not that which many can achieve even during their very long and an almost eternal existence …
These mega-evolved ones are like a full universe and thus if they continue in their fuller states of flows and dynamism whilst they rest within any universe, then it would only lead to a great burst of that universe in which they reside because of the fact that there can never be a case where an entire subtle and active universe (i.e. a mega evolved one or Mahamanava) resides within any other manifest universe (i.e. the physical or manifested universe) and yet that physical or manifested universe not entering in severe problems like that of a great burst …
HH-4 … Mahamanav and origination, existence, dissolution of universes …
When the worlds, planes of existences and universes are to be created (or recreated or re-begun from their earlier dissoluted states) then at these times such mega evolved ones (or Mahamanava) ones are always recalled back so as to cause these deep implosions and explosions within the non lighted microscopic state of inert matter (inertial masses) which are floating in that vast non lighted dissoluted universal space … These deep explosions and implosions are the ones which end up projecting that inert matter outwards so as to evolve the subtle universe, from which the grosser or manifest universe gets originated at a much later stage) …
In an earlier topic of “As IT furthered itself” we have already discussed the non lighted microscopic state of inert matters (i.e. inertial masses) and we had told that these are highly compressed energies, which when expand can create the entire universes itself … We had even termed these inert matters (inertial mass) as the base of the manifest state of allness of a universe … And we had also stated that even when a universe is born, these inertial masses are also existent within that universe … And we had also stated in an earlier topic that since these inertial masses are naught but highly compressed states of energy fields and since matter and energy are interconvertible, so when these inertial masses expand, then they end up creating an entire universe … It is due to this reason that the Vedic lore states that “the entire universe is originated from a state which originally was of the size of the tip of a pinhead” … We shall be discussing this origination process in a later topic of this text …
Thus is the reason for correctness of the modern Big Bang theory for the presently believed astronomical age of universe (i.e. present state of cycle of origination and existence of universe) … But because the modern astronomers and physicists fail to consider the original subtleties which are also existent prior the physical state of a universe gets manifested, so they have only been pretty far off in their explanations of the Big Bang and this is even when their analysis of there being a Big Bang, is absolutely right …
And when a universe is to be dissoluted, then also these mega evolved ones are recalled back to absorb all the flows and dynamism of a universe and thus lead to a sudden and spontaneous great collapse of the universe and all its planes of existences (and world systems) and which is what leads to an end of all forms of life that was resting within that universe …
As the universe collapses spontaneously (very suddenly) then the energies and matter also get highly and spontaneously compressed due to build up of very-very high pressures … And when this collapse completes, then ultimately only non-lighted microscopic specs of inertial masses (i.e. inert matter) are all that remains scattered in place of that earlier manifested universe …
It is also from these non-lighted microscopic specs of inertial masses (or inert matter) that the future re-beginning of that same universe is effected (as per brief discussions that were cone in an earlier paragraph … These non lighted highly compressed inertial masses (i.e. inert matter) which rest within the non-lighted state of a universe, that were termed as “Tam (i.e. Tum or severe darkness due to severe inertia)” in the Vedic lore … And Vedic lore also states that every is begun within and from Tam (or Tum) only … Detailed discussions of this process are saved for a later stage of this text, so in this one I won’t even get into them …
And since the entire universe is originally begun and thence eternally re-begun from these very inertial mass , so this also was the reason for Vedic lore to state thus … “The entire universe is originated from a state which originally was of the size of the tip of a pinhead” …
And these statements also prove that the ancient Vedic sages who had told thus, had known the fact about Big Bang and Big Collapse of universes and this is also the reason for statements about Mahamanava in the Vedic lore’s … And the Vedic lore also subtly states the process by which a highly evolved and greatly accomplished Yogi, ends up becoming a Mahamanava …
And these cycles of origination, existence and dissolution are endless and continuous because the universe also recycles itself just like anything else also does within the supreme genius of this Maker’s Makings and this recycling is to ensure that stagnations are eternally avoided by all that is ever begun as a microcosm and thus comply to the eternal requirements of the “macrocosmic principle of stagnations due to sameness” … Here the word microcosm means “right from a universe, till the planes of existences and worlds, till beingness’s and entities and until the tiniest atom and particle that exists in any state of grossness or subtlety” …
HH-5 … Coming of a Mahamanav …
Even when these mega evolved-ones (i.e. Mahamanava) transmigrate to a physical world system, which itself is to answer a call of macrocosmic consciousness and which itself is as per demands of mother macrocosmic nature, they can never arrive at their fuller flows and dynamism whilst they are resting within a physical state and that too upon a physical world …
Thus the capacities (i.e. flows and dynamism) which they hold when they enter a physical world (through the process of transmigration of soul, so as to answer a call of macrocosmic consciousness) are not even an iota of that which they actually hold within themselves … I say this because they are the entire universe when we consider their fullness of capabilities (i.e. their fullness of flows and dynamism) …
Due to their incomparable evolutionary standings, the transmigration of these mega evolved ones (i.e. Mahamanava) are the higher of all types of transmigration of soul and these transmigrations are also the rarest of rare types within any of the universes … This is due to the fact that these mega evolved-ones are not recalled every now so as to solve minor problems of worldly and cosmic order because as such minor aspects can be taken care of by the controlling entities i.e. egoistic gods of worlds and planes of existence and/or their representatives … These mega-evolved-ones are only recalled when all other options to restore order have already repeatedly failed and this as such is an affair which arrives only a once in billions of human solar years …
When such ones return back then even the Gods of planes and worlds listen to them because such ones only return back (to a plane of existence or a world) after the “evolved yet evolving entities (i.e. Gods)” have already repeatedly failed in restoring a balance within their own controlled worlds (or planes of existences) …
During the entirety of unfathomable history of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation there has never been a case when a mega-evolved-one was recalled back prior all Gods (and Satan’s) had already agreed that the problem at hand is beyond their limited capacities and thus had already accepted that the problem is already beyond their current “evolved yet evolving” capabilities … Thus when the Mahamanava returns back to the worlds which are controlled by these “evolved yet evolving entities (i.e. egoistic Gods or Abhimani Devata) then even the Gods of those planes and worlds listen to that returned Mahamanava and these Gods also comply to what is told by a Mahamanava (who has returned back to the world or plane which is controlled by these egoistic controllers or egoistic Gods or Abhimani Devata) …
When these mega-evolved-ones return back, then these ones are also termed as Brahmavdhoot (i.e. a human who already was an Avadhoot prior being born in a world) in addition to being addressed as “chosen children or chosen instruments of Mother macrocosmic Nature” … Due to being such, these returned Mahamanava never serve any of the Gods and on the contrary, these Gods only end up listening to them (i.e. the returned Mahamanava) because of the fact that the return back of a Mahamanava is only there after these Gods have already accepted their failure in restoration of order upon their own controlled planes and worlds …
As also a fact that there has never been a mega-evolved-one who returned back and didn’t lay down paths for restoration of pristine divinities of Mother Nature within that world, where he had returned as a transmigrated one …
HH-6 … Ceased state of the mega evolved one or Mahamanava …
Within their ceased states, these mega evolved ones (i.e. Mahamanava) ones stay within the macro-elemental earth (i.e. Prithvi Mahabhoot or Bhu Mahabhoot) and this is also while they rest outside of a universal envelope …
The dark colored (actually non-lighted state) which was shown hanging out of a universe in the earlier shown painting of this topic, is the ceased etheric field of a Mahamanava only …
HH-7 … Mahamanav … Prakrit Lingam … Shakti Lingam … Poorna Lingam … Jyotir Lingams … Shivalingam …
And one of these mega-evolved-ones is recalled back so as to enter into a universe whenever it may be needed by supreme mother of allness (Maa Adi-Parashakti) whose self-manifested state is of Mother Nature (macrocosmic creation or Maa Prakriti or Maa Pradhana) and it is she who they serve as her little children and simultaneously as her little students …
Within the entire macrocosmic creation, there is no power higher than Maa Adi Parashakti (the supreme mother of all that is) and since Mother Nature (Prakriti or Pradhana) itself is a self manifestation of Maa Adi Parashakti, so as far as the manifest, non manifest and neither manifest nor non manifest states of Mother Nature (i.e. Apra, Para and Avyakta Prakriti respectively) are concerned, she is the holder of the supreme powers (supreme divinity) within the Maker’s Makings … And since Mother Nature is thus, so when she decides to go her way, then even these Gods are powerless in front of her fury and it was due to this reason the ancient systems have even called her as the greatest power (Maha Shakti), greatest divinity (Mahadevi) and the mother of all that is (including Gods) … Irrespective of what anybody may say about this paragraph, it always has and it always would stand as an absolute fact as far as absolute divinity (Shakti or Power or energy) of Mother Nature is concerned …
And since these mega-evolved ones are none other than her own little children and little students, so all such mega-evolved-ones are also the Prakrit Lingams (i.e. symbolic state of Maa Prakriti or Maa Pradhana) in addition to being Shakti Lingams (i.e. symbolic manifested state of the infinite Maa Adi-Parashakti) …
And since “Shiva itself is Shakti and Shakti itself is Shiva” as these two cannot be separated due to their monogenous and thus perfectly-non-dual union which is like that of sun and its light, so it is due to this reason, eventually when they return back, they are none other than Poorna Lingams (complete Lingams) and that too in a human form … The word Poorna Lingam means a symbolic state of union of Shiva and Shakti … These Poorna Lingams were addressed as Shakti Peethas in Vedic lore and all Jyotir Lingams denote the Poorna Lingams as is of the eternal non dually unioned condition of both Param Gurudeva Bhagwan Shiva (i.e. divine supreme being) and Maa Shakti (i.e. Pristine divinity) …
As such basis above paragraphs … When they return back, these mega-evolved-ones are also acting as the timeless-base of divinity (i.e. Maa Shakti) on which each Vedic Shivalingam rests … And this itself is in addition to being a walking talking and thus a Poorna Lingam (i.e. Jyotir Lingam or Shivalingam) who has incarnated in a human form …
It is from above concept that the later concept of Gyan Lingam was originated as the Gyan Lingam holds all above aspects within it, but provided it is installed and thence consecrated correctly …
HH-8 … Who is a Mahamanava … What does a Mahamanava denote … Where does a Mahamanava reside … What is the path of a Mahamanava …
Here we shall be briefly discussing who and what these mega-evolved ones (i.e. Mahamanava) actually are and this shall be in addition to other aspects which are mentioned in above sub-header of this topic …
These mega-evolved ones are those aspirants who have arrived at an evolutionary fullness and thus have already qualified to enter into Kaivalya Moksha (i.e. a full and permanent isolation from allness and her each part) but they still do not agree to enter into their finally isolated states i.e. they do not agree to enter into an “isolation from allness and her each part or Kaivalya (or Moksha)” and thus these are those highly evolved ones who have refused their final liberation, even when they can choose to be finally liberated (i.e. one who has attained Moksha) …
Final liberation means a “full and permanent isolation from allness and her each part” and this has also been termed as Kaivalya or Moksha within the Vedic lore …
Thus these Mahamanava are those ones who have evolved to such a state where they are qualified to exit out of allness and her each part (i.e. liberation) but yet they self-choose to not enter into their liberated states so as to be of use to the pristine divinity or the mother of all that is (i.e. Maa Adi Parashakti) whilst they remain as her little children and simultaneously as her little students …
Not even a handful of such ones are existing within the entirety of Maker’s Makings because of very less aspirants those who get qualified to be liberated, not even a handful have ever chosen not to be liberated …
Such ones also refuse their final liberations for the benefit of all parts of macrocosmic speciology i.e. all that is as an animate microcosm (all animate beings), an inanimate microcosm (all inanimate aspects like laws, principles, process etc.), supra-inanimate microcosms (all formless macro-elements or Mahabhoot, three macrocosmic attributes or Triguna etc.) and supra-animate microcosms (i.e. all Devas, divine beings or Gods etc.) …
And since no universe has the capacity to hold them within its limited envelopes, so such mega-evolved ones also remain with no choice but to reduce their inner flows and dynamism and thence slowly but steadily undergo through the very-very difficult and painful process of cessation of flows …
Initially when the cessation of flows is entered and that too for the first time, then the process of it is like entering into a self-chosen living death and that too willingly …
But when such ones return back into the universe (so as to do specific jobs) and thence after completing the jobs which had to be executed, when they again enter into the same process of cessation of flows and dynamism, then the same process of entering back into cessation is not so painful, even when it is the same living death only …
Unless such ones willingly cease their inner flows and dynamism completely and thus become like lifeless non-lighted etheric-fields of vast dimensions that exist outside of a universal envelope, the universe in which they reside would explode due to excess of flows and dynamism within it and thus that universe (in which they rest at that time) would only be a living hell for all other animate conscious- knowledgeable-active entities that are residing within its envelopes …
Thus for the benefit of the larger whole, these mega-evolved-ones self-decide to enter into a complete cessation of their own gigantic-universal inner flows and dynamism …
It is due to this reason, these Mahamanava also denote the higher of all levels of detachment (i.e. Pratyahara) in addition to denoting the higher of all levels of renunciation (i.e. Sannyasa), surrender (Samarpan), Shraddha (Faith), Dhyana (one pointed meditation), Dharana (inner-oneness of an aspirant to allness and her each part), Yum (or Yam) and Niyama and in addition to this, such ones are also denoting the supreme detachment (or final let-go or simply, Tyaga) and supreme sacrifice (i.e. Yagya or Yajna) …
It is only because of the fact that the ancient Vedic sages had known the existence of these mega-evolved-ones (i.e. Mahamanava) within the multi-universal macrocosmic creation and these Vedic sages had also self-realized their almost incomparable macrocosmic statures, that these Vedic sages had also told that Pratyahara, Sannyasa, Samarpan, Shraddha, Dhyana, Dharana, Yum, Niyama, Tyaga and Yajna (or Yagya) as the higher of all paths of evolution …
We had stated earlier that the status of a Mahamanava is one of the higher of all accomplishments ever possible … And because the path which a Mahamanava follows during the earlier stages of its evolutionary process, itself is an “inward path” i.e. the path which leads to the self-realization and thence a self-knowledge of one’s own innermost essence (or Atman) which itself is the reason for a further realization of Brahman (as Atman is Brahm only) so it was also due to this reason that the highly evolved Vedic sages who had known this fact through their direct cognitions had stated that “Atma Jnana (knowledge of self)” is the higher of all paths …
And it was also due to this knowledge that the entire lore’s of Sanatan Dharma (I mean the entirety of what this world terms as Hinduism, which in reality also includes Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism as per article 25 of Indian constitution and an additional definition as is stated in Hindu Marriage Act) has ever had the above discussed principles inherently placed within them …
And after these ones enter into a willful cessation of flows and dynamism, they just hang outside of a universe and are found to be as giant flowless (ceased) etheric fields which are of a very subtle non-lighted state … And such a state of theirs is also whilst they keep their connection to the universe in which they had finally evolved and thus had gotten qualified to enter into a cessation of their flows …
In the earlier painting of this topic the dark etheric field which is hanging out of one of the painted universes, is of a mega-evolved one (i.e. Mahamanava) …
HH-9 … Swaroop of a Mahamanava …
Here and in simple words, the term Swaroop means the “inner subtler state” of an aspirant, which may or may not be visible to others (i.e. other aspirants and inhabitants of a world) …
And the word Swaroop also means an inner subtly manifested state of a specific divine aspect (or aspect of divinity which has already fruited and thus has already subtly manifested within an aspirant) …
When any Mahamanava enters a physical world, then these ones are holding the following Swaroop …
- Sriman Naaraayana Swaroop (i.e. being an incarnated form of Sri Vishnu within a world, however not his Avatar) … Thus they also hold the Swaroop of Vamadeva face of Sadashiva … Thus they also hold the Stithi Shakti (i.e. the divinity of preservation) of Vamadeva face of Shiva, who in Vedas is also addressed as Vaikunth …
- Maa Adi Parashakti Swaroop (i.e. being an incarnated form of pristine divinity, however not an Avatar of her) … Thus they also hold the Swaroop of Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva … Thus they also hold the Tirodhaan and Parashakti (i.e. the pristine divinity of veiling and divinity of beyond all that is beyond respectively) which itself is of Tatpurusha face of Shiva, who in Vedas is also addressed as Maheshwara …
- Shiva Swaroop (i.e. being an incarnated form of Bhagwan Shiva within a world, however not his Avatar) … Thus they also hold the Swaroop of Aghora face of Sadashiva … Thus they also hold the Samhara Shakti (i.e. the divinity of destruction-rejuvenation) which also is of the same Aghora face of Shiva …
- Ganapati Swaroop (i.e. being an incarnated form of Bhagwan Ganapati within a world, however not his Avatar) … Thus they also hold the Swaroop of Ishana face of Sadashiva … Thus they also hold the Anugraha Shakti (i.e. the divinity of blessing allness and her each part) …
- Brahma Swaroop (i.e. being an incarnated form of Pitamah Brahma Ji within a world, however not his Avatar) … Thus they also hold the Swaroop of Sadyojata face of Sadashiva … Thus they also hold the Utpatti Shakti and Ichha Shakti (i.e. divinity of origination which rests within the divinity of pure desires) of the same Sadyojata face of Shiva, who in Vedas is also addressed as Brahmaloka …
But at the same time, their return back is only after spending eons and eons of time spans within their self-adopted ceased states (self adopted is because they only adopt cessation because no universe can hold them) …
The earlier painting which is given in the beginning sub-part of this topic (i.e. Ujjayi Naad) is showing a mega-evolved one whose non-lighted ceased etheric field is shown to be hanging out of one of the painted universal spheres and whilst that Mahamanav (mega-evolved-one) is resting in a state of cessation of its own flows …
This is how I had realized it during my subtle travels to those states which were out of the universal envelopes and whilst I was resting within the macro-elemental earth (i.e. Prithvi or Bhu Mahabhoot) that is shown as a dull-yellow color which is enveloping all the universal spheres (i.e. universes) in the painting given at the beginning part of this topic of Ujjayi Naad …
HH-10 … Shape of a universe …
When viewed from a location which is outside of a universe, each universe is found to be of the shape of a Shivalingam …
But in the earlier painting of Ujjayi Naad, I have only shown the top part of the universe and have not shown the base on which the elongated sphere like universe is eventually resting …
This base is of the pristine divinity, who itself is the supreme mother of allness (or Devi Maa or Maa Adi Parashakti) … This base is not shown in above painting but those who want to know how it looks like, can just see any photo of a Vedic Shivalingam (the word Shivalingam means a Symbol of Bhagwan Shiva and Shiva itself means the Auspicious-All who rests with its own Pristine-Allness i.e. Maa Adi-Parashakti) …
The elongated spheres as have been shown in that earlier figure, are how each of the universes really are when these universes are viewed from outside and whilst the observing subtler vehicle is stationed above these universes … When the aspirants subtler observing vehicle is already stationed out of the envelopes of a universe and above these universes, then above painting is how the multi-universal macrocosmic creation looks like …
Each universe is having a shape of a Shivalingam only and there actually are uncountable universes within the multi-universal macrocosmic creation … Vedic Lore says that within the macrocosmic creation (i.e. Brahmand or Maker’s Makings) there are 52.5 million universes, but I have not counted them during my subtler travels as this to do this kind of counting is an impossibility (for me) …
In the earlier shown painting of Ujjayi Naad, each of the shown spheres is one universe and each of these universes are holding countless numbers of planes of existences (i.e. galaxies etc.) and each of these planes of existences are also holding countless world-systems within them … So this figure is related to that which is out of a universal envelope and whilst being based “upon and within” the vast-vast and almost endless envelopes of the macro-elemental earth (Bhu Mahabhoot or Prithvi Mahabhoot) … It eventually is from Bhu Devi only, that the words of Sanskrit like, “Bhoomi (or solid ground)” and “Bhooma (or one who roams that solid ground) have originated … Solid ground means the ground of self-realization, eternal existence and beyond these two and thus the term solid ground includes all that is as subtle and gross parts of Maker’s Makings …
But the state which is depicted in the earlier shown figure of Ujjayi Naad also has red colored microscopic specs within it, which I have not painted in that figure … These red microscopic specs denote the macrocosmic attribute of action (i.e. Rajoguna) and these red colored lighted specs also denote the Asmita of Yoga and are also the proof of presence of divinity of Rudra Deva of Vedas within the macro-elemental earth (i.e. Bhu Mahabhoot or Prithvi Mahabhoot) … The realization of Ujjayi Naad is arrived after the realization of Sagun Nirakaar Awastha (or attributed-formless state) of Rudra Deva (or ALA Naad which was discussed the previous set of topics) …
HH-11 … Ujjayi Naad, Mahamanav and Prana Brahma …
The sound of this state is “Ahhhhhhhhhh…endlessly” and this denotes the exhalation of the Absolute (i.e. Brahman) and is also stated as the breath of the creator (Pitamah Brahma Ji) and which in turn signifies that the aspirant has already gone beyond the beyond because this sound which denotes the breath of the creator, is none other than that which is resting within the final and thus the culmination stage of the Vedic statement “Prana Brahma” which means “Vital Airs are the path to, a self expression of and thus are the Absolute being” …
Within Yoga Tantra this breath of Brahma (i.e. endless sound of Ahhhhhhhhhh) is also known as the “Ujjayi Swaas” which means the victorious breath as it denotes victory over entirety of existence … This sound is only self-realized after the aspirant qualifies to be the victor of allness …
It is in condition of “Prana Brahma” that a Mahamanava rests …
HH-12 … Mahamanava and Bhu Devi’s lineage …
This breath itself is related to the macro-elemental earth (Bhu Mahabhoot) and thus this self realization of “Ujjayi Naad (or sound of victory)” is the blessing of My Kula-Devi i.e. Bhu Devi (mother Earth) …
Those sages who had realized Ujjayi Naad (or sound of victory) were the ones who have given the concept of Ujjayi Swaas or breath of victory in Yoga Tantras … The Ujjayi Swaas (or breath of victory) is also related to Bhu Devi only …
Nobody else can bless you with “Ujjayi Swaas (i.e. the breath of victory over allness)” except Bhu-Devi and thus during those past millenniums, when humanity left the knowledge systems of Bhu-Devi, then their chances of being a “victor (of allness)” were also reduced substantially … This has been the reason why Chakravartin have not arrived to this world and in absence of these righteous kings (Chakravartin) the world only degenerated during the last few millenniums … When humanity adopts the concepts of Ujjayi in their ways of life, then the aspirants who are based upon Yoga Chakravart would also begin returning back to this world (however not as Chakravartin Samraat as during the divine degenerate ages, Chakravartin Samraat is an “almost” impossibility) …
She is also the Kula Devi of all seven Mohyal Brahmin clans of Punjab … And since majority of the present day Sikhs are also originated from these ancient Punjabi Brahmins and Hindus (i.e. Mohyal’s), so Bhu Devi is also the Kula-Devi of most of the Sikhs families of today and thus what is written here is their timeless Parampara also … Thus even the advent of the pure stainless rulers and subjects (i.e. Khalsa) which is being talked pretty often in scriptures of Sikhism can never be manifested in this world until systems and practices of Bhu Devi and Ujjayi Naad (Sound of victory) are adopted by them and all others …
As also a fact that Bhu Devi is also based upon and within all three primary aspects which were discussed in the earlier topic of “As IT eventually became” …
All mega-evolved ones (i.e. Mahamanava) and Chakravartin are of the lineage of Bhu-Devi only, because she by herself is the one who can render the blessing of Ujj (or the victory over allness) and thus all those aspirants who would self-realize what is written in this topic, can only those who relate to her and thus rest in her timeless lineage (or are ready to return back to her timeless lineage, if they have deviated out of her lineage during earlier times) …
But to return back to this lineage of Bhu Devi, a return back to concepts and practices of Ujjayi Swaas (i.e. Breath of Brahma or breath of victory or in other words, breath of one who is a victor of allness) and Ujjayi Naad (as have been discussed here) stands absolutely paramount …
HH-13 … Mahamanava and conquest of allness …
When any macro-elemental state is self-realized and thence entered into, then it denotes a victory over all modes of existences, because macro-elements are the original subtler-base of the macrocosmic creation and it is from these macro-elements that everything which we know as a physical or subtler universe is originated …
So when the macro-elemental parental state itself is won over (i.e. self realized) then the manifested child of that macro-elemental state is also deemed conquered …
And since the macro-elemental earth (Bhu Mahabhoot) is pervaded (or permeated) by the other four subtler macro-elements (i.e. macro-elemental water, fire or light or luminous-heat, air and ether) so macro-elemental earth also holds all the subtle-macro-elemental (i.e. Tanmatra) of all other macro-elements within it … Thus macro-elemental earth is the only complete macro-element (Mahabhoot) …
That aspirant who has conquered all the five parental macro-elements and thus is also deemed to be the conqueror of the five manifested-elements (of child of the macro-elements) is the one who ends up walking upon the path which grants the status of a Mahamanava …
HH-14 … Types of Mahamanava …
We had discussed earlier that in earlier shown figure (or Ujjayi Naad) the dark colored (here the word dark actually means non-lighted) cord which is shown to be hanging out of a universe is the etheric cord of a mega-evolved one (i.e. Mahamanav) who rests within the cessation of flows and dynamism …
But these mega-evolved-ones are of two primary types as are discussed below …
- Ones who are ceased within the principles (i.e. Siddhant) of the macrocosmic creation …
- Ones who are ceased within the process (i.e. Tantra) of the macrocosmic creation …
- And the latter ones also have a sub category, which as such is of those who are ceased within the Laws (i.e. Nyaya) of the macrocosmic creation …
- The former are the ones who father a future universal sphere and the latter are the ones who ensure correctness of process within that universal sphere and also ensure the cyclic rejuvenations of the universal sphere …
- But in this text we have merged the latter two, so as to keep it simple and this merging is only because this is how it eventually is as far as the primary categories of these Mahamanava are concerned … Further than this shall be discussed at a later stage of this text …
And because these mega-evolved-ones are like a dormant universe, so when the entire universe needs to be evolved or its faults corrected or it needs to be saved from an impending disaster (of excess or under of flows or dynamism) then only are these mega-evolved-ones recalled back by the macrocosmic creation (i.e. Maa Prakriti or Maa Pradhana) …
They may return in their mega-evolved-formless-states or may even return back in a microcosm state (when a minor portion of them enters the world or plane of existence so as to solve a serious problem which all other divine beings have not been able to solve) …
Only when the problem is beyond everyone else are these mega-evolved-ones (i.e. Mahamanav) recalled by the mother of allness (I.e. Maa Adi Parashakti) whose self manifested state is the macrocosmic creation (i.e. Maa Prakriti or Pradhana) …
When these mega-evolved-ones are recalled, then at such times, assistance of Amanava Purusha (i.e. non-human-man) is also sought for their transmigration process and this is in addition to assistances of many-many of the original deities of the macrocosmic creation … the term “original deities of macrocosmic creation” means those deities who have been there ever since the Maker had originated the genius of its Makings and thus these are those deities who are also present within each microcosm in addition to being present within the greater macrocosmic creation … Thus such deities are Vedic ones only because Vedic sages had ensured a compliance to this fact prior choosing any deity within the Vedic lore …
As also when the mega-evolved-one who is ceased within the process of the macrocosmic creation, is recalled and if that Mahamanava has to enter a universal sphere or a plane of existence or its world system, then such ones also transmigrate …
But within their transmigrated state, the flows and dynamism that they hold are not even an iota of their real capacity (because of the fact that their fuller or actual capacity cannot be arrived whilst they rest inside any universe because such a state would lead to a great burst of the universe) …
But during the re-origination phase of a universe when a mega-evolved one who is resting within a cessation of process, is recalled to re-begin the process within that incarnated or re-incarnated universe, then that Mahamanava stays out of the universal envelopes and suddenly increases it flows, which as such leads to the great burst of that developing universe … This great-burst of the originating universe is also what the big bang theory relates to (In later topics we shall be discussing the esoteric and metaphysical stages of the process of a big bang) …
And when any universe arrives at the ripeness and rightness of a destined end of its manifested state (i.e. incarnated state) then one of those mega-evolved-ones who are resting within cessation of process, again absorbs the entire process into its own non-lighted etheric-field, which as such leads to total loss of the universal process …
Continuing with above paragraph … And simultaneously the mega-evolved-one who earlier was resting within the cessation of principles prior it had fathered that universe so as to originated it, also absorbs back all vitality of that universe into itself …
Continuing with above paragraph … This as such leads to the initial stage of collapse of that universe as there is a spontaneous and sudden reduction of space within that universe … And when this starts happening, then these two types of mega-evolved-ones also spontaneously cease their flows and dynamism, which as such leads to the great universal collapse (i.e. great collapse of the earlier manifested universe) because the entire universe enters these vast mega-evolved-etheric fields of the two types of Mahamanava … And when this great collapse gets finally effected in spontaneity, then that entire universe begins resting within these vast-vast non lighted and ceased etheric fields of these two types of Mahamanava and thus the universe becomes a ceased entity (or a dissoluted entity) …
Continuing with above paragraph … As the universe undergoes through the process of its sudden and spontaneous great collapse, all that was existent within that universe also gets severely compressed … Eventually due to this severe and spontaneous compression, everything that was resting within that universe reaches the state of existence as non lighted inertial masses which are then seen to be scattered across that dissoluted state …
And it eventually is from these very non lighted inertial masses, that the newer incarnation of that same dissoluted universe gets effected at a much-much later time span and after that earlier universe has had its designated time span of rest within its dissoluted state as is of being a non-lighted etheric field which holds these non-lighted inertial masses … Thus everything has a cyclic existence and where that cyclic existence is also due to its need for cyclically refreshing of its own etheric fields …
And when a dissoluted etheric field of a universe has reached its ripeness and rightness to re-begin, then another mega-evolved-one who is ceased within the principles, is readied to father that newer universe … And simultaneously the mega-evolved one who is ceased within the process and within whom the process of the earlier universe is resting in a dissoluted state, transfers that “essential subtle dissoluted universal process” to the mega-evolved one who has to father that universe … Thus was stated within the that Sri Vishnu ejects the universe into Brahma, who holds it and expands it into its fuller-incarnated state (This is why the Vedic lore esoterically states that out of Vishnu many Brahma’s are born and from each Brahma, is born one universe) …
By earlier subtler experiences within those beyond states which as such are well beyond what is imagined or known as a macrocosm, I know that both these mega-evolved ones only rest within the ever-same, ever-all, ever-auspicious Sadashiva (i.e. Vishvakarman of the Vedas) …
Of the two primary types of mega-evolved ones that have been discussed here, one of each type also happens to be my revered Mahamanava Gurudeva …
II-1 … Relationship of all above to ALA Naad …
All self-realization of this entire topic were arrived after the earlier discussions of ALA Naad (sound of ALA or Rudra Deva) were crossed over (i.e. ALA Naad was gone past) during that subtler travel … The sound of ALA was already discussed in the previous set of topics which relate to Rudra Deva (or ALA Naad) … Thus it eventually is from ALA Naad (sound of ALA or Rudra Deva) that all the self realizations of this topic are arrived at, by any aspirant of now, or ever …
II-2 … Ujjayi Naad and relative stability …
As also, the macro-elemental earth has microscopic specs of reddish-orange color in those areas where the energy fields of ALA Naad (i.e. previous topic) meet the energy fields of macro-elemental earth … But this state is not shown in above figure as my painting skills are pretty limited …
Since ALA Naad also denotes Rajo Guna (i.e. macrocosmic attribute of action) and since Rajoguna in the form of reddish-orange colored microscopic specs is also present within Ujjayi Naad (or macro-elemental earth), so macro-elemental earth (i.e. Bhu Mahabhoot) is also slightly actional in its mode or way of life …
And since the solid ground (Bhoomi) for any begun microcosm remains as the macro-elemental earth (i.e. Bhu Mahabhoot) and the gross-manifested earth element (i.e. Sthool Bhu Mahabhoot), so when one is already resting within this macro and manifested element, then it is also found to be an element of relative stability …
It was due to this reason that Vedic sages had told the following …
- Macro-elemental ether (or Akasha Mahabhoot) is absolutely stable … As it is omnipresent and detached from other macro-elements …
- Macro-elemental earth (or Prithvi Mahabhoot or Bhu Mahabhoot) is the relatively stable one as it eventually is on the solid macrocosmic and microcosmic grounds provided by this macro-element, that anything resides … And when we observe anything whilst resting upon that thing, then it is only seen to be relatively stable …
- And the other three macro-elements i.e. macro-elemental air (or Vayu Mahabhoot), macro-elemental water (or Jal Mahabhoot or Aapah Mahabhoot) and macro-elemental heat or luminosity or fire (i.e. Tejas Mahabhoot or Prakash Mahabhoot or Agni Mahabhoot respectively) are the unstable macro-elements and thus are the eternally moving ones …
- To ensure this relative stability, Mahamanava are also resting within the macro-elemental earth (Bhu Mahabhoot or Prithvi Mahabhoot), whose divinity is Bhu Devi only … And thus stands the validity of an earlier discussed point, that without entering the timeless lineage of Bhu Devi, no aspirant can ever arrive at the high evolutionary standing, as is of a mega-evolved one (Mahamanava) …
Discussions continue …