The figure of Ujjayi Naad as was shown in a painting of earlier sub-part of this discussion remains valid for this one also … This topic shall discuss Ujjayi Swaas or Breath of Brahma and the effects on universe due to Rechaka, Pooraka, Kumbhaka of breath of Brahma, which itself is the victorious Breath within the Maker’s Makings …
In this topic we shall be discussing the following …
- The pending discussions of states that are depicted in the earlier painting of Ujjayi …
- Relation of the entire discussion to Brahma’s Breath (i.e. the Ujjayi Swaas of Pitamah Brahma Ji or the breath of the grandfather and creator of allness) and its further relationship to three bases (or three root concepts) of any Yogic Pranayama … And thus prove that Yogic Pranayama is naught but a divine practice which itself relates to the creator and grandfather of allness (or Pitamah Brahma Ji) itself …
- This is the last and final part which could be discussed within the time spans any divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga) and thus this stands as the last discussion on this topic of Ujj or Ujjayi …
MM-1 … Diamond white light in earlier painting of Ujjayi Naad …
The diamond white (or silvery white) light that was shown at the top part of each sphere (universe) is the pristine divinity of macro-neutral etheric field of the universe (i.e. Sarva-Sam Awastha of Maa Shakti) …
Thus this diamond white light as is shown in that earlier figure denotes a state of neutrality towards allness and her each part (i.e. Macro-equanimity or Sarva Samta), so this also proves that the final (or net) resultant of all flows and dynamism that exist within the universe are only based upon neutrality to allness and her each part (i.e. Sarva Samta or macro-equanimity) … Thus equanimity (or Samta) has remained an important aspect of Vedic, Yogic and all other later lore’s that have ever originated from the parental Sanatan Dharma and all these are related to the net macro-neutrality of flows and dynamism that exist within each of the universe and this is what is depicted in each of the universes that were shown in the earlier painting of Ujjayi Naad …
Unless an aspirant adopts the path of macro-equanimity or equanimity towards all that ever is or could ever be, the aspirant can never self-realize the discussions of this topic and its painted state and thus such aspirants would also never be able to reach the high evolved state of a Yoga Chakravartin and the further state of being an Avadhoot of a universe … And since these two states would not be arrived at, so such aspirants would also be unable to achieve the status of being a mega-evolved-one or Mahamanava …
But this diamond white etheric field is only visible when the aspirants subtler observing vehicle who rests within the state of Ujjayi Naad ends up pervading (or permeating or getting inside) the dull (or muddy) yellow colored light of Bhu Mahabhoot (i.e. macro-elemental earth) which envelopes this diamond white light …
The same diamond white cord is also rising from the top of head of some aspirants who have already done what needs to be done within the universal system and thus these aspirants are also those who are evolutionarily ready to exit out of allness … Such aspirants always show this light in a very subtle cord that rises up from the top of their head …
This diamond white cord is triangular in shape and is not a circular one … Closer is the shape of this cord to the shape of an equilateral triangle, more internally balanced that aspirant is and thus higher evolved that aspirant also is …
The same diamond white cord was stated as the “silver cord” within the much-much later Biblical Lore’s …
And that same diamond white (or bright silver colored) cord is also present within each universe as was shown in the earlier painting of Ujjayi Naad …
MM-2 … The non-lighted state in painting of Ujjayi Naad …
The non-lighted state which is shown at the topmost area of the earlier painting of Ujjayi Naad is of macrocosmic voidness …
By macrocosmic voidness I mean “voidness of allness (or Sarva Shunya) or the elemental or original voidness (or Shunya Tattva or the elemental void) … This is what was stated as Shunyata (in Buddhism) …
And this state is actually the same as Shunya-Brahman or Zero-Infinite, Infinite-Zero (or Shunya Anantah, Anant Shunya) as was discussed in the earlier topic of “As IT self expressed itself” …
MM-3 … Ujjayi Naad, Ujjayi Swaas and Breath of Brahma …
In earlier parts of this topic, we had discussed that it ultimately was from Ujjayi Naad or sound of victory that the Yogic concept of Ujjayi Swaas or breath of victory (Victorious breath) was arrived …
And we had also discussed that this breath of victory or Ujjayi Swaas is directly related to the Vedic Mahavakya of “Prana Brahma or Prana is Absolute (or Vital air is Absolute or Prana is Brahm) or in other words, Vital air (Prana) are of the Absolute being (Parabrahman or Parambrahma) …
And we had stated earlier that this “sound is victory over allness (i.e. Ujjayi Naad)” is of the exhalation (i.e. Rechak of Yoga) when the mouth is kept open and thus Yogic lore also terms this type of exhalation as “Ujjayi Swaas (i.e. the victorious breath)” …
But here we have to discuss the base reason for this breath which as such is based upon the much earlier knowledge of Yogi’s of Vedic lore, ended up being adopted within the Yoga Tantra of Sanatan Dharma …
The timeless Vedic lore as was given by self-realized, all-realized Sages states as follows …
- When Brahma (i.e. creator deity) exhales (i.e. he does a Rechak or Rechaka) then the universe expands +++ …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph … Here the term expansion means origination, evolutionary existence and destruction-rejuvenation of all macrocosmic Speciological parts … The term macrocosmic Speciological parts includes all that is animate (humans and all animate life forms), inanimate (laws, rules, regulations, procedures and manifested-gross elements etc.), supra-animate (Gods and their systems, angels, saints etc.) and supra-inanimate (five macro-elements or Mahabhoot and three attributes or Triguna and also includes newer knowledge systems which are apt for these changes) …
+++ And the term expansion also means coming in of newer parts and it also includes the stages of an ever higher evolution of all parts of macrocosmic speciology including coming in of newer systems, laws etc., in addition to coming newer macrocosmic Speciological forms and it also includes the ever changes which take place in all parts of macrocosmic speciology … This term also includes the stage where newer universes and their ever newer planes of existences (Galaxies etc.) and world systems (solar systems) are born and it also includes the continuous expansion of space within any universe …
+++ But this stated discussion is not exhaustive so readers can add more if needed to clarify this concept of breath of Brahma (i.e. creator deity) as this is the basis of the fact that an “eternally non-constant nature of allness and her each part, is the only constant within the Maker’s Makings (i.e. macrocosmic creation and her each part)” …
- When Brahma (i.e. creator deity) holds his breath (i.e. he does a Kumbhak or Kumbhaka), then the universe stabilizes i.e. a stage of neither expansion nor contraction … This is what leads to a stage which comes within the purviews of the “macrocosmic principle of stagnation due to sameness” and thus this is what leads to the next stage (i.e. the next bullet point) …
- When Brahma (i.e. creator deity) inhales (i.e. he does a Poorak or Pooraka), then the universe collapses i.e. the universe enters into its dissolution process …
The exhalation of Brahma itself is his own Ujjayi Swaas (i.e. his own victorious breath) and it was through this Ujjayi Breath that the universe is originated … And as long as Brahma keeps exhaling, the universe would keep expanding …
This Ujjayi Swaas (i.e. victorious breath of Brahma) has the sound of Ujjayi (i.e. sound of victory) which has already been discussed in an earlier sub-part of this topic …
As of the nowness of now when I write this text, because Brahma is still exhaling, so the universe is still expanding endlessly … The proof of this is the fact that I had heard the Ujjayi Naad (sound of victory) during my subtler travels …
Thus basis above and as of now, if any astronomer would observe the universe, then the universe would only be found to be endlessly expanding, since the timeless eternity that has already passed of the Maker’s Makings and until further fathomless eternity that still remains for the Maker’s Makings …
This apparent endless expansion is also because of the fact that the “Ujjayi Naad of Brahma’s Ujjayi Swaas” is still existent, as Brahma is still exhaling …
And even when the astronomers would say that the universe seems to be endlessly expanding as of now, yet this expansion is not endless till fathomless eternity that remains pending from now … This is because of the fact that when Brahma completes his 90th Brahma-year (as of now Brahma is still in his 51st Brahma Varsha), then the universe shall be seen to be rapidly slowing down in its expansion rates and thus would be seen to be getting more and more stabilized (i.e. neither expansion nor contraction) …
And when Brahma begins approaching his 100th Brahma year +++, then the universe would have already entered into the final state of its current cycle of existence, which as such could be termed as the great collapse (i.e. a rapid and spontaneous reduction of universal space and thus a corresponding reduction of space within all parts of speciology which reside within the universal envelopes) … And the universe would eventually dissolute upon completion of Brahma’s destined lifetime (i.e. 100 Brahma Years or 100 Brahma Varsha) …
+++ Deviating a bit to explain +++ of above paragraph … As per Vedic lore, Brahma has a destined lifetime of 100 Brahma Years which in human perspective is of 311.040 trillion human solar year … This time span is as per “middle time units” of precession of equinoxes plus the offsets of this particular “Age of Manu (i.e. current age of father of Man or the current Manvantara) … In a later topic of eternal cycles of time (i.e. Kaalchakra), I shall be calculating all these Vedic values and correlating them to a few values which are given by those who were blessed with Nobel prizes in recent history and also correlating to values which are derived through modern physics, astrophysics, astronomy and mathematics …
+++ But I shall be taking a few examples so as to clarify this point of relation of Vedic lore to modern science … So what shall be in that later topic would only be that which is sufficient to lay down a solid foundation of the ancient ways of life that was followed by Vedic scholars and then let the current community of intellectuals take over from there and expand that knowledge as per their own introspections, retrospections and further scientific analysis …
+++ Continuing with above paragraph … I prefer aspirants getting involved rather than me telling the full thing myself … None of my Guru’s have ever done this to me and I follow their style of knowledge transfer only … Plus this method of knowledge transfer also prevents this knowledge turning individualistic or monotheistic at a later stage and thus it also prevents this knowledge to become a harbinger of chaos at later times because “monotheism has never been and cannot ever” be a reason for long lasting inner-calm within the aspirants and outer-peace within the world … And this itself is because monotheism is against the pluralistic monism of the macrocosmic creation within which that monotheistic system, its Godhead, its text, followers and propagators itself reside (and act in their own ways of life) …
+++ Continuing with above paragraph … The only way to long lasting inner-calm and outer-peace is through adopting the ways of life of the macrocosmic creation within whose envelopes you yourself reside and this is only possible through adoption of those ways of life which are in sync with the intrinsic pluralism and simultaneously in sync with the essential monism of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. ways of life that are based upon Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma) … And because Sanatan Dharma is a pluralistic monist system, so it has no single founder, no single text, no single code, no single practice, no single deity and yet all these are only related to the ever-same, ever-timeless and ever-fathomless Attributeless-infinite Absolute-being because this way of life says that “everything-everywhere-everyone is divine (i.e. the mega-statement of “Sarvam Khalvidam Brahm” which means “everything, everywhere and everyone is one or another self expressed self manifested self presence of Brahman) because of the fact that –everywhere-everything-everyone is naught but one or another self-expression, self-manifestation and self-presence of the same attributeless-infinite Absolute-being (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) who originally was and has been discussed in the earlier topic of “As IT originally was” …
Resuming again … Thus basis above, the “Breath of Brahma (i.e. the creator’s Ujjayi Swaas)” itself is the root macrocosmic vitality (i.e. Brahmand Prana or vital airs of the macrocosmic creation and her each part) and it is due to this fact that the Vedas also declare a statement which is of “Prana Brahma or Vital airs are supreme (or in other words, all vitality is of the supreme being)” …
MM-4 … Furthering on Ujjayi Swaas … Breath of Victory or Victorious breath …
Now we shall discuss the importance and reason for inclusion of this breath of Brahma (i.e. Ujjayi Swaas) within the Yoga Tantra of Sanatan Dharma … This is due to the below mentioned reasons …
- The universe originates from the breath of Brahma itself (i.e. Ujjayi Swaas of Brahma) …
Thus a self-realization of the sound of this breath of Brahma (i.e. self-realization of Ujjayi Naad) only denotes a return back to the same breath of Brahma and which itself denotes the “completion of full circle of evolutionary process and thence a return back to the creator itself” …
Thus a self-realization of the “sound of the breath of Brahma (i.e. Ujjayi Naad)” only denotes a victory over all that is created till then and also a victory over all that would be created in any near of distant future, from this stage of self-realization of the Ujjayi Naad …
Thus such a Yogi, who self-realizes the Ujjayi Naad of our discussion, is also the one who has won over allness because this realization (i.e. of Ujjayi Naad) cannot be had when still resting in the purviews of macrocosmic creation …
And thus such a Yogi has nothing more to gain by residing within any of the states, conditions and modes of existences that are of the states that rest within the Maker’s Makings and which itself denotes the final culminated state of evolutionary process of that Yogi …
When above happens, then the macrocosmic creation is also the one who shows the way of exit to that Yogi and thus that Yogi becomes a finally and a fully liberated one who rests beyond all that falls within the Maker’s Makings …
This state of liberation is beyond the macrocosmic creation and it was due to this reason that liberated Yogi was also addressed as the one who is beyond allness and her each part because he (or she) is the one who has already conquered allness …
Thus such a one was termed as the Ujjayi or victor of allness which as such is the reason for terming the sound of our current discussion as Ujjayi Naad (i.e. sound of victory over allness or sound of the victor of allness) which as such is only denoting “the sound of final liberation from allness and her each part” and the sound of the one who is the victor of all that ever is or could ever be within the entirety of Maker’s Makings …
This proves that the macro-elements can also be utilized as an evolutionary ladder and it was due to this reason, during those very ancient times the Vedic sages used to meditate upon these five macro-elements (Panch Mahabhoot) and reach their liberated states in addition to self-realization of the supreme being (or the attributeless infinite being or Brahman of Vedas) …
- Thus basis above, when a Yogi reaches the self realization of Brahma’s Ujjayi Swaas (i.e. Brahma’s breath) then it denotes the stage of a victory over all that was created by the creator and would be created in any future … This is because of the fact that self-realization of this “breath of Brahma and its sound (i.e. Ujjayi Swaas and its Ujjayi Naad respectively) only denotes the completion of a full circle of the evolutionary process of the Yogi who self-realizes it just as it is stated here and that too where this evolutionary circle includes the primordial state which is right from the time when Brahma had originally started creating the multi-universal macrocosmic creation … The term Brahma of Vedas is also resting within the purviews of our earlier discussed topic of “As IT eventually became” …
- Thus a self realization of Ujjayi Naad only denotes a final return back of that Yogi to the original stage as was when Brahma had just about started creating the multi-universal macrocosmic creation … When the full circle is completed, then it also denotes passing through all the intermediary stages of evolutionary process and thence returning back to the creator’s creating breath itself … This is the stage of self-realization of the Vedic statement “Prana Brahma, which means Vital-Airs or Prana is Absolute (or in other words, Prana itself is of the Absolute being) …
- Thus because this stage of self-realization of the Ujjayi Naad is denoting a victory over the entire evolutionary process that the Yogi had to pass through whilst resting within the purviews of the Maker’s Makings, so Ujjayi Naad itself is denoting a victory over allness and her each part …
- So to incorporate the discussed facts within the Yoga Tantras and thus assist future aspirants, those Vedic sages who had known this fact had given the concept of the “Victorious breath (or Ujjayi Swaas) to humanity and this also was with an intention that this would establish the aspirants (any practitioner of this breath of Brahma or Ujjayi Swaas) into the path of return back to the primordial stage as was of the original origination of the macrocosmic creation … And also to ensure that the aspirant links up to this stage, evolves faster and ultimately becomes victorious (over all that ever is or could ever be within the entirety of Maker’s Makings) i.e. becomes fully and finally liberated …
- Thus was the reason for including Ujjayi Swaas (Victorious Breath) in Yoga Tantra of Sanatan Dharma …
- And finally … It is also due to above discussions which is related to the Vedic concept of Breath of Brahma, that the three stages of breath of Brahma i.e. Inhalation (i.e. Poorak or Pooraka), Holding breath (i.e. Kumbhak or Kumbhaka) and releasing breath (i.e. Rechak or Rechaka) have always been the backbone of Yoga Tantras of Sanatan Dharma … And this concept is definitely not that which was imagined or visualized, but is one which was given to humanity through the path of Yoga Tantras by those Vedic sages who had already self-realized in during their own meditations and meditative subtler travels …
That’s not all for this discussion, but this is where I shall have to close this topic because more than what is stated here could be utilized by the current severely deviated humanity to make divine weapons so as to conquer others militarily, economically, culturally, socially or other means …
And based upon my travel experiences across almost all lands of this planet and seeing the severely degenerate, individualistic, self-serving and corrupt ways of life of current day humanity, there are very high chances of above paragraph becoming an actuality at future times …
So basis above and irrespective of what anyone may say on the contrary, I won’t take this chance by giving a two edged sword in the hands of half witted monkeys, who as of now have somehow been calling themselves as humans even when they hold nothing humane in their own ways of life …
Thus I shall have to stop discussions on this topic here itself and this is even when the declared knowledge in this topic (and text) is not even 1 percent of what this topic (and this text) actually holds in its pristine glory, which is of my Kula-Devi who is addressed as Bhu Devi in Vedas, Maa Annapurna in Upanishads, Bhu Mahabhoot (macro-elemental earth) in Vedas and Yoga, Gau Mata in Purana’s and few other texts of Vedic lore, Gaiya Mata in Devanagari language and she is also addressed as Mother Gaia in much-much later western lore’s …
And it eventually is her own attributed-formless-divinity (or macro-elemental earth) within which the Ujjayi Naad (sound of victory) is heard … And sound of victory itself is Ujjayi Swaas (victorious breath) or the Breath of Brahma …
May the righteous aspirants of any of the three-times that ever were, are or could ever be and irrespective of where they may be residing within the triple-worlds, reach the self-realization of what has been discussed here … And be the victorious one’s too … With this end note, I close this topic …