In this topic, we shall discuss Vacuum, Absolute vacuum, Fullness and Absolute fullness …
This topic continues from the previous one “Inter convertibility of allness” …
In this topic we shall be discussing the myth of vacuum in relation to the impossible finality of vacuum which as such is an absolute vacuum …
This is because everything that is present within the multi-universal Maker’s Makings, is only based upon a fullness, which also is absolute in its nature …
80-AA … Discussing the lie of vacuum … There is nothing like an Absolute Vacuum …
Unless it is absolute in its nature, vacuum is not vacuum …
Within macrocosmic creation, there is nothing like an absolute vacuum … If absolute vacuum develops at any single point of a universe, then the universe would only end up getting collapsed i.e. entering that absolute vacuum and thus getting dissoluted …
And this is because the subtler particles are always existent within the macrocosmic creation and thus are also even present in those states which may seem like (or be known as) a vacuum …
Even beyond the universe, this absolute vacuum is not there …
Unless the non-lightness (emptiness) of primordial-voidness is crossed over, subtle light rays (Rashmi) and many other subtle particles which are subtler than the ones which are known, are always present …
Thus within the presence of these subtle rays and those even-subtler particles, that state which is believed vacuum cannot even be an absolute vacuum in the real sense of this word …
Thus what I read in school about 3 decades ago, that vacuum has nothing in it, is not correct, basis my own direct observations of those subtler rays of light and those even subtler particles that are present in all states of the macrocosm (or in other words, macrocosmic creation) …
And even within the non-lightness of voidness of allness (which itself is as the primordial voidness or Sarva Shunya and which can also be termed as the condition of macrocosmic voidness) there is a presence of the state which as such is the ever-same, most subtle of all that is, omnipresent, omni-directional, colorless-attributeless, self-luminous, infinite … This is told as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm in Vedas and this itself is the being who was addressed as Brahman within the Vedas …
And since that Brahman is also pervading voidness and thus it is also resting within everything (including voidness) and since this state is the one within which everything including voidness also rests (i.e. it envelopes allness), so this state is only denoting an absolute fullness … Thus since this state (or Brahman) is resting in voidness (as Brahman also pervades voidness) and simultaneously and since voidness also rests in its envelopes (as Brahman also envelopes voidness) so even voidness is denoting nothing but an absolute fullness and where that absolute fullness itself is what Vedas have addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm (or Brahman) …
Thus even voidness holds its intrinsic fullness because of the fact that self-luminous being (i.e. Brahman) itself is the detached pervader of voidness and thus is eternally present within the voidness and since Brahman only denotes an absolute fullness, so this condition also denotes a state of absolute fullness of voidness when we consider voidness along with its eternal pervader (i.e. Brahman) …
If someone is ignorant about this fact, then it does not mean that this fact is not present just as it is stated here …
80-BB … Absolute fullness of voidness …
Within voidness (emptiness) energy fields of vast natures are present and this itself is due to the presence of divinities of the self-luminous colorless subtle light (or Brahman or Paramshiva) even within this primordial state of nature, i.e. macrocosmic voidness … This divinity of Paramshiva (Brahman) is what Vedas have reverently addressed as Maa Adi Parashakti (i.e. Maa Adi Shakti or Maa Parashakti or simply Maa Shakti who as such is the pristine mother of all) …
This fullness of voidness is what my Gurudeva of last incarnation (i.e. Gurudeva Gautama Buddha) has told as Shunyata and thus Shunyata also denotes a state of union of voidness to fullness, which as such was addressed as Shunya Brahman during those extremely ancient times (of my much-much earlier incarnations from womb of a mother and also those which were arrived at by adopting the path of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit language can also be called as Parkaya Pravesh and in English, this is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth) …
Plus there are many other types of particles which are subtler than manifested state of light and which are also present in the so called vacuum of modern science …
And because the attributeless infinite being who also is the self-luminous one, pervades voidness, so this attributeless infinite being is also found to be existent within voidness … And because the attributeless infinite being only denotes an absolute fullness even whilst IT also exists within voidness, so due to this reason, even the state of macrocosmic voidness (or voidness of allness or Sarva Shunya or primordial nature) does not denote a state of perfect vacuum …
And since the same self-luminous attributeless infinite being is also present as the pervader of all that is as microcosm and macrocosm, so neither can any microcosm nor can the macrocosm be denoting a state of an absolute vacuum … Due to this, within of the instruments that are utilized in modern science, there state of absolute vacuum can never be arrived at and this statement is irrespective of whether it is believed or not …
Due to this reason, the ones who have known voidness, also state that voidness also denotes an absolute fullness, i.e. voidness is fullness and thus the zero is infinite in its real nature … And from within this union of zero infinite which simultaneously is also self realized as the infinite zero, is effected the original origination of the macrocosmic creation and its each microcosm …
Thus if vacuum is only deemed to be a state where macrocosmic components are absent, then that vacuum is only within the numberless nameless 5th of our earlier discussion (in earlier topic of “You are what you have self realized”) …
But in reality of things, the numberless-nameless 5th (which was discussed in an earlier topic of “You are what you have self realized”) is also denoting a state of perfect fullness and thus it also does not denote the state of absolute vacuum … And this is even when this numberless-nameless 5th is the attributeless infinite absolute state which pervades and envelopes allness and yet stays detached from all that is pervades and envelopes …
80-CC … Discussing relationship of pervader and pervaded …
This detachment of the pervader from the pervaded is a part of the “macrocosmic principle of pervader and pervaded” …
This macrocosmic principle has two parts to it and these parts are as discussed below …
- 1st part … Unless the pervader (permeator) is detached from the pervaded (permeated) and that too prior it pervades the pervaded and simultaneously the pervader also maintains this detachment for as long as it pervades, the pervader would not even be able to continue to pervade the pervaded … This is because, in the absence of detachment, the pervader would only become arrived at the same grossness as is of the pervaded (or the permeated) …
- 2nd part … The pervaded cannot be detached to the pervader and thus only ends up in attachment to the pervader … This is because, attachment to the pervader is naturally there within each pervaded and if this attachment is not there, then the pervaded would never be able to evolve to the state of the pervader …
- Analysis of the two parts of this relationship of pervader and pervaded … The pervaders relationship to the pervaded is of “detached un-attachment” and simultaneously the relationship of pervaded to pervader is of “Attached un-attachment” … Readers can analyze these two aspects themselves, as there is a “sea of knowledge” hidden in this discussion and that too, in so many layers (i.e. layer after layer, endlessly) that those who shall dive deeper into it, would only agree that I told it correctly by using the term “sea of knowledge” here …
Continuing with above bullet point … Just this analysis through your own inner eye of divine discrimination (i.e. discrimination means critical analysis) can lead to the direct cognition of the attributeless infinite being (Parabrahman) and its other primary self expressions (These have already been discussed in an earlier topic of “As IT eventually became”) …
80-DD … Vacuum, absolute vacuum and absolute fullness …
Since the numberless 5th (or Brahman) is partless one, so it is also omnipresent pervader and enveloper of all that ever is … Due to this reason the numberless 5th is the only state that is absolutely full and yet it is the only one who rests within its own vacuum of all that is other than it, which itself is due to its own perfect detachment to all that is pervaded and enveloped by it … And since the numberless 5th pervades and envelopes the entirety of “allness and its each part”, so it also rests within a perfect detachment from allness and its each part as per the macrocosmic principle of pervader and pervaded (as was briefly discussed above and which shall be detailed at a later stage of this text) …
As such, the numberless 5th is the only vacuum that is “absolute in its nature”, but only as far as presence of macrocosmic components within it are concerned … And yet when we consider the numberless 5th in the realty of things, then IT by Itself is also denoting a state of absolute fullness, because this absolute fullness is the real nature of this numberless 5th (Brahman) …
And because the numberless 5th is omnipresent and its real nature is absolute fullness, so within the entirety of macrocosmic creation, there is nothing like a perfect vacuum when we view this fact from the point of view of the numberless 5th that is being discussed here …
And yet the same numberless 5th could even be considered as the perfect vacuum, but provided that this term vacuum only refers to the “absence of macrocosmic subtler-particles” and not of the absence of the numberless 5th (because the numberless-nameless 5th is omnipresent and partless and thus cannot be missing anywhere due to its innermost nature being nothing but of an absolute fullness) …
And due to this reason, all that is deemed as vacuum is also having a subtle component within it and thus it cannot even be termed as a vacuum in the real sense of this term …
These subtle components are subtle impressional light (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Rashmi), in addition to the three attributes of macrocosmic creation (which in Sanskrit language are called as Triguna), the four continuous planes (which as such are the planes of Ether or Akasha, followed by the mind or Manas, then the consciousness or Chitta and then is the Gyan or Vijyana or knowledge), all sorts of energies (as everything holds the activity principle of the macrocosmic creation), five macro-elements (Panch-Mahabhoot i.e. macro-elemental states of space, air, light or fire or heat, water and earth) etc. …
And because all that is (including the experimentation chamber) is holding these subtle components, so in reality there is nothing like a perfect vacuum within the entire macrocosmic creation …
Thus all those experiments which are claimed to be done in vacuum, are actually not being done in vacuum, because within the entire macrocosmic creation, there is nothing like an absolute vacuum …
This is as some (one or another) subtler components of the macrocosmic creation, are always present in any place or state or condition or mode of existence anywhere within the entirety of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation …
And what is termed explicitly as vacuum is actually nowhere close to the absolute vacuum that is implicitly claimed in such statements … This is the duality of words that lead to incorrect base of modern research and as modern science evolves, it would know that whatever is discussed here, is absolutely true and where the hierarchical ladder of these subtler components are also “almost endless” …
From the macrocosmic point of view, that which does not hold any subtler particles, may be termed as vacuum and this is the numberless 5th only … And in that macrocosmic vacuum which also is only of the nameless 5th (i.e. attributeless infinite being or Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) there is no applicability of any of the laws (including of physics) … And thus if any of the laws of physics are found to be applicable to any state or any condition, then that state or condition is not of absolute vacuum … A vacuum cannot even be a perfect-vacuum, if principles, process, centers and laws of Maker’s Makings are still applicable to it …
Thus in reality Absolute vacuum is only of “isolation from allness and its each part (i.e. Kaivalya Moksha)” …
Plus that state where there is no applicability of any of the laws of physics, also cannot be utilized for any experiment … This is because, experiments can only be done within a world system that itself is resting within the macrocosmic creation and thus, is bound by its principles (Siddhant), process (Tantra), laws (Vyavastha) and the centers (systems of process or Tantra-Pranali) of Maker’s Makings …
Within that attributeless infinite absolute, who also denotes the absolute fullness, there remains no duality of realizer, realization and realized, because even these base-dualities are fully nullified … Thus this is a state which is without “dualities of alternates” and due to this reason, it has been termed as Nirvikalpa (or that which has no alternates and thus holds no dualities) … Thus the absolute also cannot be utilized as a base for any experiment due to its attributeless infinite state …
Within that absolute, there are no attachments and thus there is an utter-absence of all principles, process, laws and centers of the macrocosmic creation …
And yet that who is addressed as the Absolute here (or the nameless 5th of earlier topic of “You are what you have self realized”) is denoting an absolute fullness in the real sense and thus cannot be termed as a vacuum in the real sense, except whilst within a limited approach as is while resting within ignorance to its real nature (i.e. its real nature, as is of an absolute fullness) …
As also within that absolute, the time is eternity, space is infinite, direction is omnidirectional and state is omnipresent … And when all these are united to within the aspirant itself, then that aspirant enters into the realization of the omnipotent Shakti (Devi Maa or the “primal and supreme” energy or Maa Adi Parashakti) itself … And because energy itself is a state of union of the four primary macrocosmic dimensions and since energy also has a mass (as discussed in previous topic of “Light, energy and Kundalini Shakti”), so energy (or divinity) also does not denote an absolute vacuum in the real sense …
Beyond this state of self realization of fullness of macrocosmic divinity (energy) is the condition of omniscience in which the aspirant rests … And since this state is also of “being full of knowledge (Jnana Shakti or divinity of knowledge or pristine energy of knowledge)” so this state also does not denote an absolute vacuum in the real sense … This itself is because, knowledge-energy also flows across all the states of the macrocosmic creation, which as such makes the plane of macrocosmic knowledge (i.e. Indraloka) to be as “one of the four continuous planes of the macrocosmic creation” …
Now please note this carefully … Due to above discussions, neither does the absolute (Brahman or Paramshiva) nor does the pristine divinity (Maa Shakti) ever denote an absolute vacuum … But at the same time, due to limited approaches and due to ignorance to reality, if the absolute vacuum is considered to be an absence of macrocosmic grosser and subtler components, then that vacuum can only be as the attributeless infinite being (i.e. the nameless 5th of previous topic of “You are what you have self realized”) …
Proceeding further …
Within that extremely high and incomparable subtlety of the numberless and nameless 5th, there is a total absence of macrocosmic components and yet at the same time, because that nameless 5th is also denoting an absolute fullness, so due to this reason, the numberless 5th could even be termed as the “Absolute voidness of the Absolute” so as to mean both these aspects simultaneously (i.e. to simultaneously denote the “absence of macrocosmic components and also denote an absolute fullness”, both of which are undeniable facts about the numberless 5th (i.e. Satchidanand or Brahman) …
Thus due to above reasoning, within any part of the macrocosmic creation, absolute vacuum is a total impossibility due to the omnipresent nature of the attributeless infinite being (i.e. Paramshiva or Brahman) …
Even the central part of a galaxy or universe, which from a distance looks like a non-lighted state of emptiness (i.e. vacuum of allness) is not a vacuum in the real sense because it holds phenomenal quantum of energy fields, which do not denote a state of vacuum (this fact was discussed earlier in this topic) …
But even when absolute vacuum is an impossibility within any part of the macrocosmic creation, yet within the relative sense which restricts itself to just an “absence of known aspects considered as a vacuum” then a vacuum can definitely be arrived … But that vacuum never is and could never be an absolute vacuum because the restriction that is put in arriving at this vacuum, is not inclusive of allness and its each part …
Proceeding further …
As also, the absolute (i.e. the nameless 5th) is a state which is “neither dual nor non dual and thus is perfectly-non-dual” and this is due to its detachment from allness and its each part (including all concepts, including of liberation and bondage) … And yet because everything “rests within the Absolute (as the Absolute envelopes everything) and simultaneously “Absolute rests within everything (as the Absolute is also the pervader of allness) so the Absolute can never ever denote an absolute vacuum because in such a state, it is only denoting an absolute fullness only …
Expanding above paragraph … It also is due to its (Brahman’s) supreme detachment from allness that it denotes absence of all macrocosmic (natural) components and thus Brahman itself is the closest to the term Vacuum as is used in modern science … But at the same time, it is also within Brahman that allness itself is resting (because Brahman is also the enveloper of allness) and thus Brahman is ever present within “allness and its each part” so in the reality of Brahman and just as it really is, Brahman cannot ever denote vacuum because of the fact, that such a state is actually denoting an absolute fullness only …
So within its present state, the word vacuum, must be removed from all scientific fields, as this word denotes that which does not exist anywhere within the macrocosmic creation … A better option is to change this word to something that is more appropriate to that, which it really denotes or else all theories of modern science would only begin failing due to the fact that the base of many scientific aspects i.e. vacuum, is not what it is claimed to be …
As also, if the base of modern scientific experiments itself is inappropriately termed, denoted and interpreted, then neither can science reach in those subtler realms from where it originally originated nor would science be able to progress after a certain while (i.e. a certain distance has been travelled in this misconception, all scientific models shall begin failing … And the first failure shall be of the microcosmic and macro-cosmological models itself) …
80-EE … Conclusion …
So now we shall sum up above discussions into five main points …
1st point … The only state where there is an utter-absence of macrocosmic components, is the numberless nameless 5th (i.e. Brahman) … This numberless 5th is attributeless and yet infinite (Infinite is due to its unfathomable yet realizable nature and attributeless due to being aspectless, colorless, vibrationless, soundless, nameless, free of hierarchies and relativities and thus a numberless one) …
And if absence of macrocosmic components (i.e. absence of even the subtle components of macrocosmic creation) is all that current interpretation of the word “vacuum” stand for, then this numberless nameless 5th (or Brahman) is that vacuum …
2nd point … But at the same time, because the numberless nameless 5th is omnipresent (dimension of state or Dasha), omni-directional (dimension of direction or Disha), infinite (dimension of space or Akasha), eternal (dimension of time or Kaal) and is also found to be omnipotent (Sarva Shakta or Sarva Shaktimaan) when all above finalities of four dimensions (i.e. dimensions of state, direction, space and time) are within their non-dual unions (i.e. an aspirants consciousness is united to these dimensions in their finalities), then that numberless nameless 5th only ends up enveloping and pervading “allness and its each part” …
And because it is the pervader of allness, so it is resting within “allness and its each part” and because it is the enveloper of allness and its each part, so everything that comes under the purviews of the statement “allness and its each part” is also resting within the envelope of the numberless nameless 5th only …
Thus due to above, in reality this numberless nameless 5th is also denoting absolute fullness and thus cannot even be termed as an absolute vacuum in the real sense …
Thus the closest statement that can match the reality and thus describe this numberless nameless 5th (Brahman) within both its aspects as per this and previous paragraphs is through a statement of “Absolute voidness of the Absolute” …
This numberless nameless 5th is also the attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) of Vedas and is also that which is stated as the self-luminous within the Vedic Mahavakya of Rig veda, which is stated as follows … Prajnanam Brahma, which when translated in English would mean as Self luminous is That and this Mahavakya also means as “Brahman is the Self luminous” …
Note: The Sanskrit word that relates to the English language word of “self luminous” ultimately means “that who illumines all and IT yet stays hidden in the background” and thus such a one has no external source of light in it and yet “IT by ITself” is the one who illumines all lighted and non lighted states and yet stays hidden in the background …
3rd point … Thus in reality, there is nothing like an absolute vacuum ever possible to be realized within any part of the macrocosmic creation … And yet, at any time due to limitations of not undergoing self-realizations that prove this fact, when any aspirant gets based within relativities to that which is believed as full and that which is believed as empty of fullness, this vacuum is definitely possible to be arrived by such aspirants … But at the same time, this is only a relative-vacuum and thus it is definitely not denoting the absolute vacuum that is being discussed here and is denoted by the term vacuum in modern science …
4th point … The zero-ness and infinite-ness are inseparable when these are realized just as they are within the macrocosmic creation … And yet at the evolutionary standing where an aspirant reaches to that which is beyond the macrocosmic creation, then only the infinite remains …
Within the macrocosmic creation the zero and infinite are fused to each other in such a state, that one is the other and the other also is none other than the one which was taken as a reference for analyzing this discussion …
Thus within the macrocosmic creation, this state of zero-ness and infinite-ness could be described as none other than being “Zeroness of Infinity and Infiniteness of Zero” …
This is what was stated as Shunya Brahman (i.e. Zeroness of infinity and infiniteness of zero) within the Vedic lore …
As also a fact, that above state of realization (i.e. self realization of Shunya Brahman) also leads the aspirant to fully break past the veils of Maya (I.e. trinity of ignorance, limitations and deception) because Shunya is the final state where Maya can act (or in other words, Maya can never be applicable to state beyond Shunya Brahman) …
And thus as far as a final realization for such aspirants are concerned, this “Zeroness of Infinity and Infiniteness of Zero”, is the final realization itself …
From within this perfect union of the “Zeroness of Infinity and Infiniteness of Zero”, is originated the entire macrocosmic creation, including macrocosmic voidness (or emptiness) …
5th point … Those who have already had a self realization of Shunya Brahman, would only be stating as follows …
Nihil of Nihilists itself is the Full of Fullists
This statement also proves the accomplishment of self realization of Shunya Brahman …
Proceeding further …
And those who have gone past above stage also, would only begin referring to the numberless 5th (i.e. the Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or Brahman) and thus shall only begin resting within the base Mantra of Shukla Yajurveda Upanishads, as is written below …
ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पुर्णमुदच्यते
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
OM poornamadah poornamidam poornat poornamudachyate
poornasya poornamadaya poornamevavashisyate
AOM Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih
OM That is full, this also is full, from that fullness comes this fullness
Taking fullness from fullness, fullness indeed remains.
AOM Peace, Peace, Peace.
IshaVasya Upanishad, Shukla Yajurveda
In above Mantra, from the point of view of finality of the Supreme Being, “That” means as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm (or Brahman who by Itself the none other than the final essence of Allness) and “This” means the essence within each aspirant (or Atman) …
In above Mantra, from the point of view of physicality and non-physicality as is of the Maker’s Makings, “That” means the macrocosmic creation (macrocosm or Brahmand) and “This” means the aspirant (or microcosm or Pinda) …
Most of the realizations that are mentioned in this discussion cannot be had until at least that stage where the Kundalini has risen to the top of brain, is arrived … So the link of this topic to the earlier one of “Light, energy and Kundalini Shakti” cannot ever be discounted …
Continues …