This topic relates to the ancient concept of 360 (360 days in year) of the following aspects …
- Ratio of times spans of divine ages and human ages as a ratio of 360 : 1 …
- Concept of 360 days in a year of ancient calendars like those of Hinduism, of Judaism and also of Christianity …
- 360 years in Deva Vatsara (or Deva year) …
- 360 degree in any circle of time or space …
- The root of concept of “Three six zero” and the reason for 360 degree in a circle …
This topic continues from the previous one “Yuga Poorak and Yuga Sthapak” …
110-AA … Subtlety and dimensions …
Higher is the inner subtlety of anything …
- More would be the time span of its existence (in dimension of time) …
- Larger would be its expanse (In dimension of space) …
- More based upon allness would that entity be (in dimension of directions or ways of life) …
- Less chaotic would the state of that entity be (in dimension of state) …
It is due to above stated reasons, that …
- Divine ages have larger time spans as compared to the time spans of the human ages (in dimension of time) …
- Divine worlds have a larger expanse as compared to earthly or grosser worlds (in dimension of space) …
- Divine ways of life are related to larger part of allness of Maker’s Makings …. Divine ways of life are more based upon “oneness to allness” (in dimension of directions) …
- And divine states are less chaotic as compared to this grosser earthly plane (in dimension of state) …
- All above are also applicable to all divine beings, of all divine worlds …
But here I shall be relating to root of this concept which in its originality is of the most ancient knowledge of Vedas …
110-AA-1 … Devaraja Indra’s number … Setting the base for discussion the concept of Three six zero …
Devaraja Indra means “That ruler of all divine worlds who is addressed as Indra” …
Devaraja Indra was that Yogi of extremely ancient times who during the entire course of his evolutionary existence ended up successfully completing 100 Inner Ashwamedha Yajna …
Aantrik Ashwamedha Yajna was discussed in earlier set of topics of “Shiva Taraka Naad (which in Vedic lore is told as the sound of Ram or Raam Naad and which is also the same as what is called as the Shiva Taraka Mantra)” and we had also discussed it in another later set of topics of “Ashtama Chakra” … This inner Ashwamedha Yajna also directly relates to Atharvaveda chapter 10 …
Proceeding further …
The subtle channel of Indra which is present inside the human body and which also denotes the presence of “Indraloka (divine world of Indra)” within the human body, is of Ida Naadi (or left channel or coldness channel or Chandra Naadi) …
Since Indra is the controller of this divine channel which is addressed as Ida Naadi in Yoga and Veda, so during ancient times, self realized sages used to address Devaraja Indra as Idandra Deva, which in simple words, also means the divine being who itself is the “Ruler of Ida Naadi” …
Ida Naadi is a part of the central channel which is named as Sushumna Naadi (or neutral channel) …
101 sub-channels unite to each other within the Sushumna Naadi and thus many Sanskrit texts state that Sushumna Naadi is having 101 sub-channels within it …
Of these 101 sub-channels, 100 terminate in the heart and then one channel rise up to the top of brain …
And this channel of Indra i.e. Ida Naadi, is the 100th sub-channel amongst the 101 sub-channels which make the central channel that is addressed as Sushumna Naadi (or neutral channel) …
This channel in the human body which belongs to the “ruler of divine worlds (or Devaraja Indra or Idandra Deva) is Ida Naadi (Chandra Naadi or moon channel) …
Ida Naadi has also been termed as the 100th sub-channel of the central channel (or Sushumna Naadi) and this is how it was also addressed during those very ancient Vedic times which were of my much-much earlier incarnations and also those further incarnations which were arrived by adopting path of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit language is also called as Parkaya Pravesh) …
Proceeding further …
As these 101 channel’s which rise from base of spine, 100 terminate in heart and one of these channels rises up till the top of brain …
Within Vedic Parampara (which in simple words, also means as the timeless tradition of Vedas) this fact is very esoterically stated as 100 rivers of Bharata … The Sanskrit word of “Bharata”, literally means India, but this definition is not what was meant by Vedic sages …
Bharat actually is the macrocosmic creation (or in other words, the Maker’s Makings and which in Sanskrit language is also called as Brahmand) within whose envelopes every microcosm rests and which simultaneously is also present in a subtle impressional state (Sookshma Samskarik Awastha) inside each microcosm …
As far as the human microcosm is concerned, these 100 rivers of Bharata denote the 100 channels, of which the 100th is of Indra Deva …
And as the 101st sub-channel rises up to the top of head (i.e. till the thousand petalled lotus or crown plexus or Brahmarandra Chakra and which in other words, is also addressed as Sahasrara), then it also transits through those 33 types of divine planes and their divine beings all of which are present inside the 33 vertebrae of the spinal column …
Above is also the one which in Vedas was esoterically told as 33 Koti Devata (i.e. 33 types of divinities) …
This was stated so because in the middle of each of these 33 vertebrae of the spinal column through which these channels rise up from base of spine till the top of head, there is one type of divine world …
And each of these 33 types divine worlds (which are present inside each vertebrae) has its own specific type of divinity, which is addressed as a divine being (or Deva in Vedas) …
110-AA-2 … Hierarchies of divinities, within and beyond each microcosm …
Depending upon the number of Inner (or Aantrik) Ashwamedha Yajna that are done by any Deva (divine being) is the channel in the body, that is occupied by that Deva …
Thus, those Deva’s (or divine beings) who have successfully completed the 1st inner Ashwamedha Yagna, get the 1st sub-channel amongst the 101 that make the Sushumna Naadi (or central channel) …
And that Deva who successfully completes the 100th inner Ashwamedha Yagna, also ends up occupying the 100th sub-channel (or Ida Naadi) of the central channel (Sushumna Naadi) … And he is the one who becomes the Indra i.e. he becomes the ruler of all divine worlds (or Idandra Deva or Devaraja Indra) and thus a ruler of entire macrocosmic creation (Brahmand) …
But to get to each further inner Ashwamedha (i.e. each inner Ashwamedha after the 1st Ashwamedha is successfully done) all the 101st channels shall have to be passed again by that Deva and this means, that Indra has actually passed through all the 101 subtler channels of the central channel, for 100 times …
This is how the subtlety of any state of Maker’s Makings is determined …
Thus the subtlety of the plane of any Deva (i.e. the divine world of that divine being) is directly dependent upon the number of times that the Deva has successfully completed this Aantrik Ashwamedha Yajna …
As far as the final three divinities stand in this hierarchy of Maker’s Makings, following is how it actually is …
- Rudra Deva of Vedas has completed 99 Aantrik Ashwamedha Yajna and thus is having the 99th hierarchy due to which he also occupies the 99th sub-channel of the central channel (Sushumna Naadi) … Rudra of Vedas is also the one whom Islam addresses as Allah Tala and it primarily is due to this reason that Islamic lore also states that Allah also has 99 names … The same Rudra of Vedas, is also the one who Buddhist lore addresses as Buddha ALA … And the same Rudra of Vedas is also the one who is addressed as Asmita (which literally means the macrocosmic attribute of action or Rajoguna) in Yoga Tantra and Vedas and the same Rudra of Vedas is also the one who is addressed in Native American lore’s as the Red Kachina … And the divinities (or energies) of the same Rudra of Vedas, are also the reason for what is called as a Red Shift within modern astronomy … This text has described Rudra Deva in an earlier topic and we have also addressed him with his, that was told as the Sound of ALA (which in an earlier topic was also named as ALA Naad) …
- And Indra’s number is 100, so Indra has 100th hierarchy which itself is the reason for him to be granted the position of Devaraja or ruler of divine worlds and which itself was the reason that during very ancient times, Devaraja Indra also had 100 names … And all divine worlds which Indra rules are eternally present within each aspirant and are also present within the greater macrocosmic creation … Since this is already discussed above, so I shall move further …
- And the number of Hiranyagarbha Brahma is 101, so it is also due to this reason that Hiranyagarbha of Vedas also came to be addressed as the “lord (or in other words, Ishvara) … And since the 101st subtle channel, which itself is of “Hiranyagarbha (which means as the golden womb)” and who itself is like a vary vast light of golden color and since it eventually is within the envelope and pervadement of Hiranyagarbha that the macrocosm (or macrocosmic creation or Brahmand) self manifests,, so this is why Hiranyagarbha was named as Hiranyagarbha which means as the golden womb of creation (or in other words, the golden womb of the “Maker’s Makings”) … And as a matter of undeniable fact which is self realized within the subtle realms (or beyond realms), Hiranyagarbha or golden womb is the light amongst all lights, he is also Sagun Brahman in addition to being Ukar (which in other words, can also be told as Okar or Sound of O) of Vedas and Yoga and he is also addressed as Maheshwara in addition to being addressed as the east facing, golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva … The same Hiranyagarbha is the one who is addressed as Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrianism and thus Ahura Mazda has 101 names … Hiranyagarbha is also the Buddha Amitabha (or Buddha of eternal light) … In the human body, the golden colored Hiranyagarbha is inside the area which is at the top part of brain and it is from this part of brain, the the consciousness of an aspirant flies upwards and enters into the the golden channel of Hiranyagarbha, which itself is the subtle channel that Siddha lore has addressed as Vajradanda Chakra and which itself is the same as that which Buddhist and other Yogic lore’s calls as Vajradanda and the same golden channel (of Hiranyagarbha) is also the basis of the concept of Vajra of Vajrayana Buddhism … All that is addressed as Vajra, Vajradanda Chakra and Vajradanda across various lore’s of human history, are eventually related to the Vajrastra (i.e. the divine thunderbolt) which itself is of Devaraja Indra …
As a matter of fact …
- Higher is the hierarchy of a Deva (divine being and its own divinity) within the supreme genius of Maker’s Makings, subtler (or in other words, “higher evolved”) that Deva is and thus correspondingly subtler is that Deva’s channel which is also present inside the human microcosm …
- Subtler is the Deva, higher is the energy component of that Deva and correspondingly higher is the power (I mean the energy component) of the divine world of that Deva … And the same discussion is also applicable to that Deva’s channel which is also present inside the human microcosm …
- Higher is the power (I mean the energy component) of that Deva’s channel (i.e. the divine plane of that Deva) which is present in the human microcosm), stronger (louder or more ego shattering) is the sound of that Deva which shall be heard whenever any aspirant’s consciousness would transit that Deva’s channel … Same is applicable to that Deva’s world also …
- Higher is the ego shattered, greater evolved an aspirant becomes … More times is the ego shattered, higher that aspirant evolves within the macrocosmic hierarchy … Thus those aspirants who pass through the 101st channel for higher number of times, also end up attaining a higher macrocosmic hierarchy … And the same is also applicable to all divine beings (Deva’s) …
The Deva’s (divine beings) come and go as per the cycle of time (Kaalchakra) that is applicable at their respective divine worlds (Deva Loka) but yet their divine worlds stay eternally …
Above is because the divine worlds are a part original self expression of the Maker (i.e. original state of Maker’s Makings) and since the original self expression (which includes the divine worlds) is also as eternal as the one who had originally self expressed it (i.e. the Absolute being, who can also be addressed as the Supreme Being and who itself is the one whom Vedas and Yoga texts have addressed as Brahman and these texts have also addressed the same absolute being as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) so due to this reason, these divine worlds continue as eternal planes even when their controllers (or Deva’s or divine beings) come and go cyclically as per the demands of time and its cycles, that are also applicable to all these divine worlds …
So this was the discussion of macrocosmic hierarchy, but limited to one level below and one level above that of Devaraja Indra, who as such is the base of concept of 360 …
110-BB … Importance of Indra in determining the divine time … Base of 360 days in year …
Divine time is the time applicable to a divine world … But ultimately it is the rulers time is what everyone follows …
So as far as the divine worlds are concerned, the “divine time” which is applicable to any of the divine worlds can never be anything other than the “time which is applicable at Indraloka (i.e. time at the divine plane of ruler of all divine worlds) …
So if we humans who live on this gross (or physical) world need to determine the factor of converting the “time units of our human realm” into the “time units of divine realms”, then the only option is to take the relation of human years to the time span which is applicable at Indraloka i.e. we would need to time of the divine plane of ruler of all divine worlds or in other worlds, time at Indraloka …
This topic shall be utilizing above paragraphs concept to determine the “factor of conversion of human years to divine years” …
The method of this topic is just as was laid down by Sages of Vedas and this concept has been used ever since those extremely ancient times which are beyond the current human comprehension with regards to the existence of humanity in this universe …
110-CC … Ratio of human years to divine year … 360 days in a year …
Following is the base of this calculation …
- Number 100 of Indra Deva (discussed above) …
- One solar revolution which itself is running within the esoteric path of sun as is denoted by the mathematical symbol of infinity … This was already calculated as 432 million human solar years (as per middle time units of precession which are also are applicable to all divine worlds, including of their ruler, i.e. Indra) …
Note: The value of 432 million human solar years was already utilized in an earlier topic of “Calculating Brahma Kalpa” in addition to being utilized in another topic of “Calculate Surya Samvatsara” and the same value was also utilized in another topic of “Surya Samvatsara and Manu Smriti” and was also utilized in another earlier topic of “Astronomical age of universe” in addition to being utilized in the earlier topic of “Pending time of suns revolution” … And this value is also related to the earlier topic of “Calculate solar revolution” because it is equal to twice the time span of a solar revolution (at middle time units of precession) …
- 12,000 years of Manu Smriti … As was discussed earlier that this time span of Manusmriti is applicable to all ages, including human ages, solar ages, age of Manu, divine ages and the same value (or 12,000 years) is also applicable to the Surya Samvatsara (which in some Sanskrit texts is also called as a Mahakalpa and which in other words, can also be written as a Maha Kalpa) solar ages …
So basis above, now we shall derive the ratio of “one year of divine time to one year of human time” …
This is as calculated below …
{(Solar full-cycle / human age) / Devaraja Indra Ashwamedha Yagna number)}
So the calculation becomes as follows …
{(432 million years / 12000 human years) /100} = 360
Thus basis above,
One Deva year shall become equal to 360 human solar years …
And one Deva day shall become equal to 360 human solar days …
This is the number given in Vedic lore as far as ratio of divine years to human years is concerned … And the same concept of there being 360 days in one year Is also used in Vedic calculations …
This concept was utilized so to ensure that “human time span does not go off-sync with own parent i.e. the divine time span” …
And this concept was used because once we unite our own aspects to divinities (divine worlds) and that too where the path of this unity stands rooted within primordial dimension of Maker’s Makings (i.e. time and its cycles) then the manifestation of divinity within human ways of life, is much easier as compared to any other way …
At a stage which was much later to origination of this concept of 360, the same was utilized in Judaism and the even later Christianity …
But the fact still remains that this concept can only be derived through Vedic ways, just as it was originally derived during those extremely ancient times which are well beyond human comprehension that relates to the time span of existence of humanity within this universe …
110-DD… Unity of human and divine ways through time via the concept of 360 …
Basis above method of calculation, the following is absolutely clear about the number 360 …
- This number (i.e. 360) denotes the unity of the manifest state of the self-luminous (i.e. the Sun of this planetary system) to the ruler of divine worlds (Devaraja Indra or Idandra Deva) and then to human realms (but by relating it to human ages)” …
- Since sun is a self manifested state of Hiranyagarbha Brahma (golden womb of macrocosmic creation) within this part of the universe, so this concept also unites human ways to those at the golden womb of creation (from where this little student who as of now is writing this text, has returned back to this physical world by adopting the process of transmigration of soul (which in Sanskrit language is also named as Parkaya Pravesh) …
- And since Hiranyagarbha also denotes the “Light amongst all lights”, and since light itself is of knowledge and consciousness so Hiranyagarbha also denotes “Knowledge amongst all knowledge” and “Consciousness amongst all conscious beings, of here and beyond” …
- Thus unity through the concept of 360 also leads humanity to eventually enter into the conscious principle (Chetan Siddhant) and knowledge principle (Jnana Siddhant) of the Maker of allness (Brahman and who in Sanskrit lore is also addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) … This is because Hiranyagarbha also is one of the original self-expressions of Absolute being (Brahm or Parabrahman) …
- Since Hiranyagarbha Brahma also is Karya Brahma (one who eventually originates the macrocosmic creation “out of ITself, by ITself and as its own manifested extension)” so Hiranyagarbha also denotes the “pristine activity principle of macrocosmic creation (i.e. Kriya Siddhant)” … Thus unity through the concept of this number (i.e. 360) would also be leading humanity to enter into “pure righteous activity” …
- As also, since Hiranyagarbha Brahma (i.e. golden womb of creation) also is the golden colored Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, who is also the “Lord of Yoga, Yoga Tantras and all Yogi’s”, so associating to this concept of 360 also leads to those Yogic ways of life which are naught but fully liberating (i.e. they make an aspirant enter into Kaivalya (which in Sanskrit texts is also called as the stage of attainment of Moksha) …
Thus if I were to tell this in a nutshell, then “concept of 360” directly denotes the following …
- Unity of human ways to divine ways as are of the “ruler of divine worlds (Devaraja Indra)” and his Kingship principle … Thus this also leads to manifestation of “righteous divinely anointed kings (Chakravartin Samraat)” on earth …
- Unity of human ways to Hiranyagarbha, which in-turn leads to those ways of life that are of “Ishvara (Lord of allness)” and which ultimately lead to absence of chaos …
- Yogic ways of highest order would become prevalent in humans … This is what opens up path of self-realization for a few, who eventually propagate it to all humanity and thus pave the way for final liberation (which in Sanskrit texts is also named as Kaivalya Moksha) of very-large section of humanity … I say so because there has never been a fully accomplished Yogi who who did not distribute his knowledge to other aspirants (i.e. those who were ready to receive it at those times when that Yogi was walking this planet in an incarnated frame) … Thus there has never been a fully accomplished Yogi who had kept his knowledge to himself … So when one aspirant “fully accomplishes, all that is to be accomplished” then he also becomes the reason for evolutionary progress of many-many other aspirants of his and also of later times …
- But to reach this condition, the concept of 360 shall have to be such that it is just as it is stated here (and not any deviated form of it, as is used in the current times and across many systems and their ways of life) …
- Since Hiranyagarbha (i.e. golden womb of macrocosmic creation) eventually is the creator who creates everything, so association to the “concept of 360” also denotes a state of unity of humanity (who uses this number) to the creator, lord of divine worlds (and divine beings) and also to all divine worlds (and their divine beings) in addition to denoting the unity to all that was created and propagated by any of them …
- Finally … This number also denotes an inner unity of a Yogi who rests in Brahmand Dharana (oneness towards allness and her each part) and which itself becomes a path to entering into “Brahmand Yoga (non-dual innermost unity of an aspirant to allness and her each part)” which we had discussed in earlier set of topics on “Ujjayi Naad” …
Continues …