Here and through support of Yogic mathematics, i.e. through Yogic aspects of zero and infinity, we shall discuss the need of Vedic deities and Vedic sages in the path of attainment of Ishta Swarupa, Atma Swarupa, Brahma Swarupa …
This topic is the sixth in this series of Zero and Infinity (or Infinity and zero) and it continues from the previous topic that had the header of “Anatman, Anatta, Nature of Atman, Nature of Brahman” … This topic is also the third one in this series of self-realizations within the “Yogic aspects of zero and infinity” as was the header of an earlier topic …
- Infinity + Infinity = Undefined … Infinity X Infinity = Undefined …
If we add or multiply infinity to infinity then the result is again an undefined state … Thus …
- Infinity + Infinity = Undefined …
- Infinity + Infinity + Infinity … Endlessly = Undefined …
- Infinity X Infinity = Undefined …
- Infinity X Infinity X Infinity … Endlessly = Undefined …
Which means if we merge i.e. multiply or add our inner or final nature with any other inner or final nature, the state which is arrived at, is of the attributeless undefined, who as such is the attributeless infinite absolute being (Brahman) …
But here, even when at some places we would be writing Infinity + Infinity = Undefined, but even then, we would also mean Infinity X Infinity = Undefined … This is as both lead to the same reality i.e. the undefined infinite …
Infinity + Infinity = Undefined entity … Need of Vedic deities … Ishta Swarupa … Atma Swarupa … Brahma Swarupa …
One of the Vedic requirements to be a deity is that, the Deity has to be self-realized as present, within and beyond an aspirants microcosm …
This means, the same deity who is present within his (or her) own macrocosmic divine world, has to also be present within the microcosm of that aspirant …
This also was one of the primary requirements that was followed by all Vedic sages, prior they had accepted any deity to be a part of the vast, intrinsically pluralistic yet essentially monist Vedic lore’s …
Such a deity (as described in above paragraph) is omnipresent, within and beyond each microcosm (aspirant) … Here the term, microcosm means every microcosm, right from the smallest atom or cell or a light particle, till the largest microcosm, which as such is a universe …
This omnipresence of a Vedic deity, is what makes it infinite in its innermost nature (or truth) … And this aspect is the one that was utilized in Yogic ways of Vedic sages, so as to directly cognize the undefined infinite …
Thus basis above, the aspirants innermost essence (Atman) and the innermost essence (Atman) of that Vedic deity and whom that Vedic deity eventually denotes even within his (or her) human or any other attributed form (Saguna Sakara Awastha), is what is used as the base of this discussion on Infinity + Infinity = Undefined entity … This is as discussed below …
Proceeding further …
Once the aspirants consciousness becomes one with that deity, that aspirant merges to that deity …
This is the stage, when that aspirant becomes like that deity, who has manifested in the form of that aspirant … This state is like a drop who is the ocean because when a drop of water merges to the ocean, then the drop is the ocean itself …
This is what was termed as Ishta Swaroopa (or Ishta Swarupa) i.e. the stage, when an aspirant is like being a “human form of the deity of his (or her) worship” …
But in definition of the term Ishta Swaroopa, above is not the final state of self-realization, because that deity being omnipresent, is nothing but the infinite (Brahman), so far as that deities innermost essence (Atman) is concerned … And so is the aspirant who merges to that deity, which itself is denoted by the above stated equations which are also written below …
- Infinity + Infinity = Undefined infinite …
- Infinity X Infinity = Undefined infinite …
Proceeding further …
Thus, basis above paragraph … Below is how it eventually is during the end part of Ishta Swaroop Stithi of any aspirant …
- The aspirants innermost essence (Atman) is Infinite (Parabrahman) … And also that, the deities innermost essence (Atman) is also the same infinite (Parabrahman) …
- The aspirant doesn’t know this fact … But the deity has already known it and also that, the deity is in fact the attributed-form (Sagun Sakaar) of the omnipresent innermost essence (or Atman) itself …
- Thus, when the ignorant aspirant, merges to his (or her) deity, then Infinite + Infinite only becomes as the undefined entity of our current discussion …
- And where that finally self-realized undefined entity of above stated union, also is none other than the ever-same Infinite, who itself is the ‘same (or non-dual)’ Atman of both, and who itself is Brahman …
- That aspirant who knows thus, attains to Brahma Swarupa, but via the path of Ishta Swaroopa itself …
- Thus, in reality, Ishta Swaroopa, is the intermediary stage from a realization point of view of finality, of undefined infinity (Brahman) …
- And this is even when, in its innermost core and thus the finally realized aspects, Ishta Swaroopa itself is Brahma Swaroopa, whose realization always passes through another intermediary stage, that is as the afflictionless state (Vrittihina Awastha) of Atma Stithi (i.e. resting in the afflictionless state of union to one’s own innermost essence or Atman) and which Vedic and Yogic sages had also termed as Atma Swarupa (i.e. being like the physically manifested state of one’s own innermost essence or Atman) …
As such, this was the very reason, that within certain esoteric paths that relate to vast aspects of Yoga Tantra, a deity is also visualized to be residing within oneself (within one’s heart or even within the crown plexus) …
This visualization is what causes causes our own innermost nature to eventually become one with the visualized deities innermost nature, both of which in their realities, are naught but infinite (i.e. the Atman of both, is Brahman infinite) …
And this in turn leads to the realization of the utterly undefined state of Atman, who itself is Brahman, just as is discussed in this part of the discussion and is mathematically represented as Infinity + Infinity = Undefined entity (Brahman) … And is also referred to as Infinity X Infinity = Undefined entity (Brahman) …
Same realization would also take place whenever a fully liberated sage (i.e. sage of Kaivalya) subtly shows up during our meditative states or even within higher conscious travels …
This sameness is because, this condition is also denoting the same state, as is discussed above for a deity and which is mathematically denoted by Infinity + Infinity = Undefined entity (Brahman) … And is also told as Infinity + Infinity = Undefined Infinite (Brahman), but even then, we would also mean Infinity X Infinity = Undefined infinite (Brahman) …
Proceeding further … To discuss a sexual union that also maintains celibacy …
The same fact is also there when man and woman unite sexually, but are able to proceed in that sexual union, without losing their seeds … And as times would progress in such a sexual union, that both being infinite as the innermost essences (Atman) of both would merge to each other … This merger would also lead to what is told above as and is mathematically denoted as Infinity + Infinity = Undefined entity …
And believe it or not, this fact has also been the basis of depiction of deities in sexual union within Tibetan (like, Bardo) and other Tantric lore’s of Sanatana Dharma … But the fact, still remains that such depictions essentially denote a non-duality of union from the root of evolution (i.e. sexual organs) and not sexual copulation … This was discussed in an earlier topic of Bhadra Bhadri Yoga …
Proceeding further … Tantrik aspects of Infinity + Infinity = Undefined entity …
The concept of Ishta Swarupa was the primary reason why in the older systems, a deity was visualized to be residing within one’s heart or even within one’s crown plexus (Sahasrara), as in such a case, whenever a deity of worship is realized, then at that very instant, the aspirant would unite to that deity …
This is what leads to a very overwhelming state of process of liberation of the aspirant … And this stage, can even manifest as the spontaneous liberation (or spontaneously liberated), which as such is termed as Sadyomukti in Sanskrit texts …
As also, when the deity is imagined at such closeness (i.e. within the heart or a chakra or even visualized to be sitting at the top of brain inside the crown chakra or Brahmarandra chakra), then the union also becomes possible, immediately after the aspirant has a direct cognition of that deity …
But for this also, that deity has to be omnipresent, i.e. within and beyond the aspirant and should also be denoting degeneration of Kaivalya …
The Vedic deity and every self-realized, all realized Vedic sage of Kaivalya, eventually denote what was told earlier, and is also stated below for easy reference …
When all that is as Maker’s Makings within an aspirant’s microcosm, becomes absorbed into its own principal and primordial causes, Then, That Absolute (Parabrahman), who itself is Keval (isolated from allness), only remains
This statement denotes Kaivalya (i.e. final liberation) which can also be arrived at by the path of our current discussion, that mathematically is told here, as Infinity + Infinity = Undefined entity and also as Infinity X Infinity = Undefined entity …
Vedic deities and Vedic sages of Kaivalya, are denoting the same undefined infinity … Where Atman is Brahman … And both one and the same infinite …
Rounding of this discussion on Infinity + Infinity = Undefined entity …
- Importance Vedic deities and self-realized sages … Since only those deities were accepted by Vedic sages to be a part of Vedas, who as a minimum complied to the requirement of being omnipresent (i.e. present in all microcosm’s and also in the macrocosm and also beyond), so deities are denote the infinite … And since Vedic and other sages of Kaivalya are also resting in a state of “Atman is Brahman”, so they in their essential innermost natures (i.e. as Atman) are also omnipresent infinite (Brahman) … All paths are rooted in knowledge of Vedic sages, because originally and during my many-many earlier incarnation, Vedas were the only way, even when that way was based in pluralistic monism … This is why when an aspirant follows the timeless path (of Vedas) and thus associates to Vedic deities of Sages of Kaivalya, the final result is just the same as was told here as Infinity + Infinity = Undefined entity and also as Infinity X Infinity = Undefined entity …
- Need of Vedic deities and self-realized sages for Karmamukti … As also since the final liberation (Kaivalya Moksha or Moksha or Kaivalya), is free of cause and effects (deeds and fruits), so there was needed a process, by which the aspirant who was standing at the doorway of liberation, could be made to enter into liberated state, without any need of cause and effect (because as told earlier on, final liberation is of Karmateet Mukti, i.e. free of deeds and fruits or cause and effects) … This is where a deity or sage would suddenly self-manifest (anywhere within or around that aspirant’s microcosm or anywhere in that aspirants meditative sight) and thence the aspirant is pulled into that deity or Sage of Kaivalya … This is what leads to a liberation, that is free of causes (i.e. it is causeless or deedless) and thus it is also free of effects (i.e. it is effectless or fruitless) which itself leads to Karmatit Mukti of that aspirant and where the path of that final liberation (Kaivalya or Moksha), itself is based on above stated equation of Infinity + Infinity = Undefined entity and also as Infinity X Infinity = Undefined entity …
- As a matter of fact, no aspirant has ever attained to Karmamukti (or Karmatita Mukti) without above being complied …
Finality of Infinity + Infinity = Undefined entity … Brahman as Sadashiva … Sadashiva is Brahman …
As also, since the original Karmatita Yogi is Sadashiva, so eventually all these deities and sages have attained to their final liberation (Kaivalya or Keval), because of Panch Mukha Sadashiva (i.e. five faced Sadashiva or the five faced being called Sadashiva) … And due to the fact, that since Sadashiva (or Shiva) is the one to whom final liberation relates, so he was named as Shiva, which means eternal auspiciousness (final auspiciousness of liberation, which itself is of Shiva only) …
- And this is what is eventually denoted by the the Sanskrit word of Parampara (timeless lineage), whose all paths relate to Shiva only, because, he is the timeless Yogi …
- Thus in its finality, the stated equations of Infinity + Infinity = Undefined entity and also as Infinity X Infinity = Undefined entity … Are related to five faced Sadashiva, who itself is the attributed formless (Saguna Nirakara) and attributed form (Saguna Sakara) aspect of Nirguna Nirakara or Brahman (and who in Vaidik Shaiva lore’ is also reverently addressed as Paramshiva) …
Continues …