This is a part of Pancha Kosha (which in simple words, means five sheaths) … Since this is also a very vast discussion if I were to discuss it fully, so out of no choice and to save a few hundred plus pages of writing on the vital air sheath (Pranamaye Kosha) I shall be keeping it as brief as is reasonably possible, but without compromising on the main things which cannot be avoided in our discussions … Pranamaya Kosha or vital air sheath is a “sheath of Prana (or sheath of vitality or sheath of vital airs”) … This sheath is having its parts which are of Panch Prana or five vital airs and Panch Upa Prana or five sub vital airs and this sheath ultimately leads to realization of ones own “Prana Shakti (ones own inner vitality)” to be none other than that which was told by Vedic sages as “Prana Brahma or ones inner vitality is a self expression of the attributeless infinite supreme being (or Brahman)” …
BB-1 … Pranamaya Kosha or Pranamaye Kosha … Vital air sheath …
Pranamaye Kosha means the vital air sheath …
Vital air sheath is composed of five vital airs (i.e. Panch Prana) and five sub-vital airs (Panch Upa Prana) …
This can also be called as Pranamaye Sharira or the body of Prana (or the body of 5 vital airs and five sub vital airs) …
Pranamaye Kosha is an intrinsic part of the astral body or subtle body or subtle vehicle or Sookshma Sharira …
And above figure describes these airs within the body but in a state which is prior to the ascent of Prana (Kundalini or the serpentine force) … Thus this figure describes the raw state of Prana prior they ascend to the thousand petalled crown plexus (i.e. Brahmarandra Chakra which is also called as Sahasrara) … After these Prana’s rise up during the ascent of Kundalini Shakti (serpentine force), their state is definitely not as is described in above figure …
But at the same time, above figure is not fully correct as I prefer aspirants to self realize it, instead of being spoon fed by others …
BB-2 … Vital air sheath … Panch Prana (five vital airs) … Panch Upa Prana (five sub vital airs) … Prana Brahma …
The vital air sheath is comprised of five vital airs and five sub vital airs … The sub-vital airs separate the vital airs from each other as they are like a barrier between the vital airs which as such maintains the uncorrupted state of functions of these vital airs …
Until each of these vital five air remain separated from other vital airs, these five vital airs are able to maintain their individualities and thus are able to keep to their respective jobs inside the body … This separation of vital airs through their respective sub-vital airs assists them to keep maintaining their characteristics whilst they keep doing their respective jobs inside the body …

But eventually during the course of one’s evolutionary process a stage arrives where these vital airs merge to each other as they enter into a state of macro-neutrality towards each other and this is the stage of self manifestation of an accomplishment vehicle (or Siddha Body) which could be called as the diamond body (or diamond white body) and which as such is the macro-neutral (or macro-equanimous) accomplishment vehicle (or that Siddha Sharira or accomplishment vehicle which rests in a state of Sarva Samta) … This macro-neutral body is a brightly shining diamond like body (or bright silver colored) which shall be discussed later on …
Proceeding further …
Above flow chart is describing the flows and dynamism that exists in vital air sheath (i.e. Pranamaye Kosha) as is observed whilst resting inside the “cave of womb of ether of heart” and whilst viewing the cave of cave of vital airs … This cave of vital airs is also present within the cave of womb of ether of heart (or Hridaya Akasha Garbha) …
This means that above flows chart is as viewed when residing within the womb of cave of ether of heart and not from within the cave of prana as is within the same cave of womb of ether of heart …
And the state of vital airs as depicted in above flow chart and painted sketch is prior the activation of Kundalini Shakti which itself is a state that is prior to the later stage of self realization of the 8th plexus (or Niralambasthana as was discussed in a previous set of topics) … And this flow chart is depicting a state which is prior to the stage of a final macro-neutral union of these vital airs which as such takes place after the self realization of the 8th plexus (or Niralamba Chakra) …
So now we shall discuss these five vital and five sub-vital airs …
BB-2-A … The first vital air or first lower controller air or Apana Prana … This is the grosser amongst the five vital airs … This resides within the root plexus (Mooladhar chakra) primarily … This is blood red (orangish red) in color and when within the root plexus, it is like a circular orb shaped red colored dot (point of Bindu) right in the middle of the four petals of the root plexus (or Mooladhar Chakra) …
The area of operation of this air is from about 2-3 finger breadths below the navel of the body and until the toe of the feet …
It flows (or moves) downwards from the area close to just below the naval and until the feet …
It primarily is a very hot air when agitated and at this time of agitation it may give a tingling sensation or may even lead to buildup of heat within the lower parts of the body … This is the air which gets supercharged during the Tantric sexual ways of Yoga …
It also resides in the anus and this also is the air which leads to buildup of heat and ejaculation fluid when mixed with Samana Prana (2nd vital air in the heart i.e. the air which moves inwards or in other words, moves towards its own center) … The jerks which come during ejaculation of vital life source fluid during intercourse is due to mixing of Samana Prana (or stomach area) to the Apana Prana (of lower part of the body) …
During intercourse, the Samana Prana which as such is an inwardly moving Prana begins accumulating the energy near the sexual organ and then the Apana Prana which as such is a downward moving Prana in turn releases that energy downwards which leads to jerks in the body …
And when the Apana Prana (or the downward moving Prana of our current discussion) gets mixed with Prana-Prana (3rd vital air of heart i.e. the air which moves forward) and where Apana Prana is in a larger quantum amongst this union of Prana-Prana and Apana Prana, then only does it lead to ejaculation of the seminal fluids … Thus this vital air (i.e. Apana Prana) ends up playing a very important role for ensuring continued existence of animate speciology …
Proceeding further …
When this mixing of the 2nd vital air (or Samana Prana) and 1st vital air (or Apana Prana) takes place closer to the stomach area, then the Apana Prana (1st vital air) also controls the digestive functions such as pushing the food matter till the rectum …
And when above is happening then at the same time, the Vyana Prana (5th vital air or outward moving air) leads to absorptions of nutrients (osmosis within intestines) …
Thus Apana Prana directly controls the excretion of urine and stools, controls the generation and ejaculation of vital fluid, peristalsis motion of the intestines to a certain extent when it meets the vital air in the stomach (i.e. meets the 2nd vital air or Samana prana) …
Functions of movement (walking and running) of lower body, is controlled by the same Apana Prana itself …
This air also controls the health of the lower spinal column especially for regulation of the nervous energy which gets generated from this area (heat energy at the base of spinal column) …
Apana Prana also controls the area of lower spine starting from coccyx area … It keeps this area free of deposits (mucous) as is required for activation of Kundalini Shakti (i.e. serpent energy) … Only when the lower spinal column becomes free of mucous (i.e. free of flem or deposits) does the serpentine force would start getting activated so as to begin entering within the central column (or Sushumna Naadi) …
Apana Prana keeps the large intestines functional in its movements … However to main these movements, this air (i.e. Apana) needs to be supported by the fifth sub vital air and fifth vital airs (i.e. Dhananjaya Up-Prana and Vyana Prana) so as to carry out its job …
BB-2-B … The first sub vital air or the first lower controller sub vital air or Kurma up-prana … This is the air which separates the 1stvital from other vital airs … This is light blue in color with specs of red in it (denoting that this is the air which is a sub vital of the 1stvital air) …
This does not control any organ, but assists the first vital to carry out its functions … The function is such that the 1st vital sends and receives Prana Shakti (energy fields) only through this first sub vital air … As such this 1st sub-vital air envelopes the 1st vital air and thus restricts the first vital air from coming in a direct contact with other vital airs … Thus this 1st sub-vital is like an inertial shield which prevents the 1st vital air from mixing with the other airs (but this restriction is only until the time is ripe and right for these vital airs to mix with one another and thus be ‘one’ and just as these originally were, prior these had separated during the course of Maker’s Makings) …
This 1st sub-vital air is present in the area lower to the navel as a separation line between the 1st vital air (Apana Prana) and 2nd vital air (Samana Prana) and it is primarily residing at the outer fringes of the envelope of the 1st vital air …
When this 1st sub-vital air is mixed in the Vyana prana (5th vital air residing in sex plexus), it leads to a light pink light rising up around the central channel (Sushumna Naadi) and thus this itself denotes that the person has completely controlled the sexual desires in their 8 forms (physical, mental, emotional, vital, knowledge, impressional, thoughts and desires) … Many Vedic (Indian) yogis of today, show this aspect of control and thus this proof is also seen in the color of their central channels (Sushumna Naadi) where a light of very-light pink color is found to be enveloping their central channel … This color indicates a state of perfection of Brahmacharya (or perfection on the path to Brahma, which is commonly termed as celibacy … However, the term literally means, ‘one who has perfected his/her conduct while on the path to the Maker’ or one whose observances have arrived at perfection, while on the path to ‘The Absolute Being’) … Many of the evolved ones hold this light pink color around their central channel (Sushumna Naadi) …
As also that, a part of this 1st vital and 1st sub-vital airs always mixes in the Vyana prana (5th vital air) … This mixing is because the 5th vital air is subtler and thus pervades the 1st vital air and this state of union also assists in the osmosis within the intestines when coupled with the 2nd vital air (Samana Prana or inward moving air) which in turn holds the grosser digested matter into the intestines … Water expulsion capacity of the intestines so as to extract the nutrients prior these are excreted (due to the downward pull from the 1st vital air) is due to the coexistence of the 1st vital and sub-vital airs to the 5th vital air and 5th sub-vital airs in the intestinal region … As such this downward pull of the material to be excreted is by the 1st vital air and the outward pulls of water and nutrients in the intestines is by the combination of 5th vital air (or Vyana Prana) …
In such a case of mixing, the intestinal color changes to pinkish hue when this air is viewed … If the 1st vital air becomes weak and it combines with 5th vital air and 2nd vital air, both of which becomes arrived to a greater strength, then the stools become hard and thus is constipation … And if the 1st vital air becomes strong and if this combines with the 2nd vital air and 5th vital air, both of which enter the intestines and are weak in strength, then it leads to diarrhea …
As also if the 1st vital air (Apana Prana) gets pulled into an upwardly direction by the action of 2nd vital air (Samana prana), then also passing stools becomes a problem (this state is just after the fuller rise of serpentine force or Kundalini Shakti) … Same situation also happens when a strong vacuum is felt in the area between the coccyx and the naval when the vital airs unite and are pulled upwards (this is always there when the Kundalini rises and crosses past the crown plexus i.e. Kundalini Shakti is the one which makes such an aspirant to enter into liberation or Visarga, which in Sanskrit is also called as Kaivalya Moksha) and in such a case also, for a while, one is unable to pass stools …
As also if this 1st vital air (downward moving) mixes with 2nd vital air (inward moving) and when 5th vital air is weak in strength, then it causes accumulation of heat (stomach heat, duodenum heat and intestinal heat), which as such is the reason for ulcerations of stomach and its adjacent areas …
As also when the vitality of 2nd vital air is higher than the vitality within 1st vital air, the 2nd vital air which is inward moving, pulls the downward moving 1st vital air and makes its direction upwards … This state of vital airs in turn leads to a severe build up of heat at the back of naval and in the sex plexus (This is the reason for serpentine fire or the fire of the inner serpent, but symptom is only when the right hand channel or Sun channel or Pingala Naadi gets super-activated and the left hand channel or Moon channel or Ida Naadi is not so active) … This state in turn leads to problems such as gastritis, ulcerations of sorts in the digestive tract, willies go missing or are reduced (my course-mate had this problem, so I studied him and thus this disease is written here) and thus wheat allergies with even lower capacity to absorb iron and thus lesser hemoglobin content, gas problems and other problems of heat in stomach, are seen …
As also a case when the reverse of above paragraph is arrived at, i.e. the 1st vital air mixes with the 2nd vital air and at this time, the 1st vital is having greater vitality as compared to the 2nd vital, then problems such as diarrhea, stomach and intestinal infections, stomach and intestinal flatulence and cramps, digestive system problems such as excess of undigested matter in the feces (if minor mixing has happened) are seen …
And where there is an appreciable mixing then premature discharges, loss of vitality or vital fluid, repeated stomach problems and infections, testicular pains or they bloat up or even sag downwards, contusions of testicles are also possible in cases where there is an appreciable mixing (sudden mixing) … If the 1st vital air is very strong and 2nd is very weak, then the downward flows of the first are very high, and this also is the state that leads to varicose veins (My maternal uncle had this problem, so I studied him and thus this disease is written here) …
As also in a very large downward movement of this vital air, night falls, premature ejaculation, ejecting of fetus out of the womb and nymphomania can also set in if the 3rd vital air is also pulled downwards along with the 2nd vital air and both these begin residing near the upper part of the excretory organ … Well, many times nymphomania is not a mental disease, it is the vital air sheath which has that problem due to 2nd vital, 5th vital severely mixing with the 1st vital air … Fire of desires (Kama Agni) or fire of sex, is due to this vital air …
As also hemorrhoids or fissures could set in if this mixing is such that the 2nd vital air is very strong as compared to the 1st vital air and thus it leads to a stagnated heat in the large intestinal area or even in the anus sphincter muscles, as this is where some of the nerve endings of spine and intestinal areas terminate (Some of these actually accumulate in the sphincter muscles) …
When the 1st vital air becomes strong and it pulls the 2nd vital air along with it and takes it downwards and at this time if the 5th vital air with envelopes all the Prana’s is weak in the legs (i.e. excesses are not sent outwards), then the 2nd vital air gets restricted at the knee joints and it condenses into solid matter which gets deposited in this area, is what leads to arthritis …
As also when the 1st vital air merges with the 3rd vital air in full and 5th vital air (i.e. the 3rd vital air enters the 5th vital air and this combination merges to the 1st vital air at the base of spine), then this creates heat which dissolves the mucous that is accumulated at the base of spine … Once this mucous dissolves, then the rise of Kundalini (rise of serpentine force) takes place but only after a higher quantum of these airs get accumulated … If the mixing was through the right hand channel in the back (Pingala Naadi), then it leads to serpentine turning into a state of fire-heat (and thus Kundalini is also known as serpentine fire) and within this state, the person becomes inclined to know more and more until the end is arrived at of all such a knowing … And on the contrary, when this mixing is through the left hand channel, then there is a milk cream like flow, and this as such is the preferred state for rise of Kundalini Shakti, because it is more peaceful for the aspirant …
And when the mixing happens of a state where the energies of left and right channels merge together, then in such a case the central channel becomes arrived at an immediate macro-neutrality (diamond white color) and this macro-neutrality takes over all the three channels and then pure white lighted snow-like flakes rise up … But this cannot even happen until the aspirant has practiced an initial neutrality (equanimity) towards all that is within the physical and all that is beyond within the macrocosmic creation … This state is as if snow fall is happening from the base of spine and these oily white lighted flakes are moving towards the top of head and this as such leads to the formation of the diamond white body eventually after all these vital airs are merged during their upwardly rise (i.e. towards the top of skull) … And also at this state when the white light enters into the crown plexus and exits out of the crown plexus, then all the plexus’s become white in color and also that the entire body is illumined from within … And if this white light could be stabilized, then the job to know what is what subtlety that rests inside the body, which was to take years of practices, could be completed within a few hours …
And after the macro-neutrality as is discussed in earlier paragraph is arrived at and then the light rises up within the aspirant, then it also lifts up the white lighted pot of nectar (which in an earlier topic was also termed as Amrit Kalash) that is placed below the navel and takes it into the crown plexus (and even beyond the crown plexus … Refer to Raam Naad as was discussed earlier) …
BB-2-C … The second vital air or second lower middle controller or Samana Prana … Samana Prana resides in the navel area … This vital air inwardly moving … The inward movement of this vital air is from all directions and thus this is a vital air that centrally converges (or converged to its own center) at the navel area … This air resides within the naval plexus (Manipur chakra) …
Prior to the rise of Kundalini Shakti, this vital air is yellowish green in color mostly (but sometimes I had also seen this in yellow color especially in area which is at the front of navel of the body) … But after the rise of nectar pot (which in Sanskrit was also termed as Chetan Kalash) to the 8th plexus and beyond (as was discussed in earlier set of topics on 8th plexus) this vital air becomes pure white in color …
This vital air controls the entire digestive process including generation and assimilation of digestive fluids …
It flows inwards i.e. from all directions, it flows inwards or towards its own center and thus in this process it pulls its own subtle energies to its own center … This is why it is a very hot air and due to this reason, it is also the basis of Jathar Agni … Thus the fire or heat (i.e. Jathar Agni) that is present in the stomach area is due to this air only …
This is one of the main airs, as it controls the central fire factor (i.e. central heat) within the body (fire of stomach or Jathar Agni) … This vital air could also be termed as the central heating furnace of the physical vehicle … It primarily is due to the works of this vital air that the inner heat which keeps the body alive, is produced … And then this heat gets transferred to 330 million subtle energy channels which are converging in the navel area (and are in the form of a bent Shivaling) and then it is through these 330 million subtle energy channels that the heat is transported to all parts of the physical body … It was due to this reason that the traditional medicinal sciences of those very ancient Indian civilization used to say that stomach and its correct functioning is one of the most important aspects governing good health … But to keep the subtle functions of this air in a correct state, a Sattvic +++ diet is a must (Sattvic means based on Sattvaguna) …
+++ Explaining Sattvic diet … This diet could be broadly told thus … Sattvic is that food which is grown in the pure uncorrupted womb of mother earth (I mean a soil which is free of added chemicals), nourished by pure water, heated by the sun, cooled and thus made strong by the moon, moved by the wind, whose roof are the vast skies, is fortified with cow dung and urine, takes a bath in the energies of all 27 constellations and 12 zodiac signs and is blessed by mother nature to stay pure and healthy, is a Satvik diet … In addition to above dairy products which relate to the native humpback Indian cow are also a part of Sattvic diet only as that cow also has 330 million divinities in her just as the human body also has …
Continuing with above paragraph … Thus eating the Indian native cow is equivalent to eating a human being and due to this reason those who do such acts are none other than cannibals only … Such people can neither leads to good morals in societies nor can they ever be liberated (i.e. attain the state of Moksha) and this statement is irrespective of which system or deity they may believe in … Such people also cannot become as a Siddha (i.e. Siddha Yogi’s) and due to this reason even those ways of life which they consider as higher ones are none other than those which are related to very ordinary and temporary things …
This fire of stomach area (Jathar Agni) which was discussed in an earlier paragraph, is produced when the energy of this air is pulled inwards (i.e. towards the center part of this vital air) and then this inwardly pull leads to energy getting concentrated in the center of this vital air … This is what produces the heat which is required for proper digestion and assimilation of food within the digestive tract in addition to the heat which is necessary for proper running of the physical body … However if this air is mixed up with any other vital airs, then the heat becomes too high and thus such a situation may become a reason for future dis-ease …
Within this area of the 2nd vital air and behind the navel resides a bunch of subtle channel or subtle nerves (at the back of the naval area and closer to the spinal column is a Shivalingam like shape that is bent backwards and this Shivalingam is made from a cluster of subtle channels or subtle nerves that meet in this area) and the heat that this air generates due to its inward movement, gets transferred to the cluster of nerves which in turn transport this hear to all parts of the body so as to nourish the entire body and keep it warm …
Most of the heat flows which emanate out of this vital air end up within the vast number of subtle channels (i.e. 330 million subtle nerves) which meet in this area, which in turn take this heat to other parts of the body (this accumulation heat flows is in the bent Shivling itself and from here the heat flows are sent to all body parts as this heat enters the subtle energy channels which make this bent Shivalingam that is present at the back side of the navel area) …
This vital air also assists in maintaining the heat of the body by regulating the inward flow that is accumulating towards its center … This is hotter than the other vital airs and this is especially so when it becomes highly active …
Meat of any sort (including of fish and eggs i.e. Rajsic foods or foods which primarily related to aspects of Rajoguna), alcohol of any sort (including that which is in medicines), stale food, fast food and all other Tamasic foods (or foods which are primarily related to Tamoguna) are the worst enemies of this vital air … Fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy products are the best friends of this vital air … When this air gets hyperactive then intake of goat and cow’s fresh milk can stabilize this air and slowly bring it to a normal level … Glycyrrhiza Glabra is also a very potent herb to control many of the adverse effects which come by after this air is already hyperactive …
Now we shall discuss the changes which take in this vital are after activation of Kundalini Shakti and then the further stage of rise of consciousness pot (Amrit Kalash) into and beyond the Eighth Chakra …
Just prior the rise of Kundalini happens, the Lingam of navel area (or stomach area) looks as if it has become “matt white (like chalk dust is sprayed upon this Shivaling) … This matt white color denotes a state of resultant neutrality within the vital air sheath i.e. all viral airs enter into a state of neutrality towards themselves (i.e. to their own functions in the body) … This eventually leads to a state of macro-neutrality i.e. neutrality or equanimity of these vital airs to themselves and to all that is, is arrived at … This leads to a stage where these vital airs start becoming diamond white in color … Whenever a state of macro-equanimity (i.e. macro-neutrality towards allness and its each part) is arrived at, then the color of energies which are flowing in the subtle channels (which make the bent Shivalingam of the navel area) also become pure white (matt white) in color … Due to this reason at this time the Shivling of the stomach area also turns matt white in color …
As this matt white color of Shivalingam gets manifested, then the 2nd vital air of our current discussion (i.e. Samana Prana) which is enveloping this Shivalingam, also comes under the effect of the same macro-neutrality and thus at this time the 2nd vital air also turns pure white in color in its central part (i.e. the 2nd vital air is no longer in its earlier color) … This Shivalinga is as shown below shall be discussed in a later topic …
At this state, the flows and dynamism of Prana-Prana (3rd vital air of heart area) also get affected as the Prana-Prana (or the heart area) starts to get pulled to this white shape of the bunch of subtle channels or subtle nerves (i.e. the bent Shivalingam) that is manifested in the stomach area where the 2nd vital air (or Samana Prana) of our current discussion exists …
As the 3rd vital air (Prana-Prana) of the heart area begins moving downwards to the stomach, it also gets propelled downwards towards and into the area of operation of the 1st vital air (i.e. Apana Prana) …
And thence as the increase of the white color takes place, then even the area lower to navel, turns white in color, and finally when this combination of 2nd vital + 3rd vital + 1st begins uniting to each other, then they become subtler (non-dual union leads to a higher state of subtlety) … When they have already turned subtler, then this unioned state of 2nd vital + 3rd vital + 1st also begins merging to the 5th vital air (Vyana Prana which is enveloping the entire body) … When this happens then at such a stage, all these unioned vital airs (i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th vital airs) turn into a pure white colored, shining oily energy flow …
As this color accumulates above and close to the area of prostate gland (due to it being pulled downwards by the 1st vital air or Apana prana) and arrives at a certain critical mass, the yellow color of 3rd vital air (prana) envelopes this white shape and finally the yellow Prana enters the left channel (i.e. moon channel or Ida Naadi) also …
As this happens, the inner serpentine force gets activated … Then a pure bright white light begins to fill up the entire inner part of the physical vehicle (or Annamaye Kosha) … This is the beginning stage of self realization of that which was told in Ecclesiastes 12 (12.6) of Biblical lore and which itself is the same as what was told in a different way within many of the even earlier Yogic and Vedic texts for the state of rise of Kundalini Shakti (i.e. rise of serpentine force within the aspirant’s microcosm itself) …
As this happens, these vital airs begin moving upwards through all 14 channels (7 in the front and 7 in back), and thence through a few intermediary stages i.e. the stages of passing through the heart and throat, then through the back of tongue and palate chakra (Guru Chakra), these vital airs enter into the region of the 4th vital air or Udana Prana (in the head region) …
Once above happens and then the Kundalini Shakti begins rising to the top of head, then those realizations which would have taken many-many years can be successfully accomplished (i.e. fully completed) within a few days only …
And if the Kundalini Shakti also happens to lift the consciousness pot (Amrit Kalash, which as such is the white Shivalingam’s energy fields) to the 8th plexus (Ashtama Chakra) and beyond, then those realizations which would have taken many-many incarnations can be completed within a very short time span of a few weeks only …
And when above happens, then all afflictions of past incarnations can also be unseeded (dissolved or extinguished) … And when this happens then the most prominent feeling is that entire purpose of evolutionary existence is already fully accomplished and for good, for there is nothing else to be known, ever …
Thus basis above, the vital air of the stomach is also of a very high importance as far as self realizations discussed in above paragraphs are concerned …
BB-2-D … The second sub vital air or Krukul Upa Prana … This sub-vital air envelopes the entire 2nd vital air (Samana Prana) and thus prevents the heat from dissipating out of this vital air … This 2nd sub vital air is basically regulating the heat-cold by controlling the manifestation of excesses and under’s of heat-cold balance in the body … This sub-vital air is also of a light blue in color (as all sub vital airs are of the same color) but is having specs of greenish-yellow color in it (which as such is a proof of its association to the 2nd sub vital air) …
And finally when the 2nd vital air turns white (as was discussed earlier on in this topic) then at that time this 2nd sub vital air also reflects a slightly whitish to a pure white hue in lieu of its earlier light blue color …
As this happens, the white light which gets manifested inside the body (as was discussed in earlier part of this topic) enters into the 5th sub vital air and from this 5th sub vital air, it enters all other sub vital airs also …
This eventually leads to a state where the entire vital air sheath (Pranamaye Kosha) becomes diamond white in color … This state is the one which leads to self manifestation of the diamond white accomplishment vehicle or the diamond white colored Siddha Body … This diamond white accomplishment vehicle can also be called as Vajra Body (or Vajra Sharira) or the lightening body or electric body or Vidyut Sharira (all these names relate to the same body only) …
And this body can also be called as Brahma Sharira (or in other words, that specific Siddha vehicle which directly relates to the pristine abode of creator of allness) and I also say so because of the fact, that, this siddha vehicle directly relates to Brahmaloka (or in other words, pristine abode of creator of allness) which in Vedic lore is also addressed as Sadyojata face of Sadashiva (who in some Agama texts is also addressed as, Sadyojata face of Shiva) …
BB-2-E … The third vital air or the upper middle controller vital air or the Prana (Prana) … This is a forward moving air … The phrase “forward moving” means it moves towards the front of the physical body …
This is the vital air from which the term Prana or vitality originates …
This is yellow in color … It resides primarily in the heart region (i.e. it envelopes the heart Plexus or Anahata chakra) … But this air is also existent within the area between the diaphragm (above the area of operation of the vital air of navel area) and the heart (and in lesser amounts till the root of throat area) …
It controls the distribution of fluids and heart rate and also controls the correct movements of arteries and veins so as to ensure that these stay flexible … It also controls the health of the lungs and also the movements of diaphragm … This is the main vital air and as such is also visible in other parts of the body (i.e. in a minor quantum it is also visible in the areas of other vital airs) …
During the ascent of Prana (Kundalini or serpentine force) and after the Prana rises to the eighth chakra, this air becomes pure white in color … This generates the heart heat and heart winds (these winds are of a diamond white color after the rise of serpent and thus the consequent rise of the pot of nectar or Amrit Kalash to the 8th plexus is fully effected) …
Proceeding further …
When the red colored 1st vital air of the lower body (i.e. Apana Prana) merges to the yellow colored 3rd vital air of the heart area (i.e. Prana-Prana), then it becomes the reason for the rise of sea of light at the front of the heart (as was discussed in an earlier topic of “Guha Kaivalya“, which means as the “Cave of isolation” as is subtly told in chapter 4 of Brahmsutra) … The colors of these two merged Prana’s itself is the reason for the red-yellow colored sea of light which rises from the front of heart … This unioned condition of the two vital airs of our current discussion and then their upwardly rise from the front of the cave of heart was the state which was told in 4th chapter of Brahmasutras as “The rising light in the front of the heart, is Brahma” (and which leads to the realization of a Vedic statement of The being in heart of Brahma) …
And it is “also” due to above that the Vedic lore has used statements like …
Prana Brahma
Which means …
Vitality is the Supreme Being
Or in other words …
Vitality is of the Supreme Being itself
The same light is also around Hiranyagarbha Brahma as was discussed in an earlier topic of Ukar (which is also called as Okar) … It is also due to this reason that Hiranyagarbha became equipped to (or got the capacity to) become the “golden womb for origination of the macrocosmic creation” and due to this reason, Hiranyagarbha came to be addressed as Brahma (i.e. creator of allness) and thus, golden womb of creation (or Hiranyagarbha Brahma) also came to be addressed as Karya Brahma (or the doer aspect of creator or the creative aspect of the Maker) …
Proceeding further ….
It also controls the causal body movements … The movements of causal body are like those of a jelly fish moving in water … When a causal body moves (or in other words, when the causal body begins travelling to the subtleties of beyond) then its shape is like a geometrical diamond which has rounded edges and at this stage it is also showing open and close movements like a jelly fish …
The same colors (or reddish-yellow or yellowish-red hair like lights) also envelope the orb of Bodhichitta (Bodhichitta means united condition of Buddhi or knowledge and consciousness or Chitta) and these also are seen in Anandmaye Kosha or the Bliss body (or the causal sheath or the causal body) also has this same envelope of reddish-yellow or yellowish-red hair like lights around it …
Note: Many a times I see the causal bodies of evolved Siddha’s (i.e. fully accomplished ones) who come by to see me or bless me or meet me or guide me and above stated aspects are “also” based upon such experiences … Most of the times these “causal bodied Siddha’s (i.e. Siddha’s who only hold a causal body or Karana Sharira)” are present somewhere around me and this is how it has been since many years … And since there are many Siddha’s who keep coming by, so I cannot even say that such and such Siddha is the only one …
BB-2-F … The third sub vital air or the Nag up-prana … The term Nag means a serpent … This air is so called because it flows in a sinusoidal motion like those of snakes …
It controls the thoughts of the person (as thoughts are also having sinusoidal movements … like those of moving snakes) …
It assists the third vital air to carry out its functions …
I don’t want to write down anything more on this part of the topic …
BB-2-G … The fourth vital air or Udana Prana … This is bright purple in color and is like a vast purple light which is lifting upwards (i.e. towards the top of head) … Thus this vital air was termed as Udana which means “upward moving (or that which moves towards the top of head) …
This vital air resides within the area between the throat till the top of head … It controls the brain and nerves originating from the brain … It controls memory (including memory of past lives) … It controls the sinuses, hearing and sight …
This vital air is the reason for manifestation of Ushnisha (elevation or protuberance at the top of head) and this also is the reason for hair at top of head to stand up after the pot of nectar (Amrit Kalash) crosses into and past the 8th plexus which in turn leads to other Prana’s also entering into the 8th plexus …
If the Prana’s enter into and cross past the thousand petalled 7th plexus, then the hair at the middle of head of that Yogi would be seen to be standing up … And if the Prana’s enter into and cross past the four petalled 8th plexus, then the hair of the complete upper part of head of that Yogi would be seen to be standing up (something like a porcupine) …
This air is purplish blue prior the ascent of Kundalini and is bright white with blue lighted specs in it, during the ascent of prana (Kundalini) …
This Prana controls the ESP also to a certain extent as far as subtler vision and hearing of subtler sounds are concerned, but this ability is only when this 4th vital air is assisted by 3rd vital (Prana) and 5th vital air (Vyana) …
When the other four Prana’s merge to the Vyana Prana (i.e. 5th Prana which is enveloping the physical vehicle), then that Yogi also has direct visions and that Yogi also undergoes subtle travels to various Siddha worlds (Siddha Loka) and various divine worlds (Deva Loka) … Such a Yogi would also begin seeing and talking to divine beings (or divine worlds) and Siddha’s until the time the merger of other four Prana’s to Vyana Prana as is discussed in this paragraph, continues …
The heat that rises up (during the ascent of vital airs) is stored here, prior the heat is let go by this vital air (i.e. Samana Prana) into the fifth vital air (i.e. Vyana Prana) from where the wind and heat is finally sent out of the head … If this heat-winds accumulate in the head and do not go out of the head then this state becomes the reason for the all sorts of troubles such as excessive pressures and heat in head after the Kundalini awakening … These troubles are because the 4th vital air (Udana Prana) exerts a force on the top of skull (due to its characteristic upwardly movement) and if this force is too much then the skull bones at the top of head are also lifted upwards which form small potato like shape for a few days after rise of Kundalini … But over time as these pressures get released, then those lifted up skull bones also arrive at a state which is closer to normal …
During astral travels, this is the last air to be detached by the astral vehicle and it is only because of this reason that when the astral body comes out of the physical, then it is in a position which is inverted in relation to the physical vehicle … And it is also due to this reason that when the astral comes out of the physical vehicle, then the astral is in an upside down condition in relation to the physical vehicle …
When the 4th vital become unioned to the 5th vital air, then visions of distant subtler states, of subtler worlds, of Gods of various heavenly worlds, of Siddha’s and Buddha’s and many other beyond states, are seen … Such a condition arrives when the vital air of our discussion (i.e. Udana Prana) releases its pressures and thence it moves out of the head of the aspirant which in turn leads to a stage where the Udana Prana unites to Vyana Prana and this in turn leads to such visions …
BB-2-H … The fourth sub vital air or Devadatta up-prana … This is also light blue in color (as other sub vital airs), but due to the energy flow from the fourth vital air that enters this sub-vital air, this sun vital are has specs of purple light present within it …
This sub vital air controls sneezing (as it also resides in the nostrils) and expulsion of mucous and impurities from the sinuses or else the mucous (which keeps getting produced from the sinus membranes) would be pulled towards the brain and get accumulated there …
Improper function of this air (i.e. over activation of this air) leads to sinusitis and other diseases of the throat and upper respiratory tract … This sub-vital air assists the fourth vital air to function properly and it also segregates the 4th vital air from all other vital and sub-vital airs …
BB-2-I … The fifth vital air or the Vyana prana … This is the subtler of all the vital airs and also the larger vital air amongst all others, because of its spread around and within the full body …
It moves outwards i.e. its movement is in a direction which is away or outwards from the physical body and due to this reason it is also a better medium to let go of the excesses from the body …
It resides primarily in the sex plexus (Swadhisthan chakra) … It is light orangish-pinkish in color prior the ascent of Prana’s (i.e. prior activation of Kundalini) …
It envelopes the body (and other vital and sub vital airs) and also pervades these (all other vital airs and sub vital airs) as it is the subtler of all other vital and sub-vital airs … It controls the functions of the skin and skin nerves …
When the flows and dynamism of other vital airs (as have been discussed earlier on) enter into this vital air, then higher worlds with their higher or evolved beings (Siddha’s) become visible and in such a state, the aspirant can also communicate to these Siddha’s …
All medium-ships are due to activation of this vital air and this vital air linking to the state or the energy field (of the entity or state) that a person channels … This vital are can also be utilized to know beyond states and their entry points (door(s)) … During the rise of serpent this is also turned pure white, but later on it settles down to a very light pink color …
And after the rise of Kundalini Shakti, this very light pink color begins enveloping the central channel (Sushumna Naadi) …
BB-2-J … Fifth sub vital air or Dhananjaya up-prana … This ensures that the fifth vital air is not merged to the other vital airs (separation is maintained by this sub vital air) … It is also light blue in color but it could have specks of different colors depending on from which state it is viewed (i.e. depending upon the vital air within which one resides when viewing this sub-vital air, would determine the color of this sub-vital when one is viewing it) … This is larger than other sub vital airs and it works in tandem with the 5th vital air (i.e. this 5th sub vital air is like the luminous shadow of the 5th vital air) …
So this was a brief discussion on these vital and sub vital airs … But this is not the fuller knowledge of these vital airs …
BB-3 … Cave of Prana of heart …

I shall be keeping this discussion brief as it is a part of the later topic on Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra (or systems and processes within the cave of ether of heart) … But since it also relates to this topic so I also remain with no choice but to discuss it here …
Above figure describes the “vital air sheath in the cave of prana” which is present within the cave of ether of heart … This figure is showing the orb of the vital air sheath in the cave of ether of heart (Hridaya Akasha) and that too in a condition which is prior these vital airs are united to each other and which itself is after all these vital airs have arrived at their macro-equanimity and then all these vital airs unite to each other which in turn leads to their pure diamond white color … Thus above figure describes a state is prior the final awakening (i.e. transit through the 8th plexus) and not the state as is after the awakening …
If the vital airs are not arrived at their equanimity to allness (i.e. macro-equanimity or macro-neutrality) then their state in the cave of prana or ether of heart is as shown in above figure … In such a state, after the aspirant de-incarnates, each of these Prana’s or vital airs merge to their individual parental states as are present within the macrocosmic vital air sheath … And thus in such a state, the above mentioned painting also describes the state of Prana when they exit out of the physical vehicle at the instant of de-incarnation of the physical vehicle of such a Yogi …
Continuing with above paragraph … And when the aspirant has already arrived at a perfection of inner macro-equanimity then all above colors are missing as the same vital airs as are depicted in above figure, are found to be of a shining diamond white color … In such a case, that aspirant enters into the Sarva-Sam Sagun Nirakaar Brahmaloka (i.e. the macro-neutral attributed-formless abode of Maker) and this where that macro-equanimous diamond white orb eventually merges … It is only after the union which is discussed here that a Yogi self realizes the fullness of innermost meaning of the Vedic statement as was told in the previous topic and is also written below …
Prana Brahma
Which means …
Vital airs (or Vitality) is the Maker of allness
And which also means …
Vital airs are a self expressed, self manifested self presence of the Maker itself
And it also means …
Vital airs (or entirety of vitality of Maker’s Makings) is of the Maker
Unless the innermost meaning of this statement is self realized, the fullness of self realizations which relate to the vital airs sheath (Pranamaye Kosha) of our current discussion, stand incomplete …
BB-4-A … Stagnations within vital airs and their effects …
Within any microcosm whenever stagnations build up in the vital air sheath, then their effects are only of dis-ease of various types … By various types I mean physical, emotional and auric, mental, knowledge, vitality, impressional and causal …
And since each microcosm is an intrinsic-unbroken and partless-part of the macrocosmic creation, so when these stagnations build up within any microcosm then that part of the greater macrocosmic hierarchy to which that microcosm relates, also enters into the same problems … Thus in such a case the problem is not just of the microcosm, but it is also of the greater macrocosmic nature, which herself is resting within and beyond each microcosm …
BB-4-B … Reason for and clearing of problems due to stagnations …
This part of the topic is to discuss the reason for above problems …
The main reason for such problems is individual-dualism i.e. individually-dualistic approaches of ways of life …
By individual-dualism I mean the stage of resting in those ways of life which relate to “individual’s individualism and individual corpuses” … Thus this term covers individualistic approaches of every type …
Individual’s individualism is pretty easy to understand as it essentially means all the My’ies, I’s etc. … And individual corpus is like a family, society, organization, religion or belief or faith, culture, civilization, geographical aspects, political aspects etc-etc …
Thus basis above, individual-dualism is that which does not relate to the intrinsic pluralism of the Maker’s Makings and thus it also cannot be related to the essential Monism of the same Maker’s Makings … This is where individual-dualism fails to come in line with the Maker’s Makings within which that individualism, its centered entity (God etc.), its text, its leaders and propagators and it followers are residing and this in turn makes that individual-dualism to become like a foreign particle within the vast macrocosmic body of the Maker’s Makings …
That which is not in line with the Maker’s Makings within whose envelopes it itself resides, is the one who ultimately fails to gain support of the Maker’s Makings … Thus this is what leads to a stage where its individualistic and thus restricted flows and dynamism which have kept building up for many years (this may even be a time span of a few centuries or even a few millenniums) fail to get balanced by the assistance of the macrocosmic creation … And this is what calls for a need to manifest another individualistic system which can balance those flows and dynamisms and where that newer system is having those flows and dynamism which are closer to being opposite to the earlier individualistic system …
Thus whenever an earlier individualism starts getting stagnated, then another individualistic system which can balance that earlier individualism always manifests upon the same world … So this newer individualistic system is the one which eventually leads to a balance of the flows and dynamism of the earlier individualism (or monotheism) …
But since no individualism can perfectly balance any other individualism, so as times progress, then other individualistic systems also keep manifesting to undertake the same job of balance … Thus whenever any individualism manifests within a world, then the manifestation of other individualistic systems cannot even be prevented in future times …
And because individualisms are system of highly restricted subtlety bandwidths, so to expand itself, one type of individualism always tries to eat up the other types of individualisms … This is what leads to chaos and due to this reason, individualism (monotheism) has never been and cannot ever be a reason for long lasting peace within a world …
This balance between individualistic systems can be by a variety of ways like debates, meeting of the adherents of these two systems through a variety of ways which relate to economics, politics, geographic and cultural aspects … But since all individualisms are very rigid and intolerant systems, so these aspects are only capable of leading to a partial balance and not a fuller one …
Thus eventually a stage of clash always arrives within any two individualistic systems and where this clash could be by forceful meeting of these two, which may even be through fighting and war … Thus ultimately individualism always leads to a grosser or lower meeting of itself to others and this is why individualism has never been and cannot ever be a reason for long lasting inner calm and outer peace within the world …
And to balance their own stagnations within the others (or adherents of other systems) there is always a concept of religious and cultural conversion within all individualistic systems … Without this aspect, that individualism cannot even complete its extremely small (may be a few centuries or a few millenniums) destined time span upon a world …
When anyone converts to a newer system, then his (or her) earlier impressions (i.e. effects of earlier causes which were built up whilst based upon the earlier system of way of life) would begin getting fruited (or effected) through the newer adopted system and its ways of life … When this happens, then it also leads to a certain diversity of flows and dynamism which are emanated by these converted ones and thus such a stage also increases the bandwidth of the flows and dynamism of that individualistic system and which also leads to clearing of the earlier stagnated energy fields of that individualistic system, but only to a partial extent …
But since these individualistic systems are highly restricted in their ways of life, so as the times progress then even these converted ones ultimately reach a stagnated state … This is what calls for expansion of efforts of converting others also to that same individualistic system …
Continuing with above paragraph … And on the contrary, a system which rests in a perfect synchronism to the intrinsic pluralism and simultaneously rests within the essential monism of Maker’s Makings, does not ever need conversions of others as it is a self balancing one … As of the entirety of history of the Maker’s Makings, only Sanatan Dharma holds this aspect and it is due to this reason there cannot ever be a conversion of anyone to Sanatan Dharma … And since the impressions (or Samskaras) of Dharma (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) are directly related to the Maker and IT’s Making’s both of who are eternal, so these impressions are also eternal …
As also, since Dharma is the original way of life within the entirety of Maker’s Makings and since at the original origination phase, everyone is naught but a followers of Sanatan Dharma, so a return back to Sanatan is ever possible as the impressions (Samskaras) of it are ever present in the Chitta (i.e. consciousness orbs) of each aspirants Anandmaya Kosha (or in other words, the causal body or causal sheath or Antahkarana Chatushtaya) … Thus all that is needed to get out of individualism is to enter into pluralistic monism, which itself is a way of life of Sanatan Dharma …
All above chaos is only due to buildup of stagnations and which itself is due to highly individualistic and thus severely restricted subtlety bandwidths of all forms and non-forms of individualism …
As of now when I study the individualistic and thus grosser (or lower) impressions (or Samskaras) which reside within the consciousness plane of this world system (i.e. when I study the Samskaras of Bhu Chitta) and then I also see the seas of seas of such lower (or grosser or individualistic) impressions to be present within this worlds consciousness plane and after I have already known that these lower impressions are mostly built up by the human inhabitants of this planet, then I can also know that this world and her human inhabitants shall shortly be getting a very widespread chaos that would be related to almost all ways of life of humanity and right from intellectual to political to military to geographical to economic to geo-economic and geo-political to social to cultural and to religious aspects … This would be the time when severe dis-eases would be faced by humanity and which would be related to physical, mental, emotional aspects and those aspects which relate to the base or root of existence of the various civilizations of this planet …
This dis-ease which would be of above listed aspects, would eventually be leading to changes as stated below … Thus after this chaos which itself is due to the current stage of build of those vast seas and seas of stagnated impressions within the consciousness plane of this world, following would come by as a new way of life and which shall also be in line with subtler requirements of the incoming newer cycle of human age, which as such is termed as the Age of Sages (which in this text, is also termed as a Guru Yuga) in this text …
- The current capitalistic economics would fail and then a Dharmik (Vedic) economics would come by … This would be rooted “within and upon” those ways of economics which I had only laid down during an earlier incarnation when I was a Chakravartin Samraat of the Triloka (triple worlds) … Thus at those times Krishi-Goraksha would be the basis of this way as far as economics is concerned … In this economics the word Goraksha would be related to environmental preservation and where the environment is not just the external environment, but also the inner environment of each microcosm … This economics would be democratic and free of systems which are based upon giving and interest …
- The current system of governance would fail and then a highly Dharmik governance system would come by … In this system there would be a perfect synchronism of union between absolute-monarchy and peoples essential will and where the monarch would only be sage who would also need to be a self realized one … This system would not be based upon the earlier system of monarchy which was related to family lineage as the system which is about to manifest (after the incoming chaos is peaked and thence humanity begins looking for other ways of life) would be based upon testing of capability of the would be monarch and where this testing would be related to four primary pillars (i.e. Dharma or righteousness), Artha (or answers of ways of life i.e. economics) Kama (Purity of desires i.e. Ichha Shakti and Maya Shakti) and Moksha (i.e. liberation because this itself is why any soul takes birth) and that too from a Dharmik point of view … This is how it was during the earlier golden age cycle (Deva Satyuga) also …
Continuing with above … This way of life and governance would also be such that it would ensure an inner calm (in the inhabitants of the world) and outer peace (in the world) and balance of economics with these aspects … So I predict it loud and clear that the present day rich would start becoming poor and those educated young and middle aged people who are pluralistic yet monist in their thoughts and emotions, would be becoming rich and that to with the only intention to assist to needy and poor and that too without any expectations of rewards of materials and immaterial’s … This stage of change is not very far from the nowness of now when I write this paragraph as the base of this system would be seen to be getting established in this world and prior to around 2028 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) because this is the stage of time cycles when this world would be entering into the last and final phase of change of current human cycle to the incoming age of sages (Guru Yuga) … And in this system the greatest debtor would not be the richest person and on the contrary, the richest would be the one who holds least Karmic debt …
- The social system would be based upon the four primary hierarchies of all that is as a microcosm and thus this would also be rooted in Varnashram Vyavastha and Gotra Parampara of Vedic lore …
- And many other changes which I know are going to set in … But these would only be taken up in a later topic …
Only when above gets established can it be guaranteed that the stagnations would not build up and thus only after above gets established can it be guaranteed that the inner stagnations (within any aspirant) and outer stagnations (within the world) would not take place in any future times …
And this system would also ensure the basic fact of way of life which the self realized, all realized Vedic sages had termed as “Namostute” and which as of now is termed as “Namaste” and Namaskaar (Namaskaram)” … The meaning of this term could be thus stated … “The pristine divinity which I was blessed with and from within the supreme genius of Maker’s Makings, itself is the pristine divinity within all others and to that universal divinity which is within and beyond me and every other microcosm, we all bow down in all reverence” …
This is what would be leading to clearing of all stagnations of the vital air sheath (Pranamaye Kosha) and that too without even doing anything else (i.e. without even following a special path of way of life) but at the same time when above term is stated then an inner thought which directly related to the stated meaning of it (in above paragraph) stands paramount …
BB-4-C … What stagnation …
Stagnation is the state of “sameness of any now to any earlier nowness” that ever was during the entirety of history of the Maker’s Makings …
Above state of sameness leads to non compliance to the eternal macrocosmic requirement, for an ever change (or eternally changeful state) … Macrocosmic requirement of an ever change could be thus told …
An eternal change is the only eternal constant
That which does not comply to above, ultimately becomes stagnated and that which begins arriving at stagnations of its inner flows and dynamism, ultimately becomes a harbinger of inner chaos (within the inhabitants of a world) which itself becomes the reason for a later manifestation of an outer chaos (within a world) …
And because of their rigidity none of the individualistic systems can ever comply to what is stated above, so due to this reason “there has never been and there cannot ever be any form or formless individualism (monotheism) which can hold the capability of lead to a long lasting state of an inner calm and outer peace within any of the triple worlds” …
An entity who does not comply to above statement always keeps entering into a cyclic stagnation and thus it also ends up becoming based upon a cyclic state of inner and/or outer chaos … This is an absolute fact and those who doubt it are advised to study those little time spans of existence (I mean their own tiny histories) of their own civilizations, cultures, economics, geographies and religions and thence see those ups and downs that have already taken place during that tiny time span of a few centuries (or even a few millenniums) of their own evolutionary existence …
And due to the lesser subtlety ranges (bandwidths of flows and dynamism) that are emanated out of adherents of individualistic systems, these stagnation also arrive faster within these individualistic systems and it is due to this reason the individualistic systems also exist in a cyclic state of chaos which itself makes these systems to hold a very less time span of existence (Maybe only a few centuries or a few millenniums at the most) … And it is also due to this reason that all these individualistic systems have always had end time prophecies …
Above prophecies also prove the state of non-synchronism of these individualistic systems (i.e. monotheism of any type) with the pluralistic monist ways of life of the macrocosmic creation within whose purviews all these individualistic systems are also residing … And on the contrary the pluralistic monist system only has a cyclic nature of time …
All above is also due to stagnations which cyclically keep building up in every type of individualism (i.e. monotheism of any sort and irrespective of whether that monotheism is religious, intellectual, military-security, political, geopolitical, economics, geo-economical, cultural, geo-cultural, societal, geo-societal, textual or constitutional, social and all that relates to manmade divisions of color, creed, race, sex etc.) …
Only within the flows and dynamism of a pluralistic yet monist system that itself is based upon a pluralist-monism of the macrocosmic creation can there be a stage of long lasting inner calm and outer peace … This is because only such a system holds the capability to clear earlier stagnations and prevent build up of future stagnations of the macrocosmic and microcosm vital air sheaths …
Closer is a system to the intrinsic pluralism and to the essential monism, both of which are of the Maker’s Makings, more peaceful would that system of ways of life be …
Thus basis above, ultimately lesser are the stagnations within the vital air sheath (Pranamaye Kosha) of the macrocosmic and her each microcosm, more peaceful would the state be … This is an absolute fact and to ensure suchness to be maintained, the Vedic Sages who also were accomplished Yogi’s had provided the knowledge of Yoga Tantra and their inherent parts of Asana and Pranayama …
BB-5 … Macro-neutral state of vital air sheath …

This is to discuss the stage after a macro-equanimous union of vital airs to each other has already taken place within the aspirant’s microcosm …
When the vital and sub-vital airs merge to each other whilst they also rest in a state of macro-equanimity to each other, then only is manifested the diamond white accomplishment vehicle (this is like a very brightly shining, diamond white colored Siddha body) …
This shall be discussed in a later topic of diamond white accomplishment vehicle … And this body is as shown in above painting …
This body is also termed as the Vajra Sharira (or in other words, the lightening body or Vajra Body) and is the basis of one of the sects of Buddhism i.e. Vajrayana (or the vehicle of Vajra or lightening) …
This is also a Hamsa Sharira (or the accomplishment vehicle of the Yogic Swan or a cosmic swan) .. By the term Yogic swan (or a cosmic swan) I mean an aspirant who is a Hamsa or in other words, an aspirant who has already self realized the innermost meaning of and thus has already attained to the innermost essence of Soham (which in English language means as So Am I and which in simple terms, can also be told as I Am He) … This body lifts up the consciousness to that which is beyond the beyond …
This body is also the finality of Sarva Samta Sharira or the vehicle of macrocosmic macro-equanimity (or the proof of arrival at macro-neutrality i.e. inner state of neutrality towards allness and its each part) …
Control over this body leads to control of Prana’s or vital airs … And this is also useful for the meditation on the living death (i.e. when the Pranic body is separated from the physical body while the physical body is still alive) …
This is also the body which makes from within it the Kritya (body double), but at the same time, Kritya (or body double) also has other microcosmic aggregates within it which are not shown in above painting …
This body is directly connected to the physical body on its one side (i.e. side of grossness) and it is also connected to the mind body on its other side (i.e. side of subtlety) … And thus after this diamond white body is accomplished by a Yogi, then it is through this diamond white body, that the systems of the physical and mind vehicles of that Yogi are kept functional …
This body is the very reason for manifestation of rise of Kundalini (serpentine force) when the stagnations are removed …
This body governs the disease fighting ability in all cases of sickness and this is even though the sickness is eventually overcome by the help of other bodies …
The present of pristine divinity (i.e. Maa Shakti) who also resides within each aspirant, is also denoted by the same diamond white body of our current discussion …
This body eventually enters into the Vidyut Loka (word of lightening) which is subtly described in deeper interpretations of the Brahmasutras …
This body is also a Siddha Body that “relates to” the ninth sphere of macrocosmic creation … This ninth sphere is the Para Prakriti or beyond nature of Vedic wisdoms … She is also the Adi Shakti or Adi Devi or timeless vitality or Prana of Tantric Hinduism … She also is stated as the cloud nine in Buddhism and as Ninth sphere (in Vedic texts) … Ninth sphere is also the sphere of macrocosmic nature where many evolved ones who are termed as Bodhisattvas are residing (because ninth sphere of macrocosmic creation, (which can also be called as Shiva Shakti Yoga) is one of the spheres of existence of Bodhisattva also) …
This body is also self manifested after self realization of Shakti Shiva Yoga within the aspirants physical vehicle itself … This union was discussed through various ways in an earlier set of topics which have the header of “Shiva Taraka Naad” …
BB-6 … Some of the subtle aspects about the vital air sheath …
The subtle ‘vital air vehicle or Pranamaye Kosha’ that is within each grosser physical vehicle is not the gross air that we know by our sense of touch (feelings on the skin of the physical vehicle) …
Just as the grosser air is felt by the grosser senses which are related to the physical vehicle, so is the subtle air body is also felt by subtle senses which are existent inside the same physical body …
Just like gross air injects drives into the physical aspects, so does the subtle vital air also injects drives into the subtle vehicles which are residing within the grosser physical body …
But the drives injected into the subtler aspects, are the remainder of those drives which were injected into the grosser aspects of the physical beingness and the same is also the case when we consider any part of the macrocosmic creation … This means that after the drives are injected into the grosser aspects, there always remains some part of the drive which is more than the capacity of the physical aspect (physical vehicle) to absorb into itself and this remainder of the drives of vital airs, then get injected into the other subtler vehicles, so as to make these vehicles also do their acts which they are supposed to do and run the physical bodied system (expanding this to the macrocosm, the bodied systems also mean the universal spheres, planes of existence and worlds) …
And the reverse process of above paragraph is also true as is when we consider the drives that get injected into the subtler vehicles that are existent within the physical vehicle itself … As an example of the analysis of the mind vehicle and its drives and in such an analysis, we find that the remainder of the drives that the mind could not absorb are either sent into the macrocosmic creation (as the energy emanates out of the body and as its aura) and/or are sent to other vehicles that are present inside the physical vehicle itself (like the Manomaye Kosha or the mind sheath or mind vehicle, Vijyanmaye Kosha or the knowledge sheath (or knowledge vehicle or Vijyanmaya Kosha) and also the causal sheath or causal body or Antahkarana Chatushtaya, which in Sanskrit texts is also addressed as Anandmaye Kosha) …
But the reverse process of above is also there … The drives of subtler aspects are firstly injected in the mind sheath and thence the part of these drives which are grosser and thus are meant for the physical vehicle are then transferred to the physical vehicle and the remainder of the drives which are subtler are then transferred to the other subtler vehicles (i.e. knowledge and bliss sheath or causal body) through the mind vehicle itself …
In this case also, if these subtler drives which are injected into the mind are of a quantum which is higher than the quantum which could be absorbed by the mind vehicle, then these drives get transferred to other vehicles … And the remainder of the drives which could not be absorbed by any of the vehicles of the aspirant are emanated out of the aspirants microcosm and then these subtler emanations sent into the greater macrocosm (this emanated drive is reflected as the aura that is surrounding the physical vehicle) …
Higher is the subtlety of these drives, more are these drives related to and get absorbed by the subtler vehicles (i.e. Mind sheath, knowledge sheath and bliss sheath) …
And still if these drives are more that the quantum of them which could be absorbed by the aspirants microcosm, then these excesses are emanated out into the macrocosmic creation through the 5th vital air or Vyana Prana that envelopes the physical vehicle and other four Prana’s …
At an area closer to the outer skin cover of the physical vehicle, these outward emanated drives (which are outbound from the physical vehicle and are emanated into the macrocosmic creation) are visible as a very subtle light, which we know as the aura …
Higher are the subtler drives present, higher shall be the quantum of these drives which get emanated outwards from the physical vehicle and thus larger shall be the aura around such an aspirant …
Thus if an aspirant is based upon subtler thoughts, desires, emotions and deeds, then the aspirant has a higher quantum of subtler drives originated within his (or her) vital air sheath (i.e. Pranamaye Kosha) and in such a case, that aspirant would also have a larger sized aura around his (or her) physical vehicle …
Ultimately it is the vital air sheath which renders the subtle drives to run the microcosmic body (of any microcosm) and also the macrocosmic creation …
BB-7 … Reason for deviations from a righteous way of life …
When sufficient quantum of drives which are of sameness to the grossness of the physical sheath and not available within a person’s vital air sheath, then the physical vehicle of that person becomes deficient of energy and thus that person becomes lethargic and dull …
In a similar way, following is also a fact … And below listed conditions relate to most of humanity of today …
- When sufficient quantum of drives of sameness of subtlety of the knowledge sheath are not available to the person, then that person becomes dumb as far as self realized knowledge of subtler aspects (divine aspects) is concerned …
- When sufficient quantum of drives which are of sameness of subtlety of the mind sheath are not available, then the person cannot relate to allness and thus enters such ones also begin entering into individualities of all sorts (monotheism etc.) …
- When sufficient quantum of much subtler drives which are of sameness to the subtlety of the bliss sheath (Anandmaye Kosha) are not available within the person, then that person cannot enter a blissful state … Such persons eventually enter into an internal agitation, which eventually leads to chaos in such persons and their societies …
- All reasons for chaos in any society and within any system are either due to excessive grossness of flows within the vitality sheath or due to the lack of subtler flows within vital air and other sheaths which shall be discussed in later topics …
- If the vital air sheath itself gets deviated and/or becomes concentrated and thus it does not relate to the full body, then the sickness of varied natures is always present …
Proceeding further …
And if the vital airs get accumulated in lower chakras (root plexus or Mooladhar chakra and sex plexus or Swadhisthan Chakra), then that person (or society) always enters into degeneration as many lower deeds would become manifest … These lower deeds could be as deviated sexual desires, erratic thoughts, argumentative behaviors, violence of sorts, individualism of sorts, one-up-manships, inadvertent or willful misinterpretation of ancient texts (so as to gain something), duality of approaches where they say something or show something and do something else … All such things also lead to various types of inner and outer chaos …
And if the vital energies get imbalanced within the two minor plexuses (chakras) that are above the navel (i.e. within the sun and moon plexus’s which are present at the back side of diaphragm and inside the sun and moon channels I.e. Ida and Pingala Naadi and then that person (or society) enters into a mental-emotional imbalance and conflict and due to this reason, various sorts of chaos would get generated within and because of that society …
And if the outward flows from all vital airs begin entering the 5th vital air (or Vyana Prana) that envelopes all other vital airs and physical vehicle, then that person either ends up seeing ghosts (if the entered vital flows are of grosser natures) or the person may even see Siddha’s and subtler planes (Deva Loka or divine worlds) if the air that enters the 5th vital air, is of a very subtle nature …
Most of the chaos that we see in today’s world and its systems, is because of the facts listed here and especially due to the state of lawmakers, whose laws are based upon eliminating problem with newer instruments (newer laws) and that too after the problems happen … Whereas the correct approach should have been of making such systems which shall attack the root cause of the problem, i.e. vital airs not rising to chakras (plexus) which higher than the heart plexus …
And this inability to know the root cause and finish that cause prior it affects any person or society, itself is because these law makers and the keepers of these laws are not even capable of doing anything more than the damage that they have already done … And not knowing the ways to correct the present degenerate state of human societies itself proves that their own vital airs are stagnated in their own lower Chakras (i.e. plexus’s lower than the heart plexus) …
Unless the systems (i.e. ways of life) of humanity are such that they lead to a rise of vital airs to plexuses which are higher than the heart plexus (Anahat Chakra), neither would there be any positive long lasting inner calm and outer peace nor would humanity be able to see beyond the filth of systems that they claim to be as their laws …
The basic problem in today’s world is that the ones who come to power and thus rule over others, are only those ones whose vital airs are stuck up within their lower plexuses and thus they don’t even hold the ability to amend systems (make newer systems) to a state where the basic subtlety of the four other sheaths which are present within the physical body of each person could be restored back to a state which is just as it must be as per that persons evolutionary process itself and where these newer systems also lead to an ever expansive state of inner subtlety within all of humanity …
Thus even when the executives keep claiming their evolved status and higher power, all their laid out systems have only been leading to degeneration within the inhabitants of their controlled lands … This is not what progress means and because it is not progress in the real sense, so the systems of humanity have also been none other than regressive ones only …
One of the ways to control the degeneration is to have such rulers of lands who have as a minimum made their vital airs to rise at least till their own heart plexus … And this would also need to be proved by such a person within his (or her) knowledge, personal way of life (personal behavior) and most importantly his (or her) deeds …
In fact during those very ancient times only that person whose vital airs were resting within the higher of all plexuses (or Brahmarandra Chakra or crown plexus and which is also called as Sahasrara) was chosen as a leader of a land mass and thus in those ancient systems due to the systems which were laid by such righteous leaders, the preservation of pristine state of the inner and outer environment also remained as paramount …
Those who do not believe what is written here, can throw it into their mental gutters as one more aspect into that gutter than already has ocean of filth in it, would make no difference to such persons …
But the fact does not change from what is written here, that unless those ones whose vital airs have risen at least to heart plexus (Anahat chakra) become executives of lands, the degeneration of all grosser and subtler systems cannot be avoided … And thus in such a case what will be told as progress, would eventually be seen to be regressive only …
Most of the mental and emotional problems and their later manifestations as lower self-serving deeds within certain persons are also due to an imbalance of the vital air flows within their own microcosm …
After the ways of life of humanity are restored back to higher states which are based upon “oneness to allness and her each part” can these deviations of flows and dynamism within the vital air sheath be controlled and reversed … Unless this happens, humanity can forget about a long lasting inner calm and outer peace … But to restore this for benefit of future generations, the present humanity would need to sacrifice their current self serving and thus individualistic systems and thus their consequent acts … Unless one generation of humanity agrees to sacrifice itself (i.e. sacrifice its own self serving desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds) for the cause of benefit for many of the future generations that are yet to come by to this planetary system, humanity can only be advised forget about this chapter and what is written here …
As also, since the vital air sheath is the driver of all other sheaths of the microcosm and macrocosm, so unless the current deviations of this sheath are corrected, that state of inner calm and outer peace would always remain a distant dream for humanity as a whole …
BB-8 … Vital air sheath during Sexual Yoga …
During sexual yoga (union through the modes of intercourse and where vitality is left unconsumed or preserved as the practitioners are steady and non-moving), the vital air end up resting in an area which is about 2-3 finger breaths below the naval …
When these vital airs begin accumulating, then in the front part of the lower abdomen, there is formed a lump like state which expands and bloats up the lower abdomen area and that area turns hard … This state of firming of a lump (or lawn tennis ball like state) is the proof that the person has preserved his (or her) vitality (i.e. vital fluids) during the process of this sexual union …
The same sexual union can also be done internally in a sexual yet asexual manner … By this I mean without having another partner of an opposite sex and whilst utilizing one’s own inner masculine and feminine principles that each microcosm is blessed with from within the genius of Maker’s Makings … This asexual-sexual union was my way in which these two inner principles (i.e. masculine and feminine principles of Maker’s Makings and which rest within my microcosm) were made to unite to each other …
This as such leads to sexual heat generation and finally the air and heat turn into a pink color which enters the sex plexus (Swadhisthan chakra), which if pushed upwards by the force of will (force of will would need to be used in tandem with squeezing of sphincter muscles) then this could also be used to clear all the stagnancies within many channels which are for transferring this heat from the lower position within the body to their higher positions (i.e. until the head) … Thus this method of sexual yet asexual union could also be used to open up the channels for rise of prana or vital air within the body …
This technique also leads to a conclusion, that sex also is a right path, provided it is done with utmost care and control over your vital fluids … If this control is not there then this technique would only be deemed to be something like playing with stormy airs and fiery-electricity at the same time … By this I mean, that it would only be tantamount to inviting a total evolutionary disaster …
Utmost care and control means to not letting go of the vital fluid and thus keeping mind away from the physical union (or even subtler union if the masculine and feminine principles which are within you, are made to unite to each other within your own microcosm itself) …
And with above, simultaneously entering the subtlety of this union, which itself is via the path of Brahmand Dharana (Oneness to allness and her each part) … As the practice continues within such a mentally controlled state of union, the vital fluid turns into energy state and thence can be pushed upwards towards the crown plexus … This upward push is either at the front of the body or at the back or both …
If this rise of vital fluidic energy is from the front of the body, then this energy is accumulated about 2-3 finger breadths below the navel, prior it moves upwards, enters and crosses the heart from the channel that is at the front of heart and thence enters the throat plexus … Then it enters the palate of mouth and thence through the third eye plexus, it enters the crown plexus and passes beyond the Brahmarandra (secret crevice of creator as was discussed in an earlier topic) …
And if this rise of fluidic energy (i.e. energy which emanates out after the vital fluid itself turns into energy) is at the back side of the body (i.e. in the spinal column), then this energy flow enters the back side of the body and it rises up through the seven plexuses that are present in the spine and it also opens up the four closed gates (Granthi’s) … But in such a case, this energy which rises at the back passes through the throat plexus and thence passes to the crown plexus to finally settles in the third eye plexus so as to eventually enter the Vishnurandra (i.e. secret crevice of supreme preserver as was discussed in an earlier topic) …
And in a third and very rare case, if this energy enters both channels (i.e. front and back channels), then it is the higher of all states of Pranamaye Kundalini, which as such is a totally overwhelming experience that is basically indescribable except as a union of macrocosmic feminine and masculine principles or union of Shakti to Shiva (We have already discussed this in an earlier topic of Raam Naad) which happens inside the aspirants physical vehicle itself … And the end result of this union which happens within the physical vehicle, both these (Shakti and Shiva) are realized to be one and the same, non-dual real … In such a state the energy rises up and then it “initially” enters the Shivarandra (i.e. secret crevice of Shiva as discussed in an earlier topic) and thence after transit of the 8th plexus, this rising energy enters into all other plexus’s that were discussed in the earlier set of topics on “Randra“, which means as the hidden door or the “secret door or the secret crevice or the secret gate” …
Thus during this technique of sexual union, there must be a certain amount of control to not let the accumulated vital airs be used within lower effect of pleasure which also manifests at this time, because in any case where self control is let go of, the exercise shall fail to cause a rise of vital airs (i.e. the vital airs shall not move upwards towards the skull top) and it may even lead to severe problems for the practitioner at a later time …
And at the same time, this needs to be done with a very high care so as to not let the mind wander, because this exercise also amounts to playing with the destructive capability of the air-fire element combination and if something goes wrong in this, then there would definitely be severe problems in the physical vehicle as far as heat currents entering the nerves and brain are concerned … But even if such symptoms show up, these symptoms eventually subside after care and control is restored or even when the practice is fully let go (The latter takes a longer time than the former as far as restoration of correct flows of Prana’s is concerned) …
If done correctly, this sexual Yoga has the capability to lead to an impressional state of the consciousness orb of the aspirant (i.e. the aspirant can even achieve the Samskara Rahit Awastha of Chitta) i.e. the aspirant enters into Nirbija Samadhi (i.e. seedless absorption) … Once this impressionless state is achieved, then it is a permanent (or eternal) one … And the Kundalini Shakti which manifests in such an aspirant, is a permanent one i.e. it keeps rising 24x7x365 of that incarnation, and beyond …
BB-9 … Vital air sheath and air which we breathe …
When the air that we breathe in, is still outside our own microcosm, then it is the air of the environment in which we live …
When that air is taken in and is also processed by the vital air sheath, then due to its divine state which gets arrived, that same environmental air becomes a life force which was called as Prana by Sages who had known this fact during their subtler self realizations …
And the same also happens in the macrocosmic vehicle (i.e. macrocosmic body) and her each world and their inhabitants …
BB-10-A … Vital air sheath of crown plexus … Brahmarandra Pranamaye Kosha …

This figure is painted basis looking into the plane of this photo, which means the white orb as the bottom of above figure is denoting the back side of the head …
This figure is denoting the vital air sheath of the crown plexus (I.e. Brahmarandra Pranamaye Kosha) …
This is the first sign of final awakening i.e. this is the first sign of entering into the path of self realization of Ram Naad … Thus this figure denotes the preliminary stage of entering into the path of Shakti Shiva Yoga that is to take place within the aspirants physical vehicle itself …
A direct cognition of this figure also denotes the stage which is just prior to a union of sheath of vitality to sheath of the mind sheath (i.e. union of Pranamaye Manomaye Yoga) and that too just prior to that stage where the five vital airs arrived at a state of macro-equanimity (neutrality to each other and also to all that ever is) and just prior these vital airs become unioned to one another whilst they rest in macro-equanimity (Sarva Samta) …
The semi-circular white part at top of above figure is the Prana or vital air of the head and that too in a condition where the Brahmarandra Pranamaye Kosha (or vital air sheath of the crown plexus) is already pervaded by the aspirant’s consciousness and thus the consciousness has merged to and thence also begun resting within the vital air sheath of the crown plexus …
Prior to the stage of previous paragraph the white semicircular shape is not visible … At such a time the white is seen to be of a very light pink color … This pink color is of Vyana Prana (or the vital air which envelopes the body) …
And thus basis the two preceding paragraphs, the white semi circular part of above figure is not visible prior to the stage when the consciousness pervades the vital air sheath of the crown plexus … As such only when the consciousness pervades the vital air sheath of the crown plexus does the white semicircular orb as is shown in above painting become visible …
The three starry lights as shown in above figure denote the following …
- The left star like light is of an orangish red color with a central ovular white part …
- The middle light star like light is of deep blue color is also with a central ovular shape of white color … The middle starry light is of almost same size as the left starry light …
- And the one on the right is also a deep blue colored but of a size which is smaller than the central one and this right side one is also with a central ovular white part …
- And all these are enveloped in pure white semicircular shape as shown in above figure …
- The central ovular part is shown in a circular shape in above figure …
Regarding these three starry lights (i.e. Prana’s of crown plexus) …
- Left starry light is the vital air (or Prana) which is formed by the union of Apana prana (of the area below the navel) to Prana-Prana (of the area of the heart) and the Vyana prana (or the outermost all enveloping vitality of the physical vehicle) but after these have merged to the Samana prana (or the Prana of navel area) and then this united condition is pushed upwards by the Udana prana (or the upwardly moving vital air of the head area) … Or in other words, this is the state of vital air after these are assimilated in the Samana prana and then are pushed upwards by the Udana Prana through their union to other vital airs of the same vital air sheath (or Pranamaye Kosha) of the aspirant …
- And the other two blue colored shapes are related to the sub-vital airs (Upa Prana) which are united to the sub-vital air of the crown plexus (i.e. Devdutt Upa-Prana) and the union of two other sub-vital airs of Kurma Upa-Prana and Naag Upa-Prana and then their further union to the other two Up-Prana’s (or sub vital airs) …
- Thus above figure denotes that stage where the five Prana’s are unioned to each other and this leads to a state of union of the other five Upa-Prana’s also …
This denotes the state which is just prior to a final macro-equanimous union of all five vital airs (Prana’s) and sub-vital airs (Up-Prana’s) within the vital air sheath (or Pranamaye Kosha) of the aspirant …
And once these vital airs and sub-vital airs are merged in their perfect union, then they also lose their individualities (or characteristics of types of movements and colors) and thus turn into a macro-neutral state i.e. of a diamond white color …
Within their originality and prior to the stage when these the original singular Prana had divided itself, it was of a diamond white color … Thus the finally arrived diamond white color also denotes the stage of re-arrival of the aspirant’s Pranamaye Kosha (i.e. Vital air sheath) at its original condition as was prior these Prana’s had divided into their 10 parts …
This dividing of the original state of Prana, is also described within a statement of Vedic knowledge systems, which was thus told “Ekohum Bahusyami … It is one, but becomes many” … This could even be translated thus, “It is One, but desired to be many and thus many it eventually became” …
This united state of Prana when it begins merging and thus turns into a subtle white color, is directly related to ninth sphere of macrocosmic creation (or Para Prakriti) … This same ninth sphere is also termed as cloud nine in the Buddhist systems and is also termed as Buddha Samantabhadri within Buddhist Tantric systems … This is also termed as Adi Shakti within Tantric Vedic lore … This also is the same ninth sphere of nature which is described in Srimad Bhagwadgita and many Upanishads …
Once these Prana’s unite and prior they turn diamond white, the Shivaling that is placed about 2-3 finger breadths below the navel and towards the spinal column also begins turning into a pure matt white in color and this is as if semi-liquid white colored chalk is sprayed on it and within it …
This Shivalingam is bent backwards and is formed by many-many subtle divinity channels that are present in this area and these channels are intertwined to each other … The stage of this Shivling turning into a matt-white color denotes the stage where Prana’s have turned neutral to each other …
Once these five Prana’s and five Up-Prana’s have begun uniting, then they reach a stage, where they turn neutral to each other … And thence after they have arrived at a perfect neutrality to each other, then they proceed into that developed neutrality and eventually arrive at their state of macro-neutrality to allness and its each part …
After this stage is arrived at, the united condition of these Prana’s begin uniting to the mind sheath (Manomaye Kosha which is also called as Manomaya Kosha) and once this union manifests, the mind sheath also begins showing streaks of diamond white colored lights in it … This is the condition that illumines the mind sheath of the aspirant …
It is only after this stage that the Prana’s begin rising upwards through the central channel (or Sushumna Naadi) and only after this stage does an aspirant’s mind sheath start showing the entire mind body illumines by a diamond white light which as such leads to the Shakti Shiva Yoga which has been discussed in earlier topics and which leads to the self realization of Raam Naad (Sound of Ram) …
This state is of union of Prana (which represent the diamond white colored Maa Shakti or Maa Bhadri) to Mind (which denotes the blue colored Bhagwan Shiva or Bhagwan Bhadra) within each aspirant … This in turn leads to self realization of the Eighth Chakra as was discussed in earlier topics …
Thus basis above discussions, above figure also denotes the commencement stage of self realization of Shiva Shakti Yoga, which itself leads to self realization of Ram Naad and which itself is the path to accomplishment of self realization of the 8th plexus (Ashtama Chakra) … Thus, is the importance of above figure …
BB-10-B … Vital air sheath of causal body … Antahkarana Pranamaye Kosha …
I have not painted this state, but it is as follows …
In the orb of vital airs of the causal body (i.e. the bliss sheath) and when the causal body (i.e. Anandmaye Kosha) is observed in a state where it rests in the pit of heart, there are ten lights like the ones depicted in previous discussion (i.e. BB-10-B) …
These lights are arranged in a white colored background and are placed in such a way that the five red lights and five blue lights, both of which are of the same shape as depicted in the figure of previous discussion (i.e. BB-10-B) alternate each other and all these are also resting in the same white colored background (as shown in the figure of previous discussion i.e. BB-10-B) …
Within that orb of Prana Vayu (i.e. orb of vital airs) that is also present in the causal body, the five red colored starry lights denote the five Prana’s (i.e. five vital airs) and each of those five blue colored starry lights denote five Upa-Prana (i.e. five sub-vital airs) …
BB-10-C … Vital air sheath of other areas of the body …
Something always needs to be left to personal self realizations, so in this topic I have only discussed the main aspects of vital air sheath (i.e. Pranamaye Kosha) …
Other secondary aspects of vital airs shall not be discussed here as I feel these are better self realized by those who wish to know about them …
BB-11 … Divine world of the final union of any aspirant’s Pranamaye Kosha …
Once the Prana’s reach their original diamond white colored state, the diamond white accomplishment vehicle (or diamond white Siddha Sharira) gets self manifested within the aspirant’s physical vehicle itself …
And then this diamond white Siddha body (i.e. accomplishment vehicle) ultimately unites to Brahmaloka (i.e. the pristine abode of the creator and grandfather of allness) …
And after this diamond white body (or diamond white accomplishment vehicle) eventually reaches Brahmaloka and rests there and then through a series of intermediary stages, it finally unites to the four faced Pitamah Brahma Ji (i.e. it unites to the four headed creator and grandfather of allness) … Due to this reason also, within this text we have named it as Brahma Sharira …
The state of union as discussed above denotes liberation and such an aspirant attains the status of being Brahm Swaroop (i.e. manifested state of the creator of allness) just like a drop of water becomes the ocean after merging to the ocean itself …
Once this state is achieved, that aspirant knows the innermost essence of a Vedic statement which was thus told … “Prana Brahma” …
And after this self realization, that aspirant also knows that nothing more is ever needed to be self realized regarding the vital air sheath or Pranamaye Kosha of our current discussion … And once this self realization arrived, then that aspirant rests whilst he (or she) only awaits the completion of destined time span of that incarnation …
Discussions on Brahmaloka shall be taken up in a later topic on “Sadyojata face of Sadashiva” (This face of Sadashiva is also addressed as Sadyojata face of Shiva in various texts that are of Sanatan Dharma) …
That’s all for this topic …