There are two broad types of celestial measurement and these are …
- Gross measurements … These relate to physical aspects …
- Subtle measurements … These relate to subtler aspects …
In this topic I shall mainly be concentrating upon subtle measurements which relate to larger celestial aspects like plane of existence (like Milky Way Galaxy) or universe (a state in which vast number of galaxies exist ) and then discuss their relationship to their own children i.e. the grosser (or physically manifested) counterparts …
This topic is in continuation with previous one which had the header of “Unitary value of time” …
24-AA … Constancy of ratios of subtle celestial measurement …
As far as larger celestial aspects are concerned, there is also a relationship between their gross (or apparent or manifested) and subtle (or non apparent or non manifested) measurements …
This relationship is that there is an utter constancy of ratios of subtle measurements of any single plane of existence or universe to their own grosser counterparts …
As also, since the subtle is the parent of the grosser aspects (the grosser has manifested out of the original subtler) so due to this reason even the ratios of dimensional expanses of grosser aspects is having the same constancy …
Thus even when a celestial body may seem to be expanding and contracting and thus is found to be changing its dimensions (or size) over longer periods of time, yet the ratios of its dimensional expanses (i.e. ratios of length, breadth and height or depth) would remain constant across the entire time span of existence of any single creator (or Brahma) …
24-BB … Constancy of ratios of subtle aspects during a Brahma’s lifetime …
A Brahma’s lifetime or lifetime of any single Brahma (or creator) is of 311.040 trillion human (solar years as per middle time units of this planet’s axial precession) …
As far as the subtle components of length, breadth and height (or depths) of various larger counterparts of the macrocosmic creation (like a plane of existence and universe) are concerned, their ratios of expanses are the same across the time span of existence of any single creator of allness (i.e. lifetime of a Brahma) …
Above means that across time spans of existence of any single Brahma (as Brahmas also change cyclically) these ratios (of length, breadth and height or depths) would remain the same due to the fact that each Brahma only recreates the multi-universe as per his own mathematics (or mathematical equations or mathematical principles) … And since the mathematical principles of any single Brahma are different from any previous Brahma (and also of any future Brahma’s) in addition to being constant during the entire time span of existence of that Brahma, so as long as a universe exists, its ratios of length, breadth and depth (or height) cannot ever change …
And this constancy of ratios of a universe or plane of existence is even when the universe and plane of existence keep cyclically expanding and contracting due to the increase and decrease of the unitary values of time and space …
And when the next Brahma comes by (after dissolution of the multi-universe of the previous Brahma has already taken place) then he also recreates the same universe as per a different mathematical principle (equation) which as such is his own generated principle (or equation) of allness and this is what remains applicable to the multi-universe until the entirety of time span of existence of that Brahma (who had generated that mathematical principle and had made it as a base of the multi-universe of his time span of existence) …
Thus until a Brahma of a multi-universe continues to exist, the ratios of these three axis (i.e. Length, Breadth and height or depth) of all larger celestial aspects remain the same and this is irrespective of whether these galaxies become larger (this is through cyclic galactic collision or through cyclic expansions) or they become smaller or contract in their size (as is when smaller galaxies originate out of an already existent larger galaxy and which as such is when that galaxy becomes too big to sustain itself i.e. it becomes too obese to carry its own weight and thus it has to undergo a crash course of dieting) …
As far as the current Brahma or any future Brahma is concerned, that mathematical equation (or principle) which becomes the base of allness is his own principle of allness i.e. that principle remains a universal one and thus is directly applicable to all larger celestial systems and is also indirectly applicable to all lesser parts of such larger celestial systems … This means that all parts of macrocosmic speciology who rest within that universe also have to follow the same mathematical principle (as was originated by the then Brahma) consciously and if not consciously, then unconsciously…
As far as the current Brahma is concerned, this sameness is through Vedic Mathematics as the current Brahma was a Vedic sage who had evolved so high, that he could be the Brahma of this entire multi-universe … And his principles are also subtly stated within Vedic lore and it eventually is on these principles which have become the base of Vedic Kaalchakra (i.e. the cyclic nature of time as per Vedic lore) that this universe is based …
I shall be discussing these principles but in a very subtle way so those who are not evolutionarily ready to know then explicitly, would not know them and those who are, cannot miss out in knowing them … The entire Vedic Kaalchakra (i.e. the Vedic cycle of time) which as such is the base of the current universe (of the current Brahma) is based upon the same mathematical principles of Brahma …
And since the pending time span of existence of current Brahma is still “about” 155 trillion human solar years (as per middle time units of precession of equinoxes) so the same principles would remain applicable on every microcosm during the stated pending time span of existence of the current Brahma … In above time span, I have said “about” as the exact time span would only be derived at a later stage of this topic of Kaalchakra …
This sameness of applications of mathematical principles is what leads to a constancy of measurements of values … This constancy is not in distances (of length, breadth or height) of celestial aspects or any other microcosm, but it is in their ratios of grosser to subtler …
And this constancy of ratio of gross and subtle aspects of the Maker’s Makings, is what makes the sameness of relative differences within all the hierarchies (gross and subtle hierarchies) of all the parts (or states) that exist within the Maker’s Makings … And this sameness is even when everything (i.e. all parts of these macrocosmic hierarchies) is ever changeful …
So above paragraph means, that even when the states of Maker’s Makings are ever changeful, yet their change is such that the ratios of subtlety (or grossness) of any state to its real-preceding and real-next one is constant … Thus even when everything stays changeful and thus everything changes its grossness or subtlety, yet the ratios of subtlety (or grossness) between any state to its real-preceding one and its real next one, stays the same …
And this constancy is maintained during each Brahma’s lifetime only because it is related to the constancy of the mathematical principles of that Brahma who had originated that cycle of the multi-universal macrocosmic creation out of his own generated and thus specific mathematical principles …
24-CC … Changes in dimensional expanses even when there is a constancy of ratios …
The ratios of dimensional expanses of any larger celestial aspect (like a plane of existence) are eternally non-changeful and this is even when the dimensional expanses (like length, breadth or height or depth) of a celestial body are found to be eternally changeful (since each celestial aspect expands and contracts cyclically, so its dimensional expanses cannot ever be constant and yet the ratios of these three values stays constant) …
These changes of dimensional expanses are dependent upon the cycle of time that is underway at that phase of time and thus it eventually is dependent upon the eternal changes of the unitary value of time …
As the unitary value of time changes, the unitary value of space has a reciprocal change and since everything holds the space component, so their dimensional expanses also keep changeful …
But for anyone to understand (or comprehend) this ratio, the unitary value of time and rate of change of these unitary values of time that are applicable to specific time cycles would need to be derived (This derivation is taken up in other topics of this knowledge of Kaalchakra) …
As the primordial dimension of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. time) is eternally moving and thus it is an eternally non constant (or changeful) entity and since all other dimensions (especially space) have to be in harmony to time, so these other dimensions also undergo through their changes as the time (and its unitary values) keep changing …
These changes of other dimensions are to ensure that they keep in harmony to time … This is because of the fact that any loss of harmony of the other dimensions to the dimension to time, would only make the universe (and all its parts) as a living hell …
And as the space component of any celestial aspect (like a plane of existence or a universe) changes, then the dimensional expanses of these celestial aspects also undergo through their changes (which also is to ensure their harmony to the dimension of time and thus make sure that they do not end up making their own existence severely turbulent or hellish) …
So it is also due to this reason, none of the dimensional expanses of any of the larger celestial aspects, can ever be same till eternity of time span of existence of the cyclic existence of Maker’s Makings and her each part (i.e. each microcosm) …
And yet as far as the subtler measurements are concerned, the ratios of these dimensional expanses (of length, breadth and height or depth) would remain the same during the entirety of time span of life time of that Brahma during which such measurements of ratios is studied by anyone …
Thus basis above, if any measurement is done whilst considering subtler aspects, then the ratios of such subtler measurements would remain the same across the entire life time of the current Brahma (i.e. Brahma of that time) and this sameness is even when these dimensional expanses (i.e. sizes or expanses which relate to length, breadth and height or depth) would be seen to be eternally changeful as per the unitary values of time that is applicable at that stage of progress of Kaalchakra (or cycles of time or the eternally moving wheel of time) …
Thus if anyone needs to calculate the dimensional expanses of any plane of existence (or universe) then all that is needed is to utilize the base value (i.e. unitary values at middle time units of precession) and thence from these values it is very easy to deduce the values that are at any stage of the eternally moving cycle of time … We shall be deducing this in some other topics of this science of Kaalchakra …
24-DD … Changes in gross values of dimensional expanses due to change in subtler counterparts …
Even the ratios of gross aspects change in the same ratios as are of their subtle counterparts (This was already discussed in 24-AA above) … But this is with a slight difference which I shall not be discussing as present day degenerate state of humanity would only make them utilize that mathematical equation to make destructive technologies (Bhootastra or subtle macro-elemental weapons) … But even when I shall not be discussing that equation, yet the fact does not change from what it ever is that gross aspects also change their ratios of expanses as per the changes of ratios of expanses of their own subtler parental counterparts and where this change is ultimately in sameness to the eternally cyclic nature of changes that keep taking place within the unitary values of time …
When observations are related to very long periods of time, then changes in the physical sizes of celestial objects would also be seen to be a fact … This fact is seen as cyclic changes on surfaces of celestial bodies …
And since the macrocosm (or multi-universe) is within each microcosm (including any human aspirant), so the same changes are also reflected in sizes of human bodies, states of expanses of consciousness of humanity, condition and expanses of thoughts of mind (which as such leads to a cyclic state of ways of life which keep changing from individualism during Kaliyuga and pluralistic monism during other better ages cycles) …
There is a relation of time and space and this as stated below …
Changes in unitary values of time are inversely proportional to the changes in unitary values of space
And basis above paragraph are the following matter of facts …
- When unitary value of time are reducing (or contracting), then at such times the unitary value of space are seen to be increasing (or in other words, space is seen to be expanding) …
Thus basis above bullet point … As far as the current state of this world is concerned, since as of now the unitary values of time are in fact reducing, so unitary values of space would only be seen to be increasing … And due to this reason, if anyone would observe the space in this universe (or this plane of existence) then the universe (and this plane of existence) would also be found to be expanding …
Thus as of the current stage of progress of time, if space that is present within this universe would be observed from any point within this entire world system (i.e. from anywhere within the entire solar system) then that space would be seen to be endlessly expanding …
This endless expansion is only observed to be such because of that fact that as of now the unitary values of time are reducing in this world system and this reduction of unitary value of time would also keep continuing for the next “about” 12000 human solar years (Exact time would be derived at a later stage) … And this is also the reason for this planet to be expanding its size as of now (i.e. becoming obese) …
Due to this planets slow expansion, the ends are getting pulled outwards and this is what is leading to slow increase of heights of mountains (including of the Himalayan ranges) … And due to the same reason, as of now, even the sun and other planets of this solar system would be seen to be expanding in their size …
Deviating a bit to discuss a related aspect …
The biggest mistake that ignorant humanity has committed is that they have made dams in mountains regions and that too when the planet itself is expanding in size … And due to this mistake, as this expansion continues then a stage would come when these dams would spontaneously give way and this would become a reason for a major flooding of plains and loss of life at those future times … This is not my prophecy or any similar stupidity, but is a statement as per the knowledge of Time …
Resuming again …
This expansion of the entire solar system is what leads to coming in of meteorites into the solar system (including all planets) … This is because an expansion of space also leads to an expansion of the solar system which in turn leads to those outer placed vast numbers of floating objects (actually irregularly shaped rocks of variable sizes) to come within subtle (or energy) envelopes of this solar system and which further leads to a state where these objects begin getting pulled into the solar system itself …
And as this space expands, that place which as of now is out of the peripheries of the solar system (and where there are many-many large and small sized floating rocks) would keep coming into the purviews of the solar system and as the next 11000 to 12000 years progress, each planet would have an ever larger number of these rocks colliding with them …
The collision of those floating rocks with this planet is also a primary reason for a cyclic expansion (I mean diversification) of the gene pool of all parts of speciology which inhabit this planet …
And during those ancient times as were of my much earlier incarnations, as and when the Vedic Sages saw these rocks (which has already collided with planet earth) then they used to turn them into Vedic Shivalingam and make them as objects of worship … This is what led humans to derive those divine energies of beyond and thus be healthier …
Vedic Shivalingam denotes the universe and its entire energy as universe is also of the shape of a Vedic Shivalingam only … We had discussed this fact in earlier topic of “Ujjayi Naad … The sound of victory” and this is also discussed in another earlier topic of “Lingams within and beyond” …
And as a mater of fact, even the temple which was addressed as Makkeshwar Mahadeva during ancient times, which as of now is reverently addressed as Macca Sharif, is having one such Shivalingam (but at the same time, what is also not known to humanity is, that Shivaling is corrupted due to a curse by an earlier sage and thus as of now it would not help anyone as far as self realizations are concerned and this is even when its energies are reaching till vast expanses of space which surrounds this planet) …
During ancient times, space rocks were shaped into the form of a Vedic Shivling because the self realized, all realized Vedic sages had already known those fourfold benefit of these rocks from outer peripheries of the solar system … But this benefit could only be attained after these were consecrated as Vedic Shivalingam …
If these rocks are properly consecrated, then they act on four levels … These four levels are as follows …
1st aspect … On an impressional (Samskarik) level, they denoted a spiritual growth which related to the inward path (or path of self realization or Atma Jnana) … This is through the path of Atma Shuddhi (or self cleansing) which as such is the path of “cleansing of impressions of Chitta (i.e. Chitta Vritti Nirodha)” and which itself is by the path of cleansing and thence an unseeding of all gross (or lower) impressions (or Samskaras) … This ultimately leads to the afflictionless state of Atma Stithi (or resting in union to one’s own innermost essence) … Those who rest within Atma Stithi whilst they are still alive are as good as gone from the entirety of Maker’s Makings and these are the ones who were also addressed as Jeevanmukta (liberated whilst still incarnated) … After such ones complete their destined time san in their then incarnation, then they also do not ever return back to any part of the Maker’s Makings during any of the further times …
2nd aspect … On a subtler level these rocks have a very potent energy field and thus they increase human capacity in addition to leading to a higher quantum of inner calm which in turn assists the 1st aspect (as is discussed above) …
3rd aspect … On a middle level these rocks which were turned into Vedic Shivalingam’s have a very good effect on the diversification of the gene pool of all parts of speciology which inhabits this planet … Thus these rocks also ensure an un-stagnated continuity of speciological parts which come in their direct and to a lesser extent, in their indirect contact to such Shivalingam’s …
4th aspect … And on the gross level they have a very potent effect on sexual desires (which leads to expansion of humanity and other parts of macrocosmic speciology on this planet) …
Deviating again … Whenever the time span of entry of a larger numbers of these space rocks into earth’s surface begins approaching, then prior to this stage of descent of these space rocks upon earth, there is always a large scale destruction of all parts of speciology which inhabits this planet …
By above I mean that whenever this phase of entry of large number of these space rocks to earth is about to approach, then some time prior to this stage a large part of speciology which inhabits this planet always gets destroyed … And then only do their above four mentioned aspects get rejuvenated, which is also through these rocks (turned into Shivalingam’s) only …
And since these space rocks ultimately are Vedic Shivalingam’s (Vedic Symbol of Shiva) and since they ultimately renew and thus refresh the Mother Earth and her inhabitants, so it is also due to this reason that Shiva was told as the lord of destruction-rejuvenation principle (destruction simultaneous with rejuvenation) and where this principle is also the supreme one as it renews and refreshes the earth’s speciology for the entirety of next human age cycle i.e. the next human age cycle of 12,000 years (as per middle time units of precession) or in other words, the next half-time of the next Precessional circle … As of now (i.e. 2013 AD, when I write this topic) this world is already approaching towards the inauguration phase of this phase of human age cycle (i.e. half precession cycle) when the process of destruction and simultaneous rejuvenation would commence …
This cycle of destruction-rejuvenation is also a cyclic one i.e. it happens in cycles … And these cycles are also related to Kaalchakra (cyclic nature of time) only …
- And contrary to above bullet point, when unitary value of time are increasing (or expanding), then at such times the unitary value of space are seen to be reducing (or in other worlds, space is seen to be contracting) … At such a stage of cycle of time if the space is observed from this world system, then that space would also be found to be contracting …
And the same changes would also be seen within all aspects which relate to that time span …
When a celestial body contracts due to increase of unitary values of time that are applicable to it, then gorges and valleys form on that celestial bodies surface … And the reverse happens during expansion … Resuming again …
24-EE … Relationship of gross and subtle measurements …
The changes in universe (and her each part, including ways of life of humanity) which are observed in dimensional expanses of subtler counterparts of Maker’s Makings whilst one is resting at a world, are directly related to the changes of unitary values of time that are applicable to that world system …
And since the parental state itself is the subtler one, so when the subtler state changes, then the grosser (or child) cannot even be missed out …
Thus as the subtler counterpart changes, then the grosser (or child) also changes correspondingly …
This change keeps happening eternally in a slow yet steady manner and its rate is also related to the changes of unitary values of time …
But even when these dimensional expanses of universe and its each part (i.e. each microcosm) change, yet their ratios (i.e. length, breadth, depth or height) continue to remain in sameness till the pending life time of the creator (Brahma) of that particular cycle of existence of the multi-universe (Maker’s Makings or Brahmand) …
And also the ratios of subtlety and grossness of each microcosm to its real next and real-previous hierarchical state also stays constant till the pending life time of the creator (Brahma) of that particular cycle of existence of the multi-universe (Maker’s Makings or Brahmand) …
This is applicable to all that is as macrocosmic hierarchy of all subtle and gross aspects of the entirety of Maker’s Makings … This is a universal principle and not something that came by during the last few thousand years of the currently underway divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga) …
All above are parts of the same principle of celestial measurement and its automatic application of effects on Chatush Ayaam … In an earlier topic, these four dimensions were discussed as Kaalchakra (or eternal cyclic nature of time), Akashchakra (or eternal cyclic nature of expansion and contraction of space), Dishachakra (or eternal cyclic nature of directions or ways of life or paths of evolution) and Dashachakra (or eternal cyclic nature of manifestation of gross and subtle states) …
Continues …