What is a Mahavakya

Mahavakya or Maha Vakya means Great Statement or a Mega Statement …

This part of the text is written as per instructions of the unbegun macrocosm (Sanatan Brahmand or Achalit Brahmand) who is also addressed as Bhagwan Pashupatinath (Lord of macrocosmic speciology) of Vedas and is also addressed as Holy-father (Lord of sheep) in Biblical lore’s …

I did not want to write this topic, but eventually ran out of choices because Bhagwan Pashupatinath is one of those many self-manifestations of my Param-Gurudeva and Ishta-Devata, Bhagwan Sadashiva … And who also is none other than my Param-Gurudevi and Ishta-Devi, Maa Adi Parashakti


AA-1 … Minimum requirements for being called a Mahavakya or Maha Vakya …

Nothing can ever be a Mahavakya (or Maha Vakya) unless it complies with all of the following …


  • Free of individualities of dimension of time (Kaal) …

Above means that it has to be free of all “individual aspects” of the triple times and thus is applicable to all of the triple times …

Thus it has to be free of all “individual aspects” which relate to Kaalchakra (or eternally cyclic nature of time) due to which it has to remain fully applicable at all stages of triple times and thus it also has to remain fully applicable to all of the stages of times during eternity of time, due to which it remains applicable to all age cycles i.e. Human age cycle (which can also be called as the Manav Yuga Chakra) and also remains applicable to the divine age cycle (which in Sanskrit language is termed as a Deva Yuga or simply, the Yuga Chakra) and also remain applicable to Cycles of sun or Surya Chakra, Cycles of father or progenitor of man or Manvantara and to cycles of the creator of allness or Brahma Chakra) …

Thus as far as the dimension of time stands, a Maha Vakya means that which is “only and only” rooted in and resting within the partless-eternity and due to this reason the original timeless state of beginning and the fathomless future time of end of applicability of a Mahavakya can never be traced in time …

Thus a Mahavakya eternally exists in an unchanged state of applicability to all microcosms (aspirants) and that too where this applicability stands completely valid during the entirety of triplicity of time …

Thus there is nothing during the entirety of eternity of time upon which a Mahavakya does not act …

As far as the dimension of time (or Kaal) stands, a Maha Vakya is that which “is of and is also leading to” the timeless fathomless state of eternity (i.e. a Mahavakya leads to Sanatan Tattva) … Thus Mahavakyas have only been be of the “eternal way of life or Sanatan Dharma (or simply Hinduism)” …

Due to above, a Maha Vakya can never be of that way of life which is based upon or resting within limited philosophies (or philosophies which relate only to one or another aspect of thisness or thatness) due to the fact that such philosophies never have an eternal existence … And because they do not have an eternal existence, so they neither believe in a the states of countless reincarnations nor do they believe in a cyclic nature of time … Thus such limited philosophies always have “end time theories” implanted in them, right from the time of their manifestation within a world …

This is as the systems of these egoistic (or individualistic or monotheistic) Gods never account for the eternal nature of allness and her each part (i.e. eternal nature of macrocosm and microcosm) due to the fact that they discount their “actual current state of Here-Now” for their “usually “imaginary and thus fairy tale like state of Here-After” … But this is against what should be as “sameness and thus a unity of these two” due to the fact that at some stage of evolutionary process, the aspirant’s existence would only end up being simultaneously within both …

Thus philosophies of all these Egoistic and thus individualistic Gods always have an end time due to the fact that egoism only rests in individualism, including individualities of cycles of time …

And due to this reason, such individualistic philosophies always have a limited time span of existence due to which they never relate to the partless eternity as is of a Mahavakya (or Maha Vakya) … And because they do not relate to partless eternity (even when they may claim to relate) so these individualistic philosophies always have theories of an end of their times, instead of what actually is as an eternally cyclic nature of time (Kaalchakra) …

Since a Mahavakya is denoting eternity which itself is of the attributeless-infinite Absolute-Being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm), so the inner consciousness of an aspirant who has self realized the innermost meaning of a Mahavakya, also enters into the attributeless-infinite Absolute-Being, who itself is Sanatan (or eternal) and whose system is of Sanatan Dharma (eternal way of life or simply, Dharma) …


  • Free of individualities of dimension of space (Akasha) …

Above means that a Mahavakya is the one which is free of “individual aspects” of dimension of space which relate to Akashchakra due to this it has to remain fully applicable to the entirety of space and its each part … Thus a Mahavakya is also free of changes due to the cyclic expansions and contractions of inner space (i.e. space inside the microcosm) and outer space (i.e. space of the universe in which the microcosm resides) …


Deviating a bit to discuss an example of above … In the better ages cycles (like Satyuga or the golden age) the inner space is larger and thus human minds are based upon a higher quantum of “oneness to allness” due to which human bodies are of a larger size, in addition to humans living for a longer time span …

But in the degenerate age cycles (Kaliyuga) the inner space contracts, which leads to human bodies to be of a smaller size in addition to having an individualistic ways of life and thus a concentrated state of ways of life, which leads to individualistic (self serving) ways of life and thus a greater grossness in ways of life and thus a lesser time span …

Thus the Vedic texts state, that in Satyuga the human body is 21 hands long and humans live for 100, 000 years and in Kaliyuga human bodies are of 3.5 hands long and humans life span is barely of a 100 years and as Kaliyuga would approach its end, this life span would also be closer to 20 years … All this is also related to the cycles of expansion and contraction of space, which leads to “oneness to allness” and individualistic ways of life respectively …


Resuming again … That which is thus is also the one which is applicable to all conditions of space, right from the instant of original origination of Maker’s Makings when the space originally started to expand (from its earlier stage of being of the size of the tip of a pinhead) and until the fathomless future stage when the entire space of a universe would again become one pointed, just as it was prior to the stage of original origination of the Maker’s Makings

And since a Mahavakya is thus, so it is also equally applicable to everything that ever was, everything that ever is and also everything that could ever be, within the entirety of infinite space and its cyclic changes …

And since the Mahavakya is eventually related to the infinite space, so it is also applicable to that attributeless state of space which also is existent beyond the Maker’s Makings (As only an iota of dimension of space or Akasha was utilized to originate the entirety of multi-universal Maker’s Makings, so the space within the entire multi-universal system is only an iota of what the phrase “Infinite space” actually denotes) …

Since Mahavakya is also applicable beyond that space which is within the Maker’s Makings, so Mahavakyas are also applicable after an aspirant finally gets liberated and this is because that finally liberated state can only defined through a Maha Vakya …

There is nothing in the entirety of infinite space upon which a Maha Vakya does not act …

As far as the dimension of space (Akasha) stands, a Mahavakya is that which is leading to “Infinite nature of space i.e. a Mahavakya denotes Ananta Akasha or Mahakash” …

Thus the inner of consciousness of an aspirant who has self realized the innermost meaning of a Maha Vakya, becomes like Mahakash (Maha Akasha or Great Space or Infinity) …

In Vedic lore, above fact was what was told through the example of union of Ghatakash (i.e. inner space of an aspirant who is like an earthen pot) and Mahakash (Great space or infinite) … This union is after the earthen pot (which symbolically denotes the limitations of the vehicle of ignorance or the physical vehicle) is broken and the consciousness enters into that which is beyond the earlier limitation of the physical vehicle …

That which is Infinite itself is the one who is the attributeless (this is as the attributeless itself is the only undefined infinite being) …

Thus basis above, Mahavakyas can only be of that philosophy which accounts for the attributeless-infinite being (Brahman) and thus such a philosophy would also be accounting for all that was discussed in the earlier topics of “As IT originally was”, then was the discussions of  topic of “As IT self expressed itself”, then was the discussions of  topic of “As IT progressed”, then was the discussions of  topic of “As IT furthered itself” and then was the discussions of  topic of “As IT eventually became” and which as such is none other than Sanatan Dharma …

Thus Mahavakyas can never be of that way of life which is based upon or resting in limited space, like that of a single text or knowledge system or heaven of any of an Egoistic or Individualistic Gods (Abhimani Devata) … This is as the systems of these egoistic (or individualistic or monotheistic) Gods never account for the “intrinsically pluralistic yet it remains in sameness to the essentially monist nature of allness” and thus they can never account for allness and her each part, due to which  they also cannot account for the fathomless infinite state of the Attributeless being (Nirguna Brahman) and its own egoless self expressions (Anabhimani Devata) …

Thus these Egoistic systems have never had original great-statements (or Mahavakyas) within them and even if they claim that they have them, yet these so called statements are only modified versions (actually twisted versions which look different as they are written in another language and style) of the original Mahavakyas of Sanatan Dharma …


  • Free of the dimension of directions or paths (Disha) …

Above also means that a Mahavakya is free of “individual aspects” of dimension of directions or the ever changeful nature of directions or simply, the ever changeful nature of paths of evolution (Dishachakra) and where these changes always take place due to the ever changeful nature of time cycles (or simply changeful nature of age cycles) and thus of space …

It eventually is due to the effects of Dishachakra, that a newer knowledge system self manifests upon a world and where this self manifestation itself is through an appropriate instrument (i.e. an appropriate person) who enters that world only for this job of laying down a solid foundation of that knowledge system which is demanded through the Dishachakra (or the eternally cyclic nature of directions of ways of life of inhabitants of a world … Or simply, the eternally cyclic nature of paths of evolution) …

This means that a Mahavakya is one which is directly relating to the Omni-directional …

Omnidirectional is that path which is everywhere and thus is also subtly present in a hidden state inside every text … Omnipresent is the most subtle one due to its greatest spread and it is due to this reason, the omnidirectional is also the path which pervades and envelopes all other paths that ever come by (or get manifested) during any of the stages of progress of the triple times … It is to that omnidirectional path, that every path eventually relates because that omnidirectional path itself is the path to the Absolute …

This also means that a Mahavakya is that great statement which is equally applicable to all knowledge systems, their texts, their paths (methods of practice, rituals etc.) and all that ever is as a path of evolution …

This also means that a Mahavakya is also equally applicable to all religions of the triple times, their heavens, their deities, their propagators and their adherents …

All texts that have ever manifested during any of the triple times, are rooted in the innermost knowledge of these Mahavakyas and yet may or may not accept this fact … If the latter is the case, then such texts (which claim that they do not root in these Mahavakyas) can never be related to the Absolute being who itself is eternal attributeless and infinite even when they are definitely resting within these Mahavakyas, which itself are of the Supreme being

As a matter of fact, there is no direction (or path or knowledge system or way of life) which can claim to be leading to the Absolute Being (i.e. lead to a finally emancipated state) without being rooted in the Mahavakyas …

As far as the dimension of directions (Disha or paths of evolution) stand, a Mahavakya is that which “is of and is also leading to” the omnidirectional path (i.e. Bahuvaad)” … Such a path cannot be any other than that of “intrinsic pluralism and essential monism” which itself is of the supreme genius of Maker’s Makings …

Thus such a path or way of life which relates to the Mahavakyas, would also be the path which would have ways of using the every changeful hierarchies of Maker’s Makings, as a ladder of evolution to reach the ever-same and thus eternally non changeful Absolute being (or Attributeless infinite being or simply Parabrahman) …

Thus since the omnipresent path is always rooted in pluralistic monism (Bahuvaadi Advaita), so a Mahavakya can never be of individualistic paths (or monotheistic paths) which discount all others at the expense of their own limited selves …

And since Pluralistic monism is the path of Sanatan Dharma only, so Mahavakyas can only be of the “eternal way of life or Sanatan Dharma (or simply Hinduism)” …


  • Free of the dimension of state (Dasha) …

Above means that a Mahavakya is free of individual aspects of dimension of states (i.e. Dashachakra) or in other words, a Mahavakya is that which is free of the ever changeful nature of states (into gross and subtle aspects) …

When anything originates (or manifests or incarnates, as the case may be) then it turns gross from its earlier un-originated subtler state and when anything gets liberated (or as the case may be un-manifested, dissipated or dissoluted or de-incarnated) then it returns back to that original subtlety from where it had started its manifestation process so as to reach its gross originated state (or the gross manifested or incarnated state, as the case may be) …

Mahavakya is that which relates to all these states equally and thus a Mahavakya relates to all that is gross and subtle and also relates to that is intermediary and beyond these two relative terms …

Thus a Mahavakya is equally applicable to all that is subtle (Sookshma) and gross (Sthool) aspects of the Maker’s Makings … And beyond …

It is due to this reason that irrespective of the mode, condition and state of existence that any of the aspirants (or microcosms) may reside in during the entire course of their evolutionary existence, the same Mahavakyas would stay applicable to them …

Thus these Mahavakyas are applicable to all nether worlds, to all earthly worlds and to all divine worlds and thus the same Mahavakyas are also applicable all of the inhabitants of these triple worlds …

Whether here or beyond, there is no state of existence upon which these Mahavakyas do not act …

Thus these Mahavakyas (or Great Statements or Mega Statements) are none other than those which stand universally applicable to all microcosm’s that have ever begun or are yet to begin within the Maker’s Makings and these Mahavakyas are also applicable on those microcosms who have already been emancipated …

Within the triple worlds (i.e. underworlds, earthly worlds and heavenly worlds) and also beyond all this triplicity of worlds (i.e. Attributeless Infinite being) the same Mahavakyas stand fully, equally and eternally applicable …

As far as the dimension of state (or Dasha) stands, a Mahavakya is that “which is of and is also leading to” the ever-same omnipresent being (i.e. Sarva Vyapt Bhagwan or Parambrahma) …

Omnipresence itself is the finality of dimension of state (i.e. omnipresence is the finality of Dasha) and it is to this omnipresence that these Vedic Mahavakyas eventually relate, and are also leading to …

That who is omnipresent, itself is the one who is omnidirectional (i.e. the innermost path which pervades and envelopes all paths of evolution), the Infinite and the eternal …

And that who is all above, is also the one who is the omnipotent and omniscient attributeless infinite being (Brahman) … And that who is such is also the one who is the omnicompetent, omnificent, omniparient and omnifarious one, who has been addressed as Brahman in Vedas and it is to That (i.e. Brahman) that these Mahavakyas eventually relate … Brahman is also the Omniform one (since everything is IT’s own self expression, self manifestation and self presence, so Parabrahman itself is the extremely hidden Omnific who also is the Omniform Absolute one) …

The omnipresent means that who is eternally present as the innermost subtle and thus the omnipresent is also the hidden aspect of all states, conditions and modes of existence and all ways of life of all microcosm’s …

And thus such an omnipresent one can only be that who is based upon Absolute-non-dualism (Advaita) which itself is and has only been of the path of Absolute monism (Vedanta) …

Due to this reason, Mahavakyas have only been self realized within the paths of Vedanta, whose root itself is none other than that of Advaita (Non-dualism) … Thus Mahavakyas have only been of the “eternal way of life or Sanatan Dharma (or simply Hinduism)” …

And finally …

In the real sense of this word (I.e. Mahavakya), that statement which as a minimum is unable to comply with all above, can never be termed as a Mahavakya …


AA-2 … Loss of knowledge of paths related to Mahavakyas during degenerate age …

As times progressed after the degenerate age came by (around 3102 BC, +/- 1 to 2.7 years) humanity began dividing into smaller sections, cultures and tribes as individual-dualism began running rampantly within this world …

And after these useless nonsensical divisions were effected, these tribes and cultures also entered into individualistic ways of life instead of the earlier pluralistic yet moist ways of life which were of and were followed by humanity …

After such a stage, these tribes and cultures also remained with no choice but to begin competing with each other and also competing within themselves due to the grossness that they entered into and which itself was due to their own adopted ways of life that rested in one or another sort of individual-dualism …

By the term Individual-dualism I mean individualism of individuals and also the individualism of individual-corpuses … Individual’s individualism is easy to understand, so I won’t touch upon it here … And individual corpuses are like countries, cultures, societies, religions, adherents of a particular knowledge or any other individual system, an organization etc. …

This individual-dualism led to adoption of savage or animalistic ways of life which were based upon the degenerative state of what is currently known as Darwinism and where “Survival is only of the fittest” … Ways of life based upon Darwinism are the worst ones as they only relate to the gross (or outer world) conquest instead of what should be as a subtle one i.e. inner conquest or in other words, the eternal conquest which is through inward paths or paths of self knowledge) …

This individual-dualism led to an expansive state of cyclic chaos in each of such tribes as this individualistic condition of their ways of life was against the pluralistic monism of the Maker’s Makings within whose envelopes they themselves were existent … This led to giving up of the earlier “Dharmik ways” which led to the condition that could be told as “Victory for the righteous” and where the word “Victory” only meant a “Victory over allness and her each part (i.e. the final emancipation or the completion of the eternal conquest)” of our current discussion … This was the path of inner conquest which itself is the eternal conquest that is accomplished through the paths of self knowledge …

And due to above deviation, the various tribes of mankind began relating to aspects where their glories were based upon their abilities of conquering others … By others I mean other tribes, lands, civilizations, faiths, beliefs, cultures, countries, resources, economies, societies, fauna and flora, men and women …

Yet all of them who have believed in suchness as is stated in above paragraph, are only found to have miserably failed in their conquests and this is especially so when we look at the fact that their search for that Absolute state of conquest whilst they were based upon external and thus gross modes of conquests, has never been an Absolute one …

Thus as times progressed after above deviation, the greater cultures of earlier times which were based upon self knowledge of the inward paths, became lesser and lesser ones became greater … And since outer ways have regular dips of their worldly levels, so across these later cultures which came by after 3102 BC, +/- 1 to 2.7 years, this see-saw movement of cultures has also continued in a cyclic fashion and across the times of this divine degenerate age (Deva Kaliyuga) which had commenced around 3102 BC, +/- 1 to 2.7 years …

This cycles of rise and fall of cultures, civilizations and faiths is only because they all were based upon external conquests (i.e. conquest over others) instead of what should have been as an inner conquest (i.e. self realization) or the eternal conquest of our current discussion …


AA-3 … Mahavakyas … A self-knowledge of the eternal conqueror …

The real and eternal conqueror is that one, who only conquers “itself-through-itself” …

By above I mean that a real conqueror is the one who conquers his (or her) own-self through itself and itself through its-own-self …

This is the state which is arrived after an aspirant attains to the self realization (and thus self knowledge) of the Vedic Mahavakyas which shall be discussed in this set of topics of the text …

The one who has accomplished that which is discussed above, is the real and eternal conqueror because of the fact that this inner conquest is the only “eternal conquest” across the triplicity of time, space, direction and state and this is because of the fact that once this conquest is already completed, then during any further eternity, it never needs to be done again …

But this eternal conquest is only accomplished through the path of “Tyaga (or Let go or detachment to allness and her each part)” and thus such an eternal conqueror is none other than the Supreme Hermit (Poorna Sanyasi) who has manifested in a human form … That Poorna Sanyasi (Supreme Hermit) is the one who is addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm (Attributeless Infinite Absolute Being) in the Vedas …

Other than this inner conquest, all other conquests are non-real due to their eternally cyclic and thus their non eternal natures … The real and eternal conquer only conquers his (or her) own self (Atman) …

This inner conquest is only completed through the self realization of the fact that “one’s own-self (i.e. Atman)” itself is the “supreme self (i.e. Brahman)” and that “supreme self (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm)” is none other than the “self of all (i.e. Sarva Atman)” that ever is within or beyond the entirety of the multi-universal Maker’s Makings …

And the intermediary path to this supreme conquest always passes through the self realization of the “subtle impressional macrocosm (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand)” which is eternally present within the aspirants physical microcosm (or gross microcosm or simply, the physical vehicle) … And due to this reason, this eternal conquest always passes through the stage of entering into a state of “union to allness and her each part (i.e. Brahmand Yoga)” …

And the fact still remains that the path of Brahmand Yoga always passes through the state of “Brahmand Dharana (i.e. an aspirant’s inner oneness towards allness and her each part)” …

So basis this, the path of this eternal conquest never opens up for any aspirant unless the aspirant begins resting in perfection of Brahmand Dharana …


Proceeding further …

After this inner conquest, all that was an individualistic nature like I, My, Ours is found to be a myth, as there is nothing like this within the supreme, colorless attributeless, seedless, infinite reality (i.e. Paramatman or Brahman) …

And yet these aspects of I, My, Ours definitely exit in that stage which is arrived at after completion of the eternal after conquest, but the purview of that aspirant shifts them into “allness and her each part” instead of their earlier individualistic states …

And such an aspirant, who has already completed the inner eternal conquest (i.e. the Supreme or Absolute conquest) also knows that finally (or ultimately) the path of this conquest is only passing through self realization of the innermost meanings of the Mahavakyas as are discussed in the current set of topics of this text …

And since this self realization of Mahavakyas denotes a stage which is beyond the entirety of evolutionary process, so after self realization of Mahavakyas, there remain no applicability of any of the texts or paths of evolution for that aspirant …

And due to this reason, on such an aspirant, there also remains no applicability of any of the nonsensical concepts which relate Gods or Satan’s, Guru or Guide, practices, principles or process, good or bad, heaven or hell, do’s and don’ts, centers or their laws, state or condition or mode of existence and yet that aspirant is not the lawless one, as he (or she) only rests within the supreme law i.e. Brahman (i.e. essence of all laws that ever are or could ever be) who itself is as Atman (innermost essence of the aspirant) … That supreme law is what the Mahavakya denotes …

This topic shall lead to THAT where the I’ness, Am’ness, Is’ness and Not’ness has never found a place within the eternity there was, is or could ever be from any state of nowness that ever is (or could ever be) during the entirety of the triplicity of time, states, directions and space as it has been have discussed below …

  • Three states of times … Past, future and that which is intermediary (i.e. ever changeful present) …
  • Three stages of states … Gross, subtle and that which is intermediary (i.e. ever changeful present which is holding both the both gross and the subtle within it and where these gross and subtle also keep their applicability upon all microcosm’s, but in a state of their see-saw movements which is also governed as per the demands of the time cycles) …
  • Three stages of directions … Up, Down and that which is intermediary (i.e. ever changeful present which is holding both the upward moving and downward moving paths or directions within it and where these directions also keep their see-saw movements as per the demands of the time cycles) … And ultimately there are 10 primary directions which remain applicable upon all (i.e. North, South, East, West, Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, Northwest, Zenith and Nadir) and these 10 primary directions also remain within the purview’s of the three aspects which we have discussed here …
  • Three stages of space … Expansion, contraction and that which is intermediary (i.e. ever changeful present which is holding both of the upwardly and downward ways of life within it and where these expansions and contractions also keep their see-saw movements as per the demands of the time cycles) …
  • That which is fully, equally and permanently applicable to all above, is a Mahavakya … And the aspirant who knows the innermost meaning of the primary Vedic Mahavakya through a self realization of them, is the eternal conqueror …

Such an aspirant is the real conqueror … The Egoless one … The perfectly isolated one … Such an aspirant is also isolated from both liberation and bondage alike and is isolated from even concepts of terms like “liberation and non-liberation” as he (or she) rests in a state which is beyond these … And thus such an aspirant is none other than a fully liberated one, just like the Supreme detached hermit (Param Sanyasi or Brahman) also is …

Such a conqueror is also the one who conquers “Itself through Itself” is that one who “never goes and thus never returns” and this itself is because he is already “gone thus (i.e. he is the Tathagata)” …

And at the same time, such an aspirant is also the one “who is already fully-gone, while still incarnated and thus he (or she) is also the one who cannot ever return back (i.e. he is a Jeevanmukta or one who is liberated even whilst alive)” …

Such an aspirant is the knower of the innermost meanings of the Vedic Mahavakyas of which only five primary ones are discussed here …

Thus such an aspirant who is a knower of the innermost meanings of Vedic Mahavakya (or Maha Vakya) is also the one who is “The Absolute Truth” and who itself is “The Absolute freedom (Final emancipation or Kaivalya Moksha)” which has manifested itself in the physical form (of that aspirant) … Thus in such a state of freedom, he may or may not choose to be a teacher (or Guru) of anyone else …


And finally …

This set of topics on Mahavakyas is …

  • The knowledge which leads to Sumeru or Niralambasthana (which is also called 8th plexus, Niralamba Chakra and as Ashtama Chakra) …
  • The knowledge which leads to Satya Kailash, the divine seat of my Param Gurudeva Sadashiva …
  • The final-undefined-essence of all knowledge systems because this is who you actually are as far as your own innermost essence (or Atman) is concerned …
  • There is no knowledge higher than this as far as simultaneous attainment of both the states of Buddhahood (i.e. being the Tathagata) and Jivanmukti are concerned …
  • Mahavakyas is the essence of knowledge that is arrived at after the successful completion of Chatush Pada Pradakshina (or Parikrama) of Viraat Parabrahman Sadashiva and where this Pradakshina automatically also includes the Pradakshina of Maa Adi Parashakti, both of who are my real parents …
  • This is the knowledge of Brahmavdhoot i.e. a Turiyateet Yogi …


Knowledge of Mahavakyas commences from here …

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