This topic continues from the previous one which has the header of “Prologue of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra” … This is the second chapter of this restricted topic on “Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra” … Aspirants must read the first part, prior proceeding into this one … Here we shall discuss what is Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra and also explain its relation to Ghatakash Tantra …
Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra means, Systems and process of womb of the cave of ether of heart (i.e. Akasha of heart or Akash Mahabhuta of heart) … This cave of ether or Akasha Mahabhoot is the path to innermost cave of heart (or Guha Kaivalya) which is the cave of final liberation or cave of isolation from allness and her each part … Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra can also be called as Ghatakash Tantra which is discussed later on in this topic itself …
Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra and Ghatakash Tantra …
In this name of “Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra” …
- The word “Hridaya” means heart … Here the word “heart” does not refer to the physical heart, but to the subtle aspects (or aspects of those vast number of subtleties) which are present in the heart area of the physical vehicle …
- The word “Akasha” means the vast limitless ether within whose envelopes the entire macrocosm resides … But in this discussion and as far as the discussed “cave of ether of heart” is concerned, it is an inner cave of heart, from where the path to final liberation, which itself is as a final isolation from allness, eventually opens up … Vedic and Yogic texts term this kind of liberation as Kaivalya and also call it as Kaivalya Moksha … It is the ultimate liberation because it denotes a “liberation from allness” and which includes freedom or liberation from all gross, all subtle and also from all divine realms (i.e. Kaivalya) …
- The word “Garbha” literally means a womb … And as far as this discussion stands, the womb means the womb of ether of heart …
- The word “Tantra” means system or process …
- Thus the word “Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra” literally means as “system and process of the cave of womb of ether of heart” … This can also be called as “Ghatakash Tantra” or the “systems and process of pot of ether of heart” …
Note: Since, ether is a part of kingdom of God, so the Biblical lore also says, “Kingdom of God is within” … The “cave of ether of heart” whose innermost womb is being discussed here, holds everything (i.e. envelopes and permeates everything) that is a part and parcel of this Kingdom of God within us and where this kingdom itself is within the heart … But at the same time, to say that ether of heart itself is the entire kingdom of God within us, is totally inappropriate as that kingdom of God is not limited to Ghatakash alone … And just as I have stated earlier, the Sanskrit word “Ghatakash” means as the “little pot ether of heart” …
Explaining the Sanskrit words, Ghatakash and Mahakash …
There are many caves in the heart and each of these caves are interlinked to each other i.e. once the aspirant gets stationed within his (or her) own heart, the aspirant can walk through each of these countless caves without even a break (as all these caves are interconnected to each other) …
Thus, once any aspirant enters into his (or her) own subtle heart, then self realization of all these caves seems like a continuous process … This is where the aspirant’s consciousness vehicle (i.e. the subtle vehicle of an aspirant which is a medium to self-realize all these caves) just walks through each of these caves one after the other, and in a continuous tandem …
And if the aspirant can stay for some longer duration of time in this womb of ether of heart, then all these caves would be self realized … But in history of Maker’s Makings, not many have achieved this enormous feat of self realization …
Explaining the word Ghatakash …
- Ghat means a vessel, pot, earthen pot, etc. …
- Akash means Akasha, Akash Mahabhoot or ether …
- Thus Ghatakash means, pot of ether …
Now explaining the word Mahakash …
- Maha means great … But since in Vaidik Samskrit language, there can never be two greats at the same time, so in reality the word “Great” means as Ultimate, Supreme, Absolute etc. …
- Akash means Akash Mahabhuta or ether …
- Thus the word, Mahakash means the Absolute state of ether or a state where ether itself is in its infinite, ultimate or Absolute state … Thus this word also refers to the Brahman (i.e. attributeless infinite absolute being), who is also addressed as Parabrahman and is also addressed through variety of names like Parambrahma, Nirguna Nirakara (Nirgun Nirakaar), Nirguna Brahman, Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm, etc. …
The stage when Ghatakash or pot of ether breaks …
When an aspirant ends up breaking the pot of ether that is placed within his (or her) own heart, then the aspirant also knows, that, the ether which was within that little pot and the vast ether that since eternity has been enveloping the pot of ether of heart, are one and the same ether …
This is the stage when Ghatakash (of that aspirant) enters into a non dual union with Mahakash (or great or absolute aspect of ether) … And both become one …
When Ghatakash and Mahakash become one …
When this duality of Ghatakash (i.e. pot of ether of heart) and Mahakash (i.e. absolute nature of limitless ether) is dissolved within their non-dual union, the aspirant knows the truth of a Vedic Mahavakya as written below …
यथा पिण्डे तथा ब्रह्माण्डे यथा ब्रह्माण्डे तथा पिण्डे
Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande, Yatha Brahmande Tatha Pinde
As is a microcosm So is the macrocosm,
As is the macrocosm So is each microcosm
In previous topics, we have discussed about this great statement and we had also told that this is the root of Biblical statement which is told as …
As above So below
This self realization leads to further self realizations of essences of Vedic Mahavakya (other great statement of Vedas) like the ones written below …
- Prajnanam Brahma … Which literally means as Self Luminous is That … This is a Mahavakya from Rigveda …
- Aham Brahmasmi … Which literally means as I Am That … This is a Mahavakya from Yajurveda …
- Tat Tvam Asi … Which literally means as That Thou Are … This is a Mahavakya from Samaveda …
- Ayam Atma Brahma … Which literally means as This Is That … This is a Mahavakya from Atharvaveda …
Hridayakasha as a path of liberation …
And since all of above Vedic mega statements are only referring to a fully liberated state (i.e. they refer to Kaivalya or Moksha or simply, Nirvana), thus I know that Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra is none other than a path to final liberation (i.e. Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra is none other than a Muktimarg) …
And where this Muktimarg (i.e. path of liberation) only opens up after the Ghatakash and Mahakash become one, and that too where this oneness is within the aspirant itself …
Why did I publish this restricted topic …
Because Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra also serves as a main base path of liberation, so even when it is a restricted knowledge system, I decided to publish it, but with some limitations, some of which that have already been mentioned in earlier topic of “Restricted topics” and also in another topic which has the header of “For who this is not“…
So unless you satisfy the requirements as mentioned in these two topics, do not read any further than this … And if you continue beyond this part, then you are only doing so at your own peril, for which I cannot hold any responsibility, now or ever …
Drop is the ocean … End result of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra …
Proceeding further to explain what happens after this stage of non dual union of Ghatakash and Mahakash after successful completion of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra …
- A drop is a drop until it remains separated from the ocean …
- But when that drop evolves and thus reaches back to the ocean, and thence that drop also unites to that ocean, that drop ceases to exist as a drop which it earlier was … Because it becomes the ocean …
It is only at this stage, that the drop realizes the following …
- It’s original root (i.e. the state from where the drop had started off as a drop like microcosm within the Maker’s Makings) was the ocean itself …
- It’s finality, i.e. after it evolves and re-unites back to the ocean, is also the same ocean …
- And in between whilst that drop was as a mere drop, it had also kept its cyclic mode of existence (birth and further rebirth which was spread across various subtle and gross realms) …
Continuing with above bullet point … And during this time, sometimes that drop precipitated as rainfall (i.e. it returned back as a gross physical vehicle), sometimes it evaporated as water vapor (i.e. it entered into a subtle state), sometimes it got into some smaller or larger streams of water in which it stayed until it had qualified to evolve from them (i.e. again evaporate) and sometimes it just laid idle within those rain clouds and was awaiting its next return back to the gross realms as a drop of water …
Continuing with above paragraph … And due to all these stages within various states of existences and many more experiences across various realms of existence, that drop eventually knows by experience, that, everything in existence is temporary and very fragile …
Continuing with above paragraph … Above fact is the one which becomes the base for a desire within that drop, to let go of all existence and thus merge to the ocean, which itself was the root and which would also be the finality (of liberation or Moksha from the state of being a mere drop of water) …
Proceeding further …
And when the drop finally merges back to the ocean, which itself is the same as the root state (root of origination of the drop, as a drop) from where that drop had originated as a drop within the ocean of becoming which as such is the genius of Maker’s Makings, and which was countless eons and further countless eons ago, that drop self realizes as follows …
- The root itself is the finality …
- Thus, the path which does not relate to the root, can never reach the finality …
- The root is Vedas … Rest all you self analyze and understand …
Proceeding further …
This path of Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra, is a Vaidik path because it leads to what was told by Vaidik sages as a union of Ghatakash (i.e. drop like state of ether) to Mahakash (infinite expanse of ether) …
- When the inner drop like pot of ether merges to infinite ether that is enveloping and also permeating that pot of ether, then the infinite ether (Mahakash, which is symbolic of Brahman), is all that remains …
- And since the attributeless infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) could only make everything like ITself, so ultimately prior the great collapse of universe takes place, the universe would also infinite … At that stage, this collapse would also be taking take place because there can never be two infinites (i.e. two Maha) at the same time … After the universe dissolves, it merges back to the same attributeless infinite being (Nirguna Nirakara Brahman) and thus the universe ceases to exist as the universe which it earlier was … If I were to say in crude senseless terms, then I can say, that, if anything becomes too obese and takes no measure to control its obesity (i.e. refuses to undergo dieting or weight loss), then it remains with no choice but to die and this law is applicable to each microcosm and also to the macrocosm (i.e. the multi-universe) …
- And on similar grounds, when Ghatakash merges back to Mahakash, that Ghatakash ceases to exist as the Ghatakash which it earlier was … This is because, the drop becomes the ocean, upon it’s a non dual union to the ocean …
Mark my words … Above shall be the only end result of practicing Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra …
All that shall be different is, whether you attain this state whilst alive or you attain it during death, which is also a possibility whilst practicing this highly secretive and esoteric system which is only distributed once every 25,920 years (i.e. it is only distributed once, during any cycle of precession of equinoxes) …
Hence I again reiterate, that, unless you satisfy the requirements that have already been mentioned in earlier topic of “Restricted topics” and also in another topic which has the header of “For who this is not”, do not enter into further chapters of this topic on Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra …
Continues …