Here we shall discuss the eternal way of life in relation to and basis the path of Maker’s Makings, which denote the macrocosmic state of Maker as a macrocosm … Thus Maker’s Makings or Brahmand itself is Vishvaroop Brahma (Vishvarupa Brahma) … And the path of peaceful evolution whilst resting within any of the gross and/or subtle parts of the Maker’s Makings, is very well told in Shiva Purana, as follows … Ekohum Bahusyami (which is also told as Ekohum Bahusyam) and means, I am one, yet I manifest as many … With this as a base, I continue this discussion further …
विश्वेदेवाः शान्तिः ब्रह्म शान्तिः सर्वं शान्तिः
Vishvedevaah Shaantih Brahm Shaantih Sarvam Shaantih
May there be peace in divinities of nature, Peace of Brahman, Peace everywhere.
Ekohum Bahusyami … Vishvaroop Brahma … Do as you expect to be done by …
During my days at school which as such were about three and half decades ago, I studied some of the plays of Shakespeare for a short while … At that time, I had read a statement from one of his plays (Hamlet) which goes thus “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy” …
Well, beyond all doubts this text shall be proving this very fact and this shall be in addition to highlighting the kind of people who fall in the category of Horatio that Shakespeare was referring to at that time when he wrote the Hamlet …
And because this text is primarily based upon those timelessly ancient Vedic sciences, so beyond all doubts it shall be proving the following as a minimum …
- Unity of science and philosophy, less the nonsense of egoistic religions …
- Religious egoistic nonsense eventually leads to divisions within the essential innermost unity that eternally is of all to all others … And to allness itself …
- The essential-unity of macrocosm and microcosm and vice-versa, which itself is by virtue of the fact that the entire macrocosm within its essential-energy state is eternally resting within each microcosm and this is even when the physical microcosm is apparent to be existent within those vast envelopes as are of the manifest state of the macrocosmic creation …
- The essential unity of the macrocosm within you, to the macrocosm within which your physical vehicle resides and vice-versa of this relationship, which is also a fact … This essential unity is irrespective of which condition, mode or state of existence you may reside during the course of your almost-eternal evolutionary existence …
- The eternal-unity of the essence within you (i.e. your own Atman) to the essence of allness and her each part (i.e. Brahman) and the fact that vice- versa of this statement is also true …
- Ancient philosophy as the base of all sciences that ever were or could ever be during any of the three times … This is because of the fact that for anything to originate and exist, a base is always required and since the original base cannot be any other than the timeless one which has ever been since the Maker had commenced its Makings, so it eventually is to the philosophy of this timeless base that everything eventually refers to … This is where the knowledge of Vedas comes into play …
- Ancient philosophy of Vedic sages as the base of all philosophies and religious lore’s of any of the three times … This shall also be proved through mathematical calculations of Vedic Kaalchakra so as to lead to the fact that many prophecies of later knowledge systems, which somehow call themselves as religions and even when they are sects of the same timeless Sanatan Dharma, were derived by using methods which relate to Vedic Kaalchakra itself …
Continuing with above paragraph … There is no method other than the Vedic ways that can ever be used to derive these prophecies of recent religions and this itself was the reason that the methods which were used to derive them were never told by those who gave those prophecies … This itself was because if the root philosophy was told in the open then the truth of their own Vedic connection would have been known to all and thus the in such a case the “other-wise controllers” +++ of the knowledge systems of those times, would never have been able to prove that they were the originators of these prophecies or these prophecies were divine revelations … Thus this text shall also prove that the root of all prophecies of all religions which relate to time bound values, is Vedic and so are these prophecies related to the same Vedic Kaalchakra only …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph … There are broadly three types of people and these are as follows …
- Wise ones … They are those who actually are wise due to the fact that such ones have had a direct-cognition of the reality …
- Other-wise ones … These are those who pretend to be wise even when they actually are not … And after they become as controllers of systems of knowledge and/or societies and/or ways of life, such ones always lead to self-serving individualistic and thus egoistic approaches which in turn leads to divisions within the original and eternally united nature of humanity … Basically such ones are self-serving political businessmen dressed in the garb of a wise …
- Not-wise ones … These are the ones who accept they are not-wise as of now and this is what shall be leading them on the path of being a wise of future times …
Continuing with earlier paragraph … Mathematical calculations are a proof of origin or root nature of any prophecy … And because this text shall be deriving these prophetical values through mathematical derivations, so it shall also prove that these prophecies were not any divine revelation, but were based upon mathematics which intrinsically holds its links to the timeless Vedic ways of life that originally were established upon this planet and which still are the timeless root of all philosophies of now …
- Unity of material and immaterial aspects and where this unity is also such that the hierarchical grosser material microcosm’s are naught but children, grand-children or great-grandchildren of the immaterial subtler that is beyond … And where the hierarchies of these subtler also extend till that which is even beyond all that is considered as beyondness in any of the knowledge systems of now, or ever …
- Metaphysics as the grandparent of physical sciences, all of which are ultimately going to reach an evolutionary dead end due to their own limited capacities to analyze that which is beyond the physical realms or further than this … This shall be proved through more than a few mathematical derivations where the knowledge of the metaphysical shall be utilized as a base to derive the physical values that are utilized in modern sciences, including of physics and astrophysics …
- And philosophy is the parent of metaphysical sciences, which itself makes philosophy to be none other than the grandparent of all physical sciences of any of the three times …
- And Yoga (i.e. paths of union) is the parent of philosophies of any of the three times which itself makes Yoga to be the great-grandparent of all philosophies of any of the three times … Within the entire history of Sanatan Dharma, there has not been a single self-realized, all-realized sage who was not a Yogi …
- The “eternally non-constant innermost nature of all of the constants” of modern physics and astrophysics, including the base which as such is told to be of the speed of manifest-light … This non-constancy of constants of modern sciences itself is because of the fact that as far as nature and all that relates to nature is concerned “an eternal change is the only eternal constant” and speed of light (or better if I say, speed of manifest-light) is no exception to this rule … This shall be proved through mathematical derivations …
- The resolution of conflicts between various values (and constants) as are derived through various methods of physics and astrophysics and other sciences and thus harmonize their ways … As an example the conflicts of Hubble’s constant of the two space agencies of our times … This shall be dealt in a later chapter that relates to ancient sciences of Vedanga (astronomy-astrology) and (Or) Chakra (cycles), including of time (Kaal) … Here I have stated (Or) as I keep the liberty of utilizing either of these ancient knowledge systems to prove this fact …
- The unity principle (i.e. the principle of allness) which resolves conflicts of various streams of modern and ancient sciences to various philosophies and which ultimately is to prove that philosophy itself is the solid ground (i.e. Bhoomi) of all that falls within the purviews of the term “modern or ancient sciences” … This shall be resolved through the already lost ancient knowledge systems which essentially relates to Chakra (or cyclic nature) of all that is …
- The furthering of unity principle (or in other words, the principle of allness) into Yoga Tantra so as to prove the all-pervading, all-enveloping character of Yoga and its philosophy … Unless the “principle of allness or unity principle” caters for allness as a whole and also accounts for her various grosser and subtler parts, how can it even be a principle of allness which shall lead to unity amongst all parts of allness … This has been the basic problem with modern sciences where they somehow believe that unity of the physical is all that this principle stands for …
- And the furthering of Yogic aspect of “theory of everything (i.e. the unity principle)” into the Samadhi Paada of Yoga Tantras because there really is no Yogi unless that Yogi has passed through all states of Samadhi (meditative trances or meditative absorptions) …
- Unless a principle of the physical realms can relate to its metaphysical parent, its philosophical grandparent and also relate to the timeless great-grand-parent which Yoga eventually is (Yoga means, inward paths of union to allness and her each part) and to the finality of Yoga which as such is of Samadhi (i.e. absorptions) how can it even be imagined to be a unity principle is what I sometimes wonder in astonishment …
- Unless the philosophy of the ever-all (i.e. the being there only is or Shiva) and its own ever-allness (i.e. Prakriti or nature or Shakti) is accounted for within the principle of allness, the unity principle which unites the physical and metaphysical to the omniparient, omnicompetent and omnifarious nature of philosophy and further to the omnipresent, timeless, infinite, omnidirectional nature of Samadhi of Yoga, never manifests within its fullness … Not accounting for this fact has been one of the reasons for modern sciences to have miserably failed as far as knowledge of principle of allness is concerned and it is also due to the same reason, that modern sciences have gotten limited to just the physical aspects or a little beyond the physical … This text shall lead the physical to the metaphysical parent and thence to the great-grandparent which as such is none other than philosophy and that too through the path of Samadhi of Yoga …
- This is written with the intention to lead to the root and nothing more than this … And with the intention that the divine sciences which always are manifested within each Guru Yuga, can be arrived this time around also … As also, since this world is already standing at the cusp of the currently ending human age of Trinity (Manav Tretayuga) and the incoming age of sages (Guru-Yuga) so the current stage of human ages also happens to be the correct time to give this knowledge to this world, but within limitations of the fact that some parts cannot be told due to inherent nature as is of the current divine age cycle (i.e. divine degenerate age) …
- The knowledge of age cycles right from the cycles of creation and rejuvenation-destruction, cycles of creators, cycles of sun and cycles of divine and human ages and their relationships to the unitary values of time, space, directions and state which as such are dependent upon the eternal cycles of precession of equinoxes only … Thus unless the time span of precession of equinoxes (or in other words, axial precession of earth’s axis) is correctly derived, rest of the path of knowledge of the four primary dimensions of macrocosmic creation (i.e. time, space, directions and state) cannot even be entered into and without this the root nature of dimensions and their changeful natures cannot even be known … All these shall be mathematically derived …
- Each greater one who entered this world had only entered as per the demands of the “Lord of great-time (i.e. Bhagwan Mahakaal)”, who itself is one of the many-many states of Lord Shiva only and where these entries of any greater-one also have to be permitted by the innermost-divinity of Lord Mahakaal, who Vedas address as Maa Mahakaali (i.e. the great-divinity of the great-time) … Some of the times of earlier and future entries of these greater-ones shall also be mathematically derived through one of the most-ancient knowledge systems of this planet i.e. Vedic Kaalchakra … And in those derivations we shall also highlight the fact that some of these times are off by almost 1200 years, probably because these were amended during history so as to suit the deviated self-serving ends of controllers of some knowledge systems who were ruling India at that time … And thus also prove that irrespective of what history actually was, it is always written by the conqueror … And yet because the cycles of win-defeat are ever there, so such faults are always corrected at a later stage … History is one subject where nobody can ever falsify the facts till eternity because of the fact that the impressions (Samskaras) of the three times always exist within the consciousness plane of the world (Bhu Chitta) and thus the real history can always be read by the one who holds the ability to read these impressional fields (Samskaras) …
- As is the demand of the great-time (i.e. the undefined eternity or Mahakaal), it’s understandable aspect (i.e. time or Kaal), the eternal cycles of time (i.e. Kaalchakra) is the knowledge that gets manifested within the world … But this knowledge is only implanted through an instrument who also gets chosen by the principles and their process, process and its own processes, processes and their centers and centers and their laws, all of which are of the “divinities of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. Maa Prakriti, who in English language can also be addressed as mother nature)” herself …
- The proof of eternal applicability to modern sciences of one of the very important statements from Manusmriti “Mahayantra Pravartanam” … This statement means, that Mahayantras or great-instruments (or instruments which hold a certain amount of consciousness, knowledge and activity principles in them) need to be used cautiously, sparingly and with due diligence as non-compliance to this fact only leads to a corruption (or pollution) of the inner and outer natures (i.e. inner natures of the inhabitants of a world and outer nature or the outer environment of the world) … And this pollution only leads to a state of dis-ease within the inner and outer natures, which itself leads to a loss of inner-calm (within the inhabitants of a world) and a further loss of outer-peace (within the societies, lands of the world) … However since this inner-outer pollution is also a cyclic process and this always comes during the intermediary time span of change of age cycles, so basis my study of time cycles, it is very clear that eventually humanity would realize the importance of this statement and amend their ways of life accordingly … Or else mother nature has her own timeless ways through which she can lead to compliance of this statement, even if it be through a bit of inner and outer spanking of humanity and other parts of speciology who currently inhabit this world system …
- And Manu Smriti as the base system for ensuring an inner-calm (within the aspirant) and outer-peace (within the world and/or environment in which you live) in addition to ensuring the guaranteed continuity of four primary aspects of a civilization i.e. intellectual, security, economics and services …
- I am a Manuvaadi (i.e. a follower of Manu) because this is how I have been across all my earlier incarnations, so it can’t be any different this time around … Plus those who do not relate to the timeless lineage of systems that were originally laid down by Manu Maharaja ultimately are like a branch of a tree which separates itself from its own root and main trunk and which ultimately leads to a stage where its own survival always comes under a cyclic state of peril … But this peril only comes to fore after the nutrients of the tree of which it was a part, have already been consumed by it … This fact is very clearly visible within this world especially when I see the inner chaos within adherents of those knowledge systems which have been like the branch which is being discussed here …
- Ways of life within Manusmriti make it as the only scripture during the entirety of macrocosmic history which can guarantee employment right from the time a child is born … Other than Manusmriti, there has been no other perfection of economics ever within this or any other world system …
- Manusmriti being the only scripture, whose divisions (Varnas) of ways of life guarantee the existence of subtle knowledge within the world and this also is irrespective of which divine or human age cycles gets underway … I myself am of a Brahmin clan (Varna) and unlike many of the other Hindu’s, I have no inner restriction in declaring this fact …
- Manusmriti is the only scripture whose ways of life guarantee the presence of righteous kings within this world and thus ensure a continuity of righteousness based security systems within any of the civilizations of the three times … And when humans deviate from this aspect to which Manusmriti subtly refers to, then righteous kings also vanish from the world … This in turn leads to lowest of rulers to begin rising to fore which further leads to all sorts of fractures within the unity of the animate speciology of the planet as a whole … As also, due to stringent processes by which the righteous lineage holding kings get chosen, Vedic Lore’s (including Manusmriti) also guarantees that the best of rulers come to fore, which in turn makes the subjects to imitate the king and thus the subjects also stay righteous which further improves the general conditions of all those who rest within such a world …
Continuing with above paragraph … Above due to the absolute fact that within traditional monarchies which relate to the timeless ways of life of Manusmriti and Yajnavalkya Smriti the aspect of “As is the king, so are the subjects” is always there … However the term traditional monarchy means the system where the king was chosen by self-realized, all-realized sages and which itself is exactly opposite to current democratic systems where the rulers are chosen by citizens who are not even close to being termed as sages … Thus within current democracies, the same statement becomes “As are the citizens, so are the rulers” … Due to this reason within democracies to today, the better of all ways to know the general evolutionary standings of the citizens of a land, is to see the rulers who get chosen by them …
Continuing with above paragraph … There has been no other scripture in human history which can guarantee this aspect of a righteous king and righteous subjects within any of the triple worlds that I have roamed during any of stages of my long-long time spans of an “almost eternal” evolutionary existence …
- Manusmriti is the only scripture which guarantees that righteousness of services are ever there across the three times and without even the need to install them or amend them during any of the three times because these are also held by lineages of birth and thus there is no need to worry of this aspect as long as humans stay potent enough to make children …
- Manusmriti is the only scripture whose ways of life can guarantee population control … This is because each of the four Varna’s have a few simple rules to follow as far as their own progeny is concerned and those rules of progeny also maintain a control of population in addition to guaranteeing the continuity of pristine nature inner and outer environment (of humans and their world respectively) …
- This text shall also prove that irrespective of what anybody may believe about Manusmriti and Yajnavalkya Smriti, every civilization of this planet has been following them subconsciously and that too even without knowing about this fact …
As a few examples of above duality which has crept into today’s knowledge systems … The current day Buddhists say they do not follow the “Vedic clan system (i.e. Varnashram Vyavastha)” as was laid down by Manusmriti and yet they claim that the last Buddha (i.e. Gautama Buddha) was of a Kshatriya clan (Kshatriya Varna of Manusmriti) and they also state that the next Buddha (i.e. Buddha Maitreya) shall be of a Brahmin clan (i.e. Brahmin Varna of Manusmriti) … The same is within Jewish systems where they claim that the next Messiah shall be of the line of ancient kings (King David, who in India was known as Dravid or the nectarine one) and thus they also prove that the next Messiah shall be of a clan of warrior kings (i.e. Kshatriya Varna of Manusmriti) … All such statements only prove that the innermost nature of such systems have been continuing within a inner subconscious compliance to the Vedic Varnashram Vyavastha, which itself was laid down by Manu Maharaja only … The same with many other knowledge systems who claim they do not follow Manusmriti (codes of Manu which have been remembered till now) and yet refer to an ancient figure by the name Adam (who is also addressed as Adum) who as such was Manu Maharaja only …
- And because within those timeless Vedic times which are being referred here, the ways of life were based upon an intrinsic-pluralism and were simultaneously resting within an essential-monism, both of which are of the same macrocosmic creation, so beyond all doubts this text shall be proving the fact that the “ever-changeful relativities and hierarchies of the macrocosmic creation can also be utilized as rungs of a ladder (i.e. paths) to reach that ever-same eternally-Unchangeful partless-pathless attributeless infinite being (who in Vedic lore is also addressed as Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm)” … This is because all paths are eventually leading to the same final end, which as such is the ever-same final home of all that has ever begun within the supreme genius of the Maker’s Makings …
- And because all paths have originated from the ever-same eternally-Unchangeful, non-dual-real nature of the attributeless-infinite being, who as such is only denoting an Absolute-Monism (Vedanta), so this text shall also be proving beyond all doubts that irrespective of the paths that anybody may take during the course of their evolutionary existence, all paths are eventually leading to the ever-same final-path which is stated as Absolute Monism (Vedanta) and this itself leads to the same path which the ancient sages had termed as Absolute-non-dualism (Advaita) and where this end path of Absolute-non-dualism (Advaita) only denotes the final end beyond all ends that could ever be imagined or visualized or known in any philosophy of any of the three times …
- And due to all above, beyond all doubts this text shall also be proving the essential innermost unity of each aspirant of each path to the ever-same final truth which rests in an eternally-uncorrupted state within all that ever is or could ever be as a microcosm … This statement is applicable to each microcosm which has ever begun within this supreme genius of the Maker’s Makings, including the microcosm of the adherent of any path …
- The unity of the four primary macrocosmic dimensions i.e. time (Kaal), space (Akasha), directions (Disha) and state (Dasha) to each other and to the macrocosm and this itself is in addition to the essential unity of universal applicability of the effects of these four dimensions to each microcosm that has ever begun within the Maker’s Makings …
- Non-prejudiced (Impartial) and Unchangeful (ever-same) state of macrocosmic principles, which itself are the governing entities of the ever-changeful state of the macrocosmic processes and which further lead to manifestations of the ever-changeful centers of thoughts (i.e. knowledge systems or religious lore’s) and where these centers (i.e. knowledge systems) only work or operate within the purviews of the eternally non-changeful and universally applicable state of the macrocosmic laws …
- The unity by virtue of eternal relationships that also exist within the ever-changeful unitary values of the four primary dimensions, which itself is due to their eternal cyclic natures i.e. relationship “of and between” the cycle of time (i.e. Kaalchakra), cycles of space (i.e. Akashchakra), cycles of directions or paths of knowledge or systems or texts (i.e. Dishachakra) and cycles of states of grossness and subtlety i.e. origination and dissolution (i.e. Dashachakra) …
- The unity of allness to all parts of allness, which itself leads to an inherent existence of inner-unity between all parts of allness to each other and to allness itself … This is the cause of essential monism which pervades (or permeates) the intrinsically-pluralistic nature of the macrocosmic creation and thus keeps all parts of allness unioned to allness and in addition to the inner (subtle) union of each part, to all other parts of allness …
Continuing with above paragraph … Above is an absolute fact and thus “if you harm another, you only harm yourself” due to the essentially interconnected state of innermost-you to all-innermost natures of all others and to allness itself … This is why Srimadbhagvad Gita and Padma Purana state “Do as you expect to be done by” … And the same is also stated in a Biblical verse, because the base of Bible is none other than the much-much earlier Vedic knowledge systems only …
- Numerals and their origins from the original concepts of Shunya (Zero) and Ananta (Infinite) as were given by Vedic sages, seers and Yogi’s of very ancient times … Without this primary knowledge of mathematics in place, there cannot be any of the sciences and thus this concept stands as a primordial base of all that comes within the parameters of sciences of any of the three times …
Continuing with above paragraph … The original of concepts of Zero and Infinity were philosophical ones … The concept of Zero has its roots within self-realizations of Shunya-Samadhi (meditative trance within Shunya Tattva or Nature-of-Zero or voidness) and the concept of Infinity has its original rots within the Nirvikalpa Samadhi (i.e. the meditative trance within the infinite or the meditative trance which has no alternates and thus is arrived within the endless-continuous-partless non-dual-real one) …
It was from these concepts of Yogi’s that the science of mathematics had originally originated … Within later topics, I shall also define “two” very subtle primary principles of this philosophical science of Zero and Infinite and just as it was told by self-realized, all-realized sages of those extremely ancient times as were of my past incarnations and thence prove that this philosophy of Yogic Samadhi itself is the base of science of mathematics which as such is the primary science (as without mathematics, no other science can ever be arrived at) …
- Yoga which means unity, is the base of all paths that ever are and where unity eventually has to be to “allness and her each part” because unless this stage of unity is arrived, Yoga cannot even be deemed to have reached its final or completion stage … As also a fact, that allness is not even the allness unless it holds concepts of Zero and Infinite within it and where a simultaneous state is that the Zero and allness itself are a intrinsic partless-parts of that finality of Infinity which itself is of the attributeless-infinite being (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) …
And thus prove that in the end stage of any Yoga Tantra (Including the path of worship or Bhakti Yoga within which majority of this worlds humanity rests as of now), it eventually is the “fullness of the infinite” which is self-realized by every aspirant who has ever begun within the Maker’s Makings … At a later stage of this text, I will define this knowledge through a few similes …
- The stage when Yoga reaches its completion stage shall also be done in later topics … Thus the discussions upon a few of the uncountable Siddha Sharira (accomplishment vehicles or Buddha Bodies or alchemical vehicles) and their beyond planes shall also be done with relevant painted sketches …
- In addition to above, detailed discussions upon five sheaths (which in Sanskrit is also called as Panch Kosha), three bodies (Trikaya), four continuous planes of the Maker’s Makings, five macro-elements (Panch-Mahabhoot), three attributes of the macrocosmic creation (i.e. Triguna) and many others shall also be there in this text … This shall be through various and variously painted sketches …
- Discussions upon the links between Gods of various recent religions to the ancient Vedic lore’s and thus prove the eternal applicability of the Vedic statements like “Ekohum Bahusyami (which means as “I am one, but I become many”) and the Vedic statement of “Ekam Sat Viprah Bahudah Vadanti (which means as “truth is essentially one, but sages address it through different names and also walk to it, but through different paths”) … This shall be discussed through various and variously painted sketches …
- Each knowledge system needs a base to evolve … That base is the root of that knowledge system, which as such is only a branch or a sub-branch depending on the course that the knowledge system took to self-manifest within the world … The primordial root of philosophy (i.e. Darshana) is the Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma and this is stated here because of the fact that during my much-much earlier incarnations which also were on this world itself, there was no other system except the Vedic lore’s across all lands of this planet … I travelled this full world even during some of my earlier incarnations …
As also, unless a branch of the tree of knowledge refers to its root, its future nutrition, inner health and sustenance itself comes in a cyclic peril … Those knowledge systems which fail to relate to the original root of their own forefathers, have always had one or another of end-time theories … This subtraction of references to the original root and just as was done by all later knowledge systems which manifested during the last few millenniums, was the primary reason for all chaos that was experienced by this worlds inhabitants during the last few millenniums …
I hold no doubts on the facts as have been stated in above paragraph, especially after my study of the macrocosmic impressional fields (i.e. Samskaras) that reside within the consciousness plane of this world (Bhu Chitta) and which relate to the time spans of the last few millenniums that were passed by this world system itself … Buddhists term this as Akashik records, but I have given the original explanation of it in above discussions … As also a fact, there is nothing hidden from those who know how to read the macrocosmic impressional fields (Samskaras) of the three-times …
- Finally … Knowledge of the fact that the Maker’s Makings (i.e. Brahmand) itself is the macrocosmic state of the Maker (I.e. Vishvaroop Brahma) … This itself is because of the fact that finally it is always known that “the creator itself is the creation and creation process” …