Here we shall discuss Shiva Taraka Mantra, Taraka Mantra, Taraka Naad, NaMaShiVaYa (or NaMaSiVaYa) … But Prior commencing this extremely esoteric and highly secretive knowledge system of any of the triple times, I, the little student bow’s down in all reverence to my Param Gurudeva and Ishta, Bhagwan Shiva …
ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगंधिं पुष्ठिवर्धनम् ।
ऊर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान्मृत्योर्मुक्षीय माऽमृतात् ।।
AOM Trayambakam Yajaamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam I
Urvaarukam Iva Bandanaan Mrityor Mukshiya Maamrtaat II
… Mahamrityunjaya Mantra of Rig Veda Samhita …
We meditate on the three-eyed reality,
Which permeates and nourishes all in its fragrance I
May we be liberated from death, for the sake of immortality,
Just as the cucumber is severed from bondage to the creeper II
Note: Some deeper discussions upon the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra are reserved for later sub-parts of this text and thus we shall not be getting into them here …
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra is eternally heard (i.e. it is being eternally recited) at a specific point above the brain and within the Shivarandra +++ …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph … Shivarandra is the secret crevice of Bhagwan Shiva which is present in the real middle of the top part of head and inside the skull bones … As a “general” location of Shivarandra and only for easy reference interested aspirants, Shivarandra is that point where doctors connect the blood drain tube after a head surgery …
It eventually is from within the Shivarandra that the aspirant enters into the self realization of the Shiva Taraka Mantra (i.e. Raam Naad or Sound of Raam or Shiva Taraka Naad) which shall be discussed in this vast topic and its many sub-parts …
AA-1 … Explaining the phrase “Taraka Naad” …
Naad means sound …
And the word Taraka means “That which finally liberates” or in other words “that which makes the consciousness of an aspirant, to sail beyond the entirety of allness, as is of the Maker’s Makings” …
Thus the term “Taraka Naad” means “The sound of a final liberation” …
And “Taraka Naad” can also mean “the sound that is always heard prior any aspirant enters into his/her finally liberated state” and where this statement not dependent upon the system (i.e. culture, society, belief, faith, geography, planetary system, religion, text, path and any other individualistic and thus divisive nonsense) that is followed by anyone and during any of the three times …
AA-2 … Explain the phrase “Shiva Taraka Naad” …
And since this Taraka Naad (i.e. the Sound of final liberation) itself is of Maheshwara (i.e. Bhagwan Shiva) so it was also told as “Shiva Taraka Naad” and thus is the main header of this part of the discussion …
And the same “Shiva Taraka Naad” is also called as “Taraka Mantra” and “Shiva Taraka Mantra” within the Vedic lore …
AA-3 … What is “Shiva Taraka Mantra” …
Within the Vedic lore, this Shiva’s sound of final liberation is stated as “Shiva Taraka Mantra” which means “The finally liberating Mantra of Bhagwan Shiva” …
The sound of Shiva Taraka Mantra is of “Raam Naad (or Sound of Raam)” only …
The word “Raam” of Sanskrit language is also written as “Ram” in English … But this English word is not the correct pronunciation of the original Sanskrit term that is stated here …
And this word (or Raam or Ram) is also related to the 7th Avatar of Sri Bhagwan Vishnu i.e. Bhagwan Raam (or Bhagwan Ram) … And due to the relationship of this word (i.e. Raam) to Lord Shiva, Bhagwan Raam (Bhagwan Ram) is also addressed as “Raam Bhadra (or in other words, Ram Bhadra)” by timeless lineage holding Vedic Brahmins and where Bhadra itself is one of the many names of Bhagwan Shiva …
AA-4 … How is Shiva Taraka Naad self realized …
Vedic Lore says that at the instant of de-incarnation of better aspirants, Shiva liberates them through his own Taraka Naad (i.e. Sound of Raam) …
And in the Purana’s (ancient texts of Vedic lore) it is also stated that the place where Shiva does so, is Kashi …
The word Kashi is related to the place of confluence of three rivers or streams of divinity (or energy streams) … These there streams of divinity are within the aspirant and are also present out of the aspirants microcosm …
- Within the aspirants microcosm, the Kashi is in the third eye plexus (Agya Chakra or Ajna Chakra) …
- And the same confluence is also there beyond the aspirants microcosm … This is at the geographical place which is known as Prayagraj (or Varanasi or Kashi) …
- And due to the fact that the liberating Mantra of Lord Shiva (i.e. Raam Naad) is most prominent (and effective) at Kashi, so many Indian traditions have been following a customary procedure of taking their elderly to Kashi city prior to the time of their de-incarnation or if this is not possible, then cremating their elderly at great-cremation ground (Maha Shmashan) of Kashi itself …
- Above itself is to ensure that there are higher chances of self realization of Raam Naad (Shiva Taraka Naad) during the process of de-incarnation (at Kashi) and if this is not possible, then cremating the dead at the “Great-Cremation ground (Maha Shmashan) of Kashi so that the released soul which is awaiting its liberation can self-realize the same Raam Naad (Shiva Taraka Mantra) and thus be liberated …
- Due to the same reason of ensuring the self realization of Raam Naad (Shiva Taraka Mantra) and then the awaiting soul passing through the entire process of that Raam Naad (Shiva Taraka Mantra) which shall be discussed in this vast topic, the “Kapaal Kriya (i.e. breaking the head at the Shivarandra)” in a partly burnt body (and whilst the cremation is still underway) is done as per Vedic traditions …
During Kapaal Kriya, so minor amount of Prana Shakti (i.e. Atma Shakti or core divinity … Or the essential divinity of one’s own essence or Atman) gets released after the vital airs (Pranamaye Kosha) get super-changed due to heat during burning (or cremation) of a body … So to make these vital airs to leak out (i.e. get released) from the Shivarandra itself, the skull top is broken in a half burnt body … This minor amount of leaked out vital airs (Prana Shakti) is the one which becomes the base of a final liberation of that soul …
And to ensure very good feelings during this Kapaal Kriya, which as such is the last and final chance of getting liberated for the dead one, the closest family member (i.e. a son or a grandson) has to break the Kapaal (or skull) at the Shivarandra itself …
Kapaal Kriya is to also ensure that the path which opens up from Shivarandra and which leads to its divine sound (i.e. sound of Raam) is opened up for the awaiting soul and thus ensure that that the awaiting soul does not miss out of the last and final chance of its liberation …
Within the Vedic lore, even when above stated realization of Shiva Taraka Mantra (i.e. Raam Naad) and thence the state of final liberation is told for the instant of de-incarnation (or soon after de-incarnation) yet it also accounts for the fact that it can also be realized whilst the aspirant is still alive …
Those rare aspirants who end up self realizing the Shiva Taraka Mantra (Raam Naad) whilst they are still alive (i.e. still incarnated) are deemed to be those who are “liberated while still incarnated” … Such rare ones have been addressed as “Jeevanmukta (i.e. liberated whilst still alive or liberated whilst still incarnated)” …
And as the process of Jeevanmukti (i.e. the process of liberation whilst the aspirant is still alive) cuts in for any aspirant, then that aspirant always self realizes the same Shiva Taraka Mantra …
And finally for this sub-part of the discussion which relates to inner and outer Kashi (or Prayagraj) …
Because the inner Kashi is at the third eye plexus where three subtle energy channels meet, so amongst all other plexus’s, the third eye plexus is the eternally awakened one … The discussions upon these three channels shall be taken up later on …
All those paths where it is told to “lightly” concentrate on the mid brow area (i.e. third eye plexus) are also rooted in the same fact which relates to taking benefit from the eternally awakened state of the third eye plexus and which itself is due to the three divinity streams meeting at this point …
But at the same time, these concentration techniques also render a higher probability of entering into the initial path, which eventually leads to the later stages of self realization of the Shiva Taraka Mantra (Raam Naad) that is being discussed here …
AA-5 … Raam Naad, Shakti Shiva Yoga and Shiva Taraka Mantra …
Shiva Taraka Mantra is only heard during the union of Shakti to Shiva (Shakti Shiva Yoga) which itself happens inside the aspirant’s microcosm …
Thus Shiva Taraka Mantra (i.e. Raam Naad or Sound of Raam) is also the stage where Shakti unites to Shiva and that too within the aspirant’s microcosm itself (i.e. this union of Shakti to Shiva happens within aspirant’s physical and subtler vehicles itself) …
By this union of Shakti to Shiva, I mean that the pristine divinity principle (i.e. Maa Shakti) unites to the Absolute divine principle (i.e. Bhagwan Shiva) … Or in other words, the feminine (or pristine motherly) principle unites to the masculine (Absolute fatherly) principle …
It eventually is from the two principle of our current discussion (i.e. Shakti and Shiva) that all concepts of there being a heavenly father and heavenly mother have originated during any of the three times …
As also, when these two had united during that timeless and fathomless eternity that already is long gone and past, then from within the pure limitless ecstasy of this union, was self-emanated the sound of our discussion i.e. Ram Naad (or Shiva Taraka Naad) …
And within one of the recent knowledge systems, it eventually is this sound which is told as the “only son” of these two (i.e. of the heavenly father and mother of our discussion) …
All knowledge systems where a father, mother and son are stated, are also relating to the same “Shiva Taraka Naad (i.e. the Shiva Taraka Mantra or Raam Naad or Sound of Raam)” that is being discussed here …
And it is due to above stated fact that the sound (i.e. the son) itself is the proof of existence of these two (i.e. the sound itself is the proof of existence of the Pristine divinity principle or Maa Shakti and the Absolute divine principle or Bhagwan Shiva) …
And it was also due to this reason that the “sound (i.e. Naad or Shabd)” was also stated as the path of self realization and in some later knowledge systems, the sound was also equated as a child (or Son) of these two (i.e. Maa Shakti and Bhagwan Shiva … Or the divine mother and father respectively) …
Note 1: Thus basis above, the entirety of Christianity is related to what is discussed here and was originally told as Naad Brahm and was also told as Shabd Brahm in the timeless and primordial knowledge systems of the Vedas itself …
It eventually were the self realized Vedic sages who had originally rendered the concept and philosophy of “Naad Brahm” which means “sound itself is the Absolute and Absolute itself is the sound” … And simultaneously “Naad Brahm” also means that “sound or Naad or Shabd is the direct path to the Absolute and the Absolute self manifests itself as the path of sound” … It is from this concept that the path of recitation of Mantra (Verses) had originated in every later religion …
Note 2: And it was due to this reason that the timelessly ancient Vedic sages had given highest importance to correct pronunciation-tones-pitch of words of Vedic lore (i.e. words of Veda Mantras) because they had known this fact that “Sound being the path to Absolute”, needs to be uttered correctly or else it would only become a cause of expansion of sufferings …
Unless a word is properly pronounced, it cannot ever relate to the condition where that word itself is Naad Brahm and unless this is arrived at within the spoken word, that word can never render benefits of the final stage of liberation (Kaivalya) as it fails to be the “Absolute, who has self expressed, self manifested itself as the word (and thus the word itself denotes the self presence of the Absolute in the form of the word)” …
The concept of Shabd Brahm … The term Shabd Brahm (or in other words, Shabda Brahman) means that the “Word itself is the Absolute, Absolute itself is the word” and simultaneously the “Word itself is the path to the absolute and Absolute itself is the one who has self manifested itself as the path of the word” …
Note 3: Above is exactly what was also told as “Shabad” in the 11th Gurudeva (i.e. Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaaj) … The number 11 was given to this scripture as it denotes Atma Shakti (i.e. the 11th Rudra of Vedic lore) and due to this reason, like many other ancient texts, this is also a fully alive (conscious) one, which is capable of being a Satguru (True-Guru) by itself alone … And the word Shabad also means word “Gurbani” of Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaaj because of the fact that within Guru Granth Sahab Ji, what is told as “Gurbani” is none other than Absolute being who has self manifested ITself as words of this scripture (i.e. Shabd Brahm or Nada Brahman) …
Note 3 continues: Thus basis this explanation, the entire Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaaj is like the Absolute being (i.e. Supreme Guru or Paramguru) who has self-manifested ITself, through ITself and by ITself and that too, as the divine words of this scripture … And due to this reason, the word “Gurbani” as is used for words of Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaaj, is also denoting the same concept of the “only son” that is being discussed here and which itself holds its roots within the much-much earlier Vedic concept of Naad Brahm and Shabd Brahm, both of which are also directly related to our earlier discussed topic of “OM Naad (which has already been discussed in an earlier topic of Omkar … Sound of OM)” …
- Even in some of the ancient Aboriginal and native cultures, the Word is told as the Son of God … And due to this reason when we consider the root of this concept of there being a Son, a Father (masculine or divine or fatherly principle) and a Mother (feminine or divinity or motherly principle), then it is pretty clear that this is definitely not an original Christian concept … In fact Christianity has taken this and many other concepts from earlier beliefs and systems, who had also taken it from the even earlier knowledge as was rendered by the Vedic sages …
- And all above are related to what was told as Shruti (Shruti means “that which is heard” or the Word of the Absolute) in the much-much earlier Vedic lore … And it is also due to this reason that Vedic lore states that “Shruti (i.e. that which is heard or the Vedas, Upanishads etc.)” is higher than “Smriti (i.e. that which is remembered of that which was heard during a much earlier time span)” …
Continuing with above bullet point … Other than the Vedas and Upanishads, none of the scriptures of any of the knowledge systems of any of the three times can ever be those which could be termed as Shruti and this itself is because of the fact that they all were propagated as Smriti only … Additionally, most of the recent scriptures are even those whose words were assembled centuries after the original propagator of it had left this world and thus these scriptures mostly relate to historical aspects (i.e. Itihaas) …
Proceeding further …
But irrespective of what is discussed here the fact still remains that the final realization of whatever is resting within the entire concept of Naad Brahm (or in other words “Shabda Brahma”) is Shiva Taraka Mantra (i.e. Ram Naad) itself …
And I say so because of the fact that after the stage of self realization of Raam Naad, the aspirant is also liberated from “Subtle macro-element of sound (i.e. Shabd Tanmatra or Naad Tanmatra)” …
So, since Naad Tanmatra or Shabd Tanmatra (i.e. subtle macro-element of sound) itself is evolved over, so such an aspirant is also deemed to have evolved over the macro-elemental ether (which also means macro-elemental space or Akash Mahabhoot) which itself is the parent of other four macro-elements of Air, fire, water and earth (i.e. Mahabhoot of Vayu, Agni, Jal and Prithvi) …
As also, when these five subtle macro-elements or Panch Tanmatra of Naad (or Shabd or Sound), Sparsha (touch), Roop (i.e. attributed-form or Sagun Sakaar and it also means attributed-formless or Sagun Nirakaar), Rasa (taste) and Gandha (Smell) are evolved over (or gone past), then such an aspirant is also deemed to have evolved over (or gone past) any relationship to the five manifested elements (or Earth, water, fire, air and ether or space) … And in such a state of detachment, such an aspirant cannot be any other than the one who is finally liberated …
And since Shiva Taraka Mantra (i.e. Raam Naad) only leads to the same finally liberated state, so it was also due to this reason that this sound of Raam (Raam Naad) was told as Taraka Mantra (I.e. fully liberating Mantra) …
And since this “Sound of Raam” is of Lord Shiva itself, so it was told as Shiva Taraka Mantra (i.e. fully liberating Mantra of Lord Shiva) within the Vedic lore …
AA-6 … Importance of Shiva Taraka Mantra (or Shakti Shiva Yoga) …
This part of the topic is to discuss the non-duality of Shiva Taraka Mantra, which itself is due to eternal non-dual unioned state Shakti and Shiva (i.e. Shakti Shiva Yoga) to which the Shiva Taraka Mantra relates …
Shakti Shiva Yoga is the eternal non dual unioned state of Pristine-Divinity (or Primordial-Beingness or Maa Shakti) to Supreme being or Bhagwan Shiva) …
Only after the union of Shakti and Shiva starts happening inside the aspirants physical vehicle does any aspirant self realize (or hear) the Raam Naad (sound of Ram) … Thus basis this fact, Raam Naad is self realized by an aspirant only after Shakti Shiva Yoga starts happening and continues to happen inside the aspirants microcosm … As such, prior to and after this union (of Shiva and Shakti ) which itself happens inside the aspirants microcosm, the sound of Raam (or Ram Naad) cannot even be heard by that aspirant …
Thus basis above, the very fact that sages had rendered this knowledge of Raam (Lord Ram or 7th Avatar of Sriman Naaraayana) to humanity, itself is a proof of self realization of what is discussed here …
And at the same time, Lord Raam (i.e. 7th Avatar of Sri Vishnu) was the one who had rendered this knowledge within this Mahayuga (i.e. the Mega-eon of 4.32 million human solar years, as per the middle time units of precession of equinoxes) …
What is told as Shiva Taraka Mantra (or Raam Naad) is that state when Shiva Shakti Yoga happens inside the aspirant’s microcosm … And thus, Shiva Shakti Yoga itself is the evolutionary standing when an aspirant self realizes the sound of Raam (Raam Naad) …
Thus basis above …
- Whenever any aspirant arrives at an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to self realize the Shakti Shiva Yoga, then the path of this self realization itself is through the self realization of Raam Naad (Sound of Raam) …
- And vice versa of above bullet point is also true … So whenever any aspirant arrives at an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to self realize the Raam Naad (Sound of Raam), then the path of this self realization itself is through the path which leads to Shakti Shiva Yoga …
- So, basis above, both lead to each other because of the fact that they are one and the same only …
AA-7 … Rarity of knowledge of Shakti Shiva Yoga …
Below are some of the undeniable facts about Yoga Tantra and their finality of self realization, which itself is of Raam Naad (or Shakti Shiva Yoga or Shiva Taraka Mantra) …
- During macrocosmic history, not even a handful of humans have ever been true aspirants (i.e. ones who really want to know the real or truth) …
- Amongst these true aspirants, not even an iota have ever been Yogi’s in the real sense …
- Amongst all such Yogi’s, not even an iota of percentage is of those who have self realized what is being discussed here …
- Amongst above ones, not even an iota of percentage is of those who have self realized what is discussed here and that too, whilst they were alive …
- Of those who self realized Shakti Shiva Yoga whilst still alive, not even an iota of percentage have ever survived it to tell their story to others (i.e. distribute this knowledge) …
- Of those very few aspirants who have ever survived the Shakti Shiva Yoga, not even an iota lived long enough to tell about the knowledge of this path to others … Thus this path is a highly misinterpreted, esoteric and a very secretive one …
- And above is because of the fact that almost all of the aspirants who pass through this Yoga, don’t survive to tell their stories …
- And those very rare aspirants who do survive, only end up rendering an evolutionary path that becomes the base of all knowledge systems that shall be adopted by “almost” all future human and divine civilizations …
- But the fact still remains that since not even an iota of these aspirants (who successfully pass through Raam Naad) have ever survived to tell their stories, so this knowledge is also a pretty rare, highly esoteric and an extremely secretive one …
- As also since it is a very rare knowledge, so once it gets distributed by the aspirant who has self realized it (i.e. directly cognized it) then over time it also becomes a grossly misinterpreted one because of the fact that none of those who pass through it (i.e. directly cognize this knowledge and its system) manage to survive … Due to this reason, after this knowledge gets distributed by anyone, there really is no one available to correct the faults which keep creeping into this knowledge of “Sound of Raam (Raam Naad or Shakti Shiva Yoga or Shiva Taraka Mantra or Shiva Taraka Naad)” which itself is because of the fact that during macrocosmic history, the holders of this knowledge system have been the rarest of rare ones …
AA-8 … Significance of knowledge of Raam Naad …
As far as the knowledge of Ram Naad (Sound of Raam) which itself is Shakti Shiva Yoga (union of divinity to divine and that too within the aspirants microcosm) and which also is stated as Shiva Taraka Mantra (fully liberating Mantra of Shiva) and is also told as Shiva Taraka Naad (Shiva’s liberating sound), following is an undeniable fact …
- Ancient texts say that Lord Raam resides within each aspirant and that too as that aspirants own innermost essence (i.e. Raam itself is one’s own Atman) … Thus the same Raam Naad (or “Sound of Lord Raam)” that is being discussed here and which an aspirant hears within its own microcosm (i.e. the aspirant hears within his/her own physical and subtler vehicles) is the sound of that aspirants innermost essence (I.e. Atman) itself …
- And since the innermost essence (or Atman) of any aspirant (microcosm) itself is the essence of allness (or Brahman or Brahm), so this Sound of Raam (Raam Naad)” is also an intrinsically-unbroken partless-part of the main discussion, which as such is of the “Sounds of the Absolute (or Naad Brahm)” …
- And basis above, since one’s own innermost essence (i.e. Atman) whose sound is of Raam (Raam Naad) is none other than the essence of allness (i.e. Brahman), so the “Sound of Raam” is also that which leads to a self realization of this unity of the fact that Atman is Brahman …
- Basis above … That innermost essence (Atman) which itself is the essence of allness (Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm) is what the term “Raam (or Ram)” actually means …
- And basis above, if I were to define the word Raam, then it also means that “Raam itself is that Atman, who knows itself as Brahman” …
- And basis above, that aspirant who knows through a “direct cognition” the fact that “its own innermost essence (i.e. Atman) itself is the essence of allness (i.e. Brahman), both of who have the same sound of Raam” is “Raam Swaroop (i.e. such an aspirant is like the physically manifested or incarnated state of Lord Raam within a world system)” …
So basis above discussions is the significance of Raam Naad as is discussed here …
Raam Naad (or Sound of Raam) is that knowledge which makes an aspirant to self-realize the ever-same final reality, which as such was very-subtly stated through the Vedic Mega-Statements (i.e. Vedic Mahavakya) as follows …
- Ayam Atma Brahma (of Atharvaveda)… Which in English language can be written as “This Is That” … And if expanded, then it means “This (essence within or Atman) Is That (essence of allness or Brahman or Absolute)” …
- Ahum Brahmasmi (of Yajurveda) … Which in English language can be written as, I Am That … This means “I (essence within or Atman) is That (essence of allness or Brahman) … This can also be written as Aham Brahmasmi (that also interprets as “I Am Brahman”) …
- Tat Twam Asi (of Samaveda) … Which in English language can be written as, Thou Art That … This means “Thou (essence within or Atman) Is That (essence of allness or Brahman or Absolute) … This can also be written as Tat Tvam Asi, which can also be interpreted as “You Are Brahman” …
- Prajnanam Brahma (of Rigveda) … Which in English language can be written as, Self Luminous Is That …
- And the same truth was also stated through another Mahavakya of “Shivohum” . This also means “Shiva Am I” and “Shiva Am I“…
- So this knowledge of Raam is also a path to all above stated self realizations of Vedic Mahavakya (i.e. Great statements of Vedic lore) to the very high importance of this knowledge of “Sound of Raam (Raam Naad) all knowledge systems of any of the three times, have always directly or indirectly related to this knowledge … And this fact shall also be discussed in further sub-parts of this topic …
AA-9 … Shakti Shiva Yoga in many other paths …
The same union of Shakti with Shiva (Shakti Shiva Yoga) is stated through a variety of ways like the ones which have been briefly listed below …
Detailed discussions on some of the below listed ones shall be done in later sub-parts of this topic (of Shiva Taraka Naad or Raam Naad) and also in the next topic (of 8th plexus or Ashtama chakra) …
- Union of Prakriti and Purusha … In some texts, this was esoterically (and indirectly) told as Prakriti Purusha Yoga (also told as Purusha Prakriti Yoga) …
- Union of Devi to Deva … Devi Deva Yoga (also told as Deva Devi Yoga) …
- Union of Bhadri and Bhadra … In some sects, this was also told as Bhadri Bhadra Yoga (also told as Bhadra Bhadri Yoga) …
- Buddha Samantabhadri eternal union to the primordial Buddha who is addressed as Buddha Samantabhadra …
- In Chinese knowledge systems, This is also told as Yin Yang union …
- Union of feminine and masculine principles …
- Nirbija Samadhi … Or the seedless absorption (absorption in the seedless Absolute being or the seedless trance) …
- Ouroboros (Greek and Egyptian knowledge systems) …
- Star of David (Jewish knowledge systems) …
- Vital air sheath (or Prana) of an aspirant unites to the aspirant’s Mind Sheath … This is the stage of union or Yoga of Pranamaye Kosha (or vital air sheath) and mind sheath (or Manomaye Kosha) …
- This is also the same what Vedic lore addressed as Bhagwan Ardhanarishwara … Half-feminine and Half- masculine Being who is also told as the attributed-form state (i.e. Sagun Sakaar Awastha) of one’s own innermost essence (or Atman) …
- Prayagraj … The confluence of three divine streams which itself are eternally present, within and beyond each aspirant … This is explained in below topic …
AA-9-A … Shakti Shiva Yoga and Prayagraj …
This topic is to explain the deeper meaning of the term “Prayagraj and thus discuss what really is meant by the confluence of three divine streams as was stated in above bullet point …
The word “Prayag means divine confluence” and the word “Raj means kingdom and it also means the king”, so the term “Prayagraj” means the “kingdom of divine confluence” and it also means the “King of divine confluence” …
And since it can neither be the divine king nor the divine kingdom unless it is within and it simultaneously also is beyond each aspirant, so this term Prayagraj relates to that king and his kingdom, which as such is within each aspirant and it simultaneously also is beyond each aspirant (i.e. it is within the greater macrocosm) …
As also, the only way to have this similarity of inner and outer aspects is only possible if the physical vehicle that gets adopted to reside within a world system, is having the same divine aspects which are present within that world system itself … And one of these vast number of aspects is of Prayagraj that is being discussed here …
As also if above paragraph is contravened, then the stay on such a world of any aspirant who holds a physical vehicle, would only become full of sufferings …
Unless the physical vehicle that is adopted to reside upon a world. is having the same divinities as are present upon that world system, the evolution can never be based upon an inner-calm and outer-peace … This is one of the requirements of Mother nature (Maa Shakti or in other words, Maa Prakriti) which no entity of here or beyond (including any God) can ever bypass and yet afford to continue to stay in peace …
As also, since monotheism (i.e. individualism of any sort) fully contradicts above paragraph, so monotheism has never been nor can it ever be a reason for long lasting peace within any of the world systems … This is a hard fact and sooner humanity accepts this, better shall it be for theirs and their future generations …
Proceeding further …
Thus basis above, since the divine confluence is also there inside each aspirant, so the explanation of an earlier paragraph only refer to the “kingdom of the inner ruler” or in other words, the “Ever-same Lord who resides within each aspirant” …
Continuing with above paragraph … Within the much later Biblical lore, the same Prayagraj (of the much-much earlier Vedic lore) was stated as “Kingdom of God within you (Luke 17.21)” …
As also, the discussions of this set of topics (on Raam Naad) itself lead to a direct cognition (i.e. a straight self realization) of what was stated in Matthew 4.17, Luke 10.9, Mark 1.15 and finally of Zechariah 14.9 …
Some of above are detailed in later topics which as such are the rarest of rare discussions as they relate to the most hidden knowledge systems of the eighth chakra (which is subtly stated in chapter 10 of Atharvaveda) and which itself opens the path to that which is beyond all that is considered and/or not considered as beyond in any philosophy … Of now, or ever …
Above is because the place of divine confluence that is within each aspirant (and is discussed below) is also a part of the “same Kingdom which eternally is of the inner ruler who resides inside each aspirant and is addressed as Raam (Lord Ram) in the Vedic lore” … That inner ruler (or inner king) itself is the innermost essence (or Atman or Lord Raam) of each aspirant …
Moving further with the discussion …
This inner confluence which leads to an entry into the Shakti Shiva Yoga, which itself leads to self realization of the “inner ruler of the inner kingdom”, is what needs to be “subtly” discussed here (I will not disclose it openly, and yet I would be disclosing it “almost” fully) …
- Inside the aspirant’s microcosm, this confluence is at the third eye plexus …
This is where the three subtle channels meet each other … These three subtle channels are the following …
1 … Pingala Naadi or right hand channel or the solar channel ( Surya Naadi) or the channel of heat-luminosity (i.e. Tejas Naadi) or the hotness channel … From the base of spine till the heart plexus, this channel is of a red color, which as such is denoting the following …
- Rajoguna (or the macrocosmic attribute of action or activity or wakefulness) …
- The seventh sphere of macrocosmic creation (or the 7th sky of Islam) which itself is of Rudra Loka (i.e. world of Rudra Deva of the Vedic Lore) …
- This is also the same as Asmita of Samadhi Tantra (of many lore’s or paths of various Yoga Tantra) …
- The 99th sub-channel of the central channel (or Sushumna Naadi)…
- And many other aspects which have already been discussed in an earlier set of topics on “ALA Naad … Sound of ALA” …
And from the heart plexus till the top of head this channel is of a bright orange color …
2 … The left hand channel or Ida Naadi or coldness channel or Moon channel … From the base of spine till the heart plexus, this channel is blue colored, which as such is denoting the following …
- Tamoguna … Or macrocosmic attribute of inertia of sleep or inactivity …
- The 8th sphere of macrocosmic creation (or the final sphere of Apra Prakriti or manifest nature) which itself is the same as Aghora face of Sadashiva of Vedic and Agama lore’s, Buddha Samantabhadra of Tantric Buddhism (including Bardo) and the Lord God (of Christianity) …
- The 100th sub-channel of the central channel (or Sushumna Naadi) …
- And many other aspects which were discussed in the earlier set of topics on “Naad Brahm” where we had discussed the concept of Ahum Naad …
- From the heart plexus till the top of head, this channel is of a very subtle yellow color …
3 … And the central channel or neutral channel or Sushumna Nadi or equanimity channel or the channel of eternal balance of opposites … From the base of spine till the heart plexus this channel is of a subtle white color, which as such denotes the following …
- Sattva Guna … Or macrocosmic attribute of neutrality or equanimity …
- The 9th sphere of macrocosmic creation (i.e. Para Prakriti of Vedic lore, cloud nine of Buddhism, Adi Shakti of Shakta’s and Tantric Hinduism) and Buddha Samantabhadri of Tantric Buddhism (including Bardo) …
- When this channel rises up from the heart, then it is known as the 101th and the final sub-channel of the central channel (or Sushumna Naadi) …
- And many other aspects which shall be discussed later on …
The third eye plexus (or Ajna Chakra or Agya Chakra) is where these three divine energy channels (which itself are present inside the aspirant’s microcosm) meet each other and this is where the Inner-Prayagraj (i.e. the Inner-Kashi or divine seat of the God) is located inside of each aspirant … Of now, or ever …
- As also, outside of the aspirants microcosm and upon this planet, the same Prayagraj is located at a place where the confluence of three divine water streams happens … These three water streams are as follows …
01 … Yamuna River … This River is a physical geographical equivalent of Pingala Naadi which is present inside each aspirant …
02 … Ganga River … This River is a physical geographical equivalent of Ida Naadi which is present inside each aspirant …
Note: The present day Indus river, which as such was termed as Indu Nadi (Indi River or Moon River) of those very ancient times as were of my much earlier transmigrated incarnations, was also a tributary of the Ganga river, which denotes each aspirants “Moon channel (Ida Naadi)” itself …Transmigrated incarnation means an incarnations that were arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul, which in Sanskrit language is called as Parkaya Pravesh and which in English is also loosely termed as Virgin Birth …
03 … Saraswati River … This is a hidden (or subtle) river which is the geographical equivalent of Sushumna Naadi that is present inside each aspirant …
Note: This river has already vanished from this world due to the effects of currently underway divine degenerate age cycle (i.e. Deva Kaliyuga) and the consequent degeneration of knowledge systems (whose Goddess is Saraswati Maa only) … As a matter of fact, when a cycle of time does not want a specific divine system, then the river or mountain or valley etc., which symbolizes that aspect, also returns back to its own macrocosmic source …
Note continues: And since the divine degenerate age cycle (Deva Kaliyuga) is a time when higher (or divine) knowledge systems are no longer needed, so when these knowledge systems exit out of a world, then the physically present river (i.e. river Saraswati) which was geographically symbolizing that aspect (i.e. divine knowledge systems), also returned back to her own macrocosmic source … This macrocosmic source is none other than the “Abode of the four faced grandfather and Maker of allness (i.e. Brahmaloka) … Thus the earlier physically present state of Saraswati river had already returned back to Brahmaloka and as of now, only her subtle counterpart remains in this world and that too at Prayagraj itself …
And the geographical place (which as such is upon this planet) where these three divine Rivers streams meet each other, was termed as Prayagraj (In the city of Kashi or Varanasi or Banaras) …
Proceeding further …
And since this meeting point of the three inner rivers (which meet in the third eye plexus or Agya Chakra) is a highly luminous one, so this inner point was named as Kashi (the word Kashi means “the luminous one”) by those ancient sages who had already self realized that is being discussed here …
And because of the highly luminous state itself is of the “self luminous (i.e. Swayam Prakash) Supreme being (i.e. Brahman)” so the meeting point of these three divine energy streams was also denoting the “higher of all meeting points” … And it also was due to this reason that this meeting of three divine energy streams (i.e. three divinities) was termed as the “king of inner confluence” and as “the inner kingdom of king of inner confluence” … Or simply Prayagraj …
Note: And it is from this original concept of Prayagraj that the much-much later Biblical concept of “Kingdom of God within an aspirant” was arrived at …
And since this point of meeting of the three inner rivers itself is Kashi (Kashi means the luminous one) so on the same lines, the geographical place (or city) where the three divine rivers (i.e. Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati Rivers) meet each other, was also named as Kashi …
And since it eventually is inside the inner Kashi” that the “Raam Naad (i.e. Shiva Taraka Naad)” is initially heard and also since it eventually is by the transit through the Shiva Taraka Naad (i.e. Raam Naad) that an aspirant becomes liberated, so was it stated in Vedic lore (Purana’s) that in city of Kashi (i.e. both the inner and geographical city of Kashi) Shiva liberates the better aspirants through his Shiva Taraka Mantra (i.e. Raam Naad or Shiva Taraka Naad) …
Just as it is within any aspirant, is how it also is within the world in which that aspirant lives … This is because of the fact that the body which gets adopted so as to make any microcosm reside in a world, itself is in synchronism with the gross and subtler elements of that world …
Thus basis above paragraph, within other world systems (of other galaxies or planes of existences) the body which is adopted by a soul is not the same as the body which that same soul adopts when it visits this world (i.e. when it incarnates in this world) …
As we evolve and keep moving across all those uncountable number of gross and subtle world systems, then we also keep adopting a physical vehicle which is apt for that world system in which we then reside (i.e. the physical vehicle which gets adopted by us is such that it is in synchronism with the world system on which it is residing) …
And since the world system is also eternally evolving within the macrocosmic hierarchies, so the evolutionary standing of a world within these macrocosmic hierarchies is also eternally changeful … This is what causes the gross and subtle changes within the world, which itself become the reason for some parts of the speciology (and the physical vehicle) to eventually become dormant and/or extinct …
As also, all parts of speciology which have ever become extinct and all parts of our own physical vehicle which have become redundant or extinct over time, is also due to the same reason which was discussed in above paragraphs …
And yet during the course of our almost eternal evolutionary-existence, even when we keep moving across the worlds of the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation, this concept of Kashi stays applicable due to it being a universal one …
And because it is a universal concept (i.e. it is applicable across all gross and subtle worlds of the entire multi-universal macrocosmic creation and across the three times) so when an aspirant gets liberated through the grace of Lord Shiva (i.e. through the Taraka Mantra of Lord Shiva) then that liberation is also a universal liberation only i.e. such an aspirant does not enter into any divine world as he/she goes beyond all such nonsensical aspects also …
And since this liberation itself is the universal one, so it is also due to this reason that there has never been a philosophy which did not directly or indirectly refer to the same Shiva Taraka Naad (Raam Naad) or Shakti Shiva Yoga which is being discussed here …
Proceeding even further …
It eventually is this inner and outer sameness that makes any aspirant to live in harmony to a world system … Had this inner and outer sameness not been there, then life upon this (or any other) planet would have been a living hell only …
As such basis above paragraph, please note that the following as an absolute truth … When humanity goes off sync with whatever is explicitly and implicitly stated in above paragraph, then natural disasters, diseases and manmade chaos always comes to fore …
And coincidently, because humanity as a whole is pretty off sync since the last few millenniums that have passed of this divine degenerate age cycle, so these natural and manmade calamities have been striking this world each hundred years (or closer to this time) …
Only when humans come back in sync to the gross (apparent or visible or Drishya) and subtle (non apparent or invisible or Adrishya) world system in which they reside, would this chaos finally end …
And application of above paragraph is also universal because of the fact that irrespective of who these humans (or their angels, Satan’s etc.) may believe in or what that believed entity may state about its capability or who that believed greater entity may be, the statements of above paragraph stay fully applicable upon everyone (including that believed entity or its centered systems) … This is also because of the fact that “ultimately what is stated here” would need to be complied with if humanity wants to reach that better future where there is an inner calm (inside each aspirant) and outer peace (within the world) …
Because this meeting point of the three inner rivers is the luminous place (that is within each aspirant) so it also is the place where the purest of pure desire “of liberation” is present in each aspirant …
The basis above, the word “Kashi” also subtly means “the innermost essence of all desires” which itself is the “desire for a final liberation (Moksha)” and which is only arrived at after an aspirant passes through the “Shakti Shiva Yoga” and thence self realizes the “Shiva Taraka Mantra (or Raam Naad)” that is being discussed here …
And finally for this topic …
Below is a brief discussion on “Prayagraj (or Vedic lore)” and its relation to “Ajna Chakra (i.e. third eye plexus) of the Yogic lore” which as such is an eternally activated chakra (i.e. eternally awakened plexus) within each aspirant …
Here we shall be expanding the meaning of the word Prayag … The word “Prayag” also means the following …
- Timelessly ancient place of fire sacrifice (Yajna) …
- King of divine worlds (or Devaraja Indra) …
- The Lord of Ida Naadi (or Moon channel or Ida Naadi or left hand channel) … Idandra Deva (or Devaraja Indra or King of divine worlds who himself is within each aspirants Ida Naadi) …
- And it also means “Luminosity (knowledge-conscious principle or Prajna)” …
And the term Raj means ruler or higher or kingdom also …
And the word Prayagraj also relates to the meeting point of the three inner divine streams (which meet in the third eye plexus) which as such is a highly luminous point (or highly luminous place or Kashi) … And it was also due to this luminosity, which itself is due to the meeting of three divine streams of our discussion, that the third eye plexus was termed as the eternally awakened one (eternally activated or lighted one) …
It eventually is due to the eternally awakened (i.e. luminous) state of the third eye plexus that many Yogic and other lore’s have been advising their aspirants to concentrate on the third eye plexus …
Thus all knowledge systems which state (or advice) or have methods which relate to the third eye plexus, are eventually relating to the concept of Prayagraj (Kashi) which lies in the highly luminous city of Kashi and which eventually is relating to Raam Naad (Shiva Taraka Naad) that is being discussed here …
AA-9-B … During and after transiting through Raam Naad (Shakti Shiva Yoga) …
The state which is arrived at (i.e. achievement of the aspirant) after the Shakti Shiva Yoga (Raam Naad) is successfully passed through, was also stated through a wide variety of ways during the recent history (i.e. history as was during the last few millenniums) … Some of these are as follows …
- As per one of the Mantras of Atharvaveda chapter 10 (This shall be discussed later on) … This is the original knowledge of the state of our discussion and it refers to the full path of this self realization …
And the same thing was also told as follows … These below mentioned ones only refer to the intermediary stage of this self realization …
- Vajradanda of the original Yogic lore … This term means “Staff of Vajra” … It is a golden staff of lightening (or staff of golden lightening) … This refers to the 2nd last stage of self realization of Raam Naad …
- Vajradanda chakra … This is the same as what was told as Vajra … It is from this concept which originally was of Atharvaveda and which was also adopted by Siddha Lore’s (i.e. Sanatan Agama Arya Dharma), that the much-much later Vajrayana Buddhism had originated …
- Khanda Saab i.e. The staff of a fully self realized one … This is the same as what was told as Vajradanda within the Siddha Lore’s itself …
- Staffs of ancient Gods … This is the same as what was told as Vajradanda within the Siddha Lore’s (i.e. Sanatan Agama Arya Dharma) …
- Staff of Moses … This is also the same as Vajradanda of Yogic lore which was of the Siddha Lore’s (i.e. Sanatan Agama Arya Dharma)…
And also as follows … This refers to the last and final stage of self realization …
- Kumbha … Pot of nectar or consciousness pot (that is present within each aspirant) …
- Amrit Kalash … Urn of Nectar (which is placed on top of all Vedic temples) …
- Bible … Ecclesiastes 12 (actually Ecclesiastes12.6) … Just ask Google uncle or you can also ask Bing aunty or the little boy DuckDuckGo and read it yourself … It’s pretty easy to find this on the internet … In a later topic, I shall only be explaining this from a Yogic point of view and just how it happens when any aspirant enters the stage which is referred to in this verse of the Biblical lore and which itself is a concept that originally was told within the Siddha Lore’s (i.e. Sanatan Agama Arya Dharma)…
And also as follows … This is the state after completion of self realization of Raam Naad (i.e. after successfully passing through the Shakti Shiva Yoga) …
- Eighth plexus (Ashtama Chakra) … This is the same as the first bullet point where a Mantra of Atharvaveda chapter 10 was referred …
- Niralambasthana … The rootless, baseless and thus independent place … This is the same as 8th plexus as was told within the Siddha Lore’s (i.e. Sanatan Agama Arya Dharma) …
- Niralamb Chakra … Independent plexus … This is the same as 8th plexus … This is the same as 8th plexus as was told within the Siddha Lore’s (i.e. Sanatan Agama Arya Dharma) …
- Brahm Chakra … The plexus of creator … This is the same as 8th plexus … This was named so because infinite number of universes are seen to be present inside the aspirants 8th plexus itself (same as below bullet point) …
- Anant Koti Brahmand … The self realization of infinite number and types of universes which are present within the same macrocosmic creation … This is a self realization when stationed within the 8th plexus itself as all these are seen to be resting within the aspirants 8th plexus only (and thus this renders a realization, that the “entire macrocosm is inside the aspirants microcosm itself”) …
- Brahmaloka chakra … Based upon its subtle characteristics, this has also been termed as the plexus of the “macro-neutral attributed-formless abode of Maker (i.e. Sarva-Sam Sagun Nirakaar Brahmaloka chakra)” …
- Avadhoot Chakra … The plexus of an Avadhoot … That sage who rests only in the 5th (or Turiyateet Awastha, as is briefly discussed below) and thus he or she relates to none other, is the Avadhoot … Avadhoot is that self-realized, all-realized sage who is beyond all that is known, imagined or visualized as beyond in any of the philosophies of any of the three times ….,
Such a sage is beyond the stages and concepts of all dualities like liberation-bondage, heavens-hells, God-Satan, truth-untruth, good-evil, right-wrong and all other dualistic nonsense … Even the Gods, Satan’s and their angels etc., respect an Avadhoot …
This is the stage when that Yogi gets stationed in the 5th stage (i.e. Turiyateet Awastha which is discussed below) and thus that Yogi becomes “Shiva Swaroop (i.e. that Yogi becomes the Sagun Sakaar Awastha or attributed-form of Shiva himself)” and that too whilst that Yogi is still existent in an incarnated or attributed-form state …
- Turiyateet Awastha … This is the undefined 5th … This is the stage after four earlier stages i.e. awake (Jagrut), sleep (Susupti), dream (Nidra) and 4th (i.e. absorption or Trance or Turiya or Samadhi) have been crossed (or evolved) over by an aspirant …
That aspirant who is not a Turiyateet Yogi, cannot be an Avadhoot …
And at the same time, an Avadhoot is not just restricted to being a Turiyateet Yogi because he (or she) may even hold other attainments along with that of Turiyateet Awastha … And it is due to this reason, such Yogi’s do not come under the purviews of any of the principles, process, centers and laws of the Maker’s Makings …
And thus when they arrive to a world, they may choose to live in any way that he may like to … Thus these Avadhoot can be a great King or even a beggar, a great all-knowing all seeing Guru or even as an ideal student who stays a student all his life, as a sage who sets the codes of an ideal society or even as an absolutely crazy Panda Yogi who eats-shoots-and-leaves a little new born unique mark everywhere he goes, as a fully dressed Yogi or even as a naked one, as a great warrior or even as the defeated general both of who lay down new codes of winning and losing … Or can Avadhoot can even be anything or anyone else but that Avadhoot would always leave a permanent mark on the foundational codes of the righteous ways of life that are universally applicable, here and beyond …
AA-9-C … The indescribable aspect of Turiyateet Awastha of a Yogi …
As was discussed earlier, the 4th stage is of Turiya (or Samadhi or absorption) …
Since the 4th stage of Samadhi is addressed as Turiya, so that which is beyond the 4th naturally becomes the Turiyateet (i.e. Turiyateet means “beyond Turiya”) …
Since the 4th stage of Samadhi itself is of a final liberation from all bondage, so Turiyateet which is beyond the 4th naturally becomes the stage which is of “beyond liberation and bondage alike” …
Since the 4th stage of Samadhi is finally defined (or explainable) stage, so that which is called as Turiyateet or beyond the 4th, naturally becomes the one which is beyond definitions and explanations …
Thus basis above, Turiyateet is told as the undefined 5th or the mysterious 5th or unexplainable 5th stage where an aspirant walks within the statement, “Shiva Within Shiva” (i.e. the eternal auspicious within the eternally auspicious) … Or in other words the stage when an aspirant walks “Itself Within Itself”, just like Rudra also walks within the essence of the statement “Rudra Within Rudra” …
Thus Turiyateet is that undefined which is beyond the 4th stage (of Samadhi) and it is due to this reason that this stage of Turiyateet is of the eternally unknown one (and thus the Sage of Turiyateet is the eternally hidden or veiled one) … So the aspirant who rests in Turiyateet cannot ever be known by anyone, until he self-declares his own presence to others …
As also, until that aspirant who rests in Turiyateet Awastha (i.e. the undefined 5th stage) self-declares his own presence in a world, even the Egoistic Gods (or Satan’s) who control that world system and their angels, propagators and followers etc., would not know that he has already arrived and is already residing within their own controlled world itself …
This is the indescribable 5th stage … The attainment of this 5th stage is only and only blessed by Shiva (who also is Shakti) and that too only unto that Yogi who has already directly cognized (or known) it all, done it all, been through it all, has lived it all and thence has already evolved beyond all of it due to that Yogi self-realizing the utter-fallacy (and thus the complete falsity) of allness itself, so as to enter into the real-next stage of consciously letting go of it all and thus be just as Shiva itself is within IT’s own attributeless-infinite state (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Brahm or Paramshiva) …
Shiva in his (actually IT’s) reality is attributeless-infinite (i.e. Nirgun Nirakaar Awastha) and this is a fact even whilst Shiva simultaneously is also resting within an attributed-form (i.e. Sagun Sakaar Awastha or human form), attributed-formless (i.e. Sagun Nirakaar Awastha or the formless vast form) and also a symbolic state (i.e. Linga Awastha or symbolized form which by itself is denoting the form, formless and the infinite simultaneously) … The Avadhoot who already is merged to Shiva, is also the same as above because of the fact that just as a drop of water becomes the ocean after falling into and thence uniting to the ocean, so is the Avadhoot who unites to Shiva in all aspects which are discussed here …
Note: Elaborating above paragraph regarding the requirement of entering into a union prior any aspirant can detach from anything
Unless you are unioned to it , how can you detach from it … An earlier union is a pre-requisite of later stage of detachment …
Thus basis above fact, unless you are consciously united to allness, how would you consciously detach from it …
Unless detachment is to allness itself, how can it be a final, full and a permanent one …
Unless you are detached from entirety of allness itself, how can you even be isolated from the entire allness …
Unless you are isolated from the entirety of allness, how can you even be a liberated one …
Unless you already are fully liberated, how can you even talk about liberation or its path …
Note: Analyzing a fully isolated (liberated) one and a fully accomplished one …
One who is finally, fully and permanently isolated from allness and her each part, is the fully liberated one (i.e. one who resides in Kaivalya Moksha) …
One who has accomplished all that needs to be ever accomplished during the entirety of existence within the Maker’s Makings, is the fully accomplished one (i.e. Siddha) …
Now basis above, is below analysis …
How can a fully liberated one (i.e. one who is resting in Kaivalya or Moksha) ever hold Siddhi’s (accomplishments) … This is an utter impossibility because a fully liberated one, is also liberated (i.e. detached) from all accomplishments … This was the reason for ancient Vedic sages to say that one who is established within the attributeless-infinite, holds no accomplishments (Siddhi’s) …
And contrary to above paragraph … How can a Siddha (i.e. a fully accomplished one) ever talk about or describe the path of liberation … This is also an utter impossibility because a fully accomplished ones (i.e. a Siddha) cannot ever be a finally liberated one due to still holding accomplishments (Siddhi’s) … And thus basis this, since a Siddha is not liberated, so a Siddha cannot ever talk about the path of liberation or the finally liberated state …
Thus basis above, a Siddha (an accomplished one) eventually evolves to be a Mukta (liberated one) … But until that Siddha actually does so, he cannot ever correctly describe the path of Mukti (i.e. path of liberation) …
And on the contrary, a fully liberated one (i.e. a Mukta) can describe the path of Siddhi’s even when not holding them currently … This is because a Mukta definitely was a Siddha at his earlier stage of evolutionary process and this itself is due to the fact that the path of liberation (Mukti) always passes through the path of accomplishments (Siddhi’s) …
And the aspirant who simultaneously is both of above, is a Turiyateet Yogi …
And being both simultaneously only makes that Turiyateet Awastha to be naught but an indescribable state …
Note: State of a Turiyateet Yogi …
Thus stays a Turiyateet Yogi (or the Yogi of the undefined 5th) as “Shiva Within Shiva (i.e. the Auspicious Divine Ever-All Within the Auspicious Divine Ever-All)” …
And whilst still incarnated, he (or she) is only awaiting the ripeness and rightness of the destined end time of that incarnation in which the above discussed accomplishment was achieved by him (or her) as he (or she) already knows the below listed facts about himself (or herself) and his current incarnation …
This (lifetime) is the end of all ends that could ever be in any of the triple times …
I am within the first 4, yet I only exist beyond the 4th, as I only relate to the 5th …
I am the eternally existent one, yet the ever-gone who neither returns nor goes …
I am the eternally existent, yet beyond all existence or non existence …
I can neither go nor can I ever come back, for I have gone beyond all suchness …
I can neither be described nor can I be left undescribed … Yet I rest within both …
I neither hold pride nor do I rest in shame … I am beyond all such nonsense …
Nobody can ever fathom me, yet I know all … Including their Gods and texts …
What use is a scripture to him, who has already walked through it successfully …
What use is a text when you know its God … Having read none, yet knowing all …
What religion is applicable to him who is in oneness to the attributeless-infinite …
Which God remains to worship when already one with the attributeless-infinite …
What cycle of time could be applicable to him, who is one with the eternal …
What cycle of space could be applicable to him, who is one with the infinite …
What cycle of directions is for the one who rest in oneness to omnidirectional …
What cycle of states could be applicable for him, who rests in the omnipresent …
What differences of divinity is for him who rests in oneness to the omnipotent …
Who can describe one who is gone, yet ungone, yet the eternal beyond these …
Who can depict one who is ungone, yet fully gone, yet the ever beyond these …
Beyond descriptions, analysis, words, texts & calculations, is the Turiyateet Yogi …
He is beyond principles, process, centers and laws … Yet is not the lawless one …
Is beyond control of all Gods of any of the three times … Yet not a Godless one …
And the way of life of that Turiyateet Yogi was very beautifully described by Gurudeva Avadhoot Dattatreya Maharaaj …
“When I already am Shiva (i.e. Supremely Auspicious) then whom to worship”
AA-10-A … Shakti Shiva Yoga and Absolute Non-Dualism (Advaita) … All above relate to the same Shakti Shiva Yoga which is being discussed here and which itself is the state through which the Shiva Taraka Mantra (or Raam Naad) is self realized by any aspirant …
Thus without entering into Shakti Shiva Yoga and thence successfully passing through the self realization of “Raam Naad (Sound of Raam), none of the above aspects can ever be self realized by anyone … And this statement is irrespective of which Godhead may be believed in or what may be claimed about the ability (or capabilities) of that believed Godhead …
Ultimately Shakti Shiva Yoga is the path which shall have to be entered into by any aspirant who has arrived at an evolutionary ripeness and rightness to enter into a finally liberated state … This stated fact itself is the proof of an Absolute non-dualism of the path of this topic because irrespective of what anybody’s path may have been, the path of this topic shall have to be entered into prior any aspirant can even think about being liberated …
So above was the discussion upon the non dualism of this topic and its path …
Proceeding further …
But even when the name “Shakti Shiva Yoga” seems to be denoting a duality (as it has two opposite aspects in it) yet when this union actually happens, it actually is found to be an absolutely non-dual state only …
This union of Shakti and Shiva is based in an absolute non duality because of the fact that within their unioned state, they are indistinguishable from each other … Thus within the Shakti Shiva Yoga, one itself is the other and the other itself is the one there only is … This indistinguishable nature of both is thus the non duality of the Shakti Shiva Yoga (or Raam Naad) as is being discussed here …
Thus Shiva Taraka Mantra which as such is self realized through the Shakti Shiva Yoga is also denoting the final stage of absolute non dualism (Advaita) and I say so because of the fact that from within the successful transit through the Shiva Taraka Naad (i.e. successfully passing through the full path of Shakti Shiva Yoga), even the duality of primordial aspects (i.e. feminine and masculine principles) is evolved over (i.e. extinguished) …
AA-10-B … Shakti written prior Shiva in the phrase “Shakti Shiva Yoga” …
Within all above discussions, we have used the term Shakti Shiva Yoga (i.e. in this phrase, Shakti is stated prior Shiva) because it ultimately is the Shakti (pristine divinity) who proceeds toward Shiva (i.e. Absolute divine) and not vice versa of this condition …
AA-10-C … Where does Shakti Shiva Yoga take place …
Essentially this union happens within the greater macrocosm …
But since the same greater macrocosm in its own “subtle impressional state (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Awastha)” is also eternally present within each microcosm (i.e. each aspirants physical vehicle) so it is also due to this reason that the same union is also found to be happening inside the aspirant’s microcosm (i.e. this union is apparent to be happening inside the physical and subtle vehicles of the aspirant) and yet this union is only taking place within the subtle impressional macrocosm (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) which is present inside the aspirants microcosm itself …
As also, it eventually is within this subtle impressional macrocosm (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) that the feminine and masculine principles (i.e. Shakti and Shiva respectively) are residing … So the union of Shakti Shiva Yoga only happens within this subtle impressional macrocosm (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) whose self manifestations itself are the physical or subtler vehicles of the aspirant +++ …
+++ Explaining +++ of above paragraph … The subtle impressional macrocosm (i.e. Sookshma Samskarik Brahmand) is the parent of the subtler vehicles of the aspirant and these subtler vehicles itself are the parent of the gross physical vehicle … As such, from the point of view of the gross or manifest physical vehicle, this union happens within its grand-parental and parental state and not within itself …
AA-10-D … Shakti Shiva Yoga … Stages …
In this topic we shall be concentrating upon this union of Shakti and Shiva which happens inside the aspirants microcosm and which itself leads to the self realization of Raam Naad (Sound of Raam or Shiva Taraka Mantra) …
It is through this union which happens within the aspirant physical vehicle that the aspirant enters into the self realization of Raam Naad (Sound of Raam) which itself is the Taraka Mantra of Bhagwan Shiva …
And it is through this Taraka Mantra of Bhagwan Shiva that the aspirant reaches the self realization of the 8th plexus (which originally was subtly mentioned in one of the Mantras of Atharvaveda, chapter 10) … So this 8th plexus also happens to be an intrinsic partless part of the same Shiva Taraka Mantra itself …
And it is through the self realization of the 8th plexus, which itself is termed as the “Independent place or liberated state (Niralambasthana)” that the aspirant self realizes the final state of liberation from all that ever is or could ever be …
So this was the description of the path of this and next topic in brief …
AA-10-E … And finally … In this text (and also this topic) I have intentionally restricted the discussions on Chakras (or Plexus’s) to the 8th one only …
This restriction is because of the fact that during my much earlier transmigrated incarnation, I had already rendered the knowledge of the previous 7 plexus’s … In that earlier transmigrated incarnation (i.e. incarnation by the path of transmigration of soul), I was known by a name which if translated in English means “reverence to the divine leaf” … And since that earlier knowledge is still existent upon this world, so I really do not find a need to repeat it again here …
That earlier transmigrated incarnation which was arrived by adopting the path of Parkaya Pravesh (which is discussed in above paragraph) was arrived when the Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva, was the most active in this world …
Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva is the only Yogiraaj (Lord of Yoga), the only Yoga-Guru (The Guru of Yoga), Yoga Samraat (King of Yoga), Yoga Rishi (attained sage of Yoga), Yogeshwara (i.e. Supreme Deity of Yoga), Okar (Or in other worlds, Ukar or Sound of O), Hiranyagarbha (golden womb of creation), Amitabha Buddha (as addressed within the Buddhist lore) and the same Tatpurusha is also the one who is addressed as the Great Lord (or Maheshwara) in Vedic lore …
And basis the stated facts, if I study the Kaalchakra (i.e. the knowledge of cyclic nature of time), then the time of that incarnation comes out as 5694 BC (+/- 27 to 108 years) … In a later topic this time span would be mathematically calculated through the knowledge systems of the ancient Kaalchakra …
In that incarnation when I had rendered this knowledge (or 7 plexus’s) I was a Yogi of Aghora Marg (i.e. I was an Aghori Sadhu) and thus that path which I had given was naught but a knowledge system which originates from (and it also directly relates to) Aghora face of Shiva (this face has already been discussed in earlier set of topics which have the header of “Ahum Naad”) …
And it eventually is from my rendered knowledge system which relates to the 8 limbed path of Yoga (i.e. Ashtanga Yoga) that the later knowledge system of 8 fold path (of Buddhism) had originated … But in my further (or later) incarnation, since I also happened to be the little student of Gurudeva Gautama Buddha, so the fact is that this 8 fold path was never given by my Gurudeva, Gautama Buddha +++ …
+++ In fact most of the important paths which my Gurudeva Gautama Buddha had given, have already gone missing from this world and the paths which remain as of now, are mostly concocted theories only … And it is also due to resting in these concocted theories that most of the leaders (or Buddhism) are only those monks who don’t known a Jack about Jill as far as direct cognitions of what they talk about, are concerned … But this problem is not just of Buddhism alone, in fact it is a pretty rampant one where the so called Guru’s mostly blabber about things that even their Guru’s had not known through a direct cognition … And this is what has been causing all degeneration within the ways of life of the inhabitants of this planet …
Proceeding further …
Now we shall discuss as to how did this corruption happen …
This study is basis the impressional fields (Samskaras of the earlier times) which are residing within the consciousness plane of this planet (Bhu Chitta Kaya) … This knowledge which originally was rendered by ancient Vedic sages, was also twisted and renamed as Akashik records (by these deviated controllers of later sects of Buddhism) …
Plus … Buddha never told that his knowledge should be termed as Buddhist (or Buddhism or Buddha’s way) because of the fact that Buddha himself was a Hindu only … All this stupidity of dividing of humanity in the name of beliefs was started by the later Buddhist sects (i.e. those sects which had originated much later than the time when Buddha was walking this planet) …
And the most important tool for causing these fractures was the use of concocted names so as to make the knowledge of Buddha Avatar to seem different from its own parental Vedic and Siddha lore’s …
And once seeds of this division were laid down, then other sects kept rising out of the earlier sects and this is what has continued toll now and could be described thus …
Father eaten by the son and whose own son eats him up in an endless process, the original seed of which was laid down by those Buddhist leaders who had come by at a stage which was much later than that of Buddha’s exit from this planet …
After centuries had passed from the time of exit of Gurudeva Gautama Buddha from this world, the Buddhists had also begun controlling the four Vedic cardinal monasteries … And thus, at such stage they had also become the controllers of the entire Sanatan Dharma …
It was at those times that these controlling Buddhists had taken this concept of 8 limbed path of Yoga (Ashtanga Yoga) from my earlier rendered knowledge system and thence they had twisted it, so as to make it seem Buddhist (i.e. seem different from the original Yogic concept) …
Plus it also was at this time that these controllers had changed the time of my advent to a much-much later date as compared to what it actually was and is already told earlier (as 5694 BC, +/- 27 to 108 years) …
And this was also the stage when these controllers had also changed the time of advent of Gautama Buddha by almost 1300 to 800 years (as per different Buddhist sects, there are different times of advent of Gautama Buddha and all are absolutely wrong) …
And this was also the stage when these controllers had changed the records of advent of Adi Shankaracharya by almost 1290 years …
We shall be mathematically calculating this time as per Knowledge of Kaalchakra, as both these advents were governed by the Science of Kaalchakra itself …
Proceeding further …
As discussed earlier that in that previous transmigrated incarnation, since the knowledge of the 7 plexuses was already rendered and since that knowledge is still existent within this world, so I shall not be repeating is in this text …
And since in that previous transmigrated incarnation, the knowledge of the 8th plexus was not rendered by this little student who writes this text, so within the current one, I shall only be providing the knowledge of the 8th chakra as this is all that remains to be distributed in this world as far as the science of 8 plexus’s (or Atharvaveda chapter 10) are concerned …
AA-10-F … Please bear in mind … As far as further chapters of this set of topics on Raam Naad are concerned, readers are advised to bear in mind that what is going to come from now onward, has never been distributed openly within the entire time spans of the current divine age cycle (i.e. current Mahayuga chakra which has a time span of 4.32 million human solar years, as per middle time units of this planet’s axial precession) …
And thus basis above, even though I have removed the restricted parts of this knowledge which relates to the 8th plexus, yet whatever is discussed and painted in this topic of Shiva Taraka Naad, is the first “open” distribution of this knowledge (which relates to the 8th plexus or Ashtama chakra) within the entirety of the current Deva Yuga …
During the entirety of history of the macrocosmic creation, not even a handful of aspirants have ever self realized (i.e. directly cognized) the knowledge which is stated in this topic of Shiva Taraka Naad that would be discussed here …
Plus as was discussed earlier that amongst those very-very rare aspirants who end up self realizing it, not even an iota manage to survive it and thence describe it to other aspirants … And due to this reason, what is going to follow from here, is the rarest of rare knowledge system of the entire macrocosmic creation …
And coincidently, even the angels and controllers of worlds and planes (i.e. egoistic Gods) don’t know about it and thus I invite them to learn it now and thus also qualify to enter into the path of exit out of allness and her each part … As fully liberated ones …
AA-10-G … The fact ever remains … Irrespective of whatever is stated above, the fact ever remains that I am only distributing this knowledge as a little and insignificant student of the Absolute (Paramshiva) and only and only with the supreme blessing of my Param Gurudeva, Ishta Devata, Bhagwan Maheshwara (Bhagwan Shiva’s in his aspect of being the Ishvara of all) and the blessings of my Param Gurudevi, Ishta Devi Maa Maheshwari (Maa Shakti) both of who are one and the same within their eternal non dual union within the “Shiva Taraka Mantra” that would be discussed in this topic …
May this knowledge inspire all deserving ones to walk their respective paths into the same liberation, which eventually is through “Shiva Taraka Mantra” and which itself was stated as the “Sound of Ram (Raam Naad) by those sages who had known it through a direct cognition and had also survived to tell their tales regarding this highly esoteric, rarest of the rare, most secretive, highly veiled, grossly misinterpreted knowledge system … And strangely, these stated facts are even when this knowledge system pervades and envelopes every path of liberation that has ever been or could ever be during any of the triple times …
We shall now commence these rarest of rare discussions by reciting the eight syllable Mantra of my Paramguru Maheshwara (Mahadeva, Bhagwan Shiva) who within the Absolute non-duality of the Shiva Taraka Naad, is also my Param Gurudevi Maheshwari (Mahadevi, Maa Shakti) …
… AOM NaMaShiVaYa …