In this topic we shall discuss Yoga Agni Guha i.e. the cave of fire of austerities, just as it is present inside the cave of womb of ether of heart (i.e. Hridayakasha Garbha) … This is the Yogic fire (or fire of Yoga) which is present in the cave of heart itself and it is a proof of austerities that are undergone by an aspirant right from the time when that aspirant was firstly begun as a microcosm, within the supreme genius, that itself is of the Maker’s Makings … This in an indirect sense this Yoga Agni can also be termed as Tapagni (fire of Tapas), Sadhnagni (or Sadhaka Agni or fire of any aspirant) and could also be named as Tejagni (Fire of Tejas) …
This topic continues from the previous one which had the header of “Types, aspects and path of Mukti” … This is the seventeenth part of this series of topics on Hridayakasha Garbha Tantra …
Yoga Agni Guha … Yogic fire … Fire of Yoga … Everyone is an austere …
The eternal guide pointed to the fire of austerities (or Yoga Agni) and said … “Each route of detachment (from allness) is through Yoga Agni … In lesser or greater amounts, this Yoga Agni (fire of austerities) is present in everyone … And because this fire is only originated after austerities, so the presence of this fire also denotes successful completion of some austerities at some earlier stages of progress of evolutionary process and this is what makes each microcosm (aspirant) to be none other than an austere” …
The little student did not understand, so he requested the eternal guide to clarify this part …
Yoga Agni determines evolutionary standing within macrocosmic hierarchies …
Then the eternal guide further told … “Since unless austerities are completed, this fire of austerities (Yoga Agni) cannot even manifest in the cave of ether of heart and further, since in its lesser or larger amount, this fire is always present inside each microcosm (i.e. it is present inside the aspirants cave of womb of ether of heart), so this is what makes each aspirant to be none other than an austere … And this fact, is irrespective of the evolutionary standing of that aspirant within the macrocosm, because everyone has this fire” …
Then the eternal guide told … “Since the creator (Brahma) himself is an austere, so his creation and created entities could not have been any other … As is the creator of allness, so is his creation and so also is the process of creation … Depending upon the hierarchy, which is also there in this path of austerity which has been successfully completed, is the amount of fire that is present in the cave of austerities … And due to this reason, in one way or another, the evolutionary standing of an aspirant within the macrocosmic hierarchies is also dependent upon the quantum of Yoga Agni that is present in the cave of ether of that aspirant … So, this fire of austerities is also one of the criterion which determines the evolutionary hierarchy of anyone within the macrocosmic hierarchy and where this hierarchy is also of austerities … Higher is the amount of Yoga Agni present (in the cave of fire of austerities) higher is the evolutionary standing of an aspirant” …
Yoga Agni or Tapagni or Sadhnagni or Sadhaka Agni or Tejagni …
The little student asked … “This fire of austerities or Yoga Agni as it is named by the eternal guide, has two words … Agni means fire, Tejas and Prakash, etc. … But the word ‘Yoga’ literally means a union or merger … The word Yoga does not mean austerity … Plus, the word austere can also mean a Sadhaka and Tapasvi, so, should the name of this fire of austerities, not be Tapagni or Sadhaka Agni or Sadhnagni or Tejagni, in lieu of Yoga Agni … Asking because the name is confusing” …
The eternal guide replied … “Each effort to effect a union (or Yoga) is a Yogic austerity (Tapas or Sadhana, which itself is whilst based within simplicity of desires, thoughts, emotions and deeds) and this is irrespective of whether that union is through relationships or anything else … But the hierarchy of austerity is dependent upon the quantum of allness that is united to, and this is also applicable to the types of one’s relationships … Depending upon the quantum of ‘oneness to allness’ that is rested in by the aspirant, is subtlety that is arrived at and this is what governs the hierarchy of Yogic austerity that would have to be undergone to cause a union to that state (which is desires to be united to) and this itself determines the amount of Yoga Agni that would be manifested in the cave of fire of austerities, that is eternally present within the ‘cave of womb of ether of heart (Hridayakasha Garbha) … Higher is the aspect that is unioned to, more is the subtlety of union because of the fact, that, in such a case, higher is the quantum of oneness to allness that would have to be rested in, so in such a case, greater is the amount of fire of austerity that would get manifested within the Yoga Agni Guha of that aspirant … Yoga is the root of all all paths that relate to austerities” …
And then the eternal guide smiled and said … “As such, to effect a complete union, one needs to be an austere, whose root is Yoga Marga (Yoga Tantra) and which everyone also is within the genius of makings of maker … There is nothing as a microcosm, which does not wish to be in union with something or someone else and thus, irrespective of what is desired to be united to, path of Yoga Tantra remains as the base … If this was not the case, then any union could not even have manifested within any eternity of existence of any microcosm” …
Then the eternal guide continued further … “Union alone does not lead to manifestation of the fire of austerities … This Yoga Agni is manifested because of an earlier union (that was effected earlier on) and then the aspirant detaches to that unioned state … After the union and then as soon as this detachment is effected, only then does this fire become such that it cleanses everything that was related to that earlier union … The word everything means, all that is desired to be cleansed (or detached from) and irrespective of whether is in in a visible manifestation and even an invisible manifestation” …
The little student nodded in agreement as the large dimensional state of fire which was manifested when the cleansing was last done, whilst resting within a state of detachment, was already experienced by him …
Then the eternal guide smiled and said … “Now we shall begin the process of effecting cleansing of some of the remaining caves of aspects, which are present within this cave of womb of ether of heart (Hridayakasha Garbha)” …