Basis all earlier discussions that have been done till now, it stands absolutely clear that Yoga Tantra of Sanatan Dharma are the root of all knowledge systems and texts of all religions of any of the triple times …
NN-1 … Yoga Tantra is the root of all systems …
All concepts of any of the religions of now or ever, are essentially rooted within the Yogic realizations that were had and thence distributed by the self realized, all realized sages of the ever-same original knowledge system and ways of life that are related to the eternal great grandmother of all philosophies, who is also named as Sanatan Dharma i.e. Sanatan Nigama (or Vedic) Arya Dharma and Sanatan Agama (or Siddha) Arya Dharma both of which are like two faces of the same coin of Dharma …
Above paragraph is a matter of fact because during my much-much earlier incarnations and those further transmigrated incarnations (i.e. incarnations that were arrived by adopting the path of transmigration of soul), none of the religions of now were even existent in this world … And yet during those already long gone, past and forgotten times, all the knowledge systems of the current day religions were also an intrinsic part of the same vast pluralistic yet monist lore’s as were and still are of the same great grandmother of all philosophies i.e. …
Within the entirety of macrocosmic creation and beyond, never has there been and cannot ever be a religion which did not fall in the purviews of above discussions … This is because the root of all religions itself are one or another of the vast uncountable numbers of the pluralistic monist lore’s of Sanatan Vedic Arya Dharma …
NN-2 … Yoga and Vedas …
As a matter of fact there has never been a Vedic sage (Rishi) who was not a Yogi in the first place …
And as a matter of further fact, there has also not been any fully accomplished Yogi whose final self realizations were any other than that which were already been told by Vedic sages …
Thus Yoga and Veda are also like two faces of the same coin …
The entirety of religious lore’s are rooted in the same fact …
If I were to take out all Yogic Vedic concepts from all religions of now, then there would be nothing substantial remaining in these religions concepts … This is also a matter of fact …
When anybody would study the vastly intrinsically pluralistic and yet those vast numbers of essentially monist lore’s of Sanatan Dharma, whose base itself is Yoga Tantras, then this would also be found to be an absolute fact …
And being based upon pluralistic monism, this system of Sanatan Dharma (or simply, Dharma) and its root system which itself is Yoga Tantra, is also ever expansive …
NN-2 … Yoga Tantra, Veda and Swatantra Chintan …
And this system of way of life is only based upon independent self realizations (Swatantra Chintan) of vast uncountable number of Sages (Rishi), which when clubbed together make the vast intrinsically pluralistic lore’s of Sanatan Dharma …
This is what makes this system an ever evolving one as far as its diversely expansive ways of life are concerned and yet keeps this system rooted in the same finality as is of the attributeless-infinite being, as the end result of all these diversely pluralistic ways of life, their knowledge systems and paths have only remained rooted in same attributeless infinite absolute being (or Brahm or Brahman) … Thus Sanatan Dharma has ever stood rooted within an Absolute Monism whilst it has simultaneously stated within an ever changeful, highly diverse pluralistic nature …
It was from one of another of vast number of offshoots of this vastly Pluralistic yet Monist system that ever religion had originated, but whilst keeping in compliance to the macrocosmic principle of interdependent origination …
Within any incoming human golden age (or Guru Yuga), all religions eventually merge to their own timeless great grandmother i.e. Sanatan Dharma …
This is how it has always been within any earlier Age of Sages (Guru Yuga) and this is how it would also be during the incoming Guru Yuga which as such is commencing on/around 2082 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
And the initial phase of this change which leads to a return back of all great grandchildren (i.e. religions) to their own great grandmother (i.e. Sanatan Dharma) would begin becoming visible after-on/around 2028 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) …
After 2028 AD (+/- 1 to 2.7 years) will be the initial stage when the following fact would start getting apparent again …
- Sanatan Dharma is the great grandmother of all philosophies, of now or ever …
- Yoga Tantra is the great grandfather of all philosophies, of now or ever …
- This shall only be due to the incoming change of human age cycles which itself are governed by the Great-Auspiciousness of Eternal-Time (Mahakaal Shiva) and his own Great Pristine divinity (Maa Mahakaali) …
This would be the initial stage of beginning of manifestation of the initial effects of the incoming Guru Yuga (or human age of truth) in this world …
And at this stage, it would also start becoming apparent that Yoga Tantras itself are the root of all religions, of now or ever … And where all religions itself relate to Sanatan Dharma …
This stage of 2028 AD would also be the stage when Maheshwara aspect of Sadashiva (or in other words, Tatpurusha face of Sadashiva who denotes the “Great Lord aspect” of Sadashiva) who by himself is the King of Yoga Tantras (or Yogiraj), Yoga Guru (Guru of all Yogis) and who also is Yogeshwara (Deity of Yoga) would start changing this world towards the incoming Age of Sages (i.e. Guru Yuga) …
That’s all for now …